Mike Zullo: Following the money

The transcript of Day 3 in the Melendres v. Arpaio contempt hearing is now available, courtesy of the Friends of the Fogbow. It contains a somewhat confusing exchange between Judge G. Murray Snow and Sheriff Arpaio relating to the Cold Case Posse’s involvement with confidential informant Dennis Montgomery in Seattle, and in particular with money.

Q. And is zoo — did you say Zulu? Zullo. Is he a posse member?
A. Yes.
Q. And did you pay funds from Maricopa County for Mr. Zullo to
go to the Washington area?
A. Yes.
Q. And then I assume you paid Anglin and Mackiewicz their travel costs?
A. We don’t pay for Zullo, but —
Q. But you paid Mackiewicz and Anglin.
A. Yes.

Q. And so Mr. Montgomery proposed to — who did he propose to at the MCSO that the DOJ was inappropriately — I assume it was of interest to you if they were wiretapping my phone, among others?
A. Yes. And mine, too.
Q. And yours, too. And so were you conducting this investigation?
A. No.
Q. Who was in your department?
A. This is Zullo and I think Mackiewicz.
Q. What rank does Mackiewicz have?
A. He’s a detective.
Q. Who did he report to about this investigation?
A. I think he and Zullo worked together.
Q. And who did they report to?
A. And Jerry Sheridan.
Q. They reported to Deputy Chief Sheridan?
A. At one time, but let me just say that the information we’re — we’ve been getting is the informer’s not very viable.
Q. Well, I understand that, I think the article itself says, that you became aware after a considerable amount of time that the reporter was giving you junk. Is that fair to say?
A. Yes.
Q. Or the informer was giving you junk?
A. Yes
Q. How much money did you spend on the informant?
A. I don’t recall.
Q. How much money did you spend on the investigation?
A. I don’t have the figures.

Q. Did you keep any of the materials that Mr. Montgomery has
provided you?
A. I don’t have them.
Q. Who does?
A. I believe Zullo does.
Q. And is he subject to your control —
A. Yes.
Q. — as a member of your posse?
A. Yes.

THE COURT: I just wanted to reiterate some of the
things I said during my questioning of you to make sure
everybody was clear. I was told over lunch that posse funds
like Mr. Zullo — Mr. Zullo’s the head of one of your posses.
THE COURT: Is it the Cold Case posse?
THE COURT: I was told that you also have various sources of funding within the MCSO, like the Cold Case posse has its own funds. Is that possible?
THE COURT: Okay. Do you know what the possible funding sources were for the investigations that were related to the Seattle operation? When I say "operation," I mean the one involving Mr. Montgomery and the investigations with Brian Mackiewicz and Mr. Anglin.
THE WITNESS: I’m not sure if it was our RICO, which is drugs seized — I mean moneys seized from drug peddlers, or our general funds.
THE COURT: Were there other possible funds that might be involved that fund various like, for example, the Cold Case posse?
THE WITNESS: They’re independent 501(c) —
THE COURT: 501(c)(3).
THE WITNESS: — and they raise their own money.
THE COURT: All right. And you don’t have any control over those funds?

OK, you got that?

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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79 Responses to Mike Zullo: Following the money

  1. On RC Radio last night Stephen Lemons said he had spoken to Zullo directly and he admitted that his travel expenses to Seattle were paid for directly by the MCSO. I don’t think that had been revealed before.

  2. Curious George says:

    Don’t try to tie old Joe down with the truth. He’s one slippery guy. This part is classic:

    “THE WITNESS: — and they raise their own money.

    THE COURT: All right. And you don’t have any control over those funds?

    THE WITNESS: No. ”

    No? Then how is it that Arpaio’s office demanded, in a letter to the animal posse, that they fork over $200,000.00 to the sheriff’s office? Did old Joe conveniently forget?

  3. Curious George says:

    Animal posse ends it’s relationship with the MCSO over $200,000.00 payment demand from sheriff’s office.


  4. Notorial Dissent says:

    The Shurf’s memory is nothing if not convenient, for him!

    Curious George:
    Don’t try to tie old Joe down with the truth.He’s one slippery guy.This part is classic:

    “THE WITNESS: — and they raise their own money.

    THE COURT: All right. And you don’t have any control over those funds?

    THE WITNESS: No. ”

    No? Then how is it that Arpaio’s office demanded, in a letter to the animal posse, that they fork over $200,000.00 to the sheriff’s office?Did old Joe conveniently forget?

  5. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Not such a tough guy when put on the stand, is he?

  6. john says:

    “I was told over lunch that posse funds
    like Mr. Zullo — Mr. Zullo’s the head of one of your posses.”

    How did Snow learn about this over lunch? Who told him and what were the circumstances? How come Arpaios’s lawyer were not present to object to what was being said to Judge Snow?

  7. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: How come Arpaios’s lawyer were not present to object to what was being said to Judge Snow?

    Because lawyers don’t follow judges around to object to anything anyone ever says to them. What kind of twisted legal system are you rooting for BTW?

  8. CarlOrcas says:

    “I was told over lunch that posse funds
    like Mr. Zullo — Mr. Zullo’s the head of one of your posses.”

    How did Snow learn about this over lunch?Who told him and what were the circumstances?How come Arpaios’s lawyer were not present to object to what was being said to Judge Snow?

    What difference does it make, john?

    Sounds to me like someone simply clarified for the judge what is well known and has been stated by Arpaio many times before.

  9. Pete says:

    Amusing in a sad sort of way to see john hoping desperately that his slimeball hero can slimeball his way out of the trouble he’s gotten himself into.

  10. J.D. Sue says:

    john: How did Snow learn about this over lunch? Who told him and what were the circumstances? How come Arpaios’s lawyer were not present to object to what was being said to Judge Snow?

    I just figured that one of the judge’s clerks told him. The judge has staff, ya know.

  11. scott e says:

    the real story here is that they got a 501c (heh)

    i still don’t understand why it is that you guys care so much about this. it’s barely even birther.

  12. bob says:

    J.D. Sue: —

    I just figured that one of the judge’s clerks told him.The judge has staff, ya know.

    I figure it was the court-appointed monitor. Ya know, the judge’s eyes and ears in the MCSO.

  13. Curious George says:

    May 28, 2015
    J.D. Sue: —

    “I just figured that one of the judge’s clerks told him.The judge has staff, ya know.”

    “I figure it was the court-appointed monitor. Ya know, the judge’s eyes and ears in the MCSO.”

    John, so now you know why Arpaio didn’t want court appointed monitors to oversee his operation. They see how things work. And remember John, Arpaio has admitted to civil contempt. Next stop, criminal contempt.

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I gotta wonder how many stupid questions john has to ask, before he comes to realize that he’s mistaken about everything he rants about, or is that like expecting a fish to learn how to breath out of water?

  15. J.D. Sue says:

    bob: I figure it was the court-appointed monitor. Ya know, the judge’s eyes and ears in the MCSO.


    Good point.

  16. Curious George says:

    5/14/15 Status Hearing Transcript Page 44, Melendres v. Arpaio

    “He[The Monitor] has shown me several, 50 or so documents, that cause me [Judge Snow] great concern. And I acknowledge that we’re all plowing new ground here. But I’m going to say what those documents show, and I’m going to say that it is a concern that I expect the MCSO to address in the resumption of our May hearing, and I’m going to propose how we proceed. “

    “The documents that I have seen pertain to what appears to be some of the activities of the Seattle operation we (sic) involve Dennis Montgomery as a confidential informant. The documents seem to reveal that at least part of their operations, the Seattle operatives attempted to construct an alleged conspiracy that supposedly involved this Court; one of this Court’s former law clerks; Eric Holder, the attorney general of the United States; Lanny Breuer, the Chief Deputy Attorney General of the United States in charge of the criminal division; Phil Gordon, the mayor of Phoenix; and Brian Sands, the executive chief of the MCSO. The purpose of the alleged conspiracy was apparently to covertly investigate the MCSO and deprive the sheriff and the MCSO of the due process of law in this particular case and in a related case brought against the sheriff by the DOJ.”

    Looks like the MCSO “Seattle operatives” are up to their eyeballs in this mess. Anglin, Mackiewicz and Zullo. The Three Amigos.

  17. gorefan says:

    Curious George: The documents seem to reveal that at least part of their operations

    The other part might be the Zullo birth certificate stuff which Montgomery might have been doing separately from the two detective investigation. I suspect that part of the Seattle operation is the universe shattering part.

    There has to be more to the Montgomery story. Something is missing. The DOJ/Snow conspiracy is just too thin to be viewed by anyone as universe shattering no matter how deluded. And it doesn’t explain Gillar’s statements and videos about people in the Hawaii AG’s office and DOH and the Selective Service Administration going to jail.

  18. Bob says:

    Who determines whether or not Zullo is a flight risk? Funny if a real detective is keeping an eye on him.

  19. That portion of the transcript was jaw dropping. Judge Snow then goes on to suggest that Arpaio and Sheridan were not telling the truth when they claimed under oath that the Seattle Operation had nothing to do with Judge Snow. I think Zullo and Mackiewicz along with Montgomery are in jeopardy of facing conspiracy and obstruction charges. Intent and not results is what counts.

    Curious George: Looks like the MCSO “Seattle operatives” are up to their eyeballs in this mess. Anglin, Mackiewicz and Zullo. The Three Amigos.

  20. justlw says:

    It just breaks my heart that Obama may outlast Arpaio in office. Pass the popcorn, please.

  21. Bonsall Obot says:

    john seems to believe that a sitting Federal Court Judge has and must have the same restrictions placed upon him as a petit juror, at all times, in all places.

    That would be adorable, were it not so screamingly, mind-bendingly stupid.

  22. john says:

    Q. Well, I understand that, I think the article itself says, that you became aware after a considerable amount of time that the reporter was giving you junk. Is that fair to say?
    A. Yes.
    Q. Or the informer was giving you junk?
    A. Yes

    I wonder which one is it? Was it Stephen Lemon feeding them “Junk” or was it Montgomery who was feeding them “Junk”. So does that mean Stephen Lemon was feeding them “Junk” about “Junk”. Anyway, what is even meant by “Junk”?

    Q. Who was in your department?
    A. This is Zullo and I think Mackiewicz.

    So is does Zullo work for the MCSO Department? or does he work for the Cold Case Posse? which seems to an independent department but Arpaio controls both of them at least in authority.

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    john: wonder which one is it? Was it Stephen Lemon feeding them “Junk” or was it Montgomery who was feeding them “Junk”. So does that mean Stephen Lemon was feeding them “Junk” about “Junk”. Anyway, what is even meant by “Junk”?

    Two things: The judge clearly misspoke when he said “reporter” in the first question.

    As it regards the meaning of “Junk” I would suggest you review your posts on this blog for the best examples of “junk” I’ve seen in a long time.

  24. alg says:

    Wow…just wow… The linkage of Zullo to all of this is just stunning. The universe didn’t just shatter. It collapsed to a singularity.

  25. Since Lemons wasn’t feeding the Sheriff anything, it couldn’t have referred to him.

    john: I wonder which one is it? Was it Stephen Lemon feeding them “Junk” or was it Montgomery who was feeding them “Junk”.

  26. That presumes that Zullo has not already flown. He sold all of his and his family’s property. A recent visit to his former residence shows that somebody else lives there. At least one commenter at the Phoenix New Times said he was in Florida.

    Arpaio, on the other hand, seemed to testify that Zullo was still the head of the Cold Case Posse.

    Could Zullo have really taken all the Montgomery material and absquatulated to Florida with it? I guess not, since the court monitor seems to be getting the material.

    Bob: Who determines whether or not Zullo is a flight risk? Funny if a real detective is keeping an eye on him.

  27. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That presumes that Zullo has not already flown. He sold all of his and his family’s property. A recent visit to his former residence shows that somebody else lives there. At least one commenter at the Phoenix New Times said he was in Florida.

    Arpaio, on the other hand, seemed to testify that Zullo was still the head of the Cold Case Posse.

    Could Zullo have really taken all the Montgomery material and absquatulated to Florida with it? I guess not, since the court monitor seems to be getting the material.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That presumes that Zullo has not already flown. He sold all of his and his family’s property. A recent visit to his former residence shows that somebody else lives there. At least one commenter at the Phoenix New Times said he was in Florida.

    Arpaio, on the other hand, seemed to testify that Zullo was still the head of the Cold Case Posse.

    Could Zullo have really taken all the Montgomery material and absquatulated to Florida with it? I guess not, since the court monitor seems to be getting the material.

    As far as it’s known, no suponea or warrant is out for Zullo. He is free to flee to florida or whatever. If Zullo takes all the material, tough luck for Snow and his monitor.

  28. Benji Franklin says:

    alg: The universe didn’t just shatter. It collapsed to a singularity.

    This is going to be rich! I get the feeling that sometime fairly soon in court, the spectacle of Zullo incompetently pursuing a grotesquely transparent political Birther-themed Obama-stalking witch hunt, and calling it an ‘investigation’, is going to pop up into the middle of this already circus-like Arpaio court debacle, like a multi-colored turd in a wedding reception punch bowl. Except that the turd would be easier to swallow.

  29. alg says:

    As far as it’s known, no suponea or warrant is out for Zullo.He is free to flee to florida or whatever.If Zullo takes all the material, tough luck for Snow and his monitor.

    If Zullo has any MCSO “material” he is in possession of public records owned by the citizens of Maricopa County. Anything he might have would be readily recoverable. If he destroyed any of these records he would be guilty of several felonies.

    Frankly, I doubt that he has anything unique and of useful value. The MCSO would never have trusted him to have these materials. And, anything the Sheriff’s Office might have given him would have duplicate copies.

  30. CarlOrcas says:

    john: He is free to flee to florida or whatever. If Zullo takes all the material, tough luck for Snow and his monitor.

    If you’re in touch with Zullo you might explain to him that Snow is a judge of the Federal Court and has the authority to go after him wherever he may go.

  31. john says:

    CarlOrcas: If you’re in touch with Zullo you might explain to him that Snow is a judge of the Federal Court and has the authority to go after him wherever he may go.

    Not if he leaves the country. Does Arpaio have a contigency situation if Judge Snow gets too close.

  32. Benji Franklin says:

    CarlOrcas: If you’re in touch with Zullo

    Pretty funny! John is reduced to HOPING that his moral hero is successfully on the run from the law!

  33. CarlOrcas says:

    john: Not if he leaves the country.

    Wanna bet? Tell that to the soccer guys arrested today in Switzerland on U.S indictments.

    john: Does Arpaio have a contigency situation if Judge Snow gets too close.

    I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?

  34. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    john: Not if he leaves the country.

    Then he’ll be a cowardly, lying little pansy. Just like LDS. Why are all of your heroes such cowards, john?

  35. Curious George says:


    “Frankly, I doubt that he[ Zullo] has anything unique and of useful value. The MCSO would never have trusted him to have these materials. And, anything the Sheriff’s Office might have given him would have duplicate copies.”

    I disagree. Remember when Arpaio did a radio interview and said that he had never read the infamous Reed Hayes’ report? If the MCSO was in the drivers seat regarding document flow, why hadn’t Arpaio read the document? Why did Zullo copyright the document? When Gallups and Zullo were talking on the radio about the monumental information that was uncovered, Gallups talked about the information being given to various parties. If anything happened to Arpaio, Zullo and Gallups the information would be released. This sounds to me more like something Zullo had control over, not the MCSO. This all sounds pretty ridiculous and right out of the birther play book of paranoia. One thing also to consider, the CCP is a non profit corporation. It would appear it is a seperate legal entity, and not part of the MCSO, other than using the MCSO brand to confuse the issue. I believe Zullo developed the connection with Montgomery and produced the information flow through that connection. (Just an educated guess.)

  36. Pete says:

    scott e:
    the real story here is that they got a 501c (heh)

    i still don’t understand why it is that you guys care so much about this. it’s barely even birther.

    Let me spell it out for you, scott.

    From the beginning, birtherism has been about fraud, deception, and sliminess.

    And I’m not talking about a supposedly “fraudulent” Presidential birth certificate.

    No, I’m talking about various fraudulent claims and actions that were done by various birthers, from the beginning, to advance a false narrative.

    The false narrative that is birtherism.

    One of the big pieces of this fraudulent narrative was put forth into the public arena when Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo called a press conference with Jerome Corsi and announced to the world, with straight face, that their “investigation” had determined the President’s birth certificate was a “fake.”

    So what’s happening now is that their sliminess (and arguably criminal actions) are finally catching up to some of the chief hucksters. Arpaio, Zullo, and some of those around them.

    So is all of this news worth noting? You bet. Because birtherism never was anything other than idiocy, sliminess and fraud, and we are watching some of the sliminess and fraud finally come crumbling down.

  37. Benji Franklin says:

    john: CarlOrcas: If you’re in touch with Zullo you might explain to him that Snow is a judge of the Federal Court and has the authority to go after him wherever he may go.

    Not if he leaves the country.

    Think again, John. In the matter of Rhodes v. MacDonald, Orly Taitz still had to pay her $20,000 misconduct sanction to Judge Clay Land’s court, even though she had unquestionably left the planet!

  38. Curious George says:

    John’s heros have a new theme song.


  39. Curious George says:

    John’s hero has a new theme song.


  40. john says:

    Curious George:

    “Frankly, I doubt that he[ Zullo] has anything unique and of useful value. The MCSO would never have trusted him to have these materials. And, anything the Sheriff’s Office might have given him would have duplicate copies.”

    I disagree.Remember when Arpaio did a radio interview and said that he had never read the infamous Reed Hayes’ report? If the MCSO was in the drivers seat regarding document flow, why hadn’t Arpaio read the document?Why did Zullo copyright the document? When Gallups and Zullo were talking on the radio about the monumental information that was uncovered, Gallups talked about the information being given to various parties. If anything happened to Arpaio, Zullo and Gallups the information would be released.This sounds to me more like something Zullo had control over, not the MCSO.This all sounds pretty ridiculous and right out of the birther play book of paranoia. One thing also to consider, the CCP is a non profit corporation. It would appear it is a seperate legal entity, and not part of the MCSO, other than using the MCSO brand to confuse the issue. I believe Zullo developed the connection with Montgomery and produced the information flow through that connection. (Just an educated guess.)

    I somewhat agree. I remember Brian Reilly said that Zullo kept a lot of things close to his chest and Brian Reilly never knew what Zullo had. Reilly also said that Zullo was highly cautious almost to a point of parania which apparently concerned him.

  41. Curious George says:


    Is that like having two knees?

  42. bovril says:


    One actually hopes ZooLoo has flown the coop with documents and stuff…

    Why, I hear you ask….?

    Simple, in the transcripts, Arpaio is explicitly asked and confirms that ZooLoo reports to Arpaio and further the judge explicitly informs Arpaio to ensure that any and all documents, documentation, paperwork, emails etc etc associated with ZooLoo and the CCP in the Montgomery matter be preserved.

    ZooLoo skips town with the ‘stuff’ and Arpaio gets left in contempt… again….OR and this would be a particularly savory turn, Piehole, to avoid that uses the offices and authorities of the MCSO to request an arrest warrant and the necessary extradition paperwork to compel Zullo’s return to Arizona….

    Based on Pieholes well known habits of throwing anyone under the bus and doing anything to avoid holding the bag for his misdeeds, what do you think he would do then John…?

  43. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: Zullo kept a lot of things close to his chest

    And if you believe for a second that he actually had anything of real consequence “close to his chest”, then I’ve got some fat-free ice to sell you. Now it costs more than regular ice, but you’re worth it.

  44. tes says:

    Speaking of Zullo, hasn’t his spokesperson continued to declare that the Zullo/birth certificate investigation is alive and active?

    I ask because Arpaio’s own attorneys characterized the birth certificate investigation as “long past.” (Recusal Motion at 10, 16).

  45. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: and Brian Reilly never knew what Zullo had

    Yes, the sooper-sekrit everdunce that Zullo will now take to wherever he fleeces flees. Maybe you should team up with him. It would be the first birther road movie. Two brave patriot warriors on the run from the ebil gubmint. I can see Burt Reynolds as Zullo and Eric Cartman as john. Just be careful it doesn’t end like Thelma and Louise.

  46. Pete says:

    john …and Brian Reilly never knew what Zullo had.

    Zullo never had sh*t. Because there never was any “evidence,” except whatever BS they basically “created” (a word I think Zullo actually used once in one of those telling slips of the tongue).

    Don’t you think if Zullo had ever had any real evidence of anything, that he would’ve released it and it would’ve stood up to examination, instead of instantly being exposed as complete bullsh*t by a bunch of amateurs on the internet?

    This is a basic test of logic. As always, birthers fail.

    You have compelling proof of fraud at the highest level of government – the Presidency. And everyone already knows you’re “supposed” to have something. So what do you do? Do you bury it like they buried the Reed Hayes report? Of course not. You make it all public. And it stands up to scrutiny.

    IF you in fact have something real.

    Anyone who actually has a brain can SEE that Zullo obviously never had anything other than several bags of cow dung he was peddling to the really gullible claiming they were bags of gold.

  47. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Especially if said “evidence” allegedly is so good it “would convince even the greatest skeptic”. You would not care about “legal hurdles” or anything with an election (2012 and 2014 by now) around the corner.

    But birthers can rest assured Zullo will have cleared all “legal hurdles” in March 2017 by which time he can declare the issue moot and sell his “universe-shattering” stuff in a book for which birthers will eagerly shell out some more money.

    Plus I guess they will picket Congress and health insurance companies to protest against Obamacare “that was dun by dem darndest blackity-black usurrpurr 20 years ago, my son, but dem darndest politishuns won’t listun”.

  48. Thomas Brown says:

    Let’s not forget that Birfoonery (and I’m looking at you, john) is not just slimy…

    It’s profoundly anti-American.

    Superman was a character whose motto was the defense of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” Birthers couldn’t be closer to the opposite of those ideals.

  49. Curious George says:


    “I ask because Arpaio’s own attorneys characterized the birth certificate investigation as “long past.” (Recusal Motion at 10, 16).”

    But then you go to Arpaio’s affidavit provided with the Snow recusal motion and the words “long past” were not used, indicating the birth certificate investigation could still be active.

  50. If you are speaking of Carl Gallups yes he has insisted it is still active. I don’t think anyone other than the hard core Birthers believe him though.

    tes: Speaking of Zullo, hasn’t his spokesperson continued to declare that the Zullo/birth certificate investigation is alive and active?

  51. bgansel9 says:

    I haven’t read any comments here yet, but the important thing I take from this is that the two MCSO detectives who accompanied Zullo were paid out of MCSO funds to pursue an investigation against Obama’s presidency. This is something Maricopa County taxpayers should know about.

    It also appears that Arpaio both said Zullo’s expenses were paid and also were not paid?

  52. bgansel9 says:

    alg: If Zullo has any MCSO “material” he is in possession of public records owned by the citizens of Maricopa County. Anything he might have would be readily recoverable. If he destroyed any of these records he would be guilty of several felonies.

    But, of course, John thinks THAT’S okay (confirmation bias and all).

    I think we’ve just proved beyond all reasonable doubt that John is a troll, were there ever any question previously.

  53. alg says:

    john: I somewhat agree.I remember Brian Reilly said that Zullo kept a lot of things close to his chest and Brian Reilly never knew what Zullo had.Reilly also said that Zullo was highly cautious almost to a point of parania which apparently concerned him.

    For clarification, I am referring to work product associated with the MCSO’s interactions with Montgomery that Zullo may have been a party to, not materials wholly and only in the possession of the CCP. However, anything the CCP may have shared with the MCSO, becomes a public record, effectively owned by the citizens of Maricopa County. The would include the so-called Reed Hayes “Report” if the MCSO received copies of it.

  54. justlw says:

    Curious George:

    Is that like having two knees?

    Yes, and if either of them is particularly large, it’s a suponea.

  55. bgansel9 says:

    justlw: Yes, and if either of them is particularly large, it’s a suponea.


    Thanks, I needed that.

  56. justlw says:

    John, do you ever wonder what kind of weird glitch in your computer keeps making red squiggly lines appear under so many words when you’re typing?

  57. Curious George says:

    May 29, 2015
    Curious George:

    “Is that like having two knees?”

    “Yes, and if either of them is particularly large, it’s a suponea.”

    Love it!

  58. Curious George says:

    May 29, 2015
    Curious George:
    John’s hero has a new theme song.




    Picture Zoo-Lups and Giddy-Yap ……..

  59. Curious George says:

    “For clarification, I am referring to work product associated with the MCSO’s interactions with Montgomery that Zullo may have been a party to, not materials wholly and only in the possession of the CCP. However, anything the CCP may have shared with the MCSO, becomes a public record, effectively owned by the citizens of Maricopa County. The would include the so-called Reed Hayes “Report” if the MCSO received copies of it.”

    Good luck trying to get public records out of this sheriff’s office.

  60. Pete says:

    Thomas Brown: Superman was a character whose motto was the defense of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” Birthers couldn’t be closer to the opposite of those ideals.

    Birthers claim to be all in favor of the “truth,” but by “truth,” they don’t mean objective truth, they mean birther claims, which in pretty much every case have turned out to be completely false.

    They claim to be about the rule of law, but then scoff at those laws and at our legal system. If they had their way, then we would have mob rule. It would just be rule by their mob, rather than someone else’s mob.

    They twist and spit on our Constitution while claiming to uphold it. They falsely complain that a duly and legally-elected President is a “usurper,” and then ignore decades of actual abuse of power by someone like Arpaio because, hey, he’s a “Patriot.”

    And why is he a “Patriot?” Well, simply because he says stuff they like to hear, of course. And sometimes when he abuses his power, he does so in some way that birthers personally like.

    So yeah. I would say birthers represent our American ideals… turned upside down and inside out, and painted green, black and orange instead of red, white and blue.

  61. Thomas Brown says:

    Those were my exact thoughts, Pete, but you expanded on and expressed them better than I would have.

  62. Woodrowfan says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: then I’ve got some fat-free ice to sell you. Now it costs more than regular ice, but you’re worth it.

    Is it also sugar-free???

  63. Kate says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    The Shurf’s memory is nothing if not convenient, for him!

    I anticipate the possibility of Arpaio using a senile dementia defense in order to avoid any possibility of time in prison. It won’t be brought up unless necessary but his “don’t remember” and “not that I recall” when contrasted with reality will bring to light his deception. His age would make it more than easy for him to get away with this and I’m certain Arpaio would do ANYTHING to avoid being incarcerated.

  64. wrecking ball says:

    Curious George: 05/29/2015 1134 AMENDED NOTICE re: Document Request by the U.S. Department of Justice. ….

    hello poop, meet fan.

  65. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: Should any Party wish to be heard regarding this request or procedure, it should immediately notify the Court with its comments or objections and the reasons therefore.

    Looks like Klayman’s plans for the weekend are “no longer operative”…

  66. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Woodrowfan: Is it also sugar-free???

    That costs extra. Desugaring ice is a very long, difficult process. 😉

  67. Curious George says:

    wrecking ball May 29, 2015 at 7:55 pm (Quote) #

    Curious George: 05/29/2015 1134 AMENDED NOTICE re: Document Request by the U.S. Department of Justice. ….

    “hello poop, meet fan”

    There goes Montgomery’s defamation lawsuit in Florida down the drain, don’t ya think?

  68. scott e says:

    Reality Check:
    If you are speaking of Carl Gallups yes he has insisted it is still active. I don’t think anyone other than the hard core Birthers believe him though.

    it’s still active guys. sorry.

  69. You say that based on what evidence?

    scott e: it’s still active guys. sorry.

  70. CarlOrcas says:

    scott e: it’s still active guys. sorry.

    How do you know?

  71. Scottie is going all Falcon on us – that is pretending to be in the know but never delivering on anything.

    Of course Mike Volin is going to Washington again to litter with DVD’s all over the place. There is that.

    CarlOrcas: How do you know?

  72. Curious George says:

    scott e

    May 30, 2015
    Reality Check:
    “If you are speaking of Carl Gallups yes he has insisted it is still active. I don’t think anyone other than the hard core Birthers believe him though.”

    it’s still active guys. sorry.

    How would you know the scam is still active?

  73. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    scott e: it’s still active guys. sorry.

    Gullible to the end eh scotty?

  74. I suppose it depends on the meaning of “it”. If “it” means Zullo and Arpaio might be in a bit of trouble over the Seattle Operation then yes “it” is still active.

    scott e: it’s still active guys. sorry.

  75. bgansel9 says:

    scott e: it’s still active guys. sorry.

    Oh, good! I would hate to think that Maricopa County voters would miss hearing how our sheriff is spending taxpayer funds to oust our president. They really should know about this. As long as it’s still active, we have more chance to get this birther nonsense in the spotlight too. I’m sure Maricopa County taxpayers will be astonished when they find out that their taxes are going towards a bogus investigation of the presidents birth, which is already proven to have taken place in Hawaii. Don’t let it die, Scott. We NEED you to keep this active. Thanks for all the hard work you do.

    P.S. – can you call the MCSO and tell them it’s still active? Every time I call and ask if it’s still active they tell me no.

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    scott e: it’s still active guys. sorry.

    And your proof is…what, exactly? The word of a crooked man who dares call himself a pastor?

  77. scott e says:

    CarlOrcas: How do you know?

    you guys keep doing what you do, it’s fine. there are still a lot of unknowns and variables. let’s see what the new doj does.

    but, nothing has finished playing out (if it had would we still be here..?) i can tell you that you all continue to fascinate me. the birther playing field is eliptical. think of all the spin off stories, doj involvment (twice). questionable sources (on both sides). i don’t think the sheriff is planning to skip town or be thrown in jail or recalled soon (or mike zullo). i think is to a large degree is wishful thinking on your part (collectively). i want to deconstruct the 4/27/11 press conference, i’d like to hear some names, talk to some people, hear some stories. we all know what’s out there already for information. that it’s all over just doesn’t make sense. sorry.

    the debate forum for this topic remains obscure, to say the least. i still don’t know of a common ground to discuss.

    why is that ? if someone knows of a forum of unfettered exchange let me know.

  78. bgansel9 says:

    scott e: nothing has finished playing out (if it had would we still be here..?)

    Then take me up on my suggestion to call the MCSO and ask if Sheriff Arpaio is investigating Barack Obama’s birth certificate. They will tell you there is no investigation.

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