Anonymity and Freedom of Speech

I support the right of anonymous speech, and that’s a longstanding policy on this blog. It’s an application of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you—that particular formulation is from Jesus, but all of the worlds’ major religions include s similar principle.1 Before I retired, I was very concerned about my blogging here bleeding over into my job because several of my former company’s customers were state vital statistics agencies. And while I never had anything bad to say about those agencies (for whom I had high regard), it is still easy for something to be misunderstood or misrepresented. I want for people on both sides of the birther question to be able to speak their minds freely without having to look over their shoulders at work, or with family and friends. Sometimes the ability to freely express an opinion requires doing it anonymously. In my way of thinking, personal privacy usually outweighs telling every detail of a story.

Some don’t share my values

Both birthers and Obots have engaged in exposés of the other. I even got a shout out from Jerome Corsi in a 2011 article at World Net Daily. Certainly there is some aspect of revenge or intimidation in some of it. For some of the birthers, outing Obots is a contribution to the complexity of their conspiracy narrative. Some think that knowing the real name of the “demon” gives power over it.

Men in Black Suits

DocInBlackThe essay preceding didn’t come out of thin air; it was prompted by the recent publication by Orly Taitz of a FOIA request to the IRS about several things, one a lawyer working for the IRS who went to see one of Orly Taitz’ court appearances (there was a sign-in sheet that Orly got from the court in spite of objections, and then published). Taitz is demanding under FOIA the time cards for this attorney to see if that person was being paid by the government for the time spent attending the hearing and saying critical things about Taitz on the Internet. Of course Orly is much more specific about the identity of this person on her web site than I. Now I don’t think that Orly Taitz is trying to intimidate the attorney—Orly doesn’t have enough comprehension of other peoples’ feelings to come up with that. I think revenge against the Obots is probably the motivation, or perhaps a twisted idea of self defense.

To understand this, it’s necessary to turn the Wayback Machine to 2011, when Orly Taitz wrote an article calling Butterfly Bilderberg a “thug” and quoted this text allegedly from a comment by Bilderberg at the Taitz blog:

My agency allows me to work under a pseudonym for personal safety reasons. If Orly publishes my identity and employment info, she and her followers will be visited by men in suits. Arriving in vehicles with dark glass. With badges in their wallets. It won’t be a social call, either.

I say “allegedly” because as an authentic comment, it makes no sense. Why would someone who wants anonymity write something like this publicly? They wouldn’t. Why would an attorney write in sentence fragments? They wouldn’t. Why would someone from the eastern half of the United States post with an IP address from Coto de Caza, California? They wouldn’t.  So we may safely label the comment a hoax, made by someone allegedly (the comment never appeared as a comment on Orly’s blog, only in the article). Conspiracy theorists don’t understand spoofs and hoaxes, I’m sorry to say (more on that later).  Orly Taitz took it very seriously, replying on May 15, 2011:

If you are talking to Butterfly, let her know, that she and her cohorts will pay for harassing me and threatening to send “men in black suits after me”.

One grand conspiracy (just kidding)

Taitz believes that someone tampered with her car, embellishing the story to the point of attempted murder (more likely the hose was just loose). She thinks people plant viruses on her web site, tamper with her mail and even manipulate her database entries at the Supreme Court to hide her cases. It’s all just one vast conspiracy with mastermind Obama (or Soros) in the center.


The hose clamp removal tool that we Obots carry is an example of Obot humor, a joke that Taitz wouldn’t understand. It’s funny to us because of the absurdity of the idea that any of us would tamper with Orly’s car. Comments about Soros funding The Fogbow are equally tongue in cheek, as are the comments on RC Radio where folks call Jim Johnson “boss.” We all know better. It’s a game. Orly considers it “evidence.”

In this latest FOIA/complaint explosion Taitz includes the Dan Lacey nude pancake paintings of her. Taitz even referenced the spoof video by Dan Lacey in which he “admits” that billionaire George Soros commissioned the paintings. This announcement is made in front of a painting of George Soros holding a nude Orly Taitz on pancakes (viewer discretion is advised).

Taitz is also demanding that the IRS tell her (as if they would know) whether Soros is funding various Obot enterprises such as The Fogbow, RC Radio (Orly continues the false birther association of Reality Check with professor Richard Rockwell2) and various individual anti-birther characters (myself excluded). Taitz wrote:

I request any and all information whether  IRS considered as a tax deductable (sic) charitable contribution  any donations by George Soros or any of his not for profit organizations or by any 501c3s and 501c4s to Painter Dan Lacey.

Here’s the money quote:

I request a response within 20 days of the receipt of this FOIA request and I will consider a lack of response to be a final denial by the agency, which entitles me to seek  a redress in the court of law.

Yes, it’s all a ploy for Orly to get back into the limelight in the role of the crusading civil rights attorney. Everyone else be damned.

1See A Global Ethic: The Declaration of the Parliament of the World’s Religions with commentaries by Hans Küng and Karl-Josef Kuschel, Continuum 1993.

2I left a comment on Orly’s site that RC is not Richard Rockwell. It probably won’t get published.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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69 Responses to Anonymity and Freedom of Speech

  1. richCares says:

    Orly is a nasty individual with a sick imagination. She deserves as much ridicule as we can give.

  2. scott e says:

    this could be like a miniseries.

  3. Jim says:

    scott e:
    this could be like a miniseries.

    Could be? Why do you think all of us anti-birthers follow this? It can’t be because we think the birthers have anything, because they don’t. It’s just another form of entertainment…a soap opera to see what the next outrageous and made-up theory that Orly, Zullo, etc. can come up with to keep the birthers sending them money.

  4. I watch the Denialists for the same reason people slow down to look at a car wreck, or watch trapeze performers.

    Michael O’Donoghue – People go to the circus to see the trapeze performers fall.

  5. scott e says:

    so Robert Rockwell isn’t RC ? taught at UCONN in Stoors Ct. ?

  6. Rickey says:

    “Taitz is demanding under FOIA the time cards for this attorney to see if that person was being paid by the government for the time spent attending the hearing and saying critical things about Taitz on the Internet.”

    Do government attorneys even punch time cards? I would assume that they are salaried employees, although they probably keep track of the time they work on specific cases.

    Orly is a despicable, bitter human being.

  7. I would guess they have a security system that logs everyone entering and leaving the building but I am certain professional employees are not “on the clock”. Most of them put in lots of unpaid hours and if they want to walk across the street one morning and watch a crazy person make a buffoon of themselves in court I do not see that being an issue. A person would just use PTO to cover that.

  8. Woodrowfan says:

    Maybe she was being investigated for running a bogus non-profit?

  9. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    “Taitz is demanding under FOIA the time cards for this attorney to see if that person was being paid by the government for the time spent attending the hearing and saying critical things about Taitz on the Internet.”

    Do government attorneys even punch time cards? I would assume that they are salaried employees, although they probably keep track of the time they work on specific cases.

    Orly is a despicable, bitter human being.

    Actually, there is something like a time card for every employee in the federal civil service. At the IRS every employee updates an electronic version of a Form 3081 shortly before the end of each pay period, recording the regularly hours worked, credit hours worked, hours used for annual leave, sick leave, administrative leave, furlough, etc. Unless the form is turned in by 2:00 on the last Thursday of the pay period, the next paycheck will not show up in the employee’s bank account come pay day 11 days later.

    Each division also has a timekeeping system (again, electronic) for the purpose of tracking the time and activities spent on each case or task. In my division time dedicated to analyzing the case, researching the law, conferencing with taxpayers and/or their duly-appointed representatives, writing the case memorandum, preparing the supporting paperwork for recomputing the tax deficiency or abating a tax or penalty, etc., are tracked for statistical and manpower-allocation purposes, as well as to document the case.

    The former documentation — the Form 3081, the form that indicates whether an employee was on duty, on leave, on furlough, etc. — is exempt from FOIA. Of course, furlough days are published by the agency and the entire agency is shut down on those days, so it would be unnecessary to request the form in order to find out whether an IRS was at the office or working from another duty station on May 24, June 17 or July 5. Closures for administrative and weather-related reasons are also announced. However, there is no legal way for a citizen to learn what dates the employee took annual leave or sick leave or used accrued credit hours, unless, of course, one simply asked him or her. Neither the IRS nor any other federal agency will disclose that because to do so would violate FOIA and the Privacy Act, at the very least.

    As for the latter, the taxpayer whose case was under consideration may be able to obtain a copy of a printout of the electronic case activity record, although there may be redactions due to the deliberative process privilege. However, no other citizens or taxpayer would be entitled to that under FOIA.

    In any event, every single document or piece of information in Orly’s FOIA request is exempt from disclosure. Contrary to her uninformed belief, she is not entitled to see any report of any investigation that may have been pursued as a result of her complaint to TIGTA, except, perhaps, copies of her own complaint (as were provided by the USPS in response to her FOIA request of that agency). Again, the law enforcement and personnel exemptions under FOIA prohibit the disclosure.

    I know the answers to Orly’s questions, but I’m not telling.

  10. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    Reality Check:
    I would guess they have a security system that logs everyone entering and leaving the building but I am certain professional employees are not “on the clock”. Most of them put in lots of unpaid hours and if they want to walk across the street one morning and watch a crazy person make a buffoon of themselves in court I do not see that being an issue. A person would just use PTO to cover that.

    You are correct, RC. Each employee has a “Smart Card” with bio data that also serves as a key card for entering a secured area (including the office), therefore at the very least every entrance to the office suite is logged. Keep in mind, however, that the IRS and other federal agencies allow many employees to “Flex” — to work from home or another remote location — so the absence of a record of attendance at the duty station is not indicative that the employee was not working. Only the personnel record based on the Form 3081 described above will indicate whether the employee was paid for that date.

    Additionally, every access to a software program, every keystroke in certain of these programs (e.g., the IDRS system with taxpayer information) is logged, so that even an inadvertent access — such as when a keystroke error is made in entering a taxpayer’s TIN — has to be reported. Every instance of access to taxpayer information will show up on a daily report to the employee’s manager, and unauthorized access will be investigated by TIGTA.

    So there are may ways in which the activities of the employee are recorded and tracked.

  11. Jimbo says:

    After blasting voluminous false allegations against the IRS attorney and others all over the internet, Orly has the audacity to assure the IRS that “I agree to protect the confidentiality of information and to prevent an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”?????

    Puh-leez Louise. Her FOIA request is proof all by itself that she is incapable of refraining from invading the privacy of others.

  12. Hi Butterfly Bilderburg!!!

    If you do need any kind of excuse for being somewhere Orly-connected, then you can look up a certain ALLEGED letter to the IRS from Orly, because I sure bet there are some legitimate reasons there for an “A” word:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  13. RC isn’t Richard. RC isn’t Rockwell. RC isn’t taught at UCONN in Stoors Ct. RC isn’t college professor.

    Can I be any more clear?

    scott e: so Robert Rockwell isn’t RC ? taught at UCONN in Stoors Ct. ?

  14. Keith says:

    misha marinsky:
    I watch the Denialists for the same reason people slow down to look at a car wreck, or watch trapeze performers.

    Michael O’Donoghue – People go to the circus to see the trapeze performers fall.

    In Australia, we’re all staying up all night to watch the Tour de France. The next days conversation isn’t about whether Contador is gonna catch Froome in the Pyrenees, or if this is Cadel’s last year.

    Its “did you see the crash at the finish?”.

  15. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    scott e:
    so Robert Rockwell isn’t RC ? taught at UCONN in Stoors Ct. ?

    This is the nonsense that got you banned last time Scotty. Only an idiot like yourself would rely on Tracy Fair for research

  16. Rickey says:

    scott e:
    so Robert Rockwell isn’t RC ? taught at UCONN in Stoors Ct. ?

    How many times do birthers have to give you bad information before you will begin to show some skepticism about what they say?

  17. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    Hi yourself, Squeeky!

    I see that your friend, Fabia Sheen, has taught you well regarding IRC 183.

  18. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    RC isn’t Richard. RC isn’t Rockwell. RC isn’t taught at UCONN in Stoors Ct. RC isn’t college professor.

    Can I be any more clear?

    crystal, i’ll keep looking. I have other names to try.

  19. “the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you—that particular formulation is from Jesus, but all of the worlds’ major religions include a similar principle”

    Don’t forget Rabbi Hillel: Once there was a gentile who came before Shammai, and said to him: “Convert me on the condition that you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot.” Shammai pushed him aside with the measuring stick he was holding. The same fellow came before Hillel, and Hillel converted him, saying: “That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow, this is the whole Torah, and the rest is commentary, go and learn it.”

  20. Bovril says:

    Unless of course one has been in the military where the mantra is

    “Do unto other as they would do unto you except do it first, faster and dirtier..”

  21. Well don’t bother running the list by me. If I played the guessing game, I’d be stuck if you happened to guess right, since I couldn’t lie and say you were wrong, and I would violate my own policy to say you were right. So I’ll refuse in advance to comment.

    scott e: crystal, i’ll keep looking. I have other names to try.

  22. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well don’t bother running the list by me. If I played the guessing game, I’d be stuck if you happened to guess right, since I couldn’t lie and say you were wrong, and I would violate my own policy to say you were right. So I’ll refuse in advance to comment.

    well played sir… now i’m more interested in why the big secret ?? i’ll find out. you know… before the conspiracy theories start.

    his blog Ip is Atlanta. he keeps it pretty well locked up, should be fairly easy.

    and the way you guys reacted when I called him professor. I know you would never lie about it.

  23. Majority Will says:

    Wow. A birther bigot admitting he’s a jackass. Big surprise.

  24. Scott seems a might obsessed with me. I accepted that he chickened out of a debate with Frank Arduini. Why can’t Scott accept that too and move on? We all know now he would have been embarrassed.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Well don’t bother running the list by me.

  25. scott e says:

    Reality Check:
    Scott seems a might obsessed with me. I accepted that he chickened out of a debate with Frank Arduini. Why can’t Scott accept that too and move on? We all know now he would have been embarrassed.

    that’s ok, you don’t have to tell me your name. lol

  26. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    scott e: crystal, i’ll keep looking. I have other names to try.

    If by looking you mean reading what Tracy Fair wrote yeah have at it. Her research was an absolute failure. This is the problem you seem to have Scott you birthers can’t do any real actual research

  27. Northland10 says:

    Reality Check:
    Scott seems a might obsessed with me. I accepted that he chickened out of a debate with Frank Arduini. Why can’t Scott accept that too and move on? We all know now he would have been embarrassed.

    Trolls ambition is to pick a fight with various people as if it gives them “power.” As such, they tend to develop obsession regarding some they see as their trolling prize. Being a better known debunker, due to the radio show, Scott may likely view you as the top challenge on the troll circuit. I have noticed this trend among other banned trolls who are greatly obsessed with those who banned them, depriving them of their “bully” target. Though Scott is less crude, the behavior is the same.

    It is rather ironic that Birther trolls are actually attempting to seek acceptance from, as they call it, Obots.

  28. Maybe he didn’t chicken out, but rather it was a plot to maximize disruption, i.e. a troll ploy.

    Reality Check:
    Scott seems a might obsessed with me. I accepted that he chickened out of a debate with Frank Arduini. Why can’t Scott accept that too and move on? We all know now he would have been embarrassed.

  29. In all fairness, she identified me correctly, although a few details were wrong.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: If by looking you mean reading what Tracy Fair wrote yeah have at it. Her research was an absolute failure.

  30. Reacted? What makes RC’s identity a big secret is that the birthers got it wrong.

    scott e: and the way you guys reacted when I called him professor. I know you would never lie about it.

  31. Heck, even I know who RC is. He’s the guy who runs the radio show.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  32. Good morning to my friends at OCT. It is a beautiful day here in Connecticut.

  33. john says:

    I do know that RC’s real name may be Randy of Fred. We know that RC called in as “Fred” to Carl Gallup’s radio show and I know that RC introduced his name as “Randy” on another radio show a while back. I think the RC – Randy said he was from Kentucky. I don’t know if these names are any possible names of RC or that RC simply lies about everything to get what he wants.

  34. I think I’ve used “Fred” when I called in to the show. Just playing with the birthers, but then did I use the real name to make the birthers think I was joking when I was not to make them think that I knew that they would think that what I said was not what true when it was? Or did I think they would figure that out and say the opposite to fool them?

    Lucy: I switched the glasses.
    Ricky: I switched them back.
    Lucy: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.
    These are difficult questions.

    john: I do know that RC’s real name may be Randy of (sic) Fred. We know that RC called in as “Fred” to Carl Gallup’s radio show and I know that RC introduced his name as “Randy” on another radio show a while back. I think the RC – Randy said he was from Kentucky. I don’t know if these names are any possible names of RC or that RC simply lies about everything to get what he wants.

  35. Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Heck, even I know who RC is. He’s the guy who runs the radio show.

    Right! Here’s his picture:

  36. john: RC simply lies about everything to get what he wants.

    Are you talking about Orly Taitz?

  37. Reality Check: Good morning to my friends at OCT. It is a beautiful day here in Connecticut.

    And it’s wonderful here in Chinatown:

  38. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: In all fairness, she identified me correctly, although a few details were wrong.

    Yeah your name isn’t that hard to figure out it’s published in the about section of the site.

  39. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I do know that RC’s real name may be Randy of Fred. We know that RC called in as “Fred” to Carl Gallup’s radio show and I know that RC introduced his name as “Randy” on another radio show a while back. I think the RC – Randy said he was from Kentucky. I don’t know if these names are any possible names of RC or that RC simply lies about everything to get what he wants.

    It’s actually neither but thanks for playing John let’s show him what he might have won?

  40. Jim says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: It’s actually neither but thanks for playing John let’s show him what he might have won?

  41. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Reacted? What makes RC’s identity a big secret is that the birthers got it wrong.

    we’ll see if we can’t correct it for the record. we don’t want any double standards here.

  42. scott e says:

    Northland10: Trolls ambition is to pick a fight with various people as if it gives them “power.”As such, they tend to develop obsession regarding some they see as their trolling prize.Being a better known debunker, due to the radio show, Scott may likely view you as the top challenge on the troll circuit.I have noticed this trend among other banned trolls who are greatly obsessed with those who banned them, depriving them of their “bully” target.Though Scott is less crude, the behavior is the same.

    It is rather ironic that Birther trolls are actually attempting to seek acceptance from, as they call it, Obots.

    that’s pretty good analysis, i’m impressed. quite fair. I really just want the names of all the players out in the open. we’ll get it right, don’t worry.

  43. Rickey says:

    I do know that RC’s real name may be Randy of Fred. We know that RC called in as “Fred” to Carl Gallup’s radio show and I know that RC introduced his name as “Randy” on another radio show a while back.I think the RC – Randy said he was from Kentucky.I don’t know if these names are any possible names of RC or that RC simply lies about everything to get what he wants.

    And his name may be Albert or Charles or George or Throckmorton. For all I know, his first name may actually be Reality.

    One thing I do know for certain is that your name isn’t “John.” However, out of respect for your privacy and Doc C’s rules no one on this blog has ever posted your real full name.

  44. sfjeff says:

    This truly is a wierd obsession of Birthers- outing those who expose what idiots they are on the internet.

    Seriously- do they think knowing that this poster is Frank or that poster is John in anyway changes the fact that Birthers get slapped down by facts everytime.

  45. scott e says:

    This truly is a wierd obsession of Birthers- outing those who expose what idiots they are on the internet.

    Seriously- do they think knowing that this poster is Frank or that poster is John in anyway changes the fact that Birthers get slapped down by facts everytime.

    cloak and dagger is good, adds to the romance of the caper. why else would we be doing this still after years of wondering. tip of the iceberg ladies and germs.
    these aren’t just innocent posters we’re addressing here.

  46. aarrgghh says:

    sfjeff: This truly is a wierd obsession of Birthers- outing those who expose what idiots they are on the internet.

    Seriously- do they think knowing that this poster is Frank or that poster is John in anyway changes the fact that Birthers get slapped down by facts everytime.

    not so weird — in fact it’s all too familiar, especially if what they’re doing is trying to issue a fatwa.

  47. JD Reed says:

    john: I do know that RC’s real name may be Randy of Fred. We know that RC called in as “Fred” to Carl Gallup’s radio show and I know that RC introduced his name as “Randy” on another radio show a while back. I think the RC – Randy said he was from Kentucky. I don’t know if these names are any possible names of RC or that RC simply lies about everything to get what he wants.

    Oh, John — I’ve pegged you as a bit delusional, if you believe what you post, but now you’re getting nasty. It’s pot, meet kettle, for you to assert that RC “simply lies about everything.”
    You’ve posted so much false information here, but I can’t accuse you of lying because I don’t know whether you believe what you say, or not.

  48. ScottRS says:

    I do know that RC’s real name may be Randy of Fred.

    We know that President Obama once claimed his middle name was Steve. Of course, this was in the middle of a comedy riff at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner, in 2008. Anyone with an IQ higher than a houseplant knew it was a joke. Of course, Orly fell for it (I believe this trope lives in in several of her pleadings).

  49. ScottRS: the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner

    Are you sure it wasn’t the Alferd E. Packer memorial dinner?


  50. Jim says:

    misha marinsky: Are you sure it wasn’t the Alferd E. Packer memorial dinner?


    THAT’S IT!!! Quick, get a hold of Zullo and Taitz…they’ve just been going at this all wrong. The VIPs they need to go see is the Alfred E. Neuman Society. Those folks will GET Orly and Zullo. In fact, they’ll probably make them honorary members because they’d fit in so nicely! 😀

  51. BillTheCat says:

    aarrgghh: not so weird — in fact it’s all too familiar, especially if what they’re doing is trying to issue a fatwa.

    They use the Scientology OSA playbook – never argue the merits – always attack the person.

    As Hubbard stated: “always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. Don’t ever defend. Always attack.”

    Works about as well for the birthers as it does for Scamtology.

  52. Keith says:

    Jim: THAT’S IT!!!Quick, get a hold of Zullo and Taitz…they’ve just been going at this all wrong.The VIPs they need to go see is the Alfred E. Neuman Society.Those folks will GET Orly and Zullo.In fact, they’ll probably make them honorary members because they’d fit in so nicely!

    What? Me Worry?

  53. scott e says:

    JD Reed: Oh, John — I’ve pegged you as a bitdelusional, if you believe what you post, but now you’re getting nasty. It’s pot, meet kettle, for you to assert that RC “simply lies about everything.”
    You’ve posted so much false information here, but I can’t accuse you of lying because I don’t know whether youbelieve what you say, or not.

    I just want to know why we can’t know his name.

    john woodman (obamabirthbook) just sent me an email swearing it’s not Rockwell. that in itself is good enough for me. so then what’s the guys real name. he’s pretty high up in the birther pecking order (pun intended).

    john woodman said he may come out of retirement to briefly just to say that he would be vindicated by the new Xerox info.

    so there is a voice of reason and honesty, I have to take it into accord.

  54. Did you mean “Obot pecking order?” A pecking order implies organization, and no Obot organization exists. There is no pecking order.

    scott e: so then what’s the guys real name. he’s pretty high up in the birther pecking order (pun intended).

  55. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    scott e: I just want to know why we can’t know his name.john woodman (obamabirthbook) just sent me an email swearing it’s not Rockwell. that in itself is good enough for me. so then what’s the guys real name. he’s pretty high up in the birther pecking order (pun intended).john woodman said he may come out of retirement to briefly just to say that he would be vindicated by the new Xerox info. so there is a voice of reason and honesty, I have to take it into accord.

    Who cares what his name is? How exactly is RC “high up” on the obot pecking order

  56. JD Reed says:

    Jim: THAT’S IT!!! Quick, get a hold of Zullo and Taitz…they’ve just been going at this all wrong. The VIPs they need to go see is the Alfred E. Neuman Society. Those folks will GET Orly and Zullo. In fact, they’ll probably make them honorary members because they’d fit in so nicely!

    Good one!

  57. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Did you mean “Obot pecking order?” A pecking order implies organization,

    I disagree. Chickens have no ‘organization’ (that assertion may, of course, be my species bias showing), but there is a pecking order. My working definition of ‘pecking order’ is exactly the opposite of yours: a more or less naturally forming hierarchy in an otherwise unorganized group.

    and no Obot organization exists.

    Correct. However as above, this is not an impediment to a pecking order.

    There is no pecking order.

    Again, I have to disagree. For the reasons above.

  58. I have much more experience with organizations than with chickens.

    That said, I don’t have any concept of when any Obot has pecked another. In my limited experience, Obots generally go out of their way to be nice to each other.

    For more on pecking order, see:

    Keith: Correct. However as above, this is not an impediment to a pecking order.

  59. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: That said, I don’t have any concept of when any Obot has pecked another. In my limited experience, Obots generally go out of their way to be nice to each other.

    I think this exchange is an example of ‘a peck’ at each other. Notice that your article says that the chickens don’t necessarily physically peck each other, sometimes the smaller bird just defers to the larger bird.

    I haven’t worked with chickens since I was 6 years old and we moved to Arizona. I think my wife is now ‘gearing’ up to get a couple.

  60. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    scott e: I just want to know why we can’t know his name.

    Maybe it has something to with the fact that birthers would call him at work, make false accusations about him to his employer, try to get him fired from his job, file criminal complaints against him, or name him in a RICO suit. All that has occurred to “outed” Obots.

    Fortunately, none of those tactics has been successful. In my case, my employer simply reviews the latest complaint and says “Hey, we got another one. Whatever.”

  61. Rickey says:

    scott e: I just want to know why we can’t know his name.

    Just because you have been foolish enough to give out enough personal information to identify you doesn’t mean that others want to follow suit.

    Regardless, Doc’s editorial policy makes it very clear:

    “Posting personal information about private individuals is prohibited.”

    RC is, as far as I know, a private individual. The fact that he does not post under his real name is an unmistakable signal that he wants to remain anonymous. I post under a nickname because I don’t want birthers hassling my business or my clients. Birther John’s name is not John, but we don’t post his real name because he obviously wants to be anonymous and Doc’s policy prohibits anyone else to post his real name.

    I don’t know of any way to make it more clear to you.

  62. Suranis says:

    Wow stunning evidence. My IP for my internet says I’m in Cork Ireland. I don’t live in Cork, Ireland. FOR I AM RICHARD ROCKWELL!!!!

    scott e his blog Ip is Atlanta. he keeps it pretty well locked up, should be fairly easy.

  63. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Did you mean “Obot pecking order?” A pecking order implies organization, and no Obot organization exists. There is no pecking order.

    it was a birther/fogbow joke.

  64. scott e says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Who cares what his name is?How exactly is RC “high up” on the obot pecking order

    here is a direct answer dr. noisewater. he hosts a radio show. he is directly connected with thefogbow. he is the Kevin Davidson of internet radio. that is a compliment. i’m glad they both do what they do. following this Obama provenance dispute gives me great pleasure. the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

    I just told mr. john woodman that there are too many unknowns and variables for this not to be real. and as always, it’s the characters actions that mostly pique my interest.

    information is power, I don’t know of a more prominent antibirther megaphone, except of course nbc and the whitehouse pressroom.

  65. scott e says:

    Butterfly Bilderberg: Maybe it has something to with the fact that birthers would call him at work, make false accusations about him to his employer, try to get him fired from his job, file criminal complaints against him, or name him in a RICO suit.All that has occurred to “outed” Obots.

    Fortunately, none of those tactics has been successful.In my case, my employer simply reviews the latest complaint and says “Hey, we got another one.Whatever.”

    what about “when you step into the ring, expect to get hit. (??) I do admire all of your loyalty to the man. I say he’s fair game, maybe not here.

  66. bovril says:

    Suranis: Wow stunning evidence. My IP for my internet says I’m in Cork Ireland. I don’t live in Cork, Ireland. FOR I AM RICHARD ROCKWELL!!!!

    Wow, mine says I’m in Dallas….wait no it’s changed it says….Los Angeles….wait….Frankfurt….wait…..London…….wait……Singapore…….Wait…..Barcelona….wait. Jersey City…….wait…..Boston…..wait…..Vancouver

    Yeah IP addressing is SUCH a useful science. When I post on ‘Foony Toons sites I use a VPN with random rotating exit points accessing TOR. Doubt it would stop NSA although it wouldn’t be simple.

  67. scott e says:

    Wow stunning evidence. My IP for my internet says I’m in Cork Ireland. I don’t live in Cork, Ireland. FOR I AM RICHARD ROCKWELL!!!!

    well, you don’t know his real name either surranis…

  68. Northland10 says:

    scott e:
    his blog Ip is Atlanta. he keeps it pretty well locked up, should be fairly easy.

    Funny thing, so is Orly’s. To a normal person, we would understand it is the IP address for the server (or mirror) where the blog is hosted. RC like many others has his hosted by They control the parts you call “locked up.”

  69. This blog is hosted in Atlanta too.

    Northland10: Funny thing, so is Orly’s.

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