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My Other Blogs
I authored a couple of new and enlightening compositions today that are aimed at the false definition of natural born citizen that has been adopted by the unthinking. Their on my blog:
Mario’s last comments were that he was preparing a lengthy response to my arguments. I don’t believe there is any possible rational response.
I’ve come to some realizations that I’d like to toss out and see how other minds respond.
American parents give birth to natural America children.
Only children of Americans are eligible to be President.
Foreigners give birth to either foreigners or to statutory Americans.
No one born to a foreign Diplomat, Ambassador, Consul, Soldier, visitor, tourist, worker, professor, or student is an American because their father is a foreigner who lives in a foreign nation and remains subject to its jurisdiction, -not that of the United States.
No non-American foreigner subject to the jurisdiction of a foreign government can father a constitutionally eligible candidate for President.
Obama’s father was just such a foreigner. Also, he was not an American immigrant, but even if he had been, his son still would not be a natural born American because his father would be an un-naturalized foreign father, -not an American father, making him only a constitutional naturalized citizen and not a natural citizen.
No person whose U.S. citizenship is derive from any legal source is a natural born American.
No “legal” citizens are eligible to be the President because they are not natural citizens.
Any legal citizenship, including constitutional citizenship, is unnatural citizenship because it is not the product of natural law, but of human law, it’s membership by permission, -not membership by birth.
No one whose citizenship is by permission of the government is eligible to be the President of the United States.
The citizenship of Barack Obama is of such an arcane nature that there may be only a dozen or so people in the country who know what its source is. It has never been identified in anything I’ve yet read. It may be via some obscure Supreme Court ruling or some obscure Attorney General Interpretation that is buried somewhere in the INS Code.
But it is not via the 14th Amendment as written because when it was written his mother would have been expatriated by marriage and therefore would have been a British subject. His father could not father a child that was not subject to the same jurisdiction as himself, which, not being an immigrant, was British, not American. Since he was only a transient alien here on a Visa and not a legally sanctioned immigrant his son was a British Overseas subject of the Empire.
let the bombs begin
This is the mistake in your proposition. The jurisdiction of the United States is absolute within its borders unless the United States chooses to make an exception (the ambassador and their family). A foreign government’s jurisdiction over its citizens in the United States is conditional on the permission of the United States. i believe it was Justice Story who said that.
That’s the essential error in your reasoning and why it will not fly in court.
I’m sorry, but your paper has not passed peer review.
Who cares? And I mean that absolutely sincerely.
Does it explain why pompous simpletons can’t grasp the difference between contractions and possessive pronouns?
It must be a strange cry for help. This birther bigot desperately needs a dating service for semiliterate morons.
In more toothsome Birfoon goodness…..”Bucket O’Lard Corsi” has been pink slipped from the financial firm he allegedly worked for, Gilford Securities.
Reading between the lines it would seem that Corsi’s tarting of an unfounded rumor, as fact, of a “scandal” involving HSBC money laundering, where he also continues to pimp himself as an MD at Gilford didn’t go well…..Looks like HSBC slapped Gilford with a cease and desist order, possibly a DMCA take down for at least some of the “information” posted on line and a complaint to the SEC
Of course Corsi and Farrah all blame this on the system as opposed to their f**k up.
Checking on FINRA, looks like his registration with Gilford has already been actioned, unfortunately their “Detailed Report” function appears to be boken at te momnet….I’ll have a little dif around and see if I can get more detail
No financial services company wants to be tied to a very public nut case. What I don’t understand is how Corsi survived this long. I had thought that Gilford was possibly a bunch of nut cases too. I can only guess why this was the straw that got him fired.
If we had SOPA, they might have taken down the whole WND site instead of just the page with HSBC confidential material on it.
This raises the larger question of the difference between responsible whistle blowing and nut-job conspiracy theories. In the age of the Internet, both get equal time.
Actually, of the three spellings “their”, “they’re” and “there”, two would’ve been correct and the birfer picks the only incorrect one. Priceless. Again.
(It’s also striking how many birthers cannot spell “cite” or “dual” or even “(in)eligible”. Either a symptom of the same psychological disease or a sign many of their accounts are sock puppets.)
Well I can say with certainty that any of the financial sector firms I work with would go utterly ape-sh*t if a junior, never mind “senior” employee did this.
It hits on all 4 of the basic buckets of risk, Financial, Operational, Reputational and Regulatory and could expose Gilford to serious sanctions which considering they are still smarting from sanctions by the SEC from last year doesn’t bode well for Corsi…..
Corsi and Farah are pimping that this is bad as it will have a “chilling” effect on whistle blowing without letting the gullible know that the whistleblower statutes work where you report your concerns to the REGULATOR not post puerile piffle prodigeously on a putrid pile of puss masquerading as a news site
Adrien Nash:
You wanted to know what “other minds” think of your submission. The Supreme Court’s 1898 decision in United States v. Wong Kim Ark proves the second sentence of your post is incorrect.
You go down hill from there.
Adrien Nash:
Your dodgy grasp of written English made the final sentence of your recent post unintentionally hilarious.
And why would “citizenship” be a “product of natural law” in the first place? Citizenship requires a country/state, and nature knows no states nor non-physical borders.
So applying the entire “natural vs. man-made” argument to (already) man-made legal concepts such as “citizenship” is a fool’s errand from the get-go.
This is a bit of a riff on funding scams.
One of my themes in the overall scheme of the birther world is that there are a few that are just in it for the money (Farah, Corsi, etc) and whether they believe their own nonsense or not is irrelevant.
We know that the Koch brothers are happy to fund, to one level or another, ‘movements’ (loose term, loosely intended) that furthers their agenda, what ever that may be. Case in point is the Tea Party Movement. Now there is of course no proof that birthers are funded by Koch, but I have strongly suspected it is so for a long time.
Well now we have an insight on how groups playing a different scam pander to Koch in order to pick his pockets. They specifically bend their message, supposedly one based on science to attract his attention and
payoffs‘donations’.Leaked docs from climate-denying think tank reveal strategy
From one side of their mouth, the Heartland Institute says:
And from the other side of their mouth they say:
This is, I believe, the method of the birther scammers. The facts don’t matter. What matters is staying on message, of trying to embarrass the President and keeping the gullible on edge, in order to continue to ride the gravy train.
Don’t get me wrong. Not every birther is a scammer on the Koch payroll. But there are a few key scammers that stoke the fires of the deluded and do so for the express purpose of attracting funds from Koch and perhaps a few other like minds, and not for anything resembling ‘civic duty’.
That reminds me of cartoons where the characters are flying over countries marked like a map. Apparently, birthers are too stupid to discern fiction from reality.
Well, golly, at least we are literate. You don’t know “they’re” from “their,” which means you aren’t smarter than a fifth-grader. And we’re supposed to take YOUR opinions seriously?
Another near-psychotic racist boob heard from: besides the usual Happersett/Vattel nonsense, Adrien’s site links to others with such blatant, ugly racist titles as: “Jesus & Obama: Two Unnatural Hybrids”, “Moses & A Half-Blood President”,& “A Man Called Horse & A Man Called President.” And if one needed any more evidence of poor deluded Adrien being off the rails, there’a “Birth Certificate Not Determinative of Natural Born Citizenship,” which, of course, it is. So sayeth the courts.
If you’re still lurking about in the slime out there, Adrien: what you don’t seem to get is that YOUR OPINIONS ON OBAMA’S ELIGIBILITY DO NOT MATTER. Your theories do not matter. You are nobody. All that matters is how Congress and the Supreme Court have chosen (and quite consistently) to define NBC, which is AT TOTAL VARIANCE WITH YOUR HALF-BAKED RANTINGS. And so you are nothing but a pathetic, whining loser, and we will be laughing our asses off here when the Birther movement spins, crashes, and burns, taking your sorry racist butt with it.
Along those lines, a precious bit of nuttery added to my collection this morning:
“When will we realize that are thought are guided by the main stream media, and that the media tells a different story than the Internet.”
Change the channel! And take that tinfoil hat off your antenna!
Sorry Mr. Nash, but your contorted extra-Constitutional arguement is contrary to a parade of judicial decisions that clearly find Mr. Obama to be a natural born citizen based upon the 14th Amendment. Even the dissent in Kim Wong Ark understood the implications of the majority in that case and it has bearing here today over a hundred years later.
Alliteration always adds abundant advertent amusement
According to WND, Corsi started with Gilford in 2010, when he’d already published “Unfit for Command” and “The Obama Nation” and was a WND employee. Which means he was a known quantity when they took him on.
So yeah, I think they were probably on-board with his brand of “journalism.” But it’s a different matter when he exposes them to financial liability by defaming a major bank.
Mario comes to mind. He is certainly not stupid, and also (based on his past professional life) not likely to indulge in anything that doesn’t make money. The conclusion is obvious.
Note that he’s never denied it either.
In studying all this, I’ve come to understand more about nationality vs citizenship.
For example, Obama Sr. was not a British citizen, but a British national. That gave him certain protections as a British national when going overseas, but not full rights that a British citizen would have.
I’ve also thought that a US passport was a citizenship document. It is not. Anyone with a passport can look inside and see that it says “Nationality” and not “Citizenship”. There’s a reference to “citizen/national”.
I suppose if the place of birth listed on a passport is in a specific US state or territory, that would be sufficient proof of US citizenship (save some arcane cases such as children of diplomats). However, there are other cases where it couldn’t be adjudicated. Someone born outside the US could be a natural born citizen via parental citizenship. A person born outside the US could also be a US national at the time of birth via parental non-citizen US nationality.
The only real “proof of citizenship” documents are a birth certificate, a Certificate of Naturalization, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (or its predecessor documents), or a Certificate of Citizenship. The last one is interesting. It looks a lot like a naturalization certificate. It’s only issued for adopted children of US citizens or those who were natural born citizens born abroad but who didn’t get a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. I believe it can be adjudicated even without the cooperation of the birth parent. This is probably issued a lot for those who discover or otherwise claim they are US citizens at a later age.
I’m wondering how they would figure out someone is a child of a diplomat. They check into a hospital in the US, the baby is delivered, and they probably issue a birth certificate just as for any other child. Once they have that birth certificate, there’s probably nothing to stop them from using it as a proof of citizenship document, even though technically they don’t have that right. You think maybe the State Dept looks up consular records when processing passport applications?
The State Dept has gotten some requests for a Certificate of Nationality, primarily from American Samoa, although I suppose it could also apply for those born in the Panama Canal Zone before it was returned to Panama. There is specific legal authorization for the State Dept to issue such a document, but they say there are so few requests that they can’t see justifying it.
Obama Sr. was a Citizen of the UK and Colonies. I don’t think that gave him the right, for example, to live in England.
Indeed. It includes interesting introspection inadvertently.
“Alliteration always adds abundant advertent amusement”
Bombastic birther babble becomes but baffling
I thought the Apocalypse had been moved to March 1st. Isn’t that when Sheriff Joe’s Lynch Brigade premieres?
according to FABRICATIONS of those residing in birtherstan, NEITHER santorum NOR I are “natural born” NOR are (probably) apuzzo and donofrio
Note that if the Italian parent naturalized as a citizen of another country independently, and prior to reaching legal Italian adulthood (age 21 prior to March 10, 1975, and age 18 otherwise), then often that parent retained Italian citizenship and could still pass citizenship on to children.
Also, a single, qualifying Italian parent (father only before January 1, 1948) is sufficient to pass on citizenship, even if the other Italian parent naturalized or otherwise became unable to pass on citizenship.
Sometimes that qualifying parent is the “foreign” mother, because foreign women who married Italian men prior to April 27, 1983, automatically became Italian citizens and, in many cases, retained that citizenship even if their Italian husbands later naturalized.
Crazy Corsi creates conspiracy cash cow confounding crackpot cohorts.
I too feel certain that Mario is on someone’s payroll.
When he was posting on this blog I noticed that he sometimes spent hours here. I wondered how a working attorney could afford to spend so much time on a pro bono case. Of course, it undoubtedly has not been pro bono. Kerchner wasn’t paying Mario, but someone has been filling his coffers and I doubt that it is just PayPal contributions.
“[T]he Fourteenth Amendment did not exclude from citizenship by birth children born in the United States of parents permanently located here who might themselves become citizens; Weedin v. Chin Bow, 274 US 657. 670(1927)
Parents’ allegiance had nothing do with the Natural Born Citizen language in the Constitution. All persons born in the former British Colonies in America regardless as to the alienage of their parents or naturalized prior to the adoption of Constitution became citizens of the United States. After the adoption of the Constitution only those persons who were born in the United States (Jus Soli) or through blood of their parents (if born overseas) were eligible to be President.
Lord Chief Justice Coke in his opinion in the Calvin’s Case in 1608 enunciated the common law rule for a child born to aliens within the protection and allegiance of a sovereignty is that he or she is a natural born subject. Moreover, Chief Justice Coke’s legal authority was “most admired and most often cited by American patriots” Anastasoff v. United States, 223 F.3rd 898, 900 fn. 6, (8th Cir. 2000)
The focus on the allegiance of the parents in determining the citizenship status of the child is misplaced since Blackstone wrote that “Natural allegiance is such as is due from all men born within the king’s dominions immediately upon their birth.”
As such, the allegiance of parents whatever their situation is irrelevant in determining the citizenship status of a child born in the United States. “At common law, a native is a person born within the jurisdiction and allegiance of a country, irrespective of the allegiance of his parents, except the child of an ambassador. Ex parte Palo, 3 F. 2d 44, 45 (W.D. Wa 1925)
(internal citation omitted)
No. That’s just the Lunch Brigade.
In Podea v. Marshall, 83 F. Supp. 216, 219-220(ED NY 1949 )
the court noted:
“It is a long recognized and well established principle that plaintiff acquired American citizenship upon his birth on September 21, 1912, at Youngstown, Ohio, even though his parents were immigrant aliens. (interal citations omitted) And it is equally well established in our law that the plaintiff, while an infant could not divest himself of such citizenship, whether by his own acts, or the acts of his parents. (internal citations omitted)
Similarly the court in United States v. Richmond, 274 F. Supp. 43 , 56 (CD Ca. 1967)observed:
“Obedient primarily to that unequivocal constitutional language, but also to the lately quoted Title 8 U.S.C., section 1401(a) (1), it has consistently been held judicially that one born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction is, from birth, a citizen of the United States; that such citizenship does not depend upon like citizenship of his or her parents, or of either of them (except in the case of the children of ambassadors etc.); and that upon the subject, his or her color or racial origin is immaterial.”(internal citation omitted)
Furthermore, Justice Jackson in his concurring opinion in Edwards v. California, 314 U.S. 160 (1941) noted:
“The language of the Fourteenth Amendment declaring two kinds of citizenship is discriminating. It is: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” While it thus establishes national citizenship from the mere circumstance of birth within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States,” Id. at 183.
Drivel doesn’t deserve determined dispute despite desperate deluded demands.
So, to recap:
Alliteration always adds abundant advertent amusement.
Bombastic birther babble becomes but baffling.
Crazy Corsi creates conspiracy cash cow confounding crackpot cohorts.
Drivel doesn’t deserve determined dispute despite desperate deluded demands.
When one approaches birthers with the fact that it is quite possible to be a dual citizen yet still have two US citizen parents, they tend to just ignore the statement and move on, or say that in order for it to count the person has to actively claim the other citizenship and act upon it to lose their “natural born-ness”. They’re perfectly happy to make exception after exception so that the rule essentially only excludes Obama, Jindal, and Rubio, but includes Santorum et al.
Of course there is no evidence that President Obama ever claimed or used any UK citizenship, but he’s black so it’s ok. That’s of course why their “Pakistan travel ban” was always so important to them and why some birthers still bring it up despite extensive debunking – they use the “ban” as proof that he had to have been using the passport of some other country.
I, on the other hand, think this is a silly idea.
I suppose we could posit that some anonymous donor pays Mario to write a couple of blog posts a month and to drop in on sites like Doc’s to aggravate other commenters. I suppose said anonymous donor might actually think that was not only a good use of his money, but that such insignificant activity as blog-commenting was worthy of funding at all.
Or, I suppose we could posit that Mario just believes the crap he says, and sometimes wastes a lot of time arguing about it online. Like, you know, people do on every subject from health care to Transformers.
There’s nothing so unusual about Mario’s behavior to reject the null hypothesis that he posts internet comments for the same personal reasons that everybody does, and not because he has some shadowy employer.
Pigheadedness and bigotry are strong motivations for bitter, bellicose birthers.
Any and all astonished birther birfoons bleat badly crying cursing cavilling cravenly despite damning demsleves during expounding ever elusive failing filings flailing fabulously.
Now say that 3 times quickly, particularly the final four F’s……; 😎
2 entries under misc:
GA – Weldden v Obama – Appeal
IN – Orly v Obama
Orly is getting no respect for her filing the wrong form…
Taitz has a new conspiracy theory for us: Is Obama’s decision to destroy 80% of our nuclear arsenal, a payoff to an Iranian Muslim judge, who had Obama cornered with no identification papers and let Obama got scot-free??? (usual malware warning, but I don’t really think her blog has that problem anymore).
One thing Taitz has in common with The Onion is that the whole joke is right there in the title.
She has alleged before that Judge Malihi is of Iranian ancestry, so for her it’s natural to assume he’s Muslim, and now she’s insinuating that he is an agent of the Iranian government. And that notorious leftist Zell Miller, in cahoots with the Iranian government I guess, placed Malihi as an Administrative Law Judge where he would be empowered to wreak whatever mischief his Iranian handlers devised. In this case, what the Iranians wanted was large cuts to the American nuclear arsenal. For what reason, we don’t know, because even if there were such a cut Iran would still be hopelessly behind us. But anyhow, Malihi left Obama on the ballot in exchange for cutting the nuclear arsenal. When he should have put Obama in jail, under some sort of Administrative Law procedure for jailing people.
I suppose I should also point out that Obama has not, in fact, decided on any nuclear weapons cuts.
And birthers crave deceptive expression, foregoing genuine history, inculcating jejune kludges like many narcissistic, obtuse, puerile quislings railing supercilious tripe using vacuous, wanky, xenophobic, yammering zealotry.
Here is a new tour-de-farce I did. Adrian Nash may find it relevant. Also fans of Sherlock Holmes.
The Dreckled Band (Or, We Are Going To Stoke Moran This Day!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Yes, but hopefully he will. Burnings piles of cash to maintain pricey, sensitive paperweights is silliness worthy of a birther. At least art sits around looking pretty. No one even gets to look at the nukes. We’ve poured so much cash into. We cut from 30,000+ warheads 40 years ago to a few thousand today, and haven’t been destroyed yet. Time to go a little farther.
An appropriate topic for the apocalyptic open thread 😉
“Taitz has a new conspiracy theory for us:”
the ga decision in obama’s favor was so that he would approve the ga nuclear plant which, by the way, was approved in 09 but stopped due to the Fukushima Meltdown
“Well, maybe you could go explain that to Taitz. She won’t listen to us.”
when i post questions on her website, they DON’T APPEAR – when i try to re-post them, it’s says it was already posted
i also questioned her as to why she SCRUBBED arpaio’s response to her “NOT VALID” subpoena
irion “forgot” to name sec of state kemp as a respondent on his pleadings?
Irion has also filed with the Office of State Administrative Hearings a Motion for Finding of Contempt against President Obama for the Empty Chair that beat the poor, pitiful Birfers on January 26.
LOL! Well done. Kudos to all, but this deserves a special award for delivering A-F, all in one sentence! 🙂
Awarding another prize performance here… 🙂
Orly has not only jumped the shark with this one, she’s decided to have all it’s children. I’m reminded of another take on the Malihi decision, which suggested that his recomendation in favor of Obama was a quid pro quo for getting the green light from the White House to begin applying Sharia law.
So, to date the pay off for not being kicked off an uncontested ballot in a state the President will almost certainly NOT get any electoral votes from is
2 Nuclear plants
Implementation of “Sharia law” over all other law
The destruction of several thousand nuclear weapons
Whew….wonder what the ante will be for Florida, California and New York…..
I don’t know about that. On January 26 2009, shortly after Mario filed Kerchner v. Obama, et al., Bank of America filed a foreclosure action against him. The property in question is a residential address in Colts Neck, N.J.where Mario has a listed business phone. The case is Bank of America National Association, et al. v. Dorila Apuzzo, Mr. Apuzzo, Husband of Dorilla Apuzzo, Mario Apuzzo, et al., Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Monmouth County, Docket No. F-4628-09.
The court documents show that the mortgagors are Dorila Apuzzo and Mario Apuzzo.
So it would appear that the mortgage was in default around the time of Obama’s election, but the foreclosure was eventually averted. Draw your own conclusions.Somebody bankrolled the Kerchner lawsuit.
*Arises briskly, claps decisively, explosively, furtively, and genuinely.*
Ha! It’s just kinda like more novelty, or perhaps quick responses, saves truth uber Vattelists.
Well, here is some legal advice for Corsi. Hire Taitz, Apuzzo, and Donofrio.
Corsi, The Hatchet Man, Gets The Axe!!! (Some Legal Advice)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Where x-rays yield zeros?
From the looks of it, foreclosure proceedings were started against Mario in February 2009, then again in March 2009, then again in November 2009. If he had a secret rich employer, then you’d think he would have avoided such proceedings altogether. And in any case, the fact that foreclosure proceedings were started and then stopped is *really* weak evidence for a secret bankroller.
Maybe he buys and then smashes Fabergé eggs like Bleeding Gums Murphy.
ROTFLMAO! That was one of my favorite pieces of brilliant satire from you yet! 🙂
From the “He’s a Lumberjack & He’s NOT Ok” easter egg to the culmination of the boom you dropped on them***, it kept me howling in laughter throughout!
Bravo! *clapping* Bravo!
In that clever comedic vein, I think you will enjoy Doc C’s latest blog post as well:
But before I leave you, I did want to answer the one question you asked in your blog:
YES and YES. Those last two are just as crazy and fictional delusions as the rest.
Case in point, me.
Thank you G!!! I am glad these things are making you laugh. I try very hard to keep it interesting and different. Plus, DrC’s Opera things was hilarious and I am glad you linked me to it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Continuing on the Apocalyptic theme ….
Am I the only one that sees parallels between the Birther saga and the Iranian nuke program?
Not a perfect analogy, and I know I’m “supposed” to take the Iranians seriously, but I can’t help laughing ….
FL – Voelt v Obama – Complaint
J Potter: Continuing on the Apocalyptic theme ….
Am I the only one that sees parallels between the Birther saga and the Iranian nuke program?
Uh, is that both movements is “stux” and can’t quite get off the ground in time???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Well, that scores pretty high on the Rictus scale… lots of Vattel, check. Submitting Leo’s 200 page omnibus again, check. Arguing MvH and dissing WKA…check.
At least it was better written than most and wise enough to reference the recent case in GA…
Obama Release Your Records reports, “Democrat Files First Florida Ballot Challenge Against Obama: Atty Larry Klayman Representing”
That is the Voelt case mentioned above. How much do you wanna bet we’re dealing with someone who is really just another PUMA….
NY – Strunk v Obama
Appeal by the plaintiff from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated October 25, 2011 .On the Court’s own motion, it is ORDERED that the appeal is dismissed,without costs or disbursements,as the order dated October 25, 2011, is not appealable as of right and leave to appeal has not been granted (see CPLR 5701).
I definitely had that aspect in mind, but also ….
Insufferable self-righteousness
Cartoonish public faces
Regular assertions of exaggerated competence, always unfounded
Disingenuous mission statements that try in vain to conceal obvious ulterior motives
Persistence in risking catastrophe in pursuit of relatively meager gains
Of course, all the similarities are in character only. Iran could conceivably build nuke plants, even bombs, and do face real, overwhelming opposition. They also have a bargaining position and some leverage.
Birfers are running with nothing, from nothing, against nothing, and for nothing, in pursuit of nothing. It’s a whole lot a nothin’ goin’ on.
Last fall Strunk was posting here and assuring us that Judge Schack in Brooklyn was about to allow him discovery. Another “any day now” moment.
Thanks for the link with that update! Strunk is clearly in the certifiable nut category… Pretty darn vexatious too.
Well, I am really wound up. I knocked out another one tonite. This one is about Miki Booth’s book, “Memoirs Of A Community Organizer from Hawaii”. And how NOT to try to sell it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
LOL! So now you are becoming the Dear Abby for crazy people who refuse to take sound advice… 😉
Well, after I did it I found an even better picture to go on it. I think you will approve.Oh, the Easter Eggs I wanted to write on that one, but I bit my tongue..
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Well, I did find a Kenya BC (Obama’s?) that may be what you are looking for.
Good read about Misha’s favorite rape non-denier.
McCarthy, Beck, and the New Hate
Well, Miki “The Mad Hawaiian” Booth has done gone and done it again.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Oh my! Yeah, that new Rocket to Uranus cover is particularly… prone to endless double entendre… that’s for sure… LOL!
Birthers seem particularly adept at doing everything the wrong way and giving everyone else endless reasons to dislike them even further.
I think there has to be some sort of correlation between an utter lack of social skills and the mindset susceptible to Birtherism. They have an astounding lack of awareness of how they come across to others….yet they are extremely gullible themselves. There must be a connection between those behaviors, somewhere.
NBC reports another Orly setback in Farrar:
“The majority of the required information set forth above was not included in the Motion for Pro Hac Vice of Ms. Taitz as required by Uniform Superior Court Rule 4.4(E)(1). Moreover, the Motion included no Verification affirming that the applicant read the application, was knowledgeable as to its contents, and that said contents were true. The Motion also failed to demonstrate, through proof of service, that it would be served upon the Office of the General Counsel of the State Bar of Georgia in accordance with Uniform Superior Court Rule 4.4(D). Lastly. the Motion did not include the name, Georgia Bar license number, or signature of an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Georgia who will also be acting as counsel of record in this litigation.”
Speaks rather eloquently for itself 😀
From the Post and Email . . . Enquiring minds want to know: twelve questions that must be asked of the putative president?
1.Where and when did you formally (legally) change your name from Barry Soetero to Barack H. Obama?
2.What hospital in Hawaii will/can confirm your birth record?
3.With which student status (resident, foreign, etc.) did you apply for student loans at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard?
4.Have you ever traveled to Russia?
5.Having run as the most transparent candidate, why do you block all access to past records?
6.Since your release on April 27, 2011 of your Hawaii birth record, can we the American people see the microfiche of the original since you have nothing to hide?
7.How do you respond to the computer, Adobe, and graphics experts who have declared your “long-form birth certificate” a forgery?
8.How did you secure a Connecticut Social Security number while living in Hawaii?
9.In transparency that you consistently affirm, would you commit to an independent DNA test confirming your claimed biological ancestry?
10.Can you explain the motivation for signing Executive Order #13489 sealing all records of your identity, passports, school attendance, college records, Selective Service registration, etc.?
11.How did Bill Ayers (he only lived in the neighborhood) have authorization to pick up your kids from school?
12.As a sponsor (with Hillary Clinton) of Senate Resolution 511 confirming McCain as eligible for the office of POTUS during the 2008 election, how do you qualify as Article II, Section 1 Constitutional “natural born Citizen” with a non-citizen father?
*spit take*…
Wow…I’m used to all the rest of their nonsense crazy claims… but now they’ve added demanding a DNA test from him too….
*face palm*
Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous, but “Rev.” Manning might have outdone their craziness. In a recent video, he alleges that Saudia Arabia promised American leaders that there would be no more 9-11 style attacks on the U.S. if a Muslim were elected president. And of course, Manning claims that Obama is the Muslim that Saudia Arabia got.
From the mouth of a convicted felon. Both he and Orly have their “degrees” from un-accredited outfits. Birds of a feather…
Just like Orly and her coterie, he knows zero about the US Constitution:
US Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
Given the enormous increase in adults who are enrolled in unaccredited, on-line “universities,” a qualitative decline in the professions seems inevitable.
You’re right. I graduated from a Jesuit college (1 of 5 Jewish students), and I expect everyone else to be on the same level.
A Jewish mother and Jesuit professors . . . the best of both worlds!
Thank you Post and EFail for letting me get that off my chest. I have been dying to confess these answers since the day I took office. Happily, no one need ever ask them again.
Yours in faithful service to “We the People”
Barrack Hussein Obama II
(In the spirit of transparency, this document was ghostwritten for me by Keith)
LOL! Well done, Keith. Well done!
Keith, I was going to suggest you submit this in the comments section at the Post and Email, but it seems unlikely that they would let it through moderation. Anyway, I enjoyed it!
Here is an intersteing article by ABC News.
It is about George Rominey.
It cites Jack Maskell’s report. And has this interesting quote:
“When you’re born outside the United States to [U.S.] citizens, you have citizenship at birth,” explained Peter J. Spiro, a professor of law and an expert on the law of citizenship at Temple University. “You don’t have to do anything to claim your citizenship. You are a citizen from birth.”
I had forgotten about Rpofessor Spiro’s contribution to the Michigan Law Review symposium.
“McCain’s nomination, however, surely confirms that “natural born” citizens can include those extended citizenship at birth by statute in addition to those enjoying it under the Fourteenth Amendment. ”
SO much for Minor v. Happersett and 14th amendment citizens not being “natual born”.
While we are on the topic of interesting articles, here’s one to share:
Rove’s words here show a disturbing link with the same mindset we’ve seen from the Birther “leadership” and all the Birther propaganda trolls.
It seems that their disdain for empirical based reality and science is no fluke. It seems their penchant for repeating a lie over and over again in hopes of making it true is more than just a cynical brainwashing technique. It appears these have become a widespread ideological article of “faith” in the mindset of certain RWNJ circles, as if there is actual power in “magic thinking” and if only enough of them “wish” hard enough, they can bend reality to their will…
Personally, I think Rove and those like him only believe in such delusions, because they themselves are delusionally susceptible to such themselves…
I’ll never forget the moment during the 2008 election count, when Rove was on Fox news, talking “matter of factly” about how McCain’s path to win the election will be through my state of Ohio …just as word came into Fox that Obama won Ohio… the look on propagandist Rove’s shocked face was priceless! I find it to be quite telling that Fox has gone to great lengths to have that specific video footage taken down whenever it gets posted…
(As just one example, here’s an article that remains on it, but the video has been removed…)
What if your father was a polygamist, and one of his concubines may have been a Mexican national?
Know the worst part about Romney’s dog tied to the roof of his car? It was a Chevy. He didn’t even buy a car from his father. I would never vote for an ingrate.
My uncle bought a Rambler Classic station wagon. It literally fell apart, but still…
I had the opportunity to scan back over some of your “quotes of the day” and was struck by one from Karl Popper discussing the inadvisability of tolerating the intolerant.
I am not too familiar with Popper, knowing him only for his contributions to the Philosophy of Science. I remember being unconvinced of his idea that a Scientific Theory is not really science if it cannot be falsified. It took me a bit of thought to understand what he was saying and a while longer to agree that it was a fundamental element of the methodology of analyzing the usefulness of hypotheses. It took me a bit longer to realize that this is what my science teachers had been teaching all along, just not putting Popper’s name to it.
I find it interesting the way some things you intuitively understand without a formal description sound odd or out of place when you see them expressed formally. Then when the light turns on and you see that the formal expression is really talking about your intuitive understanding, it can almost be an epiphany of major proportions.
In any event, I have often claimed to be tolerant of anything but intolerance. In this thought, Popper and I could be channeling each other. I expect I was influenced in this expression by hearing someone else who may well have been reading Popper, but I am sure that I never read Popper or had much of an idea that he even existed except, as I say, for his contribution to the Philosophy of Science. I am now going to have to make an effort to educate myself about his thoughts.
Thanks for the heads up, Doc.
I’m currently arguing about this with some twit over on HuffPo — I guess he’s a Post ‘n’ Fail reader.
It would appear that not every president makes such an order, as Bush41 and Clinton let Reagan’s EO stand. It was only Bush43 who seems to have snuck in the “How about ‘forever’? Is ‘forever’ OK with you?” clause, which Obama promptly rectified by switching back to notorious proto-Obot Reagan’s wording.
And they of course completely refuse to answer how this EO has any control over records not created in the White House.
I remember this story well… when was “the aide” outed as Turd Blossom?
If it’s of any use, here’s my article on the Executive Order. It’s a very old story.
You might also refer to PolitiFact’s debunking of the story:
The best thing about his apropo nickname of “Turd Blossom” is that GWB himself gave it to Rove…
No doubt back in the Lee Atwater days …. if you haven’t seen BoogieMan, I recommend it. Can be streamed on NetFlix. 😀
I stand corrected.
Useful indeed. Don’t know if I’ve said so yet, but the whole site’s of incredible use. Thank you very much for your efforts.
The only thing I haven’t seen anyone directly address is the contention that Bush’s EO mentions the “Rights of Congress” and Obama’s doesn’t, so clearly Obama can now hide the fact that Saul Alinsky paid for his pilgrimage to Pyongyang.
My own thoughts on that are that what section 6 of Bush’s EO actually says is, “This order does not expand or limit the rights of a … House of Congress” so it’s essentially a null operator. Which makes me wonder if it was intentionally thrown in there as a smoke screen, so they could say, “Hey look, we’re open about our records! We mentioned Congress’s rights!”
Saying that Obama’s EO “sealed his records” by no longer specifically mentioning Congress is like saying that because he doesn’t specifically mention redheads, redheads are not allowed access to White House records.
That Victoria Jackson quote (seen today, 17th) has blown my UK-based irony meter.
Yes yes I know, on my own head be it, I graze this site at my own risk!
There’s an interesting piece by Paul Krugman from the February 12 New York Times, entitled “Severe Conservative Syndrome.” Krugman ask a question many on this site have wrestled with: “How did American conservatism end up so detached from, indeed at odds with, facts and rationality?”
Krugman’s short answer is that, “the long-running con game of economic conservatives and the wealthy supporters they serve finally went bad. For decades the G.O.P. has won elections by appealing to social and racial divisions, only to turn after each victory to deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy — a process that reached its epitome when George W. Bush won re-election by posing as America’s defender against gay married terrorists, then announced that he had a mandate to privatize Social Security.
“Over time, however, this strategy created a base that really believed in all the hokum — and now the party elite has lost control.
“The point is that today’s dismal G.O.P. field — is there anyone who doesn’t consider it dismal? — is no accident. Economic conservatives played a cynical game, and now they’re facing the blowback, a party that suffers from ‘severe’ conservatism in the worst way. And the malady may take many years to cure.”
Please see revised site Disclaimer regarding the use of irony meters:
Krugman, as usual, is spot on with that analysis!
Well, I am attempting my first Internet Article Trilogy, which is like three related thingies. Here is Part 1:
Trouble In Birther Paradise, Or, A Diet of Worms (Part 1 of the Birther Feud Trilogy)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Good recap of the Dean / Orly schism so far. Enjoyed all the puns, references and easter eggs as usual.
As I got a kick out of your worms song reference, which invoked some fond childhood memories, I thought you should add some reference to that to your footnotes as well. Here’s a good link with the song & lyrics:
Thank you G!!! I added another note, and provided your link. I am busy at work on Part 2 of the Trilogy. I may get it done tonite.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
An digital copy of this book is available free of charge at:
Thanks Arthur. I’ll check it out.
Dr. C. or informed folks:
Does anyone have an overview of Orly’s ballot challenge in Mississippi? Apparently a presiding judge has been selected, but other than that, I don’t know much about it. I did a search on this site but found nothing.
I just wrote this up:
But it doesn’t describe the challenge. She filed her objection with the State Party the end of January.
My first question is whether the state of Mississippi is obligated to investigate all properly filed and bonded challenges, or whether someone had to evaluate Taitz’s challenge and give it the ok. Any information on that?
Second question: is it standard policy for the state of Mississippi to appoint a special judge to oversee a ballot challenge?
(Doc., if you like, move this over to the new thread if it would be better there, thanks.)
Well, I just finished Part II of the Birther Feud Trilogy.
A Conundrum of Competence, or, The Tao of Poo
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Hi Squeeky,
Let me start off by stating my favorite parts, such as the imagery, allusions, etc. as always. I really loved the play on words for Tau of Poo from Winnie the Pooh. Kudos on that.
Now, to some points you raise that I would like to offer some plausible answers / opinons:
1. Comparison of Lady Gaga to Orly:
For Lady Gaga fans, I would answer that it is *both*. She is very innovative and a masterful and controversial entertainer, yes. But she is also recognized for her musical talent on its own merit.
Other than both being blonde and controversial…I’d say the comparison ends there. Lady Gaga’s entertainment value is intentional. Orly’s is more a byproduct of her craziness and ineptitude. Nor is Orly successful as a laywer. She’s a massive failure at it – not just because her theories are bogus, but also because she’s stunningly inept. So she completely lacks talent. Being prolific in output is not the same as being capable at all.
2. Which leads into another question you invoked:
I would argue that legal incompetence is more than just winning or losing a case. Yes, that is the ultimate desired result and most important criteria. But it is not the only one. As I mentioned above, she’s utterly inept at it. She constantly screws up the most basic filings and can’t seem to follow procedures, no matter how many times a judge even tries to hold her hand and spell it out to her. She’s performed about as incompetently as one can in these matters. When it comes to law, she’s just a complete disaster all around.
A lawyer’s culpability goes beyond winning or losing a case. It very much includes how they represent their client, present their case and act in accordance to professional standards and expectations. In this arena, Orly has already repeatedly demonstrated poor representation of her clients and abusive threats and conduct. She’s already received $20 K in sanctions for that and is likely to eventually find more headed her way. HI has a very strong case for why she will be declared a vexatious litigant as well. So yes, she is quite culpable.
4. The difference between intelligence and competance and which criteria we are actually able to judge her on:
I disagree that her overall intelligence is beyond question. While the multiple degrees and professional pursuits would lead one to assume intelligence, that is not always a given. The world is full of very degreed persons, that are absolutely incompetent and horrible at their jobs. Some folks are competent enough to pass tests, but then seem to be ill adapted to putting what they should have learned into practice. There are many in the medical and legal professions that are considered to be absolute quacks and hacks. Also, mental illness can damage one’s perceived level of intelligence and competance. There is serious concern that she’s become mentally unstable. So, to summarize, whether she is actually intelligent or not is an open question. There are reasons to assume that she *must be*…but then her actual actions and performance seem to suggest otherwise.
I do agree that the endless publicity and antics of Taitz is probably a significant factor in the growth and development of the Birther movement. She is certainly one of the most prominent faces of the movement and has been since its early days. There are definitely other key players that also deserve credit for creating and growing the movement. WND is probably the most significant factor outside of Taitz. Possibly even the biggest one.
6. A final response:
I think this is a poor mischaracterization of the reality in this situation. You aptly referenced Jerry Springer earlier in your post. That is probably the best analogy to the type of debauched entertainment she provides. The bizarre and colorful trainwreck is both a source of entertainment and scorn at the same time.
I wouldn’t characterize laughter, scorn and mocking as being quite the same as what “oohing and ahing” insinuates. There is nothing cute or admirable about Orly’s antics from an “Obot” POV. While most of us get belly laughs from the constant trainwreck and sheer madness; at the same time most of us still consider her to be a menace and mockery of the justice system at the same time and will be quite thrilled and happy when her 15 minutes of fame is finally over and she is off the stage and no longer dabbling at playing lawyer.
In that vein, I would have to say that “devoted” is definitely the wrong term in all senses here as well. It is a mischaracterization to think that we are somehow “devoted” to Obama. Further, it is absolutely ridiculous to portray as as devoted to Orly or even Birtherism in general. We exist as a reaction to the sheer delusional madness being invoked on the other side. If Orly or Birtherism went away tomorrow, we’d simply move onto other things. Birtherism seems to be a faith-based cult which creates myths and takes on activities to justify its existence. Simply put, if there wasn’t a trainwreck in progress, we wouldn’t be turning our heads to observe it and comment on it.
G: Well, I am glad you liked part of it. I did redact the oohing and ahing part because you made a good point about that. And I changed “devoted” to “fascinated”. There is another word that I really want to use, but I can’t quite get it out. It will come to me. Oh, it just hit me —mesmerized. “Thousands of mesmerized Obots hang on her every mis-step, dissecting her latest miscue with the same thoroughness as the National Transportation Safety Board investigating a train wreck.”
I also changed the “culpable” sentence to “But legally, are they culpable for anything outside of filing frivolous lawsuits?” Sometimes on these longer ones, I go back and read it a day or so later, and I think of more appropriate words and terms.
But I do really appreciate your input. Thank you!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Thanks for taking the feedback. I also realize that you’ve been cranking these out at quite a fast rate and from experience, I realize how that leads to publishing “first drafts” and how that can lessen the carefulness of word choice.
That being said, you’ve got quite a bit of skill to write as well as you do, even in “first draft” mode. I’m glad you are open to feedback and always willing to improve your product. In fact, I think that is one of your inherent skills, as your quality of word play and imagery has really grown and improved over time at an astonishingly rapid pace. (One of these days, I’m sure I’ll be buying your novels. 😉 Anyway, it has been a pleasure to watch your development and get to enjoy your works of art.
I do think your first instinct for the word “fascinated” was probably the better replacement choice over mesmerized. I would save the word mesmerized to use for Orly’s Flying Monkey Followers instead. Remember, mesmerized connotes that one “cast a spell” over them. It is more appropriate for an Oz analogy tying into the “Flying Monkeys” concept, to do her bidding and is inline with descriptions of those within a Cult following.
However, I’ve never seen a description of one’s detractors that can be described as “mesmerized”…
Your changes to the culpable sentence now read much better too. Good change. Thanks!
Doc C – Here is a doozy of an article that you and everyone here will get a kick out of: Martha Trowbridge has determined that YOUR website is the “Obama Campaign’s most highly prized weapon” and almost declares that you single handedly won him the election. ROTFLMAO!!! She’s even given an official name to this operation: OCTPAW!
While it initially might sound like she’s giving credit to all of us posters here and not just you… nay – she’s determined that we’re all just portions of your id, sockpuppted here by you as part of your “dastardly” OCTPAW mission:
But hey, Martha’s got a plan…. She’s found a way to avoid Dr. Conspiracy’s dastardly OCTPAW mission…by… *not* going online and instead taking to the streets, like a true Missionary for the Church of Birtherism:
LMAO!!!! Ah, yes… because when people in person stare at you quietly with that uncomfortable and horrified look on their face…it can’t be because they think you are a crazy person…nyah…can’t be!
Ah yes, get off the internet and go door to door to preach from the Book of Birther… ! ROTFLMAO!!!
Oooh, my sides are hurting too much. Seriously, the whole thing is a must read piece of hysterical paranoid hilarity for everyone here… (then again, according to Ms. Trowbridge, there is only one of us…and we’re all just figments of Dr. Conspiracy’s dastardly plot, so I guess “we” must have read it already…) 😉
Anyways, a H/T to OFGS website for initially tipping me off to this:
OK, I’m calling Poe’s Law.
I didn’t get all the way through it, but the first part of “Martha’s” rant calls birthers deluded idiots straight to their faces.
Either way, the best part of all of this is that Apuzzo bought into it.
Actually, Martha Trowbridge has been a well known Birther nut for quite some time now.
This isn’t parody – the woman is actually *THAT* delusional. She’s the main proponent of the nutty Malcom X is Obama’s real father nonsense…
I believe she started off as a PUMA and like many of her ilk, went totally bat sh*t crazy from there…
Well, then… wow. I’ve seen her stuff before; it reminds me of “Christwire” (at least before they started dropping more clues) in its ability to be so close to the edge that you can’t really tell if they’re serious about it or not.
Oh, how about that — she’s a 3rd-level connection to me on LinkedIn! Too bad I don’t have an upgraded account.
“They’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They’re coming to take me away, ho ho, he he , ha ha,
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile
And twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they’re coming to take me away, ha-haaa!”
– Jerry Samuels (Napoleon XIV)
“You’re caught in a vortex of ruthless attack, that spins you round and round, as you try to respond. Spins you so fast, so furiously, you’re dizzy.”
– It’s a good bet that Saipan Annie is one of the voices in Martha’s head.
Always loved that song… 😉
I’m also really glad Apuzzy has hitched his wagon to hers. Excellent move.
You might be onto something there!
As we’ve seen, these RWNJ are trapped in a mentality of always projecting onto others what they themselves do… because they can’t think beyond their own limited foibles and mindset.
Trowbridge’s laughably ludicrous allegations, that we can’t really be different people, and all must somehow be “sockpuppets” of Doc C’.s “machinations”, has to come from somewhere.
I suspect that her need to pretend that there is only “one” of us is more than just a coping mechanism for her.
She probably has to resort to “sockpuppetry” in order to try to trick people into thinking that there are others that buy into her BS. Therefore, her limited little mind assumes that everyone else must resort to the same loser tactics that she herself employs.
So yeah, I would not be surprised at all to find out that “Saipan Anne” is really Martha Trowbridge. It could also explain why she’s developed a sudden “butt-hurt” fixation about this site, as S.A. has gotten her @ss soundly handed to her here, time after time.
What a spectacularly loony find, G! I loved your reflection on the quieting effect that Martha’s proselytizing generates. It reminds me of the uncomfortable silences that occur when strangers approach people in public spaces to ask if they’ve been “saved.”
This is probably the most accurate thing Martha has ever written.
As many have observed, if you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.
LOL! Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
Hint to crazy people out there: When people in public get really quiet around you and start acting “extra polite” in a delicate way… that signals that they think you are crazy and simply hoping that if they remain polite and quiet, you will soon go away and not harm or stalk them instead. Another tip – if their eyes get big when you talk and they give each other furtive glances when they think you are not looking…. they think you belong on the funny farm. Get a clue, crazy people!
Only ill timed, explosive diarrhea is more uncomfortable but it’s real close.
Exactly! I immediately thought the same thing the moment I read that from her.
(Of course, in her mind, you and I are really just the same person, Arthur… so “of course” we *both* came to that same conclusion… ) 😉
Sure – she’s going to tie her dog to the roof of her car:
Sorry about the outage. My hosting company performed emergency maintenance and shut down the virtual machines. Back up (obviously)
We have been discussing this absurdity at the Fogbow. It is pretty cool that Doc was able to help the Obama 2008 campaign even though he started blogging in December 2008. Doc is a crafty one.
If Martha Trowbridge is just a little too down to earth for you, here, from the Kuiper Belt of the Lunatic Fringe, Andrew D. Basiago. Like Orly, he somehow managed to earn a J.D., and like Orly, he advances conspiracy theories about President Obama. His conspiracies, however, don’t have anything to do with presidential eligibility, but are related to something called the “Pegasus Project.”
According to Basiago, the Pegasus Project was a top-secret outfit run by the CIA, in which he and Barack Obama learned how to time-travel, and were also teleported to Mars via a “jump room.”
Obviously, Doc must was training with Barack Obama in the CIA’s jump room and teleported back to 2007 to begin “Operation Vexatious Blogger” a year before his blog appeared in this time dimension. Only a Level Seven Astute like Martha would know this.
Oh wait, did I just ridicule Martha again? Sorry, M.T.!!
A brother from another mother!
Wait a minute, Squeeks!
What are you trying to say about that great patriot Micky Mouse in this clip? You have him giving drugs to Minnie and then attempting Date Rape! What kind of foul minded “Girl Reporter” would come up with such a character assignation?
And why are you impugning the character of Minnie when she calls out to her kids “Look there’s Uncle Micky!” How many other “Uncles” are there? Do her neighbors know about all these “Uncles” visiting her at all hours of the day and night? And did she have to go to Kenya to give birth to the kids?
What kind of propaganda mill did you dig that obvious fake out of and more importantly, who is paying you for this unadulterated bilge? 😉
Brace yourself folks.
A new candidate has entered the GOP sweepstakes
Well that’s not quite accurate. I started THIS blog in December of 2008. I was blogging at Blog or Die! with content on Obama Citizenship Denial (OCD) . On November 22 of 2008 I posted my first article on the topic, although there was 2008 campaign material earlier than that.
As that November 22 article says: “I have written exhaustively about Obama Citizenship Denial (OCD) in another forum and under another name.”
That “other forum” was called (no longer operating) and the name was “Botox.” They had an “Alternate Theories” forum where there was a very long thread about Obama conspiracies.
Incomplete crawls by the Wayback Machine of that site didn’t get all of the content and got nothing I said, but I was able to find my profile that indicated that I joined the forum August 31, 2008.
This is the thread I participated in:
And I appears that my last comment there was on December 13, 2008, the last comment in the thread. Who knows what it said.
LOL! Favorite part – Red state voters rejected Robosaurus after he announced he was Pro-Choice… LMAO!
“To contend that there does not exist a power to punish writings coming within the description of this law would be to assert the inability of our nation to preserve its own peace, and to protect [itself] from attempts of wicked citizens who, incapable of quiet themselves, are incessantly employed in devising means to disturb the public repose. Government is instituted and preserved for the general happiness and safety; the people therefore are interested in its preservation, and have a right to adopt measures for its security, as well against secret plots and open hostility. But government cannot be thus secured if, by falsehood and malicious slander, it is to be deprived of the confidence and affection of the people.”
—Harry Lee
Minority address to the Virginia House of Delegates in defense of the Sedition Act
Man, I know how he feels. A tempting, well-intentioned sentiment. Dead wrong, but tempting. Is there any recourse against a group of malicious nuts who are demonstrably dabbling in factual untruths? No criminal penalties I can think of, unless they go beyond speech. Civil penalties perhaps, but even if sued into destitution, they go right on birthin’.
I believe the Sedition Act is still on the books. Unused since the late 50’s, early 60’s maybe but still on the books.
Correction before I hit submit… that’s gotta be a record for me; Google is truly my friend. The Sedition Act, actually amendments to the Espionage Act of 1917, was repealed in 1920.
Hello Patriots,
I have published two new & informative reports at the WOBIK Blog!
“A special thanks to attorneys Mario Apuzzo, Orly Taitz, Phil Berg and Leo Donofrio!”
“Obama hamburgers abroad.”
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below the blog report. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!
Thank you!
We’ve had two Sedition Acts, the first from 1798, which Lee was talking about, expired in 1800. The second as you noted was a 1918 amendment to the 1917 Espionage Act. THe Lee quote was striking, as it evidenced how little politics changes.
would any of you care if obama was found not to be a Natural Born Citizen?
No, as long as Obama does not tie his dog to the roof of his car.
By whom, you? I don’t care what you find.
Hello Lucas,
Well, certain of the attitudinal issues on display in your second posts are ones I won’t deem worthy to get into. However, there are a few questions I have, based on your latest posts:
1. Do to both the status of your living situation and also prior convictions, are you even eligible to still vote in US elections? If so, do you vote as an ex-pat abroad, or how does that work?
2. Since you mentioned you expect it to be a neck and neck race this fall, do you have a preference, or even just your opinion on who you expect Obama to be contending with in the fall?
3. Finally, what exactly is a “chimi” and how does it differ from a hamburger. Along that lines, the toppings and condiments used with even burgers themselves tend to vary a great bit from region to region. So, on that note, what is the standard fare for a burger in the Dominican?
That’s really puerile and asinine. Have you stopped beating your wife?
Chimichanga, presumably.
(Haven’t read the post yet.)
…annnd, having read the post, I’m wrong. Chimichurri.
Please, I much prefer to think of myself as a Giant!!
Yes, restaurants often name dishes after celebrities. I’ve eaten at delis where all the sandwiches were named after actors and politicians, none of whom had ever eaten there. You wish us to infer that because some restaurant in Kenya might have had an “Obama plate” that means he was born there. Yet your article contradicts that since you show an Obama chimi and hamburger in the DR, a country where he was NOT born, even according to birthers, and has not even visited (unlike Kenya, which he has).
Logic appears not to be Lucas’s strong suit.
I would add:
4. Are you hiding from outstanding arrest warrants or convictions?
5. Is travel abroad a parole violation?
Im glad you deleted my last comment it was out of line. Kinda funny but not appropriate.
“Kinda funny” You’re no Mel Brooks. I suggest you watch “Blazing Saddles,” to learn how it’s done.
One last note: I was raised, and surrounded by, Survivors. It was not “Kinda funny,” and gave me goosebumps. Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Better get used to it.
I’m not going to say anything more, because I know you have only a few minutes to get to that cross burning. Don’t forget your costume. Mother Jones has a profile of a good supplier:
Thanks for that link! That explains what it is… Sounds like quite an interesting sandwich. I’ll have to find and try one someday.
Sounds like there is a lot of variety to it as well, just as our American hamburger has a lot of variations and options as well… *yum*
Next question?
I like answering questions!
Well, I finished Part 4 of my Birther Feud Trilogy. I really think this schism could be a big thing.
LOL. I guess Mickey worked for a public sector union. Please do not tell the Republicans or they will be doing anti-Mickey hearings in Congress.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
why does barry refuse to release his college records? anyone??
To give you apoplexy?
Did you ever read the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Certified Copy of Your Certificate of Live Birth?
Good question. Here is GW Bush’s record:
Like your asinine questions, Mr. Manilow’s education record is irrelevant.
I appreciate the hopeful tone of Part 4. I too would like to see some of these folks awaken from their hate-based delusions to reality. However, as Part 4 illustrates, that is a promise yet to be fulfilled:
So far, all we have is a schism forming that realizes that Orly is a disaster. Hey, it is a step in the right direction… but there is still a long way to go for those few that are waking up to realize that their problems go beyond Orly’s mere ineptitude.
As you mentioned in Part 3:
As Birtherism is a “faith based” cult, maybe some of them will be able to awaken, as soon as they realize that the Emperor Has No Clothes. So far, endless loses in the courts, including ones that have flatly rejected the deVattel nonsense, haven’t seemed to sink through to *any* of them… and that includes even Dean Haskins.
But maybe you are onto something – that those who are deeply invested simply can’t face the truth while they still feel they have a card to play in their game. Maybe the whole “Cold Case Posse” schtick is what is keeping some of them invested… as they see that as providing a *new* angle.
When that ends up going nowhere for them, will some of them finally “fold the tents” as you mentioned? Will failed appeals of the GA “2 citizen parent” nonsense finally sink in, when all those appeals are exhasted? …Or will they just double-down on denial and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again and hoping for the next OMG moment…
Can even Dean himself build upon the development of his “epiphany” so far – and turn it into a true “paradigm shift” and go back to being a happy musician and leave the folly of Birtherism behind…?
Or will the schism fail to truly be a learning moment and just devolve into an ego-based factioning, where the Birthers just increasingly become paranoid against each other and throwing each other under the bus as “secret Obots”… (as is the route that Ms Tickly just took).
So, while your current saga must end with Part 4 for now; a follow-up will certainly be in order, as each key “Birther event” is reached that could lead to even a few awakenings.
Therefore, I look forward to you revisting this particular theme and its status after Sherrif Joe’s findings and also as the GA Appeals get smacked down. If even one of these remaining die hards can be restored to reality, then some good has come out of it.
Mr. Veritas: Why do you care if the President releases his school records? If he released them and the records showed that he was in the top of each class, what difference would it make to you? I understand you think there is some scrap in those records which fulfills birth fantasies, but if all they show is someone with better grades than, say, President Bush, tell us all what difference that makes to you.
And give up his embroidered denim Birther Summit shirt? That would be a really big shift.
LOL! Great point. He can’t really move on from Birtherism until after his *big event* that he’s been flaunting all this time.
After all, that was always his ticket to make himself a player in the Birther movement in the first place! Besides…it might already be too late for him to get a full refund for any deposits he’s made…
Maybe for Dean, that has been part of his emotional investment in this all along – he just wanted to “be somebody” and get folks on the internet to pay attention to him…
Well, maybe if he sings the Oswald Rabbit song enough, it will help??? But seriously, the schism is pretty deep. Haskins is posting links to DSM IV Internet Articles on Narcissistic Personality Disorders. And the people who are on the Birther Ballot thingy are supposedly going to shun Orly Taitz.
I am really curious what happens if Arpaio comes out and says No Dice. Haskins comes thru to me as having a lot of pride, and ego strength (now). Time will tell, but I get this vibe that the Birther Summit may not come off after all.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You make some interesting points. It will be interesting to see what happens now with the Birther Summit…. not to mention how what happens with the whole strung out Arpaio affair… I expect a lot of the Birtheristani will be feeling quite let down after those situations play out…
G: Please don’t get mad, but I decided to help out one of the BIG NAME Birther lawyers and posted a Fill-in-the-Blank legal form on my website for the pro se Birthers.
Birthers: Some Help On How To Stake Your Claim
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Why did John McCain refuse to release his Annapolis and Navy records? Veritas??
Wacko Alert! Guess who just made his first appearance in the comments section of “Obama Release Your Records”– Geir Smith! And can you guess the subject of his post? Hint, it didn’t have anything to do with the topic of the thread:
“The ‘Lawless One’ is a Bible name for the Antichrist. Consider how Obama’s that Antichrist because of the Mark of the Beast of 666 upon him….Ilinois Lottery drew 666 the same day as Obama’s victory in his hometown Chicago.
“I’m Geir Smith.”
Writing on her webstie, Orly Taitz reveals that she received “information” about Judge Clay Land (the Georgia judge who sanctioned Orly for $20,000 by in 2009). She introduces what she obtained by saying,
“I got this information, but it needs to be verified,it can be a hoax or a set up. I am asking my supporters, who are investigators, to check this and see, if it is a hoax.”
Someone who identifies herself as “Dawn Thornton” sent Orly a confused message about Judge Land’s business dealings. Among other things, Thornton provides what she claims is Land’s SS#, and of course, Orly published it. Thornton says that Land’s SS#, issued in 1960, was “used by Obama at the address of 505 Farr Apt. C Columbas, Ga ( a low income , government subsidized, privately owned apartment complex,” and suggests that Land owns the property. Most of Thornton’s writing is so garbled that it’s difficult to determine what she’s trying to argue, but she starts throwing around another SS#–I couldn’t tell if she meant it to be the President’s, but I think that’s what she was intimating.
Another birther lie- it was the following day.
First segment of tonight’s Daily Show was a non-birther Obama Conspiracy rant mashup! Wound up comparing 2008 frightwing rhetoric to 2012 frightwing rhetoric (spoiler: is there an echo in here?), and included a clip of the NRA head actually using the phrase, “… a GIANT Obama conspiracy …”
If you missed it, check their site for clips tomorrow ( … my DVR won’t share its URL.
Yeah, I thought that was a fairly stellar segment tonight as well. Kudos for mentioning it.
Obama’s SSN, according to online SSN verifiers, was issued between 1977 and 1979.
Here’s Susan Daniels’ report, at the bottom of this page. You can link to your own non-Fogbow version if you like, but provide a non-Orly link as her site has malware issues.
In the Susan Daniel’s detailed report on pages 6-13, we can see where the 1890 date comes from. From 1988 to 1991, Barack Obama attended Harvard Law School and lived in a basement apartment at 365 Broadway in Somerville, MA. There are NINE entries for this Somerville address. All are the SSN number ending in 4425. DOB: 4 are 8/4/1961, 1 for 4/8/1961, 2 have no DOB, 1 has 1990, 1 has 1890. [note — pre-Y2K most dates in the US were written as MM/DD/YY. The Y2K conversion forced older data to conform to MM/DD/YYYY.]
This is a prime example of why these databases are merely the starting point for an investigation. I look at those entries and conclude that 4/8/1961 is an entry error and the two incomplete entries are bad data given the strong correlation between the 8/4/1961 and the SSN in other entries. I conclude that 1890 and 1990 could be the same number, one pre-conversion and one after. It’s very unlikely that a SSN assigned in 1977 to 1979 could belong to someone born in 1990 or 1890.
Now your evidence? Please keep to one topic per post, to make it easier for people to follow. Thanks! I look forward to the discussion.
Claim 1: Obama used the name Barry Soetoro from K-14.
Barry yes, Soetoro, no. Soetoro was only used in Indonesia in grades 2, 3, and 4.
In kindergarten, he was Barry Obama. “Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack “Barry” Obama.”
“Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. “We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent.”
Reverend Mike Young, Pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, refers to Obama as Barry. “That’s who he was here. No one here called him Barack.”
5th Grade to 12th grade:
Also see yearbook photos at the bottom of this page: 2
Claim 2: Obama’s law license was revoked
False. His status is “voluntarily retired” as of 2002, when he was elected to the Illinois Senate. Here is his Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) entry:
This is what a disbarred/disciplined lawyer’s entry looks like.
It’s not unusual for politicians to be inactive/retire. Here’s Illinois Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk:
Claim 3: All names ever used must be used on applications for Illinois law licenses.
False. Only names that the applicant has practiced law under. “According to the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois, the “full former name(s)” field is reserved for names which have previously appeared on the Illinois Master Roll of Attorneys and is NOT meant to include any names adoption prior to obtaining a license to practice law in Illinois. ”
Doc’s link is dead, but the Wayback Machine has the 2002 version.
Mr. Candidate — I look forward to your evidence and discussion.
Well done, Whatever4, well done!
It looks like a new front in the Birther Grifter Wars is about to open:
This seems to be the setup for a battle of Orly vs. Klayman, coming soon to courtrooms near you… 😉
Similar to how Orly went after Berg, she now is setting her sights on Klayman…because how *dare* the Birtheristani faithful foolishly throw away their money to anyone but her…
Maybe Orly has found her life’s calling: bringing down the Super PAC’s
Ugh! She’s so disasterously incompetent at everything she does, that is the LAST thing we need!
Leave it to Orly to bumble into that arena, and soon SuperPACs will seem sane and reasonable in comparison…
Besides, Orly’s likely to go after Klayman directly. It seems to be her MO – attack the person behind the perceived “competition” that threatens her grift. I really expect it to turn out to be very similar to the Berg vs. Orly endless debacle of kooky lawyer incompetence on both sides… a race towards sheer vexatious madness in which both sides lose miserably and pathetically…
Well, Dean Haskin’s Article II SuperPAC came out with a forceful rebuttal to Orly’s charges today:
Also noteworthy, because it CONFIRMS that Klayman is actively representing Birther cases in FL & CA…
So, add this on top of Orly’s smackdown in IN, and she really has reasons to be in full frothing rage at tomorrow’s CA Candidate Forum… (yes, the one is which they not only told her she can’t speak, but then decided to “disinvite” her after catching wind of her angry and accusatory response…)
I’m not sure why, but site traffic is up this week, with the best day this past Friday. We had 1.239 unique visitors (excluding RSS feeds) and that’s probably double what it averaged before the Georgia hearing last month.
Congratulations, Dr. Con!
Almost one and a quarter unique visitors!
For anyone who has raised children, may I recommend this new children’s book for parents, called “Go the F**k to Sleep. Click on the link to hear it read by Samuel L. Jackson–it’s a hoot.
And I would like to recommend “Go the F**k to Shul”. This is NOT a joke:
I can well imagine the ire a birther might feel if the wife of a Muslim candidate running for president argued that her husband’s political success was “the will of Allah,” and confided that her husband wanted “to make the culture a better culture, more pleasing to Allah.” Indeed, I would also find that kind of anti-democratic nonsense offensive, too.
I wonder why, then, I’ve not heard any birthers object to Rick Santorum’s wife saying essentially the same thing as that fictional Muslim woman: “[Santorum’s] wife, Karen, suggested that her husband’s success is ‘God’s will’ and that he wants ‘to make the culture a better culture, more pleasing to God.'” How has it become acceptable for a presidential candidate to become a cheerleader for theocracy? Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave.
Interested in reading Maureen Dowd’s opinion piece on this and other issues tearing at the Republican party:
I’ll get back to grading papers shortly; in the mean time . . . A new bumper sticker was spotted in Virgina following Republican efforts to constrict access to abortion by requiring an intrusive and unnecessary procedure: “I’ll give up my vagina when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”
Rich People are Unethical Jerks
Hi Misha, thought you’d enjoy this!
“Brandon Keim summarizes a fascinating new research paper which uses a variety of experiments to ascertain that high wealth is associated with unethical behavior. Some of this, like an experiment which showed that owners of fancy cars are more likely to cut off pedestrians or other drivers, is consistent with the theory that a jerk disposition is likely to make you financially successful. But some of the other experiements, including one where they merely ask people to imagine being rich or poor, seem to illustrate that high status turns people unethical.”
When Sarah “Airhead” Palin first was chosen as VP, I found a video on YouTube, since removed.
She was at her church, and the minister introduced her with “…she’s a Christian before she’s mayor.”
What do think the reaction would be if Ed Rendell were introduced at a synagogue with, “he’s Jewish before he’s governor”? As that desk attendant said, “no white man ever had to show his birth certificate.”
Chinese are as obsessed with status as Jews. My wife once expressed unhappiness that I was a tradesman. I said to her, “if you want me to be wealthy in business, I’d have to develop a taste for human flesh. Do you really want that?”
She replied “不” (bu, ‘no’).
Irony much?
So at Obama Release Your Records, a thread about an ungoing ballot challenge ellicited this response, presumbably from an Obot:
“Unfortunately for you, the Full Faith and Credit clause means that every state in the Union must accept the birth certificate issued by Hawaii. Have you found a way around that yet?”
Relatively dispassionate, but not without a touch of gloating. Here’s how one birther resonded:
“Listen, you fu**ing a**hole. How do we know for sure that the bogus piece of sh*t posted by the White House is in fact what Hawaii purportedly released when it would not even vouch for it as being an authentic representative of what it released? How do we know that some damned Obot didn’t screw around with it? So take your sh**ty excuses to hell with you. Or stick around and wait for Sheriff Joe to pound some sense into you on March 1.”
Obviously, the guy has anger issues, and Dr. C., I’m sure, would never allow such a profane, hate-filled rant to remain on his blog. What about Obama Release Your Records? What is its policy on extreme language?
“I am forced to moderate the comments at this site due to the Obama defenders constant porn spam and threatening comments.”