KPHO Channel 5 in Phoenix reports a local man has created a set of birther trading cards. All in fun, creator Ron Blake says:
I thought, gosh, after four years, this thing is still going on.
The set of 6 cards have the President’s birth certificate on the back, 5 with an unflattering drawing of Barack on the front, and one with Donald Trump as the Jester.
I was disappointed when I read this article, thinking perhaps it was birthers who would be pictured. That I’d pay for. I’d love to have something like the Iraqi most-wanted playing cards. Only for birthers, it would be the most-un-wanted.
idk what good it would do to have a deck full of Jokers. 😀
Uh, Jim. . .that would be the PERFECT Birther deck. Any hand could be exactly what they wanted it to be! They are already used to that trick. Of course, things might get violent when all Birther players claim to have the Ace Of Hearts.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Ah yes…the famous Iraqi Most Wanted deck of cards… I have a set of those. LOL!
And of course, Orly Taitz would demand to be the Queen of Jokers… 😉
Brings new meaning to “not playing with a full deck.”
I mean, seriously: six? Not exactly the most diligent effort, is it?
Birthers are never playing with a full deck.
Too many puns, so little time…
Birther Tarot would be awesome …. Major Arcana only. The cast of all your favorites act out the classic journey …… from pre-Birf Fool to final unity with a thoroughly deluded Birfer World!
6 cards is indeed lame. Coming up with 99 birthers is easily done…..just keep scraping….the bottoms of barrels….bottoms of shoes…
LOL! Well said!
Nobody mentioned “playing the race card” yet – one of the birthers’ favourite expressions when they’re being called out on their racist remarks.
I can throw in some German expressions about cards, too, e.g.:
“Die Arschkarte ziehen” (lit. “to draw the arse card”, fig. “to be the one who’s screwed”)
Would birther bigots call Alan Keyes the King of Spades?
But Apuzzo is the Jack Ace who wears the cheap suits.
And why does Corsi always look flushed?
Trump is missing a card. He’s a Jack off.
Many possible suits …. racists …. transcripts … layers …. bux … tears … and the obvious suit of (haha) trumps …. the Obots!
He ain’t got nothing on Cesar Romero!
Now there was a corny Joker you could watch without your IQ dropping.
Clearly needed is a holographic deck, whereby tilting the cards produces different faces depending on how you look at them.
It turns out that even a clerical error was impossible to explain Obama’s CT Social Security number.
You guys really are devoted partisans.
Do you realize the odds against a guy having this number of irregularities with documentation and being totally clean?
Use your brain for once, boys
Do go on. Have I missed a new birfer relic?
Susan Daniels’ latest bweep at ORYR? Not really. I think Squeeky already linked from here to her article about it.
Oh yeah, I saw that mentioned but never had a chance to click through. All caught up now, courtesy of Squeeky’s post. I see that “Hawai’i Baskin-Robbins employee plots to undermine the government by way of Connecticut,” unsurprisingly, continues to be a crock.
But like all good birfer relics, this just raises further issues, and I’d like to dig into this, either here or on the open thread:
Were the squirrels married, or were they merry?
I have always maintained that they were merry. Squirrels cannot marry; that’s just undefend-your-dang’ol-marriage claptrap.
Maybe you should try putting your brain into gear.
Susan Daniels is an incompetent, partisan hack.
If the SSN was not issued to Barack Obama, who was it issued to? A “crack investigator” such as Susan Daniels should be able to provide us with a name, yet she remains silent on that score.
And if you go the USPS website and type in Zip Code 06814, it comes back to Danbury Now try typing in 06815 – it comes back as an invalid Zip Code.
With the right set-up you could play all kinds of great card games!
Such as:
Who’s the Father?
Mother, Mother, Who’s Got the Mother?
Tit-for-Tat (Classic Style)
Tit-for-Tat (Armageddon Style)
I Am the Queen
(unlike the original Concentration, matches are to be avoided; if a match is turned over twice, that person must pick up the cards; the loser is the one with the most cards at the end; all games must be played for a one penny prize, but any winner with absolutely no cards in hand at the end wins two cents; special decks replace jokers with aliens, and the player caught holding the aliens at the end must hold that pair as a penalty during the next round)
Concentration XYZ PDF
(match cards in hand to PDF versions, must match scan imperfections and dust specks; multiple decks available for the collector and advanced player; rules allow for multiple decks to be mixed in any fashion; players can create their own layered templates online, including on-demand print jobs of physical decks; deception and misdirection encouraged)
Sink or Swim
(a.k.a. I am the True Patriot, a birther version of I am not a Witch)
(each player tosses a deck of cards in a large outdoor pool; players wait until cards sink; the winner is the player who has the most cards that sink fastest; card tampering is allowed, even encouraged, but challengers, who can challenge single cards or any number of cards, must guess exactly how and with what materials the cards have been altered, including the exact additional weight, and if the challengers are incorrect in any detail, they forfeit an equivalent number of cards which they must remove from the water)
My Constitution is Bigger than your Constitution
(an alternative House of Cards competition)
50 State Pick-up
(a.k.a., Who is the 51st Stater? or, Pretend to be an American)
You claim that too many irregularities exist. How many other Presidents have you checked to confirm they do not have the same “irregularities?” How many regular people were checked?
How do you determine irregularities with a sample size of one?
And you really are devoted to ignorance. Is it blissful?
1. Guy himself and multiple newspapers for most of the 00s say he was born in a foreign country and raised in another.
2. Releases online image of BC that gets changed multiple times 08. Says he requested in in 08 but really requested it in 07. Then releases another image. Then another.
3. Governor of Hawaii and HDOH says the BC was hand written. Governor of Hawaii says he’s going to find it to clear things up. All of a sudden he can’t find it. So it then gets released 2 months later? Run that by me again?
4. Apart from being registered too late, and having multiple other irregularities, selective service card clearly stamped with a fake stamp. No one else from 1980 has only “80” which is clearly upside down.
5. In his own book says that he couldn’t prove with documents who his father was in 1983 when the father’s estate was being settled. If the new BC is real and has always existed why couldn’t he prove who his dad was? No one here has explained this one yet. Why? It’s the obvious fact that the man has defrauded the American public.
6. Calls for others medical records, won’t release his own.
7. Won’t release college transcripts even though he got into some high profile schools, across the country without being a good student and with no known financial backing.
Would you like some more? Not a good enough sample size? You probably thought OJ was innocent too.
You know nothing about probability if you think all of that is not at least extremely suspicious let alone obvious.
Ask yourself, or Susan Daniels P.I., one simple question. Has any evidence been provided about what would happened in 1977 at the SSA office if an invalid or non-existent zip code had been entered into the system???
Phrasing the question differently – – -Is there any evidence that the invalid or non-existent zip code would not have sailed right on through?
Because if there isn’t any such evidence, then Daniels hasn’t debunked anything.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
A smart person would look at the Daniels article and read: “he was assigned a number that was reserved exclusively for residents of CT” and know that Daniels is misinforming the reader. The Social Security Administration has stated that the numbering system doesn’t reliably correspond to the address. It usually does, but not “exclusively” so. That is the proof that the Daniels claims are inconclusive. That’s the end of the real story.
Why Obama has a social-security number from the Connecticut series is simply a matter of speculation, one idea being a typographical error in the zip code. This speculation might be wrong, but the fact that the the number series and the residence address don’t always correspond remains.
However, has Daniels debunked the typo scenario? I would say not.
First Daniels says: “When Barack Obama was living in Hawaii, he had three zip codes: 96814, 96822 and 96826.” However, she gives no authority for this claim. A real investigator would have gotten hold of the city directory for Honolulu and found out where the family lived and what the zip code was at the time and reported the documentation she has. Without knowing what the Obama zip code in Honolulu really was, one cannot go on to question whether a typo matches a valid zip code in Connecticut.
Daniels rather glosses over the fact that one of the three Connecticut numbers (even thought it was “special”) was valid. She basically debunks herself here.
Finally, there is a Daniels assumption that in the process of assigning a social-security number based on return address that the five-digit zip code was validated and a typo resulting in an invalid number would have been rejected; however, this has not been even argued, much less proven.
Dr. C:
I think you need to do an Internet Article on the Susan Daniels thing. With your experience, you can really explain how the whole zip code validation thing works. Plus, point out how shoddy Daniel’s research is, and [P]retty [I]nconclusive.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Hey Palamas!
You got a perfect score: you lied 7 times out of 7!!
Go and have a conversation with a cactus, you’ll find it’s got the same IQ as you.
Why are birthers so gullible? Just because you dream of saying “show us your papers boy!” to the democratically elected President, you believe any fantastical nonsense dreamt up by lying idiots like Daniels, Taitz, Corsi, Voeltz, Farrar, Zullo, Arpaiao, Zebest… oh gosh I want to puke just reading those names! Not one of those seditionists has a shred of honor or decency. They do not deserve to be citizens.
Dr. Conspiracy,
You said,
“The Social Security Administration has stated that the numbering system doesn’t reliably correspond to the address.”
That was only changed (online) within the last year and a half when the issue got hot. Just like passport records have been destroyed. Just like Selective Service records will not be released.
Answer my point #5, please. Dreams of My Father page 345. Barry did not have a birth certificate that could prove anything about who he was with regard to Barack Obama Sr.
The public has been defrauded and Barry admitted it. It is about time that you guys answer this question honestly. Follow the facts, not your emotions.
You cannot answer this question. And when you realize it, please do not call me names because I pointed this out. Thank you.
Sam, I expect as much from the sycophants of this site to call me names. As above, I’m hoping Dr. Conspiracy hasn’t lost his mind’s eye and soul to “the cause” here. I have some hope that he is as honest as I think he can be.
… and thanks for playing the easy “Liberal gets mad and calls the fact checker mad when it doesn’t suit his bogus argument” — Deal with the points, Sam, otherwise please keep quiet. Any centipede can spew garbage from his orifices. What makes a sharp one is well reasoned debate with positions and supports.
Gorefan just left a link to this IRS document at my place, and it really supports the idea of using the first 3 digits of the zip code to determine the state:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
It’s laughable to listen to you go on about “fact checking”, something your narrow mind seems incapable of. But hey, enjoy continuing to be spoon-fed by the discredited liars at WND and ORYR.
Oh btw, I DARE you to visit and attempt to discuss your pathetic argment there. But you won’t, because you are a coward who will not accept facts that do not fit your pre-conceived narrative.
Not according to the waybackmachine website for March, 2001
Funny thing, according to the Internet Wayback machine that note was there in 2001:
I never, never, never take what a Birther claims at face value.
I owe you a coke gorefan!
If you don’t like being ridiculed… stop being ridiculous.
You can claim that the SSA page was changed last year, but I went to the Wayback Machine version of the SSA page from March 2, 2001, and the text: “Note: One should not make too much of the “geographical code.” It is not meant to be any kind of useable geographical information.” was already there 11 years ago (and in 2006 and 2008).
Assuming that you are a truthful fellow, you got that “changed the page” stuff from somewhere else, and somewhere back along the rumor chain, somebody lied. I point this out because a lot of birther arguments fall in this category.
I think maybe you ought to take a step back and check out your own assumptions before using them to challenge others. I’ll be here, so feel free to take all the time you need.
And by the way, there were contemporary documents discussing the need to destroy old routine passport application to save money on storage. I have an article on it somewhere.
So Billy boy and Gorefan,
Obama’s SSN was issued in 1977. It is used for the first time with multiple different addresses (not in CT, nor in HI) in 1986. These are verifiable.
Normally, I get pretty bent out of shape when people dump off-topic comments on the articles. We have an Open Thread for that.
However, since this is a mostly throw-away article, I’ll let it stay.
The problem with your response is that it does nothing to dispute the extreme irregularities, one of which is the SSN. Even they say at the website, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s from that region. Why wouldn’t it be? My point is that it’s another irregularity. Then what do they direct you to on th site? An input deviced that shows you where (for example) 042 is from … CT. If that’s not reliable, why would they put it on the page?
Again, 1 of many MANY irregularities. BTW, I’m still waiting for you to respond to #5, boss
No offense, but your claims of “verifiable” are not worth anything here. They might be true — they might not. We’ve already caught you in one false claim, so your credibility at this point is below zero.
Because a clerk read “968” as “068” when punching in the data. That is what a sane person would postulate. A Birther on the other hand….
1.) Newspapers from the 1990s all list him as born in Hawaii, his book says he was born in Hawaii. Please provide link to show that newspapers in 00s listed Kenya.
2) He never said he requested it. A spokesman said it but maybe he got June, 2007 confused with June, 2008.
3) Governor of Hawaii and DOH never said it was handwritten. Governor Abercrombie never said he could not find it (provide a link).
4) Selective Service verified his 1980 registration in August, 2008. Who was President in August, 2008?
5) Since you have a tendency to misquote people – could you give an actual quote from his book? I don’t see it on page 345.
6) Actually his doctor released a summary of his medical records in 2008.
nuff said,
Not really. It was issued in 1977, it is on his 1980 draft registration verified by the Bush Administration in 2008.
I notice you post a lot of statements without any links to the actual quotes.I suspect there is a reason for that.
Let me know when you find the part about no BC on page 345.
Page 345 in Dreams talks about claims against the estate of Barack Obama Sr. President Obama’s half-sister Auma is speaking:
However, Auma is talking about the legal wrangling in which President Obama did not participate. There is no reason to think that Auma had any knowledge of what documentation Barack Obama II had or didn’t have since he made no claim on the estate of his father.
It’s just a birther’s way of reading things out of context to support their view.
Palamas, I would ask you kindly to have some regard for the replacement costs of irony meters that are damaged by comments such as yours. Calling someone names in the same sentence as complaining about name calling is what we call in the trade “very ironic.”
and other Obama Conspiracy Theories articles tagged “irony meter”:
Ignore the naive liberals here. I agree with you. In fact, I found a Kenya BC that may be what you are looking for.
Yes, but that is in the hardcover edition. It is a different page in the paperback. Which is my way of realizing that Palamas actually meant page 395 (a typo turning a 9 into a 4), but also that Palamas means page 395 in the *Birther* edition of Dreams.
You have to be on a special list to have access to this edition, which thanks to my birther connections I have. It’s a secret template to the truth. Palamas is breaking the secret code by discussing this fact with the uninitiated.
Ok, I think I found what you are talking about it is on page 522 (googlebooks edition):
“I was just thinking about how life is so strange. You know, as soon as the Old Man died, the lawyers contacted all those who might have a claim to the inheritance. Unlike my mum, Ruth has all the documents needed to prove who Mark’s father was. So of all of the Old Man’s kids, Mark’s claim is the only one that’s uncontested.” Dreams of My Father page 522
Of course this is not Obama talking it is his sister Auma.
There is an earlier discussion about the “Old Man’s” estate (pages 481/482). But again it is Auma who does the talking. Obama doesn’t seem to even know there was an estate and he assumes it is pretty small.
So at least you got the conversation in the right family and book. Not surprising you screwed it up after that.
Sally Jacobs writes about this issue.
“Three years after his death some of his children and wives became embroiled in a legal brawl aimed at establishing exactly who his legitimate heirs were and to which of his “wives” had he actually been married.
The colorful legal drama, which went on for years, pitted the first wife against the fourth, the eldest son against the youngest, and generally divided the family into two warring camps. At the heart of the matter was a claim by Obama’s first wife, Grace Kezia Aoko Obama, that she had never divorced her husband and remained married to him at the time of his death. If that were true, then none of his subsequent three marriages—including the one with the president’s mother—would have been legitimate. A host of family members who took sides on the issue provided conflicting affidavits peppered with name-calling and insults.
Even Obama’s sixty-seven-year-old mother, frail and heartbroken over her first son’s death, weighed in and declared that Grace had long ago divorced her son.3 The Nairobi High Court judge considering the dizzying squabble apparently believed Obama’s mother: In 1989 Judge J. F. Shields ruled that not only had Grace divorced her husband but also that two of the four children she claimed he had fathered with her were not his sons at all.4
And that was just the first phase of the battle.
The name of Barack Hussein Obama II, the second son, crops up only incidentally in the bulging pink case files in Nairobi’s High Court. No one in the case ever challenged the legitimacy of his paternity. But in July 1997 Barack Hussein Obama of Chicago, Illinois, deftly extracted himself from the matter with a brief letter to the court disavowing any claim he might have on the estate, which was worth about 410,500 Kenyan shillings, or $57,500, at the time his father died. He wrote the letter six months after he was sworn in to serve his first term in the Illinois Senate representing the 13th district.”
Maybe, but here’s a Palin approved marriage:
Why should one think the SSN is an “extreme irregularity?” You don’t know how common it is, so your “extreme” language is mere puffery. I’ve had two commenters on this site say they have the same kind of SSN anomaly either in their number or that of a family member. That’s not evidence either because they didn’t provide proof, but I tend to trust people who have a track record of reasoned discourse.
In real life, people make mistakes, and people make mistakes about them. I had a credit card canceled for nonpayment because the credit card company mistakenly changed my address and sent the bills half way across the country. My father’s name is misspelled on my birth certificate. Irregularities are normal in real life. The failure to understand this point is one of the reasons that birthers are so utterly sure of total nonsense.
If you don’t want to be just another “drive by” birther throwing trash on the side of the road, you need to slow down, clean up your rhetoric, verify your sources and make a reasoned argument.
Hugely informative. Thank you.
Here is the Inspector General’s 2006 report on errors in the SSA database:
Name and Date of Birth Discrepancies that Affected Basic Pilot Results
Two (0.24 percent) of the 810 native-born U.S. citizen Numident records tested contained inaccurate spellings of the numberholders’ names—when compared to the associated Form SS-5s. When the proper names were tested in the Basic Pilot, it returned an “SSA tentative nonconfirmation” for each. Additionally, 2 (0.24 percent) other Numident records lacked a date of birth for the numberholders. When we tested the dates of birth provided on the numberholders’ Form SS-5s, the Basic Pilot returned an “SSA tentative nonconfirmation” response. As such, these individuals’ employment eligibility may not be initially verified through the Basic Pilot and the numberholders may need to correct their information with SSA.
The number of errors to the name and DOB (in some cases DOB was not even entered into the database) is small by does occur.
And how many Selective Service registration did you examine before coming to the conclusion that “no one else” has one stamped with only two digits?
Whose medical records has Obama called for to be released? Provide a citation, please.
If you haven’t seen his transcripts, how do you know he was not a good student? And have you heard of scholarships and student loans?
My father’s DOB was right in one Social Security database, and wrong in another. (They have one for registrants and one for those drawing benefits.)
Date of birth is an important data item for Social Security and one would expect that they would take greater care with it than with the registrant’s zip code.
You forget that Obama’s people are so good that they fabricated this report in December 2006 so they would have cover when his fraudulent SSN became public.
I can’t remember the exact details, but my father and my records got crossed in some way at some point. My mother (I assume) either put down my name with his SSN or his name with my SSN. But I am subject to a constant barrage of letters from the AARP and health insurance companies offering coverage to supplement Medicare.
BTW – Even though it had absolutely nothing to do with the case involving Barack Obama, I am curious what kind of legal value the name of the father on a birth certificate has. Is it sufficient on its own to establish parentage, even if that parentage is contested by others? Is that a state by state thing or is it the same nation wide?
Unusual, perhaps, but not irregular. My ex-wife’s SSN begins with the prefix 210. which denotes Pennsylvania. She has never lived or worked in Pennsylvania. Yet it is a valid SSN. How do you explain that?
When is Palamas going to apologize for all the disinformation he defecated here?
Yes, and even if Zip Code 06814 was not being used in 1977, it would not have prevented the SSA from mailing the card to 06814. The main Post Office in Danbury is 06810, so any mail showing a Zip Code beginning with 0681 would have been sent to Danbury for further sorting.
Assuming that it was addressed to 06814, when it arrived in Danbury a postal clerk would have noted that the address was Honolulu and it would have been forwarded to Hawaii.
So simple, even someone named Pajamas should be able to comprehend it.
OMG. I never bothered to read the details of their claims, but their proof that his SSN is bogus is the idea that the post office would never have accurately delivered a piece of mail addressed to Honolulu, HI 06814 (instead of the proper Honolulu, HI 96814)? Wow. I knew they held both government agencies and government workers in low regard, but I am still amazed.
I recently helped my elderly aunt get an “official copy” (with the stamped seal) of her birth certificate. The first thing I noticed was that her father’s name was wrong. He always went by his middle name,not by his first, and the clerk (who knew him) registering her birth way back when simply put down his middle name and last name as the father’s name.
doc: Date of birth is an important data item for Social Security and one would expect that they would take greater care with it than with the registrant’s zip code.
why is mitt’s mother’s age different on his (crappy) COLB than her DOB?
Prediction: Palamas will be a drive by Birther- making lofty assertions and then running away from supporting any of them.
From “In a recent investigation, the Social Security Office of the Inspector General, which oversees the Social Security Administration, discovered that the Death Master File contained 36,657 death entries between May 2007 and April 2010 for people who were very much alive.” Included in those is the story of Jerry Miller who has been declared dead four separate times in a two year span and Laura Brooks who was declared dead because a funeral home made a typo in the SSN when submitting a death notice (her case is discussed in the cnn article). Those mistakes made it all the way through the system. But we are supposed to believe that 35 years ago it was impossible for a typoed zip code to get through?
Why would you jump to that conclusion?
And I’ve yet to see him over at FB – surprise! Facts have a nasty way of keeping birthers at bay. 🙂
Along the lines of incorrect information. My mother died in 1989, her grave marker was placed eleven months later according to Jewish tradition. It has a date of death of 1988 on it, in both English and Hebrew! Since the information for the grave marker came from the family, and the cemetery’s own records how the error came to be is inexplicable. Even more inexplicable is that no one, none of her three children or six grandchildren or other relatives even noticed the error until after the year 2000, despite regular visits.
I repeat: when is Palamas going to apologize for all the disinformation he defecated here?
There are people who believe that all government workers are automatons who are unable of thinking for themselves.
In my work I deal with typos all the time (I also make my share of them). The other day I was searching for a man who, I was told, lived on Ellies Avenue in the Bronx. There was just one problem – there is no Ellies Avenue in the Bronx. The correct spelling is Ellis Avenue.
However, this same person had registered not one but two vehicle to ELLIES Avenue. In Birtherstan this should be impossible, because how could a government computer accept a misspelled address? Well, in the real world it happens all the time. And when DMV sent this guy mail addressed to Ellies Avenue, someone at the Post Office was bright enough to deliver it to Ellis Avenue.
Yeah, but there’s an Ellis Island in New York. [bada-bing]
You have, I presume, examined every other registration, omitting none, from 1980?
One study found 26 different ways to spell “Atlanta” in a large medical database in Atlanta.
Part of my job was to convert legacy government databases to new systems. Generally, the newer the data the more data validation. Today one would expect a zip code to be validated, but not 30 years ago. We were starting to validate addresses in our systems in the late 1980’s.
Actually, it’s clearly right-side up.
The premise of the Cold Case Posse is that you can get those date slugs for 1980. The problem with that is that I found a set with the 19xx date on eBay. Add to that, I had a rubber stamp kit in MY DRAWER that had the PICA numbers necessary to make 1980.
Some folks don’t know that in most typefaces the top of the “8” is smaller than the bottom. The difference is not all that obvious UNTIL you turn it upside down and then it looks REALLY FUNNY with the bottom part looking really out of proportion. If you turn the Obama date stamp upside down it looks funny, meaning that originally it was right-side up.
The Cold Case Posse date stamp analysis was all smoke and mirrors. Hell, they couldn’t even spell “PICA.” See my article:
The “19” is not, in my opinion actually missing.” The low-resolution image provided by the Selective Service is black and white. not gray scale. If the “19” was light in color, it would appear missing. Note that other letters and parts of letters on the stamp are missing as well.
See my article:
It varies. If the father and mother are married, then the child is presumed to be the child of the husband. Generally for normal registrations, the father on the certificate is considered prima facie evidence of who the father is, presumed that is the real father unless proven otherwise. For late registrations, the father’s name on the certificate might not be considered prima facie evidence. I don’t know the laws of enough states to make a general conclusion.
I was going to respond further to Palamas, but decided, given his dropping of unsourced bull onto the floor, he was not worth my time except for”
Palamas, you have no clue what I meant by sample size. You are claiming irregularities but only looked at one subject. How many Presidents have voluntarily released:
1. Transcripts of any type.
2. Medical information beyond the.. “he is in excellent health” report for the White House doctor.
3. Social Security number and the various reports that Susan Daniels created (do you have these reports on any other President, or even regular people?).
4. Selective Service information. (how about a comparison from anybody).
5. Birth Certificates that did not state Void.
How many of these were compared with other Presidents or normal peoples records? This is what we call a control group. You claim irregularities when looking at a single data point. Your sample size is still 1.
I guess I could use Palamas’s method and state, without sources, that Palamas is a pitiful, selfish, racist brat. So, Palamas, prove me wrong.
I don’t have any reason to doubt that. When I was in the Navy back in the late sixties, for an entire year my full-time job was correcting other people’s errors – typos, misspellings, formatting errors, invalid routing, etc.
It is so very easy to make mistakes. I was on an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea in 1969. We had an Admiral on board, and one day his office sent over a message to be sent to COMFIRSTFLEET, inviting him to take a helicopter over to the carrier for lunch. The only problem was that COMFIRSTFLEET was in San Diego. The Admiral had intended to invite COMSEVENTHFLEET, who at the time was aboard another aircraft carrier in the South China Sea. Fortunately for all concerned, we spotted the error and corrected it before the message was sent out.
A similar uncaught error was largely responsible for the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. A message which was supposed to be sent to the Mediterranean was sent to the Pacific by mistake.
People now expect various databases to communicate with each other and pull information from various sources but they forget that the mainframes of yesteryear were very much “anti-social.” They did not always work and play well with others. I suppose that is good for me since part of my day job is trying to clean up the mess of the recent conversion whose mess was started by the 4 previous conversions.
Well, obviously, it is just a fake, fraudulent, socialist, Marxist, fascist, POS, and that means Mittens isn’t eligible for the presidency and is not an NBC. He is eroding our Constitution! Or, so I have been told. 😉
I’ve seen that OJ retort somewhere before, just can’t remember where. ATS I think, not sure. I’m guessing it was the same person though it might just be birther buddies.
The other thing about the stamp is that all the characters are degraded somewhat from use. The 80 is the bit that would have been used the least, over time, and thus is in best condition.
The letters around the circumference are degraded, some are missing. The month and day are far from perfect. The ’19’ would have been the most vulnerable to damage. Every year, the old year number had to be pried out and the new slug inserted. Its right next to the century slug and that would have been pushed and stretched and jammed as different people worked on it with needle nose pliers, or paper clips, or tweezers, or whatever while trying to keep the ink from staining their white shirt sleeves.
Not to mention that the CCP’s example of a “legit” stamp had at least one letter in “HONOLULU” missing. When I pointed this out to birthers on WND, the level of cognitive dissonance was rising above Mt. Everest. Some said “it’s not missing, it’s just too faint” (but of course that cannot hold for the “19”…), some said “I see it clearly” and most just resorted to the usual name-calling or change of subject (“But you know what’s also fake? His BC!”).
Also, wasn’t the image one that was obtained by a birther via FOIA? Nobody knows what the original looked like (the obtainer had to scan it in, after all, and we all know how well birthers and scanners go together…). And the CCP made no indication they received the same thing from an individual request. Given their tendency to rely on birther sources, I doubt they did anything but pull this image from the internet.
Besides, validation isn’t always the same. When someone registers with my company, we check the zip code validity against a list of 29,000+ zip codes we got from the government (which includes special zip codes reserved for P.O. boxes, companies, hospitals etc.).
OTOH, when someone signs up with our job portal, we try to store his coordinates by matching his postal code against a list we got from which assigns coordinates to postal codes. However that list is significantly smaller (some 9,000 entries), so the user may enter a postal code which is not in that list (because we cannot lock him out simply because we don’t have his coordinates).
So we end up with users who have no coordinates assigned.
If I translate this back to birtherism, they would claim no-one could sign up without proper coordinates because we would check and reject.
Back to the Obama example: even if the zip code was validated and failed, what would the SSA do? Reject the application? Or just assume a clerical error and issue the SSN anyway? I suppose that since it doesn’t really matter if your zip code is “12345” or “13245” or “25341” (if it did, the SSA would probably go by zip code of birthplace, or demand you apply for a new SSN if you move), they would do the latter.
Well, that would make sense if any of your nonsense had a shred of truth in it. It’s just standard birther bigotry that has been debunked time after time after time. And each time, birthers ignore the refutation and continue.
The first commandment of birtherism is “Thou shalt lie. Always and often.”
The second commandment is “Thou shalt not accept any evidence that does not match your prejudices, however strong the evidence.”
There’s no point in engaging in debate. You won’t listen to facts or reasoned argument, you will continue to lie. You are a birther. It is all you have.
Which is why I always do this:
I see we had another drive by birther in this thread. Thanks all for taking the guy to task on his lies. It saddens me that they’re so easy to manufacture and spread, yet harder to combat. I wish I had a better memory and could have refuted them on my own.
I don’t bother. They are clinically insane, and cannot be reasoned with. It’s a fool’s errand to do anything other than ridicule. They deserve nothing more.
They are fascists in the literal sense, and they have defenders in high places, like Michele Bachmann.
Obama will be re-elected, and I am concerned there will be a worse reaction than Oklahoma City. The rumbling has already started.
For example, as reported by the Huffington Post, there’s Tom Head, a Texas judge, who is predicting and preparing for civil war in the case of an Obama victory.
“Tom Head, a county judge in Lubbock, Texas, plunged far out into the periphery of anti-President Barack Obama conspiracy theories on Monday, pushing a particularly outrageous one as justification for a tax increase in the county.
“Head told FOX34 that Lubbock’s law enforcement needed extra tax dollars in order to be prepared for a full-scale uprising, which he said could be a byproduct of Obama’s reelection. According to Head, the president is seeking to sign a variety of United Nations treaties that will effectively take precedent over domestic law.
‘He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens?’ Head asked. ‘I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.’
“Head continued, delving deeper into his hypothesis and claiming that he was prepared to join the hypothetical resistance.
“‘Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He’s going to send in U.N. troops. I don’t want ’em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say, ‘You’re not coming in here,’ the judge said. ‘And the sheriff, I’ve already asked him, I said, “You gonna back me?” He said, “Yeah, I’ll back you.” Well, I don’t want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.’
“So, there you have it. Head would have listeners believe that they must agree to increase Lubbock’s property tax rate by 1.7 cents in the next fiscal year, or risk being forced to submit to a foreign occupying force invited into the nation by the president of the United States.”
Bravo! Well said!
I started a thread:
As I have stated repeatedly, these people are trying to incite a lone wolf. I have one thing to say to Rmoney: J’accuse.
I strongly share your concerns, as you’ve expressed them here and in your previous post above as well. I appreciate that you do such a good job of bringing this up. For all the laughs we get at the frustratingly bizarre crazy, there is a real serious dark danger lurking under the surface, that we should never overlook or let our guard down against. These reminders cannot be stated enough.
I’m not a drive by guys. I’m trying to get you guys to understand probability, which is rational and reasonable, unlike blind partisan / emotional responses and confirmation bias.
The problem for people like Northland is that they bring up issues and don’t realize what is different between presidents and their histories. Get it through your skull — NO PREVIOUS PRESIDENT HIMSELF SAID HE WAS BORN IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY and was raised in a different one. I’m not so sure why you guys ignore so many facts that make Obama shady and different.
You asked for citation of Obama wanting medical records of Romney too?
There you are. “We usually do that too”. Standard, Mr. President? Not for you.
As I said, dozens of irregularities and no transparency when it comes down to it. Only people who don’t understand probability and disciplined thinking won’t consider the possibilities.
Obama will not be re-elected, but that’s not the issue here. Apart from being a failure, which is why he’ll lose, the issue is that he’s a fraud and when he finally no longer has the power to quash all transparency and investigation into his shadiness, we will find the truth.
The question remains for you guys,
“Will you ever accept it?” or just keep trying to explain it away …
My hunch is the latter, though I hope you are above that and like mature human beings, can admit when you are wrong.
Does it hurt to be that dense? Seriously, is it like an ice cream headache, or menstrual cramps, or what? Because there is not a single, solitary “fact” that makes Obama “shady” that wasn’t invented by his hyper-partisan propaganda-generating enemies. Is that really too hard for you to grasp? How do you find your way out of your trailer or cage or whatever in the morning?
None of it is real. Nada. BHO never said he was born anywhere else. He never hung out with Communists. Not a single document was forged. It’s all garbage… and people like you buy it, eat it, and poop it out in big steaming piles on these pages, and then wonder why we don’t dig right in. I can tell you why: Because we know it’s poop, and you don’t.
No kidding; get a grip. It’s you that’s been had, not us.
Would you take a wager on this? Say, $500 in escrow on paypal with a mutually acceptable third party.
The problem for people like you is that all your so-called “facts” have been debunked and proven false by a variety of mainstream sources: snopes, factcheck, cnn and many more.
Now, I’m a French person, so to a large extent, I’m not partisan. I disagree with many of Mr Obama’s policies; however, I’ll readily admit I also disagree with many more of Mr. Romney’s and/or the GOP’s policies too.
Still, at the end of the day, it’s your country to run, not mine. Mr Obama’s past has understandably generated a lot of interest in the French (and German) media which have researched his life rather thoroughly. (Did you know he had visited the South of France as a student?) Needless to say, they too have no agenda. They report on any and all US president just the same.
You won’t trust me when I say this, but your president life is an open book to the entire planet; depending on opinions, he may be a good or a bad president, but there is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, that makes him illegitimate.
You should go and campaign for Mr Romney instead of believing in rubbish.
Except that nothing you’ve said is either rational nor reasonable. Trust me, I understand probability well. You are just using words in a hollow context and demonstrating nothing but dishonest projection of your own flaws. Confirmation bias and blind partisan / emotional responses is all YOU have.
That goes for the CURRENT president too, fool.
Obama has always said he was born in HI, which is part of the USA you twit. A fact that the state of HI emphatically stands behind.
In terms of the ability to be raised in another country, our Constitution expressly allows for that possibility, as the residency requirement is only 14 years. It is not even specified whether that is cumulative or consecutive. The only other factors are NBC and minimum age 35. That’s it.
So yeah, our Constituion expressly does not require someone to be raised and live their whole life in the US to be President. One can easily be born here, grow up somewhere else, and then as long as they’ve lived a minimum total of 14 years of their life in the US and be at least 35, they too can legally run for President. *duh*
As an officer in the International Jewish Conspiracy™, I know for a fact that Obama’s thugs in the Black Panthers will make sure he will be re-elected.
Wanna bet ten thousand bucks?
Don’t worry yourself about such things. We all understand probability well enough. For instance, what is the probability that you will ever admit, acknowledge or even notice that you are making stuff up or latching on to other people’s lies?
Case in point number one. You harped repeatedly about your point number 5 (that Obama talked about not having any proof during the family’s wrangling over the father’s estate. Well, you couldn’t even quote the passage correctly in the first place, and what it actually says has nothing to do with your big massive point you were so excited about.
So much for your “disciplined thinking!”
Anything else you are no good at that you want to ramble on about others? Have you checked your eyes lately for large planks of wood?
We’ll wait and see if you ever get beyond your own emotional responses and bias, and ever get around to being rational and reasonable (merely because you can make a nice list of lies doesn’t make them any more reasonable). But don’t worry we understand probability enough not to hold our breaths.
Except that you are wrong, yet again…or simply continuing to wilfully lie.
Obama’s medical records were released in 2008:
Here is the released transcript from his attending physician:
So there.
All within the limited confirmation bias constraints of your imagination only.
You’re use of probability and disciplined thinking have ZERO connection with anything you’ve actually said. You are just pretending and using these words as a deceptive “beard” for your own wilful biased ignorance. You clearly have no clue how these priciples and actual reasoning and evidentiary-based thinking work. You sir, are a fraud.
That’s a good point.
Where did you learn such disciplined thinking, G? It’s just like you rationally understand what is possible or probable given the constraints in the Constitution.
What really amazes me is you can be so rational and reasonable and so totally master probability without telling a single lie, or spouting random irrelevancies.
There is nothing to “accept” from what you’ve said, as nothing you said is anything close to being an actual FACT. Just mere wishful conjecture, opinion and outright falsehoods are all that you’ve stated here or provided to date.
You are simply stuck in your own imaginary delusions. We here in the reality-based community don’t have to treat bloviating know-nothings like you seriously, as you lack the ability to back up your mere words with any credible facts.
Agreed! Well said!!! That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell.
Again post the actual quote or a link to it. You say look at the facts and than do not provide any..
And neither did this one.
You apparently have a reading comprehension problem. Obama specifically said that he was not asking for Romney to release all of his medical records:
“I’m not asking him to disclose every detail of his medical records…”
However, the voters should be given enough medical information to make a reasoned judgment about whether a candidate for President has any medical conditions which would interfere with his or her ability to carry out the duties of the office. Obama has done that.
My question is why you feel that you are accomplishing anything by making unsupported assertions?
Seriously- just because you say it- you expect us to believe it?
But I am shocked that you came back a second day- kudo’s for you. Now if you want a real discussion try backing up any of your assertions.
Here is how it is done.
You make a claim- Like Obama is an alien from Mars
You support that claim with a quote: Obama: “I was born a poor black child on Mars”
You provide the link to that quote, so we can see whether it was a real quote, or something that someone made up.
Then we can discuss. See?
Obama never said that he was born in a foreign country. If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.
Between the age of 11 and when he enrolled at Harvard, John Quincy Adams lived in Europe and Russia. He went to school in The Netherlands.
President Obama spent some of his youth in Indonesia, from age 4 till 10 I believe. He then returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii.
President Obama has never claimed that he was born in a foreign country.
Funny how easily you are misled by rumors.
So you are concerned the President Obama is “different” than past presidents. Somehow I am not surprised.
In context, this is about tax returns, not medical records. Medical records are in the paragraph, but that’s not what this section is about. And to be fair, Romney is not asking for Obama’s birth certificate.
When did Obama ever say he was born in a foreign country?
Thanks. You are a wonderful example of conformation bias to study. However, as a birther, you’re third rate with only a minimal familiarity with your mythology.
Yeh good luck with that champ 😀
You give me the market price and I’ll wager $1,000.
You didn’t think I’d take that? All day baby
All day
A fool and his money soon part
Bill, you can contribute to the fund too, big guy.
I appreciate the handout, Dems are good at that (-:
So why are you so worried then that you have to spread falsehoods and innuendo? Explain that my irony deficient friend…
So, you acknowledge that Obama is the favorite to win the election? That is mighty kind of you. Let’s just say that I am not surprised that you are not confident enough in your bluster to put your money on it at even odds.
Why are you coming here to bet on the election? Go to InTrade and buy Romney futures or short Obama. That’s what they exist for and they will ensure that the bets are paid off, regardless of who wins, which Doc is not in a position to do. Perhaps,that is why you are here rather than there, since birthers have a very poor track record of paying up.
Finally, something that might be true.
Still waiting for the links on this. That would be one for “guy himself” and at least twelve links to verify “multiple newspapers” and “most of the 00s” (2 papers, 6 years each from 2000-2009).
Correct me if I have not understood your argument.
You KNOW in your heart that Obama is a fraud, corrupt, shady, and not clean. Any right-thinking person would at least think this is highly probable based on the large number of irregularities in Obama’s documentation and life history. Those irregularities are so well known that it is really not necessary to repeat them all here. However, Obama uses his power to keep all the information from coming out that would conclusively prove that he is a fraud, corrupt, shady, and not clean. Once he is out of power there will be no way to prevent all the truth from coming out. You want us to agree with you now about Obama’s true nature once the truth is revealed—all rational people would come to that conclusion.
If I did not summarize your argument accurately, please make corrections as necessary.
As I write, Intrade has Obama at 57.5%; Rmoney at 41.8%. Intrade has an accuracy of 90%.
538 has Obama at 62.6%; Rmoney at 37.4%. 538 has an accuracy of 95%.
No, 5th rate.
You do know that the Obama released a summary prior to the 2008 election and that the results of his yearly physicals are online, right? Oh, maybe you never looked…
Romney is having his surrogates do it for him.
“And to be fair”
I’m not letting Rmoney off the hook. He could shut them up, if he wanted. Arpaio and Trump are featured speakers at Tampa.
John McCain wasn’t President but he was a major party nominee and not only said it, but he was. Mitt Romney is also a major party nominee and he hasn’t said he was born in Canada, but I certainly think he might have been. Based on geography and the property the Romney family owns in Canada, my scientiific opinion is that the odds of Mitt’s having been born in Canada are several orders of magnitude higher than those of Obama’s being born in Kenya or anywhere other than Hawaii.
So let me ask: Why did Mitt Romney run the WINTER Olympics, a competition with a lot of sports on ice, including hockey and curling? Has he ever been to a Tim Horton’s? His accent certainly could pass north of the border, whereas Obama’s definitely would not.
I rest my case.
Gee Palamas, you get thoroughly debunked in all of your other previous talking points, so instead of being man enough to admit you are wrong, or provide any evidence to prove your crazy claims, you go for the cowardly dodge to change the subject…
…again, such a childish response. Such a false braggart you are. It is such an obvious ruse to cover from your clear fear of Obama’s impeding re-election. It is that increased liklihood, which is really what scares you and drives you to show up at sites like this and put on your pretend blustery airs. Sorry, its not working and we can see through your nonsense. Go find a site where the folks are more like you are and are actually susceptible to such gullible mind games. Here, you are simply transparent and seen for what you truly are – a nervous phony.
That high? 😯
Yeah and President Obama never said he was born in a foreign country either. What’s your point?
Me too. President Obama himself is safe from these nutjobs; he’s got top shelf security around him 24/7. But when you can’t hit the real target of your enmity, you hit what you can.
Maybe it’s because we don’t think his shade makes him that much different.
Because lies are not facts.
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
You talk about probabilities. I have a question regarding probabilities: How is it that one message can contain so many misstatements of facts and this not be intentional?
1. What do you say to the bloggers who cited the President’s health report? Proof positive on-line health summaries have been cited. What say you?
2. When you say he wasn’t a good student, you’re saying what you can’t possibly know to be true. Here’s what Abraham Lincoln said about that:
“I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false is guilty of falsehood, and the accidental truth of the assertion does not justify or excuse him.”
3. You also say that Gov. Abercrombie couldn’t find the President’s BC. You have to know that’s non-factual, as what the gov said was that he had no authority to access said document on his own. Show me where the gov said the BC was “hand-written.” Direct authenticated quotes from credible sources, not paraphrases by the usual birther spinners.
4. When you say with “no known financial support,” are you meaning with no plausible financial support? Bacause there were such things as student loans, scholarships and family support. You can’t honestly say that the President got no student loans, because a couple of years or so, some too-curious employees of a private company that processes student loans took an unauthorized illegal peek at the President’s student loan records, and got indicted for their troubles. Now if he had received no student loans, there would have been no records to peer at, hence no one could have been indicted for looking at what wasn’t there.
As for familial support, how is it that birthers apparently assume that Obama’s grandmother could not have earned enough as a bank officer with 20-plus years experience to have substantially contribute to the future president’s education costs. yet a little over 20 years earlier, when she was a very junior clerk of the same bank, she could have funded a trip halfway around the world when airfare alone would have consued more cash than a minimum wage worker pulled down in a year?
This, just for starters. Others have called you out on the supposed newspaper reports of his foreign birth, as well as his supposed self-admission.
So, seriously, Palamas, what happened to you? Did you close too many lead sinkers onto fishing line with your teeth during your formative years? There must be some reason for the diminished mental and moral capacities that permit you to believe big piles of nonsense with no proof whatsoever, and disbelieve facts for which there are big piles of proof!
So what was it? A mean bout of spinal meningitis that killed 1/3 of your prefrontal cortex? Did your parents buy you a trampoline and put it up in a garage with an 8′ cement ceiling? It would be valuable to the study of abnormal psychology to document how otherwise fairly bright people deteriorate to the point that they become Birthers.
Enquiring minds want to know!
Okay, are you willing to send a check for $1000 to Dr. Conspiracy whom I trust? The check can be in the name of my Hollywood agent. And conversely I’ll send a check for the same amount to the Dr in whomever’s name you want. The loser’s check will be destroyed; the winner cashed?
(ie if Obama wins I get to cash your check; if Romney wins you get to cash mine.)
Are you game? I’m ready to do it.
Yes but if he does that I won’t be getting his $1000.
Thanks JD.
I’ve been looking for that quote for ages. Couldn’t remember who said it for the life of me.
Hmmmm. 😉
As Palamas “drives by” this site this morning, will he squeeze off a couple of parting shots or will he step on the gas and make a quick getaway? Enquiring minds want to know
I would rate the odds of ever collecting even a penny fom a birther on a bet that they lost as less than the odds of Bhutan winning the 2014 World Cup.
Go. Bhutan, go! 🙂
Look at it this way: you’re very likely right, but I’m willing to put $1000 on the table right now to shut him up.
If he fails to proceed, then we can all ridicule him for being a yellow-bellied chicken.
If his check bounces (because I fully expect Obama to win), I’ll have my agent report him to the credit rating agencies (his name & address will be on the check) and I might even sicc a debt collector on him.
Palamas, I stand ready to proceed (ie: first email our private info to Dr.C, then according to his instructions, send him a check for $1000 in the name of the other party). Are you?
Years ago, I posted on a basketball site. There was a hot debate about which of two teams would win a game, which was an interesting discussion because they were meeting for the first time. One poster was willing to bet all comers a steak dinner that his team would prevail, and there were seven takers of that bet. The game wasn’t close, and the question turned to collection of the seven steak dinners. The loser, who had been an assistant coach of the losing team, had since moved on to coaching at another team. My strategy to collect my meal was to start posting on various threads that this aspiring coach was in danger of becoming a deadbeat. He emailed me begging for mercy; his reputation might be damaged and it might affect his coaching future. He also claimed poverty, which is not an implausible situation for an assistant basketball coach. Online we negotiated a deal in which he sent me a check for steaks and all the fixings, and I volunteered my services to cook the meals, which would be available to the winners at the conference tournament.
In transporting my gas grill to the site of the conference tournament, it blew off the back of my pickup as I was speeding down the interstate. Brickettes all over the pavement. Grill mangled. Police stopping to see what the problem was and why I was venturing out on the interstate between cars/trucks to pick up brickettes.
I was able to sufficiently repair the grill to cook the steaks, baked potatoes, etc. Salad, dessert, drinks. None of the other winners showed up at the appointed time and place, so I pulled some friends from the tourney at half-time of a semi-final game. One of the most enjoyable meals I ever ate.
The grill lasted another five years, until it expired in a burst of flames, first noticed by my wife from the kitchen window.
Palamas, how about betting a steak dinner on the outcome of the election?
Mzungu, a far more interesting bet would be contingent on a Romney win. Bet Palamas that Romney and mainstream Republicans will not, having won the election, even acknowledge that birtherism ever existed. Doesn’t Palamas relish the prospect of a Romney victory in large part because he thinks that, at long last, Obama can be fully investigated, convicted and punished, without the necessity of frog-marching him out of the White House? See is Palamas will put up a gee on that!
If Dr. C won’t hold the money, I’ll be glad to. Just make the checks payable to me so I can draw a little interest on it while holding the money.
Palamas, are you still there? Talk to me!
He crawled back under his rock.
Lots of birther bigots are dealing with painful erections after Romney’s birther jokes.
He promised me a ring, swore he was not a drive-by, and now I’m with birther child. I think the only fitting response is for me to move to Kenya to give birth. I may need to renounce my citizenship, I suppose. I don’t even know if Palamas is American. He never said. I never even got his real name.
I was wondering why he crawled out from underneath his rock in the first place. I should have known; some things never change. 🙂
I knew some Masaii out in the Ngong Hills who might take you in.
Sounds nice. Do you think my child could grow up to be President of Kenya? I believe they no longer have a Prime Minister, is that correct?
Wow…that was a fascinating read! I love little quirky personal stories like that… the saga of the grill’s misfortunes were even more jaw-droppingly engaging than even the already intriguing main tale!
That loser sounds like Bozo the Trojan. You’re lucky he didn’t fight you in the hotel bar the night before.
You are a gifted story teller.
You need to set your sights on a different future for your love child.
Try very hard to remember if Palamas ever used the first name of Gregory. If so, you are indeed blessed, and your son (it’s going to be a son) could one day become an archbishop in the Eastern Catholic Church!
Think Greece! Mount Athos–that’s where you want to head. Kenya is so….tribal.
Not nearly as gifted a story teller as the birthers. 🙂
That’s a story for another day.
You aren’t telling me I guessed correctly are you? USC learns that the cost of honor is high
My bar story has a funnier ending. 🙂
I dunno about that. You should have seen the flak he got on the Arizona fansites 😀
I can only imagine people told Ann Dunham much the same while she was telegraphing her parents from Kenya telling them to lie about her son being born in Hawaii, all to ensure her son had not the slightest obstacle in becoming President.
Oh, he just had me call him Pal. He liked to joke that we were just palling around. Do you really think my son (thank you) could be the descendant of a saint (even perhaps descended from an unacknowledged but saintly love child)?
Maybe I should think Greece. That might be the perfect place to raise my son as the next Socrates. That might be a better way to honor his father’s philosophical skills. Pal might be a deadbeat dad, but he had his good sides, too. He had such a brilliant mind. We both chose the red pill together that first night. I’m sure he’s off somewhere fighting the good fight.
His brilliance must have been consumed by the romance. He didn’t have anything left by the time he began posting here.
Did he ever drop the name Kostis Palamas?
It would be nice to have the blood of a poet flowing through your son’s veins.
Thinking of the parallel with Ann. Have you socked away enough money to support your stay in Greece? Have you got a place selected? Maybe Pal comes from Palamas and still have a grandmother there? Transportation? How about plans to contact a Health Department in a State of your choice just in case the Greek philosopher or church patriarch thing doesn’t pan out? It would be nice to have the option of running for U.S. President as a backup. Maybe Canada as Plan C. Do you have a rich and famous Greek selected as the father to name on the birth certificate? So much to do and so little time!
Thank you, American Mzungu. Whatever else, you have given me some notable names, and I must say I will show my son these posts someday, when he asks where his names come from. Gregory Kostis Palamas, I will tell him, give your thanks to one American Mzungu. Without his suggestions, I would have called you Paisley Jack.
You are right, so much to do. Fortunately, birther pregnancies are as long or as short as they need to be to make the theory work, and with Palamas as the father, I am confident I will be able to make all the arrangements necessary in time. Indeed, if I really hurry, I may be able to give birth before nine months, which would be nice, because let me tell you this baby has one kickin’ mind of its own, if you know what I mean. I think I will miss the pickle cream cheese pies, though.
How are your parents taking the news? They had such I hopes for you, didn’t they? BTW, I hope you got lots of pictures of Pal. Your son will need pictures. I hope you don’t mind the “mentoring”. I’ve always felt that Ann could have used more help.
No, I don’t mind. I appreciate it. I hope you don’t mind that I’m not real. My son will need a Big Brother, and I do hear that imaginary children can be more work than real children, if you can believe that. In my defense, I am as real as Kenyan Ann. So there is that. And the love Palamas and I shared is as real as the PDFs are fake. No one can change that.
No pictures. He was such a shy man. My parents are supportive in these hard times, but happy to have a grandson on the way. Unfortunately, my father is one of those rare Eighthers who believe birtherism is a cruel and unusual punishment on the American people. He has never had a kind word for my dear Palamas.
You told a much better story than the “Ann goes to Kenya” saga told by birthers.
If Palamas, for some absurd reason, were to return, he’s all yours. 🙂
trump has been teasing those who care with a “surprise” at the convention
some thoughts:
So, Donald Trump has lately been touting the “big surprise” that he is “working on” for the upcoming Republican National Convention, which is of course going to be the classiest and most awesome surprise in the history of Republican National Conventions, the previous honoree being Pat Buchanan’s speech in 1992.
Recently, however, Salon’s Alex Pareene had reason to ruminate on all of the possibilities for what Trump had in store, and after what I’m sure was an exhaustive session of cogitation, and also Scotch, he came to a conclusion: “The real surprise is almost definitely just going to be some idiotic video where Trump ‘fires’ an Obama impersonator.”