In a letter to supporters today early today, Orly Taitz, candidate for the California Republican Secretary of State nomination, reported an increasing number of endorsements for her candidacy.
- Charles Jones III, Brigadier General USAF (retired). Jones is Chairman emeritus of the National Veterans Coalition. Jones retired from the USAF in 1986. Jones is a consultant for US Aircraft Corporation. Jones said:
I have known Dr Orly on a family, political and business basis for several years and consider her to be one of the most outstanding women I know in America. As a former Californian stationed at the now closed Hamilton Air Force Base for 7 years and whose children still live in California I continue to stay abreast of what’s going on in that state through close affiliation with the members of the American Independent Party an Affiliate of the National Constitution Party. –” Dr Orly is sure urgently needed to become California’s next Secretary of State.I can personally attest to the facts that Dr Taitz is a true American, a true Republican, and aremarkable Constitutional Attorney with a California First Mindset ready to tackle that most responsible Secretary of State Office For The State of California.Under her leadership you can be assured alleged election fraud and proper State Vetting of Presidential Candidates will be a necessary and first priority when she is seated. - The Independence Caucus. Note that for some reason, Dr. Taitz does not appear on the list of candidates on the organization’s web site — maybe more than one Independence Caucus? Perhaps it’s this Independence Caucus. Hmmm, not there either. I guess we’ll just have to take Orly’s word for it.
- Bob Basso: (the “soul of the Tea Party movement”).
- Ventura County Tea Party.
- Rosemary’s Thoughts blog:
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why you continue to legitimize the far-fetched parts of this issue (Taitz, Manning, etc.)
Slow news day – or the lack of anything substantial to post about?
It would appear that you are now grasping at straws in order to voice opposition to the growing number of people starting to question Obama’s legitimacy due to his dual-citizenship via his Kenyan father.
Since I’m not a birther, I certainly can’t speak for them, but my guess is that most do NOT endorese or support Taitz – I know I don’t.
Now, now Scottia
In case you forgot, this is the “Obama Conspiracy Theories” web site and as such deals withe the whole gamut this Birther delusion with Orly as the distilled pure essense of said.
As for your rather whiney fact free bleat , may I suggest that you take to heart these two old adages
“Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas”
“By their friends you shall know them….”
Consort and support Birthers expect to be labelled as such……..
In all honesty, yes. It is a slow news day and I don’t have anything substantial to write about.
Your question seems to imply, however, that there is a “far fetched” side to the birthers in contrast to a “legitimate” side. If there were a legitimate side, I would want to write about it, but to me it is all far fetched. Even to those who say “Barack Obama was probably born in the United States, but he should provide this list of documents, ” I think the questions that underlie the need to see these documents is “far fetched.” The notion that the birth certificate Obama has already supplied is not reasonable and sufficient is in my view “far fetched.”
I also find that the legal theories espoused by those who say a US president must have citizen parents is equally “far fetched.”
Put bluntly, I don’t know how to distinguish between degrees of crazy.
I don’t know either, but who would you think the majority of birthers does endorse??
scott brown: “growing number of people starting to question Obama’s legitimacy”
I read this and I thought far-fetched? Its all far-fetched. Orly is just a particularly crazy face of birtherism, one of whom I still harbor hopes will somehow win the primary.
If I had to choose the most far fetched theory, it’s probably the two citizen parent one. Why? I am glad you asked. Because in order for that to be correct, virtually all of America has to have had a wrong understanding of the Constitution. It would be a huge re-interpretation of the Constitution, and I think is clearly intended to support a couple of political agenda’s at the same time- removal of Obama and the anchor baby crowd.
At least the Kenyan birth or the Indonesian adoption/renunciation of U.S. citizenship have as much possibility as us finding Elvis still alive.
Private for Dr. C.
I agree with Scott. You’ve been spinning old news of late. The effect is to readily dismiss any who codger here as, well, “dismissable” (in preparation of the more scholarly cases from D’Onofrio, Apuzzo, and any one of the State AG’s.) ( Feel free to add that last one to your list!)
And again I’m serious: what about the conspiracy to cover up the crime regarding Sestak; or for that matter, the potential issues in the Blago trial.
I just read your updated conspiracy list where you assert that you do not “work for” a pro Obama position: you just debunk the conspiracy theories about him. Well the real work, sir, is ahead of you here for sure.
And on Scott’s point about people “waking up.” I was pinned into a conversation regarding Sestak at an end of the year picnic for a local pre-school , partly because the fellow knew I am a recent transplant from that state. I gave him your site along with several others, and left it at “how far do you want to go down the rabbit hole.”
Happy Day
“I agree with Scott.”
Jeff-I agree with you. Why? Because this is a matter of law, and our social contract says that the law is what the bodies charged with lawmaking and interpreting say it is. In this case Congress, knowing Obama’s parentage said he was qualified and the courts explicitly (Ankeny) and implicitly (through their permitting Obama to take office-in the Supreme Court’s case actively swearing him in) have agreed. Therefore, it is 100% certain that current law says 2 citizen parents are not necessary. If future law were to say differently (highly doubtful) that does not impact what current law says.
Birth in Kenya, on the other hand is a matter of fact. It is certainly possible for a person to be born in Kenya (many are every year). In Obama’s case it is 99.999% likely that he was NOT born in Kenya, but it can never be 100%.
Oh so many gems of comedy so little time….
“the more scholarly cases from D’Onofrio, Apuzzo, ”
Sorry, the pharse “Scholarly” and those two names is pure Monty Python….
As for Sestak….me smell the stench of a dissembling concern troll……can’t argue in any coherent manner about your Birther belief so we’ll try and raise some other Obama bashing tirade….
They see another shiny object, but don’t realize that everything they have pointed out is iron pyrite.
Scott Brown and E GLenn Harcsar appear to be upset, I can uderstand that, it’s because they can’t find the paypal button. So they attemp to wow us with simulated intelligence.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today. Me thinks you have no idea what “scholarly” in terhms of the law means. Donfrio and Apuzzo are only marginally above level of “Constitutional attorney” Taitz (at least Apuzzo and Donfrio follow local rules and meet the procedural requirements of filing with a court). .
Rosemary’s Thoughts blog has now been updated and she is now endorsing Damon Dunn, apparently as a result of Orly emailing her and the contents of that email.
Sorry Orly, but I hate politics as usual. Did you learn nothing from the Tea Parties? *sigh*
I’d say she learned the right amount 🙂
As for this being “side news,” I disagree. If Orly gets elected, she’ll use the position to go after the President, and make a mockery of her office. I think this is highly relevant.
I agree. I sooo hope she wins.
You posted a public note. Everyone can see it.
You’ve been spinning old news of late.
Orly posting a list of her endorsements is hardly old news. It may not be important news, but it isn’t old news.
in preparation of the more scholarly cases from D’Onofrio, Apuzzo, and any one of the State AG’s.
D’Onofrio and Apuzzo aren’t constitutional scholars by a long shot, and not a single State A.G. has filed a lawsuit challenging Obama’s eligibility.
And again I’m serious: what about the conspiracy to cover up the crime regarding Sestak; or for that matter, the potential issues in the Blago trial.
There was no crime in offering Sestak a position to encourage him to give up his Senate bid. It was a political ploy which has been used many times in the past by both political parties. If you believe it was a crime, please cite the statue which was violated. Ronald Reagan did the same thing when he was President, offering a job to Senator Hayakawa if he would drop out of the 1976 Republican primary in California. I don’t recall anyone accusing Reagan of committing a crime for making the offer.,5317656
As for the Blagojevich trial, the Obama haters have been trying to beat that horse for eighteen months and have yet to come up with anything more than innuendo. If something of substance comes up during the trial, I’m sure that it will be discussed here. But I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.
Oh good no one called me a loon. good night.
Ha you keep claiming you’re not a birther yet use their arguments
Cover up? Whatever you may think about the legality or propriety of the Sestak business, what was covered up? While I haven’t been following this issue much, I seem to recall phrases like “released memo” and “disclosed” in the news coverage. It seems to me that the Administration is being quite forthright about the matter. I don’t know how old you are, but if you want cover up, look back at Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Now that was a cover up. If you’re not familiar with the details, rent “All the Presidents Men.”
I would point out that there are currently 775 articles published on this web site. Frankly, I would argue that as a matter of substance, nothing has happened on this topic since the dismissal of Berg v. Obama in 2008. It’s all old news, but the birthers continue to ride their dead horse, and that is the topic I use in an attempt to find something to entertain my guests. But this article is based on an email I got from Orly at 2:30 AM this very morning.
Donofrio has already had his shot, all the way to the Supreme Court, and lost. Apuzzo has lost in original jurisdiction and I have no doubt will lose on appeal. While Donofrio and Apuzzo may be better lawyers than Orly Taitz, that doesn’t really say very much. If any state Secretary of State asks the 2012 Obama campaign for documentation, I have no doubt that it will be promptly forthcoming.
The real work is ahead? I don’t think so.
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There was no crime regarding Sestak. You can’t have quid pro quo if there is no position of power that Sestak was in to perform for Obama a favor. There was no bribery. I wonder how you feel about Reagan having Ed Rollins offer Senator Hayakawa a job to drop out of the California primary back in 1981.,5317656
Political horse trading happens all the time no lawyer worth their weight in gold has latched onto this story because there was no scandal here.
What I want to know is, where are the really important endorsements for our Lady of Birtherdom? The following have been completely silent on the subject of Orly’s groundbreaking candidacy:
Baby Jesus
The Easter Bunny
Liberal Hitler
The Guy from the Bible who spent three days inside a whale
Alan Keyes
Why are these individuals remaining silent? Are they secret Obots? Do they hate Amurica?
All of the birther arguments are far-fetched. Are there degrees of nuttiness? Yes. But none of the birther stuff falls in the realm of evidence nor credible theory, so sorry, but far-fetched is as far-fetched does.
Well, this article is about the latest list of “Birther Queen” Orly’s endorsements for her primary battle, which takes place in 2 days. So, I’d say that it is both relevant and very timely.
It would be hard to quantify any of the birther antics as “substantial” at all, as they all amount to nothing more than fool’s errands, after all. However, this site is about those conspiracies, so we follow with both a critical eye and amusements all of their various twists, turns and re-births, no matter how small.
LOL! First of all, grasping at straws is the entire birther playbook. So, I guess you can say that by reporting on the happenings of the birtherverse, we are reporting about people grasping at straws, that would make sense.
However, you appear to be talking about more bogus fiction instead. Sorry, but I don’t see this “growing number” that you claim and don’t buy it at all. I think you birthers need to stop counting each echo of your own echo chamber. You are a much, much smaller segment of society than you realize. Obviously, you have never learned the lesson of the PUMAs.
Scott Brown, you are so totally a birther. A self-ashamed one, granted, but a birther nonetheless.
Sorry E Glenn. I feel sorry for you people who have to see conspiracies around every corner, but there is none here.
The effect is simply to report on the Obama-related conspiracies (hence the website title) and along with that, the stories, antics and activities surrounding the major characters involved.
Orly’s latest endorsements is hardly “old news”, as she is currently running for the CA primary, which is only 2 days away and this list has not been reported on here before. So it is highly timely, current and relevant, as she is one of the top players in the birtherverse and much of her campaign for SOS is really about her birther battles.
Finally, you have an interesting use of the term “scholarly”. LOL! Sorry, but the birthers don’t have any actual Constitutional scholars nor Constitutional lawyers in their midst. All of these cast of third-rate birther lawyers and wannabe lawyers like to try to use that term, but they aren’t. Look at their records and their prior non-existent Constiutional Law experience for crying out loud and realize that you are allowing yourself to be duped by mere third-rate con artists who can string words together well enough to snow you obviously, but not well enough to make any lasting impact or stand a snowball’s chance of success.
I hate to break it to you, but if this was a horse race, you seem to be wanting to bet your money on only the lame, broken down horses destined for the glue factory.
No, but if sincere, you are certainly very very very very naive.
Looks like she’s lost one that she had counted on:
(emphasis added)
I personally think that Orly Taitz believes that these endorsements, along with the tea party polls, indicate that she is going to win the Republican primary. It will be interesting to see her reaction if this does not come to pass.
I wonder if someone told Rosemary that Orly is not a Christian.
That’s exactly what happened. I looked at Rosemary’s blog. I think she is from Iran.
It will be interesting to see her reaction if this does not come to pass.
She’ll scream Obama’s thugs rigged the election. Don’t forget, when Max Rafferty lost, he refused to concede. Instead, he called a press conference, and said the election was manipulated by the Communist Party. Rafferty was a fundamentalist – big surprise.
I only spent a short time over there, but Rosemary said that the reason that she dropped Taitz was that after her endorsement Taitz and company flooder her with negative information about Dunn, instead of positive information about Taitz. I respect Rosemary for rejecting negative campaigning.
On her blog, Taitz appears to be very upbeat about the election, talking about these endorsements, and assuming an easy victory by assuming that those who actually vote will vote her (she’s anti-establishment, not a RINO, etc.).
But then she’ll talk about how she has 10 days to contest the results, as if another lawsuit is a foregone conclusion. And then she’ll mutter something about the rigged Diebold voting machines — Taitz is obviously (and oh-so-ironicly) unaware of Bowen’s record on Diebold.
She must think she can take a page out of Norm Coleman’s playbook. I don’t think the results will be anywhere near as close as those, however.
Interestingly and tellingly, none of the major California newspapers are paying any attention to the Secretary of State primary. The most recent story I could find is a San Francisco Chronicle endorsement of Dunn which appeared on May 10.
The L.A. Times hasn’t mentioned the Secretary of State primary since February.
But….But….But the SoS is key….Orly keeps telling us this, with this she will have…..
Wait for it
Wait for it
Wait for it
STANDING……(in her mind) ’cause she will be able to tell the the Userpin’ Mooslem, Kenyan, British, Illegitimate, non NBC, Communist, Fascist, Socialist Nazi to take a hike come 2012.
It says so…….right on her site and if you can’t belive teh Inter-Tubes….who can you believe.
(This endorsement brought to you by Nitrous Oxide, Lithium and Thorazine….better living through random admixtures of chemicals.)
The Daily Cal‘s recommendation:
“Dunn wins our endorsement for the nomination by virtue of being the reasonable candidate in the race.”
tomorrow is National Orly Day, it’s the California Republican Primary, it is estimated that Orly will get 12% of the vote. (that’s twice)
OK, I’ll bite. How the heck did you come up with 12%?
What are all the birthers going to vote 5 times?
Yeah and Larry Craig doesn’t like hanging out at airport bathrooms. Enough with the self-hating, you’re a birther.
Hush – don’t give it away.
So that’s what happened to me.
I just noticed this. Its kind of funny how you claim to not be a birther go on to say you won’t speak for them but pretty much admit to being a birther in the last part. The way the sentence stands now you pretty much just said you were a birther.
Politico has some more endorsements:
The only thing Orly can do well, is screech superstitions in Runglish.
Gawd, I hope she wins. Leno’s writers will be on autopilot.
i will be voting for orly this afternoon. then i’ll spend the rest of the day running with scissors and accepting candy from strangers.