My experience with Douglas Vogt and Miki Booth

by Brian Reilly

On August 22, 2011, as a Surprise Tea Party Patriots member, I met with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, at 9:00 A.M., in his office, on the 19th floor of the Wells Fargo Building. As a group, five STPP members and Jerome Corsi had already met with Sheriff Arpaio on August 18th to present him with the petition I had written requesting that Arpaio investigate the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate. The birth certificate had been posted on the White House website, April 27, 2011. Arpaio wanted me to return, on August 22, 2011 , to his office with a formal letter of request and all of the evidence that I had on the subject.

The most important piece of evidence that I had, was the “Eligibility Book” that had been supplied to me by Mr. William (Bill) Wolf, via author, Jerome Corsi of This book became the source material for the Cold Case Posse investigation and I specifically discussed Mr. Douglas Vogt’s report with Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Brian Sands on August 22, 2011. To give one a sense of the importance of the Eligibility Book, what follows are excerpts from Bill Wolf’s correspondence. (Please note the correspondence with Representative Mike Pence, the current 2016, GOP pick for Vice President of the United States.)

September 6, 2011

Dear Brian & Denise,

The three Eligibility books that I sent to you did not include the forwarding letter. I have enclosed the letter to Representative Mike Pence so that you can see what was requested. Also enclosed is the list of 16 Representatives and 3 Senators that we hand delivered books to on August 4, as well as, The 5 Representatives and 2 Senators that received the book on August 25, 2011. All the letters were identical to Representative Pence’s. Members of the Tea Party Caucus are noted. There was emphasis on members of the Judiciary Committees and Sub-Committees where hearings would have to originate.



William Wolf


Forwarding letter:

August 4, 2011

Dear Representative Pence,

I have enclosed Corsi’s book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.”

In addition, I have enclosed a tabulation of statements made by 20 Experts (attached to this letter), the backup information on the 20 Experts, the WND/Wenzel poll of June 16-19 and a letter from one of our attorneys, Richard King, on the eligibility issue. These have all been placed in a book for ease of examination. While some may believe that the President’s discussion of a “long” birth certificate has put the matter to rest, everything in the enclosed in depth analysis discredits the validity of that second document. It is clear that the – so called – “long” certificate raises profoundly disturbing questions and raises the real probability that the President is constitutionally unqualified for the office.

As you can see half of Americans question eligibility.

I would like to come down with two of my attorneys, as well as, some of the experts to elaborate on this eligibility issue. Please let me know when there would be a convenient time.


William Wolf

Based on the information contained in the Eligibility Book, Sheriff Joe Arpaio assigned the investigation of the Obama birth certificate to volunteer, Cold Case Posse member Mike Zullo. On April 1, 2012, my wife Denise and I accompanied Mike Zullo on a road trip to Seattle, Washington. One purpose for the trip was to interview Mr. Douglas Vogt. We met with Mr. Vogt and his wife at a Starbucks in Bellevue. I left the meeting unconvinced.

On May 6, 2012, Mike Zullo and I left on another road trip, this time to Oklahoma to interview Miki Booth. (I’ve attached a PDF of the autographed copy of her book “Memoirs of a Community Organizer from Hawaii, Miki Booth.”) Doug Vogt had accused Miki Booth of being one of the forgers of the Obama birth certificate. We met with Miki Booth and her husband, a retired police officer, on May 7, 2012. Miki Booth and her husband were very hospitable to us and we enjoyed speaking with them. I left with the belief that Miki Booth had nothing to do with the alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate. Zullo apparently believed Miki Booth had nothing to do with the alleged forgery as well.  Zullo told me he was in communication with Miki Booth during his trip to Hawaii in May of 2012. The Hawaii Verification of Birth, sent to Arizona Secretary of State, Ken Bennett on May 22, 2012 was prima facie evidence that no Obama birth certificate forgery had been committed by anyone, including Miki Booth or Dr. Conspiracy.

On our trip home from Oklahoma, Mike Zullo was notified by cellphone that he would be receiving a check for $10,000.00. It was being sent to Mr. Zullo by Mr. Bill Wolf, the same man who supplied the source information for the birth certificate investigation. This event was extensively covered by Investigative Reporter, Morgan Loew with KPHO CBS-5, here in Phoenix.

In reviewing my information for this article, I was quite surprised to see Representative Mike Pence’s name appear in correspondence from Mr. Bill Wolf. The questions that I have are these:


Did Mr. Wolf and his attorneys ever meet with Representative Mike Pence, and what was Pence’s position on the Obama birth certificate?

Did Sheriff Arpaio or Mike Zullo ever meet with Representative Mike Pence regarding the Obama birth certificate investigation?


As the GOP Vice Presidential candidate, does Rep. Mike Pence believe, in spite of evidence to the contrary, that President Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery?


I would like answers to these questions. I think others would be interested as well.


Brian Reilly

Miki Booth Book

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40 Responses to My experience with Douglas Vogt and Miki Booth

  1. Dave B. says:

    Oh no, not another PDF…

  2. The obvious question is why did Wolf write Pence? Wolf lived in New Jersey and Pence was a Representative from Indiana. Why did Wolf single out Pence in his note to Brian Reilly?

  3. Perhaps related to:

    Reality Check: The obvious question is why did Wolf write Pence?

  4. gorefan says:

    Mike Pence also had his photo taken with Orly Taitz.

  5. Keith says:

    It seems to me that the question of why Mike Pence is answered in Wolf’s cover letter.

    Wolf’s cover letter was dated September 6, 2011. According to Wikipedia, Pence served on the Judiciary sub-committee in the 112th Congress (2011-2013).

    According to Wolf’s cover letter,

    …There was emphasis on members of the Judiciary Committees and Sub-Committees where hearings would have to originate.

    Also, according to Wikipedia:

    In 2009, Pence opposed birthright citizenship (the legal principle set forth by the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that all persons born on U.S. soil are citizens). He co-sponsored a bill that would have limited citizenship to children born to at least one parent who is a citizen, immigrants living permanently in the U.S. or non-citizens performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.

    So he seems to have been predisposed to the idea.

  6. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    The obvious question is why did Wolf write Pence? Wolf lived in New Jersey and Pence was a Representative from Indiana. Why did Wolf single out Pence in his note to Brian Reilly?

    Pence was a member of the House Judiciary Committee in 2011.

    “There was emphasis on members of the Judiciary Committees and Sub-Committees where hearings would have to originate.”

  7. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    The obvious question is why did Wolf write Pence? Wolf lived in New Jersey and Pence was a Representative from Indiana. Why did Wolf single out Pence in his note to Brian Reilly?

    Pence in 2011 was a member of the Tea Party Caucus. The birth certificate investigation was initiated by a Tea Party.

  8. BitherBuster says:

    Thanks for the information Brian, it’s cool hearing what was going on while they were pumping Sharon Rondeau and others with wishful/delusional thinking.

    Must have been tons of fun on long drives with Mike Zullo. What kind of music did he play or was it talkradio? I guess if it was a Friday he’d have Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups on.

    That Miki Booth, it was so funny at Birther Report and other places when they thought she was the forger, the whole thing was so ridiculous that it was fun to incite the birthers a bit about it. Miki is a yuge Trump supporter now and there’s birfer in her blood. She’s a minx.

    Still hoping Mike Zullo gets nailed for his lying and grifting. C’mon referral! 🙂

  9. bob says:

    Also, during that summer when birthers waived their birth cerificates at town-hall meetings, Pence said Obama was born in Hawaii. I would guess that motivated some birthers to want to prove him wrong.

  10. You all made good points. Pence was in the “tea party”, on the Judiciary Committee and born in Hawaii. That would make him a prime Birther target.

  11. Brian Reilly replies:

    The trip with Mike Zullo to Oklahoma was made in a new, high performance Camaro convertible that he had rented. We had no MCSO deputy with us for the trip. (Later in the month, at lunch in Phoenix, the lack of having an active deputy on the trip became an issue when Chief Brian Sands broached the subject of Zullo’s violation of MCSO policy with Sheriff Arpaio. Arpaio shrugged it off. I was present for the discussion, Zullo was in Hawaii.) Zullo played a library of Jerome Corsi books on tape. It was cruel and unusual punishment to say the least. Imagine, driving in the middle of nowhere, listening to hours and hours of Jerome Corsi’s gravelly voice droning on and on and on. The Camaro was fun, but the trip would have been better with a Mustang.

    Thanks for your comments.

    BitherBuster: Thanks for the information Brian,

  12. Or a Tesla 😉

    Dr. Conspiracy: but the trip would have been better with a Mustang.

  13. Or a Tesla with some other person. …

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Or a Tesla

  14. BirtherBuster says:

    Thank you Brian and Doc, wow, can not imagine Corsi books-on-tape, cruel punishment indeed. At least you didn’t have a shrieking Moldovian in the Camero.

    Anything fun about Miki Booth? Did you see the ranch in Oklahoma? She posts lots of horse pictures, she seems like a real outdoorsy lady. Did she bring up being part of James Manning’s “Trial of the Century” in Harlem?

    Brian, you’ve been the only rock of sanity on that crazy train, always great hearing your color commentary, thank you.

    Doc, you mentioned being in contact with Doug Vogt, what’s up with him? Does he accept Commander Zullo’s decision about Miki? Does he have a new plan to remove President Obama? Does he still have his enlarged exhibits?

  15. Curious George says:

    The Jerome Corsi books on tape could cause the Tesla batteries to fail. At least one other person would have been needed to push the vehicle. 😉

  16. I don’t hany specifics in reply. To my knowledge Vogt still supports his sealed affidavit which names Booth.

    BirtherBuster: Doc, you mentioned being in contact with Doug Vogt, what’s up with him? Does he accept Commander Zullo’s decision about Miki? Does he have a new plan to remove President Obama? Does he still have his enlarged exhibits?

  17. Dave B. says:

    Pence was born in Indiana, wasn’t he? His bio raises another question, though– where’s his Selective Service registration?

    Reality Check:
    You all made good points. Pence was in the “tea party”, on the Judiciary Committee and born in Hawaii. That would make him a prime Birther target.

  18. Woodrowfan says:

    Dave B.:
    Pence was born in Indiana, wasn’t he?His bio raises another question, though– where’s his Selective Service registration?

    He did not have to register as he was born in 1959. Registration began again with people born in 1960.

  19. Brian Reilly replies:

    The Booth’s have a beautiful ranch in Oklahoma. It was very comfortable. As I wrote earlier, the Booths were very gracious and hospitable. Miki also makes great cookies. To give you an idea how quick the trip was, we left Arizona, Sunday May 6, travelling to the far, northeast corner of Oklahoma. We arrived May 7, conducted business, and then left for Arizona the same day. We were back in Arizona on the 8th of May, in the early evening.

    BirtherBuster: Anything fun about Miki Booth?

  20. Dave B. says:

    Well, yeah, but what red-meat, fire-breathing, hand-on-heart Republican should have to be REQUIRED to register with Selective Service?

    Woodrowfan: He did not have to register as he was born in 1959. Registration began again with people born in 1960.

  21. Rickey says:

    Woodrowfan: He did not have to register as he was born in 1959. Registration began again with people born in 1960.

    Kaine was born in 1958, so he didn’t have to register either.

  22. HistorianDude says:

    I am surprised that Vogt reached the conclusion that Boothe was involved in the forgery so quickly. I had imagined it was something he got to more gradually than that.

  23. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It was cruel and unusual punishment to say the least. Imagine, driving in the middle of nowhere, listening to hours and hours of Jerome Corsi’s gravelly voice droning on and on and on. The Camaro was fun, but the trip would have been better with a Mustang

    Better than Sean Penn, though. It hadda be.

  24. Keith says:

    I hasten to add that I think that Sean Penn is a great actor, one of the greatest of his generation; however he has absolutely nothing to offer the listener of an audio book.

    His work on Bob Dylan’s “Chronicles” was abysmal and you couldn’t get away from it in Australia – every bloody radio station in the country serialized endlessly.

    His work on Keith Richard’s “Life” was a little bit better, but thankfully brief.

  25. Notorial Dissent says:

    Has Dim Dougy ever given any kind of clue as to why he thinks Miki is the forger. I just don’t see her as the tech savvy or artistic abled type who could barely more than manage a crayon drawing for someone’s refrigerator, she’s just not organized or frankly smart enough to pull something like that off, let alone plan it. Dougy is a senile buffoon is the simplest and only real answer I can come up with.

  26. Yes, Pence was born in Indiana. I must have misread what someone else posted.

    Dave B.: Pence was born in Indiana, wasn’t he?

  27. bob says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    Has Dim Dougy ever given any kind of clue as to why he thinks Miki is the forger.

    Vogt doesn’t think that Booth is the actual forger; rather Vogt thinks Booth is part of the forgery conspiracy. Vogt’s conclusion is based on the false premise that Booth’s birth certificate doesn’t pass Vogt’s muster; ergo, it is a forgery.

  28. I do not know, however, how Vogt, who claims that the certificates of both Booth and Ah’nee are forgeries, picks one over the other as the forger and the other as an accomplice, except that Ah’nee is supposedly some sort of graphic designer.

    Well, there is also the tortuous attempt to find the letters A, H, N, E and E on the certificate, but Booth could have planted them to shift the blame to her friend. Once you move in to conspiracist mode, anything becomes possible.

    Vogt’s whole exercise is ludicrous.

    bob: Vogt doesn’t think that Booth is the actual forger; rather Vogt thinks Booth is part of the forgery conspiracy.

  29. Notorial Dissent says:

    I still don’t see how he decides they are forgeries other than that they don’t meet his pre-mis-conceptions of what they are supposed to look like.

  30. Curious George says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    I still don’t see how he decides they are forgeries other than that they don’t meet his pre-mis-conceptions of what they are supposed to look like.

    Doc, have you ever tried to interview Booth and Vogt regarding the alleged forgeries and their rolls in the alleged birth certificate investigation? That might be entertaining.

  31. bob says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    I still don’t see how he decides they are forgeries other than that they don’t meet his pre-mis-conceptions of what they are supposed to look like.

    The usual combination of birthers’ arogance and ignorance. Vogt believes himself to be smart and an expert; only a Communist would disagree with him.

  32. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Vogt, who claims that the certificates of both Booth and Ah’nee are forgeries,

    So what is his control document; i.e. does he have a Hawaiian b.c. that he believes to be legitimate to compare with the “frauds”? Wouldn’t that be a minimal requirement?

  33. I don’t recall Vogt every referring to another Hawaiian birth certificate as an correct example for his typewriter and sizing analysis. I think he does have some that accidentally fit his numbering scheme (a stopped clock is right …). I don’t know that Vogt mentions Stig Waidelich, but his certificate is a good counterexample to Vogt. CNN went with Waidelich to the department of health and showed his certificate on camera. His certificate had a very high number for the month of August 1961, even though we was born August 5. Of course his number is late in the sequence because his surname is late in the alphabet.

    Scientist: So what is his control document; i.e. does he have a Hawaiian b.c. that he believes to be legitimate to compare with the “frauds”? Wouldn’t that be a minimal requirement?

  34. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I don’t recall Vogt every referring to another Hawaiian birth certificate as an correct example for his typewriter and sizing analysis.

    I don’t see how you can tell a fake from a real one unless you have an exemplar of a real one. It would be like trying to identify counterfeit currency of a country where you have no idea what a legitimate bill looks like.

  35. Vogt has notions of what real typewriters always do, and from these beliefs he argues that no typewriter typed the Obama certificate.

    Scientist: I don’t see how you can tell a fake from a real one unless you have an exemplar of a real one.

  36. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Vogt has notions of what real typewriters always do, and from these beliefs he argues that no typewriter typed the Obama certificate.

    As a scientist, I have rarely heard a less convincing argument, less supported by data.

  37. Notorial Dissent says:

    You mean Dougy had fantasies of what a typewriter will do. If Dougy knew what he was talking about, then my own LFBC would also be a fraud, since it looks pretty much like Obama’s. Hospital typewriters of the era were used much and hard, and never stayed in tune due to the constant and erratic use. They just didn’t stay in alignment, and different characters wore differently do to use patterns. Dougy is a senile buffoon who doesn’t even know what he is talking about even when he is talking about typewriters.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Vogt has notions of what real typewriters always do, and from these beliefs he argues that no typewriter typed the Obama certificate.

  38. BirtherBuster says:

    >> Booth could have planted them to shift the blame to her friend <<

    Aha! The truth comes out. /birther

    Thanks again Brian and Doc. Cool that Miki made good cookies… now that's a skill the Trump campaign will be able to use. If she's not in jail, of course.

  39. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Notorial Dissent: You mean Dougy had fantasies of what a typewriter will do.

    Vogt, like Irey, was working backwards from the assumption that it must be a forgery.
    Therefore if the BC had letters bleeding into each other, he’d yell “typewriters don’t do kerning” (this is what happened) and if the BC had perfectly separated letters, he’d yell “typewriters have bleeding, this proves it was created on a computer”.

  40. Notorial Dissent says:

    Dougy is a senile incompetent buffoon. I’m not sure I would trust him to know how to change a typewriter ribbon let alone pontificate on what they will or won’t do.

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