That’s the theme that I’ve been seeing in newspaper articles of late:
- Let’s move on from Obama birther issue – Marion Star (Ohio)
- Hey, Luke: time to let the birther thing go. – The Baltimore Sun (Maryland)
- It’s time for birthers to let go, move on – Cañon City Record (Colorado)
- Obama Relents, Releases Birth Certificate –” Let’s Move On –
- Birth certificate release was late, but let’s move on – Bowling Green Daily News (Kentucky)
- Move on from ‘birther’ debate – The Shorthorn (University of Texas at Arlington student newspaper)
- Let’s move on from Obama’s birthplace – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin)
- Forget the ‘Birther’ debate and move on to real issues – Tampa Bay Online (Florida)
- Bachmann on ‘birther’ issue: Let’s move on – The Hill
- ‘Birthers’ should just let it go – Montgomery Advertiser (Alabama)
- Still birther? Get help – The Salt Lake Tribune (Utah)
Hey, it works for me.
the birther comments in some of those articles is a hoot! Hating Obama causes brain damage.
The hate has eaten away their souls to the point of no return. So yea, let’s move on and let them babble on to themselves as the frothy drool bubbles out of the side of their mouth.
The ones with a few remaining brain cells have moved on to try give Bush credit for Bin Ladens killing. The same people who were calling it “Obama’s war” last week. See, because only the bad parts are Obama’s war.
Gee, do we have to move on? Isn’t there some way to keep the belief alive among 20-25% of Republicans; who would never vote for Obama anyway? Like fighting pit bulls in a backyard cage they could be relied upon to shout “he’s a Kenyan – Marxist!” at rallies for the final GOP nominee. Shouting on about layers, father’s listed race, serial number, etc. All caught on camera for the nightly news.
My bad.
In my opinion there IS something wrong going on with the typical Republican neural process but without the birthers, it’s a hard sell. With the birthers, it’s a much easier sell – enough to sway just the right number on Independents to Vote Big-B in 2012.
All kidding aside, my gut tells me no flames need be fanned and no fuel added to make my scenario come true. If left to their own devices, enough of the Republican base will make this happen – they require no assistance to look crazy.
Let’s move on dot org.
(And this is a much bigger time and money waste than Clinton’s impeachment.)
The birthers have outlived their usefulness and are being defriended by the GOP as it gears up for 2012.
Birthers are such rubes. Punked again.
And yet we still have 911 “truthers”, holocaust deniers, chem trailers, moon unlanders, etc….
There will always be birthers. They will fade into obscurity, and people will stop paying any attention to them,
AS long as there is one unpopular child walking around the kindergarten playground, desperate for attention, crying out “I know something you don’t know”….. there will always be birthers.
Before we move on…
You know, two weeks ago I was pretty sure Trump was born in New York. I had just a little doubt, a tiny bit of a doubt, just a little bit. You know, I hope he was born there. I really do. But the more I look into this, you know, people, people looking into this and they aren’t believing what they are seeing. Just look at what they found!
I think we had better get smart and start reading Ayn Rand’s books and interviews. She tends to be a darling in some circles. People tend to forget that the eugenics movement never died.
The only thing that is dying are the people behind this. The KKK never died. Just the people behind it. Until their very last breath they continued to be clansmen.
I listened to an interview with her the other day. I have to say she comes across as a heartless person. She says that selflessness is immoral and selfishness is moral.
Here is an interview she did with the Great Mike Wallace
For all her philosphy she ended up on government handouts in her lifetime.
OMG, he wasn’t born in the United States, he was born in Hawaii.
Have you considered this might be a forgery because his mother’s race is listed as WHITE and not CELTIC?
I’ve tried to read her books; quite frankly her writing was awful. The telephone book is a better read. If you must read libertarian sci-fi, I would recommend Heinlein; at least he could write halfway decently.
I actually finished Atlas Shrugged. What a piece of dreck!
One critic suggested it was a shame that they’d only be doing the first part of that movie, since the second one would show how inhuman she was (killing an entire train of people by gas and then gloating that they deserved it because they were leeches). The third movie would just be a three hour speech by John Galt.
Yeah her characters are screwed up. She praises terrorism, rape, murder of civilians, etc.
Actually, I suspect the birther mind set would write all this off as further proof of the conspiracy. After all, we long ago passed the point where pretty much everyone has to be in on it anyway.
Whittaker Chambers, of all people, actually wrote a very thoughtful take down of Atlas Shrugged. He pointed out that Rand had fallen from exalting behavior traits she liked in The Fountainhead, which retains some human sensibility, to simply fuming in hateful rage at the world in Shrugged.
The problem with everyone “being in on it” is that the combination of several conspiracy theories doesn’t make logical sense, and I’m sure there are some birthers who have combined several theories that don’t make sense together. Of course it’s assumed by some birthers that the Hawaii Dept of Health is issuing statements that are false about Obama’s birthplace. If that’s the case, then they should be able to fabricate a paper document for Obama. However – the latest twist is the supposed “layers” in the scanned “long form” image, which theoretically shouldn’t be needed if the DoH could fabricate a complete paper document.
It all boggles the mind.
Not every newspaper is ready to “move on” from the Obama birth certificate issue. The Greeley (Colorado) Gazette, Ltc. Lakin’s hometown alternative newspaper is calling on the President to: “To resolve this Obama needs to take the additional step to put the issue to rest. He needs to present the original for forensic testing.” The article also wants to give all the credit for the release to “alternative media.”
That’s right folks, President Obama needs to have his original birth certificate (which he doesn’t have access to) carbon dated and examined by forgery experts and handwriting analysts!
I noticed Corsi’s book is not even on Amazon’s top 100 best sellers anymore. I noticed only fringe sites are still trying to hawk it.
I forgot to include a link to the Greeley Gazette article:
Excellent news; I’m glad to hear his baloney isn’t selling very well.
How about this one?
The author lists a bunch of theories about the Conn SSN except the most plausible – i.e. the 96814 zip code for Honolulu, HI with a typo to make it 06814 to correspond to Danbury, CT.
It’s 137 as I type.
And, hilariously, the birthers are getting roasted in the comments.
I’d love to know how many pre-orders have been cancelled.
“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”
That’s gotta sting. not that I really care.
no, no, a thousand times, no!
we. are. most. definitely. not. moving. ooonn!!!!!!!
and some folks think two can play obama’s game.
well good luck with that.
This article’s title is a gem: “Still birther? Get help”
Bobby Jindal is forced to lease his birth certificate.
Rightwing freepers no likee.
The winner is…. “Casie” with this stunning burst of insight:
“Fine! Obama is eligible. Jindal is eligible. My dog is eligible.”
Oh it is a Freerepublic POLICY!
“Natural born Citizens are born from citizen parents..this has been free republics policy for several years..the recently released birth certificate confirms our spurious born obama is merely a perpetual inhabitant.”
Idiots. The COLB said the exact samething years ago and FP is now a ruling body of Birtherstan.
This article’s title is a gem: “Still birther? Get help”
I like this line in the article
“Anyone who remains a birther should seek treatment from a psychiatrist for paranoia.”
Except the founder and chief administrator of Free Republic is not a birther! The birthers on are furious that so many “afterbirther Obot trolls” are allowed to post there!
how can real americansâ„¢ move on when you commie obots won’t let go of it?
Is everyone aware that “Orly Taitz Trumped DOJ lawyers” with her brilliant legal arguments?”
And they are still lying through their teeth, claiming that they were taught the “two citizen parent requirement” in high school. Of course, the birthers have yet to come up with the name of a single textbook which says that.
How did he get a copy of his original? I’ve been reading the website, and there were several comments that people who lost their originals during Hurricane Katrina could only get a certified computer-printout copy.
Besides that, electronic birth registration means that those born in Louisiana after a certain time likely won’t be able to get a copy of the “original document”.
All birth certificates in private hands are certified copies. This idea that some body has an “original birth certificate” that they can lose is poppycock. The State has the only original, and they only make copies. What Jindal showed is the original certificate PHOTOCOPIED onto security paper. Like they holograms on documents back in 1971.
I understand your sentiment, but my context for “originals” was the certified photocopies that people had in their possession before the hurricane swept them away. I understand the distinction, but could have probably used better wording.
It looks like Jindal’s parents listed their race as “Indian.” What’s next? Allowing someone to list their race as “African”? Don’t these people know the differences between continents, sub-continents and legitimate races? 🙂
I have to take issue with the dog. I highly doubt he has reached the age requirement.
Noting that Asia is a continent.
That’s odd….
Wouldn’t he just buy a copy outright?
Doesn’t even make tax sense to lease something that cheap.
And “Indian” isn’t a race…
What is he hiding?
We should take up a pool to reward the one who comes closest to estimating how many carbon atoms have decayed since 1961 …
Carbon 14 has a half life of 10000 years. Knock yourself out.
Carbon dating… As Suranis pointed out the halflife makes it not useable for short periods. I believe the shortest dating with C14 has been 1200 years. PS: the half life is about 5700 years.
Of course, the requirements are just foolish ‘moving the goal posts’.
yeah sorry NBC. You’re right of course.
No, it is a bit less, though controversially so.
There are a few sentences in that article that sound familiar:
1. “The conclusions of the author, Raymond Rogers, result from “starting with the desired conclusion and working backward to the evidence”.
2. “The Russian Dmitri Kouznetsov, an archaeological biologist and chemist, claimed in 1994 to have managed to experimentally reproduce this purported enrichment of the cloth in ancient weaves, and published numerous articles on the subject.” (as in “The Russian Orly Taitz, a constitutional dentist and lawyer, claimed in 2008 to have mabaged to experimentally reproduce this purported enrichment of ancient social security numbers, and published many web articles on the subject.”) Kuznetsov feeneeshed … in jail, well, one can only hope…
3. “Conspiracy theorists have proposed that the published results are, in fact, reflective of the control piece dating back from the 14th century, insinuating that the labs would have (perhaps unwittingly) “mixed up” the samples and produced a final report predicated on analyses conducted on the wrong piece of cloth.” (as in: “Conspiracy theorists have proposed that the published birth certificate is, in fact, reflective of the COLB dating back from 2007, insinuating that the Hawaii DOH would have mixed up the samples and produced a final PDF predicated on scanning conducted on the wrong document.”)
Hm, seems like carbon dating something that is merely 50 years old and not 700 may lead to new Birfer extravaganza.
how can the Bitrhers move on, they keep repeating same old bull, it’s as if they have Altzheimers! They must be Rod Sterling fans (Twilight Zone)
The two American citizen parent myth is in full effect on birther blogs and bulliten boards. I wish a major CONSERVATIVE constitutional scholar would come forward and destroy the Vattel (and related) arguments once and for all.
Fwiw, it’s Serling, not Sterling. 🙂
I think they are fans of the movie Groundhog Day. They seem to think that if they keep saying the same thing over and over again, eventually something will change and things will come out their way.
An update on arguments that under section 401, Obama had lost his US citizenship since he had failed to return before reaching the age of 23 and sworn an oath.
In other words, Obama by returning to the US at age 10, was not only unable to have expatriated himself, but also would have continued his birthright US citizenship
more at my blog
Thank god I read books with Orcs and Heinlein!
Corsi is moving on, he got the goods on Obama, da goods is so good he will get da Donald back on board, da Donald may wish to have another butt reaming. Get the chains out, Corsi has him dead to rights with special investigator Takeyuki Irei. Where are the resident trolls on this new OMG paypal moment. As happened in the last 20 OMG WND moments, the paypal gets pushed and Obama is marched out. That’s the 20th time Obama is marched out, his shoes are worn out by now, but the paypal is pushed (Altzheimers)
It’s sad, to be a Corsi fan, you have to flunk the intelligence test.
we have very valid newsworthy agencies reporting on detective Takeyki Irei’s story on Obama’s fraud. These highly reliable news agencies are:
1. WND
2. post&eMail
3. TeaParty,org
5. freerepublic
The jig is up, we Obot’s have lost, Corsi won.
let’s start clicking the WND paypal button
I is so skared of dis! I don’t wants to go to no FEMA kamp, Help me Please help me.
Two points:
Like many other states, Hawaii requires that private investigators be licensed with the state.
No person with the last name “Irei” has ever been licensed as a private detective in Hawaii.
P.S. I tried running a search for “Irie” as the last name as well, on the off chance that WND spelled the name wrong — no PI with that name either.
there is a 57 year old Takeyuki Irei in Hawaii, but no PI (you can order details)
relations listed
Kiyo Irei
Debra Joanne Irei
Chadwick Tadayuki Irei
> I would think that Irei is the first name.
From a quick research, it appears Takeyuki is a Japanese first name, not a last name. Irei is a Japanese last name.
I think the terms “family name” and “given name” are more appropriate. Most East Asian naming conventions are for the family name to come before the given name(s), including in Japan. It does get confusing though. I think Japanese names have almost universally been translated into [Given name] [Family name] in English. It’s more free-form with Chinese names, where Yao Ming is probably the best known example of someone who hasn’t modified the naming convention. At least in the US it’s been a bit more difficult to specify the preferred naming convention in applications, etc.
EXCEPT . . . as constitutional scholar Orly Taitz has pointed out, in article II (as per Vattel) presidential eligibility rules allow one to measure years in dog age, so a dog need be only five years old in human terms to accept the oath of office.
Except that some veterinarians subscribe to the notion that year one for a human and dog are fairly equal in rate of growth and then each year after is counted as seven and some believe that this type of measurement is bunk entirely and a waste of time. There’s room here for a whole new debate. Of course it’s probably another conspiracy.
Call me a dogger, but I’m sticking with Vattel on this. As he said in “The Law of Dogs,” “Un an de chien est égal à sept ans humains.” And of course, both the dame and sire must be, in Vattel’s words, “naturels.”
You’re a dogger! 😀
Now who’s a good boy?
Pedigree’s website allows you to enter the breed of dog and then its age in years to determine human age equivalence. The theory being that larger dog breeds (Great Dane) age faster then smaller breeds (chihuahua).
And I’m sure the Shar Pei adds another wrinkle to the theory.
Just to be clear, I was quoting Valentine Michael Smith or Kung Fu Monkey or both because nobody knows what Smith says when Heinlein isn’t looking.