Did Jerome Corsi verify Obama’s birth info?

Some folks are anxiously awaiting the release of Jerome Corsi’s next book on the Obama eligibility question, Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President. Reportedly Corsi went to Hawaii to do research. Before the book comes out, I want go get one question clearly out in front of the public. Did Corsi ask the State of Hawaii to verify Obama’s birth information?

Those not familiar with Hawaiian law might be thinking of “tangible interest” or “privacy” and not be aware that Corsi has a simple avenue for obtaining the verification. He can’t get a certified copy of a birth certificate, but he can get what the state calls a “verification in lieu of a certified copy” which is available to someone like Corsi who is “An individual employed, endorsed, or sponsored by a governmental, private, social, or educational agency or organization who seeks to confirm information about a vital event relating to any such record in preparation of reports or publications by the agency or organization for research or educational purposes.”

Read it for yourself: §338-18 Disclosure of records.

If Corsi doesn’t disclose this, or didn’t ask it, one would wonder why.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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104 Responses to Did Jerome Corsi verify Obama’s birth info?

  1. WhyAskWhy? says:

    Why ask Why? We know the answer – he is a brain-dead stupid son-of-a-b***h birther, that’s why.

  2. gorefan says:

    “but he can get what the state calls a “verification in lieu of a certified copy””

    What format would it come in? I’ve always figured it was just the index data on nice DOH letterhead.

    If that’s right, birthers would just say that it verifies the birth not where it occurs.

  3. gorefan: If that’s right, birthers would just say that it verifies the birth not where it occurs.

    The letter could potentially verify any fact of the birth that the requester knows. They won’t disclose anything new, but they will verify what is already known. This might even be a way to get a verification of the certificate number.

    I tried to get one of these letters a couple of years ago, but the application seemed to go into a black hole. I got no reply and my money order was never cashed.

  4. “Jerome Corsi’s next book on the Obama eligibility question, Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President. Reportedly Corsi went to Hawaii to do research.”

    Since his title is oozing confirmation bias, why not just pull a Lucas Smith and lie about the trip? Then he could use the cash to prop up lousy book sales.

  5. gorefan says:

    338-18 “A private or government attorney who seeks to confirm information about a vital event relating to any such record which was acquired during the course of or for purposes of legal proceedings; or”

    Does this mean Apuzzo could have gotten one?

    Dr. Conspiracy: The letter could potentially verify any fact of the birth that the requester knows

    If someone tried to get verification on someone other then the President (like a Nordyke twin), I wonder what information they would get?

  6. nc1 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The letter could potentially verify any fact of the birth that the requester knows. They won’t disclose anything new, but they will verify what is already known. This might even be a way to get a verification of the certificate number.

    I tried to get one of these letters a couple of years ago, but the application seemed to go into a black hole. I got no reply and my money order was never cashed.

    You answered your own question. Such an application always goes into a black hole.
    Registration number verification has been tried before and DoH refuses to confirm it.

    Why do you think the DoH would give this information to Corsi?

  7. richCares says:

    Now why would lying sack of pupu Corsi publish any factual information, especially to a birther audience as birthers are allergic to facts.

  8. Sef says:

    Now why would lying sack of pupu Corsi publish any factual information, especially to a birther audience as birthers are allergic to facts.

    He would not publish anything which would kill the golden goose.

  9. Jerome Corsi is a clumsy, unskilled and incompetent investigative reporter and a pseudo-scholar. Corsi is also an unscrupulous character. Jerome Corsi vs Eagle Publishing (case filed in 11.06.2007) which is a conspicuously unscrupulous case in which Corsi knows that he can’t sue his imprint underling publisher that published his crappy book because of the contract that he has with them so he (Corsi) attempts to sues the imprint’s parent company.




  10. Daniel says:

    Corsi is smart enough to know you don’t ask definitive questions if the probability is high that you won’t like the definitive answer

  11. Sean says:

    nc1: You answered your own question.Such an application always goes into a black hole.
    Registration number verification has been tried before and DoH refuses to confirm it.

    Actually, they did confirm it. Why do you choose to live in the Twilight Zone, nc1?

  12. nc1: You answered your own question. Such an application always goes into a black hole.
    Registration number verification has been tried before and DoH refuses to confirm it.

    Why do you think the DoH would give this information to Corsi?

    Dunno, something about following the law?

    If Corsi were standing at the window at the DoH with $5 in his hand asking for it, they couldn’t very put it in a black hole. This is a wholly different approach to getting the number than was tried before, an approach that should be open to someone like Corsi.

    My impression is that the Hawaii DoH has its act together in following its own regulations much better than they did at the start.

  13. nc1 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dunno, something about following the law?

    If Corsi were standing at the window at the DoHwith $5 in his hand asking for it, they couldn’t very put it in a black hole. This is a wholly different approach to getting the number than was tried before, an approach that should be open to someone like Corsi.

    My impression is that the Hawaii DoH has its act together in following its own regulations much better than they did at the start.

    According to your interpretation, Hawaii law says that Corsi could have received this information. If that is the case Abercrombie should have released it few months ago. He promised to release information according to the law. He was on the mission to END the birther controversy:

    Quote from the article:
    Abercrombie, in his first on-camera comments on the matter, said that he has his attorney general and the state’s Health Department director looking at what legal avenues can they follow to release more documentation of Obama’s birth in 1961.

    However, he could offer nothing more than a comment saying the notification of Obama’s birth was “actually written down”.

    Either you are wrong about the claim that Corsi could have received the verification of the registration number or the DoH/Abercrombie is hiding it.

  14. Obsolete says:

    “or the DoH/Abercrombie is hiding it.”

    Why is Hawaii hiding birth records they don’t have?

  15. nc1 says:

    “or the DoH/Abercrombie is hiding it.”

    Why is Hawaii hiding birth records they don’t have?

    They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist. Otherwise the registration number would have been verified. There would be no reason to hide it. According to Dr. Conspiracy, Hawaii law allows the confirmation of the registration number.

  16. Slartibartfast says:

    nc1: They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist. Otherwise the registration number would have been verified.There would be no reason to hide it.According to Dr. Conspiracy, Hawaii law allows the confirmation of the registration number.

    No one should be give the registration number on account of your dishonesty (the law does not require it to happen and, at least in my mind, frustrating you is a legitimate public interest…).

  17. Sean says:

    nc1: They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist. Otherwise the registration number would have been verified.There would be no reason to hide it.According to Dr. Conspiracy, Hawaii law allows the confirmation of the registration number.

    Actually it does. Linda Lingle had the Dept of Health look it up to make sure it was on file and in order. It is, and why wouldn’t it be?

  18. Lucas D. Smith:
    Jerome Corsi is a clumsy, unskilled and incompetent investigative reporter and a pseudo-scholar.

    Now there’s the kettle calling the pot black.

  19. Obsolete says:

    “They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist.”

    Then why does Hawaii have Obama’s short form? Your theories fall apart and make no sense.

  20. J. Edward Tremlett:
    Lucas D. Smith:
    Jerome Corsi is a clumsy, unskilled and incompetent investigative reporter and a pseudo-scholar.

    Now there’s the kettle calling the pot black.

    You beat me to it. 😀

  21. nc1 says:

    “They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist.”

    Then why does Hawaii have Obama’s short form? Your theories fall apart and make no sense.

    The COLB published on Factcheck web site is a forgery.

    That is why the DoH refuses to confirm that they issued a copy of birth certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007.

    That is the reason why they do not want to release the birth registration index when the request included the registration number 10641.

    Dr. Fukino’s statements are based on something “actually written down” as Abercrombie described Obama’s birth registration.

  22. G says:

    nc1: The COLB published on Factcheck web site is a forgery.

    You LIE. No evidence of forgery. Just because losers and nuts like you say something, doesn’t make it true.

    nc1: That is why the DoH refuses to confirm that they issued a copy of birth certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007.

    FALSE. Every statement the DOH has made in regards to this issue has been in SUPPORT of the legitimacy of that document.

    nc1: That is the reason why they do not want to release the birth registration index when the request included the registration number 10641.

    Dr. Fukino’s statements are based on something “actually written down” as Abercrombie described Obama’s birth registration.

    You are a stupid broken record. This issue has been explained to you over and over again in painful detail, but you are too much of a willful bigot to accept reality.

    Their rules do not require to give you the registration number and you just cannot accept that. All index info that has been released SUPPORTS Obama’s birth in HI. Sucks to be you.

    You are merely continuing to whine about completely irrelevant and inconsequential little nitpicks, because you have NO real argument to make and whining is all you are capable of.

    You are a sad and pathetic sore loser. Seek help.

  23. john says:

    [Content deleted, as this commenter is banned. Doc.]

    Incidentally, Dr. Corsi’s book is 300 pages plus exhibits.

    [This web site is longer, plus exhibits. Doc]

  24. Sean says:

    nc1: The COLB published on Factcheck web site is a forgery.

    That is why the DoH refuses to confirm that they issued a copy of birth certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007.

    That is the reason why they do not want to release the birth registration index when the request included the registration number 10641.

    Dr. Fukino’s statements are based on something “actually written down” as Abercrombie described Obama’s birth registration.

    Actually, Dr. Fukino did publicly reference the COLB posted on the internet as one they issued. So, no it’s not a forgery. There is no real evidence that it’s a forgery.

    But if you’re convinced it’s a forgery, wouldn’t any other document, like the original long form, be a forgery too? Be honest with us here, would you actually be satisfied with an original long form birth certificate?

    Be honest now nc1.

  25. richCares says:

    “You are a sad and pathetic sore loser. Seek help”
    as are all birthers, they cannot accept that the usurper was born in the USA, they have to believe otherwise. THat is beyonf pathetic. Does nc1 actually read what he wrires, is he poof brained? WOW

  26. Sean says:


    That is the reason why they do not want to release the birth registration index when the request included the registration number 10641.

    That registration number being 4 numbers off from the Nordyke twins is further evidence he was born in the very same place, Hawaii.

  27. Suranis says:

    Quote from the article:
    Abercrombie, in his first on-camera comments on the matter, said that he has his attorney general and the state’s Health Department director looking at what legal avenues can they follow to release more documentation of Obama’s birth in 1961.

    And he found there were no legal avenues for him to release it, becasue the Governer of hawai’i has no legal power to access the birth records of his citizens. So he did exactly what that quote said he promised to do.

    But he COULD and DID confirm the record exists. as you well know. Which is why your statement was so misleadingly specific.

    SO if the Gov of Hawai’i has no right to view the record, neither do you. And if the gov of hawai’i cant overrule the privacy law, neither can you.

    nc1: The COLB published on Factcheck web site is a forgery.

    That is why the DoH refuses to confirm that they issued a copy of birth certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007.

    Notice how specific this is? NC1 knows very well that Okubu confirmed they did release the Birth cert, but did not specify a specific date bar june 2008 (at least to my knowlage). So by tying her bullshit question to june 2007 she can hand on heard say she is telling the truth by referencing that date, and making it APPEAR that there is no way that Image could be of the genuine article.

    Shes bieng overly specific because she knows she is full of shit. And she can dodge us pointing out what Okubo said by continually asking about the 6th of June 2007 because she knows that’s a bullshit date.

    But I ask you NC1, didn’t Okubo confirm that she released a copy of Obamas birth cert before the image appeared on the website?

    Because if She did (and she did), then there is a reasonable possibility that the Image is of a genuine non fake COLB. And by the way, I just couriered over a large parcel from Ireland to a friend in America and it arrived in less than a week, so time is not an issue here.

    nc1: That is the reason why they do not want to release the birth registration index when the request included the registration number 10641.

    Dr. Fukino’s statements are based on something “actually written down” as Abercrombie described Obama’s birth registration.

    “Actually written down” As opposed to what? Written in the air with Alien imaging devices? Implanted in artificial brains by telepathy? Arranged in models of the civil war? Tapped out forever in Morse code?

    Good grief, you are a daft clown.

  28. Suranis says:

    The Governer of Hawai’i has no authority to view the records, so Jerome Corsi most certainly has no ability to. I doubt he did anything in Hawai’i bar lay on the beach and avoid Dog the Bounty hunter.

  29. Mary Adams says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I tried to get one of these letters a couple of years ago, but the application seemed to go into a black hole.

    Maybe it’s time to try again. Can you ask them to also send a copy to someone like Anderson Cooper?

  30. Mary Adams says:

    Sean: That registration number being 4 numbers off from the Nordyke twins is further evidence he was born in the very same place, Hawaii.

    Actually, the “51” in the registration number is the code for Hawaii.

    Dang, my link is gone! Info was at


  31. Eglenn harcsar says:

    When the alarm went off I listened to this one live. Call it the birth of a birther.

    Keep the rubber on the road


  32. Keith says:

    nc1: The COLB published on Factcheck web site is a forgery.

    Lets play pretend for just a second. Lets pretend that your assertion is correct (emphasis on “pretend” remember).

    Now that document, which we are pretending is forged, has certain information on it, including names, date of birth, location of birth, etc. This is the important thing: the information on the document, in particular the information that testifies to the eligibility of the President, and specifically the location of birth and the date of birth. Nothing else matters in any way, shape, or form. Period.

    This is important: NOTHING ELSE ON THE DOCUMENT MATTERS, only birth date and location, and if these two pieces of information as shown on the document we are pretending is forged are true then your entire argument collapses and your life is, I guess, not worth living, because you have so much of yourself invested in calling the document a lie.

    However, the fact is that that there are other sources for that information both official and unofficial. The State of Hawai’i Department of Health has issued at least three official statements plus an Presidential Birthcertificate FAQ on their website that confirm the validity of the information on the document we are pretending is forged. Unofficial sources have published copies of the Hawai’ian DoH Birth Index pages that confirm the information and contemporary newspaper published reports of the official DOH statistics also confirm the information that is shown on the document that we are pretending is forged.

    You can bleat all day long about how the DoH hasn’t validated the document we are pretending is forged, the truth is they most definately have specifically and exhaustively verified the relevant informtion that it contains. So the information on the document has been validated beyond any reasonable doubt and even if this particular piece of paper is a forgery, the information on it is still correct.

    So since the information on the document we are pretending is forged is correct, why would anyone go to the trouble of forging it? Why not just get a genuine one? What could possibly motivate someone to forge a document that contains valid information that they could easily obtain from the genuine, official source?

    The answer, of course, is that there is no possible motive to forge the document and the pretense falls apart.

    So now the important question is: why do you insist on attacking the document? There is absolutely no point to it. You can play word games all day long insisting that the DoH hasn’t verified this irrelevant bit or that other irrelevant bit, or the document as a whole (except, of course, that they have, both under seal and under oath), but the truth is that they have verified the information that is important to the eligibility of the President, namely birth date and location, several times.

    Your obsession with irrelevant details is unhealthy. I encourage you to see an analyst. Perhaps your health care plan can help you with the costs. Maybe Orly’s doctor will give group discounts. But then again Orly’s doctor doesn’t seem to be getting any results.

  33. nc1 says:

    Sean: Actually, Dr. Fukino did publicly reference the COLB posted on the internet as one they issued. So, no it’s not a forgery. There is no real evidence that it’s a forgery.

    But if you’re convinced it’s a forgery, wouldn’t any other document, like the original long form, be a forgery too?Be honest with us here, would you actually be satisfied with an original long form birth certificate?

    Be honest now nc1.

    I am “sure” she confirmed it, how could you be wrong?

    The fact is – the DoH refuses to answer a formal UIPA request for confirmation. As long as they refuse to confirm the issuing the certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 the image posted on the web is just that – an image.

    According to the official birthplace story the long form should be the “Nordyke” type. Abercrombie told us that the record of Obama’s birth registration is something “actually written down”.

    Therefore, there will be no long form birth certificate presented to the public.

  34. nc1 says:

    Keith: Lets play pretend for just a second…

    Think of the image of Obama’s COLB. If somebody published a similar image that has a different name and the same registration number, how would you verify which image is authentic and which one is not?

    The easiest thing to do so would be asking the DoH to officially confirm the name, date of issuing and the registration number.

    You see, things are not as complicated as you made them look like.

  35. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    nc1: Think of the image of Obama’s COLB.If somebody published a similar image that has a different name and the same registration number, how would you verify which image is authentic and which one is not?

    The easiest thing to do so would be asking the DoH to officially confirm the name, date of issuing and the registration number.

    You see, things are not as complicated as you made them look like.

    Simple you have the birth index data, birth announcements and three statements from Dr Funkino. None of this matters as you’re being dishonest and the “confirmations” you seek still wouldn’t satisfy you because you believe in order to be NBC you need two citizen parents. Again this is your opinion not fact.

  36. Suranis says:

    nc1: I am “sure” she confirmed it, how could you be wrong?

    The fact is – the DoH refuses to answer a formal UIPA request for confirmation.As long as they refuse to confirm the issuing the certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 the image posted on the web is just that – an image.

    Yup. Okubo confirmed they issued it in June _2008_. You can blather all you want about “6th June 2007” all you want but they are not gonna confirm they issued it when you ask for the wrong year! LOL 😀

  37. Expelliarmus says:

    nc1: As long as they refuse to confirm the issuing the certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 the image posted on the web is just that – an image.

    Hawaii has confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii, by publishing the index data on their web site AND in two separate written statements released to the public.

    Whether or not the image posted on the web site is genuine is irrelevant — the only relevant fact is whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii and posted a genuine copy of his real COLB on the internet, then he is a natural born citizen and eligible to be President.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii and posted a totally fake, forged copy of a COLB on the internet, he is still a natural born citizen and eligible to be President.

    But that raises the question, why would he post a fake COLB on a web site if he can easily get a genuine one. If Hawaii authorities say that they have his original birth certificate on file, then Obama is entitled to obtain a real COLB any time he wants one. No need for fakes, when he’s got the real thing.

  38. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Expelliarmus: Hawaii has confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii, by publishing the index data on their web site AND in two separate written statements released to the public.

    Whether or not the image posted on the web site is genuine is irrelevant — the only relevant fact is whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii and posted a genuine copy of his real COLB on the internet, then he is a natural born citizen and eligible to be President.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii and posted a totally fake, forged copy of a COLB on the internet, he is still a natural born citizen and eligible to be President.

    But that raises the question, why would he post a fake COLB on a web site if he can easily get a genuine one.If Hawaii authorities say that they have his original birth certificate on file, then Obama is entitled to obtain a real COLB any time he wants one.No need for fakes, when he’s got the real thing.

    There’s no point here NC1 is a dishonest hack. She has already stated the birth certificate doesn’t matter, him being born in hawaii doesn’t matter as she’s a vattel birther.

  39. “If somebody published a similar image . . .”

    What an incredibly stupid supposition to post even for this crack addict.

    Yeah, what if birthers had a grasp of reality and stopped spewing inanities.

    What if.

  40. richCares says:

    “What if.”
    yah, what if you stole his crack pipe, he wouldn’t be able to post!

  41. nc1 says:

    Suranis: Yup. Okubo confirmed they issued it in June _2008_. You can blather all you want about “6th June 2007‘ all you want but they are not gonna confirm they issued it when you ask for the wrong year! LOL

    Are you that uniformed about the date of issuing shown on Obama’s COLB?

    It is June 6, 2007.

    Still laughing?

  42. Sean says:

    nc1: I am “sure” she confirmed it, how could you be wrong?

    The fact is – the DoH refuses to answer a formal UIPA request for confirmation.As long as they refuse to confirm the issuing the certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 the image posted on the web is just that – an image.

    According to the official birthplace story the long form should be the “Nordyke” type.Abercrombie told us that the record of Obama’s birth registration is something “actually written down”.

    Therefore, there will be no long form birth certificate presented to the public.

    But from the Internet, EVERYTHING is an image. So by your standards, every image on the web is a forgery. You still haven’t told us how it’s a forgery.

    And as a representative of Hawaii’s Dept of Health, Dr. Fukino’s word actually holds weight.

  43. nc1 says:

    Expelliarmus: Hawaii has confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii, by publishing the index data on their web site AND in two separate written statements released to the public.

    Whether or not the image posted on the web site is genuine is irrelevant — the only relevant fact is whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii and posted a genuine copy of his real COLB on the internet, then he is a natural born citizen and eligible to be President.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii and posted a totally fake, forged copy of a COLB on the internet, he is still a natural born citizen and eligible to be President.

    But that raises the question, why would he post a fake COLB on a web site if he can easily get a genuine one.If Hawaii authorities say that they have his original birth certificate on file, then Obama is entitled to obtain a real COLB any time he wants one.No need for fakes, when he’s got the real thing.

    If Obama was born abroad and posted a forged COLB?

  44. Rickey says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): There’s no point here NC1 is a dishonest hack.She has already stated the birth certificate doesn’t matter, him being born in hawaii doesn’t matter as she’s a vattel birther.

    Agreed. There is no point in responding to nc1 anymore, as it just encourages the posting of more of the same birther B.S.

  45. Sean says:

    nc1: Are you that uniformed about the date of issuing shown on Obama’s COLB?

    It is June 6, 2007.

    Still laughing?

    That’s the date it was stamped. It was issued in 2008.

  46. Sean says:

    nc1: If Obama was born abroad and posted a forged COLB?

    List the series of events that would lead to Obama being born abroad. This should be good.

  47. Slartibartfast says:

    Sean: List the series of events that would lead to Obama being born abroad. This should be good.

    Sorry, but I think you will find nc1 quite incapable of doing this…

  48. obsolete says:

    Why does Hawaii’s government have an entire web page devoted to Obama’s Hawaiian vital records if he was not born there?

    You’re story doesn’t hold together, nc1, and you have no reasonable narrative that fits all of the known facts. It has become rather humorous watching twist and turn, demanding more and more obscure confirmations of previous confirmations. And if you are a Vattel birther, why waste everyone’s time with this pursuit?

    Again, please answer the question: Why does Hawaii’s government have an entire web page devoted to Obama’s Hawaiian vital records if he was not born there?

    Can you name one other person or state that devotes an entire web page to a person’s vital records who has no vital records in that state?

  49. Expelliarmus says:

    nc1: But that raises the question, why would he post a fake COLB on a web site if he can easily get a genuine one.If Hawaii authorities say that they have his original birth certificate on file, then Obama is entitled to obtain a real COLB any time he wants one.No need for fakes, when he’s got the real thing.

    If Obama was born abroad and posted a forged COLB?

    If Obama was born abroad, then Hawaii authorities wouldn’t have his name in the birth index for Hawaii and they wouldn’t have his original birth certificate on file.

    So the fact that they say those things negates the possibility of Obama being born abroad.

  50. The Magic M says:

    > The fact is – the DoH refuses to answer a formal UIPA request for confirmation.As long as they refuse to confirm the issuing the certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 the image posted on the web is just that – an image.

    But if you don’t believe the DoH when they say Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen, why would you believe the DoH when they “confirm” that they issued a document to Obama? You are again being dishonest and not making any sense.

    > But from the Internet, EVERYTHING is an image. So by your standards, every image on the web is a forgery.

    Even more so, everything published on the Internet is untrue since none of it would be “admissible as evidence by a court”. So Spain did not win the FIFA WC 2010 because all NC1 has seen about it where some images on the Internet. And everyone from FIFA is lying and everyone who claims to have seen the finals live is lying and part of the conspiracy to hide that it was indeed the natural born citizen team of the US who carried the win, beating Kenya 1961:0 in the finals.

  51. nc1 says:

    Sean: That’s the date it was stamped. It was issued in 2008.

    Let’s see if I understand you correctly. Obama ordered a birth certificate from DoH. The DoH office printed one, stamped it then waited more than 6 months to send it to him.

    Still laughing?

  52. Keith says:

    nc1: Think of the image of Obama’s COLB. If somebody published a similar image that has a different name and the same registration number, how would you verify which image is authentic and which one is not?

    Read my post again. It doesn’t matter. We don’t care anything about any document purporting to be a birth certificate from anybody else. Another person could very well have the same birth date and birth location as President Obama. It makes no difference what-so-ever if 500 people forge a document with their name and Obama’s details. All that matters is that the details on Obama’s certificate are genuine.

    The fact is that the information displayed on the document relating to President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office is correct and has been validated from multiple sources both official and informal on several occasions.

    End of story.

  53. Lisa says:

    It is believed that Obama was REGISTERED as being born in Hawaii but NOT actually born there based on false information provided by the grandparents. That’s is why documentation says Obama was born in Hawaii but at the same time Hawaii has been unable to produce coorborating evidence Obama was born in Hawaii. Obama was registered but not born in Hawaii.

    [James, into cross dressing now? Yes, that is believed. It is also believed that lizard people live among us, the moon landing was fake and George Bush blew up the World Trade Center. But until you have some evidence, your beliefs are irrelevant to the discussion here. By the way, what’s your view on witches? Doc.]

  54. Sef says:

    Keith, you are making a good point here, one which the birthers continue to fail to comprehend. They put great stock in a piece of paper, failing to realize that it’s the information on the paper that is important. The document is simply attesting to certain facts of President Obama’s birth. If HI lost all its birth records the fact of his birth would not change. Similarly, we do not go back and annul all the laws made by the Congresses in the 1890’s just because the 1890 census was destroyed.

  55. Sean: That’s the date it was stamped. It was issued in 2008.

    The certificate was printed, signed and stamped in 2007. It was released by Obama in 2008.

  56. nc1: If Obama was born abroad and posted a forged COLB?

    Then Dr. Fukino wouldn’t have issued a press release saying Obama was born in Hawaii. But she did, therefore, Obama wasn’t born abroad and posted a forged COLB.

  57. Suranis: Yup. Okubo confirmed they issued it in June _2008_. You can blather all you want about “6th June 2007‘ all you want but they are not gonna confirm they issued it when you ask for the wrong year! LOL

    You are mistaken. The COLB was issued in 2007, and only released bu Obama in 2008. I am not aware of the statement by Okubo you have referenced, so a citation would be appreciated.

  58. nc1: The fact is – the DoH refuses to answer a formal UIPA request for confirmation. As long as they refuse to confirm the issuing the certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 the image posted on the web is just that – an image.

    No matter what the State of Hawaii says, an image will remain an image (and the birthers won’t believe it).

  59. Sef says:

    nc1: If Obama was born abroad and posted a forged COLB?

    And if you had a brain you would not be making these absolutely asinine statements.

  60. Scientist says:

    When the various Republican contenders release images of their birth certificates (assuming they do) the jurisdictions they haii from will be just as bound by their own privacy laws as Hawaii is and will be able to say nothing. I can’t wait for the spin.

  61. Sean: That registration number being 4 numbers off from the Nordyke twins is further evidence he was born in the very same place, Hawaii.

    Well, having a Hawaii Birth Certificate number AT ALL, means he was born in Hawaii. However, getting the number so close is something that would extremely difficult for a forger to do.

  62. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Well, having a Hawaii Birth Certificate number AT ALL, means he was born in Hawaii. However, getting the number so close is something that would extremely difficult for a forger to do.

    But but according to NC1 they could have hacked the central database, went all high tech, hired Angelina Jolie and Crash Override and hid all the evidence!!! NC1 says it so it must be reality right?


  63. Suranis says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You are mistaken. The COLB was issued in 2007, and only released bu Obama in 2008. I am not aware of the statement by Okubo you have referenced, so a citation would be appreciated.

    Of course, Doc C


    “”It’s a valid Hawaii state birth certificate,” spokesman Janice Okubo said June 13, 2008, after we e-mailed her our copy.

    Okubo said a copy of the birth certificate was requested in June 2008, but she wouldn’t specify by whom. But as we know from our attempts to get the record in April 2008, Hawaii law states that only family members can access such records.”

    Thats where I got the 2008 date from. Its possible its simply a typo, and Politifact should be asked about that, but as I said before it does not matter exactly when the BC was issued before it appeared on the net, it just matters that it was issued and the information on it is valid, Mutering about specific dates is pointless.

    It also shows that only a family member could get the FOIA info that NC1 is requesting, which she well knows,.

  64. Slartibartfast says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): But but according to NC1 they could have hacked the central database, went all high tech, hired Angelina Jolie and Crash Override and hid all the evidence!!!NC1 says it so it must be reality right?


    There’s an obscure reference – ‘Jonny Lee Miller and Acid Burn’ would have been harder to figure out, though…

  65. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Slartibartfast: There’s an obscure reference – ‘Jonny Lee Miller and Acid Burn’ would have been harder to figure out, though…

    I only said Crash override because I couldn’t remember the actors name. Jolie’s handle was acid burn millers was crash override… before that he was zero cool

  66. Suranis: That’s where I got the 2008 date from. Its possible its simply a typo, and Politifact should be asked about that, but as I said before it does not matter exactly when the BC was issued before it appeared on the net, it just matters that it was issued and the information on it is valid, Muttering about specific dates is pointless.

    It was probably an “Okubo” rather than a typo. It’s also possible that Obama did order a certificate in June of 2008, but that’s not what was released.

  67. The Magic M says:

    > When the various Republican contenders release images of their birth certificates (assuming they do) the jurisdictions they haii from will be just as bound by their own privacy laws as Hawaii is and will be able to say nothing. I can’t wait for the spin.

    Well, obviously a non-confirmed Internet copy of a “long form original bird sertificat” of a white Republican is much more credible than a confirmed Internet copy of a COLB (backed up by an official government statement as to where said person was born) of a black Democrat.
    At least if you’re a birther…

  68. Granite1 says:

    NC1 said “They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist.”

    TWO Republican officials have confirmed that the ORIGINAL birth certificate exists in the files.

    Here is the first of the two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.


    Notice where it says that there is an original birth certificate filed. Well, in 1961 foreign birth certificates, even those from other states, could not be filed in Hawaii. So the birth certificate in Obama’s files must be a Hawaii birth certificate.

    Here is the second of the two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.


    Notice where it says that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, not only is there an official Hawaiian birth certificate in the files, but it says right on it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii has never allowed the Department of Health to issue a birth document of any kind that says on it that anyone was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii, and that is what the officials in Hawaii have confirmed twice.

  69. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    The Magic M: > When the various Republican contenders release images of their birth certificates (assuming they do) the jurisdictions they haii from will be just as bound by their own privacy laws as Hawaii is and will be able to say nothing. I can’t wait for the spin.Well, obviously a non-confirmed Internet copy of a “long form original bird sertificat” of a white Republican is much more credible than a confirmed Internet copy of a COLB (backed up by an official government statement as to where said person was born) of a black Democrat.At least if you’re a birther…

    I swear this was an In Living Colour skit

  70. Stanislaw says:

    It is believed that Obama was REGISTERED as being born in Hawaii but NOT actually born there based on false information provided by the grandparents.That’s is why documentation says Obama was born in Hawaii but at the same time Hawaii has been unable to produce coorborating evidence Obama was born in Hawaii.Obama was registered but not born in Hawaii.

    [James, into cross dressing now? Yes, that is believed. It is also believed that lizard people live among us, the moon landing was fake and George Bush blew up the World Trade Center. But until you have some evidence, your beliefs are irrelevant to the discussion here. By the way, what’s your view on witches? Doc.]

    Delusional birther is delusional.

  71. John Shuman says:

    Has anyone ever heard of FunVax? I’m wondering what this is all about…It says that Obama is involved…


  72. Greg says:

    Just because a law says X doesn’t mean your research is done. nc1 demonstrates how a little legal knowledge (just the one law) can lead one astray. He/she thinks that because the law allows for the release of information that the “director” decides is appropriate, that the director can simply decide, on a case-by-case basis, to release information.

    You have to go to the regulations to figure out these things:

    Vital records authorized under Chapter 338, Hawaii Revised Statutes, are not available for or open to public inspections. Access to the records, including copies or information from them, is not permitted except as provided by law or regulations the Department of Health may promulgate

    So, the default position is that no information is releasable unless it is explicitly provided for in law or regulation. And you can’t decide to release a piece of information unless you create a new regulation!

    Dr. C., I would wager that the DOH interprets regulation 117.8B 2.1-D(1) & (2) to apply to verification requests. They state that information can be released to researchers for statistical or research purposes and, even then, the requestor must attest they are familiar with confidentiality requirements AND then the information must STILL be kept confidential. We’re talking, then, about anonymized statistical/genealogical/health studies.

    You can see from the DOH’s website that the new regulations are being compiled. They will probably be very similar to the CDC’s model regulations, which similarly limit the release of information other than to a family member to those conducting peer-reviewed/anonymized studies who attest that they won’t disclose any indentifiable information.

    In short, I doubt that the verification in lieu of certificate would allow an Obama-scholar, whether pro- or anti- to obtain such a letter.

  73. G says:

    John Shuman: Has anyone ever heard of FunVax? I’m wondering what this is all about…It says that Obama is involved…http://funvax.wordpress.com/

    Well, this is the first I’ve heard of “funVax”.

    Sounds like utter made up conspiracy bunk, sprinkled with a dash of pseudo-science nonsense that would barely pass muster in a comic book.

    Chalk it up there with other made up conspiracy nonsense and don’t lose any sleep over it.

  74. dunstvangeet says:

    Doc:By the way, what’s your view on witches?]

    Well, if they weigh as much as a duck, they are made of wood, and therefore we should burn them! *eyeshift*

  75. FunVAX is a DEC VAX 4000/100a. Oddly enough, it sits between the VS4000/60 and the VS4000/90 in performance. It is considered by some to be a server or desktop computer.

    (re: Chuck’s House of VAX)

    The VAX 4000 Model 100A, code-named “Cheetah-Q”, was introduced on 12 October 1993. It used the KA52 CPU module containing a 72 MHz (14 ns cycle time) NVAX microprocessor with 128 KB of external tertiary cache. It supported up to 128 MB of memory.

    More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAX_4000#VAX_4000_Model_100A

    FunVax and god gene Google search?

    8 results. Not enough for even a bad comic book.

  76. Sean says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): I only said Crash override because I couldn’t remember the actors name.Jolie’s handle was acid burn millers was crash override… before that he was zero cool

    That’s funny. I just saw Hackers for the first time last week.

  77. Scientist says:

    John Shuman: Has anyone ever heard of FunVax? I’m wondering what this is all about…It says that Obama is involved…

    This has to do with the so-called “God Gene” postulated by Dean Hamer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_gene The VMAT2 gene codes for a protein needed to bring various neurotransmitters to the synapses. Hamer supposedly has correlated llevels of VMAT2 with “spirituality”, though he chose to put it in a book and has nnever published the findings in a peer-reviewed journal. By the way, even Hamer admits that VMAT2 would, at best, only be a tiny factor in something as complex as human religious belief.

    Even if the correlation were true, it is not clear one could vaccinate against VMAT2, nor how one would deliver such a vaccine to Moslems specifically, without their knowledge. Furthermore, mice lacking VMAT2 die within a few days of birth, so the idea that you would be able to specifically wipe out religious feelings and leave people walking around is absurd.

    This conspiracy almost makes the birthers look sane. Almost.

  78. Sean says:

    dunstvangeet: Well, if they weigh as much as a duck, they are made of wood, and therefore we should burn them! *eyeshift*

    She turned me into a nneeewt!

  79. Sef says:

    Scientist: This has to do with the so-called “God Gene” postulated by Dean Hamer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_geneThe VMAT2 gene codes for a protein needed to bring various neurotransmitters to the synapses.Hamer supposedly has correlated llevels of VMAT2 with “spirituality”, though he chose to put it in a book and has nnever published the findings in a peer-reviewed journal. By the way, even Hamer admits that VMAT2 would, at best, only be a tiny factor in something as complex as human religious belief.

    Even if the correlation were true, it is not clear one could vaccinate against VMAT2, nor how one would deliver such a vaccine to Moslems specifically, without their knowledge.Furthermore, mice lacking VMAT2 die within a few days of birth, so the idea that you would be able to specifically wipe out religious feelings and leave people walking around is absurd.

    This conspiracy almost makes the birthers look sane.Almost.

    What does the virus do to those of us who don’t have the gene?

  80. Sef says:

    Sef: What does the virus do to those of us who don’t have the gene?

    sed -e ‘s/virus/vaccine/’

  81. Suranis says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It was probably an “Okubo” rather than a typo. It’s also possible that Obama did order a certificate in June of 2008, but that’s not what was released.

    Yes, that seems reasonable.

  82. Slartibartfast says:

    G: Well, this is the first I’ve heard of “funVax”.

    Sounds like utter made up conspiracy bunk, sprinkled with a dash of pseudo-science nonsense that would barely pass muster in a comic book.

    Chalk it up there with other made up conspiracy nonsense and don’t lose any sleep over it.

    Either that or it’s a hoax – my gut says hoax, but I think this is another example of Poe’s law (meaning we just can’t tell…)

  83. Slartibartfast says:

    Scientist: This has to do with the so-called “God Gene” postulated by Dean Hamer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_geneThe VMAT2 gene codes for a protein needed to bring various neurotransmitters to the synapses.Hamer supposedly has correlated llevels of VMAT2 with “spirituality”, though he chose to put it in a book and has nnever published the findings in a peer-reviewed journal. By the way, even Hamer admits that VMAT2 would, at best, only be a tiny factor in something as complex as human religious belief.

    Even if the correlation were true, it is not clear one could vaccinate against VMAT2, nor how one would deliver such a vaccine to Moslems specifically, without their knowledge.Furthermore, mice lacking VMAT2 die within a few days of birth, so the idea that you would be able to specifically wipe out religious feelings and leave people walking around is absurd.

    This conspiracy almost makes the birthers look sane.Almost.

    There you go getting science all over another perfectly good conspiracy theory… Maybe they came up with a RNAi producing virus which localizes itself in the brain and partially inhibits VMAT2 production – or maybe some people have less brainpower than dead mice…

  84. Slartibartfast says:

    Sef: What does the virus do to those of us who don’t have the gene?

    Nothing – they’re already dead. As Scientist pointed out, elimination of VMAT2 in mice is fatal…

  85. Scientist says:

    Sef: What does the virus do to those of us who don’t have the gene?

    Everyone has the VMAT2 gene (remember mice that lack it die). There are different alleles (that is to say differences in the DNA sequence and the resulting protein), some of which Dean Hamer says correlate with “spirituality”. It’s hard to evaluate, since he hasn’t published it in a peer-reviewed journal. Even by his own admission, the corellation isn’t very strong. He is pushing it not as the “God Gene” per se, but as evidence that religion is innate within humans.

    A vaccine targeting only those alleles, but leaving the protein functional thus turning religious nuts into atheists while leaving them otherwise untouched is not science, not even science fiction, but pure fiction. Like birtherism only more so.

  86. Scientist: Everyone has the VMAT2 gene (remember mice that lack it die).There are different alleles (that is to say differences in the DNA sequence and the resulting protein), some of which Dean Hamer says correlate with “spirituality”.It’s hard toevaluate, since hehasn’t published it in a peer-reviewed journal.Even by his own admission, the corellation isn’t very strong.He is pushing it not as the “God Gene” per se, but as evidence that religion is innate within humans.

    A vaccine targeting only those alleles, but leaving the protein functional thus turning religious nuts into atheists while leaving them otherwise untouched is not science, not even science fiction, but pure fiction.Like birtherism only more so.

    It reminds me of the pseudoscience of the vaccine for the alleged gay gene as well.

  87. elid says:

    nc1: You answered your own question.Such an application always goes into a black hole.
    Registration number verification has been tried before and DoH refuses to confirm it.

    Why do you think the DoH would give this information to Corsi?

    Why do you keep insisting on conspiracies? The President was born in Hawaii. End of statement.

  88. Keith says:

    Sean: She turned me into a nneeewt!

    You don’t look like a gingrich.

  89. John Shuman says:

    Thanks for input. I heard someone talking about this morning and it seemed pretty far fetched, but who knows. I recently saw a video of a monkey head being transplanted to another monkey – I thought it was totally fake, but it turned out to be true

    Obviously I’m not a scientist.

  90. Slartibartfast says:


    Sean: She turned me into a nneeewt!

    You don’t look like a gingrich.

    He got better.

  91. Black Lion says:

    Why Is WND Begging For Money To Run Ads For Corsi’s Birther Book?
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    A March 27 WorldNetDaily article kicked off the rollout of Jerome Corsi’s WND-published birther book,which “promises to be a game-changer on the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility.” But it also came with a questionable plea for cash:

    Advance orders for this book from retailers across the U.S. already suggest it will be Corsi’s third No. 1 New York Times bestseller – probably bigger than the previous two.

    “Imagine how that will change the character of the debate on this critical constitutional issue,” says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and WND Books, the publisher of “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” “Therefore, we have a strategy for promoting this book far and wide – going right over the heads of the hopelessly biased and politically correct press. But we need your help to pull it off.”

    A series of television ads are now in production to ensure this book cannot be spiked by the Big Media. WND needs to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to air these commercials on television networks and stations throughout the country.

    “You can view the first TV spot right now and help us spread it across the Internet long before the book is even available,” says Farah. “Put it on your websites, your Facebook pages, send it to your friends by email and make sure they know how to donate to the cause – the cause of truth in the matter of Barack Obama’s eligibility for office.”

    Go to Wheresthebirthcertificate.com to get the word out now.

    “We need to make this the biggest publishing event of the year,” said Farah.

    Farah also urges everyone concerned about the cover-up to make a donation in any amount – from $5 to $5,000. (Bigger donations can be accepted by special arrangement by emailing Farah personally jfarah@wnd.com.) Anyone who donates $25 or more will get a first-edition, autographed copy of “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” by Jerome Corsi as soon as it is available in May.

    WND is not a non-profit operation — it’s a for-profit, Delaware-incorporated company that is majority owned by Joseph Farah. It has claimed to be profitable in the past. So why is Farah begging for money?

    Surely such a blockbuster book, with all of those advance orders Farah claims to have, should be throwing off enough cash for his envisioned publicity campaign to pay for itself, or at least demonstrate enough promise (if Farah’s hype is to be believed) that WND could borrow the money to pay for the publicity campaign from a reputable financial insitution that would be paid back through the massive profits from said blockbuster book sales.

    Instead, Farah wants your money. What is he offering instead? Just an autographed copy of Corsi’s book. Nothing else. Not a piece of his company, which any prospective donor certainly should get — Farah wants to keep all of that for himself.

    Will he be offering accounting and documentation to prove that any donated money will actually go toward the book’s promotion and not for, say, WND’s day-to-day operations or remodeling Farah’s house? He’s not promising that.

    Seems to us that Farah is running something of a scam here, trying to personally profit from other people’s money.

    If Farah is running his business this way, why should anyone have any sort of confidence in the contents of Corsi’s book?

  92. nc1 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Then Dr. Fukino wouldn’t have issued a press release saying Obama was born in Hawaii. But she did, therefore, Obama wasn’t born abroad and posted a forged COLB.

    Dr. Fukino would have issued a press release if a foreign birth was fraudulently registered as unattended home birth in Hawaii.

    I am quite confident that such a registration is in the archive – don’t forget Abercrombie’s comment about “actually written” thing.

  93. G says:

    nc1: Dr. Fukino would have issued a press release if a foreign birth was fraudulently registered as unattended home birth in Hawaii.I am quite confident that such a registration is in the archive – don’t forget Abercrombie’s comment about “actually written” thing.

    What you are is quite delusional.

  94. nc1 says:

    NC1 said “They are hiding the fact that long form birth certificate does not exist.”

    TWO Republican officials have confirmed that the ORIGINAL birth certificate exists in the files.

    Here is the first of the two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.


    Notice where it says that there is an original birth certificate filed. Well, in 1961 foreign birth certificates, even those from other states, could not be filed in Hawaii. So the birth certificate in Obama’s files must be a Hawaii birth certificate.

    Here is the second of the two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.


    Notice where it says that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, not only is there an official Hawaiian birth certificate in the files, but it says right on it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii has never allowed the Department of Health to issue a birth document of any kind that says on it that anyone was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii, and that is what the officials in Hawaii have confirmed twice.

    1.. Where does it say that Obama’s original birth certificate is the same kind of document as a long form certificate that originated at the Kapiolani hospital (official birthplace story)?

    2. Foreign birth fraudulently registered as unattended (no physician or midwife) home birth in Hawaii. Take this assumption and check how it fits available data.

  95. Lupin says:

    Media Matters has an excellent recap of the so-called birther strategy spinning out of control:


    Follow all the links there; it’s quite mind-blowing.

  96. Scientist says:

    nc1: 2. Foreign birth fraudulently registered as unattended (no physician or midwife) home birth in Hawaii. Take this assumption and check how it fits available data.

    A foreign birth most certainly does NOT fit the available data, especially the timeline of putting Stanley Ann Dunham and her baby in Seattle in late August 1961. This has been totally demolished in a brilliant, insightful and masterful posting


  97. The Magic M says:

    > Where does it say that Obama’s original birth certificate is the same kind of document as a long form certificate that originated at the Kapiolani hospital (official birthplace story)?

    Where does it matter? His “official birthplace story” is technically and legally irrelevant since Obama is eligible as long as he was born in Hawaii. If, arguendo, it should turn out he was born in another Hawaiian hospital or at home, that does not change anything about his eligibility.
    Even deliberate lying does not make one ineligible.
    Or are you still flogging the dead horse of “they could have meant they have his Kenyan birth certificate on file”?

    How many things have to be confirmed and coincided for you to be satisfied?
    Hawaii confirmed they have his birth certificate and that he was born in Hawaii, now you want them to confirm that his birth certificate says he was born in Kapiolani.
    Hawaii issued Obama’s COLB and confirmed the COLB published on the Internet is authentic, now you want them to confirm Obama requested it.
    Hawaii said Obama is a natural born American citizen, next you will want them to confirm they meant it “in the constitutional sense”. (Hey, they even said “American” to avoid birfoons saying “ha, they didn’t say of which country he’s an NBC!”, only to find this twisted again to allegedly “not mean NBC as in the Constitution”. Do you ever get tired of inventing more idiocy?)

    > Foreign birth fraudulently registered as unattended (no physician or midwife) home birth in Hawaii. Take this assumption and check how it fits available data.

    It doesn’t fit the available data of the DoH confirming he was born in Hawaii. They did not say “he was allegedly born in Hawaii” or “it was reported to us he was born in Hawaii” or “as far as we know he was born in Hawaii”. They said “he was born in Hawaii”. No wiggling room for your theories.

  98. G says:

    nc1: 1.. Where does it say that Obama’s original birth certificate is the same kind of document as a long form certificate that originated at the Kapiolani hospital (official birthplace story)?

    FAIL: Where does it say that the HI DOH issues long form certificates?

    HINT: Read their own site, moron. They haven’t for over a decade.

    FAIL: Where is a requirement that someone be born in a hospital to be NBC?

    HINT: There isn’t one. Give it a rest. He could be born in a barn, a car or on the side of the road and still be NBC. But you’ve been told this multiple times you lying toad.

    nc1: 2. Foreign birth fraudulently registered as unattended (no physician or midwife) home birth in Hawaii. Take this assumption and check how it fits available data.

    FAIL. I don’t see any “available data” that supports such ludicrous speculation. Irrelevant nonsense from unrelated states (such as TX) on unrelated matters don’t count. Unless you have concrete HI examples, give it up.

  99. G says:

    Lupin: Media Matters has an excellent recap of the so-called birther strategy spinning out of control:http://mediamatters.org/blog/201103280016Follow all the links there; it’s quite mind-blowing.

    Good link. Thanks.

    FNC has gone so far off the ledge with their overt propoganda and nonsense that that there is no coming back to credibility for them. All they are succeeding in doing is making their red meat brainwashed base even more stupid and gullible than they were before. All this does in the end is ruin their plan to control their duped masses, as they’ve filled their heads with so much outrage-based fairy tale nonsense that the big business and big money handler wing of the GOP are unable to retain control over the monsters they’ve made and now the rabid tail wags the dog.

  100. JoZeppy says:

    nc1: Dr. Fukino would have issued a press release if a foreign birth was fraudulently registered as unattended home birth in Hawaii.I am quite confident that such a registration is in the archive – don’t forget Abercrombie’s comment about “actually written” thing.

    And you base this “confidence” on a complete lack of any evidence to support your theory? Not only that, but the events required to support your theory (an 18 year old white girl from Kansas, in her third trimester, flies half way around the world just to give birth in a third world nation, where she knows no one, but at the same time, thinks US citizenship is so important, she has her mother commit fraud to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate), is totally absurd.

    This is normally what is refered to as having a “crack-pot” theory.

  101. Bovril says:

    nc1: 1.. Where does it say that Obama’s original birth certificate is the same kind of document as a long form certificate that originated at the Kapiolani hospital (official birthplace story)?

    That would be at the bottom of the COLB where it says in words plain enough for a Birfoon.

    This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeedings [HRS 338-13(b), 338-19]

    It even gives you the numbers of the statutes, isn’t that nice of them.

  102. JoZeppy says:

    nc1: 1.. Where does it say that Obama’s original birth certificate is the same kind of document as a long form certificate that originated at the Kapiolani hospital (official birthplace story)?

    In typical birther fashion, you take a very clear statement, and because she didn’t use every possible permutation a human to think of, using every “magic phrase” that can possibly be used in confirming his vital records, that absence of those “magic word” is some indicative that she didn’t actually mean what she said.

    nc1: 2. Foreign birth fraudulently registered as unattended (no physician or midwife) home birth in Hawaii. Take this assumption and check how it fits available data.

    It fits in the sence that it is wholly unsupported by the facts, and is an utterly aburd concept to begin with…but to the extent that I always tell a client if asked on the stand “is it possible” the response is generally, “well, if you get down to it, pretty much anything is possible” sure, it fits as an absurd and factually unsupported possibility that actually contradicts all evidence we do have.

  103. Suranis says:

    Yooohoo! NC1! lets take all your assuptions and throw them on THIS


    It seems that your darling Donalt Trump has just released his CERTIFICATION of birth. No witnesses or physician listed. Its pretty much the same as Presicent Obamas CERTIFICAYION of Live birth, which according to you is totally invalid for proving eligibility. come on its even a CERTIFICATION and you lot have been howling for 4 years how thats not enough.

    Why does Donald Trump refuse to release his original Birth certificate? what has he to hide? Was he born outside the country? His mother was scottish! he has released TWO Bortch certs and BOTH ARE INVALID!! WHATS HE HIDING????

    Please tell me exactly how Donald is oh so different than Barack?

  104. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Suranis: Yooohoo! NC1! lets take all your assuptions and throw them on THIShttp://www.newsmax.com/getattachment/44d19bb5-b4c6-4b57-b059-92dae5f2acd5/receipt-birth-certificate.jpg.aspx?width=400&height=501It seems that your darling Donalt Trump has just released his CERTIFICATION of birth. No witnesses or physician listed. Its pretty much the same as Presicent Obamas CERTIFICAYION of Live birth, which according to you is totally invalid for proving eligibility. come on its even a CERTIFICATION and you lot have been howling for 4 years how thats not enough.Why does Donald Trump refuse to release his original Birth certificate? what has he to hide? Was he born outside the country? His mother was scottish! he has released TWO Bortch certs and BOTH ARE INVALID!! WHATS HE HIDING????Please tell me exactly how Donald is oh so different than Barack?

    Lets not forget we need a confirmation of the certificate number to make sure that it was assigned to trump. Also there’s no date accepted just a date filed

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