Barack bemused, Michelle not amused

Barack and Michelle Obama appeared in a tape-recorded segment on the Oprah Winfrey show today. The birth certificate question came up. President Obama demonstrated that he can do pretty much do what he did on the 17th without a teleprompter.

Obama repeated his bemusement over how the birth certificate conspiracy caught hold, but a very stern-faced Michelle Obama said that she was not amused.

I haven’t seen the birther part of the Oprah interview on the Internet yet; I saw it live. There wasn’t much of anything new.

Other videos from the Oprah interview are on her site.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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3 Responses to Barack bemused, Michelle not amused

  1. sponson says:

    Slightly off topic, I would like to point out that given that the President was planning the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s hideout for months, that had the news of Bin Laden’s death been announced while Trump and his birtherist efforts were dominating the headlines, there would have been cries of “wag the dog.” Therefore I think that the imminent Bin Laden raid was at least a factor in the President’s decision to request from Hawaii his old document that was once his birth certificate.

  2. Slartibartfast says:

    Slightly off topic, I would like to point out that given that the President was planning the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s hideout for months, that had the news of Bin Laden’s death been announced while Trump and his birtherist efforts were dominating the headlines, there would have been cries of “wag the dog.”Therefore I think that the imminent Bin Laden raid was at least a factor in the President’s decision to request from Hawaii his old document that was once his birth certificate.

    At the very least, President Obama made the decision to obtain and release his LFBC knowing that this operation was immanent…

  3. Lupin says:

    And as we all know the Prez has nothing better to do than answering the birthers’ questions.

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