Fred C. Trump’s hospital souvenir

Donald Trump

OK, I give up. Donald Trump is an idiot; I said it; let’s move on.

Donald Trump has given a piece of paper that he describes as a birth certificate “exclusively to Newsmax“. I suppose one could call it a birth certificate, but one could call Monopoly money “money” too.

What he has is one of those souvenir birth certificates that hospitals give new parents. The problem is that hospitals can’t issue official birth certificates any more than Parker Brothers can print legal tender. If Trump were trying to establish a late registration with the State of New York, that piece of paper might be useful for starters, but it sure as heck wouldn’t get him a US Passport. The little souvenir doesn’t have his mother’s name; it doesn’t even say he was born in the United States!

The US Department of State requires that a Birth Certificate valid for passport application must be:

Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state…

and contain

registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar’s office


A Trump spokesperson acknowledged that the Newsmax certificate is not an official birth certificate, and said:

In order to rectify the oversight, I am sure he will either find his original birth certificate or order another one and release it.

And indeed, Donald Trump has, according to ABC News, released another birth certificate that looks a lot more “official.” This is a city-issued certificate, not a state one and there is nothing wrong with that.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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83 Responses to Fred C. Trump’s hospital souvenir

  1. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    You know what would be nice to add to the article? If we could have a rollover sound on the article title so when I roll my mouse over the article I get that noise from the price is right when you lose.

  2. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
    You know what would be nice to add to the article?If we could have a rollover sound on the article title so when I roll my mouse over the article I get that noise from the price is right when you lose.


  3. Scientist says:

    Trump says, “They asked Bush for his birth certificate” Who did?

  4. Thrifty says:

    That thing looks like the toy certificates my brother and I would print out on Print Shop Pro back in the 80s.

    I noticed that it doesn’t say “This document serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any legal proceeding” (or anything to that effect) anywhere.

  5. Thrifty says:

    Also, Donald Trump did not release his birth certificate, obviously. He released an image on a web site.

  6. Dave says:

    So I have a theory.
    These days anybody who wants the GOP nomination needs (or thinks they need) to establish themselves as very right wing. For candidates who are very right wing to start with, this is not an issue, but for others it is. We saw McCain go through this, and we’re seeing Romney go through it now.
    It would take a miracle for Trump’s record to pass the smell test with the most rightwing types. He used to be registered Democrat. According to, in their data which runs from 1999 to present, 60% of his political donations have gone to Democrats. And he just famously gave a $50K contribution to Emmanuel’s campaign. And this is not an exhaustive list.
    My theory is that he’s decided he needs to change the subject and get people talking about something else. What better than saying a bunch of stupid birther things. This ensures that any coverage of him will be all about birtherism and won’t talk about his record. Besides which, the birthers are so desperate for anyone to take their side that they will gladly ignore everything he’s done before.

  7. Scientist says:

    And another thing. Accordiing to this certificate he was born at “Jamaica Hospital”. Jamaica is a FOREIGN COUNTRY!!!

  8. Jules says:

    A real NYC birth certificate that can be used to obtain a US passport:

    As you will see, it contains slightly less information that Obama’s Certification of Live Birth.

  9. Stanislaw says:

    Trump says, “They asked Bush for his birth certificate”Who did?

    My guess is that the same people that asked Bush for his birth certificate are the same ones that made John McCain prove his citizenship at the hearing prior to the last general election.

  10. elid says:

    That picture of Trump with his combover flying in the wind is a thing of beauty.

  11. Sean says:

    That thing looks like the toy certificates my brother and I would print out on Print Shop Pro back in the 80s.

    I noticed that it doesn’t say “This document serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any legal proceeding” (or anything to that effect) anywhere.

    If you look real close at the top it says “Cabbage Patch Kids.”

  12. Keith says:

    And another thing.Accordiing to this certificate he was born at “Jamaica Hospital”.Jamaica is a FOREIGN COUNTRY!!!

    And Sarah Palin is proud of the fact she went to school in Moscow during the height of the Cold War!

    What is this country coming to?

  13. Sean says:

    Here’s a video of Trump spreading every Birther lie in the book.

  14. y_p_w says:


    To be fair, I looked up NYC’s procedures for ordering a BC. If there is a “vault certificate” on file, a certified copy can be issued if requested in person or online.

    “Please allow 10–15 days processing time for all long form/vault certificate orders submitted in-person.”

    “Please allow an additional 10 business days for vault copies of NYC birth certificates and letters of exemplification.”

    However – The Smoking Gun is all over this:

  15. Expelliarmus says:

    Is Trump trying to out-stupid Sarah Palin?

    Is the campaign slogan for whoever manages to win the GOP nomination in 2012 going to be, “I’m with Stupid“?

  16. Scientist: Trump says, “They asked Bush for his birth certificate” Who did?

    Looks like Trump has a habit of making things up, which if surrounded by yes-men I guess one can get away with.

  17. thefarleftView says:

    you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document looks
    like if one hit you in the forehead
    so far
    we have ike’s BC
    bush’s BC
    mccain’s BC

    and obots have
    ZERO for their “hero”

  18. JoZeppy says:

    thefarleftView: you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document lookslike if one hit you in the foreheadso farwe have ike’s BCbush’s BCmccain’s BCand obots haveZERO for their “hero”

    Funny, I’ve seen a copy of President Obama official “signed sealed” birther certificate, but I haven’t seen either Bush’s or McCains. Why do I get the feeling neither have you?

    Oh, yeah, you’re a birther that has been here spewing the same debunked birther lies over and over again..

  19. Scientist says:

    thefarleftView: we have ike’s BC

    Filed 60 years affter his birth

    thefarleftView: bush’s BC


    thefarleftView: mccain’s BC


    You forgot Reagan’s- Filed 40 years after his birth

  20. y_p_w says:

    You forgot Reagan’s-Filed 40 years after his birth

    I thought that was 31 years after his birth. Still – it boggles the mind that anything filed that long after the fact could be a legal document.

  21. y_p_w says:

    Yeah – that’s certainly not a BC in any legal sense. However – the thing with lines and a gold-foil stamp does sort of remind me of some of the older actual certified BC forms where a clerk would either type or hand write information transcribed from the original BC on file.

    While reminds me. Someone mentioned Eisenhower’s BC, and I did a search. I found this forum page, with the first post of the page showing an image of a typed Hawaii certified BC (issued in 1973) posted to a genealogy website. I’m not sure if this meets the forum’s standards because it may not be a “public figure”, but I did some checking and the person named in the BC is deceased. I was mostly interested because I remember discussing the forms that Hawaii allows (typed, photographed, photostatic copy, computer generated, etc). I suggested that there might be typed copies, but I hadn’t come across one yet.

    If this isn’t appropriate, then I have no problem if this doesn’t get posted or is modified/deleted.

  22. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:
  23. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document looks
    like if one hit you in the forehead
    so far
    we have ike’s BC
    bush’s BC
    mccain’s BC

    and obots have
    ZERO for their “hero”

    Wrong again Bush never showed his BC, McCain never showed his to the public. So you have Ike’s which was created 60 years after his birth.

  24. Dave says:

    you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document looks
    like if one hit you in the forehead
    so far
    we have ike’s BC
    bush’s BC
    mccain’s BC

    and obots have
    ZERO for their “hero”

    Be interested in seeing any of those. Have a link?
    And let me help you out. Here’s Obama’s.

  25. thefarleftView:
    you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document looks
    like if one hit you in the forehead
    so far
    we have ike’s BC
    bush’s BC
    mccain’s BC

    and obots have
    ZERO for their “hero”

    Where is Bush’s BC? I personally haven’t seen it. As for McCain, there has never been a McCain certificate released. The one on the Internet is a fake, and it’s nothing John McCain ever released.

  26. Joey says:

    Dave: Be interested in seeing any of those. Have a link?
    And let me help you out. Here’s Obama’s.

    And here’s confirmation of the authenticity of Obama’s from the Public Information Officer for the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health:

  27. Montana says:

    I real hope one of these retreads and blowhards runs for president, not because they have a chance of winning but because I like to see the train wreck that they will cause.

    Faux News Candidates:
    former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ”The I graduated Early”,
    former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga. “The I Love The Interns”,
    former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee “The Huckster Reverend”,
    former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “The I Love the Gays”,
    former UN Ambassador John Bolton “The I Love The War ”

    I Finance Myself:
    real estate celebrity developer & 1999 US Prez. Candidate, Donald Trump, “I took my Casino into Bankruptcy, just imagine where I can Take the US”
    former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “The Flip-Flopping Fudger”,
    former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “The I Am Not My “Dumb Ass” Brother”,

    Employed Long Shots:
    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. “The History, I Don’t Need No Stink’n History”,
    Mississippi Gov./ former tobacco lobbyist, Haley Barbour “The last White Hope”

  28. gorefan says:

    thefarleftView: bush’s BC

    As I recall, the story was that someone – an opponent in a Texas campaign – produced a Bush birth certificate to show that Bush was not a real Texan but a Yankee. I don’t think it was ever published although it now resides at the Presidental Library.

  29. Sean says:

    gorefan: As I recall, the story was that someone – an opponent in a Texas campaign – produced a Bush birth certificate to show that Bush was not a real Texan but a Yankee.I don’t think it was ever published although it now resides at the Presidental Library.

    Reminds me of Hank Hill when he realized he was born in New York.

  30. Zuzu says:

    Trump: “Someone takes an ad out in the paper announcing his birth days later? How many people do you know who take an ad out in the paper to announce a birth, and then won’t show anyone the birth certificate?”

    Ah, the stupid it is strong with that one.

    As we all know by now, the Honolulu birth announcements were not ads “taken out” by anyone. They were reports of births taken directly from the state health department, who in turn got the info from the hospital.

    In fact, if he had even looked at one, he’d notice the heading of the column reading :” Health Bureau Statistics.”

  31. DavidH says:

    Trump is doing this for publicity. Once the value is gone, he will move on to his next stunt.

  32. SueDB says:

    Trump is doing this for publicity.Once the value is gone, he will move on to his next stunt.

    And he gets to contribute to destroying what is left of the Republican Party.

  33. misha says:

    SueDB: And he gets to contribute to destroying what is left of the Republican Party.

    Sounds good to me. They’re just a bunch of anti-science, anti-progress, anti-reproductive freedom theocrats. Here’s a gem from John Anderson:

    “In his second term as a Congressman, Anderson introduced a constitutional amendment that would “recognize the law and authority of Jesus Christ” over the United States.”

    Huck followed with this: “…what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards…”

  34. Slartibartfast says:

    SueDB: And he gets to contribute to destroying what is left of the Republican Party.

    I suppose it was inevitable that someone would become the ‘birther’ candidate – I never would have guessed that it would be Trump, but (as was pointed out on by Chris Hayes on MSNBC tonight) it does make a kind of sense. If he wants to get the full publicity value out of his run for president, he needs to have some appeal to the base – as someone who’s given 60% of his political donations to Democrats and had several bankruptcies (not to mention his lack of a lifestyle consistent with the ‘family values’ crowd…) Trump didn’t have a lot of options and the birthers will desperately embrace anyone who pays them any kind of attention. It was a match made… somewhere *shudder*.

  35. The Magic M says:

    > “In his second term as a Congressman, Anderson introduced a constitutional amendment that would “recognize the law and authority of Jesus Christ” over the United States.”

    That pretty much flies in the face of the second big birther meme, the “he’s a Muslim and puts the Qu’ran before the Constitution” one. I wonder if they ever protested against those who put the Bible before the Constitution…

  36. todd says:

    Trumpduck said that Reagan (and Bush) showed their BCs. The only problem is that the BC in the Reagan library is dated June 20, 1991 so if he showed THAT BC, it didn’t happen until more than 10 years had passed after his inauguration. In addition, Reagan was born in 1911, but the witness signed the date as 1942.

    So what could the possible reason be that the standards were so lax for Ronnie Reagan but are being picked over with a fine tooth and comb for President Obama? Why oh why indeed…

  37. todd says:

    Reagan’s “BC”. Signed by the witness in 1942.

    Date issued: June 20, 1991.

    Not a peep from the birthers.

  38. Lupin says:

    That photo looks like the first few seconds of looking into the Ark of the Covenant at the end of RAIDERS.

    Could we get the rest of the face melting, please?

  39. misha says:

    Lupin: That photo looks like the first few seconds of looking into the Ark of the Covenant at the end of RAIDERS.

    No, it’s just the hamster waking up.

  40. Black Lion says:

    Donald Trump Wants Hawaii Governor Investigated For Asserting That Obama Was Born There
    Posted in Liberaland by Alan March 28, 2011, 10:46 AMET 28 Comments »

    Donald Trump is making President Obama’s birth certificate a central part of his quixotic quest for the presidency. Trump began by dipping his toe into birther territory, but has now fully embraced the already-disproved concept that the president isn’t from here. One of Trump’s contentions is that “nobody knew him.” However, Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie has asserted that he could verify that Obama was born in his state, and that, “I knew his mom and dad. I was here when he was born. Anybody who wants to ask a question honestly could have had their answer already.” Trump continued to beat the birther drum on Fox and Friends Monday morning, doubting Abercrombie and asking that the governor be investigated. And he wants to see a Certificate of Live Birth which has been available for three years. (You can click on the image to make it larger).

    TRUMP: You know what I get a kick out of? The governor of Hawaii says, oh I remember when Obama was born. I doubt it! I think this guy should be investigated. He remembers when Obama was born? Give me a break! He’s just trying to do something for his party.

  41. Mik Taerg says:

    Doc, I believe this to be a sad story. In the sense that it will probably put an end to the entire birther issue. Trump has achieved what no Obot has managed to do since Otober 2008 when the rumours started:

    he has given proof that a Hospital certificate is just a piece of paper with no legal value (this applies to Smith’s fake as well)

    he has shown that Obama’s certificate is valid primarily because it’s an official document and because it contains what Trump’s doesn’t – a state seal and the signature of the public Registrar.

    How long do we have left before we all pack up our birther memorabilia and start searching for other amusement ?

    Obama’s COLB is what the birthers and their foolosh legislators are demanding from the President, not Trump’s souvenir.

    7 dats since the sc 24h/7days news cycle usually takes 7 days to realize what is happening. Let all the pundits and the spinsters jump in. We will see the front and the back Obama Colb all over the net. Obama will stay quiet.

    Mr.Trump, I want my birthers back !

  42. Mik Taerg says:

    Doc and all, just google “Trump hospital souvenir” to understand what I meant with my previous post

  43. The Magic M says:

    Orly is, of course, already calling it “Donald Trump’s Long Form Birth Certificate”. *faceplant*

  44. Mik Taerg says:

    news of Trump’s stupidity has spread over the pond

  45. Thrifty says:

    Mik Taerg: Doc, I believe this to be a sad story. In the sense that it will probably put an end to the entire birther issue. Trump has achieved what no Obot has managed to do since Otober 2008 when the rumours started:

    I disagree. The birther issue will not end until Barack Obama is no longer president. Unless his successor is also non-white.

  46. Sean says:

    Trump says nobody knew Obama. As soon as it’s pointed out someone knew him at his birth, Trump wants that person investigated.

    For what? Contradicting you?

  47. G says:

    Thrifty: I disagree. The birther issue will not end until Barack Obama is no longer president. Unless his successor is also non-white.

    Sadly, I believe Thrifty is correct on this.

    If debunking myth and lies and providing eductated truth could put a stop to birtherism, we would have stopped talking about this issue a long, long time ago.

    But it never was about his birth certificate. Birtherism is just a cover for various forms of self-delusional bigotry and paranoid conspiracy bunkum.

  48. Mik Taerg: Doc and all, just google “Trump hospital souvenir” to understand what I meant with my previous post

    I’m not sure what you mean, perhaps because Google customizes its results depending on where in the world you are.

  49. By the way, I heard that Donald Trump was willing to spend $600,000,000 of his own money trying to keep his real birth certificate secret.

  50. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: By the way, I heard that Donald Trump was willing to spend $600,000,000 of his own money trying to keep his real birth certificate secret.

    I’ll keep it secret for half that.

  51. Horus says:

    thefarleftView: and obots have
    ZERO for their “hero”

    What a moron!

  52. Horus says:

    gorefan: As I recall, the story was that someone – an opponent in a Texas campaign – produced a Bush birth certificate to show that Bush was not a real Texan but a Yankee. I don’t think it was ever published although it now resides at the Presidental Library.

    Bush was born in Connecticut, that is true.

  53. Horus says:

    Thrifty: I disagree. The birther issue will not end until Barack Obama is no longer president. Unless his successor is also non-white.

    It won’t even end there, they will continue the claim for the next 50 years.

  54. Scientist says:

    Horus: It won’t even end there, they will continue the claim for the next 50 years.

    They’re still after poor old Chester Arthur and he’s been out of office for 130 years.

  55. Black Lion says:

    Donald Trump’s latest stunt: shows his ‘birth certificate;’ wants Obama to show his, too
    By Michael Sheridan

    Tuesday, March 29th 2011, 11:04 AM

    A Majority of 2012 Republican primary voters are birthersDonald Trump aims to ride into the White House on the backs of “birthers” and has put up his own birth certificate to prove it.

    Except, it’s not an “official” one.

    The real estate mogul, who conveniently launched his bid for President to coincide with the premiere of the celebrity version of his NBC show, “The Apprentice,” has come out full force to attack Obama over his origins.

    “It took me one hour to get my birth certificate,” Trump told Newsmax, a conservative news website, on Monday. “It’s inconceivable that, after four years of questioning, the President still hasn’t produced his birth certificate.”

    The site posted a copy of his “certificate of birth” on the site. However, it is not the New York State version, but merely one provided by Jamaica Hospital in Queens, The Smoking Gun noted.

    Trump has managed to seek out publicity and controversy in the past, often at the same time a new season of his reality series premieres.

    Trump’s hospital-issued certificate of birth.

    In September 2010, he made a bid to buy the building that will house a controversial 13-story Islamic center. Opponents were angered that a mosque may be located in the building, only blocks from Ground Zero. The 10th season of the show premiered a week later.

    In 2007, Trump got into a heated media tussle with Rosie O’Donnell in the weeks leading up to the show’s sixth season.

    The supposed wanna-be President began his attack on Obama’s birth last week, the same time “The Celebrity Apprentice” premiered.

    While the mogul repeatedly insists these are not publicity stunts, he continued his charge Monday to push Obama to produce his birth certificate.

    “I’m just asking President Obama to show the public his birth certificate,” he told Newsmax. “Why’s he making an issue out of this?”

    Obama did, in fact, produce an official document in 2008 showing he was born in Hawaii. His passport was also shown in a White House video in 2010, further proving he is an American citizen.

    In order to run for President, the Constitution requires candidates to be “natural born” citizens. Obama’s mother was an American; his father was Kenyan.

    Members of the “birther” movement – an often discredited but still prevalent segment of the Republican Party – have latched onto the issue.

    A poll by Public Policy Polling suggested in February that the majority of the GOP does not believe Obama was born in America.

    For his part, Obama continues to dismiss the concerns over his birth, often making it the butt of jokes.

    In May 2010, he joked at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner that “there are few things in life that are harder to find and more important to keep, than love… Well, love and a birth certificate.”

    While some Republicans, such as Mike Huckabee, have dismissed the “birther” movement, others have pandered to its members’ beliefs.

    Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) told potential voters in July 2010 that he would support legal efforts to force Obama to produce his birth certificate. The embattled politician hampered by a prostitution scandal later won reelection in November.

    Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) stated on “Meet the Press” in January he believes Obama “is a citizen,” but refused to criticize birthers for making claims that have often been proven false.

    Republicans in several states, including New Hampshire, Ohio and Arizona, have introduced legislation dubbed “birther bills.” None of them have passed, with some getting killed in committee.

    The bills were designed to require presidential candidates to produce birth certificates in order to get on the state ballots. The measures often died because they were seen simply as direct attacks on Obama and not legitimate legislation.

  56. mikeyes says:

    Come on, don’t you know a prank when you see it?

    The Donald is just having fun with the media. Besides, his mother was born in Scotland making him a British Citizen. ( He can’t run for President.

  57. Suranis says:

    you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document looks
    like if one hit you in the forehead

    Since the birther sites have been holding up Trumps Cabbage Patch Kids BC like it was the lost Arc of the Covenant, despite the fact it confirms to a lot less of the long list of the Birther demands than Obamas COLB, I think you might be engaging in a SLIGHT touch of double standards there.

    But well done for posting here in this thread. None of your other Scions have dared come near this.

  58. The Magic M says:

    > you deathers wouldn’t know what a real certified , signed sealed document looks
    like if one hit you in the forehead

    Actually I cannot make out anything of the alleged seal on the tiny Internet copy that Trump has released. Not even who “certified” and “sealed” it. Maybe the Tooth Fairy?

    Also, “thefarleftView”, why don’t you complain the Trump BC does not state where he was born? This is not a “long form” by a long shot, as much as a midget is not Shaq.

  59. JoZeppy says:

    Suranis: Trump just released his CERTIFICATION of birth. in 3… 2…


    Now that is some funny stuff…….EXACT same info that is found on the President’s.

  60. y_p_w says:

    JoZeppy: BWAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

    Now that is some funny stuff…….EXACT same info that is found on the President’s.

    Doesn’t list race of parents. 😉

    However – I found out that he released that to Newsmax, but there’s some sort of negative image of his BC that ABC News got. I’m not sure if it’s a certified copy with all the seals, etc.

    Still – it doesn’t looked like a certified copy, but rather an informational request of a copy. It wouldn’t meet the requirements of Georgia’s HB 401 for that reason, in addition to not listing the father’s residence. Even so, I do believe that NYC does have a procedure for getting a certified copy of the “vault certificate”, but Trump hasn’t done it yet.

  61. JoZeppy says:

    y_p_w: Doesn’t list race of parents. However – I found out that he released that to Newsmax, but there’s some sort of negative image of his BC that ABC News got. I’m not sure if it’s a certified copy with all the seals, etc. – it doesn’t looked like a certified copy, but rather an informational request of a copy. It wouldn’t meet the requirements of Georgia’s HB 401 for that reason, in addition to not listing the father’s residence. Even so, I do believe that NYC does have a procedure for getting a certified copy of the “vault certificate”, but Trump hasn’t done it yet.

    I checked the NY state form, and didn’t see any option to request a form type. I know New Jersey, at least as of a couple years ago gave you the option of what form you requested. Not sure how many other states do.

  62. Scientist says:

    They are only pdf files. No legal validity.

    Even the purported documents aren’t actual birth certificates. One says “Certificatiion of Birth” and one says “Certificate of Birth”. Neither says “Birth Certificate”

    I think we all need to wait for nc1 to call Bloomberg and get confirmation that the documents were issued. Then we need to know that registration # is legit.

    By the way, I don’t need documents to believe Trump was born in New York. His parents lived there, so where else would he be born? I do need to see proof his not being a British citizen, signed by the Queen.

  63. JoZeppy says:

    Where’s the raised seal? I don’t see a rasied seal!!!! It must be a fake!!!


  64. JoZeppy says:

    And more to the point, where are his college transcripts, high school transcripts, grade school and kindergarten records, affidavits of his classmates in kindergarten that they remember him. And his bankruptcy filings. Marriage and divorce records. Record of baptism, first communion pictures, and confirmation records….I’d ask for scholarly articles, but we know better than to expect that from “The Donald.”

  65. Sef says:

    Trump just released his CERTIFICATION of birth.

    IOIYAR in 3… 2…

    It’s really funny that The Donald has all these “Yes Men” around him to tell him that this is somehow different than what President Obama release in ’08. Truly mind bogglingly dense!

  66. Sean says:

    JoZeppy: I checked the NY state form, and didn’t see any option to request a form type.I know New Jersey, at least as of a couple years ago gave you the option of what form you requested.Not sure how many other states do.

    I just ordered my Dad’s New York birth certificate yesterday. There was no option for form type.

  67. y_p_w says:

    Sean: I just ordered my Dad’s New York birth certificate yesterday. There was no option for form type.

    I posted this earlier (in this same thread):

    “Please allow 10–15 days processing time for all long form/vault certificate orders submitted in-person.”

    “Please allow an additional 10 business days for vault copies of NYC birth certificates and letters of exemplification.”

    I think it has to be specified in person at the office in Manhattan, or there’s an option if ordered online.

  68. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Scientist: By the way, I don’t need documents to believe Trump was born in New York. His parents lived there, so where else would he be born? I do need to see proof his not being a British citizen, signed by the Queen.

    Now that MichaelN has proven that Calvin’s case was wrongly decided, you will need proof that he is not a Scottish citizen. An official document signed by Nicola Sturgeon, Sollicitor General Frank Mulholland and Sean Connery. Because of his intervention in the Balmedie case, Alex Salmond cannot be trusted, of course.

    Balmedie is also the closest the Donald ever came to being an employee of government. That makes the Donald potentially German, being born before 2000.

    But without an official marriage certificate for his parents, how can he be German or even natural born American? I want to see his parents’ marriage certificate. Warning for the Donald: that paper that your parents got from the blacksmith at Gretna Green is as official as the first “birth certificate” you tried to foist on us.

  69. Expelliarmus says:

    Mik Taerg: rump hospital

    I get 6,660 results in Google for this search:

    +trump +”hospital souvenir”

  70. Jules says:

    y_p_w: To be fair, I looked up NYC’s procedures for ordering a BC. If there is a “vault certificate” on file, a certified copy can be issued if requested in person or online.

    Yes, vault copies can be obtained from NYC with a delay. It just so happens that I ordered and received mine a couple months ago. However, the fact remains that the standard Certification of Birth is the document that it most commonly issued and it is sufficient to prove birth in the US for the purpose of obtaining a US passport. Additionally, the vault copy is a certified photocopy of the original certificate filed with the city and is printed on security paper with official seals. It is not a copy of a document in the format of Trump’s souvenir birth certificate.

    By the way, those planning to get an apostille for their birth certificates should avoid being born in NYC. Not only do you have to order the certificate, but you need to make sure it comes with a letter of exemplification. Then you need to send those documents to the New York County Clerk for verification. Only after you have all that can you send it to the state government in Albany for an apostille. (Needless to say, Donald Trump’s souvenir certificate would not receive an apostille under any circumstances.)

  71. JoZeppy says:

    y_p_w: I posted this earlier (in this same thread):“Please allow 10–15 days processing time for all long form/vault certificate orders submitted in-person.”“Please allow an additional 10 business days for vault copies of NYC birth certificates and letters of exemplification.”I think it has to be specified in person at the office in Manhattan, or there’s an option if ordered online.

    I stand corrected…thank you

  72. gorefan says:

    Dr. Richard Clack author of HYPNOTICAL: Trance Induced Programming

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I agree with Dr. Quack, I mean Clack. Dr. Clack.

  73. G says:

    Dr C – I see that Dr Richard is spamming all over your threads.

  74. gorefan says:

    G: Dr Richard is spamming all over your threads.


    I though “Trance Induced Programming” had something to do with how people become birthers.

  75. G: Dr C – I see that Dr Richard is spamming all over your threads.

    Dr. Richard?

  76. G says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Richard?

    Correction: Dr. Clack. Dr. Richard Clack.

    At this point, I only see the spam on 2 threads, but wanted to make you aware that it was more than a one-off occurance:

    Dr. Richard Clack author of HYPNOTICAL: Trance Induced Programming? Fascinating!!! And in tune with my newest Hypnosis ebook titled “HYPNOTICAL” which you can Download Free on my website. You have to see it to believe it!

  77. G says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Richard?

    Sorry, 3rd attempt at responding, but my responses don’t seem to be taking.

    Dr. Clack. Dr. Richard Clack who seems to be pimping some hypno-whatever. See his post at 5:16pm above. There was one other thread that I can’t find at the moment that he posted to around the same time… so only 2 occurances that I saw, but I just wanted to bring that pattern to your attention, since it seems to be obvious spam.

  78. MichaelN says:

    Some interesting observations here, comparing Daily KOS internet images of Obama’s alleged COLB with images posted by FactCheck.

    Problem it seems, is that some photocopier dust specks that show on the KOS scanned image of the ‘original’, also show on the photos taken of the ‘original’ document as photographed by FactCheck, with folds, and raised embossed stamp.

  79. Suranis says:

    Yes MichealN, the same dust specks show on both images which prove they are photos of the same document. Who knew.

    And for the 6.93709874854098*10(42)th time. Its not the “daily kos scan” The image came from a press release from the Obama campaign. Kos happened to release it at the same time as they were clued into the Obama press releases. No I’m not letting that slide so your skewed brain will think “I’m admitting it”


  80. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    MichaelN: Some interesting observations here, comparing Daily KOS internet images of Obama’s alleged COLB with images posted by FactCheck.Problem it seems, is that some photocopier dust specks that show on the KOS scanned image of the original’, also show on the photos taken of the original’ document as photographed by FactCheck, with folds, and raised embossed stamp.

    Which means that it was on the original document. It would be very hard to “fake” the specs in the same spots

  81. gorefan says:

    MichaelN: Some interesting observations here, comparing Daily KOS internet images of Obama’s alleged COLB with images posted by FactCheck

    Here are some really interesting observations on the Obama BC images. BY the way these guys are the real deal.

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