Obama’s childhood in Kenya

Diligent birther investigators have found a remarkable bit from the Chicago Sun Times in 2006 by Lynn Sweet, where Obama is quoted as supposedly saying:

[Indonesia] where ironicall [sic] I actually have more of a childhood than I do in Kenya

I don’t make ‘em up; I just report ‘em.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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17 Responses to Obama’s childhood in Kenya

  1. Majority Will says:

    Which means the President lived three and a half years as a child in Indonesia and no years as a child in Kenya.

    ~3.5 > 0.

    Pretty simple math even for a birfer.

  2. sactosintolerant says:

    The bigger question is how much time did young Barry Sorrento spend in Italy?

  3. ASK Esq says:

    To a rational person, the meaning is clear. Despite having a Kenyan father, he spent none of his childhood in Kenya, whereas he did spend some in Indonesia, where he had no blood relatives (until Maya was born).

    To a birther, of course, it means he spent SOME of his childhood in Kenya.

  4. Critical Thinker says:

    I think this quote made the rounds in Birferstan several months ago when Mike Huckabee claimed that Obama grew up in Kenya. They were using it to try to “prove” that Huckabee was right, even after Huckabee (somewhat disingenuously, IMO) said that he misspoke and meant to say Indonesia.

  5. J.Potter says:

    Sounds like Mr. Obama was already well-versed in dealing with suspicion about his origins, and was having some fun at detractor’s expense. A “black” man, accused (stereotypically) of ties to Africa, actually has ties to the Far East. How ironicall!

  6. ed says:

    If it is true that he never even set foot on the mainland till he was college~aged, AND he in fact lived in the far~east as a kid….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in indonesia

  7. Majority Will says:

    If it is true that he never even set foot on the mainland till he was college~aged, AND he in fact lived in the far~east as a kid….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in indonesia

    The veterans of Pearl Harbor would find your racist, uneducated comment extremely vile, unpatriotic and an embarrassment to Americans who fought and died to protect your freedom to make a complete ass of yourself.

  8. G says:

    Simply NOT true. He was born here and lived here until the age of 6, when his remarried mother took the family to Indonesia, because her new Indonesian husband had to return there.

    Obama came back a mere 4 years of his childhood later at the age of 10 and stayed with his grandparents in HI and completed his elementary school and the rest of his schooling here in the US. From age 10 on, he lived his entire life in the US.

    This is not new info and you could have figured all this out yourself with just a cursory google search instead of just buying into nonsense rumors you’ve heard. There are plenty of photos available from his early school days growing up here in America and accounts of what he was like by those that taught or grew up with him.

    The Constitutional requirement for President only requires that 14 years be spent living in the US for eligibility (in addition to the birth and minimum age 35 requirements). Barack Obama easily exceeds that as more than 40 years his life took place here in the good old U.S. of A.

    He’s as authentic of an American as they get.

    ed: If it is true that he never even set foot on the mainland till he was college~aged, AND he in fact lived in the far~east as a kid….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in indonesia

  9. John Reilly says:

    Ed is a drive-by racist. Lots of Presidents and presidential candidates have lived overseas. It has never bothered anyone before.

    When Senaror McCain was first running for Congress, he was attacked as a carpetbagger as a recent immigrant to Arizona. (And we know, for certain, that Senator McCain was not born here. He’s a real Zonian.) Senator McCain observed that the place he lived longest was in Hanoi, North Vietnam, which I think I may have to remind Ed was an enemy of the United States. And he lived there, in a Hilton, no less, for 5 and 1/2 years, longer than President Obama lived in Indonesia.

    So Ed, what’s your point? That President Obama is not a real American because he’s Black? Yeah, I think we figured that out.

  10. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    ed: If it is true that he never even set foot on the mainland till he was college~aged, AND he in fact lived in the far~east as a kid….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in indonesia

    Gee by that same logic Sarah Palin never set foot on the mainland until she was in College and therefore is not “Authentic American”

  11. Sef says:

    G: Simply NOT true. He was born here and lived here until the age of 6, when his remarried mother took the family to Indonesia, because her new Indonesian husband had to return there.

    But as a newborn, his mother took him to the State of Washington where she attended college.

  12. Sef says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Gee by that same logic Sarah Palin never set foot on the mainland until she was in College and therefore is not “Authentic American”

    Sister Sarah even had some of those college years in that furrin country Hawaii.

  13. BatGuano says:

    ….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in…..

    what specifically are authentic american values that are unique from other countries?

  14. Sef says:

    BatGuano: what specifically are authentic american values that are unique from other countries?

    Well, for one, what “football” means.

  15. dunstvangeet says:

    If it is true that he never even set foot on the mainland till he was college~aged, AND he in fact lived in the far~east as a kid….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in indonesia

    1. Obama has set foot on the mainland during his childhood. Obama’s mother attended the University of Washington (in Seattle, Washington) slightly after he was born.

    2. It doesn’t matter whether or not he set foot on the mainland of the United States. Someone who was born and grew up in Hawaii is as much of an American as someone who was born and grew up in Kansas. Both of them are U.S. States. Your argument seems to state that Hawaii isn’t American. Hawaii, last I checked, was American.

    3. Perkins v. Elg stated directly the status cannot be changed due to actions based upon the parents. So, your contention is that someone who spent the vast majority of his childhood in Hawaii is less American than someone who was born in Key West, Florida, but immigrated to Cuba when he was 1 day old. The latter is unquestioningly a Natural Born Citizen, and eligible to the Presidency. The former is President Obama’s situation.

  16. Daniel says:

    If it is true that he never even set foot on the mainland till he was college~aged, AND he in fact lived in the far~east as a kid….THAT’S NOT AN AMERICAN. …not authentic american, ya don’t learn american values in indonesia

    If I’m not mistaken, Timothy McVeigh spent his entire life in the US….

  17. joyeagle says:

    Too bad they (SP and BHO) didn’t go to school together in Hawaii.

    Sef: Sister Sarah even had some of those college years in that furrin country Hawaii.

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