I was reading a birther site and somebody said that November 19 changed everything. Like a dummy, I asked what happened on November 19. November 19 was when about 100 conservatives hosted by Larry Klayman met in the park and demanded that Barack Obama resign, or else…. The deadline was today!
I dropped by the White House web site just now and the top item was Barack Obama wishing everybody a “Happy Thanksgiving.” I think it’s a safe bet that Obama won’t be resigning between now and midnight.
The actual “or else” statement from Klayman had something concrete in place of that ellipsis. Here’s what he said, courtesy of US News and World Report:
Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, who emceed the event, told attendees if President Barack Obama does not resign by Nov. 29, conservative activists will meet in Philadelphia to elect a shadow government.
If he does hold a convention in Philadelphia, I hope it’s in May.
So they plan to replace what they think is a usurper with an actual usurper. Good thinking, Larry.
What should we do about lingering unemployment? The Shadow Government knows.
How can we improve relations with Pakistan? The Shadow Government knows.
How can we deal with the national debt? The Shadow Government knows.
It may be that the Shadow Government™ will deal with these and a host of other issues by relying on a strategy based on Richard Nixon’s secret plan to end the war (a phrase Nixon didn’t actually use). All I can say is “talk is cheap.”
Who knows the evil that lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow government knows.
I should point out the irony of that, since Klayman’s lawsuit against Obama is over NSA wiretapping.
Larry needs to ask Tim Turner how well his attempt at a shadow government turned out.
Thus the REAL end game of birtherism.
A big. fat. nothing.
How else to put it? They’re nuts. Period.
It really isn’t any more complex than that.
Even by birther standards, this whole wingnut revolution thing is crazy and a spectacular failure. Klayman is a sociopath, but he’s not a moron. He seems to be of average intelligence. He knows he doesn’t have anything resembling a movement behind him on this. Perhaps he’s trying to get his name back in the news as a right-wing activist so that he can attract a new sugar daddy to fund his vindictive, improper, vexatious lawsuits.
Is Klayman going to install himself as “President” of this shadow government???? Wouldn’t that be kind of “dictator-ish”…….you know…what they call President Obama sometimes……{heavey sign}…birfers…..
I am sure that right at this time there is a Denny’s in Philly negotiating with KKKlayman about holding his convention in one of restaurant’s smaller bars.
Maybe they can adapt Josh Lyman’s secret plan to fight inflation.
Members of The Fogbow are planning to spend a weekend in Philadelphia next year.
Hmmm…that website appears to veer dangerously close to hagiography when discussing the actions of Mr. Turner…apparently he is a True Patriot (TM) who is valiantly resisting the Evil Gubmint.
Next year?!?! I thought it was this year. No wonder nobody showed up!
Here in the UK, the main opposition party has “shadow ministers” to sit opposite the actual government ministers in Parliament. The shadow minister acts as the main opposition critic in Parliament in respect of the respective portfolio, and the shadow minister usually hopes to become the actual minister after the next election. (There is nobody called “Shadow Prime Minister”, as the Leader of the Opposition is the effective shadow to the Prime Minister.) The main opposition party will have regular meetings of the “shadow cabinet”.
The main difference between a British shadow government and the birther shadow government is that the British shadow government accepts that it is not currently in government and that the other side won (even though they dislike that fact); they understand that they will have to win the next election to be an actual government. The birther “shadow government” wants to wish away the reality and legitimacy of Obama’s victory and will not accept the need to win an actual election.
Maybe we could elect a shadow birther government to shadow the birthers.
Sounds like the Birthers want to emulate the British Jacobites (Bonnie Prince Charlie’s lot), except that the House of Stuart had an actual claim to the throne. Any Birther Pretender to the Presidency will have more in common with Emperor Norton I of America, the San Francisco vagrant who dissolved both the Northern and Southern governments during the Civil War. Except of course he won’t be quite so picturesque.
I’m thinking Pugachev’s rebellion in Russia, a militla-style takeover attempt, is the model of what the Birthers want.
Why, oh why, can’t it be a Second Whiskey Rebellion? The Man cain’t tax it if’n he cain’t find it–drink up, everybody!
Dibs on not shadowing Orly’s portfolio!
I may enjoy following the Birther’s shenanigans, but I’m not NUTS.
I can’t wait until they hold this convention…it ought to be a hilarious collection of paranoids…they won’t be able to agree on anything except their hatred of the “Communist Muslim usurper in the White House.”