Breaking news: Dr. Conspiracy named as birth certificate forgery conspirator

Foggy just called to tell me that I have been named by Douglas Vogt as part of the Obama birth certificate forgery ring. What a hoot!

I don’t know nothin’ ’bout forgin’ no birth certificates!

— Dr. Conspiracy

The birther reporter at Newsblaze, Randy Foreman, according to Birther Report, obtained a copy of Douglas Vogt’s previously sealed affidavit most recently filed with the Supreme Court not under seal, and it names the forgers of Obama’s birth certificate. The images appear to have come from the court document itself. The affidavit names as forgers:

  • Miki Booth (not mentioned in the Birther Report article) – prominent birther
  • Johanna Ah’Nee – Innocent bystander born in Hawaii about the same time as Obama
  • Kevin Davidson (me)
  • Loretta Fuddy – Director of the Hawaii Department of Health
  • Alvin Onaka – Registrar of Vital Statistics for the State of Hawaii.

I guess it’s natural that someone like Vogt with no forensic document examination experience would name forgers with no forgery experience. 🙄

Johanna Ah’Nee is a person born the same month as Barack Obama, who (foolishly, in my opinion) provided copies of her birth certificate through birther Miki Booth (who also had a son born in Hawaii and published a certificate) to Orly Taitz and Jerome Corsi. Corsi and Taitz both published copies in various stages of redaction, proving among other things that Mike Zullo lied about penciled race codes on Obama’s certificate, and that birthers in general were wrong about how certificates were numbered in Hawaii in 1961. Rather than make his theories fit the evidence, Vogt made the evidence fit his theories by declaring most of the published August 1961 Hawaiian birth certificates, including those of Booth and Ah’Nee, to be forgeries. Vogt, unable to keep it under his hat, gave enough clues on birther talk radio, that it became obvious that Ah’Nee was his sealed forger.

Both Fuddy (former Director of Health for the Hawaii Department of Health) and Onaka (Registrar of Vital records for the Hawaii Department of Health) were natural candidates for Vogt’s fantasies, since they verified and certified Obama’s own certificate.

I got tagged as the one who “did the research,” which is pretty silly when you think about it, since Dr. Onaka knows a thousand times more about a Hawaiian birth certificate than I do (he has them all at his fingertips). I know something about birth certificates, having worked in the field almost all of my professional career, but I don’t have specialized knowledge about certificates in Hawaii, and could provide no help to any putative forgers of one. Absurd as it is, I predicted being named John Doe #8 last October, writing:

I wondered whether or not I could be one of the John Does in the complaint, and the best fit I could come up with is John Doe #8…

Vogt makes the claim that I agree with his certificate numbering scheme in one of my articles, where I said:

To forge Obama’s birth certificate, it would be necessary to create a fake certificate in early August of 1961, filled out to look like it came from Kapi’olani Hospital, with a fake signature from Dr. Sinclair (or an authentic one if he were the forger). Once inserted into the work flow at the State Department of Health, the certificate would have been registered, numbered, filed and reported to the newspapers just like certificates for all the rest born that month.

Vogt misrepresents my comment. When I said “filed,” I meant “put in the file,” not the technical term referring to signing the certificate as filed.

In another flight of fancy, Vogt writes:

After looking at [Dr. Conspiracy’s] articles and other obots (stands for “Obama Robots”) who post comments on his web site, it was obvious to me, that his web site was part of the disinformation program orchestrated by the White House through Jim Johnson a supporter of Obama and former head of Fannie Mae. [footnote to WorldNetDaily]

Predictably, Vogt zeroes in on my 2009 reconstruction of Obama’s long form and can’t figure out why I would have made such a thing. Vogt, usually so very imaginative, couldn’t guess that I was using a graphic format to present the known information about what would be found on the Obama certificate, should it ever be released. Vogt makes a big point that the “06” number in my reconstructed certificate is just like the off-baseline number in real certificates from that month, oblivious to the fact that I was just following the published Nordyke certificate, which I listed as one of my sources in the article. Vogt says that the available Nordyke certificate was too poor in quality for me to have gotten the information that way, but the Nordyke image linked in the article clearly shows the offset. Vogt notes that my 2009 reconstruction was updated in 2010, and wonders why. The answer is that I made a number of incremental improvements in the reconstruction as I learned stuff or decided things. The oldest version is found on the Wayback Machine and the newest version here. The specific changes were:

  1. Increasing the font size of the word “African” in Box 9
  2. Adding “Stanley Ann D. Obama” signature to Box 18a
  3. Changed placement and font size of “Wichita, Kansas” in block 16

imageVogt in the available portions of the affidavit, repeats nonsense previously debunked by me (here and here) and by Frank Arduini. I hesitate to say this, but Douglas Vogt is a pretty dim bulb.

Miki Booth agrees, according to this comment at Birther Report:

doug vogt is a f***ing idiot!! He’s gonna get his ass sued. My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo. vogt was jealous not being privy to the investigation and figured we were hiding something because we wouldn’t share with him.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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186 Responses to Breaking news: Dr. Conspiracy named as birth certificate forgery conspirator

  1. Jim says:

    Congrats Doc! I was disappointed not to see RC, NBC, etc…he must be slipping. 😆

  2. JPotter says:

    You have touted your relevant expertise for the last time, Conspiracy! Ruhehehehe! *mustache twirl*

  3. bob says:

    Fortunately for Vogt, the litigation privilege would defeat a defamation lawsuit.

  4. Dave says:

    He also names Miki Booth. He writes so poorly that his implication that Miki Booth is part of the conspiracy may be unintended, or it may be what he means. But the “affidavit” says it “will cover five main individuals” and Booth is the first one named.

    Edit: and I find it a little odd that BR omits her name from their list — which I presume Dr C was copying. Why do they want to avoid naming her?

  5. American Mzungu says:

    I don’t know nothin’ ’bout forgin’ no certificates!

    – Dr. Conspiracy

    Your modesty becomes you.

  6. It’s really funny how the people at Birther Report are ignoring Miki Booth being listed as among the co-conspirators as well.

  7. bob says:

    Miki Booth! Don’t forget Miki Booth!

  8. BS as usual. And, the conspiracy continues.

  9. Dave says:

    Somewhere down in the comments, somebody points out Miki Booth, and calls her a “co-conspirator pretending to be a birther.”

    Hey, Miki, nice friends you’ve got.

  10. BillTheCat says:

    I seem to recall folks guessed it would be the ones listed, including Miki. Comedy gold.

  11. CarlOrcas says:

    Fortunately for Vogt, the litigation privilege would defeat a defamation lawsuit.

    Does the privilege extend beyond testimony and filings? What happens if he shoots his mouth off about the case on…..oh, let’s say an internet radio program?

  12. AGROD says:

    Is this the Universe Shattering news?

  13. Dave says:

    The is not the Universe Shattering news. When Zullo repeats all of this, then it will be the Universe Shattering news.

  14. bob says:

    CarlOrcas: Does the privilege extend beyond testimony and filings? What happens if he shoots his mouth off about the case on…..oh, let’s say an internet radio program?

    You will note that neither Sibley nor Vogt are repeating what’s in the affidavit.

  15. The European says:

    CarlOrcas: Does the privilege extend beyond testimony and filings? What happens if he shoots his mouth off about the case on…..oh, let’s say an internet radio program?

    Two possible scenarios:

    – Sibley has found a way to smear people without having to fear prosecution;

    – the litigation privilege does not protect someone who misuses process by filing a perfectly frivolous petition with the purpose to smear people without having to fear prosecution;

    In my European jurisdiction it would be Nr. 2.

  16. Arthur says:

    Dr. C.,

    I don’t know what to say . . . B.R. tells me it was you and not Nancy Owens who forged Obama’s B.C.

    Who should I believe??

  17. JPotter says:

    Dave: Why do they want to avoid naming her?

    Professional courtesy … cognitive dissonance … confirmation bias … psychological immunity …

  18. Curious George says:

    From Vogt: Page 13, Item #26:

    “Miki Booth is confessing she knows about the conspiracy and who the forger is.”

    You mean to tell me that Vogt thinks that the self proclaimed “Birther Princess” is part of the so called crime of the century?

    Talk about Birthers eating their own. Miki, say it isn’t so.

  19. I know. But really, what he says is that he believes that I did research for the forgery, not that I actually did. The dots he gives are mostly true, but his connection of them is nonsense.

    bob: Fortunately for Vogt, the litigation privilege would defeat a defamation lawsuit.

  20. Sef says:

    Meanwhile, the REAL forger gets off scot-free.

  21. egipcios says:

    1:45 CST.

    Miki just posted the Sibley material on her site.

    Without reading it!!!

  22. Interestingly, Miki Booth is not mentioned in the Birther Report article, even though she’s listed first by Vogt. This detail is going to prove an embarrassment to the birthers.

    Curious George: Talk about Birthers eating their own. Miki, say it isn’t so.

  23. Curious George says:

    Dr. C…..
    “This detail is going to prove an embarrassment to the birthers.”

    Big time! This proves they are certifiably nuts!

  24. CarlOrcas says:

    bob: You will note that neither Sibley nor Vogt are repeating what’s in the affidavit.

    Yes, I noticed. But birthers aren’t known for their self-control.

    What happens after the case is dismissed? Is he still protected for anything he says then?

  25. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. C.,

    I don’t know what to say . . . B.R. tells me it was you and not Nancy Owens who forged Obama’s B.C.

    Who should I believe??

    That is a tough one.

  26. bob says:

    Booth has been made aware she’s named.

  27. If anybody has commenting privileges at Miki Boot’s blog, tell her that I don’t believe for a minute that she’s mixed up in this.

    Booth has been made aware she’s named.

  28. bob says:

    What happens after the case is dismissed? Is he still protected for anything he says then?

    What has been filed is protected by the litigation privilege, even if the suit is later dismissed.

  29. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: Two possible scenarios:

    – Sibley has found a way to smear people without having to fear prosecution;

    – the litigation privilege does not protect someone who misuses process by filing a perfectly frivolous petition with the purpose to smear people without having to fear prosecution;

    In my European jurisdiction it would be Nr. 2.

    I am not a lawyer….here or anywhere else in the cosmos….so I’ll defer to you and others on the question of prosecution.

    Are you saying a person could be criminally prosecuted in Europe? I don’t think that’s possible here but let’s see what others say.

  30. egipcios says:

    Sef: Meanwhile, the REAL forger gets off scot-free.

    Based on my foreignsick analysis of this so called “sealed affidavit” I am absolutely certain that it is NOT genuine. I believe the affidavit was forged by the REAL forger to throw investigators off track.

  31. No. The Universe is still intact.

    AGROD: Is this the Universe Shattering news?

  32. Roxy is on a plane to Bolivia as we speak.

    Sef: Meanwhile, the REAL forger gets off scot-free.

  33. Thanks for your vote of confidence.

    Nancy R Owens: BS as usual. And, the conspiracy continues.

  34. CarlOrcas says:

    bob: What has been filed is protected by the litigation privilege, even if the suit is later dismissed.

    But how about repeating it after the dismissal?

  35. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: No. The Universe is still intact.

    However, it appears that there may be at least one guy at B.R. who would like to see Dr. C’s world messed up a bit:

    “Jay· 17 minutes ago
    Can someone please post Kevin’s address, just in case anyone who happens to be in the neighborhood can visit him in person?”

  36. Sef says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Roxy is on a plane to Bolivia as we speak.

    The tech reps down there will take good care of her.

  37. Curious George says:

    Jay over at BR …..

    “Can someone please post Kevin’s address, just in case anyone who happens to be in the neighborhood can visit him in person?”

    Dr. C, watch out for the crazies…..I’d consult with local law enforcement about what the is occurring……

  38. The European says:

    CarlOrcas: I am not a lawyer….here or anywhere else in the cosmos….so I’ll defer to you and others on the question of prosecution.

    Are you saying a person could be criminally prosecuted in Europe? I don’t think that’s possible here but let’s see what others say.

    “Europe” are a lot of different jurisdictictions with different backgrounds.
    I am sure for Germany and quite sure for France that Vogt (and possibly Sibley) could be criminally prosecuted for this.

    “Insult” is a criminal offense in both jurisdictions. “Misuse of …..” is a well known construct which trumps formal defenses.

  39. Daniel says:

    Arthur: B.R. tells me it was you and not Nancy Owens who forged Obama’s B.C.

    Who should I believe??

    Nancy has the minisub to prove it.

  40. Thinker says:

    I don’t think this will have much of an impact on birtherism. Birthers will believe the parts of it that they already believe and they’ll ignore the rest of it. That’s how conspiracy theorists think.

  41. JPotter says:

    Meanwhile, the REAL forger gets off scot-free.

    Dave! Mike! Somebody!

    So typical of Vogt to lamely name people who just happen to be involved. Experience and expertise are always viewed with suspicion by concpiracists. I’ve been accused of being the forger (really? me, random interwebs commenter? Well, stranger things have happened…), and I suspect a good chuck of the fine folks here have as well. When nuts have no defense, they go on offense.

    “How else could you possibly know anything about it—it must have been YOU!!!” 😉

  42. HistorianDude says:

    Miki Boothe an Obot. Mike Zullo’s real name is “Moore.”

    I’m so confused.

  43. HistorianDude says:

    Miki Boothe posting at BR:

    Miki Booth · 20 minutes ago

    doug vogt is a f***ing idiot!! He’s gonna get his ass sued. My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo. vogt was jealous not being privy to the investigation and figured we were hiding something because we wouldn’t share with him.

  44. Oh dear, Miki is a bit cranky at Vogt:

    “Miki Booth · 21 minutes ago
    doug vogt is a f***ing idiot!! He’s gonna get his ass sued. My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo. vogt was jealous not being privy to the investigation and figured we were hiding something because we wouldn’t share with him.”

  45. Arthur says:

    HistorianDude: I’m so confused.

    It is of no concern.

  46. Nancy R Owens:
    BS as usual. And, the conspiracy continues.

    Oh, wait. “Conspirator.” I didn’t see that part. That means that you may have played an active role in hiding the truth?

  47. HistorianDude:
    Miki Boothe an Obot. Mike Zullo’s real name is “Moore.”

    I’m so confused.

    LOL. Mike “Zullo” Moore is or was an “investigator” in *drum role, please* Hendry County, Florida which is probably why he was given the files (according to Mike Volin).

    Daniel: Nancy has the minisub to prove it.

    I am the forger. I didn’t see the part where it said “conspirator.” In fact, I think that may have been added later.
    Here is my “confession” to Mike Volin whoever he is. Mike “Zullo” Moore is a joke.
    Will he be arrested, too? Or, is this just wishful thinking?

  48. Slartibartfast says:


    Good luck if you get frogmarched this week! If not, looking forward to meeting you in Philly.

  49. Arthur says:

    Well, Miki Booth has chimed in on Doug Vogt’s claim:

    “Miki Booth · 30 minutes ago
    doug vogt is a f***ing idiot!! He’s gonna get his ass sued. My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo. vogt was jealous not being privy to the investigation and figured we were hiding something because we wouldn’t share with him.”

  50. Andrew Morris says:

    And Orally Taitz says she’s just waiting for a judge to order discovery so she can confirm her suspicions. On the other hand, when she becomes AG of California, she’ll have to drop all of her lawsuits and resign as President of her “foundation”.

  51. HistorianDude:
    Miki Boothe an Obot. Mike Zullo’s real name is “Moore.”

    I’m so confused.

    LOL. Mike “Zullo” Moore is or was an “investigator” in *drum role, please* Hendry County, Florida which is probably why he was given the files (according to Mike Volin).

  52. gorefan says:

    Booth has been made aware she’s named.

    Vogt uses the same typography BS that he used on President Obama’s BC to show that Booth’s BC is a forgery. Things like line spacing, letter spacing, certificate number, etc.

    If Vogt is wrong about Booth’s BC, he must be wrong about President Obama’s.

  53. The European says:

    I continue the “insult” lesson:
    Giving police “the finger” is considered free speech in your jurisdiction. In Germany it is a “Criminal Insult” and punished.

    The “tariff” is about 30 “days” as monetary punishment. You pay one monthly income (no deductions possible). A famous soccer player paid 20 thousand Euros for “Asshole”.

    On the other hand: cases of mistreatment of citizens by police are rare. Killings are nearly unheard of.

    The statistics for 2011 for the whole country (80 Million inhabitants):

    Rounds fired by police in the course of the prosecution of criminal actions: 85 (eighty-five);
    People killed: 6
    People wounded 15
    Police killed: 1

    The First and the Second Amendments are a bit like Pandora’s box, when interpreted like they are interpreted.

  54. Dang you, Doc! Dang yore hide, I says!

    For months, I’ve been bragging, ever since Fogbow was named as a racketeering organization in federal district court in Mississippi – my mom woulda been so proud!

    But now you gotta go one better. Named as a forger of President Obama’s birth certificate in the U.S. Supreme Court, no less! I’m green with jealousy!

    See you in Philly!

  55. Hermitian says:

    Mr. C.

    “Vogt makes a big point that the “06” number in my reconstructed certificate is just like the off-baseline number in real certificates from that month, oblivious to the fact that I was just following the published Nordyke certificate, which I listed as one of my sources in the article.”

    Mr. is being intentionally vague about the source of his “6”.

    [What part of “Nordyke Certificate” did you find “vague”? Rest of Hermitians’s equally clueless comment deleted. Doc.]

  56. Slartibartfast says:

    You really should know by now that birthers don’t need to apply reasoning from one aspect of their theories to the facts of another aspect. That’s crazy talk.

    gorefan: Vogt uses the same typography BS that he used on President Obama’s BC to show that Booth’s BC is a forgery.Things like line spacing, letter spacing, certificate number, etc.

    If Vogt is wrong about Booth’s BC, he must be wrong about President Obama’s.

  57. Miki Booth responds:

    “doug vogt is a f***ing idiot!! He’s gonna get his ass sued. My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo. vogt was jealous not being privy to the investigation and figured we were hiding something because we wouldn’t share with him.”

  58. Yes, saw you on the list. I hadn’t expected to be such a celebrity, though.

    Slartibartfast: Good luck if you get frogmarched this week! If not, looking forward to meeting you in Philly.

  59. I was just named John Doe #8. And it is true that I did really research what went into each block of a Hawaiian birth certificate, and posted it on my blog in 2009.

    Comrade Fogovich: But now you gotta go one better. Named as a forger of President Obama’s birth certificate in the U.S. Supreme Court, no less! I’m green with jealousy!

  60. Yoda says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Miki Booth responds:

    “doug vogt is a f***ing idiot!! He’s gonna get his ass sued. My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo. vogt was jealous not being privy to the investigation and figured we were hiding something because we wouldn’t share with him.”

    gotta love birfer theater

  61. Bog Trotter says:

    This site that site the house painted white site
    what does it matter
    The truth is what it is and it ain’t in this chatter

    Diversion and conversion who’s to be the blame
    certainly not Obama who’s never made the claim

    Indonesia Kenya he’s gonna stick it in ya
    never been a time when there is no enigma

    Its not what you don’t its all what you say
    Mockingbirds will lie but never will they lay

    This track that track only in real fact
    when you gonna learn
    Take away that rope and then watch him burn

  62. Yoda says:

    Comrade Fogovich:
    Dang you, Doc! Dang yore hide, I says!

    For months, I’ve been bragging, ever since Fogbow was named as a racketeering organization in federal district court in Mississippi – my mom woulda been so proud!

    But now you gotta go one better. Named as a forger of President Obama’s birth certificate in the U.S. Supreme Court, no less! I’m green with jealousy!

    See you in Philly!

    I can relate with you on that one Foggy

  63. roxy7655 says:

    Leapin’ lizards… I confess to being the forger, and they don’t even list me as a co-conspirator!


  64. Thomas Brown says:

    Bog Trotter:
    This site that site the house painted white sitewhat does it matter
    The truth is what it is and it ain’t in this chatter

    Diversion and conversion who’s to be the blame
    certainly not Obama who’s never made the claim

    Indonesia Kenya he’s gonna stick it in ya
    never been a time when there is no enigma

    Its not what you don’t its all what you say
    Mockingbirds will lie but never will they lay

    This track that track only in real fact
    when you gonna learn
    Take away that rope and then watch him burn

    There are excellent psychiatric meds available these days.

    Look into it.

  65. Majority Will says:

    Curious George: Talk about Birthers eating their own. Miki, say it isn’t so.

    That’s a nauseating meal of useless blubber and gristle.

  66. roxy7655 says:

    Anybody want a good deal on a one-way ticket to Bolivia?

  67. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: “Europe” are a lot of different jurisdictictions with different backgrounds.
    I am sure for Germany and quite sure for France that Vogt (and possibly Sibley) could be criminally prosecuted for this.

    “Insult” is a criminal offense in both jurisdictions. “Misuse of …..” is a well known construct which trumps formal defenses.

    I thought the EU also brought more uniformity in civil law but it would be marvelous to see Vogt and Sibley before the bar (of justice) somewhere to answer for their conduct.

  68. bovril says:

    The faecal and scatological comments at BR seem to be hitting an all time high, the desperation reeks equally……. 😎

  69. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: The First and the Second Amendments are a bit like Pandora’s box, when interpreted like they are interpreted.

    More so the Second than the First, in my opinion, but other than that I can’t really disagree.

  70. bob says:

    Vogt’s comment at Birther Report:

    First of all you can’t sue me for what I have in the sealed affidavit. I am reporting a crime and reported it to the authorities listed in the two Misprision laws. You are exempt from libel and slander laws if you are reporting a crime to the authorities. I had to unseal the affidavit to the Supreme Court because the Judges would not consider the evidence presented within if it was sealed. A reporter is the one who made my affidavit public. I only wanted the Judges to read it. The affidavit just presents the evidence Paul and I discovered after we examined the two birth certificates you freely gave Jerome Corsi. Regarding Johanna, Dr. Corsi told me that he met her at his hotel in mid May 2011 in Honolulu where she freely handed over her COLB for him to have for his investigation. She also gave a photo copy to Orly Taitz when they met at the airport in 2011. The facts of what we found speak for themselves. I don’t have to go beyond her certificate number to show hers is a forgery. The 9 and 4 are overlapping just like I found the 8 and 2 on one of the COLBs you handed Corsi, not to mention the letter spacing and line spacing problems.

    You cannot walk away from what you wrote in your book. To refresh your memory, on Page 356 you write: “But nothing was more shocking and left me with such a feeling of disgust than the blatant, obnoxiously taunting “signature” of the forger—a “happy face” drawn into the “A” of Alvin T. Onaka’s signature.” At that time no one knew it was a script “E” under the “A”. For you to know it was a signature you had to know it was a letter “E” and the name and spelling of the forger. This was before I had figured it out. You book was very helpful.

    If you did sue me I would have a lot of fun in the discovery stage. You should listen to Dr. Conspiracy, he just told you the same thing I just told you.

  71. Suranis says:

    So. what level of Evil Laughter should we go for here, guys?

    Dr. Evil?
    Jack Nicholson’s Joker?
    Mark Hamill’s Joker?
    Mrs. Doubtfire?

  72. Discovery? Such a case would be dismissed. There would be no discovery.

    bob: [Quoting Vogt] If you did sue me I would have a lot of fun in the discovery stage. You should listen to Dr. Conspiracy, he just told you the same thing I just told you.

  73. One of the worst offenders is now calling me Dr. Crayola. Maybe the anal phase is in decline.

    The faecal and scatological comments at BR seem to be hitting an all time high, the desperation reeks equally……. 8-)

  74. Some of the most offensive comments at BR have been deleted, but I get them as Intense Debate notifications. Middle-school bullies.

  75. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    One of the worst offenders is now calling me Dr. Crayola. Maybe the anal phase is in decline.


  76. Bob says:

    Miki Booth; undercover Obot.

    Who would have guessed?

  77. Majority Will says:

    Miki Booth; undercover Obot.

    Who would have guessed?

    It’s in the decoded anagram of “her” name:

    Hi. I’m Obot. K?

  78. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Bog Trotter:
    blah blah blah

    You forgot to add Burma shave.

  79. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    One of the worst offenders is now calling me Dr. Crayola. Maybe the anal phase is in decline.

    Or maybe Nurse Ratched took away his sharper writing instruments and he’s just taking it out on you?

  80. Daniel says:

    Passed over AGAIN!!!

    What the heck do you have to do to get names in a birther lawsuit around here?

  81. Newsblaze has their story now:

    Admits collusion with Birther Report.

  82. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, and he went right by Smith and Zullo, who both have demonstrated experience, such as it is, in forgery.

    Leapin’ lizards… I confess to being the forger, and they don’t even list me as a co-conspirator!


  83. Curious George says:

    The Birthers have achievd a new level in the land of birther confusion. Birther Vogt accuses Miki Booth of being an Obot co-conspirator. Mike Volin agrees with Nancy Owens that Mike Zullo is Mike Moore from Florida. Birther Miki Booth is defended by Dr. Conspiracy. Vogt’s affidavit is as ridiculous as Mike Zullo’s daffydavit. Miki Booth calls Doug Vogt a “f…ing” idiot. Birdboy *FALCON* defends Vogt and confusion reigns supreme. The Birther movement is showing signsCan someone please post Kevin’s address, just in case anyone who happens to be in the neighborhood can visit him in person?
    of an impending collapse. All it will take is for Zullo to fail to deliver his “universe shattering” evidence to put the final nail in the Birther coffin. What a great day that will be!

  84. Curious George says:

    I’ll try it again……
    The Birthers have achieved a new level in the land of birther confusion. Birther Vogt accuses Miki Booth of being an Obot co-conspirator. Mike Volin agrees with Nancy Owens that Mike Zullo is Mike Moore from Florida. Birther Miki Booth is defended by Dr. Conspiracy. Vogt’s affidavit is as ridiculous as Mike Zullo’s daffydavit. Miki Booth calls Doug Vogt a “f…ing” idiot. Birdboy *FALCON* defends Vogt and confusion reigns supreme. The Birther movement is showing signs of an impending collapse. All it will take is for Zullo to fail to deliver his “universe shattering” evidence to put the final nail in the Birther coffin. What a great day that will be!

  85. alg says:

    Doc, I knew it was you all along. So, now, tell us more about your special relationship with Miki. Surely, there must be some salacious details worth sharing.

  86. Dave B. says:

    Curious George: All it will take is for Zullo to fail to deliver his “universe shattering” evidence to put the final nail in the Birther coffin. What a great day that will be!

  87. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: The Birthers have achieved a new level in the land of birther confusion.

    You can’t make this stuff up. It’s just plain crazy.

    And Zullo? What in the world could he do to top this nonsense?

    I know, I know: Don’t ask.

  88. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:. Middle-school bullies.

    My middle school would have had them crying and begging for mercy within a day…two if they wanted to toy with them a while.

  89. Jim says:

    Ok, now that I’ve read through what I missed for the last 4 hours, I gotta say…it’s sad. So very sad. birthers have now become a rudderless ship without direction. The 2 most interesting things to come out of them is…the President making jokes about them and keyboard warrior with an over-grown illusion of self-worth who names someone all the birthers know in order for them to think Volin has something. They know they’re nothing more than a joke or a punchline and they already know that Volin’s got nothing except made-up delusions. All they’re left with is empty threats on the internet and rocking in the corner, sucking their thumbs, and repeating “usurper…usurper…usurper”. HI MIKE! 😀

  90. Dave says:

    It is not clear to me that the comment under the name “Miki Booth” at BR was actually written by Miki Booth.

    But it is clear that the birthers are bending over backward to not notice that Vogt named Booth as a co-conspirator. That part is not fitting their preconceived notions one bit.

  91. Northland10 says:

    So. what level of Evil Laughter should we go for here, guys?
    Dr. Evil?
    Jack Nicholson’s Joker?
    Mark Hamill’s Joker?
    Mrs. Doubtfire?

  92. Curious George says:

    “But it is clear that the birthers are bending over backward to not notice that Vogt named Booth as a co-conspirator. That part is not fitting their preconceived notions one bit.”

    And there you see the total dishonesty of the Birther movement in full, living color. This is a proud day to be a Birfoon, but only if you’re color blind!

  93. Curious George says:

    “So. what level of Evil Laughter should we go for here, guys?
    Dr. Evil?
    Jack Nicholson’s Joker?
    Mark Hamill’s Joker?
    Mrs. Doubtfire?”

    How about Soupy Sales? He had a great laugh, that fits this occasion.

  94. Northland10 says:

    Curious George:
    And there you see the total dishonesty of the Birther movement in full, living 64 colors.This is a proud day to be a Birfoon, but only if you’re color blind!

    FIFY, in light of the Dr. Crayola comment.

  95. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Curious George:
    “So. what level of Evil Laughter should we go for here, guys?
    Dr. Evil?
    Jack Nicholson’s Joker?
    Mark Hamill’s Joker?
    Mrs. Doubtfire?”

    How about Soupy Sales? He had a great laugh, that fits this occasion.

    Mark Hamill’s Joker all the way! The new guy, who took over for him in the later Arkham games, ain’t half bad either!

  96. Bonsall Obot says:

    And to think, this is only the first day of the Week of Unending Birther Fail. Bring on the dismissals, the OAS Fail, and the… er… thing we’re not talking about in public yet.

  97. Rickey says:

    I’ve been trying to get the wackos at BR to explain why Fuddy and Onaka would have needed the help of Doc C. to forge a Hawaii birth certificate, since they of all people would have known exactly what a 1961 birth certificate should look like.

  98. RanTalbott says:

    roxy7655: Anybody want a good deal on a one-way ticket to Bolivia?

    Try Zullo: he’s probably trying to figure out a good exit strategy about now…

  99. RanTalbott says:

    Rickey: I’ve been trying to get the wackos at BR to explain why Fuddy and Onaka would have needed the help of Doc C. to forge a Hawaii birth certificate

    That’s easy: because … Benghazi!!!

    That may not make sense now, but it’ll all become clear when Zullo releases the Universe-shattering Information, and introduces the VIPs who’ve been patiently waiting to use their standing to take this thing to The People’s Court.

  100. The Magic M says:

    RanTalbott: That may not make sense now, but it’ll all become clear when Zullo releases the Universe-shattering Information

    That struck a nerve. Maybe one can imagine how birthers feel about Zullo when comparing it to the feeling you had during season 6 of “Lost” when you firmly believed everything would come together and end in a satisfactory, maybe even brilliant way, even though it became less and less likely the closer you were to the final episodes.
    I mean, I’m a skeptical guy and I *knew* it would be highly unlikely they would be able to resolve things with just 6… 5… 4… 3… episodes left, and yet I kept hoping until the beginning of the very last episode. (And I shunned those who said it would all be a major disappointment because “no way they can pull that off”, and I was like “no, they’ll get to it any episode now”.)
    So maybe that’s how birthers feel about Zullo.

  101. The Magic M says:

    Daniel: Passed over AGAIN!!!

    What the heck do you have to do to get names in a birther lawsuit around here?

    What shall I say? If Shrimpton had been taken more seriously, his “the Germans are behind it” might have led them straight to me. I feel cheated by history…

  102. Lupin says:

    The European: “Europe” are a lot of different jurisdictictions with different backgrounds.
    I am sure for Germany and quite sure for France that Vogt (and possibly Sibley) could be criminally prosecuted for this.

    “Insult” is a criminal offense in both jurisdictions. “Misuse of …..” is a well known construct which trumps formal defenses.

    You can certainly be sued for malicious prosecution in France.

    A case I was once involved with: During a contentious partnership breakup, one party sue the other for theft with virtually no evidence whatsoever, purely as leverage; the other party countersued for malicious prosecution and got damages.

  103. Lupin says:

    CarlOrcas: More so the Second than the First, in my opinion, but other than that I can’t really disagree.

    As long-time posters know, I (speaking as a French lawyer) also take a dimmer view of the First Amendment than generally accepted in the US.

    That said a French court would have no jurisdiction over Vogt, Sibley at al. I recall Apuzzo threatening to sue me once here, an empty threat that petered out as soon as he found that I wasn’t a US resident.

  104. Lupin says:

    Birtherland reminds me of planet Apokolips after Darkseid disappeared; all the minor powers, such as Vundabar, Granny Goodness, Kanto, Dr. Bedlam, etc., went at each others’ throat to seize control.

    Apologies for the DC Comics reference, tho the notion of Orly playing Granny Goodness is rather amusing.

  105. Lupin says:

    The Magic M: That struck a nerve. Maybe one can imagine how birthers feel about Zullo when comparing it to the feeling you had during season 6 of “Lost” when you firmly believed everything would come together and end in a satisfactory, maybe even brilliant way, even though it became less and less likely the closer you were to the final episodes.
    I mean, I’m a skeptical guy and I *knew* it would be highly unlikely they would be able to resolve things with just 6… 5… 4… 3… episodes left, and yet I kept hoping until the beginning of the very last episode. (And I shunned those who said it would all be a major disappointment because “no way they can pull that off”, and I was like “no, they’ll get to it any episode now”.)

    I’m so with you on that one.

  106. RanTalbott says:

    The Magic M: Maybe one can imagine how birthers feel about Zullo when comparing it to the feeling you had during season 6 of “Lost”

    I have no idea what my feelings were during season 6, because I have only a vague idea of when it was on TV.

    Based on the 5-10 minutes of it that I saw (and on what I heard about it), I would estimate that 96% of future birthers permanently changed the channel before the first commercial break in the only episode they watched, and all but 12 of those who stuck with it died of brain overload from trying to keep up with the plots and characters. As evidence, I offer the way that they take even the most convoluted conspiracy theories presented to them, and dumb them down to bumper-sticker slogans.

    They don’t watch “Lost”: they are lost.

  107. aarrgghh says:

    mike zullo speaks
    the truth herein
    the cosmos will shatter
    before birfers win
    burma shave

  108. Notorial Dissent says:

    Well Doc, you called it, and pretty well got it all. That Vogt, or Sibley, kind of hard to separate the two these days, have done and gone into the fantasy business for real.

    While it really comes as no surprise when you think about it, it still is an exercise in absolute lunacy. One fantasy, I’d call them misconceptions if they were so totally out there, piled right on top of another until there is no reality at all. Way to go Dougy. One thing you can say about the crowd, they are at least consistent in how they build their criminal conspiracies, I’d just like to know what they were either drinking or smoking when they did it.

    As Slarti points out, reasoning is not a part of the process, any more than actual investigation or research, might find something that contradicts their theory and then they’d have to bury/ignore that too.

    I’m actually surprised that the resident crazy person isn’t kicking up more of a fuss, after all she’s been claiming forever that she was the forger and still no one is paying attention to her. Must really hurt to be dismissed by Dougy. I’m still surprised that she hasn’t claimed responsibility for the sinking of the Titanic, the Lusitania, and the Andrea Doria. I mean she has to have been involved, they were epic conspiracies.

    Poor Mikki, now she’ll get no respect from either camp, what’s an attention whore to do??

    I suspect the infighting and name calling will get worse now.

  109. Keith says:

    The Magic M: That struck a nerve. Maybe one can imagine how birthers feel about Zullo when comparing it to the feeling you had during season 6 of “Lost” when you firmly believed everything would come together and end in a satisfactory, maybe even brilliant way, even though it became less and less likely the closer you were to the final episodes.
    I mean, I’m a skeptical guy and I *knew* it would be highly unlikely they would be able to resolve things with just 6… 5… 4… 3… episodes left, and yet I kept hoping until the beginning of the very last episode. (And I shunned those who said it would all be a major disappointment because “no way they can pull that off”, and I was like “no, they’ll get to it any episode now”.)
    So maybe that’s how birthers feel about Zullo.

    I liked Lost in season 1. After that I just couldn’t get back into it. Apparently I am lucky to not have to go through the trauma of the last season and episode.

    Now if that happens with Game of Thrones, I think I might just do something… um… erratic Yeah, thats it. Erratic.

  110. ZixiOfIx says:

    May I suggest the classic “Wilhelm Scream”, to denote frustration and dismay at the new levels of lunacy reached by birthers?


  111. The Magic M says:

    Keith: Now if that happens with Game of Thrones, I think I might just do something… um… erratic Yeah, thats it. Erratic.



  112. Curious George:
    I’ll try it again……
    The Birthers have achieved a new level in the land of birther confusion. Birther Vogt accuses Miki Booth of being an Obot co-conspirator. Mike Volin agrees with Nancy Owens that Mike Zullo is Mike Moore from Florida. Birther Miki Booth is defended by Dr. Conspiracy. Vogt’s affidavit is as ridiculous as Mike Zullo’s daffydavit. Miki Booth calls Doug Vogt a “f…ing” idiot. Birdboy *FALCON* defends Vogt and confusion reigns supreme. The Birther movement is showing signs of an impending collapse. All it will take is for Zullo to fail to deliver his “universe shattering” evidence to put the final nail in the Birther coffin. What a great day that will be!

    First and foremost, there is no Mike “Zullo” and if you search for my video with Mike Volin, you will find that it, along with my entire YouTube account, has been deleted.

    Vogt’s affidavit and accusations therein in are junk because he fails to name the true forger and because he puts his BS psycho-babble in his doc.

    A prime example is his, “The forger is trying to brag” or some such nonsense like he knows the true motive of the forgery. The court will sit on it for months because their hands are dirty as well or they are too fearful to make an opposing moves.

    I forged these documents and I was under duress. This is just another tainted piece of garbage to keep people happy while the foreigners invade our lands.

  113. bgansel9 says:

    I don’t know nothin’ ’bout forgin’ no birth certificates!

    – Dr. Conspiracy

    Yeah, using a double/triple negative is REALLY convincing. 😛

  114. (Copied from BR, time to back away from this charade of an investigation)

    Thank you for this waste of time, folks. Your opinions mean nothing to me. Adam Walsh….White Genocide. Cowardly investigators. Reagan disarming Americans because the Hispanic New World Order gave him a boo boo. Clinton disarming military bases. “Obama” erasing borders to curry favor with his drug dealers. FBI screaming, “Stop!” Puppies standing in front of podiums thirty-five years later trying to act like men because they can’t stand to see an Owens rise t the top when the truth is that they refused to venture out after dark because that’s when the cartel was most active and that’s when they were more likely to be murdered.

    Mike Zullo Moore was pathetic then and Mike Zullo Moore is just as pathetic now.

    Take your clues from Chief Kessler and several others, anybody who thinks this wimp is going to bring it in for the home team is delusional.

    My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I forged Obamas birth certificates.

  115. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Nancy R Owens: Take your clues from Chief Kessler

    You mean Chief Kessler Vonderbottom, former aide to Saudi-Iranian Shah-Reef Joe Al-Arpaio Al-Bohksallah?

    I mean, why stop with Zullo? *lol*

    My name is The Magic M and I just ate a McRib and one of Obama’s dogs.

  116. Daniel says:

    Nancy R Owens: his BS psycho-babble

    And the Irony Meter goes OFF THE SCALE!!!!!!

  117. Daniel says:

    Nancy R Owens: Take your clues from Chief Kessler

    Kessler? OK now we know you’re crazy.

    BTW you do know he’s not “Chief” Kessler any more, right (not that he ever was. How does a person not laugh at them self when they are “Chief” of a police force that consists only of them self)?

    My name s Daniel, and I singlehandedly defeated the Lions in the den.

  118. Arthur says:

    Poor Nancy–just when she thought she was about to get the attention of Birtherstan with her Zullo/Moore nonsense, Doug Vogt grabs the spot light and Nancy is left in the dark.

  119. Arthur says:

    Daniel: And the Irony Meter goes OFF THE SCALE!!!!!!

    What evidence do we have that there are any functioning Irony Meters left? It’s like trying to find a thermometer after a super nova.

  120. Arthur:
    Poor Nancy–just when she thought she was about to get the attention of Birtherstan with her Zullo/Moore nonsense, Doug Vogt grabs the spot light and Nancy is left in the dark.

    Vogt is a joke and his case will fall with nothing more than a soft “dud.” I’m not sweating that facade. If this is a true “investigation” by Mike Volin, why complain to YouTube and have my entire channel deleted? Two weeks from now he’s going to march into the halls of Congress and do what? Demand that they investigate a violation of American rights while at the same time having violated my right to free speech while cowering himself and telling America, “Get behind me for I am your fearless leader?” No. This is just a pathetic show. Kessler at least had the kahunas to man up and make a move. Let me correct that statement, not one but several moves only to be blocked by Mike “Dullo” Moore. Been there. Done that. It’s a very rude awakening.

  121. Dave B. says:

    I hear Belize is nice.

    RanTalbott: roxy7655: Anybody want a good deal on a one-way ticket to Bolivia?

    Try Zullo: he’s probably trying to figure out a good exit strategy about now…

  122. Rickey says:

    Poor Nancy–just when she thought she was about to get the attention of Birtherstan with her Zullo/Moore nonsense, Doug Vogt grabs the spot light and Nancy is left in the dark.

    This is the link to Mike Moore’s Facebook page. He doesn’t look much like Zullo, but I’m sure that Nancy has a rational explanation for that.

  123. Bonsall Obot says:

    Moore’s first name is Kevin??

    Wheels within wheels, man.

  124. Keith says:

    Nancy R Owens: if you search for my video with Mike Volin, you will find that it, along with my entire YouTube account, has been deleted.


    Join the club. My interview with Dag Hammarskjold was deleted too. In it he revealed that the plane crash was just a cover-up for him wanting to drop out of the public eye so he could become a trapeze artist. Unfortunately he got a shoulder injury while trying to catch Harold Holt one day and had to retire from the circus.

  125. RanTalbott says:

    Keith: My interview with Dag Hammarskjold was deleted too

    That’s because too many people complained that they were made ill by the mental image of Hammarskjold in tights.

    You’re lucky you didn’t get sued.

  126. J.D. Sue says:

    Lupin: malicious prosecution

    Long ago I successfully sued police officers for the common law tort of malicious prosecution (or abuse of process) in Illinois, USA, for knowingly filing false criminal complaints and thereby causing a false arrest, jail time, defense attorney fees, etc. The civil court stays action on the tort, until the criminal court resolves the issue of guilt. I’d have to look at the law again, but it likely won’t apply to Doc because Vogt can’t seem to get a prosecution going to cause damages. (Thank goodness).

  127. Hektor says:

    So will I get a reward if I turn Doc in?

  128. scribunda says:

    The Magic M: That struck a nerve. Maybe one can imagine how birthers feel about Zullo when comparing it to the feeling you had during season 6 of “Lost” when you firmly believed everything would come together and end in a satisfactory, maybe even brilliant way, even though it became less and less likely the closer you were to the final episodes.
    I mean, I’m a skeptical guy and I *knew* it would be highly unlikely they would be able to resolve things with just 6… 5… 4… 3… episodes left, and yet I kept hoping until the beginning of the very last episode. (And I shunned those who said it would all be a major disappointment because “no way they can pull that off”, and I was like “no, they’ll get to it any episode now”.)
    So maybe that’s how birthers feel about Zullo.

    YES! That is exactly how I felt about the ending of Lost. It was a huge let down, after spending years imagining connections and believing everything was a hint from the writers to unravel the conspiracy. Only to find out nothing had ever really mattered. I have never forgiven JJ Abrams and will never watch any TV series he is involved in. The only difference is that the Birthers really are hoping for a Lost-like ending: some miracle that will resolve this in their favor and send them to Birther heaven. That earth-shattering event they keep promising. Sorry, Birthers. If this were Lost, you would be the smoke monster.

  129. Craig HS says:

    Keith: Heh.

    Join the club. My interview with Dag Hammarskjold was deleted too. In it he revealed that the plane crash was just a cover-up for him wanting to drop out of the public eye so he could become a trapeze artist. Unfortunately he got a shoulder injury while trying to catch Harold Holt one day and had to retire from the circus.

    Poor Harold. Who knew the Nautilus was still active in Australian waters?

    Also: Zemo. Zullo. ‘Nuff said.

  130. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    scribunda: after spending years imagining connections and believing everything was a hint from the writers to unravel the conspiracy

    Heck, I would’ve been happy with the camera panning out to reveal the island and the surrounding sea were inside a huge alien vessel moving away from a destroyed Earth. Even “Cabin in the woods” had a better plot twist.

    Arthur: What evidence do we have that there are any functioning Irony Meters left?

    I’m still working on getting the patent details sorted out for my birther-proof irony meter (currently hidden in an Illuminati underground bunker near Lemmefeenish, CA). It’s gonna be a HUGE success. And if not, I’ll sue Obama for not being a nurturing boring city son!

  131. Curious George says:

    Nancy R Owens:” if you search for my video with Mike Volin, you will find that it, along with my entire YouTube account, has been deleted. ”

    Nancy, I watched your video of your phone conversation with Mike Volin. Did he know that you were recording the phone conversation?

    I’ve looked at Mike Moore’s photograph and he doesn’t look like Zullo, other than the mustache. In your recorded audio on your missing video, Mike Volin said that Mike Zullo is Mike Moore. Very strange coming from a Birther guy that wants to help Birthers find the “truth” about the birth certificate with all of his worthless Sheriff’s Kits. He may have just been playing you or he may have believed what he said to you.

  132. Curious George:
    Nancy R Owens:” if you search for my video with Mike Volin, you will find that it, along with my entire YouTube account, has been deleted. ”

    Nancy, I watched your video of your phone conversation with Mike Volin. Did he know that you were recording the phone conversation?

    I’ve looked at Mike Moore’s photograph and he doesn’t look like Zullo, other than the mustache.In your recorded audio on your missing video, Mike Volin said that Mike Zullo is Mike Moore. Very strange coming from a Birther guy that wants to help Birthers find the “truth” about the birth with all of his worthless Sheriff’s Kits.He may have just been playing you or he may have believed what he said to you.

    I could keep this simple and say, “This is what conspiracies are all about.”

    Instead, I would like to point out that, against the crowd, I’ve been saying all along that “Obama” is from South Florida. If Mike “Zullo” Moore, also from South Florida, were to have used his real identity from the beginning, my words would have carried far more weight.

    My opinion is that Mike “Zullo” Moore has no interest in exposing the PAPER birth certificate and that’s why he’s so desperate to keep it at the “PDF File” level.

    As for Sheriff Arpaio, there was a mass murder that took place on the Arizona border in the early 80’s during the rise of the Medellin Cartel and I suspect this is the info that Arpaio is waiting on. It is one where “La Quicka” was involved but, not he was not the one who committed the murders. Were they members of Arpaio’s family? I’m guessing, yes.

    Anybody with half a brain will ask the question, “How did all of this take place under Mike “Zullo” Moore’s (MZMs) watch?” And, “Why didn’t “MZM” conduct any of his investigations after dark when the cartel was most active, etc.?”

    My YouTube did get restored minus this video which can be found on LiveLink under “Nancy Owens.”

  133. Rickey says:

    Curious George:

    Nancy, I watched your video of your phone conversation with Mike Volin. Did he know that you were recording the phone conversation?

    I’ve looked at Mike Moore’s photograph and he doesn’t look like Zullo, other than the mustache.

    Not to mention that Mike Moore is 15 years older than Zullo.

  134. Curious George says:

    “Not to mention that Mike Moore is 15 years older than Zullo.”

    Speaking about Mr. Zullo…….have you been given anymore info from NJ?

  135. Rickey says:

    Curious George:
    “Not to mention that Mike Moore is 15 years older than Zullo.”

    Speaking about Mr. Zullo…….have you been given anymore info from NJ?

    I’m waiting for a response from the Borough of Demarest. I should hear from them in the next week or so.

  136. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Instead, I would like to point out that, against the crowd, I’ve been saying all along that “Obama” is from South Florida. If Mike “Zullo” Moore, also from South Florida, were to have used his real identity from the beginning, my words would have carried far more weight.

    Sorry Nancy but you’re not thinking about the big picture here. Not everyone is from South Florida. You seem to think that the world revolves around you and your small backwater town. It doesn’t.

  137. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens: I could keep this simple and say, “This is what conspiracies are all about.”

    You could keep this real simple by explaining why Mike Moore looks nothing like Mike Zullo, plus he is 15 years older than Zullo.

  138. Rickey: You could keep this simple by explaining why Mike Moore looks nothing like Mike Zullo, plus he is 15 years older than Zullo.

    Why is this up to me to explain? I asked if Mike “Zullo’s” real name was Mike Moore. Volin said, “Yes.” Mike “Zullo” looks and acts exactly like Mike Moore and I very clearly point out that he seems to have aged very well. You explain it.

  139. Yeah breaker one nine this here’s the Rubber Duck
    Uh, you got a copy on me Pig Pen C’mon

    Nancy R Owens: Why is this up to me to explain? I asked if Mike “Zullo’s” real name was Mike Moore. Volin said, “Yes.” Mike “Zullo” looks and acts exactly like Mike Moore and I very clearly point out that he seems to have aged very well. You explain it.

  140. Curious George says:

    Call for Mr. Mike Volin. The questions for the day……why did you tell Nancy Owens that Mike Zullo is Mike Moore? They look nothing alike. There is an age difference. Zullo is from New Jersey and Moore is from Florida. Are you using the same kind of misinformation in your Sheriff’s Kits #1 and #2? And you expect the Congress Critters are supposed to believe this nonsense? Oh, and Miki Booth, are you going to come to her defense or is she now too tainted in Birtherland?

  141. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens: Why is this up to me to explain? I asked if Mike “Zullo’s” real name was Mike Moore. Volin said, “Yes.” Mike “Zullo” looks and acts exactly like Mike Moore and I very clearly point out that he seems to have aged very well. You explain it.

    They don’t look anything alike, and the Demarest, N.J. Police Department has confirmed in writing that MIke Zullo was a police officer there at the same time that Mike Moore was with the Hendry County Sheriff’s Department.

  142. RanTalbott says:

    Rickey: the Demarest, N.J. Police Department has confirmed in writing that MIke Zullo was a police officer there at the same time that Mike Moore was with the Hendry County Sheriff’s Department.

    That explains why there’s no record of Zullo being a detective: he was working under deep cover in Florida, and revealing that would compromise the investigation.

  143. Curious George says:

    RanTalbott: That explains why there’s no record of Zullo being a detective: he was working under deep cover in Florida, and revealing that would compromise the investigation.

    Did he wear a black frogman’s suit while “swimmingly” in Florida waters?

  144. BillTheCat says:

    Sorry to blunt, but why does Doc allow someone who is obviously mentally ill to continue venting here? Really serves no purpose as she is not even close to a reasonable actor in all this, and it only serves to feed into her illness. I wouldn’t call it fair and open exchange, I’d call it sad and cruel in a way.

  145. Let’s try this again. You do understand the nature of conspiracies, right? Or, are you just trying to irritate me? People gather in groups to “conspire.” When they conspire they agree to do whatever is necessary to keep their conspiracies hidden.

    For Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi it was as easy as dropping an “s” from her name so as not to get confused with Joseph P. D’Alessandro, a former Florida Stare Attorney, who oversaw Pablo Escobar’s drug territory which helped keep the following murders under wraps: Jimmy Hoffa, John F Kennedy, Jr, Adam Walsh, Pablo Escobar, and Gainesville’s Tiffany Sessions just for starters.


    RanTalbott: That explains why there’s no record of Zullo being a detective: he was working under deep cover in Florida, and revealing that would compromise the investigation.

    Yeah, he was deep undercover alright. Undercover of his desk….in South Florida where my half-brother Allen/Obama and I lived.

    Rickey: They don’t look anything alike, and the Demarest, N.J. Police Department has confirmed in writing that MIke Zullo was a police officer there at the same time that Mike Moore was with the Hendry County Sheriff’s Department.

  146. I don’t know what’s up with Nancy. All birthers say crazy stuff. In this case there are two things working together that got some Nancy comments through:

    1) I mentioned her in an article (with an implicit right to reply)
    2) I’m traveling and working from a tablet and sometimes it’s just easier to click approve rather than judging the appropriateness of an individual comment.

    BillTheCat: Sorry to blunt, but why does Doc allow someone who is obviously mentally ill to continue venting here?

  147. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I don’t know what’s up with Nancy. All birthers say crazy stuff. In this case there are two things working together that got some Nancy comments through:

    1) I mentioned her in an article (with an implicit right to reply)
    2) I’m traveling and working from a tablet andsometimes it’s just easier to click approve rather than judging the appropriateness of an individual comment.


    She has provided a unique service. She revealed Sheriff’s Kit, Mike Volin believes that Zullo is Moore also. The Moore we know, the better. 😉

    Have a safe trip.

  148. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: Have a safe trip.

    He needs to make sure he avoids swimming in open water: Fuddy’s black pants and shoes weren’t buried with her, afaik. Having tasted blood, they may be out looking for another kill.

  149. bgansel9 says:

    Bog Trotter: This site that site the house painted white site
    what does it matter
    The truth is what it is and it ain’t in this chatter

    Diversion and conversion who’s to be the blame
    certainly not Obama who’s never made the claim

    Indonesia Kenya he’s gonna stick it in ya
    never been a time when there is no enigma

    Its not what you don’t its all what you say
    Mockingbirds will lie but never will they lay

    This track that track only in real fact
    when you gonna learn
    Take away that rope and then watch him burn

    These are the kind of things you should never make public. Don’t quit your day job!

  150. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: All birthers say crazy stuff.

    As far as I know, Nancy is the only one who admits to killing people, including Adam Walsh and several cops (oh, and let’s not forget Pablo Escobar!)

    The rest of the birthers seem tame in comparison.

  151. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: That explains why there’s no record of Zullo being a detective

    No, but he was a cop in New Jersey. I hope someone sues your ass for making false statements one of these days. What I can’t understand is why Florida hasn’t Baker acted you.

  152. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Let’s try this again. You do understand the nature of conspiracies, right? Or, are you just trying to irritate me?People gather in groups to “conspire.” When they conspire they agree to do whatever is necessary to keep their conspiracies hidden.

    Note only do I understand conspiracies, I also understand how to recognize delusional people.

    For Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi it was as easy as dropping an “s” from her name so as not to get confused with Joseph P. D’Alessandro, a former Florida Stare Attorney, who oversaw Pablo Escobar’s drug territory which helped keep the following murders under wraps: Jimmy Hoffa, John F Kennedy, Jr, Adam Walsh, Pablo Escobar, and Gainesville’s Tiffany Sessions just for starters.


    Unfortunately for your theory, Nancy Pelosi’s maiden name was never spelled “D’Alessandro.” Her grandfather, Thomas D’Alesandro, died on September 13, 1952, This is a verbatim transcript of the obituary which ran in the New York Times that day:

    Thomas D’Alesandro Sr., an Italian laborer whose son became mayor of Baltimore, died today at the age of 84. D’Alesandro was born in Montenero Domini in the Abruzzi section of Italy. He came to America when he was twenty. For thirty-seven years he was a city laborer, retiring in 1940.

    A son, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. is now in his second term as Mayor and previously had served in the United States House of Representatives. Another son and three daughters also survive.

    You really should seek professional help.

  153. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey this has been pointed out to get before. she’s completely delusional

  154. Keith says:

    bgansel9: including Adam Walsh

    I bet she’d own up to killing Adam Weishaupt too. And there lies the beginning of all great American Conspiracies – when Adam Weishaupt killed and replaced George Washington.

    The portrait on the one dollar bill is Weishaupt not Washington.

  155. bgansel9 says:

    Keith: The portrait on the one dollar bill is Weishaupt not Washington.

    Where’s the sarcasm notation? I don’t see it. 😛

  156. Rickey says:

    bgansel9: No, but he was a cop in New Jersey. I hope someone sues your ass for making false statements one of these days. What I can’t understand is why Florida hasn’t Baker acted you.

    Nancy’s fantasy becomes weirder and weirder.

    According to her, Mike Moore was with the Sheriff’s Department in Hendy County. He then assumed a false identify as Mike Zullo and got a job with the Demarest Police Department in New Jersey, apparently so he could return to Florida to conduct a “deep cover” investigation of Pablo Escobar. So did he conduct the deep cover investigation as Mike Moore or as Mike Zullo? If he did it as Mike Moore, why did he need to become Mike Zullo?

    Of course he didn’t, as these photos prove.

    Mike Zullo:

    Mike Moore:

    Incidentally, Mike Moore was at a lodge meeting in Florida on Tuesday night. Apparently he dyes his hair and mustache when he flies to Arizona to resume his identity as Mike Zullo.

  157. Rickey says:

    Mike Moore also has a prominent liver spot on his right forehead, which is noticeably missing from Mike Zullo’s forehead:

  158. *sigh*
    Once again, you do understand how conspiracies work, don’t you? No, you don’t and you never will so I will just ignore you from here on out so that I don’t waste Dr C’s bandwidth.

    Rickey: Note only do I understand conspiracies, I also understand how to recognize delusional people.

    Thomas D’Alesandro Sr., an Italian laborer whose son became mayor of Baltimore, died today at the age of 84…

  159. Suranis says:

    Personally, I’m waiting for Nancy to rage against Zullo for making “Bowling for Columbine”

  160. I think Nancy should call Volin again. That call has provided a week of good entertainment. Why not call Zullo (Moore) while you are at it? Maybe she can talk Mike into bringing her to Phoenix to sit down with a room full of people with badges?

  161. Fuzz T. Was says:

    “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak with an attorney and have him/her present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. Do you understand each of these rights? Do you wish to give up the ring to remain silent and have an attorney present?”

    And your answers is ??????

  162. Rickey says:

    Fuzz T. Was:
    “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak with an attorney and have him/her present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. Do you understand each of these rights? Do you wish to give up the ring to remain silent and have an attorney present?”

    And your answers is ??????

    I have to give up my ring to remain silent? I have a ring, and while I don’t wear it very often I’d just as soon keep it.

  163. BillTheCat says:

    Fuzz T. Was:
    “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak with an attorney and have him/her present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. Do you understand each of these rights? Do you wish to give up the ring to remain silent and have an attorney present?”

    And your answers is ??????

    Sounds like what American Spring participants might hear tomorrow if they decide to get threaty.

  164. Arthur B. says:

    BillTheCat: Sounds like what American Spring participants might hear tomorrow if they decide to get threaty.

    Yeah, both of them.

  165. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I know I’m certainly looking forward to tomorrow…because that’s when Microsoft swaps in the next “Games with Gold” freebie! Hope it’s something good.
    …Oh and there’s that whole “Hundred or so people shambling around DC, slack-jawed, and confused. Wondering where everyone else is.” event.

  166. Keith says:

    bgansel9: Where’s the sarcasm notation? I don’t see it.

    Sarcasm is not allowed. Do what thou will is the whole of the law.

    The Mgt.

  167. Keith says:

    Mike Moore also has a prominent liver spot on his right forehead, which is noticeably missing from Mike Zullo’s forehead:

    So you are saying that Mike Moore is Mikhail Gorbachev? Has anybody ever seen them in the same room together?

  168. Rickey says:

    Keith: So you are saying that Mike Moore is Mikhail Gorbachev? Has anybody ever seen them in the same room together?

    That means that Mike Zullo is Mikhail Gorbachev! This will blow Nancy’s mind, or at least what is left of it.

  169. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The be blunt, its because no one wants to hear what you have to say, Nancy. You come off as this complete nut case, and nobody takes you seriously.

  170. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Why don’t you invite me back on your show, RC? And, this time, let me talk without your constant interruptions

    Crazy loon wants to be given free reign to spout her insanity on the radio with no moderation. LMAO WOW!

    You want to be on the radio unmoderated Nancy? Buy your own freaking station and have at it!

  171. Nancy, check the name of the show. I don’t deal in delusional fantasies.

  172. Thinker says:

    Ugh. Freedom Outpost is one of the most sanctimonious, vile places on the web. I think most of its posters are people who can’t keep up with the intellectual discussions at freeperville or can’t understand the complicated issues of law and governance presented by WND’s braintrust. LOL.

  173. Dave B. says:

    One odious example, regarding Nancy Pelosi:
    “PLEASE……Hang her with a very soft rope! This way she will die a slow and painful death! hopefully several days! And may Harry Reid as well swing with her and all of their cohorts…like Mr. John Boehner as well!”
    Made by the same guy who on another article a few days ago had said,
    “No problem….God bless and may we all keep the morals and our Southern Heritage as a gauge to all other Americans! We stood for the Constitution once and lost, but this time there will be no alternative…It will be us and our rights or them!”
    God save us from such morals!

    Thinker: Ugh. Freedom Outpost is one of the most sanctimonious, vile places on the web.

  174. Lupin says:

    Nancy R Owens: Why don’t you invite me back on your show, RC?

    Let me hazard a guess: because you’re a crazy woman and a pathological liar?

  175. Dave B. says:

    Uninformed but amusing commentary on the the Revelation of Doug the Copier Salesman:

    “It seems that the BHOr phenomenon is unraveling at an ever increasing pace while the fabric of the Birther’s claims are knitting up better and better… ”

  176. Rickey says:

    Dave B.:
    Crazy Vogt article:

    I wonder what he’ll be saying on Monday, when his SCOTUS petition is going to be denied.

  177. Thinker says:

    I’m pretty sure I know what he’ll say. He’ll say that SCOTUS can’t take up his case because if they did, it would result in President Obama being removed from office because his case is that compelling and clever. And of course the PTB to want Obama out of office. So they will pretend to ignore him.

    Rickey: I wonder what he’ll be saying on Monday, when his SCOTUS petition is going to be denied.

  178. bob says:

    Rickey: I wonder what he’ll be saying on Monday, when his SCOTUS petition is going to be denied.

    Vogt has said that his cert. petition is The One True Birther Petition, and if SCOTUS denies it, that is the proof that SCOTUS has been gotten to.

  179. Rickey says:

    bob: Vogt has said that his cert. petition is The One True Birther Petition, and if SCOTUS denies it, that is the proof that SCOTUS has been gotten to.

    It’s amazing how Obama can get to the Supreme Court on eligibility cases but he can’t get his way with the Court on campaign finance reform, the Voting Rights Act, etc.

  180. bob says:

    Rickey: It’s amazing how Obama can get to the Supreme Court on eligibility cases but he can’t get his way with the Court on campaign finance reform, the Voting Rights Act, etc.

    Controlled dissent, to distract the sheeple. [/birther]

  181. RanTalbott says:

    Dave B.: “It seems that the BHOr phenomenon is unraveling at an ever increasing pace while the fabric of the Birther’s claims are knitting up better and better… ”

    I bet he’s going to be disappointed when he finds out it was “knitt[ed] up” from Silly String™

  182. justlw says:

    Keith: Sarcasm is not allowed. Do what thou will is the whole of the law.

    The Mgt.

    That, and “Ewige Blumenkraft.” Here, kitty kitty… .

  183. Keith says:

    justlw: That, and “Ewige Blumenkraft.”Here, kitty kitty… .

    Or to be formal about it: “Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangekraft”

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