President Obama is visiting Kenya this weekend. It’s his first trip there since becoming president, but not his first ever, having visited as a young man his relatives and the grave of his father, and later as a Senator in 2006.
Obama will not visit his father’s village on this trip, but will confine his time to the capitol, Nairobi.
Obama’s visit is like “a brother coming back,” said a worker at a Nairobi cafe. (Dallas Morning News)
Read more:
- Kenya eagerly awaits Obama visit – Dallas Morning News (mentions birthers)
In an interview-through-translator excerpted on PRI’s “The World” the other day, Sarah Obama referred to her grandson as a “child of Kenya.” If there’s sufficient blood left in the birther corpus, I figure that’ll show up like that dumb translation video where they made some figure-of-speech remark of hers out to be a literal admission of a Kenyan birth.
Oh, they don’t need a video to work from: I just came across this at WorldNutDaily.
And a different poster claimed this:
So now there were “officials” present for the conversation, enforcing a “script”.
Musta been the same ones who forced the Kenyan ambassador to say he was born there….
Oh, and the “Welcome to Kenya, birthplace of Obama” road sign has moved to the airport. I guess the guy who advocated telling the truth because it’s difficult to keep your lies straight was right 😉
It’s amazing how the story keeps morphing. The one thing she said through translator was she was present because mcrae kept referring to her grandson and son interchangeably.
Birthers somehow changed that to her saying she was right there in the delivery room and that she held him
I read the situation a little differently.
Imagine that the question had been, “Were you there when Obama was born?” It is not hard to see that that question could have been taken to mean “Were you there (i.e., where you are now) at the time of Obama’s birth?”
The English word used was actually “present” rather than “there,” but considering that what Sarah Obama heard was not either English word but rather a Swahili/Luo translation, it still seems like a plausible route for misunderstanding.
There is a full transcript of the conversation with a lot of explanatory footnotes at … well, right here!
I was talking about the mess that starts about eight minutes in in this video:
about the translation of “Barack is a son of Kenya.”
Obama joked about this birth certificate today.