Birther backfire

imageAccording to Politico, Trump’s birther foray may have backfired, resulting in the conservative media jumping to Cruz’ defense. Support came in from

  • Mark Levin
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Sean Hannity
  • Laura Ingram

Meanwhile, Cruz tries to paint the opposition as “liberal” by dissing Laurence Tribe, whom he called a “major Hillary Clinton supporter.”

Cruz paints the issue as a fake controversy:

At the end of the day, the legal issue is quite straightforward

But it’s not.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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9 Responses to Birther backfire

  1. RanTalbott says:

    It looks to me like the people supporting Cruz are mostly on the “fringe”, who carry no weight outside the GOP, and little/none among the more-centrist faction within the GOP.

    Which is A Good Thing™ for those opposed to the Republicans, because it’ll help deepen the rift in the party.

    Meanwhile his “It’s settled law” defense is just giving the issue longer and longer canines with which to come back and bite him on the ass.

    Question for the lawyers: What are the odds that one or more of the many judges who’ll be dismissing birfoon suits for lack of standing will add a comment saying “It’s a legitimate question, even though you’re not entitled to pursuit it in court”?

    Cruz should note that, even though it didn’t help him much (if at all) with the conspiracy nuts, releasing his BCs did help marginalize them among the mainstream.

  2. ZixiOfIx says:

    I saw today where Donald Trump is threatening to sue Ted Cruz over potential citizenship issues.

    Is it wrong to get a kick out of the GOP being hoisted on their own petard? In general, I find schadenfreude unbecoming, but I’m enjoying this, and sincerely do hope that President Obama is getting a kick out of it, too.

  3. Notorial Dissent says:

    La Rump has promised a lot of things he has yet failed to deliver on, including proof Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, and we all know how that turned out. But generally yes, what goes around comes around.

  4. Scientist says:

    ZixiOfIx: I saw today where Donald Trump is threatening to sue Ted Cruz over potential citizenship issues.

    I want the popcorn concession.

  5. Cruz’s handling of this NBC issue is best described as a complete botch job. He had to know it would be brought up. He should have pointed out that Trump’s suggestion to get an advisory opinion is just stupid.

  6. Jim says:

    “Karma” Cruz has a nice ring to it. Sorry Reality Check, after all these years arguing with birthers I think I can state without reservation…no matter what Cruz does, the birthers will still think he’s ineligible.

  7. Jim says:

    I saw today where Donald Trump is threatening to sue Ted Cruz over potential citizenship issues.

    “Make America Great Again”
    Didn’t Trump mention he meant it’s the lawyers he’ll make great again? He’s pretty much threatened to sue everyone in the pub party.

  8. Notorial Dissent says:

    Realist, Cruz’s handling of this seems to be pretty much his standard act. He is another one that seems to talk a good game, although changing with each new group he comes in contact with, but he really doesn’t have much substance, and I think he folds when the pressure is on. I also really don’t like his simpering pout, it really puts me off.

    At one time or another he has threatened to sue just about anyone that has ever looked crosseyed at or questioned him, and yet never has. Drumpf is LOOONG on talk and real short on action, particularly on anything that would require him to spend his own money. The likelihood of him actually doing so is on par with my long dead Siamese cat being elected President, and he was a Natural Born Citizen.

    Jim: “Make America Great Again”
    Didn’t Trump mention he meant it’s the lawyers he’ll make great again?He’s pretty much threatened to sue everyone in the pub party.

  9. RanTalbott says:

    Notorial Dissent: Drumpf is LOOONG on talk and real short on action, particularly on anything that would require him to spend his own money.

    I looked it up, and the cost of flying his winged mansion to campaign appearances is over $10,000 per hour. The cost of suing Cruz wouldn’t even rise to the level of a rounding error in his travel budget.

    I’d bet the farm he’s already got people trying to figure out whether the blowback among “the base” would hurt him more than it’s worth to smack Cruz, and what the right timing for filing a suit would be. Now that he’s had a couple of reporters mention it to him, giving him “It wasn’t my idea” deniability, I think there’s a good chance he’ll do it right before the caucuses, so it dominates the news as the voters prepare to meet.

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