Criminal contempt of court proceedings against Sheriff Joe Arpaio kick off today in Phoenix. This is the result of a referral from federal judge G. Murray Snow based on his findings of criminal misconduct on the part of Sheriff Arpaio and three of his staff. Arpaio is accused of lying in court, withholding evidence and deliberately attempting to thwart the court’s orders to stop racial profiling in the Sheriff’s Office.

Judge Susan Bolton
Sheriff Arpaio has not yet been formally charged in this unusual criminal contempt referral of a public official. The Department of Justice is handling the investigation. Susan Bolton, senior judge for the US District Court for the District of Arizona (pictured right) will preside over the hearing today. Judge Bolton was appointed by Bill Clinton in 2000.
There is little doubt that this case will continue long after this blog shuts down next January.
Sheriff Joe officially charged with misdemeanor contempt of court. Trial set for December 6. Faces up to 6 months in jail.
Read more:
- Criminal-contempt proceedings for Sheriff Joe Arpaio start Tuesday – Arizona Republic
From the article,
“David Harris, a University of Pittsburgh law professor who studies police and racial profiling, agreed that it was difficult to predict the case’s trajectory or outcome.”
“You have to start with the idea that this whole thing is one of the most unlikely scenarios that you’ll ever come across,” he said. “The idea of a local official being held in criminal contempt … in this day and age, it just doesn’t happen.”
It only happens with Shurf Joe, who is a law unto himself. The people in Arizona who support this man must be totally insane.
AP reporting that prosecutors to charge Arpaio with criforminal contempt.
Details here:
“this blog shuts down next January.”
I’m sorry. I’m going to miss you and everyone else.
I move that Doc keep this site open for business until the outcome of the criminal charges against Arpaio are known. It would be a shame not to have a record of these events as they unfold, especially with the possibilities that more “Birther” craziness will come front and center in court. Do I hear a second?
Hear, hear!
And another.
Yes. Does anyone think conspiracy theories about Obama will stop when he leaves office? Not a chance. Of course you could change the name to “Clinton Conspiracy Theories” if you wish. There will be no lack of those either, I assure you,.
Do they have Wi-Fi on Mars?
I predict that when Obama’s presidential library starts soliciting donations to begin construction in Chicago, there will be some Republicans in Congress who will try to stop it.
Never mind the hostility and obstruction to Hillary Clinton…
Sen. McConnell: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
Sen. McConnell: “The president says he’s a Christian. I take him at his word.”
Article Six, US Constitution: “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Who are the real subversives?
Excuse me, but we had an agreement. Thanks for spilling the beans.
Yes Doc, loose ends need to be tied up… and it may not even be over with Arpaio…
Is there a hibernation mode?
Statement by Joe Arpaio and the DOJ criminal contempt charge…
Trending on Facebook……..
I don’t recall if Doc has said anything definitive about this, but I hope that the end of Obama Conspiracy doesn’t mean the end of his blogging.
And Misha, very nice to see your comments again. One never knows what to think when an internet acquaintance goes off the air.
I too will miss your perceptive observations and vigilant reportage. Doctor Conspiracy.
“There is little doubt that this case will continue long after this blog shuts down next January.”
Okay, January 20th, 2017 is a Friday. What happens if on Carl Gallups Freedom Friday, Carl announces that his guest for next weeks show (the 27th) will be Mike Zullo and he will be announcing the universe shattering information? Or he makes such an announcement in May 2017?
They keep electing McCain, who in his first executive decision, chose Sarah Palin – which is nothing less than clinical insanity.
Sarah Palin’s pastor: “She is a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ before she is the mayor.”
Mike Pence: “I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order.”
Can you imagine the howling if a rabbi spoke of Ed Rendell, “He’s Jewish before he’s mayor.”?
Palin belongs to the Wasilla Assembly of God. I wrote before, the assistant minister in the Anchorage Assembly of God said to me when I refused baptism, “Auschwitz was divine retribution because you people have refused to accept God’s only son.” A woman with him told me Jewish people “deserve to suffer.”
Palin and McCain wink at clinic violence; McCain was sitting next to Palin when she said this:
Williams: Is an abortion clinic bomber a terrorist under this definition? Governor?
Palin: [sighs] “…others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or, um, facilities, that, uh – it would be unacceptable – I don’t know if you’re gonna use the word “terrorist” there…”
Yes, they are insane.
Do you think the news from a day or two ago that Mackiewicz won’t be prosecuted is connected in any way?
Wondering if Mackiewicz will be cooperating with the prosecution.
McCain was reckless in his choice and did not vet Palin (See the book, “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime.”)
Well, if that happens I probably won’t know about it 😉 😉 😉
The blog isn’t going to disappear–the content will remain. Nothing prevents me from adding an article for some major news event. Just continue to follow me on Twitter (@DrConspiracy) and you’ll fet a notice should any new article appear.
Here is the NYT review:
The LA Times review: My favorite part of that review is “(There’s an unconsciously funny anecdote in which GOP strategist Karl Rove calls Lieberman and asks him not to accept the nomination for the sake of his good friend McCain, since it would split the party and doom his candidacy. Wow, did Rove ever misjudge his man on that one.)
McCain’s aides were taken aback by Palin’s lack of knowledge (they couldn’t, for example, get her to understand why there were two Koreas), her childish petulance and her sullenly uncommunicative behavior. Some came to wonder if she was mentally unstable or perhaps suffering from post-partum depression.”
Dr. C…
“Nothing prevents me from adding an article for some major news event. Just continue to follow me on Twitter (@DrConspiracy) and you’ll fet a notice should any new article appear.”
I predict there will be lots of additions in 2017. Especially when the court starts to dig into the missing 50, Montgomery hard drives that Zullo was supposed to preserve in Melendres v. Arpaio. Maybe Gal-loops has them hidden under a pew at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church?
RE: “The idea of a local official being held in criminal contempt … in this day and age, it just doesn’t happen.”
For those of us from Northern Cuba/AKA the former South Florida, this is nothing unusual.
Google: Sheriff+Sermon+Dyess+Jr+Arrested+Protecting+Medellin+Cartel+Falcon+Magluta+Miami+Trial
AKA Mike ZulloMoore/Owens/Volin’s other “boss.”
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Pablo Escobar: “Ju give us tirty (with a ‘”t”) jeers like this (“th”), one day we will own jur co-un-tree.”
It’s good to know you are on twitter. I just want to thank you for all the hard work, you’ve done to expose the birther movement. It’s folks like you who keep me involved and hopeful that the human race will survive after all.
Palin didn’t disclose to the McCain campaign that she was pregnant until after her selection as VP candidate. [This statement is not correct, Doc.]
KJZZ reports:
“U.S. Department of Justice lawyers said in federal court Tuesday they will pursue criminal contempt of court charges against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for his violation of a federal judge’s order in a racial profiling case.” The paperwork formally charging Arpaio was supposed to be filed today.
Am I the only one who looked and that and though “IKEA shrine kit”?
And Arpaio is kvetching that his case is an attack by “the corrupt Obama administration”. It’s too bad that five *%$ing years wasn’t enough time for him to finish his “investigation”: he coulda gotten Obama impeached and avoided all this. So it’s his own fault for procrastinating 😉
She already had the baby (Trig) when she was selected.
New Brian Reilly video–
You’re right. I have not been able to figure out the source of my confusion on this point. That said, the vetting of Palin was very hasty. It was only 7 days between the first phone call to Palin from the McCain camp and McCain’s announcement of her has his running mate.
Maybe you were thinking of her daughter the abstinence advocate’s first unplanned pregnancy.
I’m sorry, *who* had the baby?
WARNING: rabbit hole. Do not enter!
Maybe you are referring to “babygate”. The conspiracy theory was that Sarah Palin faked being pregnant to cover for the fact that Trig was actually Bristol Palin’s child. Bristol was a spokesperson for abstinence only. The fake pregnancy theory was based on photos of Sarah Palin who went from not showing at all at six months to being very, very pregnant almost overnight.
The circumstances of Trig’s birth were also bizarre. In April 2008 Palin was attending a conference in Texas when here water broke. Instead of going to a hospital she flew commercial flights for over nine hours so she could give birth in Alaska.
Well, she wouldn’t want him to be ineligible for President of Alaska after secession. Plus there were no snowmobiles in Texas that he could be born on to fulfill the prophecy 😉
I believe that you may be correct. Bristol was pregnant and unmarried when Palin was selected by McCain on August 29, 2008 but she didn’t publicly announce it until September 1. However, McCain’s campaign insisted that he knew about it when he selected her.
They’re snowmachines.. I believe Alaskans also have watermachines, airmachines and roadmachines.
True, the vetting process was quick. The first time I heard her speak, I found her voice grating. Nonetheless, I never believed her to be entirely stupid, and she was pretty well liked as governor before the selection. I recall reading about a local hate campaign against Palin traced to one woman who had a vendetta. That she banned books from the Wasilla library was debunked among other false claims. Palin was able to go from a small town politician to governor because up close and personal, people seemed to like her. I never cared all that much for her, but I felt compelled to defend her at the time because of the over the top hatred. I voted McCain.
Oh, concerning the stupid Palin who reportedly thought Africa was a country, here is Chris Matthews:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: I’ve got to go to Larry first. You’ve got to answer this question, sir. Is this person unaware of basic grade-school information, like, Africa is a country of 57-or-so countries, it is not a country, it’s a continent? South Africa is a country, not a region.
I can tell you that I looked different in each pregnancy. You are aware that Trig Palin (Sarah’s son) was born April18, 2008, and Tripp (Bristol’s son) was born December 27, 2008? I suppose Bristol Palin could have had Trig at an earlier date, hid the baby, got pregnant again and then for some odd reason, April 18 was chosen to be the pre-selected date for the fake birth at a time when Palin had a conference in Texas. It is possible.
Well, I’ve spent my adult life in Ontario (where people rode “snowmobiles”), and CA and AZ (where “snow machines” are used to prep ski slopes), so I’ve never picked up that bit of Alaskan dialect.
They may have a bit of problem if climate change reduces their supply of natural snow, and they want to maintain their long ski season. Maybe they’ll call their newly-needed machines “snow blowers” 😉
Actually, the claim was that she tried to ban books from the Wasilla library. Politifact, which noted that “Palin did ask the librarian if she would consider removing books,” rated the story half-true.
Not stupid, but largely ignorant. And being governor of Alaska is not exactly a trying job, as the legislature is in session for only 90 days each year. During her first 19 months in office Palin spent at least 312 nights at her home in Wasilla.
Palin was quite unprepared to be President. But, IMO, she was a model of meticulous preparation compared to the man whom the Party nominated this year.
Both are ignorant and not at all interested in learning, but there is a critical difference. Palin, I believe, knew that she was ignorant and, had she ever become President, would have let her advisors, who would have been experienced hands, run things. Trump believes he is the smartest person who has ever lived and listens to no one. He is orders of magnitude more dangerous than her.
That’s true.
Remember the Republican postmortem after they lost the 2012 election? Their report says “We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate we care about them, too.” Then they nominate Trump, and a poll out today shows that only 17% of Hispanics support Trump, and the last I saw his support among black voters was in single digits. So much for outreach to minorities.
The argument for Trump was that they lost with McCain and Romney and the better strategy was to try to try to increase turnout among whites. The problem they’ve run into is that Trump has turned off many whites-women and college-educated. He’s trailing Romney badly in every group, even whites.
It’s important that Trump not just lose, which he will, but get crushed, He needs to lose worse than Romney and even worse than McCain. He needs to lose some red states-Arizona, Alaska, Utah, Georgia. Then, maybe, the party will come to their senses and set up primary rules that keep a future Trump from the nomination.
They, amazing astoundingly , hit the errors straight on the head in the post mortum, and then what did they do, they put in to the party platform pretty much in cement the very things that turned off those groups in wholesale numbers as a result. And what the party itself didn’t do the candidates did with their own words and actions. They chose/accepted a candidate who is highly offensive to women and minorities, of any color, and one who contrary to his lies is no friend to the LGTB communities. So when all is said and done, all they have left to fall back on is the old, disenfranchised, angry, white guy demographic and the will only vote one party regardless of how bad the candidate is types, and I’m hoping to dog there just aren’t enough to them to make it work. I agree, LaRump not only needs to be defeated, but he, and the party, need to be brutally crushed, or they won’t even come close to getting the message, adn even then I’m betting on them trying to spin it.
The biggest landslide in US history was Nixon-McGovern. Nixon carried every state except for Massachusetts and the District.
“Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has said that a political movement based on ‘angry white guys’ is not sustainable.”
Washington doesn’t count?
The election is rigged.
“The district” = Washington, DISTRICT of Columbia.
Because “Scary view into the mind of a Trump supporter” is filled, I am putting this here.
Trump knows he’s going to lose, and has really great plans:
“Now, however, the Financial Times reports that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the publisher of The Observer, has met with Aryeh Bourkoff to discuss a potential TV venture.”
You might want to check on that. Ronald Reagan, in 1984, won every state, except for Minnesota and the District of Columbia. That made his electoral votes: 525-13
Nixon-McGovern was 520-17-1 (should have been 521-17).
And of course, then there’s the elections in the early country. Washington of course got a vote from every single elector (69) in the election of 1789, and every single elector (132) in 1792. (Technically, he didn’t win all of the electoral votes, since the voting system at the time didn’t differentiate between votes for President and votes for VP at the time, so a vote for John Adams for VP was counted the same as a vote for Washington for President).
I was referring to what dunstvangeet posted above.
I stand corrected.
I think Trump’s competition would be less Bill O’Reilly and more Alex Jones.
Once again, because “Scary view into the mind of a Trump supporter” is filled, I am putting this here.
This Billionaire Once Bashed Women’s Right To Vote, Now He’s Donating To Trump
A tech billionaire who’s publicly said that giving women the vote was bad for democracy is giving $1.25 million to Donald Trump, who would likely win the U.S. election if women didn’t have the right to vote.
Trump supporters want to repeal women’s 19th Amendment rights because he would win if only men voted
Quite a contrast between Kaine’s selection by Clinton which happened in July 2015 and just 3 months after her official declaration to run for President.
A year before her Official coronation.. I mean Officially becoming the 2016 Nominee,_2016
Gosh, hard to believe Sheriff Joe is 84. I wonder if it’s the geriatrics division of the Feds that’s prosecuting?
Clinton’s astounding actions as Secretary of State clearly may still come under criminal Prosecution especially under a Special Prosecutor “as she makes Watergate look like RomperRoom” quote from Rush Limbaugh.
Her defense undoubtedly will require “expert testimony” from Russian President Putin.
Maybe she really should skip the 3rd Debate?
The only thing worth quoting from Limbaugh is how to buy OxyContin on the black market.
Rush Limbaugh – “Drug abusers should be stripped of their citizenship and thrown out of the country.”
So, when is he leaving? I won’t shed a tear.
Or, perhaps more partnership than competition?
(you have to turn the sound on in the lower right corner: it’s muted by default)
So planning ahead is a bad thing? Instead of rushing at the last minute, she determined one way in advance should she win the nomination. How dare we have a presidential candidate who plans and thinks things through.
Clinton would have known that a nomination was not a sure thing. She need only remember 2008.
I realize the concept of planning and considering options is probably a foreign to CRJ, but for most people, we value that in our leaders.
Speaking of running mates does CRJ have one?
I offered, but my people are still waiting to hear from his people. I’m beginning to think about maybe not taking this guy seriously.
His parole officer.
Pre-Hillary Gun Sales video:
“Hillary needs to be taken out…I’ll do everything in my power to take her out of power.”
Public-intregity division. Because Arpaio has none.
😆 x 2
Extended video: Trump Supporter: ‘Hillary Needs To Be Taken Out’
“If I have to be a patriot, I will,” Dan Bowman told The Wall Street Journal
Proposed Order to Show Cause, charging Sheriff Arpaio:
Doc, why is my comment awaiting moderation?
New York TImes editorial on Joe Arpaio:
I put your comment in moderation so I could think about whether it violates any of the site editorial policies. I have not been diligent in enforcing some of them–it’s been pretty patchy over the years, but this one’s reference to personal issues caused concern.
I’ve been thinking about the effect of write-in votes. Is it even theoretically possible for a write-in candidate to be elected president? As everyone knows, when we cast a ballot in a presidential election we are actually voting for a slate of electors pledged to our preferred candidate. But a write-in candidate doesn’t have a slate of electors, so even if a write-in candidate got the most votes in a state, how would he or she have won any electoral votes?
This question came to mind when I heard that Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire has stated that she won’t vote for Trump but will write-in Pence. Isn’t that a difference without a distinction? Pence and Trump share the same slate of electors, so it seems to me that a write-in vote for Pence is essentially a vote for Trump.
I am as certain that she will attend the debate tonight as I am that you will never win an appeal to the Supreme Court.
An interesting question; the answer is, as it often is, “it depends.”
Some states do not allow any write-in candidates; most states do, but the write-in candidate has to be certified, which includes (among other requirements) submitting a slate of electors. And some states not only allow write-in candidates, but also do not require the candidate to submit a slate of electors.
New Hampshire just so happens to be in the last category. So Ayotte’s (purported) vote for Pence is in uncharted territory. Pence could serve as his own elector. But the reality is that Pence won’t receive a majority of the votes for president, so it won’t be tested. (Write-in candidates in 2012, for example, received 0.3% of the vote.)
P&E: There is More Than Meets the Eye with the Arpaio Birth Certificate Investigation.
Executive summary: Rondeau, Gillar, and Zullo take some shots at Reilly.
The intriguing part is that Pence does in fact have a slate of electors. That’s why I wonder if a write-in vote for Pence would be counted as a vote for his slate of electors, which in effect would be a vote for Trump.
The Republican party needs to change their nominating rules too though. No matter what happens to Trump, the lunatics who swept him into the nomination will still be willing to vote to nominate another Trump-like person in the future.
The TEA Party should be a real political party and split off from the Republicans. Then maybe we could have a real conservative party, and not a bunch of Yahoos running things. (Yahoo used in the Swiftian sense).
I would like to read Mr. Reilly’s response.
Wendell Wilkie:
Someone needs to dig into the archives here and find my post that Reilly didn’t particularly like when he was on RC’s show. Also the reaction RC had on the show to Reilly’s reaction. My thought at the time was that the Surprise TP had seen the affirmation of the BC from Hawaii Health Dept long before any of this nonsense started, so there shouldn’t have been any reason for Reilly to think that the data on the BC was incorrect. After all, the data is all that matters. This whole Zullo fiasco is Reilly’s fault.
Statement from Brian Reilly on the Post & Email article:
Rondeau buried her point that there are indicators Reilly did not initially accept the verification Hawaii sent to Arizona. Which does undermine Reilly’s credibility somewhat.
None of which, of course, alters the basic point that Reilly has since renounced his birther beliefs, and that Arpaio and Zullo are money-grubbing fools trying to fleece even bigger fools.
Arizona Republic poll shows Arpaio trailing by 15 points.
Wow! Not one word of truth here. No anomalies?! Are you kidding? Side Note: He’s a dead ringer for David Nixon. Good con job there.
Yeah, because they offed Mondale.
Walter Mondale’s still alive.
You mean Mondale’s body double.
Details, schmetails. Nancy never let someone being dead or alive get in the way of a batshit crazy story starring her.
Walter Mondale was interviewed by Chuck Todd five months ago. For a dead guy, he is remarkably coherent.
The Shurt could have said no to the tea party but, without the investigation, how was he going to rope in his gullible supporters for another 5 years of circus shows? The irony is that the birth certificate investigation and the people it attracted got the attention of Judge Snow and they are now prominently featured in his Criminal Contempt Order resulting in a criminal charge against Arpaio. And true to form, Arpaio has called the criminal charge garbage. Arpaio can thank Zullo for the fix he’s in.
That’s not good news for Trump either. No wonder Michelle was in Phoenix yesterday.
I propose referring to Trump as “sTrumpet.” I’m sure he can relate to that.
Shh…..Oh, yeah. I forgot. This is a secret. We wouldn’t want the sheeple to find out, now would we? Seriously, I don’t know why I bother sharing this information with any of you at all. It was a waste of time in the 80’s and it’s a waste of time now. Hillary Clinton as president?!! Are you serious?!!
From the Post & eMail article, “At one time he [Reilly] even got himself on local news because he bought an old car and claimed it was the car driven in an episode of Hawaii Five-0.”
Well lookie, lookie, lookie what I just found. Straight from World Net Daily, on July 2, 2011.
I just sent this e-mail to Joseph Farah, using my real name:
Subject: Brian Reilly’s Ford Fairlane
It is a carefully guarded secret, but the Fairlane was shipped to Kenya. Barack Obama was conceived in the backseat, and his mother was driven in that car to the hospital to give birth.
You should investigate this.
Michael Marinsky
As Birther Report’s insufferable “js/js” might say: don’t paint it Colonial White, Danno!
Thanks for posting that CG. I can say that is the first article at WND that I enjoyed reading and actually believe is true.
RC, I enjoyed the article too. Misha, do you have a DNA kit to send to Reilly to check the back seat? LOL. Or maybe you can send it to ZooLow and he can get right on it.
Hmm…that looks like the car my great-grandmother drove. There might be a kernel of truth to this. Which means….if true, I have suspected it for quite some time.
Reilly’s Fairlane seems to be a sore spot with Birthers for whatever reason. They aren’t car people? Or, maybe the Fairlane represents his research skills and they know it? Or, maybe they just don’t like convertibles? You never know about Birthers. ’60s Fords Rock!
It’s not a kernel; it’s true. I can’t reveal my sources at this time. I’ll reveal them after the election. I even know the name of the person who put Cosmoline on the car for shipping to Kenya, so the salt in the air would not affect the finish and sheet metal.
You have finally said something that we can all agree on.
Except for the fact that there were very few 1968 Ford Fairlanes on the road in 1961.
Good point. I looked up 1960. Nope. You’re right. My daddy never disclosed where Allen was conceived. I just assumed it was in my grandmother’s house since my great-grandmother would have probably beaten him black and blue.
Trump has lowered the bar for everyone, even the dead 😉
Rickey, it really was a 1961 Fairlane that was converted to a PDF. It ended up looking like a 1968 in the conversion process. Another example of those frequent anomalies.
Good one. We should ask Reilly if his Fairlane has layers. And a smiley face.
It appears that my sarcasm flew over Nancy’s head.
Even Palin:
Mike Zullo speaking about Dennis Montgomery and the quality of his work.