An apology to Joe Mannix

Update: Since this article was written, Obot technical analysis has determined the identity signatures of 4 separate posters at Birther Report. Of the 4, only 2 have been identified.

I had said on this blog that I believed that the Internet poster at Birther Report named Joe Mannix was indeed in real life Mike Zullo. The Mannix poster at BR seemed to speak strongly in support of Zullo and his investigation, and also seemed to have inside information from the Cold Case Posse. Beyond that, I had a private assurance from someone who claimed to know that Mike Zullo posted as Joe Mannix at BR. I no longer believe that this association is correct, and in fact I have ruled it out through rigorous technical means.

I was able to trace the signatures of Birther Report Internet packets that were in background scatter signals intercepted at the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)  in Chile where I was last month. These terrestrial signals (noise) are routinely discarded, but under a special agreement worked out by Obama Conspiracy Theories with ALMA, I obtained a real-time data feed of their “garbage.’’ The signals were processed through adaptive Laplace and Fourier transform filtering and decoded by DARPAbot cryptographic artificial intelligence technology that allows penetrating VPN proxy services.1 Through all this I determined the Joe Mannix poster at Birther Report was in the wrong place at the wrong time to be Mike Zullo. [Doc opens fortune cookie: From now on your kindness will lead you to success.]

The importance of this to me is that since Joe Mannix is NOT Mike Zullo, he may well be a private individual, and if so, it’s none of my business who he is. I want to add that I have read SOME comments by Joe Mannix, that make him seem a pretty decent fellow for a birther.2

1The preceding technobabble is of course absurd. I’m not going to disclose the technical means used to make this determination. I’ll let the birthers sweat it. It is perhaps payback to Mannix for his comment:

Fogbow member R.C. from ‘Reality Check Radio’ got Mike Zullo’s private cell phone number and called him in his car? This makes me think R.C. does work for Team Obama and most likely got Zullo’s number through a NSA contact.

2Updates will be made to the articles where Mannix and Zullo were associated on this blog.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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14 Responses to An apology to Joe Mannix

  1. wrecking ball says:

    ” I want to add that I have read SOME comments by Joe Mannix, that make him seem a pretty decent fellow for a birther.”

    i’ve always believed that “joe mannix” is the city-data poster “steve mcgarrett” ( and sock puppets: britt reid, george lazenby, jesus christ superstar, old army soldier and MANY others ). his usual MO for each new puppet would be to come in soft ( concern troll ) but usually end with a full scale racist rant.

    frank arduini witnessed many of the racist melt-downs.

  2. What’s really funny about the comment by Joe Mannix is that my source for Mike Zullo’s “private cell phone number” was none other than Mike Zullo. He gave it to me in an email when I first invited him on my show. Then Jerome Corsi warned Zullo about the evil Obot radio show and Zullo backed out. I suppose this is also more evidence that Mannix is not Zullo.

  3. I would endorse the Lazenby association.

    wrecking ball: i’ve always believed that “joe mannix” is the city-data poster “steve mcgarrett” ( and sock puppets: britt reid, george lazenby, jesus christ superstar, old army soldier and MANY others ). his usual MO for each new puppet would be to come in soft ( concern troll ) but usually end with a full scale racist rant.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Lazenby Association. Isn’t that the organization which spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, to remind people that George Lazenby played James Bond that one time? 😉

  5. Keith says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    The Lazenby Association. Isn’t that the organization which spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, to remind people that George Lazenby played James Bond that one time?

    A friend of mine is a huge Bond fan. I put forth the suggestion one time that Lazenby was the worst Bond ever. I thought he was going to take my head off. He thinks Lazenby was very hard done by. In a way, I kinda agree with him, but OHMSS was Lazenby’s first film and as Diana Rigg said “every actor has to serve an apprenticeship”.

    Roger Moore wasn’t all that good either, much too old for the part, but at least he made a good fist of it. “Moonraker” was far and away the worst film in the Bond series IMO. That’s when Bond ‘jumped the shark’. Thank god for the Daniel Craig reboot.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yeah, they even Graig-booted the Goldeneye game!

    I think as far as the worst Bond movie goes, Roger Moore said it all, about “Die Another Day”: “I thought it just went too far – and that’s from me, the first Bond in space! Invisible cars and dodgy CGI footage? Please!”

  7. Arthur says:

    I’m kind of relieved you no longer believe the Zullo/Mannix connection, because Mannix said things about the CCP and Zullo that were ignorantly incorrect, and if Zullo had said them, it would make him even stupider than he actually is.

  8. I really did go to Atacama.

  9. wrecking ball says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I would endorse the Lazenby association.

    unfortunately the “george lazenby” posts have been deleted from city-data. a few fragments remain in quoted comments but not enough to show any similarities ( or differences ) to comments from “joe mannix” or any of the potential sock puppets.

  10. Krosis says:

    Wow! Mannix is not Zullo? This is a universe-shattering revelation!

  11. roadburner says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    The Lazenby Association. Isn’t that the organization which spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, to remind people that George Lazenby played James Bond that one time?

    don’t forget david niven as well ;D

  12. And don’t forget Barry Nelson (1954).

    I’ve actually seen that made-for-tv version.

    roadburner: don’t forget david niven as well ;D

  13. Joey says:

    Did Doc C write that he got a lap dance from Alma in Chile?

  14. Crustacean says:

    The truth matters.

    ALMA maters.

    [scurries back under rock]

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