Watch out you birther freaks. Obots have guns too.
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Quick Reference
- Birther aggregator
- Congressional Research Service report on presidential eligibility
- Donald, You're FIred! –
- Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ
- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. –
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
- Obama presidential library
- Obama White House archive site
- Politifact Birth Certificate articles
- Recent court rulings on presidential eligibility
- The debunker's guide to Obama conspiracy theories
- The Great Mother of all Natural Born Citizenship Quotation Pages
Nice one, Doc, may we thanks Mrs. C for an assist?
I would note, that birfers are already all wet. All wet, all the time.
Conspiracy theorizing has already begun over the Newtown Connecticut mass murder, shooting, allegations about connections to the finance industry and US Senate hearings. It is of course par for the course that for many people, their immediate reaction to the horrible murder of dozens of innocent people, in this case children, is to think only of themselves and their unnecessary and excessive gun collecting hobby.
Super Soakers banned as dangerous; can be used as weapons:
Super Soaker Squirt Weapon Spurs Boston Controversy
Earlier this month a Boston woman and her child were shot in the face with a Super Soaker loaded with bleach, and another child was shot to death when the target of his Super Soaker attack retaliated with a real gun.
Concerned that the toys could lead to further outbreaks of violence, Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn called on stores to voluntarily remove the water pistols from their shelves.
According to opponents of the gun, a regular water gun attack can be shrugged off, but a trigger-happy individual is not likely to be so philosophical about being drenched by a forceful blast from a Super Soaker. The greater volume of the Super Soaker also makes a bleach attack more dangerous.
And Flynn has painted the gun as a sort of “gateway” to urban violence the way marijuana is to hard drug abuse.
Tampa Can Ban Water Guns But Not Actual Guns at the Republican Convention
You won’t be able “super soaker” water gun to Democratic and Republican National Convention this year, but hey, that concealed 9mm pistol in your jacket is totally fine in the states hosting the conventions, North Carolina and Florida. Both states allow peopled to carry concealed guns and, the AP reports. (They both also have Stand Your Ground laws.)
Now that’s the goatee of a man you don’t F#@! with!
Species: Doc Conspiracy
Genus: Homo wateratackus
A hunter known to prey on various species of birthus intoleri.
Observed hunting the Great Ice Witch of Moldova (Taitzus bizzarum), various forms of clay-based creatures (klayman ridiculi) and certain Italian ices (Apuz delirae.)
Normally a sedate creature unless confronted with any form of Obamus Fallacea.
It’s Easier to Ban Lawn Darts Than Assault Weapons
Yes, apparently there was a lawn dart game called Jarts that got banned after killing two children (one was killed by “an altered lawn dart”, proving that lawn darts just didn’t have the lobbyists guns do). But to be fair, they did injure 3,200 people in eight years.
Oh, wait, MATH:
“Every year, nearly 1,500 children die from guns and many more are seriously injured. The American Academy of Pediatrics believes the best way to prevent gun-related injuries to children is to remove guns from the home.”
So, yes.. Absurdities that arise courtesy of the propaganda money can buy. As Trailmonkee pointed out in the thread, you’re never going to hear “jarts don’t kill people, people kill people”. Big money can buy invincibility and a failure to be responsible for pretty much anything.
You’ll want to use the Swtich-Axe, if you’re hunting Taitzus Bizzarum. Just be sure to bring plenty of antidotes with you. All of that eyeliner seeps into the sponge-like mane, congealing into a sort of tar-like toxic goo.
I’ve never gotten close enough to one, nor want to.
I’ll take your word on the consistency of her toxic goo.
If nothing else, she’s always been consistent.
We French are experts on illegal stuff:
Hmmm, Canada is listed as a factor in those cheese shenanigans. This doesn’t surprise me one bit.
This is my favorite comment: “Don’t worry. The kind of people who really, really need those kind of weapons, wouldn’t be seen dead eating any cheese that wasn’t expressed from a can.
The rest of us will just have to clutch our French cheese – and learn to duck and dodge.”
Americans are not interested in any of those cheeses. In order to enjoy any of them, one must have good taste. ‘Good taste’ and ‘American’ are mutually exclusive.
Just ask Rick Perry.
Russia produced Mikhail Gorbachev. We produced Ronald Reagan.
I rest my case.
Did you hear about the American who went to the Louvre?
He said to the taxi driver, “Wait for me. I’ll be right back.”
Russia pioneered beds made of concrete.
America pioneered the Wave Runner.
I rest my case.
America pioneered genocide. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.
America pioneered biological warfare: Disease as a weapon against Native Americans –
Sorry, Misha, that is just insanely silly. Especially from someone with your cultural/religious background.
God commanded the Israelites to destroy the indiginous populations in the promised land. Genocide is hardly something new to America.
The Europeans used genocide against indiginous populations long before any of them knew that the American continent existed. The Palistinian Jewish population, living in relative peace with the Islamic government were indiscriminately slaughtered by the Crusading Europeans. The Cathars in southern France received the same treatment “Kill them all, let God sort them out” is the mythic command.
Genocide and germ warfare had been used by the Spanish against the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru for 100 years before the Mayflower landed in New England.
That in no way excuses the plague blankets or the massacres in the American west, it just shows that America didn’t pioneer it.
C’mon Keith. Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good round of obnoxious America bashing. You might throw Misha off his game, then he’ll have to step up the threadjacking and cycle through his 6 stale jokes faster.
Yo, Misha… How long would it have taken Russia to come up with the Internet?
And even if they had, would they have developed a protocol that makes it (potentially) available to everyone on the planet?
These shootings would not have happened if we had lower taxes.
…and if the little Jewish kids who were killed in Sandy Hook had been subjected to Christian prayers and Bible studies since day 1.
Now we’re back on track.
I see what you did there, very nice.
An illustrated edition! Awesome.