This is your brain on birthers

Sometimes I attempt to get inside the heads of birthers. If this were a television show, the narrator would be saying about now, “do not try this at home.”

Certainly I can understand the desire to be distinctive, special. Birthers think that they are in a unique group that knows the truth, that are awake, and are not fooled by the government, media, nor by popular opinion. It’s an attractive idea to be “in the know.” Mike Volin is the image in my mind right now, and perhaps that is because he gets a little “inside hints” from the Cold Case Posse. Volin, Gallups and who knows how many other people, like [mumble] who paid for Reed Hayes, fall into that category.

It’s also attractive to feel like you’re making a difference and supporting an important cause. This is harder to understand because birthers haven’t made any difference and it’s hard to imagine how they could think otherwise. Trying too hard resulted in this:


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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45 Responses to This is your brain on birthers

  1. Arthur says:

    I can’t wait to see what the Photoshop experts at B.R. are going to do with this latest photo. Something with a gerbil, I hope.

  2. Joey says:

    Doc C’s just lobbing the Birther Report Cultists softballs, for the fun of it!

  3. I don’t care much about BR.

    Doc C’s just lobbing the Birther Report Cultists softballs, for the fun of it!

  4. Paul says:

    Ahhh Doc… as the saying goes, YOU may be done with BR, but BR is not done with YOU

  5. jdkinpa says:

    Speaking of brains…. or lack of….Hadn’t thought much about Texas birfer Rudy until today (I confess that I did go to watch some of his youtube videos for a good laugh now and then). But this came to me via a Facebook news feed. Apparently Rudy and some of his like minded brainiacs like to strut around Dealey Plaza once a month being good ‘Mericans and such.

    This clip from last Saturday has Rudy saying that Governor Perry should send the Texas National Guard to the border and low an behold…. Could Rudy possibly be Perry’s brain?

  6. Benji Franklin says:

    Doc, I take it that the result of your trying too hard to understand Birthers, is the rakishly flipped up pair of sunglasses. Well, that’s nice, but let me point out that you also seem to have developed a large, very convoluted, whitish sebaceous cyst on the top of your head. It’s stylish, and probably very slimming, but while they are rarely malignant, you might want to have that looked at, and probably should NOT pop it yourself.

  7. John Reilly says:

    jdkinpa: This clip from last Saturday has Rudy saying that Governor Perry should send the Texas National Guard to the border and low an behold…. Could Rudy possibly be Perry’s brain?

    To test this theory, you should inquire as to the names of the three federal departments he proposes to close.

  8. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: Something with a gerbil, I hope.

    While the jury is still out on that, it will definitely be a reference to homosexuality. Because that’s the main BR topic after the Big March Hope came and went. Interestinggggg…

  9. Arthur says:

    The Magic M: While the jury is still out on that, it will definitely be a reference to homosexuality.

    It’s a goat, and it’s about bestiality.

  10. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Among the few non-gay, or non-murder fantasy related photo memes they do at BR, my favorite has to be the bacon spamming one. Not sure who they think they’re going to offend with that one. As I understand, people of religions that have an aversion to pork, don’t readily freak out over images of pork products.

  11. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Among the few non-gay, or non-murder fantasy related photo memes they do at BR, my favorite has to be the bacon spamming one. Not sure who they think they’re going to offend with that one.

    I’ve laughed about that one myself.

  12. Lupin says:

    Another mystery to me: what is it with your right-wing nuts and sex with animals????????

    We have right-wing nuts here and I can’t ever recall ever hearing/reading bestiality jokes.

    But it seems to be a frequent daily source of humor at BR — and elsewhere.

    No, seriously — WHY???

  13. Bonsall Obot says:

    It’s a shibboleth.

    With the exception of the threats, it’s all shibboleths 24/7 over there.

    If you don’t buy into the racism, the anti-Muslim bigotry, the coprophilia, the bestiality and the obsession with homosexuality, your hatred is insufficiently pure.

  14. Arthur says:

    Bonsall Obot: If you don’t buy into the racism, the anti-Muslim bigotry, the coprophilia, the bestiality and the obsession with homosexuality, your hatred is insufficiently pure.

    I think you’re right. Just as sports fans go to obsessive links to demonstrate their loyalty, so birthers go to obsessive lengths to prove how much they hate Obama.

  15. Bonsall Obot says:

    Arthur: I think you’re right. Just as sports fans go to obsessive links to demonstrate their loyalty, so birthers go to obsessive lengths to prove how much they hate Obama.

    I like your comparison; sports in America is about rooting for teams whose members are almost never from the cities for which they play and who have no ties to the community, who come and go as the dictates of finance decree. To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, we’re rooting for laundry.

    Sports in America trains and conditions us to be nationalistic, jingoistic, tribal; I don’t buy into it any more.

  16. I am working on a new photo essay, thinking about Orly Taitz.

  17. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I am working on a new photo essay, thinking about Orly Taitz.

    Will there be pancakes?
    I miss the pancakes.

  18. Joey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Among the few non-gay, or non-murder fantasy related photo memes they do at BR, my favorite has to be the bacon spamming one. Not sure who they think they’re going to offend with that one. As I understand, people of religions that have an aversion to pork, don’t readily freak out over images of pork products.

    Its kind of like an older Roman Catholic seeing a picture of fish on a Friday!

  19. justlw says:

    Bonsall Obot: it’s all shibboleths 24/7 over there.

    It’s shibboleths all the way down!

  20. justlw says:

    John Reilly: Governor Perry

    The only human being hominid I have yet to encounter who looks less intelligent when he puts on hornrims.

  21. justlw says:

    It’s also attractive to feel like you’re making a difference and supporting an important cause. This is harder to understand because birthers haven’t made any difference

    This did indeed make me literally LOL. Scared my son in the process.

  22. justlw says:

    Bonsall Obot: Sports in America trains and conditions us to be nationalistic, jingoistic, tribal; I don’t buy into it any more.

    As always, there’s an xkcd for that.

  23. Bonsall Obot says:

    Let ’em all go to hell,
    Except Cave 76!

  24. Rick A Hyatt says:

    BRED TO BE A MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE on Kindle, starts out the day I first met former East German STASI Generaloberst Markus Mischa Wolf, my biological father, when I was a kindergartener in Augsburg, De.
    The woman I knew as “Mother” met him warmly, and received more instructions on me, and how to get some big money. I had been bred to have a bucket-full of Celiac’s Disease genes, from the two of them.
    Such is the basis to the movie, and to being a MC. Having such genes makes one very hypnotizable and behaviorally programmable. With enough training, one can be called on the phone, or approached from behind on the street, told a certain thing in a certain way, and snap into trance. I know, that’s how I was used, and what my book of a life in espionage is all about.
    And do what one was told, and forget ever having done it.
    The main point about my enovel is, however, that I have half-siblings, a whole spy ring that Wolf had bred, indoctrinated, trained, Legend-created, documented – All for specific goals of the Communist Party in their long-range plans.
    One was deliberately half-black, half-Muslin, half-gay, half-everything, and indoctrinated to believe that he’d be President of the United States, some day. Barry Soetoro.
    Indeed, he’s been ushered into the spot. But now his time is up. The CIA’s been counter-running him since Wolf was “Turned” in 1977, a fact not publicly known, and I played a big part in that.
    And that is what my enovel is all about. “Fictitious novel, based on fact.” The names have been changed to protect the innocent. (And keep me from being sued.)
    Interested in who the others are? Still in play in politics? @rickahyatt

  25. Rick A Hyatt says:

    As to a quick further explanation: Overall, this represents a long-term attack upon the Office of President as a prelude to eventual invasion. Preceded by the “Softening” of our cities by the guerrillas being brought in from the South, right now.
    In other words, it started with JFK and anybody else would would do as President getting shot or character assassinated. The office had to be filled in, “Stewarded,” even counter-run since then. Obama has done us the favor of letting the enemy get what they wanted to see, so didn’t start WWIII in the meantime.
    It’s no mistake that the office has been filled with an actor, a Director of the CIA, his son, and every other term, the Other Side, for fairness.

  26. Dave says:

    You wrote this book three years ago. Why bring it up now? Sales off?

    Your spam might be more effective at BR, or at Taitz’s site.

  27. Rick A Hyatt says:

    You miss the point, Dave. Having written it so long ago means such details I put to paper long before current events have transpired. Current events being that the 20 year term that HI Judge Richard Komo imposed upon the sealed documents he sent to the Federal Court system are NOW. I’m positive Barry’s true BC (With who’s “Father,” a Communist Master Spy) are before SCOTUS, right now, and he knows it.
    Not only will he be declared ineligible, but when the US finds out WHAT his father is, not just who…
    And everything he’s done will also be NULL AND VOID.
    Think on it. If you’ve got a brain.

  28. Dave says:

    Well, ok. I look forward to SCOTUS giving us all the details. When should I expect the news to come out? Any day now?

  29. Daniel says:

    Rick A Hyatt: I’m positive Barry’s true BC (With who’s “Father,” a Communist Master Spy) are before SCOTUS, right now, and he knows it.
    Not only will he be declared ineligible, but when the US finds out WHAT his father is, not just who…

    You know they have medication for people with your…. “qualifications”

  30. Arthur says:

    Rick A Hyatt: Think on it. If you’ve got a brain.

    It’s amusing when people who have clearly lost their minds, demand that others think as they do. It’s like a drowning man demanding that others jump into the maelstrom to keep him company.

  31. gorefan says:

    Rick A Hyatt: With enough training, one can be called on the phone,

    Sorry dud, this plot has already been used:

    “When it rings no one is safe.”

  32. Notorial Dissent says:

    Who or what is a “Rick Hyatt” and why should anyone care? At least now the two crazy ladies have a matching third for bridge.

  33. Bonsall Obot says:

    Needs moar submarines.

  34. Lupin says:

    Rick A Hyatt:
    You miss the point, Dave.Having written it so long ago means such details I put to paper long before current events have transpired.Current events being that the 20 year term that HI Judge Richard Komo imposed upon the sealed documents he sent to the Federal Court system are NOW.I’m positive Barry’s true BC (With who’s “Father,” a Communist Master Spy) are before SCOTUS, right now, and he knows it.
    Not only will he be declared ineligible, but when the US finds out WHAT his father is, not just who…
    And everything he’s done will also be NULL AND VOID.
    Think on it.If you’ve got a brain.

    If I understand correctly, no large or small publisher would publish your book so you ended up self-publishing it — as indeed hundreds of other lunatics do every year which lead to a clutter of the marker very detrimental to the industry.

    Have you asked yourself why everyone rejected your book? Maybe you should have started with that and tried to improve it instead.

    In any event, I can;t see why anyone would be interested. I don’t dislike the Tom Clancy/Robert Ludlum/political conspiracies novels, but you have to establish a modicum of believability at the onset. Take the MATARESE series from Ludlum, it really barely holds together, but the author weaves his plot in a way that draws you in and makes you suspend disbelief.

    Your tract, on the other hand, is barely coherent, full of contradictions and ridiculous notions. That you appear to believe in it is even sadder.

  35. Bonsall Obot says:

    I for one would like to welcome our half-Muslin overlords.

  36. OK, so we can’t trust anything you say because of your “programming.” I can go with that.

    Rick A Hyatt: one can be called on the phone, or approached from behind on the street, told a certain thing in a certain way, and snap into trance. I know, that’s how I was used, and what my book of a life in espionage is all about.

  37. Curious George says:

    Well there you have it. Hyatt’s “Universe Shattering” information. Corporal Zullo better get on this one quickly before someone goes into a trance.

  38. Curious George says:

    Hyatt and Zullo have ebooks in common. Hyatt and Zullo ought to get together and compare notes. Throw Nancy O into the mix and it’s time to get out the popcorn.

  39. Bonsall Obot says:

    In fairness, we can’t dismiss Hyatt’s claims out of hand; I recently saw a documentary from the 1950s where a subject, through means of drugging and brainwashing, was conditioned to believe that he was a millionaire who owned a mansion and a yacht. Following his programming, he attempted to shotgun-murder the actual millionaire he’d been brainwashed into believing he actually was, who himself had been conditioned to believe he was actually a rabbit. It was quite compelling.

  40. Don’t forget Martha Trowbridge.

    Curious George:
    Hyatt and Zullo have ebooks in common. Hyatt and Zullo ought to get together and compare notes.Throw Nancy O into the mix and it’s time to get out the popcorn.

  41. Bob says:

    I ordered a copy of Hyatt’s book as a birthday gift for my unicorn.

  42. Arthur says:

    I ordered a copy of Hyatt’s book as a birthday gift for my unicorn.

    I see now that the Kindle price for his book has dropped from $6.00 to $0.00. I read part of it on preview–it’s still too expensive.

  43. BillTheCat says:

    Hyatt sounds like a good match for Nancy Owens, they both share fantastical, made-up stories wrought with delusion and fictional fantasies.

    I see he’s a believer in the Magic Reset Button as well, lol.

  44. James M says:

    Rick A Hyatt:

    The woman I knew as “Mother” met him warmly, and received more instructions on me, and how to get some big money.I had been bred to have a bucket-full of Celiac’s Disease genes, from the two of them.
    Such is the basis to the movie, and to being a MC.Having such genes makes one very hypnotizable and behaviorally programmable. With enough training, one can be called on the phone, or approached from behind on the street, told a certain thing in a certain way, and snap into trance.I know, that’s how I was used, and what my book of a life in espionage is all about.

    You have a talent. Your writing style is evocative of James Joyce. If you could move beyond this obsession with President Obama, you could have the potential to develop a great work of transcendental literature.

  45. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    Who or what is a “Rick Hyatt” and why should anyone care?At least now the two crazy ladies have a matching third for bridge.

    Hyatt is the original Nancy Ruth Owens/Martha Trowbridge/Linda Joy Adams. Hyatt used to post here many years ago and no one believed his nonsense then. He claims he’s related to some russian general and is a brother to obama or some nonsense. Hard to keep track of all the stupid claims.

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