Purpura v. Sebelius

Please refer to the Oh, For Goodness Sake blog for details.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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507 Responses to Purpura v. Sebelius

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    Since we all know how this will eventually end, does anyone want to make a prediction on how long it will take before this case is denied cert by SCOTUS?

  2. BatGuano says:

    about as long as it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop.

  3. Slartibartfast says:

    Slartibartfast: Since we all know how this will eventually end, does anyone want to make a prediction on how long it will take before this case is denied cert by SCOTUS?

    I’m going to guess that it goes down in flames before reaching conference in the SCOTUS.

  4. Keith says:

    Relax Doc. You are on vacation.

    Keep accumulating little paper umbrellas.

  5. dch says:

    Same old worn path to defeat:

    -it will be dismissed by the first court
    -they will appeal the dismissal,
    -the appeals court will uphold the prior judge,
    -they will file for cert at the SCOTUS,
    -get turned down by the first Justice and file with another,
    -the third Justice will take it on, and dead file it since the other side will not respond,
    -they wil get denied cert with 300 other cases and appear on the Monday posting.
    -It will take 18 months to 24 months for this case to move through the “full birther cycle.”

  6. Lupin says:

    All this reminds me of Cujas’s motto: Nihil hoc ad edictum praetoris (this is irrelevant from a legal standpoint) which one one of the most often quoted dictums of Ancien Roman Law.

    Plus ça change…

  7. Scientist says:

    Borderraven said the following at the NBC site: “on January 20, 2009, the former United States of America, through a technicality, silently dissolved the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 and surrendered to British rule.”

    In view of this startling revelation, I have a few questions:

    1. What channel do I tune to for the BBC?
    2. Do I have to change the steering on my car to the right side or can I drive on the left with my car as is?
    3. When do I have to start drinking warm beer and eating cold toast?
    4. If the Queen stops by my house, can I call her “Liz”?
    5. Could someone please explain the rules of cricket?

  8. Sef says:

    Scientist: Borderraven said the following at the NBC site:“on January 20, 2009, the former United States of America, through a technicality, silently dissolved the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 and surrendered to British rule.”In view of this startling revelation, I have a few questions:1. What channel do I tune to for the BBC?
    2. Do I have to change the steering on my car to the right side or can I drive on the left with my car as is?
    3. When do I have to start drinking warm beer and eating cold toast?
    4. If the Queen stops by my house, can I call her “Liz”?
    5. Could someone please explain the rules of cricket?

    6. Where do I get kippers?

  9. Sef says:

    6. Where do I get kippers?

    P.S. You can keep the beans on toast.

  10. Scientist says:

    Sef, I’m afraid I feel a musical interlude coming on….


  11. Welsh Dragon says:

    Scientist: Borderraven said the following at the NBC site: “on January 20, 2009, the former United States of America, through a technicality, silently dissolved the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 and surrendered to British rule.”In view of this startling revelation, I have a few questions:1. What channel do I tune to for the BBC?2. Do I have to change the steering on my car to the right side or can I drive on the left with my car as is?3. When do I have to start drinking warm beer and eating cold toast?4. If the Queen stops by my house, can I call her “Liz”?5. Could someone please explain the rules of cricket?

    Allow me to assist:

    “The Rules of Cricket
    as Explained to a foreign visitor

    You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

    Each man that’s in the side that’s in, goes out, and when he’s out, he comes in and the next man goes in until he’s out.

    When they are all out the side that’s out comes in and the side that’s been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out.

    Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

    When both sides have been in and out including the not-outs, that’s the end of the game.


  12. BatGuano says:

    7. change name to John Thomas?

  13. Black Lion says:

    The latest from Orly….She is borderline pathetic….

    My letter to Barack Hussein Obama






    ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603


    Mr. Barack Hussein Obama

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave


    District of Columbia

    Dear Mr. Obama,

    I listened to your speech in Arizona yesterday and took it to heart. I would like to work with you in restoring empathy, civility and honesty in this country.

    So, let’s start!

    Civility starts with respect. Since you are occupying the position of the Commander- in- Chief, how about you starting with giving respect to the members of the U.S. military.

    You talk about “Honesty”. Please, provide some honesty and respect and civility to the members of our military.

    Your next suggestion was “Empathy”

    What a great idea. I am with you on that.

    How about you starting with honesty and civility and empathy for a war hero, decorated U.S. army officer, veteran of operations in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Honduras, army surgeon Dr. LTC Lakin. Lieutenant colonel Lakin filed proper UCMJ Article 138 grievances and went to the highest ranks of the military and Congress with a simple question “How can I follow orders of Barack Hussein Obama, as a Commander in Chief, when he never offered any proper documents to show his legitimacy to US presidency, he never showed his original long form U.S. birth certificate with the name of the doctor and hospital and signatures.” LTC Lakin is a doctor with nearly 20 years of experience. He knows that a baby cannot be born in this county without having a proper hospital birth certificate. You spent over a million dollars fighting me and other attorneys in court, keeping your original long form birth Certificate sealed. What honest person will behave in such a manner? What is there to hide? The state of HI was willing to provide the original birth certificate, as long as you sighed the consent. Why didn’t you sign the consent? The state of HI statute 338-5 allows you to get a birth certificate based on a statement of one relative only, like your grandmother , who could have been lying and claiming that you were born here, while you were born in Kenya. Clearly, then your grandmother did not think that one day you will run for presidency. Lying and getting a phony HI birth certificate was simply a way to quickly get welfare benefits for you and your mother.

    Senior Deportation officer John Sampson provided a sworn affidavit, that the Social Security number you are using today in the White House 042-68-4425 is a Connecticut social security number, that you could not legally obtain in HI. Multiple databases show that it was issued in 1977 to an elderly individual, born in 1890 in CT. At the time you resided in HI, nowhere near CT. Why are you instructing U.S. attorneys’ office to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars in courts fighting me, instead of unsealing your Social Security application.? Why don’t you explain to American people, why you do not have a valid Social Security number of your own from HI, why are you sitting in our White House, using someone else’s social security number?

    All evidence points to massive fraud committed by you against American citizens and members of the U.S. military. Because of your fraud, your regime threw LTC Dr. Lakin into Fort Leavenworth military prison, while you arrogantly stand on the stage and lecture us about honesty and civility and empathy.

    Where was your empathy when Lakin was stripped of his rank, stripped of nearly 2 million dollars of military pension he earned over the years and thrown into prison. Did you show empathy to Lakin’s wife and 3 children”?

    Lakin’s family are Democrats, they voted for you, they asked you to disclose your records, if you are really telling the truth, if you are an honest man, but alas… They never heard from you or anyone else in this regime.

    I was persecuted by your regime and fined $20,000 for daring to represent active members of the U.S. military, challenging your legitimacy and exercising their Constitutional right for redress of grievances.

    It is a testament to utter corruption in our government, Congress and Judiciary, that such massive fraud can go on for two years and nobody in the position of power has shown integrity and honesty and civility in saying enough is enough, let’s get to the bottom of it. If Obama is legitimate, he can serve and lecture us, if he is not, he needs to pack his bags and go, and the Nation will go to a SPECIAL ELECTION.

    I submit to you sir, that this nation was never torn like this before. We never saw such discourse. The reason is not in Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh. The reason is you and your pathological lying. Every time you open your mouth and start speaking, you make most of this nation extremely angry, our collective blood pressure is going through the roof and even an army of cardiologist will not cure it. A Pantheon full of preachers will not pacify us. Legions of crooked judges and crooked U.S. attorneys will not subdue us.

    When something of value is taken from you, you can’t just forget about it and move on, until this valuable thing is returned. U.S. presidency was taken away from American people by virtue of fraud. Our right for redress of grievances was taken away by your abusive regime.

    So, if you really want civility, empathy and honest dialog, why don’t you start with a drop of honesty in an ocean of your pathological lying.. Unseal all your records: your long form birth certificate, your Connecticut Social Security application, you claim you legally obtained, while residing in HI, your 1980-1981 passport, your Columbia University records, provide information on your Kenyan, British and Indonesian citizenship and so on. You lead the way and we will follow you.


    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq


  14. Daniel says:

    I’m sure that the President’s third assistant clerk to the fourth assistant office manager to the undersecretary for coddling nutbags will give her letter all the consideration it deserves.

  15. Black Lion says:

    Daniel: I’m sure that the President’s third assistant clerk to the fourth assistant office manager to the undersecretary for coddling nutbags will give her letter all the consideration it deserves.

    Especially when she insults him by not addressing him as “Mr. President” in the begining of the letter….

  16. BatGuano says:

    Black Lion: The latest from Orly….She is borderline pathetic….My letter to Barack Hussein Obama

    wow. this needs it’s own thread. so much inaccuracy, stupidity and just plain orly.

  17. Majority Will says:

    Black Lion: The latest from Orly….She is borderline pathetic….


    This flaming bigot is an embarassment to every naturalized citizen of the U.S.


    Yeah, 338-5

    §338-5 Compulsory registration of births. Within the time prescribed by the department of health, a certificate of every birth shall be substantially completed and filed with the local agent of the department in the district in which the birth occurred, by the administrator or designated representative of the birthing facility, or physician, or midwife, or other legally authorized person in attendance at the birth; or if not so attended, by one of the parents.

    The birth facility shall make available to the department appropriate medical records for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the provisions of this chapter. [L 1949, c 327, §9; RL 1955, §57-8; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-5; am L 1988, c 149, §1]


    He was born in a birthing facility where legally authorized persons were present, and the state has already said that they possess this information and have seen it recently

  19. Scientist says:

    Black Lion: Lakin’s family are Democrats, they voted for you,

    Did I miss something? Did Lakin ever claim he voted for Obama? Even without seeing the “long form”?

  20. Keith says:

    Welsh Dragon: Allow me to assist:

    “The Rules of Cricket
    as Explained to a foreign visitor

    You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

    Each man that’s in the side that’s in, goes out, and when he’s out, he comes in and the next man goes in until he’s out.

    When they are all out the side that’s out comes in and the side that’s been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out.

    Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

    When both sides have been in and out including the not-outs, that’s the end of the game.


    You left off the bit about “silly mid-off”.

    But don’t worry we’ll just let it go through to the keeper.

  21. obsolete says:

    Constitutional lawyer Taitz thinks that we have special Presidential elections here…


    They’re getting really nasty now that they know the jig is up, obsolete. Boehner better watch his back.

  23. Lupin says:

    You all have to do the silly walk now.

    Mind you it would be an improvement.

  24. Robi says:

    Scientist: Borderraven said the following at the NBC site: “on January 20, 2009, the former United States of America, through a technicality, silently dissolved the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 and surrendered to British rule.”In view of this startling revelation, I have a few questions:1. What channel do I tune to for the BBC?2. Do I have to change the steering on my car to the right side or can I drive on the left with my car as is?3. When do I have to start drinking warm beer and eating cold toast?4. If the Queen stops by my house, can I call her “Liz”?5. Could someone please explain the rules of cricket?

    A) I can answer #2 for you – after you have an MOT inspection done (where they will re-orient the lamps in your headlights to point to the left as well as remove one of your reverse lamps and install a bright red fog lamp in its place and wire a toggle switch to turn it on and off with…and then charge you about 140 pounds for the privilege), you are more than welcome to drive your leftie-drive car on the left side of the road. Yeah, I lived there for 4 years. I found it easier to just buy a used rightie-drive Volvo instead.
    B) I watched the BBC cricket site and thoroughly enjoyed England’s demolition of Australia to retain the Ashes as well 😉
    C) If you wanna listen to the BBC, methinks you will have to listen to NPR.
    D) Does this mean that we can finally get a decent fish and chips chain in America? Arthur Treachers didn’t count lol…

  25. misha says:

    Sef: 6. Where do I get kippers?

  26. misha says:

    Sef: 6. Where do I get kippers?

    7. I say, where are my scones?

  27. misha says:

    Majority Will: This flaming bigot is an embarassment to every naturalized citizen of the U.S.

    A shande.

  28. Majority Will says:

    A shande.

    Tru dat.

  29. Black Lion says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: They’re getting really nasty now that they know the jig is up, obsolete. Boehner better watch his back.

    Speaking of the Boehner, here is a petition that is circulating on FB regarding him and this entire matter….


    “Denounce the “Birthers” NOW!

    Almost since the day Barack Obama announced his run for president, a “cult of stupidity” developed around the idea that he in fact wasn’t born in the United States, but was a “Kenyan.” (We’ll leave it to your imagination what that was a code word for.) The idea was so preposterous that it seemed destined to remain confined to the lunatic fringe. After all, there was more than enough proof that Obama was born in Hawaii — including official state documentation, and birth announcements in both of Honolulu’s newspapers at the time.

    Stunningly however, this cult of stupidity — the “birther” movement — has grown larger and larger over time, gradually swallowing up an ever increasing chunk of the Republican base:

    Among those who voted Republican in 2010, 64% said it was not clear Obama was born in the US (source: PDF)
    Among those who watch Fox News on a daily basis, 63% said it was not clear (source: PDF)
    At least a dozen members of the House GOP caucus reportedly believe this as well.

    And yet, the whole time this racially-charged stupidity was growing, the Republican leadership in Congress either turned a blind eye to it, or stoked its fires. Knowing full well the value of “useful idiots,” they chose not to speak the truth, but rather stand by idly.

    This reached a peak recently, as a birther started shouting out this nonsense in the House of Representatives itself — ironically, as the Republican members were reading the Constitution.

    It’s time for this to stop. It’s time for the GOP leaders, Boehner and McConnell, to denounce this nonsense, and to do it clearly and unambiguously on the floors of the House and Senate specifically. If the stupidity has echoed through a Congressional chamber, that’s where it needs to stop.”

  30. Reality Check says:

    I asked on Fogbow why Purpura forgot to cite case for the SCOTUS opinion he quoted on page 19 of the complaint. His cites Minor v Happersett and Perkins v Elg but in point #58 he seems to have forgotten the case from which he pulled the quote.

  31. Ballantine says:

    Reality Check: I asked on Fogbow why Purpura forgot to cite case for the SCOTUS opinion he quoted on page 19 of the complaint. His cites Minor v Happersett and Perkins v Elg but in point #58 he seems to have forgotten the case from which he pulled the quote.


    Well, I don’t even have to look to know what case the quote is from. Obviously, they have no guts not to mention they are citing from Dred Scott.. Of course, it would be lost on Purpura that such quote was from a single Justice in a concurring opinion and Vattel was cited only to support his contention that citizenship required equal rights and privleges and hence Justice Daniel emphsized the part of the quote saing that citizens “equally participate in its advantages” in the sentence prior to the sentence that talks of NBCs. Hence, one can say that Justice Daniel agreed with Vattel on citizens equally participating in the advantages of their society. Nothing else. Duh.

    Of course, Taney’s majority decision simply stated blacks were not citizens under the original Constitution. Hence, they could not be natural born citizens and he said that they could they be naturalized. The birthers claim that the 14th Amendment created a new class of citizenship completely unrelated to natural born citizenship. If so, how can a black be President today? Dred Scott they could not be NBCs and unless the 14th Amendment clarified the meaning of NBC under the original Constitution as its framers said, then Dred Scott is still good law. Of course, in reality, Wong Kim Ark superseded anything stated in Dred Scott, but the birthers won’t admit this either. Hence, clearly blacks cannot be President.

    I have read a bit on Dred Scott lately and there is many things interesting about such case. I would like to find a good book on the subject. First, Dred Scott’s main lawyer was George Ticknor Curtis, the brother of Justice Benjamin Curtis who wrote the famous dissent in such opinion. Sanford’s main lawyer was Reverdy Johnson, a close friend of Chief Justice Taney. Ironically, Johnson would later be one of the Senators most involved in drafting the 14th Amendment. And he was completely in facor of making blacks citizens. However, he insisted Dred Scott must be over-turned by Amendment. Johnson was not only Sanford’s lawyer, he was perhaps the most famous lawyer in the country and was credited by Curtis as swaying the court and giving Taney his rationale for his decision. In addition, apparently President Buchanan was told by one of the southern Justices that the 5 southern Justices would rule for Sanford on a narrow basis unless some of the northern Justices would sign on. Buchanan then privately petitioned a northern Justice to join the southern Justices. Not hard to see why Republicans called Taney’s decision a political speech, rather than a legal decision, in the 14th Amendment debates.

  32. Reality Check says:

    Ballantine: Well, I don’t even have to look to know what case the quote is from. Obviously, they have no guts not to mention they are citing from Dred Scott..

    Exactly. Great post Ballantine. I learned a lot about the Dredd Scott case from that. I hope one of the clerks is sharp enough to point out to the judge that the plaintiffs cited Dredd Scott but were too gutless to admit it.

  33. US Citizen says:

    Say, has anyone ever seen Orly’s naturalization papers?
    A foreign-born person attempting to overthrow the US government isn’t a good thing.

    For just $10 she could put this whole issue to rest.
    She paid the US Gov $20,000, but can’t produce a $10 birth certificate?
    Why won’t she show us her papers? What is she hiding?
    Orly MUST be a spy.

    And if this means I won’t get an H-Salt fish n’ chips franchise near me, I just can’t endorse her letter neither.

  34. Reality Check says:

    There are many documents that she has yet to produce: http://www.scribd.com/doc/16215337/Orly-Demands-Document

  35. Keith says:

    Robi: B) I watched the BBC cricket site and thoroughly enjoyed England’s demolition of Australia to retain the Ashes as well 😉

    Well you wouldn’t be so cocky if certain Aussie commentators had gotten their way and they had recalled Lillie and Thommo and Warnie, now would you? (ya gotta love crazy people sometimes?)

    C) If you wanna listen to the BBC, methinks you will have to listen to NPR.

    Ever hear of this new fangled thing called the innertube or interweb or something like that? I was told by the 4yo son of a friend of an acquaintance of my boss that you can get radio and TV over a wire from all over the world. Amazing.

    D) Does this mean that we can finally get a decent fish and chips chain in America? Arthur Treachers didn’t count lol…

    The word ‘decent’ and ‘chain’ should not be contained in the same sentence with food items of any kind.

  36. Dave says:

    This case should add one more item to the list of things birthers should worry about, but don’t: Purpura, a former partner in Bear Stearns, presumably has plenty of cash — so why did he file this suit pro se?

  37. Slartibartfast says:

    Dave: This case should add one more item to the list of things birthers should worry about, but don’t: Purpura, a former partner in Bear Stearns, presumably has plenty of cash — so why did he file this suit pro se?

    Excellent question!

  38. Reality Check says:

    Dave: This case should add one more item to the list of things birthers should worry about, but don’t: Purpura, a former partner in Bear Stearns, presumably has plenty of cash — so why did he file this suit pro se?

    He may have a valid reason. He was involved in a 21 year old divorce lawsuit. http://psycho-chuck.diaryland.com/Divorce.html


    Black Lion:
    Speaking of the Boehner, here is a petition that is circulating on FB regarding him and this entire matter….http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/denounce_birthers/?rc=hlinko_01062011_birthers_ad1“Denounce the “Birthers” NOW!

    Thanks, Black Lion. I certainly signed it and sent them a little message to boot.

    It’s about time the Republicans in Congress put an end to the ridiculous assertion that President Obama, or anyone else for that matter, could get all the way to the Oval Office without being eligible to be there. Republicans know this, yet they want to keep their constituents believing in fairy tales for political reasons. The failure to publicly address this issue, presents a danger to the American people.

    About a week ago, a 9 year old girl was killed by someone who tried to assassinate a member of Congress. Several weeks ago, someone emailed their representative in Congress and said that he was considering assassinating the president because “he’s not a US citizen.” Now, since Republicans have a difficult time putting two and two together, let me do the math for you. People at a public event + assassination attempt = dead innocent American bystanders. It has already happened, and it can happen again with just as deadly consequences. So why don’t you just man up and tell the American people the truth about this issue? Are you going to wait until there are more dead children as a result of this lie being proliferated? Because I don’t think you want anyone pointing their fingers at Republicans and saying that you could have stopped such a killing if you had just told the American people the truth about this issue rather than milking it for political gain.

  40. James M says:

    Black Lion:

    Speaking of the Boehner, here is a petition that is circulating on FB regarding him and this entire matter….


    I especially like the way he points out that the disruption in the House represents the peak of the birther movement.

  41. US Citizen says:

    Two years trying and that’s the peak?
    I’d say it’s all downhill from here, but they never got anywhere in the first place.

    One curious fact: The birthers have spent more trying to get Obama’s BC than he has “hiding” it.
    And Orly has paid the US Gov some of that money to boot.
    Now THAT’S failure.

  42. Black Lion says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: Thanks, Black Lion. I certainly signed it and sent them a little message to boot.It’s about time the Republicans in Congress put an end to the ridiculous assertion that President Obama, or anyone else for that matter, could get all the way to the Oval Office without being eligible to be there. Republicans know this, yet they want to keep their constituents believing in fairy tales for political reasons. The failure to publicly address this issue, presents a danger to the American people. About a week ago, a 9 year old girl was killed by someone who tried to assassinate a member of Congress. Several weeks ago, someone emailed their representative in Congress and said that he was considering assassinating the president because “he’s not a US citizen.” Now, since Republicans have a difficult time putting two and two together, let me do the math for you. People at a public event + assassination attempt = dead innocent American bystanders. It has already happened, and it can happen again with just as deadly consequences. So why don’t you just man up and tell the American people the truth about this issue? Are you going to wait until there are more dead children as a result of this lie being proliferated? Because I don’t think you want anyone pointing their fingers at Republicans and saying that you could have stopped such a killing if you had just told the American people the truth about this issue rather than milking it for political gain.

    Fut, I totally agree….I find it hilarious how the Repubs in Congress never come out and officially denounce the birther cranks…They pretend to but seem to wink and nod to them to maintain the support against the President and the Dems….

  43. G says:

    Black Lion:
    Fut, I totally agree….I find it hilarious how the Repubs in Congress never come out and officially denounce the birther cranks…They pretend to but seem to wink and nod to them to maintain the support against the President and the Dems….

    Although honestly, other than supporting a general smear campaign, what is the upside to even winking to the birthers by the GOP vs. the lack of credibility that it stains them with? I guess the GOP might really be that daft in overestimating the birther vote demographic – just as they grossly overestimated the PUMA factor in 2008.

    Really, what percent of the GOP voting block would even be lost by tossing the birthers to the curb? The birthers are such a fringe of a fringe that I doubt it would be even make a significant dent in their already otherwise crazy base. What are these nuts going to do? Not vote? Maybe. Vote for some fringe 3rd party? Maybe? But unhappy or not, I bet a bunch of them (those among them that actually vote that is) would end up voting GOP party ticket as usual no matter what.

    The GOP is too short-sighted to realize that there is absolutely no real upside for them to their pandering to birthers at all.

  44. Robi says:

    Keith: Well you wouldn’t be so cocky if certain Aussie commentators had gotten their way and they had recalled Lillie and Thommo and Warnie, now would you? (ya gotta love crazy people sometimes?)Ever hear of this new fangled thing called the innertube or interweb or something like that? I was told by the 4yo son of a friend of an acquaintance of my boss that you can get radio and TV over a wire from all over the world. Amazing. D) Does this mean that we can finally get a decent fish and chips chain in America? Arthur Treachers didn’t count lol…The word decent’ and chain’ should not be contained in the same sentence with food items of any kind.

    Well, the Aussie selectors didn’t recall them, did they? 😉 And whoever thought that England would have THREE innings victories? That was just insanity.
    Yes, I’ve heard of the interbutts, but usually the sites I wish to stream audio from on the BBC site won’t let me because I am not in the UK. The BBC is funny like that.
    I personally would love to have a nice local chippy and kebab place near me, but I am realistic – hence the ‘chain’ reference. I’m not living in a large city, just a small one.

  45. US Citizen says:

    The GOP is too short-sighted to realize that there is absolutely no real upside for them to their pandering to birthers at all.

    Perhaps. but you’re not looking at this through GOP eyes.
    To them, everything is a competition. Whose side you’re on.
    Lots of ego.

    Think of birthers like cheerleaders or a mascot at a game:
    They have no real purpose as far as the game itself goes.
    They’re not players and everyone knows it.
    But they help polarize people, they distract, they entertain (why we’re here) and so they’re part of the game experience itself.
    None of the actual players would expect or allow cheerleaders or mascots to really play, but they’re not about to stop their cheering and antics either.
    They know they don’t matter to the game.

    Birthers provide a distraction from the issues.
    Just another way of saying “no.”
    In that the right embraces an “us vs them” mentality (competition), anything that aids them is viewed as positive.
    Remember: “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

  46. US Citizen: Perhaps. but you’re not looking at this through GOP eyes.To them, everything is a competition. Whose side you’re on.Lots of ego. Think of birthers like cheerleaders or a mascot at a game:They have no real purpose as far as the game itself goes.They’re not players and everyone knows it.But they help polarize people, they distract, they entertain (why we’re here) and so they’re part of the game experience itself.None of the actual players would expect or allow cheerleaders or mascots to really play, but they’re not about to stop their cheering and antics either.They know they don’t matter to the game.Birthers provide a distraction from the issues.Just another way of saying “no.”In that the right embraces an “us vs them” mentality (competition), anything that aids them is viewed as positive.Remember: “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

    Oh, we have purpose. REMOVE OBAMA and there is nothing that you can do about it. The eligibility issue is getting bigger and vigger and now that we OWN the HOUSE. We WILL take care of it! You better believe that!

  47. Slartibartfast: Obama Ineligibility Petition

    Obama Ineligibility Petition. Please sign it and let’s get RID OF HIM!


  48. Slartibartfast: Since we all know how this will eventually end, does anyone want to make a prediction on how long it will take before this case is denied cert by SCOTUS?

    Bye Bye Fogbow, all you little half wit attorneys have been found out!

  49. Oops my bad, didn’t know the comments were going to the bottom when I quoted the TOP comment. So don’t go calling it spam as you did all my facts on the forum!

  50. Twinx says:

    KBOA, since you’re not able to see the reaction at the at Fogbow yourself, you can go here


    If you’re not up to reading much – judging by your ‘performance’ at Fogbow – you may want to just scroll down to the cartoon at the end.

    It pretty much sums up the reaction of Fogbowers to Anthony Martin.

  51. US Citizen says:

    KBOA, this may come as a shock to you, but petitions don’t change government.
    Elections do.
    You could get every person in the US to sign that petition and it won’t change a thing.
    Petition away to your heart’s content.
    (and really… with 32 Total Signatures so far, I don’t think you could even remove Obama’s socks.)

    “REMOVE OBAMA and there is nothing that you can do about it.”

    I think you have it backwards and slightly sideways:
    There is nothing you can do about removing Obama.

  52. obsolete says:

    Wake me when that petition works, KenyanBornObamAcorn. Get used to PRESIDENT Obama for six more years…

  53. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Ahh mannn, this is gettin good. Gimme da popcorn.Fogbow Investigation:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2011/01/examiner-investigation-frantic-effort.html&http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-national/updates-to-fobgow-politijab-scandal-identities-and-breach-of-tos


    Wow…so this is your latest “any day now OMG” FAIL, eh? Yeah, I looked at your links and they are a joke. You birther fools are running out of steam and material when your latest hopes and hissy fit is threatening a frivolous lawsuit against sites that rightly mock you for the lame and incorrect stuff you say.

    As usual, just more proof that extremist nuts are running on empty and only have the victimhood card to fall back on, screaming *waaah* people are picking on me…..

    Totally weak.

    Now go back to making up new fantasy conspiracies of how the bogeymen are out to get you…quick…before the black helicopters come and throw you in the FEMA camps….

  54. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: The eligibility issue is getting bigger and vigger and now that we OWN the HOUSE.

    i don’t think john boehner got that memo.

  55. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Oh, we have purpose. REMOVE OBAMA and there is nothing that you can do about it. The eligibility issue is getting bigger and vigger and now that we OWN the HOUSE. We WILL take care of it! You better believe that!

    LMAO! Yeah, good luck with that. How’s that going for you so far?

    Gee…what is your legal success record? ZERO and how many now?

    How successful have those “birther rallies been over the past two years? Hey, in some, you actually got double digits of people to show… LOL!

    How’s that Fantasy Grand Jury stuff working out? Ummmm… still waiting to hear about any official that’s done anything with any of the garbage “presentments” you silly folks deliver to them.

    Yeah, good luck with even thinking that the GOP House is going to take up your crazy cause. Again, all you do is set yourself up for more obvious disappointment.

    In the meantime, seems like Obama is still President and focused on presidential things as always and doing just fine.

    And you wonder why you folks are nothing more than a punchline at best…

  56. Slartibartfast says:

    US Citizen: (and really… with 32 Total Signatures so far, I don’t think you could even remove Obama’s socks.)

    Thanks for the laugh! Remember, though, that’s nearly a 1000% increase from the participation level of Dr. K(h)ate’s Usurpathon – the birther movement is growing by leaps and bounds! 😉

    obsolete: Wake me when that petition works, KenyanBornObamAcorn. Get used to PRESIDENT Obama for six more years…

    Don’t go to sleep now, you’ll miss all of the fun…


    Slartibartfast: Since we all know how this will eventually end, does anyone want to make a prediction on how long it will take before this case is denied cert by SCOTUS?

    Bye Bye Fogbow, all you little half wit attorneys have been found out!

    If you are meaning to imply that I’m a half-wit or an attorney, you’re wrong on both counts – I’m a mathematical biologist and I can assure you that as the holder of a PhD in Mathematics, very few people consider me a half-wit. That being said, there is no quantitative way to describe how much more intelligent than you the Fogbow attorneys are…


    New question: How long will it take for a birther to do something actionable to a ‘Fogbow attorney’ and how badly will they end up regretting it? (My money’s on Orly for the who…) Actually, I think this is a serious point – many birthers are looking for ways to up the pressure in their seditious efforts in the wake of convicted felon Lakin’s trial and the Fogbow (even more than this site or others) represents ‘the enemy’ to them. Watch your backs, guys!

  57. G says:

    Slartibartfast: All,

    New question: How long will it take for a birther to do something actionable to a Fogbow attorney’ and how badly will they end up regretting it? (My money’s on Orly for the who…) Actually, I think this is a serious point – many birthers are looking for ways to up the pressure in their seditious efforts in the wake of convicted felon Lakin’s trial and the Fogbow (even more than this site or others) represents the enemy’ to them. Watch your backs, guys!

    Fortunately, they seem to be 99% keyboard commando cowards and their boasts and threats are just sick hollow fantasies.

    That remaining 1% consists of nuts like Orly, who will file frivolous lawsuits at the drop of a hat and unethically post people’s personal info. But she is so incompetent at everything she does that she’s little more than an annoyance and a source of constant EPIC FAIL level entertainment.

    The remaining 1% also includes their die-hard protesters who will show up to anything or waste time delivering useless play presentments that immediately end up in the trash. Their numbers are so small that its a joke and we just see the same few idiots over and over again, no matter what the event. Face it, they are able to bring together enough folks to force Denny’s to put a few tables together so they can all sit down and eat in one place, but that’s about the extent of it.

    Amongst those “activists” are fools who just damage their own careers by pursuing this lost cause of nonsense and who only have themselves to blame: Terry Lakin, Dr. Kate, etc.

    Then there’s that “concern” part within that remaining 1%,,,, the lone nut or band of like minded nuts that is so unhinged and off the deep end that they are bound to eventually do something utterly stupid that harms themselves or others. Definitely the area for constant concern – but really, their numbers are so limited that any damage they can do is contained to isolated incidents of despicableness at best – ones in which the aftermath would not be in their favor and would only work against their “cause”.

    This last group would comprise everything from Walt Fitzpatrick, Wiley Drake and Darren Huff to the even more deplorable acts of known birthers such as Richard Poplawski, James Von Brunn, George Sodini, Charles Dyer, Joseph Sean McVey, William Mattison.

    It is that last group that is the true concern.

    These folks and their attempts/acts of violence already are every bit as twisted sick, dangerous and deplorable as the crazed shooter in Tuscon.

    Look at how many incidents and names in bold just within the past 2 years – ALL BIRTHERS. The record is clear on incidents of criminal culpability within their sick little community. Considering that they are just a fringe of a fringe…that’s quite a lot of folks crossing the line from that small pool of nuts within such a short time frame as it is!

    Based on that track record and a monitoring of birther website commentary (which seems to get more and more unhinged with every inevitable failure); not to mention the 2012 election campaign which will soon ramp up…

    …Let’s just say I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of such depraved acts from birther nutjobs and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the level of such incidents actually increased over the next 2 years. Yes, the birthers already have more than enough shame and “blood” on their hands…


    Birthers are again talking about what’s gonna happen. lmao. They’ve been saying what’s gonna happen for pretty close to three years, and the only thing you can bank on is that the OPPOSITE of what they say is going to happen is that which will come true. Not one thing they have said in that three years has come to pass, yet they keep counting their chickens before they hatch even though not one has hatched in almost 3 years.


    Birthers’ record of their predictions coming true is the worst that it can possibly be – ABSOLUTE ZERO!

  60. Daniel says:

    Obama Ineligibility Petition. Please sign it and let’s get RID OF HIM!http://www.petitiononline.com/seanrush/petition.html


    You do know that online petitions are less than useless, right?

    On second thought, no, you probably don’t.

    better sink all of your effort, time, and money into the success of that petition, KBOA. We’re all pulling for you. 😉

  61. Daniel says:

    US Citizen:
    (and really… with 32 Total Signatures so far, I don’t think you could even remove Obama’s socks.)“REMOVE OBAMA and there is nothing that you can do about it.”I think you have it backwards and slightly sideways:
    There is nothing you can do about removing Obama.

    33 now, I just signed it as follows

    “33. Ignerunt Birfer Arizona Yes Yep we don’t have no cause to have summun in the ovule orrifice that ain’t a nacherul bern white cidysun. Oily Taytz fer preseydunt!!!”

    Which is a good example of exactly why online petitions are neither legally valid, nor taken seriously by any politician (unless it happens to work his way).


    How many petitions are they up to now after almost 3 years? A dozen? lmao. Yeah. those petitions are working out great, aren’t they?

  63. Daniel says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: How many petitions are they up to now after almost 3 years? A dozen? lmao. Yeah. those petitions are working out great, aren’t they?

    Now lets be fair, you can’t expect every lame ploy of the birthers to end up being as fabulously successful as their court challenges have been….


  64. Daniel says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: How many petitions are they up to now after almost 3 years? A dozen? lmao. Yeah. those petitions are working out great, aren’t they?

    On that particular site there appears to be about 156 birther petitions. Most have only one signature.

    Now if we take that 156 and multiply it by the dozen or so most popular petition sites, we get a conservative estimate of…… about 1800.

    1800 online petitions, with absolutely no legal or political effect or value, and with a present day success rate of…. zero.

    WEll that’s obviously the solution, dear birfers……


    C’mon Birthers, let’s put all your effort, time and money into those petitions. Let’s make a huge irrepressible and unstoppable wave of online birfer signatures that numbers in the…. well dozens, and completely overwhelm…. well nobody.

    You can do it, I know you can!!!!


    Now lets be fair, you can’t expect every lame ploy of the birthers to end up being as fabulously successful as their court challenges have been….BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Yeah, they’ve gone from, “We’ll show you. We’ll file another lawsuit,” to, “We’ll show you. We’ll start another petition.” lmao

    I think Smith sent one of those silly petitions to Congress along with his fake Kenyan birth certificate; another one of their classic failures that they said was going to succeed

  66. Jules says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Oh, we have purpose. REMOVE OBAMA and there is nothing that you can do about it. The eligibility issue is getting bigger and vigger and now that we OWN the HOUSE. We WILL take care of it! You better believe that!

    The only way that you the Republicans get Obama to cease to be President anytime soon is if their candidate wins in November 2012. Using their control of the House to preach birtherism at every opportunity would rather reduce the likelihood of that possibility.

    Of course, if the Republicans don’t manage to win in 2012, Dr C will turn out to be right that Obama will become ineligible to be President at 12pm EST on 20 January 2017.

  67. Twinx: KBOA, since you’re not able to see the reaction at the at Fogbow yourself, you can go here http://ohforgoodnesssake.com/?p=15675If you’re not up to reading much – judging by your performance’ at Fogbow – you may want to just scroll down to the cartoon at the end. It pretty much sums up the reaction of Fogbowers to Anthony Martin.

    I’m way ahead of you. Tell Ms. [Personal information redacted, Doc] that i’ve already been there.

  68. obsolete: Wake me when that petition works, KenyanBornObamAcorn. Get used to PRESIDENT Obama for six more years…

    6 years my butt! He will be gone before the end of the year. Mark my words!

  69. Scientist says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: 6 years my butt! He will be gone before the end of the year. Mark my words!

    How much actual cash are you willing to wager on that? Come on, big man, money talks annd b.s. wallks.

  70. G: KenyanBorn

    Why don’t you let THE PEOPLE decide for themselves what is a LIE or not! You guys over there at Fogbow can’t handle people seeing our facts that bury your lies, so you have to ban us. Tell me what rule I broke? None, I broke no rules, all I broke was the fact that your board is one big LIE and is now being investigated. If you have no problem debating me, and think you will win everytime, then open the forum back up, wussies!

  71. G: Fortunately, they seem to be 99% keyboard commando cowards and their boasts and threats are just sick hollow fantasies. That remaining 1% consists of nuts like Orly, who will file frivolous lawsuits at the drop of a hat and unethically post people’s personal info. But she is so incompetent at everything she does that she’s little more than an annoyance and a source of constant EPIC FAIL level entertainment.The remaining 1% also includes their die-hard protesters who will show up to anything or waste time delivering useless play presentments that immediately end up in the trash. Their numbers are so small that its a joke and we just see the same few idiots over and over again, no matter what the event. Face it, they are able to bring together enough folks to force Denny’s to put a few tables together so they can all sit down and eat in one place, but that’s about the extent of it.Amongst those “activists” are fools who just damage their own careers by pursuing this lost cause of nonsense and who only have themselves to blame: Terry Lakin, Dr. Kate, etc.Then there’s that “concern” part within that remaining 1%,,,, the lone nut or band of like minded nuts that is so unhinged and off the deep end that they are bound to eventually do something utterly stupid that harms themselves or others. Definitely the area for constant concern – but really, their numbers are so limited that any damage they can do is contained to isolated incidents of despicableness at best – ones in which the aftermath would not be in their favor and would only work against their “cause”.This last group would comprise everything from Walt Fitzpatrick, Wiley Drake and Darren Huff to the even more deplorable acts of known birthers such as Richard Poplawski, James Von Brunn, George Sodini, Charles Dyer, Joseph Sean McVey, William Mattison. It is that last group that is the true concern. These folks and their attempts/acts of violence already are every bit as twisted sick, dangerous and deplorable as the crazed shooter in Tuscon.Look at how many incidents and names in bold just within the past 2 years – ALL BIRTHERS. The record is clear on incidents of criminal culpability within their sick little community. Considering that they are just a fringe of a fringe…that’s quite a lot of folks crossing the line from that small pool of nuts within such a short time frame as it is! Based on that track record and a monitoring of birther website commentary (which seems to get more and more unhinged with every inevitable failure); not to mention the 2012 election campaign which will soon ramp up……Let’s just say I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of such depraved acts from birther nutjobs and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the level of such incidents actually increased over the next 2 years. Yes, the birthers already have more than enough shame and “blood” on their hands…

    Oh, you mean like you posted my full name at the end of my Kenya Lady thread, after you banned me. I still have access to your stinkin forum under another name that I registered a month or so earlier. I use it at work and i can get on, so I see everything you are doing and get snapshots of all of it. I’ve got most of your names as well, but we aren’t like you. We don’t do criminal things to try and intimidate people, like you all do!

  72. Sef says:

    Why don’t you let THE PEOPLE decide for themselves what is a LIE or not! You guys over there at Fogbow can’t handle people seeing our facts that bury your lies, so you have to ban us. Tell me what rule I broke? None, I broke no rules, all I broke was the fact that your board is one big LIE and is now being investigated. If you have no problem debating me, and think you will win everytime, then open the forum back up, wussies!

    Truth is not open to the highest bidder, unlike the canals of Venice.

  73. Ehhh, they’re censoring comments here. Guess I’ll go post on the sites about the investigation, where there is no censorship…

    Sissy dimwit lawyers and wannabe bigwigs can’t take the truth!

    Later lowlifes!

    Yes, that includes you too, Ms Kennedy and Mr. Bryan!

  74. Anyways, tel the wannabe attorney’s at Fogblow that I said hi!

    P.S. Gonna snapshot this page just to see if the comments stay!


  75. Mannnn, sure got quiet in here all of a sudden.

    Whasss saaa mattaaaa, don’t like your names in public?

    How’s it feel, hypocrites!

  76. Keith: Relax Doc. You are on vacation.Keep accumulating little paper umbrellas.

    Yeah Doc, go on down to “your” local shopping mall and pick me up one of them “Clan Key Fobs”!

  77. Scientist says:

    Are you willing to put actual cash behind your prediction or are you blowing smoke like all the rest of your tribe?

  78. Slartibartfast says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Mannnn, sure got quiet in here all of a sudden.Whasss saaa mattaaaa, don’t like your names in public?How’s it feel, hypocrites!

    As someone who’s name was already in public, I think your tactics are despicable – outing or threatening to out anonymous posters is a pathetic attempt at intimidation and bullying, nothing more.

  79. Slartibartfast: As someone who’s name was already in public, I think your tactics are despicable – outing or threatening to out anonymous posters is a pathetic attempt at intimidation and bullying, nothing more.

    Thanks, I learned it from the Fogbow Forum. They did that to me, so I figured that didn’t have a problem with it, so I returned the favor!


  80. Daniel: KenyanBorn

    No, but how about that election??? That’s what counts…baaaawwwaaaahhhhh

  81. Black Lion says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Thanks, I learned it from the Fogbow Forum. They did that to me, so I figured that didn’t have a problem with it, so I returned the favor!tata

    So because you were called out over at another website Tracy, you have decided to spam this site and attack the posters with your usual infantile nonsense? Come on….If you want to debate, then go ahead and make your argument. But if you want to play games, then go elswehere….Slart and Scientist have already challenged you and your misinformation.

  82. Sef says:

    No, but how about that election??? That’s what counts…baaaawwwaaaahhhhh

    Maybe you are not old enough to realize it, but all elections disappoint.

  83. Black Lion says:

    Sef: Maybe you are not old enough to realize it, but all elections disappoint.

    Sef, our resident troll is not interested in any kind of discourse….She is more upset that someone over at the Fogbow made fun of her ourfit that she wore over at the seditious former LtC. Lakin’s trial than arguing facts….So you are wasting your time….

  84. Sef says:

    Black Lion:
    Sef, our resident troll is not interested in any kind of discourse….She is more upset that someone over at the Fogbow made fun of her ourfit that she wore over at the seditious former LtC. Lakin’s trial than arguing facts….So you are wasting your time….

    Was Cojo at the CM?

  85. Kate520 says:

    Thanks, I learned it from the Fogbow Forum. They did that to me, so I figured that didn’t have a problem with it, so I returned the favor!tata

    So, you think no one uses google? You name is out there for anyone to find in two clicks, Tracy. If’n you go slinging crap at people they’re gonna want to know who you are. And we found out…you’re nobody.

  86. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Ehhh, they’re censoring comments here. Guess I’ll go post on the sites about the investigation, where there is no censorship…Sissy dimwit lawyers and wannabe bigwigs can’t take the truth!Later lowlifes!Yes, that includes you too, Ms Kennedy and Mr. Bryan!

    If you hold a PhD in Mathematics and can do no better arguing logically than you’ve shown thus far, the institution that awarded that doctorate ought to take it back. You’ve brought nothing new. You’ve brought tired, old, repeatedly debunked birther myths that start out with all the reasons Pres Obama is not eligible even though you concede he was born in Hawaii, and then when that fails, ends with “yeah, but he was born in Kenya a legislator said so” What you did at Fogbow when you were unable to argue to support the myths or against the facts given you that debunk them was like a toddler taking off her diaper and smearing her poo on the wall.

  87. milspec says:

    So, you think no one uses google? You name is out there for anyone to find in two clicks, Tracy.If’n you go slinging crap at people they’re gonna want to know who you are.And we found out…you’re nobody.

    Can’t you put out traps or spray of something to get rid of pests!

    Enjoy vacation Doc.

  88. Daniel says:

    No, but how about that election??? That’s what counts…baaaawwwaaaahhhhh

    Are you talking about the One that Obama won, and the birthers lost? Or the one more recently where the Republicans won, and the Birthers lost?

    Seeing as you can’t manage to get a single candidate elected on a birther platform, and the Republican majority in Cngress refuses to promote the birther agenda, or cede to birther demands, and most Republicans are very plain in denouncing the birthers publically as being the lunatic fringe, are you really sure it’s time for you to start celebrating?

  89. Daniel says:

    Can’t you put out traps or spray of something to get rid of pests!Enjoy vacation Doc.

    Looks like KBOA is desperately trying to get banned from another forum, so as to feed his martyr complex.

  90. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Oh, you mean like you posted my full name at the end of my Kenya Lady thread, after you banned me. I still have access to your stinkin forum under another name that I registered a month or so earlier. I use it at work and i can get on, so I see everything you are doing and get snapshots of all of it. I’ve got most of your names as well, but we aren’t like you. We don’t do criminal things to try and intimidate people, like you all do!

    Who are you talking to, you paranoid half-wit???

    I have nothing to do with your access at Fogbow. Wake up there clueless. You’re in Dr. C’s house here. We have no control over people’s access or comments at another site.

    So your idle threats ring hollow and are totally misplaced. BFD, you couldn’t obey rules over at Fogbow and you got kicked to the curb and now your widdle fee-fees are hurt. Take your boo-hoo woe-is-me act somewhere where they care.

  91. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: 6 years my butt! He will be gone before the end of the year. Mark my words!

    LOL! Yeah, good luck with that. Another birther prediction destined for obvious failure.

  92. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Hey […] Doc or whoever the heck you are, why the censorship?

    Hey clueless. Since you got kicked out of your other haunt and had to barrage over here like a drunken sailor with your irrelevant rants…let me clue you into a few things:

    1. Dr. C is on vacation. The “censorship” you are not understanding is called an automated moderation filter – a mere piece of software that comes with the website. As we’ve found, Dr. C even has little control of it, except to turn it on.

    Such moderation filters typically serve a valuable purpose of helping to catch and remove spam solicitations – hence the reason you don’t see a bunch of meaningless foreign language posts asking for a “good time” or selling shoes or what not.

    They also can be triggered by vulgar language or too many links in a post. Hence, it is likely that whatever you posted that tripped the automated moderation filter probably used “bad words” or something that the filter thought was a “bad word”.

    So, keep it clean and your posts should come across fine. But lay off your whines here about getting kicked off some other website, as we could care less and have nothing to do with your petty woes.

    Face it – you have an unhealthy level of paranoia and an overdeveloped persecution complex. Grow up.

  93. Slartibartfast says:

    G: Face it – you have an unhealthy level of paranoia and an overdeveloped persecution complex. Grow up.

    Not to nitpick G, but they probably have an unhealthy level of paranoia and an overdeveloped persecution complex because they are unwilling or unable to grow up and face things…

  94. G says:

    Not to nitpick G, but they probably have an unhealthy level of paranoia and an overdeveloped persecution complex because they are unwilling or unable to grow up and face things…

    Point well taken, Slarti! 😉

  95. Black Lion says:

    New Post and Fail nonsense…

    “The Post & Email is launching a national push to pressure our U.S. Congressmen to take up the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President under our Constitution. We have already published such letters here at this site and you can use them as templates.

    This campaign is also a contest of sorts among the states. Here is how it will work:

    1. Phone, email or write your Congressmen (Senators and Representatives) or any other Congressmen you contact, and then simply forward a copy of your correspondence or memo of phone call to Gracie Sweet at gracie19471@hotmail.com. Each Congressman contacted will accrue points for the state they represent regardless of who contacts them.

    2. The results of all contacts by state will be tallied and published periodically so that we can see where the activity is coming from and where we need to press. If you have already contacted your Congressmen, please do it again so we can count it. Besides, the more we pressure them, the more likely our efforts will succeed. Each email and letter sent will count as one point each; each phone call will count as a half point, because they cannot be captured to file.

    3. As an extra, don’t forget to contact newly-sworn-in Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who recently stated that he wanted to “change state policy” in order to release records proving Obama’s alleged Hawaiian birth. Of course, we all know that it would be very easy for Obama to have the records made public without any such change in order to satisfy the “bunch of conspiracy theorists” about his birth story; all he has to do is submit a request of the Hawaii Department of Health for his birth records to be made public. Instead, he has spent almost $2,000,000 battling their disclosure.

    4. Since this is also a contest, the reward will be a big box of Bragging Rights and national attention to your state! Let’s get going!”


  96. G says:

    Black Lion: “The Post & Email is launching a national push to pressure our U.S. Congressmen to take up the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President under our Constitution. We have already published such letters here at this site and you can use them as templates

    Yeah…because they only spent the last two years calling, writing and faxing every government person that they could to the point beyond harassment and that worked out how well for them….? *facepalm*

  97. G says:

    G: Black Lion: “The Post & Email is launching a national push to pressure our U.S. Congressmen to take up the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President under our Constitution. We have already published such letters here at this site and you can use them as templates

    Yeah…because they only spent the last two years calling, writing and faxing every government person that they could to the point beyond harassment and that worked out how well for them….? *facepalm*

    What’s that old saying again? Oh yeah, something about insanity being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…

  98. richCares says:

    “KenyanBornObamAcorn: 6 years my butt! He will be gone before the end of the year. Mark my words! ”
    OK, dear deluded one, I will mark your words, remember to tell your analyst.

  99. Reality Check says:

    There is no way I am buying the story that KBOA has a PhD in mathematics until I see the long form diploma.

  100. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Reality Check: There is no way I am buying the story that KBOA has a PhD in mathematics until I see the long form diploma.

    She doesn’t she screwed up her quotations and when slarti was quoting her about something in her quote it made it look like he was saying something instead of her. Scroll up it was slarti who has the phd in mathematics

  101. Tarrant says:

    Surprise, surprise. another birther failure…


    10-678 Hollister, Gregory S. v. Soetoro, Barry et al.

  102. Black Lion says:

    More birther hilarity…The birthers can’t figure out why the new Republican congressmen and senators are not responding to their birther nonsense…I guess they haven’t figured out that they were being used and no GOP politican will actuallly ever embrace their ridiculous ideas….

    From the Post and Fail….

    “Congressman Bilbray,

    A letter was sent from one of your constituents, Captain Neil Turner, on January 11, 2011 to Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, a committee of which you are a member. You will recall that Neil and I met with you recently in your Solana Beach office to discuss our concerns regarding the rapidly mounting evidence that our nation is in the midst of a Constitutional crisis arising from the fraudulent election of a constitutionally unqualified person to serve in the office of president of the United States.

    As you know, I have contacted you repeatedly expressing my urgent concern regarding this matter, most recently regarding the outrageous incarceration of LTC Terrence Lakin in the Ft. Leavenworth military prison following a sham trial resulting from his simple request for verification the of valid constitutional authority of the putative commander-in-chief. I have yet to receive a reply.

    I am now providing you with Captain Turner’s letter to Rep. Issa for your information, in the continuing hope that you will reflect further on the matters raised in this letter, as well as the supplementary information provided to your committee, and that you will finally act in accordance with the duties prescribed in your oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

    David F. LaRocque

    CDR USNR (ret)

    Carlsbad, CA”


  103. Sef: Maybe you are not old enough to realize it, but all elections disappoint.

    Sorry, but I know from EXPERIENCE that the 2010 election did NOT dissapoint. Perhaps it disappointed YOU, so speak for yourself!

  104. Black Lion: Sef, our resident troll is not interested in any kind of discourse….She is more upset that someone over at the Fogbow made fun of her ourfit that she wore over at the seditious former LtC. Lakin’s trial than arguing facts….So you are wasting your time….

    hahaha, thanks but you losers did not see me there and you have no idea what I look like. I’m sure if you DID see me, you would have nothing to say except, hmmm, she’s pretty…what can we make up about her? Perhaps if you’re going to TC’s court case tomorrow in DC regarding her interruption during the reading of the Constitution, you can see what I look like, then that will set ya all straight!

  105. kimba: If you hold a PhD in Mathematics and can do no better arguing logically than you’ve shown thus far, the institution that awarded that doctorate ought to take it back. You’ve brought nothing new. You’ve brought tired, old, repeatedly debunked birther myths that start out with all the reasons Pres Obama is not eligible even though you concede he was born in Hawaii, and then when that fails, ends with “yeah, but he was born in Kenya a legislator said so” What you did at Fogbow when you were unable to argue to support the myths or against the facts given you that debunk them was like a toddler taking off her diaper and smearing her poo on the wall.

    I’ve debunked everything you all said over there on Fogbow. That’s why you are hiding your site. Why else would you hide it? I guess you learned from Obama that if something is EMBARRASSING, you should HIDE IT! lolol

  106. Bovril says:

    And yet, you LSOS, you spent copious amounts of time berating “mari” of Fogbow about how your leggings weren’t leggings and your hair wasn’t as brassy chrome yellow as it was reported etc.

    So we ask ourselvesif you weren’t there and no one saw you, how come you got so irate about the depiction of your deplorable lack of taste?

    As with all Birfoons, you simply can’t keep your lies straight.

  107. Daniel: Looks like KBOA is desperately trying to get banned from another forum, so as to feed his martyr complex.

    lolol, banned for what? You all think that would BOTHER me? Baaaawwwaaaahhhhh

    So, you losers are allowed to say whatever you want but when I say stuff that for some reason gets under your skin, I should be banned. Yup, sounds just like the little cry babie wussies that you libnuts are!

  108. Bovril says:

    As for “debunking”

    Do be so kind as to show us a singular fact you have “debunked” as to date you have failed in a most pathetic manner.

  109. G: Who are you talking to, you paranoid half-wit???I have nothing to do with your access at Fogbow. Wake up there clueless. You’re in Dr. C’s house here. We have no control over people’s access or comments at another site.So your idle threats ring hollow and are totally misplaced. BFD, you couldn’t obey rules over at Fogbow and you got kicked to the curb and now your widdle fee-fees are hurt. Take your boo-hoo woe-is-me act somewhere where they care.

    Thanks, but it has nothing to do with rules. The slackers over there couldn’t take my FACTS. Ask them what rules I broke, NONE! If anything THEY broke the rules, NOT me! They just can’t take the truth and want no one else to SEE the truth, so they had to ban me. Did they not tell you that my thread exploded and brought in the most comments and views in months…

  110. Black Lion says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Thanks, but it has nothing to do with rules. The slackers over there couldn’t take my FACTS. Ask them what rules I broke, NONE! If anything THEY broke the rules, NOT me! They just can’t take the truth and want no one else to SEE the truth, so they had to ban me. Did they not tell you that my thread exploded and brought in the most comments and views in months…

    Tracy, what facts are you talking about? What have you actually debunked? If you are interested in discourse, then tell us? However if you continue to react and as G stated it “throw poo against the wall”, then you are not interested in discourse and would prefer to look silly? Every point that I have read that you have claimed has been disproved. Don’t take it out on anyone but yourself that you decided to back a traitorous coward like Lakin, who deservedly admitted to disobeying orders and is doing time for it….He deserted his unit, fellow officers, and the Army. That is what you loons fail to realize. If your new buddy or hero the crazy Theresa Cao continues to follow along his path, she too will end up behind bars.

  111. Daniel: Are you talking about the One that Obama won, and the birthers lost? Or the one more recently where the Republicans won, and the Birthers lost?Seeing as you can’t manage to get a single candidate elected on a birther platform, and the Republican majority in Cngress refuses to promote the birther agenda, or cede to birther demands, and most Republicans are very plain in denouncing the birthers publically as being the lunatic fringe, are you really sure it’s time for you to start celebrating?

    Did you happen to miss the latest election? Actually, the republicans won so big, BECAUSE of the Tea Party. I guess you didn’t realize that THESE people are Tea Partiers:

    PA- Pat Toomey
    KY- Rand Paul
    FL- Marco Rubio
    WI- Ron Johnson
    UT- Mike Lee

    Whether they are actually Tea Partiers or not, they ARE members of the Tea Party Caucus:

    There are 52 members of the Tea Party Caucus, all Republicans.[9]

    1.Robert Aderholt (AL-4)
    2.Todd Akin (MO-2)
    3.Rodney Alexander (LA-5)
    4.Michele Bachmann (MN-6)
    5.Joe Barton (TX-6)
    6.Roscoe Bartlett (MD-6)
    7.Gus Bilirakis (FL-9)
    8.Rob Bishop (UT-1)
    9.Michael Burgess (TX-26)
    10.Paul Broun (GA-10)
    11.Dan Burton (IN-5)
    12.John Carter (TX-31)
    13.Howard Coble (NC-6)
    14.Mike Coffman (CO-6)
    15.Ander Crenshaw (FL-4)
    16.John Culberson (TX-7)
    17.John Fleming (LA-4)
    18.Trent Franks (AZ-2)
    19.Phil Gingrey (GA-11)
    20.Louie Gohmert (TX-1)
    21.Tom Graves (GA-9)
    22.Ralph Hall (TX-4)
    23.Gregg Harper (MS-3)
    24.Wally Herger (CA-2)
    25.Pete Hoekstra (MI-2)
    26.Lynn Jenkins (KS-2)
    27.Walter Jones (NC-3)
    28.Steve King (IA-5)
    29.Doug Lamborn (CO-5)
    30.Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9)
    31.Cynthia Lummis (WY-AL)
    32.Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
    33.Tom McClintock (CA-4)
    34.Gary Miller (CA-42)
    35.Jerry Moran (KS-1)
    36.Sue Myrick (NC-9)
    37.Randy Neugebauer (TX-19)
    38.Mike Pence (IN-6)
    39.Tom Price (GA-6)
    40.Denny Rehberg (MT-AL)
    41.Phil Roe (TN-1)
    42.Ed Royce (CA-40)
    43.Steve Scalise (LA-1)
    44.Pete Sessions (TX-32)
    45.John Shadegg (AZ-3)
    46.Adrian M. Smith (NE-3)
    47.Lamar Smith (TX-21)
    48.Cliff Stearns (FL-6)
    49.Todd Tiahrt (KS-4)
    50.Zach Wamp (TN-3)
    51.Lynn Westmoreland (GA-3)
    52.Joe Wilson (SC-2)


  112. Greg says:

    And not one of those Tea Partiers is a birther. Birther candidates, like JD Hayworth, lost, and lost big time. Republicans lost sure-thing seats because Democrats were able to paint O’Donnell and Angle as nutters.

    Republicans won.

    Birthers LOST!

  113. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Thanks, but it has nothing to do with rules. The slackers over there couldn’t take my FACTS. Ask them what rules I broke, NONE! If anything THEY broke the rules, NOT me! They just can’t take the truth and want no one else to SEE the truth, so they had to ban me. Did they not tell you that my thread exploded and brought in the most comments and views in months…

    It has plenty to do with rules. You couldn’t post on topic, you insulted other posters and were repeatedly warned. You didn’t bring any facts I know you think your delusions are “facts” but again those are only your delusions speaking. Yes everyone must be blind but you. It’s funny how the schitzophrenic mind thinks. Now if I was to go over to one of your “safe” sites and post just one comment I would be banned and moderated. You were given free reign to post hundreds of comments before you got banned. I went to freerepublic one time and posted just one comment and was instantly put into moderation and banned. If anything it is your closeminded friends on right wing sites who can’t handle facts

  114. Black Lion says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Did you happen to miss the latest election? Actually, the republicans won so big, BECAUSE of the Tea Party. I guess you didn’t realize that THESE people are Tea Partiers:NUFF SAID!

    Yet non of them on the so called “birther” platform. Now show us where any of those so called “tea party” candidiates have embraced the losers known as the birthers or have so far initiated any sort of investigation or legislation in order to compel President Obama to produce a single document….

  115. G: Hey clueless. Since you got kicked out of your other haunt and had to barrage over here like a drunken sailer with your irrelevant rants…let me clue you into a few things:1. Dr. C is on vacation. The “censorship” you are not understanding is called an automated moderation filter – a mere piece of software that comes with the website. As we’ve found, Dr. C even has little control of it, except to turn it on. Such moderation filters typically serve a valuable purpose of helping to catch and remove spam solicitations – hence the reason you don’t see a bunch of meaningless foreign language posts asking for a “good time” or selling shoes or what not.They also can be triggered by vulgar language or too many links in a post. Hence, it is likely that whatever you posted that tripped the automated moderation filter probably used “bad words” or something that the filter thought was a “bad word”.So, keep it clean and your posts should come across fine. But lay off your whines here about getting kicked off some other website, as we could care less and have nothing to do with your petty woes.Face it – you have an unhealthy level of paranoia and an overdeveloped persecution complex. Grow up.

    First of all, I KNOW that Doc Kev is on vacation. Secondly, I am aware of the filter, seen it on my first post. So you are telling me nothing new DIMWIT!

    Oh and about the WHINES, I was replying to someone ELSE’S whine. They were whining about names or something and I reminded them that the Fogblow did the same to me over there, which means they don’t MIND that kind of stuff. So, tell your own to stop the WHINES! wah wah wah

    Do you actually think I CARE about being on FOGBLOW? You people think you are so much higher than anyone else when you are nothing but a JOKE! You get paid to praise someone, that is disgusting!

  116. Black Lion: So because you were called out over at another website Tracy, you have decided to spam this site and attack the posters with your usual infantile nonsense? Come on….If you want to debate, then go ahead and make your argument. But if you want to play games, then go elswehere….Slart and Scientist have already challenged you and your misinformation.

    Riiiight. Thanks, but you people are not worthy of debate. You ignore facts that are right in front of your face. I could show you an apple and you would say it’s blue. You have no problem whatsoever with lying and when you have no defense, you stoop to posting people docs and calling them names. The fogblowers can deny it, but I copied my entire thread from there and am in the process of making a video about their repulsive ways, will prove I am right.

    They can’t handle facts and being buried, so they ban you. I will also show the board rules in my vid to show that I broke NONE!

    Thank You

  117. Kate520 says:

    Doc, BlackLion et al, sorry to dump this childish birther on you. As you will see, tracy doesn’t want to dispute facts. She, like my 11 year old, just wants to make a big fuss until someone pays attention to her. Obviously, she’s not very memorable in person or someone would have remembered her.

    Tracy, you are a fish.

    You did break rules at Fogbow, like name calling and spamming, like you are doing here. You also pissed off a mod or two. We know you’re not the brightest bulb, even in the dim birther chandelier. If you beat us so bad, why are birthers the laughing stock of the world? Brave new Tracy and her brilliant mind….

  118. G says:

    Thanks, but it has nothing to do with rules. The slackers over there couldn’t take my FACTS. Ask them what rules I broke, NONE! If anything THEY broke the rules, NOT me! They just can’t take the truth and want no one else to SEE the truth, so they had to ban me. Did they not tell you that my thread exploded and brought in the most comments and views in months…

    Tell it to someone who cares. Again, you’ve contributed nothing by coming here other than going off endlessly on some juvenile rant that some other site booted you. Boo-hoo. Grow up.

  119. Daniel says:

    Did you happen to miss the latest election? Actually, the republicans won so big, BECAUSE of the Tea Party. I guess you didn’t realize that THESE people are Tea Partiers

    Did YOU happen to miss the last election?

    Not one of the list you gave is a birther.

    The Republican Party and the Tea Party affiliates that were elected have denounced Birthers as fringe nutbags. The victory for them was a net loss for you.

    At least previously you could whine and drip and moan that you couldn’t get impeachment with a Dem controlled house. Now you don’t even have that excuse. You are further than ever from your goal than ever before

  120. Lupin says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: You ignore facts that are right in front of your face.

    What I find the most hilarious about birthers is their total absence of a sense of irony and self-awareness.

    This one has a particularly tiny IQ.

  121. Daniel says:

    Riiiight. Thanks, but you people are not worthy of debate.

    You are quite right. We are unworthy even of your presence. You’ll find the forum exit over there to your right. Don’t let the forum door hit you in the ass on your way out.

  122. Black Lion: “The Post & Email is launching a national push to pressure our U.S. Congressmen to take up the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President under our Constitution. We have already published such letters here at this site and you can use them as templates


    WOW, excellent Idea. Thanks for posting, I’m calling now and forwarding this to ALL in my email!

  123. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: They can’t handle facts…

    KBOA, i never saw the debate on fogbow so…….. what exactly are the facts that you believe can’t be handled?

  124. Sef says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: WOW, excellent Idea. Thanks for posting, I’m calling now and forwarding this to ALL in my email!

    Hey, I didn’t get anything from you yet! I’d better check my bit bucket to see if it’s full.

  125. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: WOW, excellent Idea. Thanks for posting, I’m calling now and forwarding this to ALL in my email!

    Yeah good luck with that. I’m sure this new round of emails will be just as successful with the hundred rounds of emails before it ROFLMAO

  126. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: WOW, excellent Idea. Thanks for posting, I’m calling now and forwarding this to ALL in my email!

    Yeah good luck with that. I’m sure this new round of emails will be just as successful with the hundred rounds of emails before it ROFLMAO

    KBOA, i never saw the debate on fogbow so…….. what exactly are the facts that you believe can’t be handled?

    Keep in mind that birthers find definitions to be particularly challenging. When she uses the word “facts” what she really means is “delusions”.

  127. Bovril says:

    Well, as I have already demonstrated over at Dr K(h)ate’s sounding board for the terminally stupid, the ACTUAL, not sock puppet count means that your email list is probably half as large as your IQ.

    Just a reminder and this IS about you…..

    A rather less articulate Birfoon than even Sven, popped up on Fogbow, blathered in the traditional incoherent manner, was tentatively ID’d as one of the participants at the Lakin court martial and had her fashion sense excoriated.

    This lead to the same idiot running off, tail between legs to post nasty at Dr Kates


    If nothing else this also managed to goad the stupid cow into divulging a selection of her sock puppets in further demonstration of how few ACTUAL Birfoons there are..

    Par example.

    In the thread http://drkatesview.wordpress.com/2011/01/10/on-the-move/#comments

    The same muppet forgot to change their email address when they posted under several sockies, so the gravatar stayed the same.

    We now know the idiot uses the following FAIL ID’s


    So, on a thread of 15 posts, we have

    2 x Dr Kates
    8 x Papooses
    3 x Troys
    1 x Ken
    1 x Jan

    I loves me some empirical proof of Birfer insignificance and stupidity……………..”

  128. Black Lion says:

    Kate520: Doc, BlackLion et al, sorry to dump this childish birther on you. As you will see, tracy doesn’t want to dispute facts. She, like my 11 year old, just wants to make a big fuss until someone pays attention to her. Obviously, she’s not very memorable in person or someone would have remembered her.Tracy, you are a fish. You did break rules at Fogbow, like name calling and spamming, like you are doing here. You also pissed off a mod or two. We know you’re not the brightest bulb, even in the dim birther chandelier. If you beat us so bad, why are birthers the laughing stock of the world? Brave new Tracy and her brilliant mind….

    Kate, no worries….She is like most birthers….Infantile and devoid of any rational thought or coherent ideas….In 3 days we still have not seen one argument or discussion point regarding what she “believes”….Which leads most to believe that she realizes that her argument is full of crap and she was embarassed by you guys over at the Fogbow and is attempting to hijack the threads over here to make herself feel important….The bottom line is that as of today Barack Obama is still the President of the US, will run for election in 2012, and if the best the GOP has in Sarah Palin, win in a landslide….I mean 70% of Repubs felt that President Obama handled the AZ shooting crisis very well…So after 2 years of the right vilifying the President, he still has an approval rating of about 50% and has repubs thinking that he is acting Presidential….You birthers don’t stand a chance….

  129. Kate520 says:

    Here’s a list someone compiled of Tracy’s sock puppets, which she uses to stalk people who piss her off. She’s already sending nasty emails to the business of one of our members, or maybe several, who knows.

    Watch out for her, you guys. She’s a little…tetched in the head.

  130. Tarrant: Surprise, surprise. another birther failure…CERTIORARI DENIED:10-678 Hollister, Gregory S. v. Soetoro, Barry et al.

    All that proves is that the courts are corrupt along with Obama. If you people had any sense of courage, you would want the case to go forward and get to the merits. That way when he PROVES it, you all can laugh in our face. But No, you are AFRAID to let it get to the merits because you KNOW what will happen. We don’t even need the birth certificate, we just need to get INTO court, so that we can present our case of Natural Born Citizen. People with a MIND know what A NBC is, it’s just the ones that drank the Koolaid, can’t accept the truth.

    The scotus actually knows the TRUTH, but they are afraid of what will happen to the country when it gets out that he IS ineligible. You Obots will be so upset and won’t know what to do with yourselves and because you LOST and were fooled you will be so embarrased that you will have to strike back out of anger, when we say “I told you so”. There will be a civil war and that is why they are avoiding the issue. Even Roberts claims they are evading the issue!

  131. G says:

    Black Lion:
    Tracy, what facts are you talking about?What haveyou actually debunked?If you are interested in discourse, then tell us?However if you continue to react and as G stated it “throw poo against the wall”, then you are not interested in discourse and would prefer to look silly?Every point that I have read that you have claimed has been disproved.Don’t take it out on anyone but yourself that you decided to back a traitorous coward like Lakin, who deservedly admitted to disobeying orders and is doing time for it….He deserted his unit, fellow officers, and the Army.That is what you loons fail to realize.If your new buddy or hero the crazy Theresa Cao continues to follow along his path, she too will end up behind bars.

    BL – I agree with everything you just said.

    Just wanted to make one correction for the record:

    Kimba deserves the proper credit for the “poo against the wall line”, as that came from her 1/17 8:36pm post, not mine:

    so” What you did at Fogbow when you were unable to argue to support the myths or against the facts given you that debunk them was like a toddler taking off her diaper and smearing her poo on the wall.

    Great analogy & I support it, but she deserves the accreditation for it, not me.

  132. Kate520 says:

    Well, for some reason the list got swallowed. Here’s a link to it at fB. It’s under the video.


  133. Bovril says:

    “Any day now….you’ll see….real soon….any day….marched out in handcuffs…..our WHITE HOUSE….you’ll see….the voices tells me….”

    2 years, 70+ legal FAIL cases and that’s all you have…..sad and pathetic.

  134. Bovril: And yet, you LSOS, you spent copious amounts of time berating “mari” of Fogbow about how your leggings weren’t leggings and your hair wasn’t as brassy chrome yellow as it was reported etc.So we ask ourselvesif you weren’t there and no one saw you, how come you got so irate about the depiction of your deplorable lack of taste?As with all Birfoons, you simply can’t keep your lies straight.

    I was there on Day 2, Obot Marina was there on Day 1. That’s why she didn’t see me. LOLOL, “I” berated Mari…it’s so funny how you people act like the victim. Did you forget about the investigation into Fogbow’s criminal acts? So many people have so much on you people over there and you have no clue. You really just have no clue, do ya? Too Funny!

  135. Black Lion says:

    G: BL – I agree with everything you just said.Just wanted to make one correction for the record:Kimba deserves the proper credit for the “poo against the wall line”, as that came from her 1/17 8:36pm post, not mine:Great analogy & I support it, but she deserves the accreditation for it, not me.

    G, good pick up…Kimba, I apologize for not credited you with such a tremendous line….

  136. mari says:

    Sorry y’all. I may have set Acorn off when I described someone I saw at the Lakin trial as wearing skinny jeans and perhaps maybe should consider going for a slightly different shade of blonde.

    Mea culpa.

    Tomorrow I may describe what the people at court for Theresa Cao were wearing, but will sit on my own hands to avoid any fashion critique that may send them over the fashion faux pas ledge.

  137. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Did you happen to miss the latest election? Actually, the republicans won so big, BECAUSE of the Tea Party. I guess you didn’t realize that THESE people are Tea Partiers:

    What is your point exactly? You listed a bunch of GOP Tea Party candidates who won. No evidence at all that ANY of them were birthers.

    So, if your point is that you are just happy at the 2010 GOP & Tea Party success rate in the election, well then good for you. That is what happens in elections. One candidate wins and the people supporting that candidate are happy and the other candidate(s) lose and their supporters are not so happy at the outcome.

    I take it you weren’t so happy in 2008. But a bunch of folks other than you were. Welcome to election cycle politics, but that’s not the point of this forum, where the focus of the discussion is on conspiracies related to Obama and the Birthers in particular.

    I see no correlation between any of your birther rants and the GOP and/or Tea Party victories in 2010.

  138. Rickey says:

    People with a MIND know what A NBC is,

    I’m still waiting for you to identify one history book, law book or civics book which states that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents.

  139. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Do you actually think I CARE about being on FOGBLOW? You people think you are so much higher than anyone else when you are nothing but a JOKE! You get paid to praise someone, that is disgusting!

    Yes, obviously you care way too much about Fogbow, as that is all you seem to be able to whine and post about. Get over it and grow up.

    Your silly statements are so meaningless and don’t seem to have any basis in anything relevant or even reality. Um what praise and what pay, pray tell? Wow, as a capitalist, if there was a way I could get paid for blog commentary, I’m all for it! Point me to where I need to go and sign me up.

  140. Tracy – What’s funny is your claim that you’ve been banned at various birther-debunking sites.

    You made *one* post on my blog. I told you that you were welcome to post, provided you follow my no-spam and no-personal information posted guidelines.

    The fact you never replied or commented further tends to lead me to believe you’re a one-trick pony, out for attention.

    Also, you never answered any of my posts at Fogbow regarding the fact that under both Indonesian and US laws, Barack Obama would have been completely unable to be granted Indonesian citizenship even if Lolo Soetoro adopted him. Nor have you answered the fact that the Indonesian school record you trumpet as “proof” of Indonesian citizenship also lists Obama’s birthplace as “Honolulu, Hawaii”.

    I’m still waiting for your answers.

  141. Rickey says:

    Did you forget about the investigation into Fogbow’s criminal acts?

    Please identify the criminal statute which Fogbow is alleged to have violated.

  142. Black Lion says:

    mari: Sorry y’all. I may have set Acorn off when I described someone I saw at the Lakin trial as wearing skinny jeans and perhaps maybe should consider going for a slightly different shade of blonde.Mea culpa.Tomorrow I may describe what the people at court for Theresa Cao were wearing, but will sit on my own hands to avoid any fashion critique that may send them over the fashion faux pas ledge.

    Mari, I thought your fashion critique was hilarious….So don’t change….From a purely humorous standpoint, how about Orly’s fashion sense? I am sure it is worse than Tracy’s….lol.

  143. Dave says:

    Did you happen to miss the latest election? Actually, the republicans won so big, BECAUSE of the Tea Party.

    Yes, the Republicans won big. Actually, the Tea Party is a big problem for the Republicans. But sadly the Democratic Party has big problems too. So please continue believing that the Tea Party is important to the GOP, because frankly the Democrats need all the help they can get.

  144. Black Lion: Tracy, what facts are you talking about? What have you actually debunked? If you are interested in discourse, then tell us? However if you continue to react and as G stated it “throw poo against the wall”, then you are not interested in discourse and would prefer to look silly? Every point that I have read that you have claimed has been disproved. Don’t take it out on anyone but yourself that you decided to back a traitorous coward like Lakin, who deservedly admitted to disobeying orders and is doing time for it….He deserted his unit, fellow officers, and the Army. That is what you loons fail to realize. If your new buddy or hero the crazy Theresa Cao continues to follow along his path, she too will end up behind bars.

    Possibly, but wouldn’t it be more prudent to just TELL THE TRUTH and stop aiding and abeting a criminal?

  145. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Possibly, but wouldn’t it be more prudent to just TELL THE TRUTH…..

    which brings us around to what evidence do you have that the truth is not being told?

  146. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: If you people had any sense of courage, you would want the case to go forward and get to the merits. That way when he PROVES it, you all can laugh in our face.

    We’ve been laughing in your face this whole time. In part because Ankeny did decide the issue on the merits. It found there were no merits.

    But, you ignore that one, pretending it wasn’t a real case, or whatever.

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: People with a MIND know what A NBC is, it’s just the ones that drank the Koolaid, can’t accept the truth.

    You’re right that people with a mind know what an NBC is, that’s why it has been described as anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship, since the beginning of the nation.

    That’s why in Lynch v. Clarke the judge said that it was universally understood that NBC was anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship.

    That’s why it was such a complete and utter shocker that the Supreme Court undercut that notion in Dred Scott – universally understood to be the worst Supreme Court decision in the history of the nation. Certainly the only Supreme Court case that has lead to civil war.

    The fact that everyone with a mind knew that NBC meant anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship, is why everyone involved in Wong Kim Ark knew that if the Supreme Court decided for Wong he’d be eligible for the Presidency.

    That’s why we can count on one hand the number of actual lawyers who have disputed the common understanding of NBC before the election of Obama. (Morse, Breckenridge Long, anyone else?)

    That’s why no one challenged Spiro Agnew’s vice-presidency, despite the fact that his father was listed on the census as an alien and despite the fact that Greece makes everyone born to Greeks, even if they are naturalized in another country, a Greek citizen.

    So, the question is clearly, KBOA, why are you drinking the Kool-Aid?

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Even Roberts claims they are evading the issue!

    Man, you can’t even get the birther lies right!

    It’s Thomas that was asked when the Supreme Court was going to address the issue of whether Puerto Ricans were eligible for the Presidency, and he’s the one who told the joke that the Supreme Court was evading the issue! (Of Puerto Rican eligibility, not birthright citizenship!)

  147. BatGuano says:

    Black Lion: “Congressman Bilbray,… ”

    i wonder if the birthers noticed that bilbray’s office is across the street from earl warren jr high and put the pieces together. earl warren= warren commission/report= cover up = kennedy assassination. obviously kennedy was killed because he knew obama wasn’t a natural born citizen and brian bilbray is in on it !

  148. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Now if I was to go over to one of your “safe” sites and post just one comment I would be banned and moderated. I went to freerepublic one time and posted just one comment and was instantly put into moderation and banned.


    My site is here:


    I have no other site and have no authority over what other sites do. But on my channel, I have NO ONE blocked and I do not remove comments, as you can see from the hateful comments from the LEFT, that are all over it.


  149. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: All that proves is that the courts are corrupt along with Obama. If you people had any sense of courage, you would want the case to go forward and get to the merits. That way when he PROVES it, you all can laugh in our face. But No, you are AFRAID to let it get to the merits because you KNOW what will happen. We don’t even need the birth certificate, we just need to get INTO court, so that we can present our case of Natural Born Citizen. People with a MIND know what A NBC is, it’s just the ones that drank the Koolaid, can’t accept the truth.The scotus actually knows the TRUTH, but they are afraid of what will happen to the country when it gets out that he IS ineligible. You Obots will be so upset and won’t know what to do with yourselves and because you LOST and were fooled you will be so embarrased that you will have to strike back out of anger, when we say “I told you so”. There will be a civil war and that is why they are avoiding the issue. Even Roberts claims they are evading the issue!

    So let me get this straight you think the courts are all corrupt but then you want those same corrupt courts to hear your entire case which lacks any merit? Then you want the court to do what exactly? The courts have no power to remove a sitting president. Yes people with a mind know what an NBC is and you’re definitely not one of those people with a mind. The Indiana Court of Appeals heard a case on its merits and you guys still lost that one.

  150. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ____________________________My site is here:http://www.youtube.com/user/kenyanbornobamacornI have no other site and have no authority over what other sites do. But on my channel, I have NO ONE blocked and I do not remove comments, as you can see from the hateful comments from the LEFT, that are all over it.SO, TRY AGAIN!

    I’ll see how long before you block my comments

  151. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): It has plenty to do with rules. You couldn’t post on topic It’s funny how the schitzophrenic mind thinks. You were given free reign to post hundreds of comments before you got banned.


    Ummm, yeah!

    It was MY OWN thread, called “A Thread for the Kenya Lady” or something like that. How do I post OFF TOPIC, on MY OWN thread? Foggy even said so in a post and I can dig it up for you, if you’d like. Someone whined about what I was posting, ON MY OWN THREAD and Foggy said it was my thread and I could post whatever I liked. It wasn’t until all the cry babies went on a mass whine to the moderator, that they couldn’t take it anymore and instead of losing his whole army, he banned ME. I have the comments all the way to the very end and I will prove it in a video on my YT channel, so keep your eyes peeled!

  152. Scientist says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: There will be a civil war and that is why they are avoiding the issue

    Pretend for a moment that’s true (it’s ridiculous, but let’s pretend). Then balance a civil war, countless dead, the country quite possibly split apart irrevocably against what? A guy in the White House for the next 2 years (6 at the most) whose Dad (whom he only saw twice as a child) wasn’t a citizen. And that it seems you would actually prefer thousands of dead and a country detroyed. Quite mind-boggling…

  153. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ————————————————Ummm, yeah!It was MY OWN thread, called “A Thread for the Kenya Lady” or something like that. How do I post OFF TOPIC, on MY OWN thread? Foggy even said so in a post and I can dig it up for you, if you’d like. Someone whined about what I was posting, ON MY OWN THREAD and Foggy said it was my thread and I could post whatever I liked. It wasn’t until all the cry babies went on a mass whine to the moderator, that they couldn’t take it anymore and instead of losing his whole army, he banned ME. I have the comments all the way to the very end and I will prove it in a video on my YT channel, so keep your eyes peeled!

    There were several threads you posted in off topic one being the lakin thread. You seem to miss all the other times you were reminded of the rules. But seriously if you didn’t care about Fogbow so much why have you come here to whine about it? You’re putting so much effort into whining on an unrelated site.

  154. Kate520: Doc, BlackLion et al, sorry to dump this childish birther on you. As you will see, tracy doesn’t want to dispute facts. She, like my 11 year old, just wants to make a big fuss until someone pays attention to her. Obviously, she’s not very memorable in person or someone would have remembered her.Tracy, you are a fish. You did break rules at Fogbow, like name calling and spamming, like you are doing here. You also pissed off a mod or two. We know you’re not the brightest bulb, even in the dim birther chandelier. If you beat us so bad, why are birthers the laughing stock of the world? Brave new Tracy and her brilliant mind….


    Not to worry, my video will show all of YOUR peoples name calling. I posted a lot of LOLOL’s and hahaha’s, but I don’t recall ANY name calling on my part. Just wait, you and kate are all over my vid along with mimi and mari, calling me names…hahaha POT KETTLE BLACK bbaawwaaahhhh And I did not spam. You call my facts about him being illegal, spam…it’s not my fault you can’t accept facts!

  155. Black Lion says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ____________________________My site is here:http://www.youtube.com/user/kenyanbornobamacornI have no other site and have no authority over what other sites do. But on my channel, I have NO ONE blocked and I do not remove comments, as you can see from the hateful comments from the LEFT, that are all over it.SO, TRY AGAIN!

    KBOA, you post on your You Tube account the following…

    “Just here to EXPOSE Mr. Obama for what he is! Barack Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen. His father was born in Kenya and was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948, which passes down, to his children.

    A Natural Born American Citizen is someone who is born to TWO American Citizen Parents, as described by Vattel in the Law of Nations, which was the main source consulted, when the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written!”

    I just have a couple of questions. First of all can you point to us where in the Constitution that a NBC is defined in the way you claim? Secondly can you show us where in the Constitution that it claims that the so called Law of nations was the main source consulted in writing the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

    You claim that we are brainwashed but you don’t link to any factual supporting evidence to back up your claims. So we are to take your word for it? Come on, if you want to prove your point or change minds then lets see the proof. Just saying something doesn’t make it so….

  156. BatGuano: KBOA, i never saw the debate on fogbow so…….. what exactly are the facts that you believe can’t be handled?

    There’s 40 pages of facts over there, go check it out! They couldn’t take the facts anymore so they shut me up! Typical of the looney left!

  157. KenyanBornObamAcorn:
    ————————————————Foggy said it was my thread and I could post whatever I liked. It wasn’t until all the cry babies went on a mass whine to the moderator, that they couldn’t take it anymore and instead of losing his whole army, he banned ME. I have the comments all the way to the very end and I will prove it in a video on my YT channel, so keep your eyes peeled!

    By “couldn’t take it anymore” Tracy means “kept making fun of her and kept disproving everything she said”.

    From what I remember, Tracy was banned from that site for her failure to stick to the rules, which had nothing to do with people whining to the moderator.

  158. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: You call my facts about him being illegal, spam…it’s not my fault you can’t accept facts!

    but you have yet to post any facts in this thread pertinent to the subject. you’ve just complained about your perceived treatment on another blog.

    that’s like going to a restaurant and complaining to the manager about the food……. at a different restaurant !

  159. BatGuano says:

    There’s 40 pages of facts over there, go check it out! They couldn’t take the facts anymore so they shut me up! Typical of the looney left!

    how about we just start with just one here. preferably about purpura v sebelius but….. i’m easy. anything you consider a fact that others have doubted.

  160. Daniel says:

    There’s 40 pages of facts over there, go check it out! They couldn’t take the facts anymore so they shut me up! Typical of the looney left!

    Once again you seem to be very confused about the definition of the word “fact”.

    “Fact” does not mean wild speculative conclusions drawn from conjecture, faulty data, and outright fabrications.

  161. We now know the idiot uses the following FAIL ID’s
    So, on a thread of 15 posts, we have
    2 x Dr Kates
    8 x Papooses
    3 x Troys
    1 x Ken
    1 x Jan
    I loves me some empirical proof of Birfer insignificance and stupidity……………..”

    Bovril: Well, as I have already demonstrated over at Dr K(h)ate’s sounding board for the terminally stupid, the ACTUAL, not sock puppet count means that your email list is probably half as large as your IQ.Just a reminder and this IS about you…..


    hahaha too funny! Ok, let’s see…first of all, I have NEVER been to Dr. Kates site. Secondly, I have NO account with ANY of my email addresses registered with ANYTHING to do with Dr. Kate, except for direct email back and forth AND, since you deliquents have my email address I used to SIGN up with at Fogbow, you better HOPE that Dr. Kate does NOT have any registrants using my email address, because if someone DID, you will be in for a BIG surprise! I talk to Dr. Kate regularly and I will check to see if she does and you all BETTER pray I don;t find out that someone did. Wow, you people are hanging yourselves.
    I do however KNOW who Papoose is and it is not me, nor are any of those other ID’s.

    Thanks again, nice try, but WRONG again!

  162. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: WOW, excellent Idea. Thanks for posting, I’m calling now and forwarding this to ALL in my email!

    LOL! Go for it. File all the lists and documents you want if that makes you happy. It is a complete waste of time, but a harmless one a that. But if that’s your hobby, then by all means, knock yourself out.

  163. Kate520: Here’s a list someone compiled of Tracy’s sock puppets, which she uses to stalk people who piss her off. She’s already sending nasty emails to the business of one of our members, or maybe several, who knows. Watch out for her, you guys. She’s a little…tetched in the head.

    Hahaha, I emailed FlowerCIty and asked if they had Birfer Baskets? I hardly call THAT nasty!

  164. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: you better HOPE that Dr. Kate does NOT have any registrants using my email address, because if someone DID, you will be in for a BIG surprise

    An internet threat…… OoooooohhhhhhhhhNoooooooooooooooooo!

    We’re doomed!

    The birthers are gonna get us, Oh Noooooooooooo….

    How pathetic.

  165. ellid says:

    Wasn’t this individual the same McDonald’s fry cook who posted as “Obamacornlies” at the Independent?

  166. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: All that proves is that the courts are corrupt along with Obama. If you people had any sense of courage, you would want the case to go forward and get to the merits. That way when he PROVES it, you all can laugh in our face. But No, you are AFRAID to let it get to the merits because you KNOW what will happen. We don’t even need the birth certificate, we just need to get INTO court, so that we can present our case of Natural Born Citizen. People with a MIND know what A NBC is, it’s just the ones that drank the Koolaid, can’t accept the truth.

    The scotus actually knows the TRUTH, but they are afraid of what will happen to the country when it gets out that he IS ineligible. You Obots will be so upset and won’t know what to do with yourselves and because you LOST and were fooled you will be so embarrased that you will have to strike back out of anger, when we say “I told you so”. There will be a civil war and that is why they are avoiding the issue. Even Roberts claims they are evading the issue!

    Yeah, whatever sad little delusions you have to tell yourself in order to sleep at night.

    You can make up nonsense all you want, but your silly childish whining and pouting doesn’t change reality.

    Reality is that all of these court cases have gone nowhere because they are completely frivolous. Part of a court case’s MERIT *is* having standing and being brought forth in a proper venue to address such matters. Birthers are not even competent to bring forward a case that meets those simple initial tests of merit and hence why it has been an utter no brainer and completely predictable that they would all fail.

    We support the rule of law, evidence and reality -all of which have simply been followed in the process so far, to their overly obvious and inevitable conclusions. So far on all those fronts, we’re batting 100% and you birthers are at ZERO.

    So hey, you can continue to make yourself sound foolish and immature as much as you want. I guess you get off on always being wrong and being nothing but the butt of jokes, but that’s your choice.

  167. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: I’ve debunked everything you all said over there on Fogbow. That’s why you are hiding your site. Why else would you hide it? I guess you learned from Obama that if something is EMBARRASSING, you should HIDE IT! lolol

    It’s not hidden for members in good standing. You were banned for telling a moderator to eff off and for spamming. You debunked nothing. You posted every tired old birther myth and the usual Mario/Orly/Berg weak explanations of them and when you couldn’t effectively argue for them, you started spamming. You ignored the legal explanations given you. Even now you show willful, shameful, juvenile stubbornness by continuing to use the word “embarrass” as though it meant “cause to feel self-conscious distress” rather than the legal meaning as explained to you repeatedly “to impair the proper function of”. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t such a nasty piece of work. It’s not like you’re helping the cause of birthism by puking all over the place here like you did at Fogbow.

  168. Majority Will says:

    ellid: Wasn’t this individual the same McDonald’s fry cook who posted as “Obamacornlies” at the Independent?

    It’s inane bigotry, incessant whining and pointless drivel reads like the same brain damaged birfer troll.

  169. Jody says:

    i wonder if the birthers noticed that bilbray’s office is across the street from earl warren jr high and put the pieces together. earl warren= warren commission/report= cover up = kennedy assassination. obviously kennedy was killed because he knew obama wasn’t a natural born citizen and brian bilbray is in on it !

    Oh, My, God! I went to Earl Warren Jr. High School in Solana Beach, CA. I must be part of the conspiracy!!!

  170. Rickey: I’m still waiting for you to identify one history book, law book or civics book which states that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents.


    It actually says it TWICE in Senate Relolution 511, which was ironically SIGNED by Obama…lolol too funny, ain’t it? Even Obama KNOWS he isn’t eligible and you people STILL won’t believe it!


    Resolution 511 says:
    “Whereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to prevent those children from serving as their country’s President;”



    Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”


    Could it be any clearer? NOPE, you LOSE!

  171. BatGuano says:

    Jody: Oh, My, God! I went to Earl Warren Jr. High School in Solana Beach….

    same here. the conspiracy grows.

  172. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ————————————–It actually says it TWICE in Senate Relolution 511, which was ironically SIGNED by Obama…lolol too funny, ain’t it? Even Obama KNOWS he isn’t eligible and you people STILL won’t believe it!http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=sr110-511Resolution 511 says:“Whereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to prevent those children from serving as their country’s President;”NOTICE IT SAYS AMERICANS with an S!“ANDWhereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be itResolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”NOTICE TOO THAT IT SAYS “BORN TO AMERICAN CITIZENS”Could it be any clearer? NOPE, you LOSE!

    SR 511 applies to one person in the world, John Sydney McCain. The resolution was written because McCain was born in Panama. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. You admitted yourself at FogBow he was born in Hawaii.

  173. Jody says:

    same here. the conspiracy grows.

    When were you there? I left in ’75. I think that was before the Obama Conspiracy was widely known, but suspiciously, I was born only a few months before the President.

  174. Patrick McKinnion: Tracy – What’s funny is your claim that you’ve been banned at various birther-debunking sites.You made *one* post on my blog. I told you that you were welcome to post, provided you follow my no-spam and no-personal information posted guidelines.The fact you never replied or commented further tends to lead me to believe you’re a one-trick pony, out for attention.Also, you never answered any of my posts at Fogbow regarding the fact that under both Indonesian and US laws, Barack Obama would have been completely unable to be granted Indonesian citizenship even if Lolo Soetoro adopted him. Nor have you answered the fact that the Indonesian school record you trumpet as “proof” of Indonesian citizenship also lists Obama’s birthplace as “Honolulu, Hawaii”.I’m still waiting for your answers.


    Actually, all that is MOOT. Before that, Obama was never a Natural Born Citizen, so none of that Indonesia stuff matters. You need to be BORN a Natural Born Citizen, you can’t just “become” one, any time you FEEL LIKE IT! lolol, as IF!

  175. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: …children born to Americans…

    it also says “children” and not “child”. is a person in mccain’s position only a NBC if he has siblings or do we need to lump a few kids together to create a single NBC ?

  176. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ————————————-Actually, all that is MOOT. Before that, Obama was never a Natural Born Citizen, so none of that Indonesia stuff matters. You need to be BORN a Natural Born Citizen, you can’t just “become” one, any time you FEEL LIKE IT! lolol, as IF!

    Considering he was born one your point is moot. Minor v happersett stated citizens can only be created two ways they are Natural Born or Naturalized. One who is born a citizen cannot be naturalized therefore they already are natural born. It’s not that hard to understand.

  177. kimba says:

    BatGuano: it also says “children” and not “child”. is a person in mccain’s position only a NBC if he has siblings or do we need to lump a few kids together to create a single NBC ?

    Tracy doesn’t understand noun agreement in normal English sentence construction:

    “Children of members may use the pool between 3 and 5” Does this mean both parents must be members? No. Noun agreement is normal English sentence construction.

    “Children of employees are admitted to the picnic free” Does this mean both parents must be employees? of course not. Noun agreement. Normal English sentence construction.

  178. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-national/updates-to-fobgow-politijab-scandal-identities-and-breach-of-tos

    Hmm nowhere in that article does the person identify which criminal statute Fogbow violated. Once again Birthers show they are short on substance long on empty thoughts.

  179. BatGuano says:

    Jody: When were you there? I left in ’75.

    ’81. right at the peak of the travel ban to pakistan.

  180. G says:

    ————————————–It actually says it TWICE in Senate Relolution 511, which was ironically SIGNED by Obama…lolol too funny, ain’t it? Even Obama KNOWS he isn’t eligible and you people STILL won’t believe it!http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=sr110-511Resolution 511 says:
    “Whereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be itResolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, prevent those children from serving as their country’s President;”NOTICE IT SAYS AMERICANS with an S!“ANDWhereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”NOTICE TOO THAT IT SAYS “BORN TO AMERICAN CITIZENS”Could it be any clearer? NOPE, you LOSE!

    Wow. All you’ve done is show how poorly you grasp how the English language works and provided nothing that is evidence of what you claim as “proof”.

    Look at your first example:

    “hereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to prevent those children from serving as their country’s President”

    Of course it says Americans plural! What, you think there is ONLY ONE American in this country?

    The plural is appropriately used because there are over 300 Million Americans and Constitutional rights apply to ALL Americans not just “one”.


    The sentence in no way whatsoever implies or states what you imagine it to, that somehow citizens are ONLY those born of two citizen parents.

    Sorry, you FAIL. Learn to read and understand basic grammar.

    And your second example doesn’t make your point either:

    “Whereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be itResolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, prevent those children from serving as their country’s President;.”

    Here we have a statute addressing a resolution about a specific individual and his situation.

    BOTH of John McCain’s parents were American citizens. The statement above simply acknowledges that fact in his circumstances.

    NOWHERE does it imply that one *must* have 2 citizen parents as a requirement for citizenship, merely that he does.

    Very simple really. Try to follow the bouncing ball if you can. It really is not that hard.

    If either being a child of AN American citizen OR being born on American soil makes you NBC in America, then of course having BOTH parents as American citizens will make you NBC. As would being born in America.

    You don’t get “bonus citizenship points” if you meet more than one qualifying condition of the minimum threshold criteria for NBC.

  181. Greg: We’ve been laughing in your face this whole time. In part because Ankeny did decide the issue on the merits. It found there were no merits. But, you ignore that one, pretending it wasn’t a real case, or whatever. You’re right that people with a mind know what an NBC is, that’s why it has been described as anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship, since the beginning of the nation. That’s why in Lynch v. Clarke the judge said that it was universally understood that NBC was anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship. That’s why it was such a complete and utter shocker that the Supreme Court undercut that notion in Dred Scott – universally understood to be the worst Supreme Court decision in the history of the nation. Certainly the only Supreme Court case that has lead to civil war. The fact that everyone with a mind knew that NBC meant anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship, is why everyone involved in Wong Kim Ark knew that if the Supreme Court decided for Wong he’d be eligible for the Presidency. That’s why we can count on one hand the number of actual lawyers who have disputed the common understanding of NBC before the election of Obama. (Morse, Breckenridge Long, anyone else?)That’s why no one challenged Spiro Agnew’s vice-presidency, despite the fact that his father was listed on the census as an alien and despite the fact that Greece makes everyone born to Greeks, even if they are naturalized in another country, a Greek citizen. So, the question is clearly, KBOA, why are you drinking the Kool-Aid? Man, you can’t even get the birther lies right! It’s Thomas that was asked when the Supreme Court was going to address the issue of whether Puerto Ricans were eligible for the Presidency, and he’s the one who told the joke that the Supreme Court was evading the issue! (Of Puerto Rican eligibility, not birthright citizenship!)


    Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing. If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!.

    Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark, so it’s obvious the judge MADE IT UP out of what they read in WKA, because WKA does not state at all, what Ankeny came up with!

  182. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): I’ll see how long before you block my comments

    Go for it! I don’t block as you will see!

  183. Scientist says:

    Shakespeare wrote a play about KBOA-“Much Ado About Nothing”

  184. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1.
    Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark, so it’s obvious the judge MADE IT UP out of what they read in WKA, because WKA does not state at all, what Ankeny came up with!

    Exactly. If you and yours want to define natural born citizen as two citizen parents, you need to get to work to amend the Constitution.

    The decision in Ankeny accurately reflects the Wong decision, your sources read the decision wrong. I say “your sources” because I don’t believe you’ve ever read the Wong decision. I believe everything you write is direct parroting of what you’ve read at Mario’s and Orly’s without ever checking it yourself.

  185. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): There were several threads you posted in off topic one being the lakin thread. You seem to miss all the other times you were reminded of the rules. But seriously if you didn’t care about Fogbow so much why have you come here to whine about it? You’re putting so much effort into whining on an unrelated site.


    It was my first time on that forum and I got NO warnings thank you very much. If they had a problem with me posting Lakin Comments on a Lakin thread and wanted me gone because of THAT, they would not have given me my own thread afterwards. Then after they gave me my own thread, I posted NO WHERE ELSE on that board BUT MY thread, so I couldn’t have been OFF TOPIC on MY OWN thread.

    It has nothing at all to do with CARING about Fogblow, I am HERE to show how they censor people over facts. I am here to let people know that they BAN people that don’t have the same view and that all they do over there is bash people. That’s why I am here, besides, it’s none of your business why I am here, I have every right!

  186. Black Lion says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ———————————————Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing. If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!. Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark, so it’s obvious the judge MADE IT UP out of what they read in WKA, because WKA does not state at all, what Ankeny came up with!

    Again Tracy you make a false claim. Article 2 Section 1 DOES NOT SAY anything about parents. So no matter how many time you want to wish and hope it says what you think, it does not. No where is the term Natural Born Citizen defined in the Constitution. Wishing it was doesn’t make it so. You undercut your argument and look silly by continuing to make that ridiculous claim. So again we ask, where does it say in the Constitution that an NBC must have 2 citizen parents. Better yet where in any court ruling after Wong in 1898 does it say that an NBC CAN ONLY have 2 citizen parents….Come on, you want to argue facts, lets do that. Show us. So far you citing the ridiculous non binding resolution of SR 511 makes you look silly….Unless you want to make the claim that a NBC can only be born in Panama in 1936 as well as have 2 citizen parents….

  187. Daniel says:

    ———————————————Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing. If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!.

    Well first the Birthers would have to amend the Constitution to say that an NBC has to have two Citizen parentls…. or did you miss the part about the Constitution not saying that?

    And what’s the crap about TWO citizen parents? Didn’t you read de Vattel’s work? Only the father matters…. Or do you want to change what de Vattel wrote before you pretend what he wrote somehow trumps US law?

  188. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ————————————————-It was my first time on that forum and I got NO warnings thank you very much.

    That is untrue. You were warned several times to stay on topic. You then violated the forum rules which do not require a warning. You were notified of the rules when you signed up. Don’t break the rules if you can’t take the consequence. I have managed many people who are warned and counseled and documented until finally you have no choice but to fire them and they claim they were never warned. I tell them the same thing I’ll tell you here: instead of wasting time whining you weren’t warned, you should reflect on why you chose not to heed the warnings.

  189. Jody says:

    ’81. right at the peak of the travel ban to pakistan.

    Was Miss Meyerhoff still there, teaching English? Rumor had it that she was an heir to the Wrigley fortune. And the Wrigley’s are from Chicago. How’s that for bringing the conspiracy back on itself?

  190. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing.

    Actually, states are in charge of who gets on their ballots. And, since Federal courts operate under the Constitutional requirement that they only hear cases and controversies, while state courts can offer advisory opinions, you will only get anything close to the merits in a state court.

    There’s a reason you are 0-75, KBOA, and it’s not because we’re afraid of you. It’s because you are wasting the court’s time!

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!.

    He’s president. Until YOU convince anyone other than your fevered imaginations of the correctness of your opinion, he’s eligible.

    Here’s a clue, KBOA, if you birthers stopped bringing lawsuits, or if you continue your unchallenged losing streak, Obama will remain President.

    Status quo = NBC is anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship.

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark

    But, it didn’t. At Fogbow, you took issue with this part of the decision:

    The Court in Wong Kim Ark also cited authority which notes that:

    All persons born in the allegiance of the king are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens. Birth and allegiance go together. Such is the rule of the common law, and it is the common law of this country, as well as of England. We find no warrant for the opinion that this great principle of the common law has ever been changed in the United States. It has always obtained here with the same vigor, and subject only to the same exceptions, since as before the Revolution.

    I pointed out there that when a court quotes something from another case, it gives you what is called a pin-cite so you can find the exact page from the case it came from. Here’s the pin-cite for this:

    Id. at 662-663, 18 S. Ct. at 462

    Anyone can open up Wong Kim Ark, hit Ctrl-F and look for page 663 and see if that quote is there.

    Guess what, it’s there.

    In United States v. Rhodes (1866), Mr. Justice Swayne, sitting in the Circuit Court, said:

    All persons born in the allegiance of the King are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens. Birth and allegiance go together. Such is the rule of the common law, and it is the common law of this country, as well as of England. . . . We find no warrant for the opinion [p663] that this great principle of the common law has ever been changed in the United States. It has always obtained here with the same vigor, and subject only to the same exceptions, since as before the Revolution.

    It’s not our fault you cannot read, KBOA. This is just further evidence that you are a complete incompetent when it comes to the simplest legal tasks. Hell, you cannot even READ the English language at a level that you can recognize when something is said by a court!

  191. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing. If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!.

    Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark, so it’s obvious the judge MADE IT UP out of what they read in WKA, because WKA does not state at all, what Ankeny came up with!

    FAIL twice!

    First off, follow your own words & learn to read. Trying picking up the Constitution sometime and actually reading it.

    NOWHERE does it say TWO citizen parents anywhere in the Constitution.

    You are only correct in your statements that NBC is a Federal Issue to define and that any change in how it is implemented would require an Amendment to the Constitution.

    THEREFORE, the only way your “two citizen parents” nonsense could ever be applied would be by passing a Constitutional Amendment making that a requirement.

    …and good luck with that.

    Your second FAIL is the Ankeny case description and claiming no relation to WKA. Obviously you just spout off the top of your head and have never read either of those decisions.

    Learn to read for once. The Ankeny case used WKA as a SUPPORTING reference for its decision in defining NBC.

    And hint: It ruled against your 2 parent theory.

    Try getting your information from reading the actual cases instead of just reading made up bunk off of birther websites. You might look less foolish in the future. …And you wonder why people mock & ridicule you.

  192. Majority Will says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: That’s why I am here, besides, it’s none of your business why I am here, I have every right!

    Every right? No, you don’t. This is a privately run forum with rules of conduct.

    Where do you think you are exactly? (This should be good.)

    More information:

    All you’ve done here so far is ignore valid questions, make ridiculous threats and baseless assertions and crap on the carpet like an untrained mutt.

  193. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents.

    you just fought your own argument. there is no stipulation in the constitution that a NBC is defined by two citizen parents.

  194. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: NOTICE IT SAYS AMERICANS with an S!

    There’s a test that you have to take to get into law school, called the LSAT. On it, one of the big things they test is called conditional reasoning.

    You have to know why this:

    If you study, you will get an A.

    Does not let you say this:

    You got an A, therefore, we know you studied!

    It’s obvious that you are unclear on this concept.

    What’s funny is that your stupid reading of the Senate Resolution isn’t even consistent with itself.

    If the Resolution intended to describe the ONLY way you could be a natural born citizen, then ONLY those born on MILITARY bases could be eligible.

    Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”

    I’m curious. Do you need help to get your shoes tied in the morning?

  195. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    In case no one has posted it yet. Verification of what all of us already knew

    No. 10-678
    Gregory S. Hollister, Petitioner
    Barry Soetoro, et al.
    Docketed: November 23, 2010
    Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
    Case Nos.: (09-5080)
    Decision Date: March 22, 2010
    Rehearing Denied: August 23, 2010

    ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Nov 22 2010 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due December 23, 2010)
    Nov 22 2010 Appendix of Gregory S. Hollister filed. (Volumes I, II, III)
    Dec 22 2010 Waiver of right of respondents Barry Soetoro, et al. to respond filed.
    Dec 29 2010 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 14, 2011.
    Dec 30 2010 Request for recusal received from petitioner.
    Jan 18 2011 Petition DENIED.


  196. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: It has nothing at all to do with CARING about Fogblow,

    Sure it doesn’t. …that is why just about all of your posts here have been whining and crying about how they treated you over there and completely irrelevant to any actual blog topic here.

    Newsflash: We don’t care. You obviously do.

    I am HERE to show how they censor people over facts. I am here to let people know that they BAN people that don’t have the same view and that all they do over there is bash people.

    1. We don’t care.
    2. You have yet to make any argument remotely convincing that supports your position.
    3. We bash people who come across as foolish and immature spouting off statements that they can’t back up and support too. From what I’ve seen of your posts here to date, you most likely earned any mocking and enmity directed your way.
    4. So no sympathies and grow up.

    That’s why I am here,

    …*Facepalm*. In other words a complete contradiction of the denial you made in your very first sentence above!

    You just said it had nothing to do with caring about Fogbow…yet spend the next few sentences leading up to this whining about Fogbow.

    Waaaaah! Get over it. Sheesh, you have serious issues!

    And reminder. We don’t care. Go find someone who does to cry your tears to.

    besides, it’s none of your business why I am here, I have every right!

    Ah…defiance. The typical defensive reaction of someone caught in the web of their in their own contradictions!

    …yeah, and we have every right to respond and mock you for coming across the way you do.

    Just as we have every right to demand evidence for the unsupported nonsense you spout.

    Just as we have every right to call you out when you make stuff up or just regurgitate typical birther l.i.e.s.

    Aren’t rights great? They work both ways. So reap what you sow…

  197. US Citizen says:

    I find it amusing (pronounced “pathetic”) that birthers attempt to sway the supreme court, get ignored and then call them corrupt.
    The fact is, members of the SC are mostly conservatives and even they disregard the birthers.

    And a big win for repubs during Nov 2010?
    Not really.
    It’s common to have a midterm switch, but then they usually capture the senate too.
    This time they didn’t.
    They made some changes in the house, that’s all.
    Even Bohner said Obama was born in Hawaii.
    But what could possibly be accomplished if the house has a few more GOP’ers and there’s no change to the senate or presidency? None.
    There are no pending birther bills anywhere in the house or senate.
    It’s a non-issue to them, the house speaker, all courts from district to state to feds to supreme.
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day and birthers can’t even match that success rate.

    Regardless, KBOA, please tell me MY real name.
    Tell us of your evidence.
    Tell us how a petition will change anything.
    Tell us who is the target audience for your YouTube videos that can make any changes at all.
    On all these points, you come up drier than a Q-tip in the Sahara.

    Really… we here and at Fogbow LOVE a good argument.
    That’s why many of them are lawyers.
    But you have to come to the table with something that has merit.
    Something that has backing from history, case law and other sources.
    Truly.. you have nothing but lies, guesses and hatred.
    Nothing even remotely actionable legally.

    Even your latest petition has gained one signature in 24 hours and that particular signature is a faux one, generated by one of us.
    At this rate, you won’t anywhere, even if a petition could do what you believe it can.

    So how do you plan on removing a sitting president when none of the house, senate, supreme court and military justice courts will even entertain your garbage-based claims?

    I think you guys would get the most attention ever if you decided on employing a new twist: every day, a new birther should commit suicide.
    You could claim that all your dead are because of Obama and YES, people will pay some attention to your bodies hitting the floor.
    Do you not have enough balls to employ martyrdom?
    Even Lakin had the courage to put his words against his beliefs.
    But you? You’re just a big bag of nothing. You risk nothing and for your efforts, gain nothing.

    You are our amusement. A clown.
    Plain and simply, you’re politically (and perhaps physically) impotent.
    You just can’t get anything “up” to make any changes at all.
    Powerless, whining and completely invisible to all real politicians, whether Dems or Repubs.
    If Orly is the queen of birthers, you are their court jester.
    Thanks for the laughs.

    In the meanwhile, I hope you awake every morning to this truth:
    There’s a millionaire black man in the whitehouse sleeping in silk sheets, eating the finest food, protected by America’s best, driven in bulletproof limos and with a fantastic personal jet at his whim.
    Billions of people know his name and respect him.
    But you? You’re a complete failure.
    The irony? You could have been in his place, but whining doesn’t count in politics.
    Mark MY words. You are completely impotent and can’t even fake otherwise.

    Oh one more thing: Keep those petitions coming.
    It’s great to see that avalanche of signatures pouring in every hour.

  198. Kate520 says:


    It’s ok Rickey, she has no reading comprehension.

    Tracy, he asked you for the criminal statute, not the bleatings of a confused conservative. Where is the statute anthony FIGJAM* Martin is accusing FogBow under

    Lolololol oh right there isnt one!
    *. Look it up in the Urban Dictinary

  199. Bovril says:

    hahaha too funny! Ok, let’s see…first of all, I have NEVER been to Dr. Kates site. Secondly, I have NO account with ANY of my email addresses registered with ANYTHING to do with Dr. Kate, except for direct email back and forth AND, since you deliquents have my email address I used to SIGN up with at Fogbow, you better HOPE that Dr. Kate does NOT have any registrants using my email address, because if someone DID, you will be in for a BIG surprise! I talk to Dr. Kate regularly and I will check to see if she does and you all BETTER pray I don;t find out that someone did. Wow, you people are hanging yourselves.I do however KNOW who Papoose is and it is not me, nor are any of those other ID’s.Thanks again, nice try, but WRONG again!

    Tut tut Tracey

    So many lies in so few sentences

    You WERE at Dr Hates site as you were the one who whined about how the nasty Obot were picking at your lack of satorial elegance at Fogbow.

    Lie 1, Quote

    January 10, 2011 at 11:53 pm
    I was there.

    and I my slacks were NOT leggings, stuptard mari.

    Lie 2

    You then, being the idiot you are, forgot to change your registered email address with Gravatar which is linked to the unique gravatar image.

    Your address and gravatar link


    You then, still being, lets be charitable, technically challenged posted under the rest of the silly sock puppet names you post under using the SAME gravatar link

    So we have the multiple names with a single ACTUAL identity

    Lie 3

    Since to use said gravatar you needed to have posted under a single, unique, recorded email address on Dr Hates website. Also another little fact, you’r a recorded and regular poster where Dr Hate (who moderates ALL posts) both knows you use sock puppets AND implictly condones it. Lies from both of you…….so sad.


    You lie, you can’t do it effectively, you get caught, you lie about getting caught and desperately and pathetically try and scare people with Dr Hate.

    Yep, a classic FAIL Birfoon.

  200. Black Lion says:

    From the inane rantings over at the cesspool known as Citizen Wells…

    “Purpura et al. v. Sebelius et al, Standing v US Constitution, First amendment rights, Legalese cited to perpetuate legalese

    “Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”…First Amendment US Constitution

    From Birther Report January 17, 2011.

    “Government files their motion to dismiss in Purpura et al. v. Sebelius et al.. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey by Nicholas Purpura and Donald Laster of the Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots and the New Jersey Tea Party Coalition. Other plaintiffs in the lawsuit include the Colts Neck Tea Party, Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots, Jackson Tea Party Patriots, Bayshore Tea Party Group and Ocean County Citizens for Freedom. The lawsuit alleges the healthcare bill is unconstitutional on 15 separate counts including Obama’s ineligibility. Full brief embedded below. More background on the case can be found here. The lead plaintiffs discuss their lawsuit here, the video is also embedded at bottom of this post.

    The government argues the plaintiffs lack standing and the court does not have jurisdiction…”

    Read more:


    Notice from the Table of Authorities:

    “Kerchner v. Obama,
    612 F.3d 204 (3d Cir. 2010)”
    “Lightfoot v. United States,
    564 F.3d 625 (3d Cir. 2009)”

    They are attempting to use legalese, “standing”, applied in earlier cases to substantiate further legalese and thus attempt to trump the First Amendment and effectively block attempts to redress government for grievances by petition


    And in the asylum…

    Free Speech | January 18, 2011 at 9:52 am |
    It was easily foreseeable that this would happen after these unsuccessfully litigated cases. I advised Mario and Orly 2 years ago that they needed to file motions for Original Jurisdiction before SCOTUS and I drafted a Original Jurisdiction Motion for Orly, but she went off on a Quo Warranto tangent to try and force Holder to prosecute her case against BO and never filed the Original Jurisdiction Motion. So plaintiffs against BO are now facing two bad precedents by lower courts.

    I hope other eligibility lawyers learn from these mistakes and file for Original Jurisdiction before SCOTUS. Of course, SCOTUS can not hear all these cases brought before it, but it only takes one to legally remove BO.

    Carlyle | January 18, 2011 at 12:17 pm |
    Someone suggested below that CW and P&E should be widely recommended as great sources of information.

    I write this note to say in the strongest possible terms that I cannot and will not do that. I may send selected bits to selected individuals, but I know that reading this blog in it’s entirety everyday is a net negative for our cause and not a net positive.

    As long as this blog is dominated by unworkable and impractical schemes, as long as this blog sees repeated and repeated cross postings from other thoroughly discredited sites/blogs, and as long as this blog is swarming with biased and unfounded accusations and conclusions – I cannot recommend it to anyone.

    A compelling example of the Prime Irritant right now is many bogus and insane statements made about the recent Arizona Tragedy.

    There are MANY questions. There are many LEGITIMATE questions. But there is insufficient data for conclusions of almost any type. Let’s stick to the questions and cut out the sermonizing and premature accusations.

    Mostly I think this blog – overall – due to a very few but frequent and vocal posters – sounds exactly like the wackos who suffered/suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome. Blaming EVERYTHING, down to the most ridiculous minutiae on GWB. Here we see not BDS, but ODS.

    If this blog could stay focused on questions and rational research it would be great. As long as it wanders off into ODS land, it is not only not great, but proactively offputing.

    Continuing to hope and pray for sanity and civility! Let’s be an example to the enemy, not just mirroring them in reverse.


  201. Judge Mental says:

    If it wasn’t already obvious long before the first couple of birther ‘facts’ this half-wit has eventually posted for examination it must surely now be patently obvious to everyone that you might as well try to discuss quantum mechanics with a plant pot.

  202. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Judge Mental: If it wasn’t already obvious long before the first couple of birther facts’ this half-wit haseventually posted for examination it must surely now be patently obvious to everyone that you might as well try to discuss quantum mechanics with a plant pot.

    It’s even going back to the lame Pakistan travel ban claim that was proven to be false a long time ago. Just more regurgitated troll goo. They think that by repeating lies over and over again, people will eventually believe them regardless of the facts.

  203. obsolete says:

    Does anyone here have any doubts now as to the reason KBAO/Tracy was banned at the Fogbow? Her idiotic blather, blatant lies, and juvenile insults here should leave no doubt.

    She also threatened legal action against the Fogbow on behalf of several birthers. (Either she was lying or the birthers were too scared to come on Fogbow themselves).

    One thing you will notice about her; she will post her in giant spurts, many hours at a time, and then vanish for a time. She admitted to tweaking on Fogbow multiple times- you are now seeing a tweaker in action.

  204. DP says:

    ———————————————Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing. If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!.
    Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark, so it’s obvious the judge MADE IT UP out of what they read in WKA, because WKA does not state at all, what Ankeny came up with!

    So here we have yet another person too stupid to comprehend that the Constitution mentions nothing about two citizen parents. Honestly, how hard is it to grasp the fact that usage of a phrase like “natural born citizen” with multiple potential definitions does not connote the one in your little pea brain when no definition is actually provided?

    That it’s a mater of interpretation?

    That there is a clear historical basis for not requiring two citizen parents?

    But to fools like this, their lizard brain is whispering “me am no like black president.” The pea brain then latches on to whatever it has to.

  205. DP says:

    ———————————————Actually, states decisions have no bearing on Federal Law, so that decision changed nothing. If someone wants to amend the Constitution to change what a NBC is, they need to make an amendment and there was no amendment that I am aware of that changed Article 2 Section 1. So a NBC is still a person born to Two citizen parents. Until they amend the Constitution, Obama is still ineligible!.
    Besides, Ankeny’s decision said something that is NOT mentioned in Wong Kim Ark, so it’s obvious the judge MADE IT UP out of what they read in WKA, because WKA does not state at all, what Ankeny came up with!

    So here we have yet another person too stupid to comprehend that the Constitution mentions nothing about two citizen parents. Honestly, how hard is it to grasp the fact that usage of a phrase like “natural born citizen” with multiple potential definitions does not connote the one in your little pea brain when no definition is actually provided?

    That it’s a matter of interpretation?

    That there is a clear historical basis for not requiring two citizen parents?

    But to fools like this, their lizard brain is whispering “me am no like black president.” The pea brain then latches on to whatever it has to.

  206. BatGuano says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: It’s even going back to the lame Pakistan travel ban claim

    that was me…… it was meant as a joke to tie into 1981.

  207. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    that was me…… it was meant as a joke to tie into 1981.

    Oh, sorry, BG. I thought it was the troll that brought that up.

  208. Rickey says:


    You didn’t answer my question, which doesn’t surprise me. I asked for the name of a history book, law book, or civics book which states that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents. Instead of giving me the name of such a book (which you can’t, because none exists) you mis-interpret a non-binding Senate resolution.

    Apparently you need a grammar lesson. The resolution refers to children born to citizen parents. “Children” is plural, so they are referring to children in the aggregate, not specific children. That’s why it says “children born to American citizens.” It doesn’t say “children born to two American citizens.”

    Also, see G’s excellent take on this at 3:44 p.m.

  209. Rickey says:

    It’s ok Rickey, she has no reading comprehension.Tracy, he asked you for the criminal statute, not the bleatings of a confused conservative

    Thanks. These lunatics apparently believe that you can be tossed in the hoosegow for violating terms of service! Criminal investigation, my ass. They probably recruited someone from Orly’s stable of crack PIs.

  210. Black Lion: I just have a couple of questions. First of all can you point to us where in the Constitution that a NBC is defined in the way you claim?


    It doesn’t give you the definition IN the Constitution because at the time, everyone KNEW what the definition was. They JUST didn’t take into account that you liberals/socialists would come along and try to change the meaning, to get your usurper into the White House.

    But as Justice Gray states in WKA:

    “The Constitution of the United States, as originally adopted, uses the words “citizen of the United States,” and “natural-born citizen of the United States.” By the original Constitution, every representative in Congress is required to have been “seven years a citizen of the United States,” and every Senator to have been “nine years a citizen of the United States.” and “no person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President.”



    Justice Gray also cites In United States v. Rhodes (1866), Mr. Justice Swayne, saying:

    “All persons born in the allegiance of the King are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens. Birth and allegiance go together”

    Obama was born a British Subject through his father who was governed under the British Nationality Act of 1948. Obama’s mother wasn’t old enough to confer citizenship to him, so he was BORN a SOLE British Subject. He may have become a dual citizen eventually in America, but no one has any proof of that. So, we don’t know if Obama is EVEN a citizen, much less a NBC.


    Justice Gray citing Mr. Justice Miller referring to the 14th Amendment “subject to its jurisdiction” clause (16 Wall. 128, 129)

    “The phrase, “subject to its jurisdiction” was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.”



    Justice Gray also cites the slaughterhouse case, quoting Chief Justice Waite saying:

    “Allegiance and protection are, in this connection” (that is, in relation to citizenship), reciprocal obligations. The one is a compensation for the other: allegiance for protection, and protection for allegiance. . . .


    “…it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of [p680] parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class, there have been doubts, but never as to the first…”



    Gray then goes on to say:

    The only adjudication that has been made by this court upon the meaning of the clause, “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” in the leading provision of the Fourteenth Amendment is Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, in which it was decided that an Indian born a member of one of the Indian tribes within the United States, which still existed and was recognized as an Indian tribe by the United States, who had voluntarily separated himself from his tribe and taken up his residence among the white citizens of a State but who did not appear to have been naturalized, or taxed, or in any way recognized or treated as a citizen either by the United States or by the State, was not a citizen of the United States, as a “person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” within the meaning of the clause in question.



    I can actually see now, how Ankeny got their wording wrong and came up with a wrong decision. This one quote, from WKA saying: “Thus, Congress, when dealing with the question of citizenship in that aspect, treated aliens residing in this country as “under the jurisdiction of the United States,”



    In August, 1873, President Grant, in the exercise of the authority expressly conferred upon the President by art. 2, sect. 2, of the Constitution required the opinions of the members of his cabinet upon several questions of allegiance, naturalization and expatriation.

    Gray goes on to quote Mr. FIsher’s opinion, to President Grant AND IT’S A BIGGIE:

    “It is evident from the proviso in the act of 10th February, 1855, viz., “that the rights of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers never resided in the United States,” that the lawmaking power not only had in view this limit to the efficiency of its own municipal enactments in foreign jurisdiction, but that it has conferred only a qualified citizenship upon the children of American fathers born without the jurisdiction of the United States, and has denied to them what pertains to other American citizens — the right of transmitting citizenship to their children — unless they shall have made themselves residents of the United States or, in the language of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, have made themselves “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”



    Fisher goes on to say:
    “Such children are born to a double character: the citizenship of the father is that of the child so far as the laws of the country of which the father is a citizen are concerned, and within the jurisdiction of that country; but the child, from the circumstances of his birth, may acquire rights and owes another fealty besides that which attaches to the father.



    So, after all that, it is proof that Obama is not eligible to be President. If you want to claim Obama a “citizen” under the 14th Amendment, go ahead and do so, but you HAVE to acknowledge NOW from WKA, that a CITIZEN, a NATIVE BORN CITIZEN and a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN are NOT the same. They each have different meanings!


    Secondly can you show us where in the Constitution that it claims that the so called Law of nations was the main source consulted in writing the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

    Actually, the Law of Nations is mention 7 times in WKA, take a look!


    You claim that we are brainwashed but you don’t link to any factual supporting evidence to back up your claims. So we are to take your word for it? Come on, if you want to prove your point or change minds then lets see the proof. Just saying something doesn’t make it so….



    Chew on that for a while!

  211. Kate520 says:

    Thanks. These lunatics apparently believe that you can be tossed in the hoosegow for violating terms of service! Criminal investigation, my ass. They probably recruited someone from Orly’s stable of crack PIs.

    Yeah, these sites are full of “citizen journalists” who often get everything wrong, then compound it by using this wrong information to build their castles in the sky.

  212. ellid: Wasn’t this individual the same McDonald’s fry cook who posted as “Obamacornlies” at the Independent?

    Well well well, I thought I remembered the name Ellid from somewhere! Pfffttt, figures you are hooked up with these slimeballs! You fit in well!

  213. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0169_0649_ZO.htmlTHERE’S YOUR LINK AND THAT’S ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED!Chew on that for a while!

    Obviously, you either didn’t read that, didn’t understand it, or are just going through your usual parroting act of making statements that are fed to you by the birther crowd. Copy and paste the part of that case that proves your point rather than just expecting others to go through the whole thing and make guesses as to what part of it you think proves your point. If you’re saying that case proves your point, show us which part of it does it for you.

  214. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Minor v happersett stated citizens can only be created two ways they are Natural Born or Naturalized.


    Actually, you are WRONG, so that is a LIE!
    Happersett says, and I quote from here: http://supreme.justia.com/us/88/162/case.html
    “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization.”
    NOWHERE in that quote does it mention the word NATURAL!

    Which goes on to prove my point. We already know from WKA that the words Citizen and Natural Born Citizen are legal terms in the Constitution. Knowing that, you can claim Obama is a “Citizen” all you want, but a CITIZEN is NOT a Natural Born Citizen and I have proved that!


  215. kimba: Tracy doesn’t understand noun agreement in normal English sentence construction:“Children of members may use the pool between 3 and 5‘ Does this mean both parents must be members? No. Noun agreement is normal English sentence construction.“Children of employees are admitted to the picnic free” Does this mean both parents must be employees? of course not. Noun agreement. Normal English sentence construction.

    lolol, twist it all you want kimbe, you can’t change Article 2, Section 1 without an amendment. Obama MIGHT be a citizen, we’re not sure yet, but he he is definitely not a NBC, without 2 citizen parents!

  216. Greg says:

    [quote]MY REPLY:

    So, natural born citizens cannot be Senators or Representatives?

  217. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    ————————————————Actually, you are WRONG, so that is a LIE!
    Happersett says, and I quote from here: http://supreme.justia.com/us/88/162/case.html
    “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization.”
    NOWHERE in that quote does it mention the word NATURAL!Which goes on to prove my point. We already know from WKA that the words Citizen and Natural Born Citizen are legal terms in the Constitution. Knowing that, you can claim Obama is a “Citizen” all you want, but a CITIZEN is NOT a Natural Born Citizen and I have proved that!DEBUNKED!

    Wrong again. From the case you posted yourself

    “Minor v. Happersett, 21 Wall. 162; Ex parte Wilson, 114 U.S. 417, 422; Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 624, 625; Smith v. Alabama, 124 U.S. 465. The language of the Constitution, as has been well said, could not be understood without reference to the common law. Kent Com. 336; Bradley, J., in Moore v. United States, 91 U.S. 270, 274. [p655]

    In Minor v. Happersett, Chief Justice Waite, when construing, in behalf of the court, the very provision of the Fourteenth Amendment now in question, said: “The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that.” And he proceeded to resort to the common law as an aid in the construction of this provision. 21 Wall. 167.

    II. The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called “ligealty,” “obedience,” “faith,” or “power” of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King’s allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual — as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem — and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, “

  218. Scientist says:

    I will point out, since KBOA seems unable to read what the Constitution actually says, is that the precise words are “natural born citizen”. Not “natural born citizen of the United States”, nor “natural born American citizen”. Whether the omission was intentional or not, we are stuck with the actual words. What can one conclude from the actual wording, rather than what some might prefer the words to be? Very simply that one can be a natural born citizen of ANYWHERE and be eligible. A natural born French citizen-eligible, a natural born Thai citizen-eligible, regardless, all one must be is born naturally.

    Lest you think I am joking, I can assure you I am not. The words say what they say and mean what they mean.

  219. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    From the same reference

    “By the common law of England, every person born within the dominions of the Crown, no matter whether of English or of foreign parents, and, in the latter case, whether the parents were settled or merely temporarily sojourning, in the country, was an English subject, save only the children of foreign ambassadors (who were excepted because their fathers carried their own nationality with them), or a child born to a foreigner during the hostile occupation of any part of the territories of England. No effect appears to have been given to descent as a source of nationality.”

  220. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:


    “British subject” means any person who owes permanent allegiance to the Crown. “Permanent” allegiance is used to distinguish the allegiance of a British subject from the allegiance of an alien who, because he is within the British dominions, owes “temporary” allegiance to the Crown. “Natural-born British subject” means a British subject who has become a British subject at the moment of his birth.” “Subject to the exceptions hereinafter mentioned, any person who (whatever the nationality of his parents) is born within the British dominions is a natural-born British subject. This rule contains the leading principle of English law on the subject of British nationality.

  221. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization.”
    NOWHERE in that quote does it mention the word NATURAL!

    we are given two options here, citizen at birth or naturalized. there is no third option for citizenship.

    so is it your contention that naturalized citizens are NBC ?

  222. kimba: The decision in Ankeny accurately reflects the Wong decision,


    Try reading WKA and you will see that, Ankeny’s decision that anyone born here is a NBC, is NOT found anywhere, in WKA. They made it up. Ankeny’s opinions are based on the same views as you people, in thinking that a citizen is the same as a nbc and that is clearly not true! Had they known the difference, their decision would have said being born here made you a “citizen”, not a nbc. And besides that was a state decision and has no bearing on Federal law!

  223. Black Lion: Again Tracy you make a false claim. Article 2 Section 1 DOES NOT SAY anything about parents. So no matter how many time you want to wish and hope it says what you think, it does not.


    No, but it does say NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, which Obama is not. Obama is a citizen at best, but maybe not even that, according to WKA. Oh no, I think Obama is an undocumented worker, since we can’t say illegal alien anymore…lolol

  224. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    As you have already been shown, the decision in the Wong Kim Ark case was predicated on the fact that “natural born citizen” was not defined in the Constitution and that to determine who is and who is not a natural born citizen, one must refer to English common law, which states that anyone born under the jurisdiction of the King is a natural born subject, regardless of where the person’s parents were born. On that basis, the court declared Wong Kim Ark a US citizen.

  225. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Obama’s mother wasn’t old enough to confer citizenship to him

    that law only applied to mothers under 18 ( obama’s mother wasn’t ), born outside the US ( obama wasn’t ) and married to a foreign national ( it’s arguable whether obama’s parents marriage was legit ). births inside the US have no such age qualification ( they don’t need to. born in the US…… NBC. unless born to foreign diplomat or invading army) )

  226. Scientist says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: NATURAL BORN CITIZEN

    But it doesn’t say NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. You can pretend it does, but it doesn’t. Whereas, in the qualifications for Senate and House it says “Citizen of the United States” not just “citizen”. The plain words of the Constitution only says you must be a citizen of somewhere and must have been born naturally. If you say otherwise, you are an illiterate lliar.

  227. Greg says:

    Wong is a citizen because he’s a natural born citizen. That’s the clear reasoning of WKA. Dozens of people have tried to argue that there is some special type of citizen – natural born, sovereign, 14th amendment, preamble.

    They have lost, and lost and lost.

    The ADL lists dozens of such cases in their “Idiot Legal Argument” page. It looksmlike you’re itching to join the list.

  228. BatGuano says:


    you do realize that congressmen and senators can be naturalized citizens, correct ?

  229. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Greg: Wong is a citizen because he’s a natural born citizen.That’s the clear reasoning of WKA. Dozens of people have tried to argue that there is some special type of citizen – natural born, sovereign, 14th amendment, preamble.
    They have lost, and lost and lost.The ADL lists dozens of such cases in their “Idiot Legal Argument” page. It looksmlike you’re itching to join the list.

    And I’m sure that no members of Congress, Republicans included, who want their name on that list. There’s a very good reason why no one in Congress, Republicans included, are not making this argument – It’s an “Idiot Legal Argument.”

  230. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ——————————-Try reading WKA and you will see that, Ankeny’s decision that anyone born here is a NBC, is NOT found anywhere, in WKA. They made it up. Ankeny’s opinions are based on the same views as you people, in thinking that a citizen is the same as a nbc and that is clearly not true! Had they known the difference, their decision would have said being born here made you a “citizen”, not a nbc. And besides that was a state decision and has no bearing on Federal law!

    I have read it. You are wrong. It is beyond laughable that you, who have demonstrated you cannot read and comprehend basic English, think you know better than Supreme Court judges how to interpret and cite a court decision. Haven’t you wondered why the plaintiffs didn’t appeal the decision? Of course because they were afraid the USSC would uphold the decision and it would be the law of the land. Chickens.

  231. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Greg: Wong is a citizen because he’s a natural born citizen.That’s the clear reasoning of WKA. Dozens of people have tried to argue that there is some special type of citizen – natural born, sovereign, 14th amendment, preamble.
    They have lost, and lost and lost.The ADL lists dozens of such cases in their “Idiot Legal Argument” page. It looksmlike you’re itching to join the list.

    And I’m sure that no members of Congress, Republicans included, want their name on that list. There’s a very good reason why no one in Congress, Republicans included, are not making this argument – It’s an “Idiot Legal Argument.”

  232. Greg says:

    Try reading WKA and you will see that, Ankeny’s decision that anyone born here is a NBC, is NOT found anywhere, in WKA. They made it up.

    Actually, you can find WKA saying exactly that on page 663. Did you notice the case quoted half a dozen cases saying exactly that? Why do you think they quoted all these cases and never said they were wrong?

  233. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    wah wah wah

    Wow talk about a bunch of stupid. First off Obama’s age doesn’t matter as Obama was born inside the United States so there wouldn’t be a need to confer citizenship as he was born on US Soil. Your claim that he may not even be an American Citizen just makes you sound even more stupid. You’re going further than any birther now. Are you claiming the president is an illegal alien?

  234. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: lolol, twist it all you want kimbe, you can’t change Article 2, Section 1 without an amendment. Obama MIGHT be a citizen, we’re not sure yet, but he he is definitely not a NBC, without 2 citizen parents!

    Nonsense. There are two types of citizens: natural born and naturalized. There is no third type. People who are born here are born citizens, natural born citizens, citizens at birth. All three phrases mean the same thing. Anyone born here, regardless of the status of his/her parents is a natural born citizen. You know it too because you tried the ” Obama Sr’s student visa put him under the jurisdiction of the British embassy” nonsense over at FogBow. If you were confident it is an absolute fact he needed 2 citizen parents, you wouldn’t have felt the need to try to argue he was the child of a diplomat. You undercut your own argument.

  235. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Minor v happersett stated citizens can only be created two ways they are Natural Born or Naturalized.


    Actually, you are WRONG, so that is a LIE!
    Happersett says, and I quote from here: http://supreme.justia.com/us/88/162/case.html
    “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization.”
    NOWHERE in that quote does it mention the word NATURAL!

    Wow. You continue to make yourself look brain dead.

    Your Happersett quote says the same basic thing that “Bob Ross” pointed out to you.

    Yet you focus on the word “natural” as if its omission in the definition of saying either you are BORN OR NATURALIZED is somehow meaningful.

    Let me ask you this, how is someone “born” (in the sense that anyone at that time of writing would have meant it) by any means other than “natural”. So don’t go all off on examples of artificial insemination, etc. which wouldn’t apply.

    HINT: “natural born” and “born” are being used to say the EXACT SAME THING in this situation. It is merely a situation where the descriptor is really redundant as opposed to qualifying.

    Give me a single example of being “born” that would be other than natural…without going into fiction.

    Gosh, you are dense!

  236. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: is so stupid she doesn’t even realize that WKA is counter to her nutbag ideas, and not for it.

    So sad, so very sad

  237. Daniel: And what’s the crap about TWO citizen parents? Didn’t you read de Vattel’s work? Only the father matters…. Or do you want to change what de Vattel wrote before you pretend what he wrote somehow trumps US law?

    It’s got nothing to do with what type of law you go by. A definition of a word, is a definition of a word. Definitions do not change. The Founding Father’s were well aware of what a NBC was, which is why they changed Article 2, Section 1 from “Citizen” to “NBC” after several letters back and forth PROVED that they were worried about the ALLEGIANCE part, which Obama was born without and can NEVER obtain, no matter how much money he has!

    Although it is not in the Constitution itself, it IS in the Constitutional drafts, as shown below:


    June 18th, 1787 – Alexander Hamilton suggests that the requirement be added, as: “No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a Citizen of one of the States, or hereafter be born a Citizen of the United States.” Works of Alexander Hamilton (page 407). http://books.google.com/books?id=Dm0FAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA407&lpg=PA407&dq=%22hereafter+be+born+a+Citizen+of+the+United+States%22+%2BHamilton&source=bl&ots=s6a4fGDolB&sig=K063NZIEWeaqsInb-bnTgoE6orQ&hl=en&ei=q610SsWEIY7mMdiJnLEM&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2#v=onepage&q&f=false

    July 25, 1787 (~5 weeks later) – John Jay writes a letter to General Washington (president of the Constitutional Convention): “Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.” [the word born is underlined in Jay’s letter which signifies the importance of allegiance from birth.] http://rs6.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/hlaw:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28fr00379%29%29:

    September 2nd, 1787 George Washington pens a letter to John Jay. The last line reads: “I thank you for the hints contained in your letter”

    September 4th, 1787 (~6 weeks after Jay’s letter and just 2 days after Washington wrote back to Jay) – The “Natural Born Citizen” requirement is now found in their drafts. Madison’s notes of the Convention
    The proposal passed unanimously without debate.


  238. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: olol, twist it all you want kimbe, you can’t change Article 2, Section 1 without an amendment. Obama MIGHT be a citizen, we’re not sure yet, but he he is definitely not a NBC, without 2 citizen parents!


    Again, you have no Constitutional language anywhere with a 2 citizen parents requirement.

    Thus, you cannot say “definitely” and claim the absence of that strict requirement would disqualify someone from being an NBC.

    You just make things up without any support or basis in fact. That is called being a l.i.a.r.

    And by your pattern so far, you are obviously pathological.

    You can keep making up l.i.e.s all you want. Sorry, but it doesn’t change reality or law or the fact that every day you wake up, Obama is still President.

    All it does is make you look dishonest, foolish and coming across as not too bright – to put it in the kindest possible terms.

    The only thing you’ve been able to accomplish is making yourself look bad and destroying whatever credibility you had. Boy, what a productive use of your time…

  239. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    ————————————————Actually, you are WRONG, so that is a LIE!
    Happersett says, and I quote from here: http://supreme.justia.com/us/88/162/case.html
    “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization.”
    NOWHERE in that quote does it mention the word NATURAL!Which goes on to prove my point. We already know from WKA that the words Citizen and Natural Born Citizen are legal terms in the Constitution. Knowing that, you can claim Obama is a “Citizen” all you want, but a CITIZEN is NOT a Natural Born Citizen and I have proved that!DEBUNKED!

    There is no third set of citizen. Citizens can only be created two ways. Being born a citizen makes one Natural born. If you bothered to read all of Wong Kim Ark including the appellate briefs and the lower court decision you would see that the high court affirmed the lower court’s decision that stated Wong Kim Ark was Natural Born. You are trying to pretend there is magically another citizenship classification that doesn’t exist. Where in the constitution does it say Natural Born Citizen means 2 citizen parents only? What court decision has said the only way one can be natural born is with 2 citizen parents? Further where does it say the constitution was based off Vattel’s law of nations?

  240. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Daniel: KenyanBornObamAcorn: is so stupid she doesn’t even realize that WKA is counter to her nutbag ideas, and not for it.So sad, so very sad

    That’s because she read on a birfoon website that it supports their position when it really doesn’t. She merely posted it because another birfoon said so rather than reading and understanding it herself.

  241. kimba: construction

    AS I ALREADY SAID, they may have mentioned in comments that I was OFF TOPIC on the lakin thread, but OBVIOUSLY did not have a problem with me BECAUSE they gave me my own thread. If they were in the slightest having a problem with me, would they have given me my own thread. Once on my OWN thread, I could NOT be off topic, so banning me because I was off topic on my own thread, when I was told that I could say what I wanted ON MY OWN THREAD, is not a readon to ban me. You know it’s because you all cried about me being there. Someone was even saying in comments that I was foggy’s girlfriend because he was being so nice, remember that? LOLOL Anyways, it was the gang call out to the mod that got me removed or else you would have all left.

    wah wah wah!

  242. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Although it is not in the Constitution itself, it IS in the Constitutional drafts, as shown below:

    Thank you! You finally admit it! It’s not in the Constitution. The various states ratified what was in the Constitution presented to them, not what was in the drafts or the drafters’ letters. You keep undercutting yourself because up to now you’ve insisted the Constitution is clear. Now you say you have to consult the drafts. Backpedaling again, just like at Fogbow.

  243. Scientist says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: “No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a Citizen of one of the States, or hereafter be born a Citizen of the United States.”

    Now this is properly worded and clear. “born a citizen of the United States”, which Barack Obama was. So now that this is setttled, folks, let’s move on.

    Jets or Steelers?

  244. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: It’s got nothing to do with what type of law you go by. A definition of a word, is a definition of a word. Definitions do not change.

    My goodness, you;re right! Definitions don’t change! EVER!

    It’s like the word fag. Everyone knows is a derogatory term for a homosexual man.

    Those people who wrongly cl;aim that it has ever meant a cigarette, or a bundle of sticks, are simply wrong, Wrong, WRONG!!!!!!

    And everyone knows that obscure swiss philosophers are the only authority to define English words, not even US law can supercede the awesome popwer of the DEAD SWISS DUDE!

    /sarcasm off

    How pathetic.

  245. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: AS I ALREADY SAID, they may have mentioned in comments that I was OFF TOPIC on the lakin thread, but OBVIOUSLY did not have a problem with me BECAUSE they gave me my own thread. If they were in the slightest having a problem with me, would they have given me my own thread. Once on my OWN thread, I could NOT be off topic, so banning me because I was off topic on my own thread, when I was told that I could say what I wanted ON MY OWN THREAD,

    Foggy gave you a thread to contain you. You did not have license to post whatever you wanted because it was YOUR private thread. Your reasoning is on par with that of a 5 year old. You’ve made it clear. You’re pissed you got baned. You don’t understand why you got baned. You called a moderator a s k a n k. You told a moderator to eff off. ‘Nuff said. Grow up and take the consequences of your inability to control yourself.

  246. Greg: Actually, states are in charge of who gets on their ballots.

    YIPPEE, so he will be legal in ONLY Indiana. lolol I think that’s where Ankeny was, but I could be wrong
    You KNOW after all this crap, that most other states will pass the law that you must show proof of a NBC, many have already started passing these laws…and Obama will not make it in those states!

  247. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    ——————————————No, but it does say NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, which Obama is not. Obama is a citizen at best, but maybe not even that, according to WKA. Oh no, I think Obama is an undocumented worker, since we can’t say illegal alien anymore…lolol

    You’re suggesting there is a third type of citizen mentioned nowhere that is neither natural born or naturalized

  248. Greg says:


    Here’s how the real world reads the difference between “citizen” and “natural born citizen:”

    Citizen = natural born citizen OR naturalized citizen

    Natural born citizen = NOT naturalized citizen

    Citizen has to mean both, or else you’re saying natural born citizens cannot be Senators or Representatives.

    Of course, this explains perfectly the need to change from citizen (including both types) to NBC which didn’t include naturalized citizens.

    In the real world the explanation is that the Founders wanted to exclude naturalized citizens. That also explains why they would use a phrase “natural born” which had, since 1350, meant anyone born in the country regardless of parental citizenship. If they wanted a NEW definition of the term, they probaly would have mentioned it.

  249. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Now this is properly worded and clear.“born a citizen of the United States”, which Barack Obama was.So now that this is setttled, folks, let’s move on.Jets or Steelers?


  250. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: YIPPEE, so he will be legal in ONLY Indiana. lolol I think that’s where Ankeny was, but I could be wrongYou KNOW after all this crap, that most other states will pass the law that you must show proof of a NBC, many have already started passing these laws…and Obama will not make it in those states!

    Come back in another year when they start registering for the ballot and tell us how that worked out for you. Pres Obama will be on the ballot in all the various states and the territories. It’s a certainty.

  251. kimba says:


    OK, I’ll take the Steelers just to have some fun with you!

  252. Greg says:

    YIPPEE, so he will be legal in ONLY Indiana. lolol I think that’s where Ankeny was, but I could be wrong
    You KNOW after all this crap, that most other states will pass the law that you must show proof of a NBC, many have already started passing these laws…and Obama will not make it in those states!

    And Obama will show his COLB which shows he was born in Hawaii and each state will put him on the ballot.

    If you don’t think so, might I suggest a wager? I’m so confident that I’ll match any amount that you propose. Want to wager a million?

  253. Daniel says:


    You KNOW after all this crap, that most other states will pass the law that you must show proof of a NBC, many have already started passing these laws…and Obama will not make it in those states!

    Until, of course, he presents his COLB, which is all that any State can legally require to establish place of birth.

    These new redundant laws will do nothing to help you birther buffoons, but then again, nothing will help you, short of very strong pharmaceuticals.

    …and counseling while wearing huggy shirts

  254. Scientist says:

    Hey, numbnuts, KBOA, did you catch Al Hamilton “born a citizen of the United States”? That’s all you need to know. Barack Obama was born a citizen of the United States, John McCain was born a citizen of the United States. Schwarzenegger was not.
    Surely, even you can understand that.


  255. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    YIPPEE, so he will be legal in ONLY Indiana. lolol I think that’s where Ankeny was, but I could be wrong
    You KNOW after all this crap, that most other states will pass the law that you must show proof of a NBC, many have already started passing these laws…and Obama will not make it in those states!

    The only thing Obama will have to do is present his COLB and he’ll still be on the ballot

  256. Greg says:

    many have already started passing these laws

    Which ones have passed laws like this?

  257. Bovril: So many lies in so few sentences
    You WERE at Dr Hates site as you were the one who whined about how the nasty Obot were picking at your lack of satorial elegance at Fogbow.
    Lie 1, Quote
    January 10, 2011 at 11:53 pm
    I was there.
    and I my slacks were NOT leggings, stuptard mari
    Lie 2
    You then, being the idiot you are, forgot to change your registered email address with Gravatar which is linked to the unique gravatar image.
    Your address and gravatar link
    You then, still being, lets be charitable, technically challenged posted under the rest of the silly sock puppet names you post under using the SAME gravatar link
    So we have the multiple names with a single ACTUAL identity

    Lie 3
    Since to use said gravatar you needed to have posted under a single, unique, recorded email address on Dr Hates website. Also another little fact, you’r a recorded and regular poster where Dr Hate (who moderates ALL posts) both knows you use sock puppets AND implictly condones it. Lies from both of you…….so sad.
    You lie, you can’t do it effectively, you get caught, you lie about getting caught and desperately and pathetically try and scare people with Dr Hate.
    Yep, a classic FAIL Birfoon



  258. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:


    Why is it most crazy people write in all caps?

  259. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    kimba: OK, I’ll take the Steelers just to have some fun with you!

    You’re on, kimba.

  260. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:


    You’re right though it must have been some other retard with a horrible fashion sense that posted on Dr Kate’s and attended the lakin trial and went over Fogbow to whine.

  261. obsolete: She also threatened legal action against the Fogbow on behalf of several birthers. (Either she was lying or the birthers were too scared to come on Fogbow themselves).

    lolol, on “BEHALF” of them…sorry but you are WRONG, ONCE again. Why don’t you stop by Dr. Kates and ask her yourself if she didn’t email TRACY to give her a letter to post on Fogbow. She has no reason to lie to you! And the reason they dind’t post it themselves is because they are BANNED…hahaha and you don’t ban people because of their views! WHAT A JOKE!

  262. US Citizen says:

    Awww… I get it now.
    Our forefathers were indeed visionary.
    They foresaw C-section babies, IVF and other “unnatural” ways we might be born.
    Wow… these were truly brilliant men.
    I knew Ben Franklin was bright, but no idea just how much.

  263. Daniel says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
    Why is it most crazy people write in all caps?

    They somehow think volume creates truth from the ether.

  264. Daniel says:

    lolol, on “BEHALF” of them…sorry but you are WRONG, ONCE again. Why don’t you stop by Dr. Kates and ask her yourself if she didn’t email TRACY to give her a letter to post on Fogbow. She has no reason to lie to you! And the reason they dind’t post it themselves is because they are BANNED…hahaha and you don’t ban people because of their views! WHAT A JOKE!

    Not nearly enough caps in that rant….must be a lie

  265. DP: But to fools like this, their lizard brain is whispering “me am no like black president.” The pea brain then latches on to whatever it has to

    lolol, I would actually LOVE for Colonel Allen West to take Obama’s place…So, put your race card away, it is no good here!

  266. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: She has no reason to lie to you!

    Birthers have no reason to lie… but yet they do…. consistently.

    Dishonesty is one of the defining characteristics of a birther. Your posts here demonstrate that fact most eloquently.

  267. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    lolol, on “BEHALF” of them…sorry but you are WRONG, ONCE again. Why don’t you stop by Dr. Kates and ask her yourself if she didn’t email TRACY to give her a letter to post on Fogbow. She has no reason to lie to you! And the reason they dind’t post it themselves is because they are BANNED…hahaha and you don’t ban people because of their views! WHAT A JOKE!

    Considering most of the stuff Kate posts is a lie what reason would she have to tell the truth? Why are you speaking in the third person now Tracy?

  268. Greg says:

    US Citizen: Awww… I get it now.
    Our forefathers were indeed visionary.
    They foresaw C-section babies, IVF and other “unnatural” ways we might be born.
    Wow… these were truly brilliant men.
    I knew Ben Franklin was bright, but no idea just how much.

    Shakespeare was writing about MacDuff not being of a woman born. That’s clearly who the Founders had in mind. No MacDuffs! And that’s why Obama is hiding his “Really Long Form,” because it shows he was “from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d!”

  269. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: She has no reason to lie to you!

    Birthers have no reason to lie… but yet they do…. consistently.

    Dishonesty is one of the defining characteristics of a birther. Your posts here demonstrate that fact most eloquently.

    lolol, I would actually LOVE for Colonel Allen West to take Obama’s place…So, put your race card away, it is no good here!

    That’s what you say now… but there’s that whole dishonesty thing again.

    Even so, your claim that you would like to have a different black man as President is no different in substance than the age old mantra of racists everywhere “some of my best friends are…”

  270. Scientist says:

    Yo, KBOA, just keep ignoring “born a citizen of the United States”, it cuts through the noise and shows all of your “arguments” to be specious.

  271. Daniel says:

    Shakespeare was writing about MacDuff not being of a woman born. That’s clearly who the Founders had in mind. No MacDuffs! And that’s why Obama is hiding his “Really Long Form,” because it shows he was “from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d!”

    Ohhhhh so that’s why KBOA objects to Obama. Obama is virgin born, and therefore ineligible to be POTUS.

    But then he would be eligible to be….

  272. FUTTHESHUCKUP: It’s even going back to the lame Pakistan travel ban claim

    that was me…… it was meant as a joke to tie into 1981.
    Oh, sorry, BG. I thought it was the troll that brought that up.


    hahahaha, nice one, cuttin on your own peeps!

  273. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    ——————————–hahahaha, nice one, cuttin on your own peeps!

    Actually, BG was cutting on you.

  274. Daniel says:

    Actually, BG was cutting on you.

    Now how is she supposed to know that if she doesn’t even realize that WKA is not pro-de Vattel

  275. You didn’t answer my question, which doesn’t surprise me. I asked for the name of a history book, law book, or civics book which states that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents. Instead of giving me the name of such a book (which you can’t, because none exists) you mis-interpret a non-binding Senate resolution.
    Apparently you need a grammar lesson. The resolution refers to children born to citizen parents. “Children” is plural, so they are referring to children in the aggregate, not specific children. That’s why it says “children born to American citizens.” It doesn’t say “children born to two American citizens.”
    Also, see G’s excellent take on this at 3:44 p.m.

    hahaha, twist and turn all you want, it ain’t gonna work. Natural Born is Natural Born and you just can’t get around that!

  276. G says:

    YIPPEE, so he will be legal in ONLY Indiana. lolol I think that’s where Ankeny was, but I could be wrong
    You KNOW after all this crap, that most other states will pass the law that you must show proof of a NBC, many have already started passing these laws…and Obama will not make it in those states!

    It is called Full Faith and Credit… look it up.

  277. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Now how is she supposed to know that if she doesn’t even realize that WKA is not pro-de Vattel

    I guess she’s not, Daniel. 🙂 That’s why I had to enlighten her again

  278. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    I’m still not seeing that citation from Wong Km Ark that you say supports your position. Are you having a problem finding it?

  279. Rickey says:

    Try reading WKA and you will see that, Ankeny’s decision that anyone born here is a NBC, is NOT found anywhere, in WKA. They made it up.

    Well, you’re wrong.

    One of your many problems is that you don’t realize that you can’t fully comprehend a Supreme Court ruling unless you understand the findings of the lower court and have read the briefs filed by the parties to the case.

    You really should take the time to read the briefs in Wong Kim Ark.


    In point of fact, the government acknowledged that the District Court ruling – the ruling which the government was appealing – said that Wong Kim Ark was a natural born citizen:

    The question presented by this appeal may be thus stated: Is a person born within the United States of alien parents domiciled therein a citizen thereof by the fact of his birth? The appellant maintains the negative, and in that behalf assigns as error the ruling of the district court that the respondent [Wong Kim Ark] is a natural-born citizen… (p.2)

    The government went on to ask:

    Are Chinese children born in this country to share with the descendants of the patriots of the American Revolution the exalted qualification of being eligible to the Presidency of the nation, conferred by the Constitution in recognition of the importance and dignity of citizenship by birth? (p. 34)

    The government would have had no reason to ask that question but for the fact that a ruling in favor of Wong Kim Ark meant that he would eligible to be president. The question also shows that the government understood that that the only requirement for natural-born citizenship is citizenship by birth.

    The Supreme Court, by a vote of 6-2, upheld the District Court ruling without exception. The District Court said that Wong Kim Ark was a natural born citizen, and the Supreme Court affirmed.

    End of story, and the end of the birther myths about the Wong Kim Ark decision.

    You’re welcome.

  280. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: hahaha, twist and turn all you want, it ain’t gonna work. Natural Born is Natural Born and you just can’t get around that!

    And the Irony meter goes OFF THE SCALE!!

  281. Rickey says:

    hahaha, twist and turn all you want, it ain’t gonna work. Natural Born is Natural Born and you just can’t get around that!

    Get back to me when you find those textbooks which state that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents. You know where to find me.

  282. BatGuano: KenyanBornObamAcorn: “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization.”
    NOWHERE in that quote does it mention the word NATURAL!
    we are given two options here, citizen at birth or naturalized. there is no third option for citizenship.
    so is it your contention that naturalized citizens are NBC ?

    lolol, yes, you are right. You are given two options within, THE 14TH AMENDMENT, but you must have forgotten that there is ALSO a Natural Born Citizen, as mentioned in Article 2, Section 1. That was never changed and will always separate Citizens from NBC’s. Wow, are you people really that bad at comprehension?

  283. Daniel says:

    I guess she’s not, Daniel. That’s why I had to enlighten her again

    Correction; you had to ATTEMPT to enlighten her again.

    Your effort was laudable, and no one could fault your execution, but there is no evidence whatsoever that she is at all enlightened after it.

    She’s what is known in the medical field as an “enlightenment resistant strain”.

  284. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: You are given two options within, THE 14TH AMENDMENT, but you must have forgotten that there is ALSO a Natural Born Citizen, as mentioned in Article 2, Section 1. That was never changed and will always separate Citizens from NBC’s. Wow, are you people really that bad at comprehension?

    It’s your comprehension that’s bad. There are natural born citizens and naturalized citizens. Two options in the 14th amendment, one of which is also mentioned in Article 2, Section 1. The only reason to try to say otherwise is to try to disqualify the current President.

  285. FUTTHESHUCKUP: FUTTHESHUCKUP January 18, 2011 at 7:21 pm FUTTHESHUCKUP(Quote) # As you have already been shown, the decision in the Wong Kim Ark case was predicated on the fact that “natural born citizen” was not defined in the Constitution and that to determine who is and who is not a natural born citizen, one must refer to English common law, which states that anyone born under the jurisdiction of the King is a natural born subject, regardless of where the person’s parents were born. On that basis, the court declared Wong Kim Ark a US citizen.

    lolol, okkkk, so Obama was born under jurisdiction of the king, so YES, he is a natural born subject. That is what I have been trying to TELL YOU! HELLLLOOOO!

    Wong Kim was a citizen but NOT a NBC, which you fail to mention….and has no bearing!

  286. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: are you people really that bad at comprehension?

    It’s not so much comprehension as it is translation difficulties. You see we speak English, not biertherese.

    The problem with birtherese is that it sounds a lot like English. The reason for that is that birtherese and English use all the same words, but birtherese uses completely different definitions for those words.

  287. Daniel says:

    lolol, okkkk, so Obama was born under jurisdiction of the king, so YES, he is a natural born subject. That is what I have been trying to TELL YOU! HELLLLOOOO!Wong Kim was a citizen but NOT a NBC, which you fail to mention….and has no bearing!

    Ummmm….. you might want to actually read the decision before you make a fool of yourself again.

    The decision of the court was that he was a citizen by birth.

    In other words, he acquired the nature of a citizen by birth, ie a natural born citizen.

    He did not aquire the nature of a citizen by some other means, ie he was not naturalized after his birth.

    Obama is the same. acquired the nature of a citizen by birth, and therefore natural born.

    You seem to have a delusion of opposition, in that you think the things which contradict your birther crap are actually in your favor.

    You need to have that looked at.

  288. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    lolol, okkkk, so Obama was born under jurisdiction of the king, so YES, he is a natural born subject. That is what I have been trying to TELL YOU! HELLLLOOOO!Wong Kim was a citizen but NOT a NBC, which you fail to mention….and has no bearing!

    Umm, no. You can’t read. It says that to decide whether one is a natural born citizen or not, English common law must be looked to for guidance and that by that law, anyone who is born under the jurisdiction of a ruling authority, that person is a natural born citizen of that ruling authority; moreover, that one’s parents are not a consideration in determining natural born citizenship.

  289. Majority Will says:

    Well well well, I thought I remembered the name Ellid from somewhere! Pfffttt, figures you are hooked up with these slimeballs! You fit in well!

    C’mon Spacey Tracey. What are you up to? About 450 lbs. by now?

    Still having those nightmares of strong, black men having their way with you?

  290. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    lolol, okkkk, so Obama was born under jurisdiction of the king, so YES, he is a natural born subject. That is what I have been trying to TELL YOU! HELLLLOOOO!Wong Kim was a citizen but NOT a NBC, which you fail to mention….and has no bearing!

    Umm, no. You can’t read. It says that to decide whether one is a natural born citizen or not, English common law must be looked to for guidance and that by that law, anyone who is born under the jurisdiction of a ruling authority, that person is a natural born citizen of that ruling authority; moreover, that one’s parents are not a consideration in determining natural born citizenship. On that basis, they declared Ark a citizen.

    Now, since you posted that reference claiming it supported your bogus claim that they defined natural born citizen as one who is born of two citizen parents, let’s see the part of YOUR source that says that.

  291. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: hahaha, twist and turn all you want, it ain’t gonna work. Natural Born is Natural Born and you just can’t get around that!

    Oh the irony! Apply that statement to yourself. Natural Born IS Natural Born and YOU just can’t get around that. Which is why Obama is NBC and none of your birther babble can do anything about that.

  292. US Citizen says:

    “and Obama will not make it in those states!”

    Wanna bet?

    I doubt he’ll be asked, but if he is, he’ll show his certified COLB and go on with his business.
    Perhaps he’ll even request a fresh copy and you birthers can go bonkers over how one of them *must* be a forgery.

    But here’s a clue.
    Soros allowed me to leak this one out….
    You know when it says “children of citizens?”
    Well it means exactly that.
    Children = plural.
    Yep, in order to be president, you must have a brother or sister.
    Not sure Maya qualifies. She’s a half-sister I think.

    Oh and you’ll need a citizen grand jury, a good lawyer like Orly or Berg and I recommend Squeeky as a court reporter.
    With that kind of star power, how can you go wrong?
    Fox will surely pick it up too.

    Now get to this quickly because you may not have noticed, but *that* man playing fake president has been fooling everyone for almost 2 years.
    He’ll continue on another 2 years unless you get working.
    He might even get another 6 years.
    Can you imagine the pain you’ll have to endure then?
    Surely you’ll all have standing then.
    You can get notes from your doctors and do a class-action suit.
    “I have upper gastritis because of Obama” seems to be completely reasonable to obtain standing.
    You WILL get him sooner or later.
    I have no doubt. No doubt at all….

  293. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Am I the only one getting a lot of Internal Server Errors tonight?

  294. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: hahaha, twist and turn all you want, it ain’t gonna work. Natural Born is Natural Born and you just can’t get around that!
    Actually, you’re the one twisting and turning away from the challenge to show the part of the Supreme Court reference you provided and claimed proved that President Obama is not natural born according to your definition, the Wong Kim Ark case. So stop twisting away from it and show us the part of your reference proves your claim

  295. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: lolol, yes, you are right. You are given two options within, THE 14TH AMENDMENT, but you must have forgotten that there is ALSO a Natural Born Citizen, as mentioned in Article 2, Section 1. That was never changed and will always separate Citizens from NBC’s. Wow, are you people really that bad at comprehension?

    Again with the fiction of a 3rd class of citizenship. Sorry, that only exists in fantasy land on online birther sites and among crazy Sovereign Citizen movements and certain White Supremacist organizations. About just as valid as their other kooky legal theories about taxes…funny how none of those ever work when they try to apply them in real courts.

    Back in our real world and real laws…only 2. But thanks for showing the type of gullible mindset you’re willing to subscribe to.

  296. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    The Wong Kim Ark case says that there are only two types of citizens – those who are born here and those whoa re born somewhere else and become citizens through a process of naturalization. They said that natural born citizen simply means citizen because English common law only recognizes those two types of citizen and made no special provisions for people whose parents were not citizens. And Wong Kim Ark was declared not to be a naturalized citizen since he was born here; that leaves only one other possible, logical conclusion.

  297. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    lolol, okkkk, so Obama was born under jurisdiction of the king, so YES, he is a natural born subject. That is what I have been trying to TELL YOU! HELLLLOOOO!Wong Kim was a citizen but NOT a NBC, which you fail to mention….and has no bearing!

    Incorrect Wong Kim Ark was a NBC. If you even read the dissenting opinion they argued that the Majority was pretty much saying Wong Kim Ark could run for president and he was Natural Born. WKA upheld the lower court’s opinion that Wong Kim Ark was Natural Born.

  298. G says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: Am I the only one getting a lot of Internal Server Errors tonight?

    No, I’ve experienced a lot of it too.

  299. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    lmao. She posted the reference that she said proves her claim, yet she hasn’t posted one passage from that reference to prove her claim, NOT ONE!

  300. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    The court didn’t have to say, “Wong Kim Ark is a natural born citizen,” because they had already said up to that point that there are ONLY two kinds of citizens – those who are born in and under the jurisdiction and those who become citizens through a process of naturalization.

  301. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: The court didn’t have to say, “Wong Kim Ark is a natural born citizen,” because they had already said up to that point that there are ONLY two kinds of citizens – those who are born in and under the jurisdiction and those who become citizens through a process of naturalization.

    Also they didn’t have to say it because they were affirming what the lower court already determined to be true. There were only two outcomes the court affirmed the lower court’s decision or denied it.

  302. Greg says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: The court didn’t have to say, “Wong Kim Ark is a natural born citizen,” because they had already said up to that point that there are ONLY two kinds of citizens – those who are born in and under the jurisdiction and those who become citizens through a process of naturalization.

    Plus, the reasoning makes clear that Wong is a citizen because he’s a natural born citizen. Here’s an analogy:

    1. If you win Wimbledon, you are a world-class tennis player.
    2. John won Wimbledon.
    Therefore, John is a tennis player.

    John’s only a tennis player if premise 1 is true.

    The fact that I haven’t specifically concludedthat John is a world-class tennis player is irrelevant. I have given no other way one can win Wimbledon. And in WKA there is only one path to citizenship and that’s through NBC.

  303. BatGuano: born outside the US ( obama wasn’t )

    You have NO PROOF, WHERE Obama was born, so that statement is a LIE!

  304. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    You have NO PROOF, WHERE Obama was born, so that statement is a LIE!

    From someone whose opinion matters, a member of Congress, a REPUBLICAN member of Congress

    Boehner: The state of Hawaii has said that President Obama was born there. That’s good enough for me.


  305. US Citizen says:

    We have proof via a certificate of birth that’s been legally acceptable for all purposes.

    You, on the other hand, have no proof he was born anywhere else but Hawaii.

    Since the burden of proof is up to the accuser, the ball is in your court.

    Just don’t expect to win Wimbledon. John said so…

  306. Greg says:

    You have NO PROOF, WHERE Obama was born, so that statement is a LIE!


    1. COLB
    2. birth announcements
    3. HI DOH statements
    4. HI Republican governor statements

    Any attorney in the world could go into court with this proof and convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii!

  307. Scientist: KenyanBornObamAcorn: NATURAL BORN CITIZEN
    But it doesn’t say NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. You can pretend it does, but it doesn’t. Whereas, in the qualifications for Senate and House it says “Citizen of the United States” not just “citizen”.

    Wow, with a statement like that, no wonder Obama thinks people are too stupid to choose anything for themselves. That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Pretty funny too, how you don’t put my whole quote in there, JUST Natural Born Citizen. OF COURSE THE FRAMERS MEANT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN “of the US”. DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY THEY WERE SAYING “OTHER ELECTED OFFICES NEEDED TO BE A CITIZEN” BUT THE PRESIDENT, (WHICH IS THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE LAND) CAN BE A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF “ANY” COUNTRY? LOLOL

    Please put down the kool-aid, you are overdosing and you look like an idiot!

  308. Majority Will says:

    You have NO PROOF, WHERE Obama was born, so that statement is a LIE!

    We have no proof you can touch your toes or that you’ve even seen your feet in many, many years.

    There’s a strong, wealthy black man sleeping in the White House tonight who works in the Oval Office as President of the United States and there’s not a damn thing any birther psychopath can do about it.

    I’ll choose to believe the legal authority of the state of Hawaii over pathetic, hate driven birther lunatics.

    Your “mission” can only end badly.

  309. Greg says:


    That whizzing sound was the sarcasm flying over your head!

  310. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    lmao. You cite a reference that you say proves your point but can’t show us one passage that meets that burden, and you say other people are drinking Kool-Aid?


  311. John Reilly says:

    As I recall from Dr. C’s notes, the government brief in Wong Kim Ark argued that he would be eligible to run for President. No one in that case argued for more than two types of citizenship, natural and naturalized. The only question was whether Mr. Ark was a citizen because he was born here, even though his parents were foreigners and could never be citizens. The idea that there was a third type of citizenship only became important in 2008 when it appeared a person of African descent might be President. Before that time, we routinely ignored all such foolishness. We even counted all of Texas’ electoral votes for President Bush and Vice-President Cheney even though the Constitution is pretty clear that you can’t do that. We allowed Senator McCain to run, several times, even though he wasn’t born “here” and the law making him a naturakl born citizen wasn’t passed until after he was born. Folks did not argue that the fourteen year residency requirement was the immediate prior fourteen years, which would have disqualified President Eisenhower.

    The one court case which dealt, on the merits, with the two citizen parent challenge, Ankeny, was not appealed to the U. S.Supreme Court. I suspect that if it had been, cert would have been denied, but it says much about those who think Presidebnt Obama is not legally qualified to be President that Ankeny is the case that they decided not to appeal, rather seeking cert in cases pursued by Ms. Taitz, Mr. Berg and Mr. Apuzzo. And now KBOA has decided that he ought to ridicule the judges who decided Ankeny, and suggest that its decision can be limited to Indiana.

    Any state which denies President Obama a place on the ballot will face a lawsuit from him. If, by some chance, he is barred from the ballot, and it makes a difference, then one representative and one senator may challenge the counting of that state’s electoral votes. Then Congress must decide whether to count the votes or not. It’s hard to belief that enough Republicans would vote to count an electoral vote from a state which refused the President a place on the ballot. That’s not what America is about.

  312. Joey says:

    In the words of the former Republican Governor of Hawaii: “…and that’s just a fact. It’s been established. He was born here.”–Linda Lingle

    In the words of the Hawaii Director of Health: “I have seen the original records maintained on file at the Department of Health verifying that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born American citizen.”–Dr. Chiyome Fukino

    Again, the words of the Director of Health for the state of Hawaii: “For more than a year, the Department of Health has continued to receive approximately 50 e-mail inquiries a month seeking access to President Barack Obama’s birth certificate IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA POSTED A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE ON HIS FORMER CAMPAIGN WEBSITE.” –Dr. Chiyome Fukino

    When the statements above plus the birth announcements for Barack Obama that appeared in both Honolulu newspapers on August 13 and August 14, 1961 are submitted with the legal briefs in Obama eligibility lawsuits, every lawsuit is summarily dismissed.

  313. Majority Will says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: NOW YOUR ARE DELUSIONAL!

    What is his “are delusional”?

    “That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

    You’re hearing voices again? Bad sign.

    Why are you shouting? Is your blood pressure kicking up again?

    Have another deep fried Twinkie.

  314. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Please put down the kool-aid, you are overdosing and you look like an idiot!

    Sounds like the troll is getting a little thirsty. We don’t have any Kool-Aid here, but we do have a little something stashed away for birther trolls like you who don’t know what the heck they’re talking about.

    Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.


  315. Greg: Wong is a citizen because he’s a natural born citizen. That’s the clear reasoning of WKA.

    WRONG, it does NOT say that in WKA. It says he is a “Native” Born Citizen. Two different things. Native means born on this soil, as in the “Indians” hence the name NATIVE AMERICANS. And as shown in Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 (1884), the Supreme Court denied the birthright citizenship claim of an American Indian. The court ruled that being born in the territory of the United States is not sufficient for citizenship; those who wish to claim citizenship by birth must be born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The court’s majority held that the children of Native Americans were:

    “no more ‘born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,’ within the meaning of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment, than the children of subjects of any foreign government born within the domain of that government, or the children born within the United States of ambassadors or other public ministers of foreign nations.”

    Natural means owing allegiance, which Obama didn’t have. His allegiance was the same as his fathers! This here again shows that Obama may not even be a CITIZEN! WOW!!

    you do realize that congressmen and senators can be naturalized citizens, correct ?

    Actually, I was the one who posted that, saying “other” elected officials can be JUST citizens, but the Pres must be a NBC, so yes…obviously I did know that or I wouldn’t have posted it!
    So, what’s your point? That has nothing to do with a NBC!

  317. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    WRONG, it does NOT say that in WKA. It says he is a “Native” Born Citizen. Two different things. Native means born on this soil, as in the “Indians” hence the name NATIVE AMERICANS. And as shown in Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 (1884), the Supreme Court denied the birthright citizenship claim of an American Indian. The court ruled that being born in the territory of the United States is not sufficient for citizenship; those who wish to claim citizenship by birth must be born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The court’s majority held that the children of Native Americans were:“no more born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,’ within the meaning of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment, than the children of subjects of any foreign government born within the domain of that government, or the children born within the United States of ambassadors or other public ministers of foreign nations.”Natural means owing allegiance, which Obama didn’t have. His allegiance was the same as his fathers! This here again shows that Obama may not even be a CITIZEN! WOW!!

    Wow, wrong again. This is what the court said after they said that there are ONLY TWO KINDS OF CITIZENS:

    “The evident intention, and the necessary effect, of the submission of this case to the decision of the court upon the facts agreed by the parties were to present for determination the single question stated at the beginning of this opinion, namely, whether a child born in the United States, of parent of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative.”

    It does not say NATIVE born.

  318. kimba: I have read it. You are wrong. It is beyond laughable that you, who have demonstrated you cannot read and comprehend basic English, think you know better than Supreme Court judges how to interpret and cite a court decision

    Thanks, but Ankeny was NOT a Supreme Court decision! As I said, Ankeny judges thought the same as you that a NBC is the same as a citizen. I have proven here, that that is NOT the case. They made a mistake in quoting FROM WKA, because you can read ALL of WKA and see that Ankeny’s carry over from WKA, DOES NOT EXIST!

  319. G says:

    Thanks, but Ankeny was NOT a Supreme Court decision! As I said, Ankeny judges thought the same as you that a NBC is the same as a citizen. I have proven here, that that is NOT the case. They made a mistake in quoting FROM WKA, because you can read ALL of WKA and see that Ankeny’s carry over from WKA, DOES NOT EXIST!

    Again you demonstrate that you have a problem with the English language. You use the word “proven”. I do not think you understand what that word means.

    You’ve provided a lot of incorrect statements and nonsense, but nothing at all that is proof in your favor. At best, you’ve provided some stuff that you drew incorrect conclusions on…but that’s about it.

    Good luck with your novel theories. Too bad no actual court in America agrees with you or will take up your delusional cause.

  320. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):

    Wow talk about a bunch of stupid. You’re going further than any birther now. Are you claiming the president is an illegal alien?


    If the shoe fits…..

  321. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: WRONG, it does NOT say that in WKA. It says he is a “Native” Born Citizen. Two different things.

    You know, if you’re not going to read the case, we really cannot have an intelligent discussion about it.

    It said that Wong was a citizen. Wong was a citizen because natural born citizen means anyone born here, regardless of parental citizenship.

    As for native-born and natural-born being used in different ways in WKA, the phrase native-born is used 14 times in the case, KBOA, natural-born is used 34 times in the case. More often than not, native-born is used as a synonym for natural-born, as in this description of McCreery v. Somerville:

    In McCreery v. Somerville, (1824) 9 Wheat. 354, which concerned the title to land in the State of Maryland, it was assumed that children born in that State of an alien who was still living, and who had not been naturalized, were “native-born citizens of the [p662] United States,” and, without such assumption, the case would not have presented the question decided by the court, which, as stated by Mr. Justice Story in delivering the opinion, was

    whether the statute applies to the case of a living alien ancestor, so as to create a title by heirship where none would exist by the common law if the ancestor were a natural-born subject.

    Do you realize just how completely out in left field your interpretation of Wong Kim Ark is? The dissent in the case, two Supreme Court justices who heard all the oral arguments in the case, read all the briefs, read every bench draft of the opinion, probably had lunch and argued about the decision with Justice Gray on a daily basis, read the opinion and concluded that Wong was eligible for the Presidency (and noted that it was odd that Wong was eligible while the child born abroad to US citizens wouldn’t be).

    You are saying, in stark terms, that you have a better handle on Wong Kim Ark, 100 years after it was decided, than the two Supreme Court Justices who read it when it was fresh.

    Do you wear only button-up shirts? I would imagine pull-overs wouldn’t fit over such an inflated head!

    Do you have to book a separate seat on airplanes for your ego? Do you hold the door open for your ego, or does it hold the door for you?

    For your next trick, you’ll rewrite the theory of special relativity, right? You certainly know better than Einstein, right?

  322. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: because you can read ALL of WKA and see that Ankeny’s carry over from WKA, DOES NOT EXIST!

    As a matter of fact, KBOA, every time the Ankeny court quoted from WKA, they provided a page number, and you can check that every time they quoted from WKA, the quotes EXIST IN WKA!

    Show me one that doesn’t.

  323. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: And as shown in Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 (1884), the Supreme Court denied the birthright citizenship claim of an American Indian.

    You seriously think that WKA lumped Wong in with Native Americans?

    I know you haven’t READ WKA, but c’mon, you can, at LEAST, hit CTRL-F and type in “elk” and see that Gray specifically discussed Elk:

    The decision in Elk v. Wilkins concerned only members of the Indian tribes within the United States, and had no tendency to deny citizenship to children born in the United States of foreign parents of Caucasian, African or Mongolian descent not in the diplomatic service of a foreign country.

    Let’s see. Was Obama Sr. a member of an Indian tribe within the United States? No.

    Was Obama Sr. African? Yes.

    Then Elk does nothing to deny Obama Jr.’s citizenship.

    These are weak arguments, KBOA, not even Mario Apuzzo would trot out anything this flawed and broken.

  324. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: I can actually see now, how Ankeny got their wording wrong and came up with a wrong decision. This one quote, from WKA saying: “Thus, Congress, when dealing with the question of citizenship in that aspect, treated aliens residing in this country as “under the jurisdiction of the United States,”


    Every single utterance you make is 180 degrees from the truth! It’s really quite amazing! The quote from WKA is talking about people BEFORE they begin the naturalization process. You’d know this if you READ the stuff you were quoting!

    From the first organization of the National Government under the Constitution, the naturalization acts of the United States, in providing for the admission of aliens to citizenship by judicial proceedings, uniformly required every applicant to have resided for a certain time “within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States,” and thus applied the words “under the jurisdiction of the United States” to aliens residing here BEFORE THEY HAD TAKEN AN OATH TO SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, OR HAD RENOUNCED ALLEGIANCE TO A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. And, from 1795, the provisions of those acts which granted citizenship to foreign-born children of American parents described such children as “born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States.” Thus, Congress, when dealing with the question of citizenship in that aspect, treated aliens residing in this country as ” under the jurisdiction of the United States,” and American parents residing abroad as “out of the jurisdiction of the United States.”


    Not only was Gray not talking about people who had already begun the naturalization process, KBOA, the naturalization process required that BEFORE one began naturalization the alien had to reside “within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States” for a certain period of time.

    Since you aren’t READING WKA, KBOA, I have to wonder, what are you doing with it?

  325. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    kimba: Nonsense. There are two types of citizens: natural born and naturalized. There is no third type.

    Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.

    1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen (became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

  326. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:


    Since you aren’t READING WKA, KBOA, I have to wonder, what are you doing with it?

    I have seen this a few times before, Greg. There is a birther website out there that says Wong Kim Ark proves that President Obama is not eligible because he’s not “natural born” according to Wong Kim Ark. The person who posts this lie does not go into any detail of what parts of the case prove this claim. He or she only says that it proves their point, and then they reference the case with no rational explanation of how it does. Birthers see this and are sucked into buying the claim without requiring any proof, which, as we all know, is a glaring birther flaw. They are then trapped by their own flaw by presenting something as proof of their claim when it does no such thing.

  327. G says:

    Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen(became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

    Wow…..thanks for demonstrating that you don’t even have an elementary school understanding of basic citizenship.

    What planet are you from?

    Meanwhile, back here on Earth…

  328. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen(became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

    That’s just an opinion unless you can back it up with facts. There is no US law that says there are 4 types of citizens; that’s just another birther myth. The 14th Amendment lists only two types of citizens. The immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states that there are only two types of citizens. And United States Code TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER III > Part I > § 1401 says there are only two types of citizens

  329. Majority Will says:

    Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen(became a citizen by applying for citizenship)


    Holy crap, you’re a flaming idiot!

    I am very glad you’re representing birthers.

    It’s a real shame you keep getting banned and deleted everywhere you plod.

    And I’ll bet they’re so very proud of your stunning mental prowess.

    Just priceless. WOW!

  330. Greg says:

    Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.

    And there are pink elephants dancing in your living room. The courts have consistently said that there are two, and only two types of citizen.

    Tax evaders, sovereign citizens, militiamen and racists, especially, have tried over and over to argue they aren’t really 14th amendment citizens.

    They lost.

    So, by the way, have you. 75 cases and counting the birthers have brought, and no joy.

  331. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    G: Yet you focus on the word “natural” as if its omission in the definition of saying either you are BORN OR NATURALIZED is somehow meaningful.

    That’s exactly the point! HIS OMISSION made the BIG difference! They are NOT the same as I have PROVEN from my LONG WKA post here. So, the omission IS meaningful and changes the citizenship status! Geez, would you people wake up and listen to yourselves. No common sense whatsoever!

  332. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Daniel: KenyanBornObamAcorn: is so stupid she doesn’t even realize that WKA is counter to her nutbag ideas, and not for it.So sad, so very sad

    You obviously haven’t read the case!

  333. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    And neither have you read it or you would be able to show us a passage from it that supports your claim. You have shown us absolutely nothing from that case to support your claim. All you did was to throw a whole case at us and claim it supports your claim without pointing to specific quotes to support your claim; however, you were shown direct passages from that case that prove your claim is not supported by the case. Now, maybe you’d better start showing us some passages from that case that support your claim, but as of this time, YOU HAVE SHOWN US NOTHING FROM WONG KIM ARK THAT SUPPORTS YOUR CLAIM!

  334. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): If you bothered to read all of Wong Kim Ark including the appellate briefs and the lower court decision you would see that the high court affirmed the lower court’s decision that stated Wong Kim Ark was Natural Born.


    Sorry, but Wong Kim’s decision was:

    The court ordered Wong Kim Ark to be discharged, upon the ground that he was a citizen of the United States. 1 Fed.Rep. 382. The United States appealed to this court, and the appellee was admitted to bail pending the appeal.



    PLUS, the words “Natural Born” are also present in WKA. So obviously there was a difference, or they wouldn’t have used BOTH types of citizens!


  335. BatGuano says:

    Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen(became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

    please show us any source for this list.

    and what about citizens born in the US but maintain dual citizenship with another country? is that the fifth type?

  336. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: Daniel: KenyanBornObamAcorn: is so stupid she doesn’t even realize that WKA is counter to her nutbag ideas, and not for it.So sad, so very sad
    That’s because she read on a birfoon website that it supports their position when it really doesn’t. She merely posted it because another birfoon said so rather than reading and understanding it herself.


    Actually I pulled it from here:


    thanks, you FAIL AGAIN!

  337. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Sorry, but Wong Kim’s decision was:

    The court ordered Wong Kim Ark to be discharged

    You’re quoting from the Syllabus, not the case.

    Here’s a clue, the Gray opinion does not use the word “discharged.”

    Do you have to practice being so dumb?

  338. gorefan says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: 1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)

    So was Revolutionary War hero, St. George Tucker wrong when he wrote,

    “That provision in the constitution which requires that the president shall be a native-born citizen (unless he were a citizen of the United States when the constitution was adopted,) is a happy means of security against foreign influence, which, wherever it is capable of being exerted, is to be dreaded more than the plague.” (View of the Constitution of the United States, 1803)?

  339. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    kimba: KenyanBornObamAcorn: Although it is not in the Constitution itself, it IS in the Constitutional drafts, as shown below:
    Thank you! You finally admit it! It’s not in the Constitution. The various states ratified what was in the Constitution presented to them, not what was in the drafts or the drafters’ letters. You keep undercutting yourself because up to now you’ve insisted the Constitution is clear. Now you say you have to consult the drafts. Backpedaling again, just like at Fogbow.


    Thanks, but I’ve already posted here that it’s not in the Constitution and as Gray says in WKA we must look elsewhere AS THEY DID and they then state that a NBC is not the same as a Citizen! All ya gotta do is LOOK!

  340. Greg says:

    ————–Actually I pulled it from here:http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0169_0649_ZO.htmlthanks, you FAIL AGAIN!

    The more you talk about it, the more you prove you haven’t read it and/or are reading it with stupid-colored glasses on.

  341. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    OMG, yes and they said previously to that that there are only two kinds of citizens – those who are born elsewhere and become a citizen through the process of naturalization and those who are born here. So the court saying that he became a US citizen, FOR THE REASONS STATED ABOVE, at the time of his birth means that he falls into the latter category. They did not say there was any other kind of citizen

  342. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    And you have not posted any passage from the case to prove otherwise.

  343. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: hey then state that a NBC is not the same as a Citizen!

    Of course “citizen” is different, since citizen includes naturalized citizens.

    Nothing you’ve quoted from the founders debate suggests that they thought anyone could be born here and become any type of citizen other than natural born.

  344. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Scientist: KenyanBornObamAcorn: “No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a Citizen of one of the States, or hereafter be born a Citizen of the United States.”
    Now this is properly worded and clear. “born a citizen of the United States”, which Barack Obama was. So now that this is setttled, folks, let’s move on.
    Jets or Steelers?

    hahahaha, you are actually quoting Alexander Hamilton’s phrase, BEFORE it was changed! AFTER that, about 5 weeks…this happened:

    July 25, 1787 (~5 weeks later) – John Jay writes a letter to General Washington (president of the Constitutional Convention): “Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.” [the word born is underlined in Jay’s letter which signifies the importance of allegiance from birth.] http://rs6.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/hlaw:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28fr00379%29%29:

    September 2nd, 1787 George Washington pens a letter to John Jay. The last line reads: “I thank you for the hints contained in your letter”

    September 4th, 1787 (~6 weeks after Jay’s letter and just 2 days after Washington wrote back to Jay) – The “Natural Born Citizen” requirement is now found in their drafts. Madison’s notes of the Convention
    The proposal passed unanimously without debate.
    hahahahaha EPIC FAIL!

  345. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    kimba: Foggy gave you a thread to contain you. You did not have license to post whatever you wanted because it was YOUR private thread. Your reasoning is on par with that of a 5 year old. You’ve made it clear. You’re pissed you got baned. You don’t understand why you got baned. You called a moderator a s k a n k. You told a moderator to eff off. Nuff said. Grow up and take the consequences of your inability to control yourself.

    Womp Womp Womp I detect hostility! LOLOLOLOL

  346. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    This is just another troll who thinks that just because they say it, it magically becomes true. They require no proof of their claims other than they magically wish it to be true. They ignore poof that they are wrong and manufacture their own facts out of whole cloth. Another one not worth wasting time on

  347. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): You’re suggesting there is a third type of citizen mentioned nowhere that is neither natural born or naturalized

    Actually, you are correct! As stated in WKA, you have a NBC, a Citizen, and a naturalized citizen. Check the document and search for each words. You will find all 3 types of citizens!


  348. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Here’s how the real world reads the difference between “citizen” and “natural born citizen:”
    Citizen = natural born citizen OR naturalized citizen
    Natural born citizen = NOT naturalized citizen

    Well, there in lies your problem. You need to get educated on the types of citizens that America has. WKA can help you with that problem, if you DARE to read it!

  349. Greg says:

    KBOA, Wong Kim Ark spends 8 pages, from 658-666 explaining that Natural born citizen is the same as natural born subject.

    Did you miss that part of the decision?

    As I’ve explained before the decision in WKA is pretty straightforward, it’s even numbered so that birthers can follow along. There are seven sections in the case, each of which is an essential part of the argument:

    1. For undefined terms in the Constitution, we look outside the Constitution including to English Common Law.

    2. English Common Law says born here = natural born subject.

    3. NBC = NBS (pp. 658-666)

    4. We didn’t adopt the “law of nations” on citizenship because there was no law of nations on citizenship.

    5. The 14th Amendment didn’t limit the rule.

    6. The courts cannot limit citizenship for policy reasons.

    7. Wong didn’t lose his citizenship by any action after his birth.

    Wong didn’t become a citizen by birth because of the 14th Amendment. That’s discussed in section 5. He didn’t become a citizen by any action of the law of nations, that’s dismissed in section 4.

    He became a citizen because he was born here. When the country was founded, natural born meant born here, regardless of parental citizenship. It meant that in the term natural born subject. Natural born citizenship is the same concept as natural born subject.

    Wong is a citizen because natural born citizen meant the same as natural born subject. There is no other method discussed in the case.

    It never discusses a type of citizen that could be born here and not become a natural born citizen. In fact, it spends 8 pages explaining that natural born subject and natural born citizen are the same thing!

    It certainly never suggests that Wong becomes a citizen by operation of the 14th Amendment. The 14th simply declared what was already law, and made sure that it applied to everyone, regardless of race (overturning Dred Scott).

    I’ll issue you, KBOA, the same challenge I’ve issued to Mario Apuzzo. If you think WKA became a citizen by any other operation, please, outline the case and lead us through the logic that Justice Gray followed. How do YOU think he got from point A to point citizenship?

  350. G says:

    That’s exactly the point! HIS OMISSION made the BIG difference! They are NOT the same as I have PROVEN from my LONG WKA post here. So, the omission IS meaningful and changes the citizenship status! Geez, would you people wake up and listen to yourselves. No common sense whatsoever!

    Your quack theories have no basis in actual law.

    They only exist on birther sites and amongst various Sovereign Citizens movements and White Supremacist organizations.

    Any time ANY of those groups have tried those arguments in real courts, they’ve failed miserably.

    So yeah, we laugh at you because you are delusional or woefully misguided.

    I think you should look deep within your own heart and ask yourself why you so easily glom onto ideas that were introduced by anti-government and racist organizations. Your devoted adoption of their kooky junk positions does not reflect well on you at all.

  351. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Scientist: Hey, numbnuts, KBOA, did you catch Al Hamilton “born a citizen of the United States”? That’s all you need to know. Barack Obama was born a citizen of the United States,

    hahahaha, and if you read the Constitution, you must be a NBC! YOU FAIL!
    Open mouth insert foot!

  352. gorefan says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: hahahaha, you are actually quoting Alexander Hamilton’s phrase, BEFORE it was changed! AFTER that, about 5 weeks…this happened:

    Actually, you are wrong, the draft constitution that scientist is referring to was submitted by Hamilton at the end of the convention to James Madison.

    The draft constitution that you refer to was submitted by Hamilton on June 18, 1787. It did not have any presidential eligibility clause because it did not have a president, only a Governour,who served a life term.


  353. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: “Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”

    ah, the john jay letter. what exactly was jay’s definition of “foreigner” ? well, since you say definitions don’t change let’s check noah webster’s definition from john jay’s lifetime:

    FOR’EIGNER, n. for’aner. A person born in a foreign country, or without the country or jurisdiction of which one speaks. A Spaniard is a foreigner in France and England. All men not born in the United States are to them foreigners, and they are aliens till naturalized. A naturalized person is a citizen; but we still call him a foreigner by birth.

  354. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: “Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”

    ah, the john jay letter. what exactly was jay’s definition of “foreigner” ? well, since you say definitions don’t change let’s check noah webster’s definition from john jay’s lifetime:

    FOR’EIGNER, n. for’aner. A person born in a foreign country, or without the country or jurisdiction of which one speaks. A Spaniard is a foreigner in France and England. All men not born in the United States are to them foreigners, and they are aliens till naturalized. A naturalized person is a citizen; but we still call him a foreigner by birth.

  355. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    kimba: It’s your comprehension that’s bad. There are natural born citizens and naturalized citizens. Two options in the 14th amendment, one of which is also mentioned in Article 2, Section 1. The only reason to try to say otherwise is to try to disqualify the current President.

    Sorry, but the 14th amendment does not have the word “NATURAL” in it!

    This is TOO easy!

  356. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    This troll has provided NO proof of anything it’s said even when asked for it. The only proof it has given is the same proof all birther trolls do – BECAUSE I SAID SO. lmao

  357. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: You will find all 3 types of citizens!

    What you don’t find is any suggestion that they are three separate, distinct categories. What you find is entirely consistent with what I’ve said, that “citizen” is an overarching category that encompasses natural born and naturalized.

    Even you should be able to see this. Read the requirements for Senator. As WKA puts it, “every Senator [is] to have been ‘nine years a citizen of the United States.'”

    You think that “citizen” here is something different than naturalized or natural born. A third class.

    I think that “citizen” here includes both naturalized citizens and natural born citizens.

    Think about it. If it is different, then you are saying that natural born citizens cannot be Senators. Neither can naturalized citizens. It has to include naturalized citizens, though, since they are required to be 35 years old, and 9 years resident. You can’t become a citizen at age 26 without being a naturalized citizen.

    Simple logic tells us that “citizen” there isn’t a third type of citizen, it’s a category encompassing the two types of citizen described – natural born and naturalized.

    Nothing in WKA suggests otherwise. That Gray uses naturalized, natural born and just citizen is unavailing without something in the case to suggest that he’s using it differently than I’ve just described.

    I do DARE read WKA, KBOA. I have read it very, very closely. I have read the cases it cites. I have taken the time to break the case down and understand its reasoning.

    That you think WKA was declared a “native” born, like the Native Americans in Elk tells me quite clearly that you haven’t even read the case closely enough to realize that Gray clearly distinguishes Elk.

    Everything you’ve quoted from WKA has, so far, been 180 degrees off the mark. Entirely wrong. The more you quote from it, in fact, the more you convince me you haven’t read it, and are pulling quotes from it willy-nilly.

  358. gorefan says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.
    1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen (became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

    So was Revolutionary War hero, St. George Tucker wrong when he wrote,

    “That provision in the constitution which requires that the president shall be a native-born citizen (unless he were a citizen of the United States when the constitution was adopted,) is a happy means of security against foreign influence, which, wherever it is capable of being exerted, is to be dreaded more than the plague.” (View of the Constitution of the United States, 1803)?

    How about James Iredell (who was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Washington),

    No man but a native, or who has resided fourteen years in America, can be chosen President.(North Carolina Debates on the Constiution, July 30th, 1788)?

    What about James Kent was he wrong when he said,

    “As the President is required to be a native citizen of the United States” (Commentaries on American Law, 1826.)?

    Are these guys wrong and are you right?

  359. Greg says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Sorry, but the 14th amendment does not have the word “NATURAL” in it!

    Gray explains that the 14th didn’t change the law, didn’t create a new type of citizen, it declared what the law already was and simply made sure they applied to everyone, regardless of race.

    This sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment is declaratory of existing rights and affirmative of existing law as to each of the qualifications therein expressed — “born in the United States,” “naturalized in the United States,” and “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” — in short, as to everything relating to the acquisition of citizenship by facts occurring within the limits of the United States.

    Existing rights.
    Existing law.

  360. Daniel says:

    Sorry, but the 14th amendment does not have the word “NATURAL” in it!

    It doesn’t have to. That’s the part you don’t seem to get, willfully so, I suspect.

    One becomes a citizen by, using the parlance of the founding fathers, taking on the nature of a citizen.

    There are only two ways to take on the nature of a citizen. Now pay attention because this is going to get simple….

    One can take on the nature of a citizen by decree. This is what is know as naturalizing, or “making one of the nature of”. Thus someone who is naturalized has taken on the nature of a citizen by decree; and is thus a naturalized citizen.

    The only other way for a person to take on the nature of a citizen is by virtue of being born one. taking on the nature of a citizen at birth, or some time after birth, are mathematically the only two ways.

    Someone who takes upon them the nature of a citizen at birth is born with the nature of a citizen; and thus is a natural born citizen.

    So unless you can think of a third option apart from at birth or sometime after birth, there can only be two citizen types, natural born, and naturalized.

    Since Obama was born on US soil, and millions of Americans are citizens by mere virtue of the same, he is, by definition, a natural born citizen.

    I await your weaselling with great anticipation.

  361. Greg says:

    gorefan: Are these guys wrong and are you right?

    No, you aren’t getting the true scope.

    EVERYONE’S wrong and only KBOA is right!

    Before Obama’s election, there were three lawyers who suggested anything close to what KBOA is suggesting:

    1. AP Morse – not sure if the child of two nonresident aliens was eligible for the Presidency
    2. Breckenridge Long – not sure if the child born to a British man before the 14th Amendment was eligible.
    3. George Collins – pretty sure he shouldn’t have lost in WKA.

    (Morse brought us Plessy v. Ferguson, Long denied visas to Jews fleeing Italy, Collins ended his life as a convicted bigamist and perjurer)

    Against these three individuals, the entire legal community in the entire history of this nation has concluded that natural born means born here without regard to parental citizenship.

    You can literally scour every single sentence written about the clause and find not another author anywhere claiming anything like KBOA.

    Some have said that maybe the child of two illegal immigrants might not be a citizen.

    None have said that the child of a US citizen and a person here legally would become anything other than a natural born citizen.

    None creates these new categories of citizen.

    So, KBOA, Mario, Orly, Donofrio and these three lone lawyers are right.

    Every other writer who has ever thought about this issue and put pen to paper is WRONG!

    So, no, her next act isn’t going to be to disprove special relativity. The only comparable act of hubris would be for KBOA to disprove gravity.

    Show us how up is down, KBOA.

  362. gorefan says:

    Greg: 1. AP Morse – not sure if the child of two nonresident aliens was eligible for the Presidency

    When birthers quote Morse, they only cite the 1904 law review article. They never mention his 1881, “A Thesis on Citizenship”. Maybe because it has the following statement:

    ”In the law of nations, ‘citizen’ is a term applicable to every member of the civil society, every individual who belongs to the nation.

    This character is acquired in various ways, according to the laws of each state. In many states birth is sufficient to confer it; so that the child of an alien is a citizen from the fact of having been born within the territorial limits and the jurisdiction.2‘

    And in footnote 2, he writes: ”It is so in England and in the United States [but the births must be ” within the jurisdiction”‘].”

    He also says,

    “The Constitution does not make the citizens (it is, in fact, made by them) ; it only recognizes such of them as are natural, home-born, and provides for the naturalization of such of them as are alien, foreign-born, making the latter, as far as nature will allow, like the former.”

    Clearly, he only thinks there are two types of citizens (those natural-born in the country) and those who are foreign-born?

  363. G says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Sorry, but the 14th amendment does not have the word “NATURAL” in it!

    This is TOO easy!

    Only because you are obviously of limited mental capacity. So tell me, how is someone born “unnatural”?

    You don’t need to always say it, because the term is a redundant descriptor. The 14th amendment simply clarifies the two types of citizens – born and naturalized. Simple as that. One who is born is naturally born. There is no other reality in terms of our laws.

  364. The Magic M says:

    > Simple logic tells us that “citizen” there isn’t a third type of citizen, it’s a category encompassing the two types of citizen described – natural born and naturalized.

    That’s the problem with delusional fools, they can’t even grasp the simplest of logic rules.

    #1: A => B does not imply B => A (sufficient condition and necessary condition are not the same)

    Birthers say “because we have found some quotations saying that if you have two citizen parents and are born in the US, you are an NBC, it follows that NBC requires two citizen parents”.
    This is like saying “If a dog has four legs, everything that has four legs must be a dog”.

    #2: For three conditions A, B, C, it is not necessary that they are mutually exclusive.

    Birthers say “because there is talk of natural born citizens, naturalized citizens and citizens, it follows that these are three mutually exclusive types of citizen”.

    This is like saying “If there are men and women and humans, it follows that men are not humans and women are neither”.

    #3: If there are more than one definition of the same thing, it does not follow this suddenly creates a new thing.

    Birthers say “WKA talks about citizen at birth, but this is something different than natural-born” or “native-born is something different than natural-born” or even “Citizen is something different than citizen”.

    This is like saying because odd numbers can be defined as “not divisible by 2” and as “of the form 2k+1”, it follows that there are two mutually exclusive types of such numbers: those not divisible by 2 (“odd numbers”) and those of the form 2k+1 (“uneven numbers”) and no uneven number is odd and vice versa.

    The sad thing is that they won’t even realize these fallacies that a 6-year-old wouldn’t make. Shows you how deluded one must be at this point.

  365. Jules says:

    Scientist: Borderraven said the following at the NBC site:“on January 20, 2009, the former United States of America, through a technicality, silently dissolved the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 and surrendered to British rule.”In view of this startling revelation, I have a few questions:1. What channel do I tune to for the BBC?
    2. Do I have to change the steering on my car to the right side or can I drive on the left with my car as is?
    3. When do I have to start drinking warm beer and eating cold toast?
    4. If the Queen stops by my house, can I call her “Liz”?
    5. Could someone please explain the rules of cricket?

    First of all, UK law requires you to have a TV licence before you can use a television set to receive any television broadcast whatsoever. Unless you want to give up watching TV, you owe the BBC £145.50.

    In all seriousness, Borderraven’s conclusion is quite the opposite reality. US law is that someone who is born in the US and subject to US jurisdiction at birth is a natural-born US citizen. That this applies regardless of any other country’s laws is a strong indication that the US governs itself strictly according to its own constitution and laws. If the US did allow dual citizenship to disqualify someone from the Presidency of the US, then it would give foreign governments veto power over Presidential eligibility.

  366. Scientist says:


    Unlike you, I don’t pretend to read the minds of dead people I can read English and the phrase does not say “natural born citizen of the United States”, it says “natural born citizen”. In the case of Senators and Representatives, it says “citizen of the United States”. Whatever the intent, which we cannot presume to know, the actual words say that a citizen of any country can be President, as long as they are naturally born. however, only US citizens can be in Congress (and they can be born in any manner their mothers wish).

    You can laugh, if you’d like, but you are laughing at the people who wrote the words, not me.

  367. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Don’t ya just LOVE it?

    Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate
    Suggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chances


    Too frickin funny!

  368. Bovril says:

    Still lying like a rug aren’t we Tracy/Papoose/Crap dresser.

    WND always leads it’s headlines with an outright lie and THEN when you read it (you did read it..?) says nothing of the sort.

    As usual with old Corsi the ACTUAL write up is a tissue of supposition and BS.

    The Governor had a chat with ANOTHER paper not WND (that’s what pisses Corsi off)

    The interview was NOT about the BS imaginary Birfoon fantasies but the role of the Governor and his tasks ahead

    The ACTUAL Q+A is

    Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. How is that coming?

    A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

    (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

    It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down …

    …What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

    If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.

    The Governor states, simply enough, even for the brain damaged such as yourself that the records of birth exist, that he can’t do squat about it as NOTHING WILL EVER SATISFY the insane Birfoon.

    You really are stupid aren’t you…

    Oh and I notice that you still have no ability to factually disprove or deny that you STILL are and and remain that LSOS from Dr Hates


    You’re a Birfoon and inherently a liar….oh and a spectacular example of FAIL.

  369. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: —————————-Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)4. Naturalized Citizen (became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

    If that were true, you would be able to cite where those four types of citizen are expressed in the US Constitution, the US Statutes or case law. Come on. Take the Challenge. Prove it. Tell us where to look and find where these 4 separate types are defined by law.

  370. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ahhhhhDon’t ya just LOVE it?Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificateSuggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chanceshttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=252833Too frickin funny!

    You know, I read that article then I went to the link WND gives to the Honolulu Star Advertiser and found this is what Abercrombie actually told the Star Advertiser:

    “Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. How is that coming?

    A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

    (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

    It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down …

    …What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

    If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.”

    Where from that exchange could Corsi come up with this? :

    “Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate
    Suggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chances”

    “Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president’s chances of re-election in 2012. ”

    Jerome Corsi is flying about the interview.

  371. The Magic M says:


    Applying birther logic, one might actually assume so.

    Aren’t you birthers the ones who claim that when Dr Fukino said Obama was a “natural born American citizen”, she said that on purpose so she could later claim that she never meant “natural born citizen as meant by the Constitution” when the Big Birther Revolution puts her on trial?
    That is the crazy mindset of the birthers, that deviating by only an Angstrom from what they expect you to say, you are actually “obfuscating the issue” or deliberately say something you can later construe to have meant something else in order to avoid being hanged for treason.

    A sane mind might assume that “natural born American citizen” is saying even more definitely than just “natural born citizen” that Obama is an NBC of the US (and not of Canada, Kenya or Sealand).
    Had Dr Fukino said “Obama is a natural born citizen” (as the birthers seem to think would be the “correct” wording), they would have retorted “She never said he was an NBC of the United States! What a clever wording to obfuscate – or indirectly admit – that in fact he really isn’t!”.

  372. The Magic M says:

    I forgot:

    That echoes fallacy #2 from another posting of mine, that birthers assume that “natural born American citizen” isn’t a subset of “natural born citizen” but rather something entirely different…

  373. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ahhhhh
    Don’t ya just LOVE it?Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate
    Suggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chanceshttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=252833Too frickin funny!

    You’re not going to find anyone here (or any real journalist, for that matter), takes anything from World Nut Daily seriously.

  374. Scientist says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Actually, you are wrong! There are 4 types of citizens.
    1. Natural Born Citizen (Born to 2 citizen parents)
    2. Native Born Citizen (Born on this soil and not owing allegiance)
    3. Citizen (as by the 14th amendment)
    4. Naturalized Citizen (became a citizen by applying for citizenship)

    There are also senior citizens (I will be one all too soon) and people who bank at Citizen’s Bank (I do) and those who wear Citizen watches (I don’t).

  375. Lupin says:

    KBOA is an imbecile and his notions are a cesspool of racist ideas and delusional thinking, but what I find fascinating is that people like him never think of what would happen if what they wrote was true…

    The notion that somehow having a non-US father or mother would suddenly make you less than a full blown US citizen even in born in the US would disenfranchise millions of Americans. We’d be talking about a tectonic social shift. Utterly impractical and morally stupid.

    But then of course, what they want is only to get the n*** out of the White House. They’re so blinded by their prejudices they can’t see father than that.

  376. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Daniel: You’re not going to find anyone here (or any real journalist, for that matter), takes anything from World Nut Daily seriously.

    You’re not going to find anyone in the realm of sanity who takes World Nut Daily seriously

  377. The Magic M says:

    > people like him never think of what would happen if what they wrote was true

    If everything birthers say were true, the following would happen:

    1. Any country in the world could render every American ineligible within a generation by simply declaring the entire US population its citizens. I.e. everyone born from then on would be unable to have natural born children.

    2. The military could, at any time, remove a sitting president for any invented reason without any due process.

    3. Congress could, at any time, remove a sitting president by simply declaring him ineligible without any due process.

    4. Every court in the country could, at any time, remove a sitting president by simply declaring him ineligible.

    5. Every soldier may (even: must) stop obeying orders if he has any “doubts” about an unbroken chain of command (e.g. because he has come to believe that the General lied in his draft papers and should be court-martialed), even in times of war.

    6. Any fringe minority (including da ebil Marxists) has the right to force any elected official to do what they want or otherwise be entitled to “fire” him or take the law into their own hands.

    7. In every court case, wild allegations and out-of-thin-air statements constitute acceptable proof, thus I can always ensure my neighbour has to hand over his car to me because I claim he sold it to me and then ate the contract; or that my neighbour gets life in prison because I claim someone told me he saw my neighbour kill somebody, though it’s unclear who he killed and when and how.

    8. Since the laws of logic no longer apply, white is black, war is peace and freedom is slavery.

  378. gorefan says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate
    Suggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chances

    I have to say that since you so totally f**ked up the natural born/native born definition and then didn’t even realize that you had the wrong Hamilton draft constitution, it is almost impossible to take anything you say seriously.

    Let’s see if you can redeem yourself. To the founding generation were the terms natural born subject and natural born citizen synonymous?

  379. Tarrant says:

    Magic M:

    Indeed, this is also the core of butterdezillion’s daft belief that Dick Cheney *intentionally* didn’t ask for objections to the electoral vote count because years from now he can say “Ha! Obama was never really President this whole time because I didn’t follow the instructions to certify the vote!”, and that John Roberts intentionally misspoke the Oath of Office (ignore that whole redo, kids!) because then he could claim he didn’t commit treason because he didn’t “really” give him the oath.

    Or, for that matter, her assertion that the Hawaii government has repeatedly “indirectly” said that Obama’s COLB is forged – never said it, rather just “indirectly” said so – for example, by saying “Everything on the online COLB matches what is in our records” instead of saying “Yes, that’s the exact COLB we gave him” (which, given she didn’t personally hand it over, she probably doesn’t know – maybe it’s a copy of a copy…what she can say is the information is accurate, which should be all that matters).

  380. Tarrant says:

    The Magic M: >
    3. Congress could, at any time, remove a sitting president by simply declaring him ineligible without any due process.

    I often wonder about birthers when I read things like this. On FR or the P&E once in a while someone will suggest impeachment and someone replies something to the effect of:

    “Well you can’t impeach him, the Socialist Marxist Fascist Corporatist Communist Something Else Contradictory-ist Democrats will never vote for that, but the great thing is you don’t have to – Impeachment only works for legitimate Presidents and he isn’t one. All Congress has to do is declare him ineligible and then frog-march him out of the White House in chains.”

    And one wonders, how exactly do they expect Congress to “declare” this? Does the Speaker of the House get to “declare” someone ineligible and thus be able to remove any President at any time as they desire? Would Congress have to vote on it? If they did, if it only required a simple majority why bother with impeachment ever again? If they don’t think the Democrats in the Senate would vote to impeach why do they feel like they’d sign on to a “Declare Him Ineligible” resolution? And if it required a supermajority, then that has essentially become impeachment b another name.

    I often remind people enamored of giving a lot more police and “anti-terror” powers to the government that many of them were all in favor of increased FBI powers from the Patriot Act when they were being used to spy on fringe leftwing groups that were making threats against Bush, but were furious and all “That’s not what those powers are for!” when Obama came in and now it was fringe rightwing groups making threats that were being investigated. They love the fantasy of John Boehner saying “Sorry Obama, the House has declared you ineligible, and Biden too as an accessory, get out!” and ignore the fact that if he had that power it means a Democratic Speaker could remove “President Palin” the exact same way. Whatever power you want to give one person or group like that ask whether you’d be happy if your opposition had the same ability (they usually retort with “America has changed and they’ll never make the mistake of electing a Democrat ever again!” Ask Karl Rove how that Permanent Republican Majority worked out for him…).

  381. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Obama Ineligibility Petitionhttp://www.petitiononline.com/seanrush/petition.html

    we’re up to 34 signatures! thanks mr magoo. at this rate we’ll have enough people to fill a denny’s by mid may!

  382. BatGuano says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ahhhhh
    Don’t ya just LOVE it?Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate
    Suggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chanceshttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=252833Too frickin funny!

    from the article:

    ” Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.”

    KBOA, you’ve seen the actual interview with abercrombie, when did he say ( or suggest ) anything about a birth certificate not existing ?

  383. Kate520 says:

    My favorite part of the birther discussion involves them bring up letters and memoranda that prove they were thinking about ideas other than what made it into the final Constitution.

    So they considered Vatel? So friggin’ what? They considered many views and ultimately, what they decided on formed the Constitution. It’s interesting, it’s valuable knowledge, the history of the Constitution is something everyone should study. But in the end, it’s just talk and not in the Constitution. The interpretation of it over the years obviously isn’t to some people’s liking, but they don’t get to reinterpret it in their own light. At least not so that anyone else has to pay attention to.

    IANAL or a Constitutional scholar, but clearly neither is KBOA. I’ve always believed that by not locking down every definition they meant it to be a living document, to be interpreted in light of current society. I know that’s not a popular view among some who wish they didn’t have to extend rights to women, blacks or gays, but there it is.

  384. Daniel says:

    we’re up to 34 signatures! thanks mr magoo. at this rate we’ll have enough people to fill a denny’s by mid may!

    Apparently you can sign it as many times as you like. I know Emerich would have wanted to, so I did it for him.

    37. Emerich de Vattel Switzerland, USA Yes All your Constitution are belong to us. I am your King. Worship me for your lives and laws are in my hand.

  385. Black Lion says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): You’re not going to find anyone in the realm of sanity who takes World Nut Daily seriously

    Agreed…Especially when the article they published contains such falsehoods like the following….WND and more specifically Corsi are pathetic…

    “So far, the only birth document available on Obama is a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth that first appeared on the Internet during the 2008 presidential campaign. It was posted by two purportedly independent websites that have displayed a strong partisan bias for Obama – Snopes.com released the COLB in June 2008, and FactCheck.org published photographs of the document in August 2008.

    WND previously reported the Hawaii Department of Health has refused to authenticate the COLB posted on the Internet by Snopes.com and FactCheck.org.

    WND has reported that in 1961, Obama’s grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, could have made an in-person report of a Hawaii birth even if the infant Barack Obama Jr. had been foreign-born.

    Similarly, the newspaper announcements of Obama’s birth do not prove he was born in Hawaii, since they could have been triggered by the grandparents registering the birth as Hawaiian, even if the baby was born elsewhere.

    Moreover, WND has documented that the address reported in the newspaper birth announcements was the home of the grandparents.

    WND also has reported that Barack Obama Sr. maintained his own separate apartment in Honolulu, even after he was supposedly married to Ann Dunham, Barack Obama’s mother, and that Dunham left Hawaii within three weeks of the baby’s birth to attend the University of Washington in Seattle.

    Dunham did not return to Hawaii until after Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in June 1962 to attend graduate school at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

    Conceivably, the yet undisclosed birth record in the state archives that Abercrombie has discovered may have come from the grandparents registering Obama’s birth, an event that would have triggered both the newspaper birth announcements and availability of a Certification of Live Birth, even if no long-form birth certificate existed.

    WND has also reported that Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008, has maintained that there is no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate on file with the Hawaii Department of Health and that neither Honolulu hospital – Queens Medical Center or Kapiolani Medical Center – has any record that Obama was born there.”

  386. Dave says:

    I’d like to thank KBOA for mentioning this online petition, because I can’t get enough of this stuff. Has quite a lot of whereases, followed by this:

    We therefore call on Rush, Sean, Mark, Glenn and talk show hosts across the U.S. to make the Obama eligibility issue a defining regular subject on their shows and insist they treat it as a sacred legal and constitutional one and not something to be ridiculed and mocked by the likes of Ann Coulter, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and others.

    That’s it, that’s all they want. They want it to be a “defining regular subject.” Not sure what “defining” means in this context. They also want it to be a “sacred legal” subject — I guess that’s for people who worship the law.

    As I mentioned there a lots of whereases but this one stands out:

    Whereas attorneys such as Phil Berg, Gary Kreep, Mario Apuzzo, Leo Donofrio and others have spent and/or continue to spend thousands of dollars of their own money (scarce in today’s economy) to force Mr. Obama’s hand

    Orly Taitz didn’t even get mentioned. She is going to be very sad. And as for the last one:

    And whereas numerous polls taken across the country consistently show high majorities of Americans (including one AOL poll of over 80%) wanting to see a birth certificate and/or other credentials showing the natural born citizenship status of Barack Obama

    You want to see it, here it is. Glad I could help.

  387. Daniel says:

    This is fun lol

    38. Pop’n Fresh Doughboy Second Raise, Indiana Yes Obunna is ineligible! Only White Bread in the White House!! He Heee!


    C’mon folks, there’s lots more cartoon characters out there to sign on behalf of….

  388. Daniel says:

    Oh this is just too good to be true….

    The guy who originated the petition is one Nedd Kareiva. In his off time he makes up online petitions… hundreds of them apparently, and writes hate blog articles. But you’ll never guess what he does for a living.

    No really, try to guess….

    Give up?

    OK swallow your coffee first and then read…. from http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kareiva

    [quote=Nedd Kareiva’s bio]Nedd is a professional Scrabble player…[/quote]

    You can’t make up comedy this good lol

  389. KenyanBornObamAcorn:
    ————————————-Actually, all that is MOOT. Before that, Obama was never a Natural Born Citizen, so none of that Indonesia stuff matters. You need to be BORN a Natural Born Citizen, you can’t just “become” one, any time you FEEL LIKE IT! lolol, as IF!

    Ah, so in other words you’re moving the goalposts again rather than than answering the claims you yourself brought up.

    And it’s funny how US law, the US legal code, US citizenship law, and 200+ years of US court rulings all state that one is a Natural-Born citizen via having US citizenship at birth. Furthermore, all of those sources state there is only two form of US citizenship – natural born, which means having had US citizenship from birth on, and naturalized, having adopted US citizenship as an adult.

    de Vattel doesn’t figure into the picture at all.

  390. Daniel says:

    39. Scrabble Board Hasbro, RI Yes I don’t have the letters to spell the words to express how angry I am at the Usuperatorialificishnessity of Obama. Triple Word Score!!! Whaddya mean that’s not a word?

  391. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: ahhhhh
    Don’t ya just LOVE it?Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate
    Suggests controversy could hurt president’s re-election chanceshttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=252833Too frickin funny!

    It’s not that he can’t find it because that’s not what he said. It’s a matter of being able to release whatever there is of it under existing state and federal law. He can’t just violate the law since he’s not a dictator, and that would leave him open to being brought up on criminal charges, which I’m sure birthers would want to see happen when he releases any information that proves them wrong

  392. Majority Will says:

    It’s not that he can’t find it because that’s not what he said. It’s a matter of being able to release whatever there is of it under existing state and federal law. He can’t just violate the law since he’s not a dictator, and that would leave him open to being brought up on criminal charges, which I’m sure birthers would want to see happen when he releases any information that proves them wrong

    Aside from being mentally challenged, birthers are admittedly political enemies.

    That’s why nothing will ever satisfy their pea brains. They only want their sick fantasies.

  393. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Majority Will:
    Aside from being mentally challenged, birthers are admittedly political enemies.That’s why nothing will ever satisfy their pea brains. They only want their sick fantasies.

    Any thing he releases in whatever media it’s contained in, those enemies will alter it and claim that what they were given is a fake anyway; that’s what they did with what he put on the internet back in 2008, and they will do it again. And that’s basically why they shouldn’t release anything else to the public; the nutjobs will only use it as more fodder for their loony conspiracy theories after they have altered it to employ it as more evidence of their sick claims, and given two alternatives, the nutty birthers will side with those who altered it and claimed it’s fake rather than those who attest to it’s authenticity. That’s their sorry history, and history will repeat itself in this case

    Abercrombie said that he is searching for something that he can release under existing law, and of course, in the sick mind of birthers, that means he can’t find anything

  394. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Issa said that Congress will not investigate this issue, and if the entity responsible for ensuring that the president is eligible for office and investigating credible claims against the president, Congress, says there is no probable cause for an investigation, the last nail has been hammered into the birthers’ coffin. They can whine all they want, sign all the petitions they want, and file all the lawsuits they want, but when Congress refuses to go near it, the birthers are toast.

  395. Scientist says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: Abercrombie said that he is searching for something that he can release under existing law, and of course, in the sick mind of birthers, that means he can’t find anything

    As the highest official in his state, Abercrombie should have kept quiet until he had an answer from the DOH and the state Attorney General as to what could be released legally and had made as a decision as to whether the public interest would be served by releasing it. Then, if he decided it was worth releasing, release it, and if not, say nothing.

  396. Majority Will says:

    Any thing he releases in whatever media it’s contained in, those enemies will alter it and claim that what they were given is a fake anyway; that’s what they did with what he put on the internet back in 2008, and they will do it again. And that’s basically why they shouldn’t release anything else to the public; the nutjobs will only use it as more fodder for their loony conspiracy theoriesafter they have altered it to employ it as more evidence of their sick claims, and given two alternatives, the nutty birthers will side with those who altered it and claimed it’s fake rather than those who attest to it’s authenticity. That’s their sorry history, and history will repeat itself in this caseAbercrombie said that he is searching for something that he can release under existing law, and of course, in the sick mind of birthers, that means he can’t find anything

    In addition to forgers, they’ve also proven to be identity thieves, stalkers, harassers (e.g., Orly’s witch hunts) and vexatious litigants filing frivolous suits and wasting taxpayer money.

    Birthers are quite simply anti-American scum.

  397. Majority Will says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: They can whine all they want, sign all the petitions they want, and file all the lawsuits they want, but when Congress refuses to go near it, the birthers are toast.

    Which is why I predict, sadly, that a few more of these disturbed, anti-American scum bags will end up in prison as martyrs for their idiotic and hate and bigotry driven cause.

  398. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    As the highest official in his state, Abercrombie should have kept quiet until he had an answer from the DOH and the state Attorney General as to what could be released legally and had made as a decision as to whether the public interest would be served by releasing it.Then, if he decided it was worth releasing, release it, and if not, say nothing.

    Good point, Scientist. I guess he was just really bothered by the liars and their propaganda because he knew President Obama’s parents. What he did was verify that the president was, in fact, born in Hawaii but didn’t realize how sick birthers would twist his words to have a meaning that he didn’t have any intention of conveying. Those of us who deal with them on a daily basis know how twisted they are, but Abercrombie, for whatever reason, must not have known that about them

  399. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Majority Will:
    Which is why I predict, sadly, that a few more of these disturbed, anti-American scum bags will end up in prison as martyrs for their idiotic and hate and bigotry driven cause.

    No doubt, Will. Let;s just hope that no innocent bystanders get harmed because of their illness. One dead 9 year old is way more than enough

  400. Scientist says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: I guess he was just really bothered by the liars and their propaganda because he knew President Obama’s parents.

    I understand that and sympathize. He was perfectly free to share any personal recollections of seeing baby O and his parents. But when you diiscuss state documents, you should decide what you are going to do before you speak, not after.

  401. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    I understand that and sympathize.He was perfectly free to share any personal recollections of seeing baby O and his parents.But when you diiscuss state documents, you should decide what you are going to do before you speak, not after.


  402. obsolete says:

    KBOA’s shards have run out, and she is sleeping until the next trip to her dealer. (Hey- she admitted to being a tweaker on Fogbow).
    She can’t read and comprehend even the simplest of court decisions, so here is something she can read and understand:
    Obama is President, so you must be wrong.
    The End.

  403. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    obsolete: KBOA’s shards have run out, and she is sleeping until the next trip to her dealer. (Hey- she admitted to being a tweaker on Fogbow).
    She can’t read and comprehend even the simplest of court decisions, so here is something she can read and understand:
    Obama is President, so you must be wrong.
    The End.

    And Congress tells birthers to pound salt. Sounds like “checkmate” to me.

  404. kimba says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: kimba: Foggy gave you a thread to contain you. You did not have license to post whatever you wanted because it was YOUR private thread. Your reasoning is on par with that of a 5 year old. You’ve made it clear. You’re pissed you got baned. You don’t understand why you got baned. You called a moderator a s k a n k. You told a moderator to eff off. Nuff said. Grow up and take the consequences of your inability to control yourself.
    Womp Womp Womp I detect hostility! LOLOLOLOL

    What you detect is a grown up reminding you why you got banned at FogBow. As predicted, you can’t support your claims so you’re starting the lololol haha womp womp foolishness, just like you did at FogBow. Next will be the spamming and links to doctored pictures.

  405. misha says:

    Daniel: C’mon folks, there’s lots more cartoon characters out there to sign on behalf of….

    I just signed as Mortimer Snerd, at Gowanda State Hospital.

  406. Majority Will says:

    ellid: Wasn’t this individual the same McDonald’s fry cook who posted as “Obamacornlies” at the Independent?



    KenyanBornObamAcorn wrote:
    “Pffttt, I used the frequent the Washington Independent regularly, until I buried them! I thought they got shut down cause they sucked!”

  407. G says:

    Scientist: I understand that and sympathize. He was perfectly free to share any personal recollections of seeing baby O and his parents. But when you diiscuss state documents, you should decide what you are going to do before you speak, not after.

    Agreed, completely.

    Majority Will: Which is why I predict, sadly, that a few more of these disturbed, anti-American scum bags will end up in prison as martyrs for their idiotic and hate and bigotry driven cause.

    Based on that list I gave out a few days ago of prior birthers that already crossed the line in the past two years…

    …unfortunately, I too would have to say that what you’ve stated is a near inevitable certainty…

  408. Daniel says:

    40. Kenya, Republic of Kenya, of course Yes Hi there. Uh y’all ordered a fake Kenyan Birth Certificate from our Nairobi City Hall Novelty and Gift Shop, for delivery to a Lucas Smith. We have yet to recieve payment for that item. Please remit the sum of $4.89 USD or we’ll be forced to repossess.

  409. misha says:

    Daniel: 40. Kenya, Republic of Kenya, of course Yes Hi there. Uh y’all ordered a fake Kenyan Birth Certificate from our Nairobi City Hall Novelty and Gift Shop, for delivery to a Lucas Smith. We have yet to recieve payment for that item. Please remit the sum of $4.89 USD or we’ll be forced to repossess.

    To view that Kenyan Birth Certificate from our Nairobi City Hall Novelty and Gift Shop, click here:

  410. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Hey all GREAT News!

    Strunk v Paterson (Obama): First time in the USA since 1824; Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is; Concludes Obama is not a NBC.


  411. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Now that is great news since it’s an opinion, and opinions are not laws; moreover, opinions are like…..well… you, and everybody has one

  412. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Here’s another opinion for you, and opinion that matters, a REPUBLICAN opinion that matters, a REPUBLICAN SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE opinion that matters

    Boehner: The state of Hawaii has said that President Obama was born there. That’s good enough for me.


  413. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Oh, and here’s another REPUBLICAN opinion that matters

    Issa has tried to draw a line separating events that he considers appropriate subjects for investigation and those which he deems inappropriate. He has criticized his predecessors for wasting time looking into matters involving the Clintons that predated their arrival at the White House, such as the Whitewater and cattle-futures episodes. “These are items that occurred before the President was elected,” Issa told me. “I would not have viewed them as particularly significant.” He added that issues involving Obama’s past are also off limits, such as “the birther question.” Implicit in this rule is that his past should also be left undisturbed.


  414. Daniel says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Hey all GREAT News!Strunk v Paterson (Obama): First time in the USA since 1824; Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is; Concludes Obama is not a NBC.http://theghostfighters.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/strunk-v-paterson-obama-first-time-in-the-usa-since-1824-judge-has-opined-on-what-natural-born-citizen-is-concludes-obama-is-not-a-nbc/

    Man are you a numbskull.

    First of all, it’s not a court decision or even a court opinion. It’s a affidavit sworn by Strunk that this is what he thinks the conversation he had with the Judge meant.

    So it’s Strunk’s opinion, not the court’s opinion, and considering anyone with more than half a brain wouldn’t trust a habitual liar like Strunk to swear to a stubbed toe, all this adds up to two thirds of dick all.

  415. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    I often wonder why they don’t ask Osama bin Laden for his opinion on the matter. I’m sure that he would have an opinion they like since he is as anti-American as they are.

  416. gorefan says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Strunk v Paterson (Obama):


    You do understand that the judge dismissed the case. And all you are reading is Strunk’s interpretation of what went on.

  417. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Hey all GREAT News!Strunk v Paterson (Obama): First time in the USA since 1824; Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is; Concludes Obama is not a NBC.http://theghostfighters.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/strunk-v-paterson-obama-first-time-in-the-usa-since-1824-judge-has-opined-on-what-natural-born-citizen-is-concludes-obama-is-not-a-nbc/

    The case has already been dismissed. As usual Strunk tries to play things up bigger than they are. He has lots of time on his hands these days being unemployed and collecting benefits from the government and all. Strunk hasn’t shown his face here in a while since the last time he made himself look like a racist scumbag.

  418. Majority Will says:

    BlahahahahahaYou do understand that the judge dismissed the case.And all you are reading is Strunk’s interpretation of what went on.

    Tracy is probably the dumbest redneck bigot or she’s at least on par with most mentally challenged birthers which isn’t saying much. This inbred, waste of DNA has left a pathetic crap trail across a few birther threads. She must have finally gotten fired from her job waiting tables at that greasy spoon hangout.

    I’ll bet she was too frightened of dark skinned people to serve them.

  419. US Citizen says:

    Fwiw, I did the Mr. Magoo signing.
    I wanted to see if it disallowed multiple signings via IP or cookies.
    Apparently it doesn’t. Anyone can sign multiple times.

    So to all those birthers that truly believe this is their ticket to “taking back their country”, I suggest you all spend time 24/7 on that page making up names and signing repeatedly.
    It’ll keep you off the streets at night and isn’t much different than pressing the button at a crosswalk 20 times to try and force the light to change.
    That -always- works.

    I think I’ll sign in Chinese next time.
    I understand that Rush is fluent in Chinese.

  420. US Citizen says:

    Majority Will:
    “I’ll bet she was too frightened of dark skinned people to serve them.”

    True story:
    About a year ago I was at a local restaurant sitting in back of a loud, obviously Obama-hating couple at another table.
    The man doing most of the talking turned around after saying something especially loud and derogatory, looked at me and said “well it’s true, you know.”
    I replied that the fork he was eating with had most certainly been in a black person’s mouth before.
    Realizing this, he started to eat with his fingers.
    A few moments later, he asked the waitress for extra napkins and many of the folks in the immediate area started busting out in laughter. One of those moments you had to be there.

  421. The Magic M says:

    > You do understand that the judge dismissed the case. And all you are reading is Strunk’s interpretation of what went on.

    It’s always funny how the nutcases try to read even lost cases into a win.
    (I’ve had to deal with one such individual over here as well; his appeal to the Constitutional Court was denied, then he tried to read the court’s opinion on why it was denied as affirmation of what he was stating in his appeal. *duh*)

    And of course no-one else but Strunk-en-stein, uh, -in-esse has heard the judge respond “favourably” to his “natural born is not native born” quack; everyone else if probably lying and part of the conspiracy…

  422. ellid says:

    Majority Will:
    Confirmed.http://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5233&start=25KenyanBornObamAcorn wrote:
    “Pffttt, I used the frequent the Washington Independent regularly, until I buried them! I thought they got shut down cause they sucked!”

    Funny, I thought she was banned.

  423. Majority Will says:

    US Citizen:
    True story:
    About a year ago I was at a local restaurant sitting in back of a loud, obviously Obama-hating couple at another table.
    The man doing most of the talking turned around after saying something especially loud and derogatory, looked at me and said “well it’s true, you know.”
    I replied that the fork he was eating with had most certainly been in a black person’s mouth before.
    Realizing this, he started to eat with his fingers.
    A few moments later, he asked the waitress for extra napkins and many of the folks in the immediate area started busting out in laughter. One of those moments you had to be there.

    LMFAO ! ! ! 😀

    Absolutely brilliant and kudos to you.

  424. Majority Will says:

    Funny, I thought she was banned.

    Cockroaches certainly are tenacious.

  425. Rickey says:

    Actually, this particular Strunk case has not been dismissed – yet.


    Index Number: 29642/2008
    Case Status: ACTIVE

    The case was on a calendar call on January 11 to consider Strunk’s motion to amend his complaint. The court computer shows that the judge made a decision on the motion, but it doesn’t say if the motion was granted or denied. In any event, at the present time there is no new appearance date set and the defendants have not yet filed a motion to dismiss.

    Strunk is dreaming if he believes that his affidavit is going to be become part of the record. Strunk’s “understanding” of what the judge said at the hearing is irrelevant.

  426. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: Strunk’s “understanding” of what the judge said at the hearing is irrelevant.

    And guano psychotic.

  427. misha says:

    Majority Will: And guano psychotic.


  428. Sef says:

    Rickey: Strunk is dreaming if he believes that his affidavit is going to be become part of the record. Strunk’s “understanding” of what the judge said at the hearing is irrelevant.

    He’ll probably file another suit to make the judge incorporate this into the record. I’m so glad our judges don’t have any real cases to worry about so that they can concentrate on these birther suits.

  429. Scientist says:

    As a New York taxpayer I am going to sue this clown Strunk for my share of the costs to dispose of this garbage lawsuit. If you’re listening, Bozo, there is a simple solution; if you aren’t sure a candidate is eligible or don’t like them for any reason whatsoever-DON’T VOTE FOR THEM..

  430. Black Lion says:

    An Open Letter To Birthers: Find a New Way To Question Obama’s Eligibility

    Dear Birthers:

    It’s okay, I’m white.

    Listen up, you guys: I like what you’re doing. I do. It’s very entertaining. Even your name is funny! Your undying Birther devotion to your initial impulse that the president of the United States “doesn’t seem like he’s from around these parts” is adorable. But I’m afraid this birth certificate thing is just becoming banal. It’s just not going to sustain itself for two more years. You need new ideas. And I’m here to help.
    Let’s keep with this whole eligibility thing. It’s your brand. It’s what people know you for, and I don’t want to mess with that. When people come for you for ridiculous points of view, they expect you to stick to your guns. You won’t even let your brains’ comprehension of this presidency get past square one, and I respect that.

    But let’s mix it up a little. You like the Constitution? Sure, you love it. You love it so much you chopped it up into pieces, put it in the blender, and snorted it. So let’s explore that a little more. Here are some suggestions:

    Look at this line from Article II:

    The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

    “Chusing”? What the hell is that? Congress may have done some “choosing,” but it certainly didn’t do any “chusing.” ELECTION INVALID, DO OVER.

    You also love the next line, as we know:

    No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President

    You of course focus on the “born Citizen” part, but what about this “at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” thing? Where is the evidence Obama was born before the Constitution was ratified? He hasn’t show anything, though the Constitution seems to say, in between all its commas, that the president must be at least 222 years old to hold the office right now. Which means John McCain is the only one in the country eligible for the job.

    And then there’s the next line:

    The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected

    You see how the founders capitalized “Services” and “Compensation” like that? It’s because they’re euphemisms for sex stuff. Obama is collecting a paycheck, yet he’s not whoring himself out for sex with any American who wants it — a clear violation of his duties. The job begins when he performs his first back-alley blowjob, obviously, so his presidency hasn’t even begun.
    See, these reasons are just as good at denying Obama’s eligibility to be president as refusing to believe all the evidence Obama was born in Hawaii, but they put a little spice into your favorite activity. Please choose one and go with it for a little while. You’re getting really boring.


    Your #1 Fan


  431. Majority Will says:

    Black Lion: Notice from the Table of Authorities:

    “Kerchner v. Obama,
    612 F.3d 204 (3d Cir. 2010)”

    Speaking of the birther Kerchner loss and El Putzo, he’s still at it over at CAAFlog.com. Posters have estimated that Mario has posted somewhere between 200 – 300 times trying to convince competent, sane, respectable attorneys that he’s not a guano psychotic birther and failure as an attorney with ridiculous and crank legal theories completely out of touch with reality.

    Over 1,500 comments on one thread and Mario thinks he wins the argument if he gets the last word. Let’s see how well that works for him next time in court.


  432. G says:

    Majority Will:
    Speaking of the birther Kerchner loss and El Putzo, he’s still at it over at CAAFlog.com. Posters have estimated that Mario has posted somewhere between 200 – 300 times trying to convince competent, sane, respectable attorneys that he’s not a guano psychotic birther and failure as an attorney with ridiculous and crank legal theories completely out of touch with reality.Over 1,500 comments on one thread and Mario thinks he wins the argument if he gets the last word. Let’s see how well that works for him next time in court.http://www.caaflog.com/2010/11/28/this-week-in-military-justice-28-november-2010-edition/#comment-25544

    Wow. Mario is the textbook definition of a sore loser.

  433. Rickey says:

    Daniel: C’mon folks, there’s lots more cartoon characters out there to sign on behalf of….

    Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose just signed.

  434. JoZeppy says:

    G: Wow. Mario is the textbook definition of a sore loser.

    I don’t know if I’d call him a sore loser….delusional, yes…

    I have to wonder what goes on in his mind. He certainly can’t believe what he’s spewing. He is, afterall, somewhat of a real lawyer (he’s no Orly). Not like continuing to spout this nonesense is going to protect his professional reputation. I don’t think there’s much of a market for quack lawyers.

  435. Daniel says:

    Looks like there’s a battle of the Orly Taitz’ on the petition site


  436. misha says:

    Rickey: Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose just signed.

    Slim Shady just signed.

  437. Daniel says:

    At least one of the Orly Taitz have threatened to sue the site. My money is one that one being the real one lol

  438. Dave says:

    No way Orly Taitz is going to sign a petition that mentions Berg and Kreep but not her.

    What’s this part about:

    Whereas one particular case in the state of California will be heard in the coming weeks

    I’m drawing a blank — anybody know what case this is?

  439. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    misha: Slim Shady just signed.

    Remind me to sign as Seymore Butts, Ben Dover, Mike Rotch, and Buster Highman when I get home

  440. Daniel says:

    just remember to use a different email each time. Don’t think it has to be a real one

  441. Majority Will says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
    Remind me to sign as Seymore Butts, Ben Dover, Mike Rotch, and Buster Highman when I get home

    Don’t forget Ben’s sister Eileen Dover, his stepbrother, Jack Mehoff and his brother-in-law, Claude Balls.

  442. Rickey says:

    Daniel: just remember to use a different email each time. Don’t think it has to be a real one

    I made them up.

  443. The Magic M says:

    > Don’t forget Ben’s sister Eileen Dover, his stepbrother, Jack Mehoff and his brother-in-law, Claude Balls.

    Now Heywood Jablomee is sad you forgot him…

  444. misha says:

    Majority Will: Don’t forget Ben’s sister Eileen Dover, his stepbrother, Jack Mehoff and his brother-in-law, Claude Balls.

    My favorite is I’ bin Farteen:

  445. Majority Will says:

    The Magic M: > Don’t forget Ben’s sister Eileen Dover, his stepbrother, Jack Mehoff and his brother-in-law, Claude Balls.Now Heywood Jablomee is sad you forgot him…

    Doesn’t he still work for Mike Hunt?

  446. US Citizen says:

    I added four more.
    I figure if we can get to 100, they can claim that 1 out of every 30 million people want answers.
    This will inevitably be shortened to 30 million people, than expanded to 300 million.
    I can do birther math as well as the next guy, you know. 😉

  447. Wild Bill H says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: He was born in a birthing facility where legally authorized persons were present, and the state has already said that they possess this information and have seen it recently

    While I think all this is a non-issue, I find it amusing how a few months ago, everyone here was certain, beyond any doubt that he was born at Kapiolani Hospital and that Fukino had seen the long-form with her own eyes and verified that the information was the same as presented on the COLB…..to suddenly saying….

    Yeah, well, he was born in a birthing facility and someone somewhere in the state (I’m guessing you meant the state of Hawaii) has recently seen some sort of information that supposedly proves that. ROFLMAO!!!!.

    To be honest, I don’t even know what to believe anymore. I have my doubts that Obama Sr. is his biological father and I’m about to decide he was dropped to earth by a stork who found him floating in space shortly after the big bang occurred. Frankly, I think it is anyone’s guess as to who Obama is, where he came from, and what his political agenda is. Does it really matter though? I mean, it is what it is – at this point, it’s a little late to care.

    But I have to say – the new about face on this blog is certainly amusing!

  448. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    FYI, I never said anything about which hospital he was born in. The officials said they have seen that information and that it conforms to the law, so it really doesn’t matter which hospital it was as far as I’m concerned. Seems it only matters to those who “think this is a non-issue.”

  449. G says:

    Wild Bill H: While I think all this is a non-issue, I find it amusing how a few months ago, everyone here was certain, beyond any doubt that he was born at Kapiolani Hospital and that Fukino had seen the long-form with her own eyes and verified that the information was the same as presented on the COLB…..to suddenly saying…

    Well, your response leads to one of two conclusions – either you only come here from time to time and only read a few of the comments or you are intentionally cherry-picking those portions of certain responses that you wish to hear.

    I’ve been here pretty much since near the beginning and have read a majority of the comments made.

    Looking at the whole from that perspective, I can easily tell you that the arguments and statements bear little difference from what has been said on here for quite a long time.

    The “about face” you claim to see is nothing more than you wishing to see what you wish to see.

  450. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    If the governor of Connecticut says that George W. Bush was born in that state, I don’t need to know which hospital he was born in. I don’t have to ask which George Bush he’s talking about, and I don’t even care if he was born in a van down by the river.

  451. misha says:

    Wild Bill H: I think it is anyone’s guess as to who Obama is, where he came from

    Obama’s actual Kenya birth certificate is right here! See for yourself.

  452. misha says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: he was born in a van down by the river

    No, that was Matt Foley.

  453. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    No, that was Matt Foley.

    Maybe they’re one in the same, misha. 🙂

  454. US Citizen says:

    Maybe they’re one in the same, misha.

    Same van. Different river.

  455. kimba says:

    Wild Bill H: Frankly, I think it is anyone’s guess as to who Obama is, where he came from, and what his political agenda is.

    Quit whining you don’t know anything about him. That’s either utter nonsense or sheer laziness.To say this is to admit you paid no attention to during the campaign. Every other news special story was about Pres Obama and who he is and where he came from. If you’re still confused, he has written two books about himself, where he came from and what his political agenda is. Stop by your local library and pick up “Dreams from My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope”.

  456. Scientist says:

    Wild Bill H: To be honest, I don’t even know what to believe anymore. I have my doubts that Obama Sr. is his biological father and I’m about to decide he was dropped to earth by a stork who found him floating in space shortly after the big bang occurred. Frankly, I think it is anyone’s guess as to who Obama is, where he came from, and what his political agenda is. Does it really matter though? I mean, it is what it is – at this point, it’s a little late to care.

    i fail to see the relevance of who a President’s biological father is. Looking only at recent Presidents, Gerald Ford’s sperm donor was a drunk who beat his wife. They were divorced and she remarried and Ford was raised by his adoptive father. Ronald Reagan’s father was also a drunk, though his parents stayed together. Bill Clinton’s father died before he was born, probably in a drunk driving accident, and he, like Ford, was raised by an adopted parent. You could doubless find stories regarding earlier Presidents as well.

    None of this matters a whit to whether they were good or bad Presidents. All of us deserve to be judged on what we do, not what our parents did. In 2012, after 4 years in the White House, everyone wiill have sufficient information to judge whether Obama deserves re-election without needing to concern themselves with “Who’s your Daddy?” type nonsense.

  457. Majority Will says:

    i fail to see the relevance of who a President’s biological father is.Looking only at recent Presidents, Gerald Ford’s sperm donor was a drunk who beat his wife.They were divorced and she remarried and Ford was raisedby his adoptive father.Ronald Reagan’s fatherwas also a drunk, though his parents stayed together.Bill Clinton’s father died before he was born, probably in a drunk driving accident, and he, like Ford, was raised by an adopted parent. You could doubless find stories regarding earlier Presidents as well.None of this matters a whit to whether theywere good or bad Presidents. All of us deserve to be judged on what we do, not what our parents did.In 2012, after 4 years in the White House, everyone wiill have sufficient information to judge whether Obama deserves re-election without needing to concern themselves with “Who’s your Daddy?” type nonsense.

    But if you take away a birther’s incessant, puerile, inane, irrelevant drivel,
    they’ve got . . . . . . . . . . nothing.

  458. JoZeppy says:

    Wild Bill H: While I think all this is a non-issue, I find it amusing how a few months ago, everyone here was certain, beyond any doubt that he was born at Kapiolani Hospital and that Fukino had seen the long-form with her own eyes and verified that the information was the same as presented on the COLB…..to suddenly saying….Yeah, well, he was born in a birthing facility and someone somewhere in the state (I’m guessing you meant the state of Hawaii) has recently seen some sort of information that supposedly proves that. ROFLMAO!!!!.To be honest, I don’t even know what to believe anymore. I have my doubts that Obama Sr. is his biological father and I’m about to decide he was dropped to earth by a stork who found him floating in space shortly after the big bang occurred. Frankly, I think it is anyone’s guess as to who Obama is, where he came from, and what his political agenda is. Does it really matter though? I mean, it is what it is – at this point, it’s a little late to care.But I have to say – the new about face on this blog is certainly amusing!

    The reason you don’t know what to believe anymore because you are as dumb as a post, and because of anything the President has or has not done. We have seen his birth certificate which clearly states who his father is. The State of Hawaii has confirmed he was born in Hawaii (both the Governor and the head of DOH). It doesn’t really matter which hospital he was born in, all that matters is that he was born in the US. But we do know where. The White House wrote a latter to Kapiolani stating he was born there, the Hospital published that letter, and the President says he was born there in his autobiography, so we can feel pretty comfortable that that is where he was born. The fact that you claim to know nothing about him or his agenda is due to your stupdity of laziness. You decide. He has written two books about himself, Dreams of My Father, and The Audacity of Hope. He has written a book about his policy objectives, Change We Can Believe In. In addition to that, he wrote the forward to The State of Black America 2007. And on top of that, Barack Obama in His Own Words, a book was released containing his quotes and speeches was published in 2007.

    So how many Presidents have had this much information about themselves public 2 years into their first term?

    Again, what excuse do you have for being willfully ignorant about the President?

  459. Rickey says:

    The “about face” you claim to see is nothing more than you wishing to see what you wish to see.

    Wild Bill H is exposing himself as just another concern troll.

    He has his “doubts” that Barack Obama Sr. is Obama’s biological father. On what evidence has he developed those doubts? He doesn’t say, of course. Where have we seen those “doubts” raised before? On birther blogs, of course.

    So we can reasonably deduce that Wild Bill H frequents birther blogs. He more than likely is a birther himself, his “non-issue” disavowals notwithstanding.

  460. G says:

    Wild Bill H is exposing himself as just another concern troll.
    He has his “doubts” that Barack Obama Sr. is Obama’s biological father. On what evidence has he developed those doubts? He doesn’t say, of course. Where have we seen those “doubts” raised before? On birther blogs, of course.So we can reasonably deduce that Wild Bill H frequents birther blogs. He more than likely is a birther himself, his “non-issue” disavowals notwithstanding.

    Wild Bill H is definitely a birther concern troll. It has been awhile, but he’s posted here in the past. This recent appearance was about the “softest” he’s come across in my recollection.

    Yeah, going into the 3rd year of someone ACTIVELY being president…especially with the level of issues over the past few years that a president has had to deal with…

    …it is just ludicrous to still use a weak campaign argument about “not knowing” much about the person…

    I mean, really – turn on the fricking TV or read a newspaper and see what’s going on in the world. The man has served as President for over 2 years and has been involved with every big issue facing us and our world more than any other single individual out there.

    Issues of his resume or background prior to the job are as about as irrelevant as they can get by this point. As in the real world, all that matters now is judging him based on the job he’s been doing and in looking at what the alternatives going forward might be.

    That’s simply all that matters at this point.

  461. Greg says:

    Wild Bill H: Frankly, I think it is anyone’s guess as to who Obama is, where he came from, and what his political agenda is.

    Since we don’t have omniscience and we aren’t in Obama’s head, everything is a guess.

    Some guesses are better than others.

    Guessing he was born in Hawaii is a pretty good guess, since there’s the COLB, the State has verified he was born there, it’s corroborated by the birth announcements, etc.

    Guessing he was born to Obama Sr. is a pretty good guess, for similar reasons.

    Guessing he is in favor of health care reform is a pretty good guess, since he passed that.

    Guessing he’s a socialist isn’t a great guess, since he didn’t fight very hard for the public option, has stacked his administration with business-people and former bankers, and policies like the public mandate were plucked from conservative think tanks.

    Guessing he was born at Kapiolani – good guess. Guessing he was dropped by a stork, bad guess. Guessing the sun won’t explode tomorrow, good guess. Guessing the earth is flat – bad guess. Evolution – Good guess; Creationism – bad.

    Birthers are simply creationists who don’t want to look at scientific issues.

  462. ellid says:

    Majority Will:
    Doesn’t he still work for Mike Hunt?

    No, that’s Mike Rotch.

    BTW, have Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfe, Percy Blakeney, Harriett Vane, or Vic Warshawki signed yet? If not, I have their proxies and can do so after work.

  463. G says:

    Since we don’t have omniscience and we aren’t in Obama’s head, everything is a guess.
    Some guesses are better than others.
    Guessing he was born in Hawaii is a pretty good guess, since there’s the COLB, the State has verified he was born there, it’s corroborated by the birth announcements, etc.
    Guessing he was born to Obama Sr. is a pretty good guess, for similar reasons.
    Guessing he is in favor of health care reform is a pretty good guess, since he passed that.
    Guessing he’s a socialist isn’t a great guess, since he didn’t fight very hard for the public option, has stacked his administration with business-people and former bankers, and policies like the public mandate were plucked from conservative think tanks.
    Guessing he was born at Kapiolani – good guess. Guessing he was dropped by a stork, bad guess. Guessing the sun won’t explode tomorrow, good guess. Guessing the earth is flat – bad guess. Evolution – Good guess; Creationism – bad.
    Birthers are simply creationists who don’t want to look at scientific issues.

    Excellent post! Very well stated, Greg! Kudos.

  464. Majority Will says:

    No, that’s Mike Rotch.BTW, have Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfe, Percy Blakeney, Harriett Vane, or Vic Warshawki signed yet?If not, I have their proxies and can do so after work.

    Only if they have valid SSNs, of course.

  465. Sef says:

    Majority Will:
    Doesn’t he still work for Mike Hunt?

    Interesting little factoid: There are 123 instances of Michael Hunt in the SSDI. I bet they led interesting lives.

  466. G says:

    Sef: Here’s an amusing web page. http://f2.org/humour/language/oddnames.html

    Wow! What were these people’s parents thinking?

    …although I’m sure that some of them probably made legal name changes to these things…

    …which begs the question…

    what were THEY thinking?

    Just shows there’s a lot of strange and crazy out there.

  467. Majority Will says:

    Interesting little factoid:There are 123 instances of Michael Hunt in the SSDI. I bet they led interesting lives.

    Or they are holier-than-thou?

  468. misha says:

    Scientist: Gerald Ford’s sperm donor was a drunk who beat his wife.

    The complete name story is here:

  469. obsolete says:

    Birthers come up with alternate theories of who Obama’s biological father is for two main reasons:
    1- To smear his mother.
    Examples include the claims she posed for nudie photos or if she slept with one black man, she must have slept with many others, or the claims that she was a communist.
    2- To them, all blacks look alike. And claiming people like Malcolm X or Frank Marshall Davis are his father is an example of even deeper psychosis and conspiracy think.

  470. Greg says:

    Interesting little factoid:There are 123 instances of Michael Hunt in the SSDI. I bet they led interesting lives.

    Always answering strange phone calls at the bar:

    “why yes, I’m Michael Hunt, who’s this? Well, you asked for Mike, but I don’t go by that name for obvious reasons. Aren’t you a little young to be calling a bar? Wait, why are you giggling? Is that you, Hugh?”

  471. misha says:

    obsolete: 1- To smear his mother.
    Examples include the claims she posed for nudie photos or if she slept with one black man, she must have slept with many others, or the claims that she was a communist.

    It was the same with Lani Guinier. She is Afro-Judeo, and her parents met at the CP-USA. The smearing got so bad, she asked Clinton to withdraw her nomination.

    ‘Only a communist would have relations with a negro.’


  472. ellid says:

    Sherlock Holmes and Nero Wolfe just signed the Great Petition. I’m not sure if Holmes is a citizen, but Wolfe’s naturalization papers are in his safe on West 35th Street.

  473. misha says:

    ellid: Wolfe’s naturalization papers are in his safe on West 35th Street

    My papers are in a safe on E 72. [bada-bing]

  474. dch says:

    Simple questions for the birthers

    Why can’t you win in a court room if you have such rock solid evidence and legal reasoning?

    Why has EVERY GOP power lawyer IGNORED this?

    Why can’t you convince a real leagl team to take the matter up?


  475. misha says:

    dch: Why can’t you convince a real leagl team to take the matter up?

    Because they are too busy chasing ambulances, playing poker, or schtupping CEL III.

  476. Sean says:

    ellid: Sherlock Holmes and Nero Wolfe just signed the Great Petition.I’m not sure if Holmes is a citizen, but Wolfe’s naturalization papers are in his safe on West 35th Street.

    I just signed as William T. Cat, Lolo Soetoro, Chester A. Arthur and Glenn Beck.

  477. Slartibartfast says:

    I just signed as William T. Cat, Lolo Soetoro, Chester A. Arthur and Glenn Beck.

    Bill and Opus in 2012 – They’re better than Palin and Bachmann!

  478. Daniel says:

    and smarter

    and better looking

  479. kimba says:

    Heh, Futty, how ’bout those Steelers! Packers vs Steelers sounds like a 70s retro Superbowl. Since I don’t care about either team, I will tune in only for the commercials and not past the first half!

  480. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    kimba: Heh, Futty, how ’bout those Steelers!Packers vs Steelers sounds like a 70s retro Superbowl.Since I don’t care about either team, I will tune in only for the commercials and not past the first half!

    Yeah, the Jets played sloppily, didn’t they, kimba? Pittsburg had their sloppy moments too, but not as many as the Jets. I’ve never liked the Steelers and never had any strong feelings one way or another about the Pack. I’m usually an American Conference kind of dude, but I think that this year the National Conference teams have played better than the American Conference. That”s why I’m going with Green Bay in the Super Bowl.

  481. ellid says:

    Bill and Opus in 2012 – They’re better than Palin and Bachmann!


  482. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Although the courts may be corrupt and won’t get to the merits of the Obama eligibility issue, at least we got this comin our way! I hope Obama gets busted BIG TIME!

    Bob Chapman Newsletter Jan 15,2011 – Slush fund of top politicians found at Vatican Bank, Obama, Clinton, Roberts? Legatus split!


  483. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Although the courts may be corrupt and won’t get to the merits of the Obama eligibility issue, at least we got this comin our way! I hope Obama gets busted BIG TIME!Bob Chapman Newsletter Jan 15,2011 – Slush fund of top politicians found at Vatican Bank, Obama, Clinton, Roberts? Legatus split!http://seeker401.wordpress.com/2011/01/17/bob-chapman-newsletter-jan-152011-slush-fund-of-top-politicians-found-at-vatican-bank-obama-clinton-roberts-legatus-split/

    Totally unrelated to the topic or even the topic of the blog. If any of the cases had merit the courts would take them. None of the cases could ever have merit because the courts do not have the authority to remove a sitting president.

  484. KenyanBornObamAcorn: Although the courts may be corrupt and won’t get to the merits of the Obama eligibility issue, at least we got this comin our way! I hope Obama gets busted BIG TIME!

    You are confused. The courts are fine; it is the birthers who are corrupt, having been caught in lie after lie.

  485. misha says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Bob Chapman Newsletter Jan 15,2011 – Slush fund of top politicians found at Vatican Bank, Obama, Clinton, Roberts? Legatus split!

    “The DaVinci Code” is fiction, sorry. Also, Bob Chapman is clinically insane.

  486. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Totally unrelated to the topic or even the topic of the blog. If any of the cases had merit the courts would take them. None of the cases could ever have merit because the courts do not have the authority to remove a sitting president.

    Obama is NOT a sitting President, he ius a USURPER! And who really cares if it is unrelated? If it’s about getting RID OF Obama, then it’s RELATED, IMO!

  487. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Frankly, I don’t care HOW Obama goes, as long as he gets his arse out of our White House and goes back to the country of his allegiance, where ever that may be!

  488. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You are confused. The courts are fine; it is the birthers who are corrupt, having been caught in lie after lie.

    Oh come one […], do you really believe that? lolol YOU KNOW they are corrupt and you love every minute of it!

  489. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Patrick McKinnion: From what I remember, Tracy was banned from that site for her failure to stick to the rules, which had nothing to do with people whining to the moderator.

    Uh huh, the rules one my OWN THREAD? Sorry, but you are wrong! How exactly can I be OFF TOPIC, on my own thread? All the babies cried to Foggy, he even told me so, that I was hijacking the board and they couldn’t handle it!

    Wah Wah Wah

  490. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    We’ve got bills that are about to be passed in MANY states that will require all who want to be on the ballot, to SHOW THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATE. What will he do then???? HAHAHAHA

  491. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    And Abercrombie sure helped ya’ll out, didn’t he?

    What a moron, which must be why he’s on YOUR side!

  492. Slartibartfast says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: We’ve got bills that are about to be passed in MANY states that will require all who want to be on the ballot, to SHOW THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATE. What will he do then???? HAHAHAHA

    He will present his COLB with the full faith and credit of the state of Hawai’i and the US Constitution behind it and he will be let on the ballot (either by fulfilling the requirements of the law or by the law being stricken down by the courts as unConstitutional). I hope you enjoy the ride because I doubt you’ll like the ending…

  493. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Obama is NOT a sitting President, he ius a USURPER! And who really cares if it is unrelated? If it’s about getting RID OF Obama, then it’s RELATED, IMO!

    Obama is the sitting president no matter what the voices in your head tell you. Theres no such thing as an usurper in a constitutional system. This blog isn’t about getting rid of obama

  494. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Slartibartfast: He will present his COLB with the full faith and credit of the state of Hawai’i and the US Constitution behind it and he will be let on the ballot (either by fulfilling the requirements of the law or by the law being stricken down by the courts as unConstitutional). I hope you enjoy the ride because I doubt you’ll like the ending…


    Uhhh, yeah…the FORGED COLB….

    hahahaha don’t make me laugh! Sorry, ain’t happenin this time! It has already been proven that Pelosi falsified papers to get Obama on the ballot in 08 and you better believe that ain’t happening again!

  495. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Slartibartfast: He will present his COLB

    Which of the 4 COLB’s out there will he be using? LOLOLOL

  496. Stanislaw says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: We’ve got bills that are about to be passed in MANY states that will require all who want to be on the ballot, to SHOW THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATE. What will he do then???? HAHAHAHA

    He’ll most likely wait until the various Courts of Appeals declare those bills to be unconstitutional. Then he (and the rest of us) laugh ourselves into a coma while you birthers ask the voices in your heads what to do next.

    A piece of advice: if those voices tell you to “give up and stop making fools of yourselves” you may want to hear them out.

  497. Majority Will says:

    “out of our White House”

    Stormfront is not a country and has no claim to the White House.

    Roly Poly Tracey has overdosed on lard again.

  498. Black Lion says:

    Majority Will: “out of our White House”Stormfront is not a country and has no claim to the White House.Roly Poly Tracey has overdosed on lard again.

    MW, we should feel honored that Tracy, aka KBOA has decided to return….maybe she and NC1 can discuss which fantasy will happen first…President Obama being removed or a birther actually winning a court case…

  499. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Majority Will: Roly Poly Tracey has overdosed on lard again.

    Hmmm, who could that be? Is it [list of names deleted, DOC]…uhhh can’t remember the last name at the moment. hmmmm, all I can remember off hand…will hafta go get my notes to remember the other dozen or so…We know all about you guys, don’t you worry! so, if you want to go throwing names and docs around, I can play that game too!

    [The rules for this site prohibit the disclosure of the names of non-public individuals. You have violated this rule on multiple occasions. You are banned. http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/visitor-guide/editorial-policy/ Doc. ]

  500. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Anyone know who they are talking about?

    “His actions included failure to perform legal services competently, promptly return client papers or respond to client inquiries, improperly withdrawing from representation and false advertising.

    He failed to comply with eight separate conditions of the 1998 probation, including submitting quarterly probation reports, attending ethics school, attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings and taking the professional responsibility examination.”

  501. KenyanBornObamAcorn says:

    Nevermind, I found out who it is…

    More on ex-attorney, who goes by pseudonim “Foggy”, who has been organizing vicious attacks on me…


  502. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    KenyanBornObamAcorn: Nevermind, I found out who it is…More on ex-attorney, who goes by pseudonim “Foggy”, who has been organizing vicious attacks on me…http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=18459

    I know you’re a bit confused but this is Obamaconspiracy not Fogbow. Take your little spat with another site elsewhere

  503. Majority Will says:

    Black Lion:
    MW, we should feel honored that Tracy, aka KBOA has decided to return….maybe she and NC1 can discuss which fantasy will happen first…President Obama being removed or a birther actually winning a court case…

    Or nc being deported or Tracy choking on another super sized Big Mac?

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