WorldNetDaily has an August 4 article up regarding some video footage of Barack Obama in Kenya. There is flaw in the thing which you can see below:
In the actual video (available in the WND article) this appears as a blink, or a streak lasting a fraction of a second, but as you can clearly see (just joking) the thing has a head and body. WND writer Joe Kovaks suggests that it might be a demon.
My first reaction is that this is too silly for even WorldNetDaily, but that would not take into account the fact that according to a 2013 Public Policy Polling poll, 20% of Republicans believe Barack Obama is the anti-Christ. I would expect the percentage among WND readers would be much higher, so this is a story that would resonate with many WND readers.
Bill O’Reilly, in an unhinged rant…
“You rarely see any conservative points of view on Yahoo — where’s Daily Caller? Where’s Breitbart? Where’s World Net Daily? Where’s Newsmax?… In the world of Yahoo News, they don’t exist. Yet every anti-Fox statement Jon Stewart is headlined. It’s disgraceful.”
I…I don’t know how to even react to that story, Doc.
By this time next year, the Antichrist will be Hillary Clinton.
Probably the demon can leave a person’s body only at their birthplace, that’s why Obama had to return to Kenya to get it out. Next stop: Chicago! 😉
Obviously we’ve seen Slitherax:
It’s the beginning of half the press corps moving across the camera. From another angle, around 3:45 or so:
At what point did WorldNut Daily decide to stop even pretending to be a serious news site?
When it registered its domain name.
Honestly, I think it was around the time when they figured out that the birther angle wasn’t going to damage Obama’s chances for re-election. The site just got stranger and stranger ever since.
What if that’s a demon but Obama is not the antichrist? Has anyone thought about that? Are Secret Service agents trained for this?
Those within the Secret Secret Service are. Though a class 3 demon and above would probably require additional assistance from the Angelic Forces if they’re not busy dancing on pins.
Pfah, looks like a standard class 2 Feeder in the Night to me, standard OCINT countermeasures suite running on a smartphone will sort that out….I mean it’s not Angleton, the Eater of Souls.(gratuitous Charles Stross and Bob of the Laundry Files references)
Well, considering Lincoln was a Vampire Killer, the it only stands to reason that Obama’s a Demon Destroyer. 😀