Birther SEAL brings in the bucks

Former Navy SEAL Larry Bailey, founder of a group called Special Operations Speaks (SOS)  told Foreign Policy magazine that he’s a birther and doesn’t believe Barack Obama was born in the US. I’ve been over there yesterday and today commenting in response to the usual gang of birthers: Sewell, Farrar and Voeltz who are trolling the Internet these days looking for places to dump their discredited legal theories about Obama’s eligibility. Those guys bring out the worst in me.

This is the second allegedly unrelated Special Ops organization to go public within about a week. The other is Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund.

Bailey told US News and World Report that his SOS group experienced a “big”spike (800 new donors) in fundraising during the three days following his exit from the birther closet.

While the Special Ops PACs might raise money, they also are attracting sharp criticism from their compatriots. Army Special Forces Maj. Fernando Lujan called the video activism “an unprofessional, shameful action on the part of the operators that appear in the video, period” and “in violation of everything we’ve been taught, and the opposite of what we should be doing, which is being quiet professionals.” Read more at the Marine Corps Times.

Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analysis and author of a book on the tracking and killing of Bin Laden, weighs in with a devastating critique of the Special Ops video Dishonorable Disclosures.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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17 Responses to Birther SEAL brings in the bucks

  1. Sudoku says:

    That is so disappointing. You would think if people are not skeptical, they could at least be curious enough to look up a source or two to verify that drek.

  2. GeorgetownJD says:

    800 new donors? How many electoral votes does that translate to?

  3. Bob says:

    Perhaps “Larry Bailey” (if that’s his real name) should file a ballot challenge. It’s a good way to fundraise and to get to play the victim when you inevitably lose.

  4. misha says:

    GeorgetownJD: 800 new donors?How many electoral votes does that translate to?


  5. Orly Taitz is going apesh*t trying to insert herself into the SEALS. I just did an Internet Article with screen shots of 4 posts in 2 days trying to reach the SEALS. Maybe it is the money from 800 donors??? After all, she only has 700 donors herself.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  6. G says:

    For one thing, I find all these military angle smears that have started cropping up to be a new “patriotic low” in the political discourse of America.

    That being said, it has been quite clear that nothing is out of bounds in terms of shameful and debase behavior from Birthers, Tea Partiers and other RWNJ.

    To the Birther nut getting 800 new donors, I say BFD. Gullible Birthers seem to push paypal buttons all the time, fed by their irrational ODS hate. Nothing but the same pool of marks flushing their hard-earned Birfer Bucks down yet another toilet…

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Orly Taitz is going apesh*t trying to insert herself into the SEALS. I just did an Internet Article with screen shots of 4 posts in 2 days trying to reach the SEALS. Maybe it is the money from 800 donors??? After all, she only has 700 donors herself. FrommGirl Reporter

  7. Sudoku says:

    My dad was career military, 30+ years. As much as he may have b$tched and moaned at the news, he would never, NEVER, have publicly criticized a Commander in Chief, ever.

  8. Lupin says:

    G: For one thing, I find all these military angle smears that have started cropping up to be a new “patriotic low” in the political discourse of America.

    I could not agree more. This really is outrageous. These people ought to be severely sanctioned by your Armed Forces.

  9. G says:

    That was awesome!

    I’d go as far as saying that is the DEFINITIVE DEBUNKING of these latest RWNJ Swiftboating A-holes!

    Peter Bergen is probably the top terrorism journalistic expert in the world, bar none! He is also the ONLY jounalist that was given access to the compound in Abottabad and who has the greatest reporting detail of the whole operation and its aftermath.

    He really tears everyone of these disgraceful RWNJ’s smear attacks to shreds…

    Truly, a must read article to set the facts straight!

    gorefan: This was a fairly good rebuttal to the swiftboaters

  10. G says:

    Personally, I think they should lose their military pensions for such conduct. But I don’t know what the actual rules are for this type of improper behavior.

    Lupin: I could not agree more. This really is outrageous. These people ought to be severely sanctioned by your Armed Forces.

  11. Thanks. I’ve added this to the article.

    gorefan: This was a fairly good rebuttal to the swiftboaters

  12. Well the thing is that these are old guys in their 60’s and 70’s. They aren’t activity duty personnel.

    Lupin: I could not agree more. This really is outrageous. These people ought to be severely sanctioned by your Armed Forces.

  13. Northland10 says:

    How many if these swifties who disrespect the Commander in Chief were offended by the vets against the Vietnam War protesting the war?

    My dad was career military, 30+ years.As much as he may have b$tched and moaned at the news, he would never, NEVER, have publicly criticized a Commander in Chief, ever.

  14. BillTheCat says:

    “A fool and his money…” etc.

  15. MattR says:

    I wonder how they are going to react to the upcoming publication of a book by one of the Seal Team Six’s team leaders that is described by the NY Times as “A detailed first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, written under a pseudonym by a Navy Seal who participated in the mission and was present at bin Laden’s death, will be published next month, according to two publishing executives familiar with the deal.” in which the author gives a “blow-by blow narrative of the assault, beginning with the helicopter crash that could have ended Owen’s life straight through to the radio call confirming bin Laden’s death, is an essential piece of modern history.” For some reason, I am guessing there will be radio silence from the SOS group about the information leaked by the book.

  16. misha says:

    MattR: For some reason, I am guessing there will be radio silence from the SOS group about the information leaked by the book.

    Remember, the Bush WH outed Valerie Plame.

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