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- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
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- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
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Quick Reference
- Birther aggregator
- Congressional Research Service report on presidential eligibility
- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
- Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ
- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
- Obama presidential library
- Obama White House archive site
- Politifact Birth Certificate articles
- Recent court rulings on presidential eligibility
- The debunker's guide to Obama conspiracy theories
- The Great Mother of all Natural Born Citizenship Quotation Pages
Joe Arpaio Is OK with Deputies Drinking on Duty (Audio)
This is a story about the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) interview with the Shurf about the “Seattle Caper”.
Frankly, I don’t care if Mackiewicz had a drink or two while he was in Seattle smoozing around with Montgomery. What interests me is that apparently, the whistle-blowers about the excessive overtime were ‘one ex-girlfriend and a current girlfriend’ who had access to his timesheets; and that Mack flew in women from out-of-state while he was there (it is not stated if he charged the expenses to the Department).
That really sounds like a violation of the Mann Act to me.
Lemon sort of glosses over that angle, maybe to put it out there without exposing himself to legal challenge?
I recall in one of the internal emails that were released a description Dennis Montgomery on a trip to Washington, D. C. It may have been when they met with Judge Royce Lamberth. Montgomery didn’t want to go and claimed he was on his death bed. When he got there they went out to dinner and Montgomery knocked down 4 or 5 cocktails like they were nothing. Pretty good for a guy on death’s door.
Dulling the pain.
Anyone else have family members, or in my case in-laws, who will be insufferable to be around no matter who wins in November?
Birthers take note…
I don’t think so.
This is MY kind of story:
Yeah, if one good thing comes from Trump running, its that. I’m holding out hope, that if he somehow DOES get elected, the Democrats will hold both sides of Congress, limiting what damage he’ll be able to do.
I don’t know about insufferable, but my sister inexplicably is voting for Trump. The good news is that she lives in New York so it doesn’t matter how she votes.
The only candidate to be elected in the last 100 years without carrying his home state was Nixon in 1968, but that was an anomaly because no one really considered New York to be his home state. He lived there for only a few years and never held an elected office in New York.
We don’t talk about things like that around my family. We all have our opinions but know how volatile some topics can be so we avoid them for the sake of peace and harmony.
My mother was considering a vote for Trump. She doesn’t really like Donald Trump but she really hates Clinton. Eventually though, she settled on a write-in vote for a candidate from an obscure 3rd Party called “The American Solidarity Party’. It seems to make pro-life and anti-Capital punishment big parts of its platform, and those are values that are very important to my mother.
Most of my relatives live in solid blue states, though one sister lives in the solid red state of Alabama. One sister, her husband, and just now of voting age daughter all live in Pennsylvania, but I’m pretty sure none of them would be Trump voters. I have several cousins who live in Arizona who I lost contact with decades ago. They’re pretty conservative, but they’re also biracial (my white uncle married a black woman way back in the 80s), so who knows which way they’ll go.
So Arpaio’s been charged.
Shhh……it’s past Doc’s bedtime. You might wake him.
Thanks, I updated my article.
RE: Mondale (Doc closed comments so I’m responding here)
Looks similar. But, not quite. Another one of Washington’s body doubles.
Pablo (Obit. Oct. 2, 1990) said they killed him and I trust Pablo’s words over Washington’s. Sad but, true. I do have an old black and white negative that I believe is Mondale taken just before his assassination. Unfortuneately, Walmart and the local drug store franchises no longer process these.
And, the last time I handed over evidence to law enforcement (Osceola County), I never saw it again and there was no forward movement. I can’t help but wonder if that was the “Dennis Montgomery” evidence since Mike Zullo Moore and Mike Volin certainly don’t want a one of one chit chat with me.
Tell me what county you’re presently living in and I’ll a find a photo processor near you that will make prints from a black and white negative.
ummm say what? Is the “negative” developed? I thought you said you did your own photography previously. Why would you need walmart or drug stores to do it for you? I heard Target does it still. But the fact is you’re lying again.
For shame, Doc, for not addressing this Obama Conspiracy:
There are lots of independent photo shops that make prints from negatives. I offered to find one near Nancy, but she hasn’t responded.
Apuzzo is still trolling news cite comment threads:
It’s Friday and I’ve been out. Riverview, Florida.
Take the negative to a Sam’s Club, they have fancy machines there that can scan it and turn out all the prints you want.
You’re near Tampa, and here are two places about a 20-minute drive from Riverview. Both of them will make prints from a black & white negative.
Bay Color Lab
523 S Macdill Ave
Tampa, FL 33609-3038
E G Custom Photographics
219 S Howard Ave
Tampa, FL 33606-1726
Someone on the Net summed up the US media coverage of the campaign rather well:
Trump admitting sexual assault. Clinton emails. Trump charity fraud. Clinton emails. Trump calls for nuclear proliferation. Clinton emails. Trump calls for national stop and frisk. Clinton emails. Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba. Clinton emails. Trump sued over Trump U fraud. Clinton emails. Trump bribes DA. Clinton emails. Trump doesnt pay taxes for 20 years. Clinton emails. Trump employs campaign manager involved in illegal corruption with Russia. Clinton emails. Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US. Clinton emails. Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate. Clinton emails. Trump in court for rape of a minor. Clinton emails. Trump unaware of Russia’s Crimea occupation. Clinton emails. Trump unaware of situation in Syria. Clinton emails. Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination. Clinton emails. Trump files for bankrupcy 6 times. Clinton emails. Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics. Clinton emails. Trump slams people for being POWs. Clinton emails. Trump calls mexicans rapists. Clinton emails. Trump questions judge’s integrity because of parent’s heritage. Clinton emails. Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal. Clinton emails. Trump commits insurance fraud after florida hurricane. Clinton emails. Trump has dozens of assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse. Clinton emails. Trump attacks former Ms America for being overweight. Clinton emails. Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am. Clinton emails. Trump calls for US citizens to be sent to Gitmo. Clinton emails. Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used. Clinton emails. Trump asks why cant we use our nukes if we have them. Clinton emails. Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gave the middle finger. Clinton emails. Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists. Clinton emails. Trump says women should be punished for having abortions. Clinton emails. Trump makes fun of disabled people. Clinton emails. Trump calls for end of freedom of the press. Clinton emails. Trump calls global warming a chinese hoax. Clinton emails. Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un’s strong leadership. Clinton emails. Trump openly admits to not paying his employees during debate. Clinton emails. Trump calls Obama an illegitimate noncitizen hundreds of times over 7 years. Clinton emails. Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses. Clinton emails. Trump says Ted Cruz involved in JFK assassination unironically citing National Enquirer. Clinton emails. Trump says laziness is an inherent trait in black people. Clinton emails.
Looks like our resident serial liar is in yet another “put up or shut up” position. She’ll do neither. Honestly, I think a sense of pity, is the only reason Doc keeps her around.
Not gonna requote Lupin’s post, but it does kind of hit on what angers me so much about this election. Trump’s scandals are so numerous, but Clinton’s scandal keeps coming up. Both sets are getting equal airtime, and this is leading to the false conclusion that they are somehow equally flawed. And that is making this whole race a lot closer than it should be.
Are you talking about me? I’ve been making several phone calls including one of the photo labs which, just as Rickey said, does process negatives.
I keep the comments as open as I can.
Is anyone else getting HTTP 500 errors using this site?
We have two resident serial liars, but only one who is a she. If the she fits, wear it.
and scary as it may be, i’m starting to think that trump might actually have a good chance at taking the white house.
kinda pisses me off really, because I was thinking reasonably seriously about jumping on the anti-Hillary bandwagon and making a bit of cash out of the morons that abandoned birtherstan.
ah well….the best laid plans and all that
Just one more week until this election is all over and hopefully we can all breathe easy again.
Well, here’s some encouraging news for you: William and Mary College polled some early voters in Florida, and found Clinton significantly outperforming the media polls.
It’s a small sample (only 311), but they found 28% of registered Republicans crossing over to Clinton. More typical single-digit levels in the down-ballot races, though: Rubio is still a solid favorite.
My guess is that this largely comes from the large population of Cuban refugees and their children, who tend to be more conservative Republicans. So it probably won’t happen elsewhere.
But the pundits say Florida is an absolute “must win” for Trump, that’s a positive sign for anti-Trump folks.
I tend to trust Professor Wang’s maths at the Princeton Election Consortium, and therefore am reasonably satisfied that HC will win the WH. My guess: 300-320 EVs.
However, a number of high-ranking GOP have already said they’re ready to start a constitutional crisis/impeachment from Day 1, so if the Dems don’t capture the Senate, winning the WHO may be a hollow victory.
Plus, Trump’s decision to accept or reject the ballot box results and stir up with mob of lunatics weighs like a heavy shadow over it all.
This has easily been the worst US election ever, and the troubles may not be over yet.
Nervous? Is this getting too real for you?
In an ongoing show of ignorance, Trump complains: “WikiLeaks emails reveal Podesta urging Clinton camp to ‘dump’ emails.”
Well there are a lot of scenarios, but Trump winning the presidency is easily the worst. All that other stuff I could deal with.
If they try to impeach, or succeed, I really don’t care. Tim Kaine would make a fine president too.
If the Democrats don’t capture the Senate, it’ll suck, but it’ll be tolerable.
And I still don’t think Trump refusing to concede will actually matter anyway. A lot of his fervent supporters are all bark and no bite.
“Real” is not something one associates with you or your claims.
And hardly nervous; rather, bored . . . like overhearing a disheveled stranger tediously describe her late visit to an imaginary tin can museum.
Trump getting elected will sting a lot worse if the Dems can get capture both the House and the Senate. They can deflate his dictatorship before it starts.
The House of Representatives can impeach with a simple majority, but it takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate to convict and remove from office, so it isn’t going to happen.
Trump could hit the ground with a flurry of executive orders, treaty renunciations, and some blatantly unconstitutional actions. It will take ages for Congress to shut it down.
6 more days until this nightmare is over… or until the real nightmare begins.
BTW Doc this thread closes the day before the election. Remember to set up a new one soon after. I’d hate to have no place to talk about the breaking election news.
I have a friend who lives in Florida and hates Hillary, so he wrote in Bernie (a wasted vote which won’t be counted because Bernie didn’t file as a write-in candidate, which is required in Florida). He claims that he doesn’t care if Trump wins because he’ll be a one-term president and how much damage can he do in one term? Then I reminded him that it took Bush only two years to get us into the war in Iraq.
Obama was raised in South Florida and that’s also where the mailman is from. I don’t think the FBI can sweep this under the rug much longer, do you?
I don’t get how we get into this cycle:
1) Trump says or does something horrible (e.g. Access Hollywood tape, feud with the Khan family)
2) Trump’s poll numbers fall.
3) Clinton says or does something that looks bad.
4) Clinton’s numbers dip and Trump’s recover.
5) Return to step 1.
Trump’s boorish things still happened. Do people just forget?
I’m about to give up on the news and just spend my non-work waking hours hiding in Skyrim.
This article about Trump.org is a whole lot more interesting than Trump.org itself.
Did you hear the Arpaio interview today (I think) where he was asked about the possibility that he might go to jail. He replied that the food was good in federal prison.
What irony!
He should be forced to eat green bologna sandwiches.
I note the latest news from BirtherReport.com:
“This website is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.”
I see it as a version of Boiling Frog Syndrome (which, only slightly surprisingly, appears to be a myth).
Trump has been raising the bar for what’s considered “beyond the pale” since before he started running for office. Every time he commits some new outrage, the temperature of the metaphorical water goes up a bit. Eventually, nothing is shocking enough to dissuade his remaining followers.
It opened for me. The last article was published on September 16th. The place is dead.
But if that were the case, Trump’s numbers wouldn’t be affected when a new scandal broke. The Access Hollywood tape wouldn’t have done much. Now it’s like, the Access Hollywood tape, the dismal debate performances, the feud with the Khans, and everything before it, never happened.
Trump may be getting bonus points for not being part of “the establishment”. People who aren’t doing great in their lives, or perceive the state of the nation to be bad, tie those negative views to Hillary Clinton. She is as establishment as they get. Trump is completely un-establishment, and I guess they’re rolling the dice that he can improve what they think is wrong, even if they don’t like him personally.
Comedian John Caparulo encapsulates some of this in the “Caplets” comedy videos he uploaded on his Youtube channel for September and August. He doesn’t usually do political humor but these videos are experiments in political humor.
There are also, of course, disgruntled Millenial Bernie Sanders voters. Some of who are voting for Gary Johnson.. which is pretty ridiculous. Your preferred candidate isn’t on the ballot so you vote for a guy who holds the complete opposite views? Just to stick it to the 2 mahor parties?
Anyone who looks at a Manhattan billionaire who has spent his life building hotels and residences for the global elite and sees anything other than a charter member of The Establishment needs to visit Misha and have their eyes examined.
I went there just now (the first time in months) it looks like only two or three people are still posting there. I did see this post from two days ago.
Hi you gorgeous deplorables–I have missed you so much! I haven’t been able to even read anything because they would immediately attack the page and load whatever it is they do to me.
was thinking that they may start seeing the tea leaves that there won’t be anyone to pay them to harass anymore. We have Law & Order coming👍🏼
This election season I have had to erase my phone 4 times & the last 2 times w/o restoring. I noticed attacks started declining the past week so tried BR tonight & wanted so much to tell you it feels good to be home! Those of you that love the Lord will know He is with us and this dark cloud is going to be ripped open. I believe the games will commence in a few hours.
One thing–the FBI woke up a FOIA twitter site that was dormant for over a year in past few days. They will send records on someone/something if they get 3 requests. They are basically telling us to ask & they’ll deliver by posting it on twitter site. While most are thinking HRC stuff–I wondered if we could request Barry Soetoro info. You can enter SS#’s which we have plenty of😬. I’ll post links later, hopefully a new thread will start. Thank you BR, ❤️ You Birthers– MAGA!
Isn’t that the lady from Georgia?
This article touches on that theme:
Salon: Sheriff Joe’s last stand: Meet the Maricopa County anti-Arpaio activists determined to take him down