As we near the jaw-dropping conclusion to the Confession of Dr. Conspiracy series, it’s probably time to insert a disclaimer. There are things that I’m not going to disclose.
In my mind, there are levels of confidentiality. The strictest level is publication. I think that people have a right not to be harassed and within some limits have the right to anonymity. This why I don’t “out” people who are anonymous. Some people put themselves in the public view by filing lawsuits, so their identification with birther activity under their real name is public information.
A more permissive confidentiality is practiced with trusted confidants. I trust Obots in general, and I disclosed my authorship of the Orly Taitz Super PAC in an open group meeting of Fogbow members. My trust was well-placed because that information didn’t get out prematurely. Within that group there are individuals that I know better than others. When it comes to speculation over what a birther is up to, or what their identity might be, I have had those discussions with Foggy and RC primarily. They are what I might call the “inner circle.”
That works fine for “my secrets,” but other secrets are not mine to share. I was contacted by Brooks Jackson, the former executive director of once to ask a question. I considered that communication privileged until actually linked to this site. I have consulted on rare occasions with other journalists on research questions, and I have been thanked on more than one occasion by persons whose names you would recognize, for what one called a place to “deep dive” on a birther topic and get links to sources. One, that I won’t even hint about, says that he has my site bookmarked and checks it every morning! That letter is framed on my wall, but you’re not going to get a look at my wall.
Some others have sent me information in confidence. Brian Reilly sent some things in confidence that he later gave me permission to publish, which I did. Other things remain in confidence. One Obot who is in a difficult position contacts me every 6 months or so and I try to lend some encouragement, but you’ll never learn his name on this blog.
So my activities, by the time the Confession series is over, will be pretty much an open book but if the secret is yours, then disclosing it is your business, not mine.
Just a note to you …you are TRULY fucked up in the head,
Birther with butthurt, what a surprise….
Not taking your years of profound failure very well are you “Note”?
I’ve noticed that the remaining members of the Birther Cult are showing increased levels of anger and frustration such as that expressed above by “Just A Note” as the reality of Barack Hussein Obama, II reaching the end of his duly elected two terms in office approaches.
The reality is setting in of no frog-marching out of the White House and no impeachment plus President Obama collecting $203,700 a year in presidential pension plus transition to civilian life expenses, plus $150,000 a year for staff and office for the first 30 months and $96,000 a year for the rest of his life thereafter, plus free medical insurance, plus lifetime Secret Service protection.
Its good to be an ex-president particularly when you are only 55 years old.
Yup. He got away with it alright, and by “it” I mean, completing two terms in office as our twice legally elected and verified 44th President of the United States! History will remember him as such. His legacy intact. That fact causes the birthers more pain and misery than anything could! They’ve been shunned by family member, had spouses leave them, they’ve lost money, friends, jobs and military careers. All for what? A never ending string of never fulfilled promises.
Birthers like trader jack and john are reduced to trying to cast doubt, on a website that now has a shorter shelf life than milk. When the last place they have to go “Yeah, but what about-” and “Nuh-uh! What that really means-” is gone, their sad little lives will lose that last bit of meaning.
Yes, a paroxysm of pent-up rage and frustration that President Obama was able to complete two full terms in office. 227 or so losses in court, no impeachment, no military coup, not even a single Congressional hearing. No serious journalist bought into any of it, notwithstanding the fact that if Obama had been ineligible the journalist who proved it would have won a Pulitzer Prize. No serious Constitutional attorneys bought into any of it, leaving birthers stuck with the likes of Orly Taitz, Mario Apuzzo, Philip Berg, Montgomery Sibley, etc.
They could be reveling in a victory at the polls, and looking forward to what could be a brighter future for them, but instead, they are still fixated on Obama and their issue. I suspect they do not know how to be happy. They live to fill their anger.
I’m holding my breath until those folks who demanded that Obama be subjected some super sekret ‘vetting process’ demand that Trump’s cabinet be subjected to thet nomal legal public vetting process without being told to pound sand.