The more rabid of the birther clan have a distinct view of the world: everything is seen through the lens of Obama not being president. Their heroes are miscreants like Lucas Smith and Walter Fitzpatrick, their villains are honorable officials such as Dr. Chiyome Fukino in Hawaii and Judge David O. Carter in California (called by them criminals and traitors respectively).
The latest target of birther distortion and disrespect is military judge Col. Denise Lind, in a particularly vulgar misogynist smear on the web site, titled: “What is that on her shoulders? Rank or Jewelry?” [Warning: the article is highly offensive. Because this is the site’s “home page” and subject to change, I have archived a copy in case the native copy goes away — just leave a comment if the link goes to some new insult.]
H/t to the banned John/James/Tim for the reference.
Learn more:
- See examples of how birthers turned on Judge Carter after his dismissal of Orly Tatiz’s lawsuit from the Glad You Asked blog.
- Ron Polland’s video, Blue Hawaii, libeling Dr. Fukino
also worth noting is how quickly trumpeted heroes are recast as the scummiest of villains. normal human beings usually experience great difficulty in reversing the polarity of their passions; for birfers, it’s almost a super-power in itself.
certifigate: from hero to zero
certifigate: from hero to zero in under 60
[Warning: the BLOG is highly offensive.We work very hard to carry Obama’s crappy water!]
An insult, to be effective, has to have some element of truth in it. The preceding is not an effective insult (nor a particularly intelligible one for that matter since the reader doesn’t know which blog is the subject).
as for “Ouch”, being obnoxious is the hallmark of a birher.
that site was obnoxious and will advance the cause of birtherism by 0%.
I read the offending post. The author describes himself as a former enlisted man who refused to salute female officers, and then seeks to give this buffoonery the gravitas of General McAuliffe’s refusal to surrender at Bastogne. He then goes on to insult Col. Lind for doing her job as the law would have it, as opposed how birthers would wish it. As is typical of his breed, the author fails to identify himself and provides no evidence that he was ever in the armed services. Sophomoric bully-boyism = Epic FAIL.
What a revolting excuse for a soldier, and a human being.
That link is exactly what my article needed. Thanks!
With a nod to the old running gag on the “Rocky and Bullwinkle” show:
Birthwinkle: Hey Rocky, watch me pull discovery out of a hat.
Rocky: Again? That trick never works.
Birthwinkle: This time for sure.
Judge Carter: ROARRRRR!
Birthwinkle: No doubt about: I gotta’ get another hat. Also, that lion’s a traitor.
With regard to the Bollard’s Blue Hawaii fantasy piece.
Suppose Fukino decided to take up a defamation case against him.
Any lawyers have an opinion on:
Can she, as a public official, actually sue him for defamation for this? Or libel/slander?
If she did, would she be playing into their hands and giving them an excuse for standing to get discovery of the records?
The criminal ObamaBitch in Hawaii won’t sue because it is most likely true or she would have filed suit the day after he posted the wonderful video.
You obamanites sit here and knock birthers for wasting time on this issue but you all continue to spend your time trying to debunk it all.
You Obamanites are a complete joke!
We do not know if ths person was ever in the military, I personally, have never heard of anyone refusing to salute a female officer. I doubt the story, especially since the writer offers no identification. His opinions are written in a style that suggest to me that his exposure to military life consists of watching John Wayne moveis.
You miss the subtle difference Ouchy.
WE waste our time here because birthers amuse us, and we can afford to waste that time because we’re winning… every single time…. bar none…. The score is for us is about 80 for 80 so far, unless i miss my guess.
Of course you birthers are wasting your time too, and your money, and your lives, but in your case your wasting and losing….. 0 for 80.
That’s the difference. WE waste time because we can, and it’s not a problem because we’re the winners.
Birthers waste their time too, and they’re losers, in every sense of the word, and well proven in every court of law in the country.
Ouyay areway away erkjay. Uckfay ouyay.
just when you think birthers are obnoxios they prove it with comments like “…ObamaBitch in Hawaii “, you insult a woman that actually won awards for her work. You are a sick person (actually that’s a complement) Any wonder why you get no respect? Change your handle to “Ouch the Low Life”!
Ouch’s insult to a Republican appointee that received awards for her work. Dr. Fukino was honored by the Hawaii Medical Association in 2005 with the first ever HMA President’s Award recognizing her outstanding contribution to the medical community. She also receive the distinguished Alumni award.She is a leader in her political party as well (a Republican that campaigned for McCain). Ouch’s comments only serve to discredit himself and strongly identifies Ouch as a complete and total idiot. His ObamaBitch comment is totally out of line and he should apologize or be banned. Does hate for Obama cause this really bad behavior? Hating Obama cause him to insult a fine person, that is sad! But it makes me mad.
“Birthers waste their time too, and they’re losers, in every sense of the word, and well proven in every court of law in the country.”
Even if we ignore all the failed lawsuits, empirical evidence still reigns final and supreme.
The fact is: Obama IS in the Whitehouse and they can’t do anything about it.
They couldn’t keep him out during elections and can’t get him now.
They can fool themselves where he was born, what his religion is, how he got there, his agenda and anything else, but none of it makes one shred of practical difference because he really was elected president.
Every message left here by a birther is further indication that electing a black man as President has totally unhinged your racist minority who just can’t deal with it.
Ironically, the fact that a large majority of US voters was rational and enlightened enough to vote for a person of color — a prodigious testimony to the progress made — something that the USA can truly be proud of — has to be tarnished by that minority of hate-filled, unpatriotic birthers.
It is sad — and I think quite unique. I can’t think of any single case where a vocal minority of bigots has fought against their own country’s greatest achievement.
I mean, I don’t particularly like Sarkozy or his policies, but I’m kind of proud the voters didn’t let his origins (which were never an issue during the campaign) deter them.
I too find that comment full of hatred for women. Not a surprise though.
Dear LTC Lakin:
You have publicly refused orders. You have told us or created the impression that this is a matter of duty and honor for you. You have told us, or at least implied, that you are a man of honor.
You cannot be personally held responsible for some, I repeat some, of the statements made by supposed supporters on your behalf. So I won’t hold you personally responsible for the statements of this “person” and his characterization of Judge Lind, in the same way I hold you responsible for statements on safeguardourconstitution. That does not mean however that I hold you powerless to do or say something.
A man of honor would publicly reject such supporters and statements. Your silence is condonation in my mind, and detracts from your protestations of honor and duty.
BTW. There are female cadre at Leavenworth (all officers go to the USDB for confinement). Give me a call and I will give you some experiences of senior officer clients who have to say “Sir” or “Ma’am” to junior enlisted personnel. For example, I’ll never forget the experiences of a senior Marine colonel locked to attention by an E-2 while he waited to see me to discuss his appeal.
I must recommend this article from the Village Voice:
Oh the examples of the “double-think” insanity of Birfers is rampant.
I was participating in an loooooong thread at Gretawire on this very subject where(amongst other stuff) the wicked Obots were extensively showing the roots of the “De-Facto Officer Doctrine” and how the linkage of Lakins orders to the President were cack.
This then rapidly devolved into one particularly odious indvidual verbally abusing and calling into doubt the bravery and moral fibre of Lakins Commanding Officer, a Medal of Honor holder.
When I upbraided her on this, a swathe of Birfoons who in other posts laud the military descended including at least one individual who swore blind he was active duty and had been in for 39 years.
I very foolishly lost my temper and revealed a little too much of my personal background in a rant and was equally “double-think” tarred and feathered.
The depths Birfers plumb like this is…..welll Birfer
You have all the sting of a cabbage moth. You’re hardly worth responding to, except to say that nobody marks you.
And the birthers and the teabaggers claim to be the sane ones….
Nice photo of House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Orly.
Nice photo of House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Orly.
Ah yes THAT Eric Cantor:
Oh God, she’s wearing that “These arrows point at the lumpy bits dress” again along with added uni-boob corsetry.
Insane AND bad fashion sense, has the woman no boundaries……
That is something a lot of people do not know, that you are STILL in the military even while in prison, you do not get your Dishonorable Discharge until you have served your time.
It would be funny if it weren’t so scary true!
well said, sir.
Bovril, I was on that comment thread…They insulted you and your service. In their disturbed minds they can accept the fact that a decorated military individual would support the President because they still are under the fantasy that any day now the military will rise up and perform a coup in this country. Those invididuals are pathetic over there.
It goes beyond his blackness. Obama is the perfect storm for white wingnut, rural, working class America. I know some of these people. He is the living embodiment of everything they hate: urban America, foreigners, multiculturalism, ivy league elites, social equality etc. One could not find a candidate that would touch more of their buttons. This is the crowd that the GOP has been whipping up resentment for years and not it has taken over their party.
I can’t begin to communicate how profoundly disgusted I was by the comments of one particular individual, never mind the whole general pack.
It simply demonstrates how fundamentally un-American and anti-Constitutional these (small but vocal) groups are. I will be returning to the good fight over there but will probably need to take a short sanity break.
As an aside and hopefully a learning moment to the other posters on the board.
I learned a painful and tasteless lesson, when arguing with these muppets NEVER allow your anger to their bigotry overwhelm your good sense. There is always a time to step away from the keyboard and NEVER be tempted to post an iota of personal and/or painful facts even if it supports your thesis.
Bov, agreed. They attempt to push your buttons and call you names because they know they can’t respond with any factual rebuttals. Especially that individual. You ruined his little fantasy about the military and he attempt to belittle you. However I think you handled it well and again I respect what you have done in your service to our country….
Birthers who try to play the veteran card make me ill. Most of them clearly have gotten their ideas about military service from the movies, which is maddening for those of us who know actual, genuine veterans and/or have actually served.
Also, just for curiosity’s sake…refusing to salute an officer is a disciplinary offense, right?
In general yes….there are a few very specific and limited exceptions, for example such as on depolyment to a combat zone where saluting an officer would be regarded as a targetting indicator……………
Perhaps you could be so kind as to explain exactly what relevance this has to…….. well anything? is owned by a MommaE’s peon named Teo Bear. I have in the past had discussion with him. He is pretty much a extreme right wing nut job. He is also a big conspiracy nut.He doesn’t live in the US, but Brazil.
Back in my day – many, many years ago – the rules about saluting were unwritten (at least, I never saw any written rules) but everyone understood them.
I was in the Navy, and while at on board the ship we did not salute officers under most circumstances. We did salute the officer on deck when boarding and leaving the ship, and we came to attention (“Attention on deck!”) on those occasions when the Captain or an Admiral entered our work space. We may have done that for the Executive Officer as well, but I don’t specifically recall that.
On shore, and while in uniform, we were expected to salute any officer whom we passed in close proximity. For example, if I were walking down a sidewalk in uniform and an officer in uniform came up toward me from the opposite direction, I would salute as we passed and he or she would return the salute. However, I would not salute if the officer was walking in the opposite direction of me but on the other side of the street.
I don’t recall ever failing to salute, but if it happened the officer would likely stop and chew out the enlisted person. That would be the end of it unless the enlisted person then overly refused to salute. An outright refusal to salute would certainly lead to disciplinary proceedings. It also would be an incredibly stupid and disrespectful thing to do.
When out of uniform, the relationship between officers and enlisteds was typically much less formal. A buddy and I once were playing golf on a Navy base in Japan and we ran into the Captain of our aircraft carrier, and he invited us to play a few holes with him.
I also doubt the part of the story about the “Gunnery” pulling a bottle of “Jack” out of his desk. I wasn’t in the Army, but friends who were tell me that they always referred to the Gunnery Sergeant as “Gunny.” Furthermore, it would have been a violation of regulations for a soldier to keep a bottle of booze in his desk.
I was overseas for three of the four years that I was in the Navy, so I rarely came across female officers. Of course, times have changed and now the women do everything that men do.
The so called tea baggers and birthers are now upset with the Mike Taibbi’s article about Sarah Palin…
Here is the article…
“It’s taken three trips to Kentucky, but I’m finally getting my Tea Party epiphany exactly where you’d expect: at a Sarah Palin rally. The red-hot mama of American exceptionalism has flown in to speak at something called the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, a gospel-music hoedown in a giant convention center filled with thousands of elderly white Southerners. Palin — who earlier this morning held a closed-door fundraiser for Rand Paul, the Tea Party champion running for the U.S. Senate — is railing against a GOP establishment that has just seen Tea Partiers oust entrenched Republican hacks in Delaware and New York. The dingbat revolution, it seems, is nigh.
“We’re shaking up the good ol’ boys,” Palin chortles, to the best applause her aging crowd can muster. She then issues an oft-repeated warning (her speeches are usually a tired succession of half-coherent one-liners dumped on ravenous audiences like chum to sharks) to Republican insiders who underestimated the power of the Tea Party Death Star. “Buck up,” she says, “or stay in the truck.”
Stay in what truck? I wonder. What the hell does that even mean?
Scanning the thousands of hopped-up faces in the crowd, I am immediately struck by two things. One is that there isn’t a single black person here. The other is the truly awesome quantity of medical hardware: Seemingly every third person in the place is sucking oxygen from a tank or propping their giant atrophied glutes on motorized wheelchair-scooters. As Palin launches into her Ronald Reagan impression — “Government’s not the solution! Government’s the problem!” — the person sitting next to me leans over and explains.”
And here is the birthers who are upset…
“Oh, is that so? And how many of the hundreds or thousands of members of each of the hundreds of Tea Party groups did he interview in order to accurately draw these sweeping conclusions? And just who the hell is this little puke with the Arab-sounding name who dares, from the pinnacle of intellectual glory that is Rolling Stone magazine, to describe Tea Partyers as “…earth-shatteringly stupid [and] willing to believe the fantasy that white people are some sort of oppressed minority”
IANAL, but I am a wonk. The answer is a qualified maybe; the standard was set by New York Times v. Sullivan, which basically states that for a public figure to sue for libel there has to be actual malice — that is, the person making the claim must either know that a statement was false prior to publication or show reckless disregard for the veracity of the statement. It’s a difficult standard to meet, even with Polarik-want-a-cracker.
I just went to the website. They had a page on Vattel. In a footnote, they try to explain why “Natural Born Citizen” was not in any copy of Law of Nations at the time of the Constitutional Convention.
Apparently it was a simple misprint of the translation.
Gotta put on birther glasses to understand that.
Sven is desperate and lonely and is just making noise to get attention like a small child.
Truly pathetic.
So how do you know that it wasn’t a STUPID OBOT said this stuff to make Birthers look crazy and mean???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Oh good god its the Charles Manson follower worshipper. Yeah that’s right it has to be some stupid conspiracy instead of birthers doing what birthers do best, look stupid.
I’ve seen a video of her. She is about 150 pounds overweight, and has a nervous tic.
1,500 lbs.
She’s Jabber the Hutt. Well, more like an entire subdivision.
Birthers don’t need any help. They manage to look crazy and mean on their own.
Please call 1-800-Doctors and ask for a good shrink.
…and a weight loss clinic.
this is the sad view on the military which includes Lakin, who thinks he can pick and choose what orders, rules, regulations, and directives he or she follows, as a soldier you take an oath to bear true allegiance to the same,
I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.[1]
now this is the enlisted oath so
[FIFY, Doc]
Bring Captain Solo and the Wookie they will all suffer for this outrage
Patrick over at Badfiction described her thusly:
“Jennifer Beagle, aka “Jennifer Beegle”, “Jenni4Hillary”, “JenniferX”, “JenniferFromTexas”, and others – Racist sexist screech-o-matic PUMA, hates men, hates women who supported Obama, wants the entire 2008 election to be overturned and given to Hillary Clinton as her due. Has a voice like a thousand Chihuahuas being fed into a wood chipper. Also rumoured to be “Squeeky Fromm”, an insane male-hating Dr. Orly supporter.”
The only thing I would add to this is that Jennifer/Squeeky/et al. is/are in love with Hillary Clinton to the point that it is literally painful to watch her video, especially since the Secretary is a) straight, b) MARRIED, and c) old enough to be Jennifer/Squeeky’s MOTHER.
I can vouch for this from second-hand experience. A friend of mine served on our city council for two terms, where he and the other council members were unmercifully stalked and harassed by a couple of right-wing conspiracy kooks with their own cable access show. They used the show to defame the elected officials and to rile up fellow lunatics to harass the council members and city employees. The council members sought legal advice regarding suing these clowns for defamation and harassment, but were advised that as public officials, there is a much higher threshold to win and thus there was little chance of a successful outcome. The city got restraining orders to keep the kooks away from city employees who they’d targeted for harassment, but there was little they could do for the council members and their families. So my friend decided not to run for a third term.
Oh so this is where all you OBOTs live! I will have to come by and say hello once in a while! I am running out of OBOTS to beat with logic.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To misha:
I am not that person. She is innocent. When are you SILLY OBOTS ever going to learn?? Plus, I think I have it all figured out now.
Let me go find it and bring it back here!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
OK, here is part of it from greatwire: I think I have it figured out what is going on:
To gg:
The Vattle birthers are all those people who say it takes two American parents to make a president person legal, and sometimes its this or that, but really the law is you just have to be born here. Period. There is a law case and some Chinese guy, too.
But I don’t understand all the stuff either and THAT IS WHAT MAKES ME SUSPICIOUS. I read the Vattle birthers and try and I just get pissed off and mad, and then I have to fix a drink, and then I still can’t follow all the stuff. Vattle was a 300 year old French guy who wrote something about parents and natural something.
The SLAMMM here comes a OBOT and just kicks the Vattle birthers around and the Vattlers start wiggling and squirming trying to get around the answer and pretty soon it is just a big screwed up mess. If I wasn’t a Birther, I would think the Vattlers are totally stupid they get beat up so bad, and all the while the Obots just sit there and whip this law case out and that law case, and this little fact and that little fact and it is like so TOTALLY OBVIOUS the Vattler is getting his butt kicked.
Then I start in on the Obots with my ideas and I just beat them like a carpet on the clothesline and get them mad at me and running crazy and stuff.
So, why aren’t the Vattlers???? Huh I ask you???
I think the Vattlers are about half Obots who are trying to get us to fight this stupid battle we can’t win on the Vattle stuff to keep us away from winning. Everyplace I go, which isn’t much, I am usually the last Birther standing.
Plus my mother’s lawyer told me if Mobamba was born in Hawaii or Conneticut WHATEVAH, he was legal.
So what do you think???
Plus, my INTERNET ARTICLE can be found here:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Sooooo, am I right?????
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky: Thanks for answering. You do have a point. I found an authentic Kenya BC which I think can help you.
I’ll ask you again for the second time in over a week. Who the hell is Vattle? You shouldn’t try to think Charles Manson Family lover it really hurts your brain. No one cares to read your incoherent babbling.
To Bob Ross:
Read my INTERNET ARTICLE and you will know ALL ABOUT the Vattle Birthers! who I am telling to STFU!!!
(I would be nice and tell you, but I did once and you must be EAR DEAF and didn’t get it!!!)
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
That is just a joke. If we had Mobamba’s REAL Kenyan Birth Certificate then we wouldn’t have to just RAISE HECK all the time.
But you have a very nice website. It is very pretty. You might like mine. It now has some of my REAL poems and music videos, too.
I am trying to be broad and not just a Birther. I think I went to your website once and left you a message and you never moderated me maybe.
Plus, even if i was that innocent person you shouldn’t tease her about personal things that might hurt her feelings.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
This is not a joke:
The Kenya birth scenario is physically impossible.
There’s no such thing as a Vattle birther. You’re just making words up. I hardly call the crazy ramblings of someone on the internet an article. Hows that Charles Manson worship coming?
Well if nothing else, Squeeky is probably responsible for raising the overall intelligence and lucidity level of the entire birther population by a huge amount.
To Misha:
That was interesting. First you put all the miles in Kilometers which why would do this??? Because there are more kilometers than there are miles. For example when I am going 60 miles per hour, i am going 100 Kilometers per hour. So first, you are cheating!!!
Then, you don’t know how much money anybody had or how they got to Africa. So you are just guessing it would have been 7 days and the rest. There were ways to get to Africa or they could not have made Tarzan movies.
But I am not going to fuss at you about that because you are using your Woman’s intuition, just like I am. I am “Guessing” Mobamba’s is from Kenya Africa because he sure is hiding a lot of stuff about his birth. Plus he .acts like an anti-colonial Kenyan.
Please read my first INTERNET ARTICLE about A U.S. President Wouldn’t Lie, Would He??? which will open your eyes to being REALLY, REALLY SUSPICIOUS about what a president tells you and how much they will do to cover stuff up.
For example, did you know we (The Americans) already have had a Woman president??? I didn’t think so…It is in my INTERNET ARTICLE.
So I will try to research more of your guesses, but in the meantime, that is a very pretty little pit bull dog you have.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To Daniel:
Thank you! If I can get the Vattle Birthers to STFU!!!, then only smart Birthers will be left! Plus I think a lot of Vattle Birthers are really OBOTS who are trying to make us all look crazy. I think I have figured out the game!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The Tarzan franchise films before the mid-fifties were mostly black-and-white films shot on studio sets, with stock jungle footage edited in. The latter serial was unique for its period in that it was partially filmed on location in Guatemala. Sorry.
He’s a Siamese sealpoint cat.
??? I see the cat but what is this?
I have been drinking rum and diet coke, but I tink I am still sober.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Report
That’s the funniest thing I have read today.
Shifting gears, why would you take the name of someone who tried to assassinate President Ford?
A mutt at an adoption event.
I fixed your wrong-word error, but didn’t correct the other part. Misha is not a woman.
You’re right. It should have been in inches and feet.
It’s a misspelling of Emerich de Vattel, the subject of several articles on this web site including;
De Vattel for Dummies
I’m a Hebrew hermaphrodite. (bada-bing)
If by “Obot” you mean the classic definition: a paid stooge of Barack Obama who writes on the Internet attempting to argue that Obama was born in the United States and eligible to be president, then to my knowledge there are no Obots here at all.
If, on the other hand, by “Obot” you mean some that birthers drive crazy by their nonsense and who have an irrational desire to refute it, then you will find a number who visit here from time to time — as well as those who disagree.
If you do want to post here, and stay around for the long term, it would be a good thing to pick one topic at a time and stay with it until it gets discussed to your satisfaction. Keep your comments relevant to the articles you attach them to (or to the open thread for something else). Long thoughtful comments will get more thoughtful responses than wisecracks. Jumping all over the place posting many crank theories over a short time and monopolizing the conversation will get you banned. Given that there are already 60,000 comments here, anything you have to assert is likely to have been argued before.
I am very sorry. I thought Misha was a girl name. Is it Russian??? Anyway, it is still a very good guess you made even if you are a male or half male. (I don’t know whether Dr. Conspiracy is teasing me or not.)
Anyway, I must still be sober because I had a REALLY, REALLY GOOD IDEA, I will show you in just a minute.
First of all, lets take your airplane thing. You are guessing about the prices and it is a lot, but that doesn’t matter, I will show you why.
First, here is where the money could have come from using a SQUEEKY guess:
In 1959, Obama Sr. received a scholarship in economics through a program organised by nationalist leader Tom Mboya. The program offered Western educational opportunities to outstanding Kenyan students.[19][20][21] “Leaving behind his infant son, Roy, and his young wife, Kezia, who was pregnant with their daughter, Auma, he flew to America.”[22]
According to an article by Michael Dobbs in The Washington Post, President Obama misspoke of his father’s scholarship on two occasions.[23] In a speech in Selma, Alabama in March 2007, then-Senator Obama said, “The Kennedys decided: ‘We’re going to do an airlift. We’re going to go to Africa and start bringing young Africans over to this country and give them scholarships to study so they can learn what a wonderful country America is. This young man named Barack Obama [Sr.] got one of those tickets and came over to this country.'”[24] However, Dobbs states that the Kennedy family did not become associated with the educational airlift until 1960, a year after Obama Sr. was studying in the United States. Initial financial supporters of the program included Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Jackie Robinson, and Elizabeth Mooney Kirk, a literacy advocate who provided most of the financial support for Obama Sr.’s early years in the United States, according to the Tom Mboya archives at Stanford University. “Some of the money provided by the Kennedys was used to pay off old debts and subsidize student stipends. … [Obama Sr.] and other members of the 1959 cohort benefited only indirectly from Kennedy family support.”[19],_Sr.
So, I think your amount was $1,500. I would double check but then I would have to do this in two posts or lose my stuff. Which is like $20,000 today. Let’s take your number.
BUT OH MY!!! Why would anybody want to spend that much money JUST FLYING a student back and forth because that is still a lot of money even for Sidney Poiter who was in the Heat of the Night, a good movie. And the other rich people like Harry Belafonte who did the song in Beetlejuice!!!
BUT, and here is where maybe sometimes drinking helps you think because I remember something I heard on TV about the tax rates in the 1960s. SO GUESS WHAT? In 1960 it was 91%! So if a rich person did have to pay a few hundred dollars, they would save 91% of it in taxes which means it would just cost NINE CENTS PER DOLLAR if they wrote it off their taxes, which you just know they did!
Soooo, that is the Squeeky guess of how it would have got done, which is only a guess, too, but I think it is a good one.
What do you think?
Plus, thank you Dr. Conspiracy for fixing my spelling. Could you do me another favor and put a “h” in think and a “er” on the end of Girl Report above because I felt pretty stupid when I saw that and maybe I wasn’t all the way 100% sober.
Thank you!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Ooops, the linky thing to the income tax rates:
I am switching off to the Franzia for a while. (LOL!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Misprint or intentional print, “natural born citizen” wasn’t “printed” and therefore no one could have copied the phrase into the Constitution. As for the translation, certainly “natural born citizen” is no literal translation of indigènes. And how, pray tell, is a typesetter going to look at “natural born citizen” and typeset “indigenes”? Boggles the mind.
To: Dr. Conspiracy:
If I end up in the wrong place on something, just let me know and I will try to do better. I got here because somebody put you on greatwire. If it hurts your feelings for me to call you OBOTS, then I will call you something else if it makes you feel better. Just tell me what.
You can call me Squeeky, or a Birther, and I don’t care. Just please don’t call me a Vattel Birther, because I think maybe at least half of them are Obots or just plain stupid or maybe fooled by people.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky Fromm
My BS meter is going off big time for some reason.
You need to switch to Italian red; you’d save money and maybe you would be quite so ditzy. You promised on the OCweekly to turn over a new leaf. And, lo, here you are again boozing it up and reverting to psycho talk.
The reason for posting the oath was to say that anyone on here that braggs about purposely not upholding their oath does not deserve respect, to get some you need to give some, bragging about not saluting a female officer is absurd and probably a blatant lie. but clearly not a reflection of honorable service.
Ron MSGT USMC Retired
I am the ORIGINAL SQUEEKY. The other one on this thread is a OBOT IDENTITY THEIF. I would for DR ORLY to sue for HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS but she wont help me as I explained HERE.
She is still panhandling other birthers for money to pay her $20K fine while she is sleeping in $25 million dollar house with 8 cars–one of which cost $100,000.
She could trade-in that car for ANOTHER LEXUS and get enough cash back to pay the fine and have enough left over to give a BARBEQUE for other birthers on the $25 million lawn–I like MEMPHIS STYLE RIBS. She could put a couple of portapotties on the lawn if she doesn’t want riff-raff peeing in her expensive toilets.
It’s that time of year.
No, I don’t mind the term Obots. I use it myself. The claim that I or anyone else has less than honorable motives (paid shill) is offensive, no matter what the label.
So, you came here to be more informed about Obama’s natural born citizen status by his birth in Hawaii. Or, did you come here to see various different methods of debunking birther arguments. Not to worry, you have come to the right place.
Nah, this one ain’t the real Squeekers.
Apart from several other tells, including a combo of faux little girl and saccharine venom a-la to Sharon Meroni, there has been no incoherent outrage against the paternalistic male dominated hierarchy with the classic “MALEBEAST!!!!!” throw in.
Sorry Faux Squeekers, better luck next time.
Doc I know I corrected her on ocweekly about this. I wanted her to get it right.
To Bob Ross:
You see Bob Ross, that is where you just GET ON MY LAST NERVE!!! Why do you think YOU have to correct me??? Huh??? Because if you had read my INTERNET ARTICLE about Vattel Birthers Should Just STFU!!! which I linked for you and everything, then you would see this and I quote ME:
“The other kind of Birther, the Vattle Birthers, believe that even if Mobamba was born in the United States of America, he is a illegal president because it take two American parents or maybe just one, or something like that because of stuff like Vattle. (I don’t spell Vattel right on purpose because it just seems so stupid to me.) Anyway, Vattle is a 300 year old French person from France so who cares what he thinks about anything!!! ”
WHICH, if you had bothered to read you would know I DO IT ON PURPOSE!!! But Noooo, you don’t even bother to read stuff that I really think about because why???
You are a GRUNTY LITTLE MALEBEAST who doesn’t think he can learn anything from a WOMAN, like me or Dr. Taitz!!
(Plus now this will make Bovril happy because I called somebody a grunty little malebeast. Hi! Bovril. Did I talk to you before at greatwire or Spencer Kornhabers???)
BTW (Which means By The Way) Bovril, if you think I am not the real Squeeky, which I can understand because of all the stupid obots who pretend to be me at Spencer Kornhabers, do you want me to put something up on my website so you will know it is me??? Like maybe I could add “SO THERE!!! Bovril” to one of my posts which ONLY I can do on my own website? Because you can go in and edit things forever so if you need me to prove it to you, I will.
Because if you notice whoever is doing at Spencer Kornhabers is doing it here too with the squeeky-squeek thing higher up. Where was i?
But anyway Bob Ross, it wouldn’t hurt you to actually READ SOMETHING!!! I wrote.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Actually, you make yourselves look crazy, without assistance from anyone.
Wahhhhh that’s all you do Charles Manson lover. For the past week or two all I’ve seen from you is prattle on incessantly. Are you here to even post on topic or just continue acting like a little child? I will continue to correct you over and over again. Why must you make every post about you?
Really you should learn about a subject before you decide that you’re are knowledgeable about it. Emmerich de Vattel was not a french person from france. He was swiss from switzerland and actually he died 243 years ago not 300 years ago. There’s a reason why I don’t read your little blog. From what you’ve said here and at OCweekly its obvious you can’t speak from any authority on subjects you think you know about. Just now you made several errors regarding Vattel.
So how much does Orly Taitz pay you to post here? For your information I try to read information that has a valid point to make. I try to shy away from people who have incoherant thoughts and fail to make complete sentences. You have shown that you neither have the care or time to learn how to write.
Doc this one is definitely a troll
I refuse to go to any Birfer sites, each click they get earns them more money.
To Bob Ross:
Wiki says he (VattEL) was born April 25, 1714. That makes him 296 + years old. So GEEESH,, I rounded up 4 years. It also said he was Swiss, but I am pretty sure it was an Obot who told me he was French. Plus he wrote in French. You just get hung up in little details way too much!
The whole point I tried to make was, you didn’t even bother to read my article before you come with the SO TOTALLY PATRONIZING:
“Doc I know I corrected her on ocweekly about this. I wanted her to get it right.”
Which is the kind of chovinistic stuff that brought me here in the first place what somebody said about the WOMAN SOLDIER and was posted on greatwire and I wanted to know why it couldn’t have been an Obot saying it pretending to be a Birther, like whoever did the squeeky-squeek thing above?
OH YOU!!! Why don’t you just read my stuff and “correct” me on things that really matter like if I screw up something important??? And then listen to me when I “correct” you! Like did you even have anything to say about my airplane guesses which I looked up and everything??? Noooo.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No such animal!
OMG! Squeeky Fromm is here?! Squeeky says she’s a woman, i.e., “Girl Reporter,” but I rather think it’s Border Raven wearing a mumu. In any case, Squeeky’s intentionally ingenuous style is good for a laugh or two, but then she clogs the blogs like an invasive species of carp. At that point, like all carp, she begins to suck. We’ll see how long she lasts.
Come on Faux Squeekers…..”Male Beast”…..”Male Beast”…..”Male Beast”…..”Male Beast”…..”Male Beast”…..”Male Beast”
That’s the usual rant from the REAL Squeekers.
I just threw up a little.
However, it would not be a shock to find out he cross dresses. Most likely in young female swimwear.
His most famous work was in 1758. So yes under 300 years ago. This just goes to show how much you fail to do your research if you take a birther’s word saying he was french. Many people back then spoke multiple languages and so just being able to speak french does not make one french. The fact is he was Swiss so you should correct your article especially where you claim birthers should sue in Louisiana. They are not little details. If you’re going to speak with some authority on a subject you should at least know what you’re talking about.
I have since read that article and found you to be totally incoherant and contradictory in your points. Say for instance how you say Britain doesnt own us and their laws didn’t matter but near the end say he’s a citizen of britain because of his father.
The word is chauvinistic; if you’re going to use words at least learn how to use them correctly. It wasn’t chauvinism that brought you here, but rather, it was your need for attention and to make everything about you. Look since you’ve posted here you haven’t posted one thing on topic but instead came here to talk about you and your blog.
The thing about the woman soldier just shows the birther mindset, it has to be some sort of conspiracy doesn’t it? It couldn’t just be a birther, true to form, acting like a retard could it? Just like the tea party people who now claim they’re being infiltrated once people started noticing all the bigoted and racist signs at their gatherings. Co-dependent people always need to blame other people and make themselves look like the victims instead of owning up to their own problems.
Yes, the things I mentioned are important. When you can’t get the simple details correct why should anyone trust you with the complex ones?
She was released from prison in 2009. Here’s Squeeky:
Yep, Patrick’s right. She does sound like 1000 Chihuahuas being rammed through a woodchipper.
What a pathetic and insecure individual.
To Bob Ross:
Thank you for reading my INTERNET ARTICLE, Vattle Birthers Should Just STFU!!!.
Really. I am serious. But I think you maybe didn’t read it good enough or maybe I didn’t write it good enough. Here is what you just said:
“you’re talking about.
“I have since read that article and found you to be totally incoherant and contradictory in your points. Say for instance how you say Britain doesnt own us and their laws didn’t matter but near the end say he’s a citizen of britain because of his father.”
I cannot find where I said that. Am I just lost??? Here is what I said:
” Then we have the British Vattle Birthers who think Mobamba is British because his father was British, but that seems stupid, too, because the Queen of England ain’t the Boss of Me!!! The British are very nice people, and our friends now, but they can’t tell us nothing about nothing who our citizens can be. American laws do!!I have a youtube video to “prove” that which is really short and funny, too. (No alligators were harmed in the making of that video! (LOL!!!)).
So first, here is some stuff from law cases that I got from somebody named Black Lion who won’t say Hi! back to me, and is a very RUDE OBOT!, but his stuff is right. Every time I try to read the Vattle BLAH BLAH BLAH stuff, the Vattle Birthers are just getting beat the heck out of by the STUPID OBOTS, but that is the Vattle Birther’s fault for trying to make some sort of stupid point that doesn’t even make sense. Like the British stuff which is REALLY STUPID. So here is Black Lion’s stuff, and then my Anti-British Law video. ”
So did i just miss something because I don’t think I said he was British. But I am not perfect.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
1: excessive or blind patriotism — compare jingoism
2: undue partiality or attachment to a group or place to which one belongs or has belonged
I suggest you learn English first.
To Misha:
You are right. I should have said MALE CHAUVINISTIC STUFF. I will try to always add “male” to it from now on.
Plus, I keep telling you I AM NOT THAT PERSON. She is innocent.
Oh, BTW (Which means By The Way), how did you like my answer to your airplane stuff? I think mine makes sense, too.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No, it doesn’t. The airlift was to bring Kenyan students TO the US to study, not to send them back with their pregnant American wives to give birth in Kenya for completely unfathomable reasons.
And how does it make sense for a pregnant 18-year old to leave her home, parents, friends and support network and travel halfway around the world to a country where she knows not a soul, a country undergoing a guerilla campaign for independence, where medical conditionsare primitive compared to her homeland? Answer: It makes no sense. None at all. It also makes no sense that Barack Obama Sr would want his second wife to come anywhere near the first wife or whose existence she was unaware. Men with 2 wives or a wife and a mistress will jump through hoops to keep them from meeting, not travel halfway around the world to facilitate them getting together to gang up on him.
So, no, your entire fantasy makes no sense. None at all. Therefore it is false. The story that makes sense, and is true is that Ms Dunham gave birth in Hawai’i, where she and her husband lived, surrounded by her parents and her girlfriends, with access to first-rate medical care, just like any sane person would do. In fact, only an insane person would suggest otherwise.
Yeah you are quite lost. Read from where you say It thus clearly appears that by the law of England and onward. You contradict yourself or have a very terrible way with words that you cannot clearly articulate yourself.
Scientist you also forgot to mention that Barack’s father’s parents hated the fact that he married a white woman. They were very adverse to the relationship and it is the worst thing to bring those two elements together. I have a friend who married a white eastern european woman. She goes back to her country every year but does not bring him. Her family and friends back home would never approve of the relationship.
No, BTW means “between the weeds.”
Hey Squeeky, could you please mention your “internet article” a few more times, because I can tell you we’re all reeeeeeally impressed down here. Oh and make sure you put the words “internet article” in caps…. so we will recognise it’s importance.
Another ” must read” from TIME:,8816,2022516,00.html
The Secret World of Extreme Militias.
Scary as hell. I so feel sorry for your Secret Service.
To Bob Ross:
The ‘” it thus clearly appears form the laws of England” and onward, are part of a law case that i got from Black Lion at greatwire. He is an OBOT! One of you! He is even here because I saw his name. I have to edit the “rude” out of my post because he did say Hi! later, when he was sure it was me. Anyway, right before that I said:
“But here is the Law Case and a link so you can read the WHOLE THING.”
BTW (Which means By The way) That is the same law case that says Mobamba is a legal American citizen because of laws going way back to England. There is a link thing there which has the whole case, but even on my excerpt from Black Lion, it says:
“Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.”
So if Mobamba was born in Hawaii or Conneticut, whatever, then he is a legal president and I will just have to put up with his stupid self until 2012.
Plus, on the spelling stuff, I googled like “quotes spell words wrong” and got this:
It is a damn poor mind indeed which can’t think of at least two ways to spell any word.”
Andrew Jackson quotes (American 7th US President, 1767-1845)
“I respect a man who knows how to spell a word more than one way”
Mark Twain quotes
Soooo, I guess I DON’T have a poor mind indeed, and you should respect me. (LOL!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Yeah, a woman in her 3rd trimester is going to travel for one week 11,000 miles to Africa, without a yellow fever vaccine. Plus, she got her parents to give her one year’s salary for the airfare.
To Obama haters, it makes perfect sense.
That’s my point. France doesn’t have these nutjobs, and LePen’s followers have not devolved into this. Sarkozy doesn’t have this.
I don’t know about Germany.
To Daniel:
Did I really say it that many times? I will try to shut up about my you know whats if I said it that much. But they really are a big thing to me because when you do one of those things, you are just HANGING YOURSELF OUT TO DRY for all time. Boy, just say something stupid and you will never live it down. Believe me, I know. But I am proud of what I write. Did you read any of my poems? Did you like them?
To Scientist;
Everything you said is true and makes sense but the point is that everything is a guess, from Obots to Birthers. I think my GUESS is as sensible as yours. I think there were some white women who had babies in Africa back then, like can you say SOUTH AFRICA and the British owned Kenya then I t think.
But none of us would have to guess if Mobamba would just COUGH UP THE LONG FORM!!! Even I would shut up if he did that because then i would know he is a legal American idiot instead of a illegal Kenyan idiot.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
He can’t release the long form. The Mossad won’t let him.
Agreed. Germany and Austria have a tiny minority of neonazis (more Austria than Germany) who draw support from their “brothers” in America.
You know what they say about Austria — it conned the world into believing Hitler was German and Beethoven Austrian.
I’m curious why are you calling the President Mobamba? Do you always make slurs against the president? So what exactly was the point of your article and why exactly should anyone read it if you refused to take an actual position?
It is a damned poor mind if you think there are two spellings for something when there is only one spelling of it.
You do know they were being facetious don’t you?
Just out of morbid curiosity for the way the damaged mind works….. why do you, personally, think he would have to “cough up the ‘long form'”, when the perfectly legal and valid for all state and federal requirements COLB was presented? Why do you, personally, apparently have this mistaken idea that you have any right to see his supposed “long form”?
And do you really, I mean really, expect us to believe that showing this mystical “long form” would shut any of the birthers up? I mean you’ve been practicing how to spell “forgery” for a couple of years now….
Pleas feel free to rant in your answer. I don’t really expect coherence. I’m only here to be amused by birther’s delusions.
No, it isn’t. At least 99.9999% of American women give birth where they live or very nearby. So, statictically speaking, my story makes approximately 1,000,000x more sense than yours.
They LIVED in Africa, Stanley Ann Dunham lived in Hawai’i. Can you cite me a single documented case in the last 50 years of a US citizen living in the US who gave birth in Kenya? Go on…
Who is Mobamba?
As for President Obama, I don’t need a birth certificate, short or long, to KNOW he was born in Hawai’i. All I need to know is that his parents lived there and then I can apply logic and statistics as I have done above. Think of this-birth certificates didn’t esxist until the late 19th century. So how do you know where all those Presidents born before then were born. Simple-where did their parents live? That’s where they were born. If it’s good enough for all those rascals, it’s good enough for Obama.
I’m glad I could help you. You really ought to sign up for a course in logic and statistics at a college near you. They are a very powerful tool.
But Audis are great cars. Fun facts: Eichmann’s step-mother was Jewish. Before being made Reichsführer, Himmler was a chicken farmer.
I thought there was a blinding moment of pithy self-awareness in your Sept 29 blog entry when you wrote:
“Just call me CRAZY,”
Unfortunately it appears to have been short-lived.
I did not know that.
Did Himmler choke his chickens?
To Bob Ross:
“So what exactly was the point of your article and why exactly should anyone read it if you refused to take an actual position?”
I??? I took a position! That the Vattel Birthers need to STFU!!! because they are stupid wrong, and are probably mostly Obots anyway pretending to be Birthers. You are a very LITTLE PICTURE person.
Let me give you a bigger picture. I have been sitting on the fence about the Vattel stuff for months. I think Mobamba was born in Kenya and is lying about it. But still I kept an open mind about all the Vattel stuff because I just had the feeling it was stupid. I never heard of him (Vattle) and all the lawyers, including my mother’s lawyer, said the opposite. That if the Commie Marxist Muslim Idiot was born in Hawaii or Conneticut, then he was a legal American Commie Marxist Muslim Idiot.
I read stuff at Spencer Kornhaber’s and other places and finally I just decided that the Vattle stuff and British citizen stuff is JUST TOTALLY STUPID. So even though I am a Birther, I don’t have to be stupid and believe anything somebody, particularly mostly grunty little malebeasts, were shoving at me. So I said so right out IN PUBLIC!!!
Did any Obots say Hallaluyah!! A Birther says the Vattle stuff is crap??? NOOOOOO! And why??? Because I think you stupid Obots are really probably most of the Vattle Birthers and you don’t want the rest of us catching on. The last thing you ever want to do is for the rest of the Birthers to wake up and concentrate on the basics. Plus it makes you feel so smart to just stereotype us as stupid and yourselves as brilliant brain people.
Thats the BIG PICTURE. I agree with something the Obots have been saying and you can’t even get it. it just flies right over your pointy little Obot head. I don’t think ALL OBOTS are stupid. I think some of you are just very trusting people and just don’t suspect anything. WELL, I suspect stuff, and even if I am wrong, at least I am not just so stupid trusting to believe anything somebody throws at me.
Plus, like I have told you before. If you are wrong about something, and make a mistake, just say “I’m sorry, Squeeky. I mis-read that.” It really isn’t that hard. (I think it was you???) Why don’t you get some practice in the next thing you write.
“You do know they were being facetious don’t you?” NO! Why should I? Mark Twain said it twice on that quote place. Andrew Jackson was not a fancy pants elitist. Do you realize how much you just PRESUME to know??? You need to open your mind some.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Who is Mobamba?
What is your belief based on? It defies logic, evidence and everything else that sane people use to evaluate situations. So, I’ll play along. I think Abe Lincoln was born in Norway and brought into the US as an infant and given to the Lincoln’s. He made up the whole log cabin story. My evidence? Lincoln was very tall and Norwegians are known to be tall. There is no eyewitness testimony to his birth and he had no birth certificate. That is just as good evidence and logic as you have. Better in fact.
There is more evidence about the existence of Santa Claus than there is about Obama being born in Kenya.
That’s not a position. You took no position on the non-existent citizenship issue. Yeah it must be a conspiracy all birthers are really so-called Obots. So you guys are claiming you can’t make yourselves look stupid on your own. Wow you really are delusional.
You have shown yourself to be stupid you believed Vattel was french because someone said it. What you think is irrelevant and contradictory to reality. Why do you keep saying Mobama? Also what proof do you have that this socalled Mobamba was born in Kenya? Can you provide anything that directly contradicts the State Department and the Department of Health in Hawaii’s statements about him being born in Hawaii? How do you contradict his birth announcements in two newspapers at the time?
Commie marxist muslim? Now you’re just not making sense. Communism and islam would be contradictory. Also you don’t even seem to know the difference between marxism and communism. What are the tenets of Marxism and how do they apply now? How exactly has Obama vested the entire industry and means of production into the hands of the community?
You really don’t know much about Mark Twain do you? Outside of his regular writings he was a satirist. He was facetious. As for Andrew Jackson he was elite. Most of our presidents have been elite. The job was originally intended for the smartest and best of us. Jackson owned over 1000 acres and was rich. Start doing some research before spouting your mouth off
To Daniel:
Why should he cough it up? OK, Here’s why. One, if he’s a Kenyan, so we can throw him out. Two, if he’s an innocent American, so he shows he understands our concern about the law, and we all know he is innocent.
Let me give you an example which I came across in one of those things you don’t like to hear me mention. Nixon had a whole bunch of tapes that may or may not have had something on them. Why should he have COUGHED UP THE TAPES?? One, if he was guilty, so all Americans would know and could throw him out. Two, if he was innocent, so he shows he understands our concern about the law, and we all know he is innocent.
You see, until the tapes came out nobody knew for sure. What if he had given the tapes to somebody and said, here tell everybody I’m innocent. Oh, and don’t let them out of your office! Then we never would have known for sure one way or the other. I guess then you would have been a NBOT???
Now about half the country doesn’t know for sure where Mobamba was born for sure. See the connection????
Plus I am soooo glad that a little old silly girl like me can keep you AMUSED!!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
McCain is a space alien. Here’s proof:
To Lupin:
“There is more evidence about the existence of Santa Claus than there is about Obama being born in Kenya.”
Did Mrs. Claus ever say that Santa was North Pole Born, or that the North Pole was his home country???
Did any of the little elves at the North Pole ever say Santa was North Pole born.
Did newspapers from the North Pole say santa was born there???
I could go on like this for a while. .
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Joe the Plumber is now in Israel. Here’s the story:
Actually, it’s quite possible that even if Obama had been born in Kenya he would still be qualified. There are serious questions whether his parent’s marriage was valid, given that his father was already married (the US does not recognize bigamous marriages). Settling that question could turn into the Lawyer’s Full Employment Act. I’m afraid you will just have to live with Obama for 2-6 more years.
Now perhaps you would like to address the issue of America’s Norwegian-born President, Abe Lincoln.
Because of that, Ann Dunham’s age is immaterial, which wrecks another birther claim.
To Bob Ross:
First, did I miss your “I’m sorry, Squeeky. I mis-read that.” No, I guess it wasn’t there, All I found was HOW STUPID I AM. Must be, if I was expecting an apology.(LOL!!!)
Elite??? From Wiki:
“In 1781, Jackson worked for a time in a saddle-maker’s shop.[12] Later, he taught school and studied law in Salisbury, North Carolina. In 1787, he was admitted to the bar, and moved to Jonesborough, in what was then the Western District of North Carolina and later became Tennessee.
Though his legal education was scanty, Jackson knew enough to be a country lawyer on the frontier. Since he was not from a distinguished family, he had to make his career by his own merits; soon he began to prosper in the rough-and-tumble world of frontier law. Most of the actions grew out of disputed land-claims, or from assault and battery.”
I guess they must have been first class really fancy saddles, and isn’t it great how much money somebody can make with a Harvard “Country” Law School Education??? And how nice he had all those distinguished family connections. NOT.
You just presume too much.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To scientist:
I was really, really proud of the Richard Nixon thing I wrote above because i wasn’t even alive then. I had to find it out on my own. Soooo, am I just TOTALLY OFF BASE here, or isn’t that a pretty good answer from a STUPID BIRTHER about howcome Mobamba ought to COUGH UP HIS LONG FORM.
Because I thought that was a good reason that would be easy for all you OBOTS to understand. Would you have been NBOTS???
Once again, why are we having to GUESS about stuff like marriages and where and all??? That’s the BIG PICTURE. Two years later and about half the country is unsure. (Whatever 1/4 plus 1/5 is/)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Andrew Jackson should have been tried at the Hague, like Milosevic, for the ethnic cleansing he carried out against Native Americans.
I do find it remarkable that birthers hate the United States so much they would believe a foreign member of parlament (that never discloses how he came to that conclusion) over the US House and Senate, the governor of a US state from an opposing party, and the official she appointed to an office that overseas administration of vital records; a single purported foreign website, that misreports an AP story over thousands of US news stories, including contemporaneous reports of his birth in the US; and then of course the tape they claim his step granny said he was born in Kenya, where she actually says he was born in Hawaii…..and that of course is ignoring the COLB, that unlike that giant laundry list of stuff they claim they have, is actually admissable in court, and is prima facie evidence.
I don’t have to guess. I used logic and statistics to prove that Obama was born where his parents lived-Hawai’i. If you (and some segment of the American population) are unfamiliar with such basic intellectual processes, that’s not my problem. You (and they) should have paid attention in school.
Actually, you are completely off base. By the time the Nixon tapes were subpoenaed, there had already been an FBI investigation that lead to 5 guilty pleas, and 2 convictions (including conservative talkshow host G. Gordon Liddy) of Nixon aids in the Watergate break-in and cover up. Thus far, there has not been a single piece of admissable evidence to show the president was born anywhere but Hawaii, nor anything that should lead anyone to believe that his COLB should not be relied on as prima facie evidence of the facts it contains.
So are a completely off base stupid birther, to use your own words.
To JoeZeppy:
I don’t hate America. I kinda hate Oklahoma when we play football, but I get over it. I even think there is maybe a1% chance Mobamba was born here, either in Hawaii or Conneticut. But why should I disregard the BLACK members of foreign parlaments??? HUH??? Because if I did, then I would be a racist from that end.
(HIDE YOUR EYES, Daniel–I have to say those words.) But I wrote a INTERNET ARTICLE taking up for the Hawaii woman, I forget which one. It is called Objection Hearsay!!! I don’t know if anybody in Hawaii peeked or not.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To scientist:
OK. I will give your approach a try next time I get pulled over and they want to see my license and insurance and registration. I will tell the state trooper that statistically, most people have valid driver’s licenses, insurance, and registrations and that he should just go on that. And logic. I sure hope it works!!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
To Joe Zeppy:
“By the time the Nixon tapes were subpoenaed, there had already been an FBI investigation that lead to 5 guilty pleas, and 2 convictions (including conservative talkshow host G. Gordon Liddy) of Nixon aids in the Watergate break-in and cover up. ”
I guess then somebody got a court to listen to them, And the FBI. And a investigation and everything! Lucky them!!! But you know, it was still really stupid and suspicious of people to not believe a President. I bet he just didn’t have enough NBOTS around to protect him.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I don’t know how things work where you are, but here in New York, if you show your official driver’s license, the trooper doesn’t ask to see the original written driving test and the report from the original road test. If he did, I would report him to his superiors.
By the way, your writing style is that of a 9-year-old.
Why wouldn’t the Trooper demand to see your original license form on file and approved by the State as well as the original documentation for your insurance and registration?
Since Troopers would obviously believe your license, insurance and registration cards are most likely a forgery. They have no reason to believe you.
WTF does that have to do with you accusing the state of Hawaii, the State Department, the Secretaries of State, the former Vice President, the former Attorney General, the electoral college and the members of both houses of Congress of fraud with no credible evidence?
Because the member of parlament did exactly what you objected to in terms of the Governor of Hawaii….he made a hearsay statement, that he did not provide any information on how he came to that conclusion. Ignoring it would not make you a racist, it would mean you’re not being a hypocrit screaming hearsay, when the governor of Hawaii said he was born in the US based on her telling her head of DOH to look at the records and her conclusion, and saying you have to believe someone who has no basis what so ever to support his claims. Legally, it is not proof of anything. Add to that, just because someone makes a statement on the floor of a legislative body, in no way makes it credible, or otherwise factual. However, the statement of the head of DOH is admissable. She, as the custodian of the record in question, made a statement, and supported how she came to that conclusion. Her statement would be permitted in a court of law.
Your statement that there is a 1% chance that President Obama was born in the US shows your hatred of everything American. You will embrace every foreign straw to justify ignoring the mountain of evidence of the president’s birth in the US.
to Mwill:
You’re right. The trooper would get suspicious and want to see that. Particularly if my grunty little malebeast boyfriend in the front seat said something like:
“Hey officer can you hurry it up! That guy we stole this car from is right behind us!”
Which is about what Number 1 Wife Michelle said, just for one example.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
They arrested 5 Nixon aids breaking into the Watergate hotel in 1971. That is what started the investigation. And then it took two years, 5 guilty pleas, and two convictions before subpoenaing the President’s tapes. Compare that to not a shred of admissable evidence pointing to a birth anywhere but Hawaii, the total implausibility of him being born in Kenya, a legally admissable document that is prima facie evidence of his birth in Hawaii, supported by the statements of the custodian of records (which is not even required), and you will see why you are being really stupid and suspicious (again, using your own words).
Nice dodge for such a large person.
“Which is about what Number 1 Wife Michelle said, just for one example.”
WTF are you high on?
To JoeZ:
Suspicious and stupid are two different things. I think you have to be really STUPID, or really really TRUSTING to just believe whatever somebody throws at you. I might end up being wrong one of these days, but I don’t think it is JUST STUPID WHATEVER to be suspicious. The presidents lie to us like dogs. Is Mobamba the first one in years who you think isn’t going to lie like a dog to us???
Matter of fact, are a whole bunch of you OBOT Demcrats mad at him for not doing what he promised, IE a LIE???? HUH???
I bet if President Nixon had some NBOTS, they would said stuff just like you are saying (which gives me a good idea for a post LOL!!!) There’s no way the President knew about motels, and robberies and things!! Just because these people were bad, doesn’t make him bad, and no you can’t have the tapes!!!
You can OBOT spin this all you want to, but there is some reason why 1/4 plus 1/5 of the country doesn’t know for sure where he is from and it isn’t MASS STUPIDITY.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Ahh the good old Soviet style guilty until proven innocent crap. Actually that bit about Nixon isn’t entirely true. There was reasonable suspicion because of two intrepid reporters found evidence, interviewed people that were in the know and in turn Nixon was investigated. Also in Nixon’s case there was a clear indication that a crime actually did occur, people were caught, there was evidence of a crime. In your case, you have no evidence no reasonable suspicious just conspiracy theories.
That’s also a lie by you, there has been no poll that states that half the country doesn’t know where the president was born. He has shown his birth certificate, he has done more than any previous president in regards to proving his citizenship.
Let’s demolish your statistical argument. Uninsured drivers are very common, ranging from 4% in Maine to 26% in Mississippi
There are 100s of thousands, perhaps millions of people who drive with invalid licences or without licences at all
Stolen cars or cars with suspended registrations, same story, quite common.
So these are very common events. The average trooper would se many in a year. Whereas births in Kenya by US citizens living in the US-0 documented in the last 50 years.
Once again, you lose…
You’re dodging again, birther.
You’re calling the female head of the Hawaii DOH and the female Governor of Hawaii, who are both Republicans and supported McCain, liars and guilty of fraud with only your paranoid suspicions to back you up and no credible evidence whatsoever.
Giggle all you want. That’s despicable.
There is no apology because I didn’t misread anything. You have a clear problem with articulating yourself. Jackson was a landowner, that made him elite he owned over 300 slaves had a plantation owned over 1000 acres of land. He fits the definition of elite. Not the new definition you right wingers make it out to be.
Thank you, but I am not that person. She is innocent.
And they really are that STUPID!!! We got stopped once and I told the STUPID DORK “hand the officer the papers with your left hand so he won’t see the stamp mark from the club on your right hand” because he told the Officer we were coming back from Wednesday Night Prayer Service. The STUPID SOB doesn’t listen because grunty little malebeasts never listen and puts his right hand right on top of the steering wheel like a TOTAL IDIOT!!! I have had too much to drink but at least I am smart enough to tell them he was the designated driver. Whew, it was close but I still had to wait like 6 hours for the bac to show me low drive.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’ve never known a dog to be untruthful. Care to cite an example?
I read your article. I think you are missing an opening quotation mark somewhere. I think that will fix it.
From my point of view there are two kinds of birthers: those who selectively interpret or misrepresent limited evidence resulting in totally erroneous conclusions about the definition of natural born citizen and those who selectively interpret or misrepresent limited evidence resulting in totally erroneous conclusions about where Barack Obama was born. No, there are three, three kinds of birthers; add those who believe Barack Obama is not eligible to be president because he is Barack Obama, and no other reason is required.
Yes, suspcious and stupid are two different things. It was appropriate to be suspicious of the President when individuals connected to his White House were arrested breaking into the Watergate hotel, and within a year 5 pead guilty and 2 were convicted. Stupid is to swallow the implausible story that a preganant 18 year old student of limited means, who grew up in Kansas took the long, difficult and expensive trip to Africa to give birth to a child, and then decided that American citizenship was so important that she managed to set in motion a conspiracy that spans half a century, and is so successful that not a shred of evidence of the conspiracy survives, and all the actual admissable evidence that supports his birth in Hawaii is just the products of this perfect conspiracy masterminded by a 18 Kansas girl. Don’t you think if her child’s American citizenship was so important to her she would just have the child in Hawaii….you know, like all the real evidence points to?
Wanna bet?
Did humans live at the same time as the dinosaurs? Three in ten Texas voters agree with that statement; 41 percent disagree, and 30 percent don’t know
More than three-quarters of young Britons do not know who was Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War, a survey has found.
Asked whether the Earth goes around the Sun or the Sun around the Earth, 21 percent replied incorrectly; 7 percent said they did not know.
Yep. Other obscure facts about the Nazis –
– Goebbels was a failed novelist.
– Hitler sold watercolors through a Jewish art dealer in Vienna, who was one of the very, very, very few Jews who was left alone after the Anschluss.
– One of Hitler’s cronies (I believe it was Putzi Hanfstaengel but I could be wrong) had an American mother and had gone to Harvard. His grandmother was a full-blooded Sioux, which led to the Siouxs being declared officially Aryan so he could stay in the party.
– Ernst Roehm, head of the SA, was gay. The execution squad sent to dispose of him during the Night of Long Knives found him in bed with his latest boyfriend.
– Hitler nearly committed suicide after his niece shot herself.
As soon as Hitler, Nixon, George W. Bush or alcoholic encounters with law enforcement enter the conversation, it’s time to get out the GPS, cause you’re way off track.
And a failed playwright. His play Michael was laughed at.
So? Nixon’s tapes have been common knowledge for forty years. Why are you boasting about something that anyone with a computer can look up on Wikipedia?
Even better, at least one state (New Hampshire) doesn’t require car insurance.
Nobody named Mobamba ever ran for the office of US President. What are you talking about?
Squeaky Fromm tried to assassinate President Ford.
Cue our crazy birther defending the Charles Manson family member Squeaky Fromme in 5…4….3..2..1
To scientist:
Ohhh, you are so right! I am sorry I didn’t see it earlier on! Do me a favor, get your very own radio show and tell everybody that statistically Mobamba was probably born in Hawaii or Conneticut. Because I think you have a SURE FIRE winner there which will just STOMP OUT us Birthers flat as a toad on the road. (LOL!!!)
To mwill;
You only see what you want to see. i can’t help that.
To Bob Ross:
“The first six Presidents were from the same mold: wealthy, educated, and from the east. Jackson was a self-made man who declared education an unnecessary requirement for political leadership. Indeed, Jackson launched the era when politicians would desperately try to show how poor they had been.”
Plus, why are you still dodging the apology about mis-reading the British law stuff?? This isn’t for my benefit, but yours. That’s how you learn to be a human being, by not expecting yourself to be perfect. if I mis-read something you wrote, I would apologize. I would probably hate doing it and curse in the background, but I would JUST MAKE MYSELF do it so I didn’t have to go around feeling guilty.
To Misha:
Yes. My dog, Idiom.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dr. Conspiracy,
Sorry. I am getting hit pretty hard so I am thinking and typing as fast as I can. Plus, I have a little bit of a hangover, still.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I can’t speak for Mobamba, but statistically speaking, it is not that Obama was “probably” born in Hawai’i, but rather that the odds that he was born anywhere else are less than that of Martians landing in Times Square in the next 10 seconds.
I’m too late, you guys have already made yourselves look more ridiculous than I ever could.
Squeaky Fromm tried to assassinate President Ford.
There’s 100 times more evidence Paul McCartney is dead than Obama being born in Kenya.
By the time Jackson ran for president he was elite. But once again you guys tried changing the word elite into something bad.
No apology is needed. You don’t know how to write things correctly. Maybe if you corrected your entry to be more concise and better articulated your point would come across more clearly
Your life is a perpetual hangover
You know, I read that article, and there’s something that caught my attention.
You said:
Yet Dr. Orly has cited the de Vattelist “two citizen parent” claim several times, both publically and in court filings. In addition, she’s criticized Berg for NOT supporting the de Vattelist claim. So I can’t see how you can say Dr. Orly isn’t a de Vattelist when her public statements and court documents support the de Vattelist belief???
I don’t think there’s any way that the obese cow known as Jennifer Beagle could be our very own Squeeky Fromm. Our Squeekums is a playful little wench with a sense of humor as big as the buckle on the Iowa corn belt. Also, I’m falling down the hill in love with her. And though she would have us believe that she hates the male beasts, it’s all an act: one day Lil’ Miss Squeeksalot is going to change her name from Ms. Fromm to Mia Wife.
Good for you.
Now here is the situation about Obama’s birthplace.
Evidence proving Obama was born in Hawaii:
1) Copy of certificate of live birth posted online and subsequently photographed extensively by nonpartisan, which is the official record of birth produced by the state agency in charge of maintaining birth records.
2) Birth index record, available on Hawaii Dept of Health web site.
3) Announcements in two newspapers of record, posted under “vital records” section of newspapers, contemporaneous with birth
4) Public statements of the Republican-appointed director of the Hawaii Dept. of Health.
5) Public statements of the Republican governor of Hawaii (and supporter of opposing candidate in the election) that she inquired and verified Obama’s place of birth with the Dept. of Health.
6) Records released in response to Strunk FOIA request indicating that Dept. of State verified Obama’s birthplace and citizenship status in the course of processing his step-father’s visa application.
Evidence indicating Obama was born elsewhere:
The fact that the birth-in-Mombasa theory is also totally implausible is what makes it also JUST TOTALLY STUPID for anyone to consider to pursue a “suspicion” that Obama was born elsewhere, but it is not *evidence*. The evidence is what I have listed above.
On top of that there is the issue of legal presumptions and burden of proof.
Legally, candidates for elective office are required to do no more than swear or affirm that they meet the qualifications for the office they are seeking. There is a legal presumption that what they say is the truth — the burden is on challengers to prove otherwise. In other words, if Obama says he was born in Hawaii (and he does), then the law presumes that to be the case unless someone can prove otherwise. Evidence that would raise some sort of suspicion would not be proof — the challenger would have to have, at a minimum, the ability to show a preponderance of evidence that Obama was born outside the U.S. to sustain their burden of proof. That means the challenger would not only have to come up with clear, legally admissible evidence, but that evidence would have to be strong enough to refute the official records of the state of Hawaii.
It’s squeeeky Frommm!!
Now i know she can really highlight the stupidity of the birther mind.
Hey you guys, don’t trash Squeeky!’s name! She adopted her nom de plume to honor a woman who had been turned into a pariah by the male beasts of this world, starting first with Charles Manson, and then extending to the media. In Squeeky Fromm we see the triumphant new face of wimmenhood–and it’s crying out to be pinched and kissed.
I hope this one doesn’t come out all italics like the last one??? You might think differently if you knew the next video I was going to put up. Ghost of a Texas Ladies Man.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(Plus I am testing my computer to see why its italics???)
Hi Squeeky,
Please be careful when you attribute a quote to someone. Up above, you made it look like I said you need a weight loss clinic. I did not say that, someone else did.
But you do need a shrink.
Well, at least you admit you have an unreasonable bias. And he did put out the fire. He took the unprecidented step of posting his COLB on the internet. That was the end of it. The state of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii. The fire is out. The President has far more important things to do than responding the stupid questions from people who have an irrational dislike of him, and will accept the words of an anonomous poster on the internet than the worlds of the President, and the Republican administration in the State of Hawaii. The President need not respond to kook and nutters.
The fire is out. Get over it. There is no credible evidence of him being born anywhere but Hawaii. And let’s get this straight. You do not have “all these people saying he was born in Kenya. You have his wife making a vague statement his roots (that similar language had been used by prior presidents speaking of the nations of their ancestry…unless you think JFK was born in Ireland). You have one internet article that bastardized an AP report, and you have one Kenyan MP, who wasn’t there, and has not provided any basis for his claim. So because of these straws, you ignore thousands of newspaper articles and news stories speaking of his Hawaiian birth, his COLB which was put on the internet, the statements of the head of the DOH who examined the original files, statements by the Governor of Hawaii, who BTW was head of the McCain campaign in Hawaii, and of course plain old logic, that it makes no sense whatsoever for a pregnant 18 from Kansas to fly half way around to world to give birth in a third world nation, only to concoct an elaborate plan to fake his US birth, when she could have just stayed in the US, and give birth in a much safer US hospital. So you have nothing, and chose to ignore a mountain of evidence, and it’s the President’s fault for not responding to your stupid question?
And my experience is you ignore the lunatics…you don’t engage them because it’s a big waste of everyone’s time.
Orly is a hack lawyer, Michelle did not say he was born in Kenya, and to say one newspaper story counts while thousands of others don’t is insanity, and you have one Kenyan saying he was born there not “Kenyan people” who has not said what he based his statement on. On the otherhand, you are saying what the 99% of legal community says doesn’t count, the statements of people who weren’t there when the President was born and have not said what the basis of their statements count more than people who have examined official US doucments, one African newspaper trumps 1000s of American newspapers, and one Kenyan MP trumps the State of Hawaii, it’s government officials and its official documents. Yeah, I can see whay you say there’s a 1% chance he was born in Hawaii………
Oh, Squeek, you put up those videos and I don’t know why, because for all the apparent male-bashing contained in them, the women singers parade around like a bunch of two-bit hookers. Poor thing, you rail against the objectification of women and then you thoughtlessly add to the problem by pandering to the very system you say you abhor. Your consciousness needs to be raised, and I’ve got the razor to do it.
Well since I can’t properly quote squeeky because of her screw up lets ask a few things. How did Barack steal the election from Hillary Clinton? She screwed it up herself with her advisors thinking that every state had winner take all delegates and so she focused on a handful of states instead of all 50 like Obama did. She made a strategy mistake. Michelle never said Obama was born in Kenya. There are plenty of Kenyan papers who said he was born in Hawaii so are they wrong too? As for a person in Kenya saying he was born there how exactly would he be better in the know than say the person who handles the vital statistics for Hawaii?
To: Expelliarmus
All those are good things and they may even all be true. But lookit the things that are on the other side. This link has good stuff and bad stuff. I guess depending on how you look at it:
Now from what I have seen, Birthers and Obots fight about this stuff all the time and who knows. But here is what I do know. Mobamba is nowhere to be heard, except when I think he teased us once just TO GET ON OUR LAST NERVE!!! I like to watch those crime shows on ID where you see the court cases, too. When the defendant doesn’t say anything, it always makes you wonder??? For example, why was somebody looking up where to buy arsenic on their computer and OH WHAT A COINCIDENCE that is what the poor wife dies of.
About half the country has serious questions, his popularity is way down, and even his own party is mad at him and calling him names, and he needs every vote he can get. But you still don’t see him say anything, to go dig up the long form or nothing. So lets just say that us Birthers are just as dumb as a bag of hammers. WE STILL GET TO VOTE!!! There is not a STUPID test we have to pass or anything. So why risk just PO’ing us off over something stupid that a few pieces of paper would probably fix, at least for some of us.
I probably still wouldn’t vote for him, unless a FAR WORSER grunty little malebeast like Newt Gingrich, who CHEATED ON HIS CANCEROUS WIFE was running!!! (Plus, I have to fix that Squeeky and Newt post on my website to reflect this new information.) But at least I wouldn’t hate him as bad, and if it was raining real bad, I wouldn’t go out in the rain just to vote against him.
Plus I was a Democrat until he stole the election from Hillary and being a Republican is not my happiest choice. They have a mean streak in some of them, but Sarah Palin is there so I could vote for her, or some of the other women pretty easily. But, I bet there are other Democrats like me who would like to be able to go back, like if Hillary ran again.
Ooopps. I think my GPS is off again. I will STFU!!! up now.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To sluggojd:
I am sorry. I thought I took all the names out to not embarrass anybody too much in case they get erased, which I think they should be. That was somebody writing to you and I just screwed up. Plus it all came out italics for some reason. Please forgive me.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Good lord no link of Apuzzo has good stuff in it. He has come here several times only to run away once his arguments fall apart. He looks like a fool everytime he comes in here pushing his discredited crap. Why do you think Apuzzo moderates his site so heavily Squeeky and doesn’t allow comments that dont agree with him?
Please read the following links from Dr. Conspiracy
Do you always fail so hard? Once again how did Obama steal the election from Hilary?
This is another birther distortion. What Michelle said was that Kenya is Obama’s “homeland,” and of course to them that means he was born there when what it really means is that his ancestors come from Kenya.
There is nothing but smoke and mirrors on the “other side”.
Not a single shred of “evidence” that would be admissible, or even suggests something admissible, in any court of law. The stuff listed on Puzo’s site that you are citing is either irrelevant or demonstrably false — and all of that stuff has been refuted on this site over and over again.
My friend Bob went to high school with the real Squeaky Fromm. This woman is no Squeaky Fromm
Is that posted video of the fat woman getting out of jail really our Squeeky Fromm?
Can she actually vote?
Here’s a poll. I can’t find the exact one I read a few days ago, but its about half:
“Consistent with other polls on the “birther” controversy, I found that 27 percent of respondents said that Obama was not born in the U.S. and another 19 percent did not know if he was or not. These findings paint a picture that is similarly unsettling to the Pew polling – misinformation about Obama’s national and religious identity is pervasive.”
To Bob Ross:
Here is where some of my crazy BS comes from:
To Expelliarmus:
You keep missing the point. Like WHO CARES if something is admissible or not??? Most Americans are not lawyers and we could care less about some courtroom red tape. If we think the rascal is hiding something, we just AIN’T GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN.
Meanwhile, you OBOTS please keep doing what you are doing! Its really working real good. Maybe Mobamba should just take the Fifth Amendment while you’re at it. (LOL!!!)
Like my father told me, in Vietnam we (the Americans) won every battle and we (the Americans) lost the war.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To Joezeppy:
You said “Birther accepted the anonomous postings of self proclaimed experts to create the myth that there was evidence it was a forgery, then attack a real computer expert, who openly used his name and published his credentials who debunked their pseudo science. ”
WRONG AGAIN!!! Not me!! I am suspicious so I didn’t believe that stuff when I saw it on some place. How can anybody tell it is a fraud from a picture on the internet unless it is signed by like Peter Rabbit or something.
You see, that is the advantage of not just falling for everything somebody pushes at you!!! But just the same, how do you know it is real just from a picture on the internet???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Here is the commissioned officer oath:
“I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.” (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
Notice what is absent from the oath.
1. Opinion polls do not and never have trumped a certified birth certificate. FAIL.
2. Your personal opinion of lawyers and the law does not make lawyers any less knowledgeable, or the law any less valid. FAIL.
3. There is no such thing as “courtroom red tape.” America has a legal system that most countries envy. Your dismissal of it is disgusting. FAIL.
4. You have every right to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2012, PUMA. Until then, your nonsense is only making you look more and more pathetic. FAIL.
5. Please produce proof that you voted for Barack Obama, ever.
6. There is no such person as “Mobamba.”
7. Your father is clearly forgetting a little thing called the Tet Offensive, which we assuredly did not win. FAIL.
8. As usual with birthers, you’re wrong about the President.
9. Kindly get a good therapist, okay?
Look an obscure polling organization. So you conflate this poll to mean half the country says he wasn’t born in America. Ahh so lets see the other polls. More people, using your logic, think that a spacecraft landed in Roswell.
Why do you feel the need to degrade the presidency by calling him names and such?
Yes, it does state that is misinformation.
Legal red tape refers to laws that governments write and not to the operation of the courts. It is important for Americans to understand how the legal system works, and just claiming ignorance is no excuse.
To ellid:
I will look up the Tet thing, I never heard of it.
I don’t think lawyers are stupid. I believed my mother’s lawyer when he said if Mobamba was born in Hawaii or Conneticut, then he was legal. Just like I believe Black Lion’s law case. Soooo, on law, yes I believe lawyers.
Next time I go vote (November 2010!!!) I will be sure to lookit and see how many voters brought their lawyers with them to tell them all about the admissibilityness of stuff. I think not many, but I still vote in Texas, so maybe we are just behind times.
Plus aren’t those ELECTION things kind of like polls??? I mean everybody can go vote and have any opinion they want.
I went to a therapist and he told me I wasn’t an obsessive nut or too crazy. He also helped me with this self esteem thing about my voice. They don’t call me Squeeky for JUST NO REASON. So now, I just dress in black because I like it!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To ellid:
From wiki: “Although the offensive was a military defeat for the communists, it had a profound effect on the US government and shocked the American public’
Looks like we won the battle and lost the war. Sound familiar???
To Bob Ross:
Re spacecraft at Roswell: Our government would never lie to us, would they???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
On it’s own, I would have no idea of the image of the COLB was real. However, I don’t have just the COLB, I have the birth announcements, the statements of the Hawaiian Gov, and DOH, the birth index, the State Dept’s Answer in the Strunk litigationthat says Obama was born in Hawaii, and documents DoS release in response to the FOIA request say he was born here. So I have a big ole stack of official sources saying he was born in Hawaii, not to mention very idea of an 18 year old Kansas girl flying to Africa in the 1960s to give birth defies any real logic, and pretty much nothing of substances saying he was born in Kenya. Yeah…I suppose that’s just like falling for everything someone pushes on me.
So, why are you still clinging to this birther-stuff? A skeptical mind would see right through a lot of the birther misinformation. Many arguments that attempt to disprove Obama’s citizenship through Hawaiian birth fail “the acid test.”
You’ve never heard of the Tet Offensive? Did you even get through high school? Again this goes to show that you try to speak about things you have little authority on.
To anotherbird:
You asked: “So, why are you still clinging to this birther-stuff? A skeptical mind would see right through a lot of the birther misinformation. Many arguments that attempt to disprove Obama’s citizenship through Hawaiian birth fail “the acid test.”
Read above. Mobamba still hasn’t PUT THE FIRE OUT himself. I don’t believe everything I read, although I did accidentally reference the Onion Joke Place once before I knew what it was. But a nice Obot told me and I changed it up real fast! Boy, did I ever feel like a “Gull E. Bull”.
I try to just stay on stuff that I know for sure and can prove like here it is two years later and all Mobamba has done about it is NOTHING! but tease us. WHY???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To Bob Ross:
When I write a book about the Vietnam War, then you can say that “this goes to show that you try to speak about things you have little authority on.”
In the meantime I looked it up and guess what? It was like my father said, we won every battle and lost the war. Its all above. So i guess you don’t want to believe me because I was right???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Here you go again when called out you just repeat the same claim that Obama didn’t put out the fire. You know that’s complete BS. He showed his birth certificate, the state department said he was born in the US, Hawaii said he was born in Hawaii, two newspaper birth announcements say he was born in Hawaii. The fire is out birthers are trying to light the flames by urinating in the wet mud. This is why you have the multiple birther theories. It was never about him being born here they just wanted an excuse to deligitimize his presidency thats why a lot of birthers once their attack on the Hawaii birth fails, they jump to bringing up Vattel or say dual citizenship at birth disqualifies him. They always create a fallback position.
Except that we didn’t. Have you ever looked at Colonel David Hackworth’s book “About Face”.
Look up the Battle on Da Nang, Iron Hand Air Strikes, Battle for LZ Albany, Battle for Hill 861, Kingfisher Battle near Con Thien, Ambush at Hoc Mon, Battle of Kham Duc, Battle of the Slopes, Battle of Dai Do, Battle of Ong Thanh, Battle for Hill 875, Battle for Firebase Mary Ann
Thats just a few battles for you to do your research on
And add the facts that Hawaii has not prosecuted him for forging a birth certificate that they know he posted online as proof of his birth in that state, they passed a state law to deny repeated requests for a birth certificate that birthers says does not exist, and the 219 Republican representatives in Congress who are sworn to uphold the Constitution have made no concerted effort to pursue this matter, Bob
To Bob Ross:
He hasn’t put out my fire. I don’t think he will put out the Vattle Birther fire although I am sure going to try to so we can all just FOCUS ON THE BASICS.. I am so glad you are a mind reader and just know what people are thinking. NOT!!! It just looks to me like you have your mind made up about everything and are missing the whole point about everything.
All Birthers are stupid, all Obots are smart, and then you stuff wine corks in your ears poetically speaking. Like I try to tell the other Birthers, beating Obots is fun and easy if you can just not get mad at the name calling and stay away from all that stupid Vattle BLAH BLAH BLAH. We can’t lose, because His Royal Highness is TOO GOOD to talk to those of us who are suspicious.
Plus us Birthers have to get out facts better too and if something isn’t true, we need to stop saying it, like those phony birth certificates and that stupid malebeast who said he could tell it was a fraud from the picture of it. Just like I thought I read somewhere he was a computer sex person or something, Typical grunty little malebeast EXPERT!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Yes, it is. Anyone of legal age and residency can vote
unless Republicans are threatening or lying them:
And many more examples. Google search: Republican voter intimidation
He hasn’t put out your fire? I always knew you were happy in the pants for Obama. You secretly have a thing for him. This weird obsession you have where you defy all logic to spout crazy stuff. If you birthers had any facts on your side you would have presented them by now. Thus far you haven’t presented any. Its really that simple if you have any true evidence then prove it. Enough dicking around.
To Bob Ross:
I will look those up when I write that book. (NEVAH!!!) Meantime, I think it is probably off the GPS and therefore NOT ADMISSIBLE!!!.
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
LOL! Well, well, well. We have the legendary “Squeeky Fromm” posting on here now…
Ah, the fun I miss when life keeps me too busy to keep up on here more often!
As someone who’s had a close eye on a lot of the players of the failed PUMA movement and the rise of birtherism from the beginning, I’m still convinced that “Squeeky Fromm” and Jennifer4Hillary are one and the same, despite her protestations. The similarities, writing styles, motivations and backgrounds are just way too similar….
Regardless, even if I focus on just the “Squeeky Fromm” handle, it has been interesting and actually refreshing to see this person’s handle “mellow out” and improve over time in her ability to converse with others (for the most part), even in the face of frequent hostile blowback and her postings here have been, for the most part, calmer than many of her prior posts at other sites. So, kudos “Squeeky” on making progress on your anger management issues and reducing the amount of times you rant about “manbeasts” and what not. I hope it is not just the alcohol talking that is keeping you in a better mood and if it is, I just caution you to be careful and not “self medicate” to the point that you can’t control or stop drinking, as that will just lead to more problems.
I think it is fairly clear even from your own posts that your anti-Obama stance and willingness to so easily buy into a lot of the birther and other fear/hate driven anti-everything paranoia out there stems from your utter disappointment that Hillary is not president. Unlike some PUMAs & birthers out there, I actually think you’ve made some steps over time in bettering your attitude and coming to grips with the 2008 election. You’re not quite there yet, but at least you are making progress, so I’ll try to focus on that and be kinder in my remarks if I can. You are obviously someone who gets very passionate about issues you care about and therefore when things don’t come together the way you hoped for, it is quite a harsh and painful letdown to accept.
I wish you could focus on the positive aspects of how well HRC & BHO seem to be working together as a team and that they have come together and have earned each other’s respect working together, overcoming the earlier divide caused by the hard fought and bitter campaign they waged against each other during the Primaries. If that is not enough for you at this point in your grieving, then I implore you to focus your efforts on areas that do bring happiness and satisfaction in your life, such as your love of nature and animals.
1. Barack Obama got a majority of the pledged delegates. Official estimated numbers were 1829.5 to 1725.5. That includes a full voting delegation from Michigan (where Barack Obama wasn’t even on the ballot) and Florida, who had their delegates restored to full voting status at the convention. So, essentially, what you’re saying is that because the party leaders (aka Superdelegates) did not override Barack Obama’s delegates, and choose Clinton, Obama stole the election from her?
2. I must have missed the part of the constitution that specifically says, “Barack Obama is not eligible for the Presidency because he’s Barack Obama.” I never knew that not being Barack Obama is a constitutional requirement to be President. And if it’s not in there, then Barack Obama can’t be ineligible because he’s Barack Obama, but because of another reason, which falls into one of the other two categories.
3. You’ve already admitted that you’re biased against him, and would never vote for him, except if maybe Newt Gingrich was running, no matter if he proved his eligibility or not. So, my question to you is why should Barack Obama spend time convincing someone that he’s eligible who isn’t going to vote for him in the first place?
4. Barack Obama has done everything concievable to put the fire out. When these rumors first started, he released (as the Hawaii Department of Health called it) a valid, Hawaii state birth certificate saying that he was born in Hawaii. He showed it to news and factchecking organizations, and he displayed it on the internet so that you could see it yourself. Guess what, it didn’t happen. So, my question to you is what do you expect him to do? Invent a timetravel machine, and take all the birthers into the past to witness his birth? The State of Hawaii has said that he was born there. Obama has released documentation that would prove in any court in the land that he was born in Hawaii. Just because birthers close their eyes, cover their ears, and yell at the top of their lungs, “I’m not listening” doesn’t mean that he hasn’t done it. So, my question is what more should he do?
A majority of them do this because America rejected them in 2006 and 2008. In 2006 they relinquished control of both houses of Congress to the Democrats and then lost the executive branch to Democrats in 2008. Now, they’re angry at Americans and don’t like the electoral process anymore, so they figure they’ll regain power here the same way Saddam Hussein gained power in Iraq – hate, lies, propaganda, threats and violence.
You can’t help yourself.
“All Birthers are stupid, all Obots are smart”
There is no fire, Vattel or otherwise. Those pushing Vattel are pushing junk law rejected by the vast majority of the legal community, and those purporting there is any question as to where he was born have issues grasping reality.
Perhaps if you could produce one piece of credible evidence that the President was born anywhere but Hawaii, you would be taken serious. One piece. I didn’t care for GW Bush, but I never expected him to sully the office of the President of the United States to answer the insane ramblings of the “truthers” and likewise don’t expect the President Obama to bother answering birther questions. Birthers don’t merit any serious consideration, because they have nothing to support their claims.
Well, you Birthers certainly do have problems with facts, that’s for sure….otherwise you wouldn’t be Birthers.
To g:
Thank you for the nice things you said. I have felt better since I stopped the anti-depressing things and just started having a few drinks every night. I Catholic Promise you that I am not that person! Even if I was, it would still be very cruel and mean to show mean pictures of somebody, particularly a woman, who we already have enough problems as it is with men thinking we are just TOTALLY STUPID to start with. Physical handicaps of any kind are not fun, even if it is just a high pitched voice and everybody calls you Squeeky or The Mouse. And nobody wants to take you seriously except your friends. So you write poetry and become a Goth Girl.
This is your best question:
So, my question to you is why should Barack Obama spend time convincing someone that he’s eligible who isn’t going to vote for him in the first place?
Here’s why. He’s the only president we have, and even if we don’t like him we need to be able to trust him. Haven’t there been people in your life that you didn’t like, but still knew they were honest and good?? Plus, what kind of a person is it who you kick in the butt real hard, and then two years later they haven’t jumped yet???
A lot of things in our country have to be fixed and if Mobamba hasn’t even put this fire out, and it should be a real little fire. What about the other stuff. I read economy stuff but I am not good at math. I am still trying to add 1/4 to 1/5 without google. I get 3 answers, 1/20, 4/5, and 5/4, none of which looks right. But its about 1/2.
But here it is 2 years later and Mobamba hasn’t figured out its the JOBS STUPID! Hillary would have. And then the wars. Did you ever think it is not just people who get killed, which is very bad, but also poor helpless defenseless little animals???? There were like 50,000 dogs killed just in one of those cities a few months ago. Who knows how many birds and cats and other animals???
I could go on, but things are about to get real bad I think, but I can’t explain why because of banks and Wall Street stuff and we have just only one president who doesn’t even care enough about the 1/4 plus 1/5 to talk to them and cough up whatever he has to get on to something else.
He may not like us either, but we are all stuck with each other.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Wait, you ask why Obama is teasing you in the same sentence you’re calling him a name?
Do you people have any concept of how much it’s costing me to keep replacing these exploded irony meters?
Besides Orly Taitz, I don’t think women are totally stupid. Even Orly Taitz isn’t TOTALLY stupid.
The primary focus of this thread was the nasty way birthers responded to Judge Carter and Judge Lind. Before it was hi-jacked that is. Anyone who doesn’t hate Obama becomes a target of their hate. It’s actually quite pathetic, but what’s really bad is that some of them have children and are teaching them to hate. How really sad that children have to be raised in such a hateful environment. It’s child abuse of the worst kind.
It’s 9/20. I am not a real doctor, but I have a master’s degree — in math!
What you do is find a least common denominator, the smallest number that both the addend denominators divide into (evenly), and that is 20. So you convert 1/4 to 20th , or 5/20 and you convert 1/5 to 20ths, that is 4/20. Once you have the same denominator, you can add the numerators: (4 + 5) / 20.
Of course, fractions are of limited use nowadays. Most folks, I would think, know the decimal equivalents of 1/4 and 1/5 respectively (.25 and .20) and can add them up giving .45, which is, exactly as you say, about 1/2.
Have a nice day.
I’m back. Had to feed Squawky and check in at greatwire.
To Dr. C:
Thank you for the answer. I knew I was close. I didn’t want to google it. Thank you also for telling me about GPS’ing because I used it to get out of a tight one, there! They almost had me. OHHH Tee Hee!
Plus I didn’t try to hijack this, at least not on purpose. When I first came here it was about the Woman Soldier which is how it was at greatwire. For your irony meters, just put a bigger fuse in them and they won’t go out as often. Or, if you are really brave, just stick a penny in them and they won’t short out at all. (LOL!!!)
To joeymac:
NO, I wasn’t in rehab. A few months ago i was just learning how to fight Obots and it was harder for me because I had to look up every single thing first to not look stupid. And I had to learn how to not react to the name calling stuff. Plus there was some stuff, like the Vattle stuff that I didn’t have a clue about. Now, beating Obots is fun and easy, as long as I stay away from wars and fractions.
Plus, if you want your poems on my website, just let me know. I really liked the ones you did, “Tittering with the Teeny Titmouses” and “Men Can Cry Like Babies, Too.” They were both very sensitive and you should not be afraid to get in touch with your inner child, more often.
Plus, a few months ago I went on vacation and my sister fed Squawky. When I came back Squawky wouldn’t sit in my lap anymore or on my shoulder. He was all grown up, and that is how it has to be but I was still very sad about it. So I just moped and did dark stuff on my other website. This Obot fighting has been good for me.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
From an image processing standpoint, you can’t. However, think about it for a minute.
First, it was Senator Obama himself whose campaign published that image. They didn’t have to do it. If it were a fake, one word from Hawaii, and Obama would have lost the election. Does anyone believe Obama could have been elected after it was uncovered that he had published a fake birth certificate (EVEN IF IT SHOWED HIM BORN IN HAWAII)? I would be insane to publish a copy of a forged document on the Internet with millions of enemies to dig into it.
Second, we have the fact that vital statistics fraud is a crime in Hawaii. We have the testimony of the head of vital statistics and the director of the department of health both stating that they viewed the original records. If it was a fake, they know it. Did they prosecute the crime, did they expose the fraud, did they keep a tight lip? None of the above. They signed a statement and posted it on the state web site saying Obama was born in Hawaii.
Add to that the birth notices in two Hawaii newspapers published within a week or so after the birth, announcements that came from vital statistics.
It is utter and total nonsense to assert that Barack Obama doesn’t have an original birth certificate resting in a vault in Hawaii that says he was born in Honolulu.
The COLB is not a fake.
Folks, I am starting to believe we are all being punked by someone pretending to be “Squeeky.”
To sluggojd:
Oh, you Obots are as paranoid as the Vattle Birthers!!! What is so strange???
Anyway, check my website. I just said HI! to you right before the video, The Ghost of a Texas Ladies Man.
I think you can just hit my name where it is blue???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To Dr. C:
Documents are just that and they can be faked all the time. Lookit the witness protection program where people just get a whole new life. like that! I believe the two newspaper things more than the CLOB, but even there, from what I have read, those could be done by parents or grandparents through the Hawaii Birth Certificate Place then to the newspapers.
But assume you are right for a minute. After all the stink started, where was Obama putting the stink down? Why didn’t Obama just sign a power of attorney for Hawaii to issue his Birth Certificate to whoever wanted it. That way Hawaii makes a lot of money off us Stupid Birthers for easy work. Nobody could do anything with it, they couldn’t do with the Internet copy, which is print it off and put a stamp on it.
But who is going to give a drivers license to “Barack Hussein Obama” who walks into a Texas driver control place??? Nobody. I mean if it was identity theft somebody wanted, it would be pretty hard to pull it off.
Soooo, whycome no work to head this stuff off??? After two years. He could get a copy and take it to Megyn Kelly on Fox. Or Glenn Beck.Or Dr. Taitz. Or Mr. Apuzzo. He could have met them in Hawaii when he was on vacation.
I think I have utter and complete suspiciousness.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky Fromm: Commie Marxist Muslim
He can’t be all three can he? Marxism is arguably just one form of communism, like the difference between a Quaker and Pentecostal? So, are you saying he’s a Marxist Communist, or a Trotskyite, or perhaps a Maoist? Maoist seems most logical in that the Chinese have most of our debt and so we need to suck up to them big time to avoid an economic collapse. Also, I doubt you will find too many communists who are also Muslim, assuming you mean that in the sense of a persons religious faith — something about religion being the opiate of the masses and all that.
I don’t know who this person you keep mentioning is. However, there are people who cling to believes that are purely wrong.
Are you suggesting that you don’t believe what you wrote after writing it ….
I know that the phrase “I don’t believe everything I read” means. It is quite amusing that you continue to use it in the wrong context.
You have every right to refuse to believe the truth, and cling to obvious fallacies to support your position.
Attempt to take a skeptic approach to your arguments. That is part of “the acid test.” Substitute another person or yourself into you arguments and see it you come to the same conclusions.
Didn’t you read what he said? Let me repeat it for you.
Second, we have the fact that vital statistics fraud is a crime in Hawaii. Did they prosecute the crime, did they expose the fraud, did they keep a tight lip? None of the above. They signed a statement and posted it on the state web site saying Obama was born in Hawaii.
Now, if it was a fake, who would know better than those people in Hawaii who are responsible for those records and issuing certified documents that attest to them that you claim are “fake.” And since they would recognize that he posted a fake birth certificate online that he had no right to, ANSWER THE DOCTOR’S QUESTION!!!! DID THEY PROSECUTE HIM FOR WHAT WOULD BE A CRIME IN HAWAII WHEN THEY FOUND OUT THAT HE POSTED A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FROM HAWAII ONLINE?????
Birthers are cowards. They dodge, ignore or move the goalposts when the dissonance gets too uncomfortable.
To another bird:
You said: “Attempt to take a skeptic approach to your arguments. That is part of “the acid test.” Substitute another person or yourself into you arguments and see it you come to the same conclusions.”
That is what I have tried to do. I have tried to put myself into Obama’s shoes. Here I am with 25% of the voters thinking I am from Kenya. Another 19% are not sure where I am from. Thats millions and millions of voters. My party is about to lose Congress. My own party is mad at me. Now what do I do about all these voter swho don’t think I am American or are not sure. Some just hate me enough to call me a usurper!
Two years later and NOTHING!!! Some of you OBOTS say it wouldn’t make any difference and none of us would vote for him anyway. Maybe. But it sure couldn’t hurt. I mean what’s going to happen if he shows his long form and he is an American, for real. Do you think there are some Americans who AREN’T going to vote him because he proves he’s an American????
And what about the NOT SURE people? Sure can’t hurt there because some of them might be just be soooo STUPID, but if they are, they could sure learn that one thing. and the ones that hate him period because they think he’s a usurper? They might not love him, but they have to find a new excuse to hate him. And maybe they don’t hate him so much.
I mean you see these races on TV and some of them are 1% or 2% apart. Out of 45%, all you have to pick up is just a few to turn it around.
So this I what I think when I try to think like him. So wouldn’t I do anything???
1. I’m a Kenyan usurper
2. I’m stupid
3. Screw them, I don’t like voters!
4. It might not help me, (but sure wouldn’t hurt me)
5. I want everybody to think the other side is crazy
SORRYYYYY! Not getting any good answers there except maybe number 1 or number 5.
So why not number 5??? Because all the crazy people are going to be mad enough to get to go to vote if they have to crawl through broken glass, while my party is already mad at me and is probably going to sit home and watch TV.
So I have thought about it. Have you???
If you were the person replacing the dead fish guy, whats his name, what would you tell him to do???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(PS: To Phil Cave. The words just have a nice ring to them!)
These “skeptics” crack me up. When someone tells them that Obama posted a fake birth certificate online, and someone else tells them that if Obama posted a fake birth certificate online, the state of Hawaii would prosecute him for fraud since it’s a crime to forge a Hawaiian birth certificate, they become “skeptical” of the government of Hawaii instead of the idiot who is obviously making a false claim about Obama’s birth certificate that defies common sense
Yeah, or the creation of the loony conspiracy theory for which they have no evidence, Will
To another bird.
Oh, add No.6. I don’t want to be president any more!
To fut theshuckup:
OH YES, that prosecution stuff works REAL GOOD! How many Wall Street economy people have been prosecuted for all this phony mortgage stuff and phony court document stuff???
Plus, how hard would it be if a phony one was sitting there to say, “A phony Birth Certificate in the files?? How could I have known? Who could of done such a thing? I’m shocked!”
C’mon, think like a criminal! and “Attempt to take a skeptic approach to your arguments. That is part of “the acid test.” Substitute another person or yourself into you arguments and see it you come to the same conclusions.”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Just answer the question without dodging or ignoring the question, moving the goal posts, or creating another loony conspiracy theory.
Is it that difficult for you? If anyone would know if it was forged or not, it would be the state of Hawaii, and everyone up to the governor knows he posted it online.
They didn’t want to.
They were paid off.
They didn’t know it was slipped in,
They were afraid of losing government funds
They are just really bad people
They are stupid and didn’t think of it
They didn’t any better
The Mafia threatened them
They are scared
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Now she’s claiming that the information on which the COLB is fake, yet she hasn’t even seen it and still calls for him to release it. Just more proof of what I have been saying all along – no matter what he releases, they’ll still say it’s fake. And then they wonder why he won’t release it. ROFLMAO!
Just as as I thought. MORE LOONY CONSPIRACY THEORIES. They only did not prosecute him for it, they confirmed that it was was born in Hawaii and then passed a state law that allowed them to deny repeated requests for it.
I guess the 219 Republicans in Congress aren’t making a concerted effort on this issue because
They didn’t want to.
They were paid off.
They didn’t know it was slipped in,
They were afraid of losing government funds
They are just really bad people
They are stupid and didn’t think of it
They didn’t any better
The Mafia threatened them
They are scared
too. roflmao!
Instead of being “skeptical” of the ridiculous claim that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, they dream up silly reasons why they should be skeptical of the Hawaiian government and why are not doing what they would be legally bound to do if the president posted a forged document online as proof of his birth.
Earth to futtheshuckup!
The internet picture didn’t work. 25% think he’s from Kenya. 19% aren’t sure. Develop new plan. I repeat, develop NEW plan. REAL QUICK!!! End transmission.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Thank you for proving that you can quote Wikipedia without understanding a single word.
To futtheshuckup:
“It doesn’t matter what a bunch of you certifiable morons think.”
True. It just matters how us certifiable morons vote! So keep calling us names! PRETTY PLEASE!!!
Matter of fact, I think you ought to put up some billboards that read, “His Birth Certificate is None of Your Business!!! YOU CERTIFIABLE MORONS!!!”
Lots of them. Everywhere. Please!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(PS: Are you sure you spelt Morons right??? I thought it was “Morans”??? (LOL!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
LOL, sorry but I don’t feed trolls, and have no desire to visit your website.
Seriously, you need to get a life. Craving attention online 24 hours a day is not healthy. Go out and have fun. Read a good book. Eat something you’ve never had before. Anything but post post post night and day.
To sluggojd:
I’m just answering you OBOTS. But you are right. Matilda needs brushing. I have poems to write and and another post to do. Plus, it looks like you all are pretty well GOOD QUESTIONED out. But I’ll leave your name on my blog another 24 hours so you have the opportunity to visit and confirm in case you change your mind.
Good Night!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(PS: Thank you Dr. C!!! I learned new stuff here!)
Squeeky, polls have absolutely nothing to do with this issue. You’re committing a logical fallacy. It’s called Argumentum ad populum, or appeal to popularity. You’re arguing that because many people believe it, it must be true. You can read more about this fallacy here:
Now, let me ask you this simple question. Obama released a document that the State of Hawaii called “a valid Hawaii state birth certificate.” Furthermore, that exact document would be accepted in any court in the land as prima facie evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, if you birthers got your wish, and this was litigated, all Obama would have to do is show up with the exact same document that was presented online and submit it into evidence.
The birthers would then have to prove with admissible evidence that Obama was not born in the United States. You might want to read the Rules of Evidence, because there is absolutely nothing that they’ve presented that would be admissible under the Rules of Evidence. So, we have a document that provides prima facie evidence that Obama was born in the United States, against absolutely no admissible evidence on the other side. Any court in the land would conclude that Obama was born in the United States, and therefore is a Natural Born Citizen.
My question is still, what exactly do you want Obama to do to prove to you that he was born in the United States? He already released “a valid Hawaii Birth Certificate” that shows that he was born in the United States. Your only response is “it may have been forged” without having any specific evidence that it was forged. So, what more should Obama do? Why should he release another document? The birthers, basing upon what they did last time, would say, “It’s a forgery”, and then say things such as, “This doesn’t actually prove anything, because his parents could have just registered it fraudently” without having any actual evidence. So, why should Obama spend all his time proving to you that he was born in the United States, when you already admitted that you would not vote for him next time anyways?
Furthermore, Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing, and expecting a different result. Why should Obama release another document, and expect this portion of the population that had acted in a certain way in the past, to act in a completely different way in the future?
obama can’t ever prove his citizenship, but the only possible way he can still prove his loyalty to we the people is by turning himself in immediately to the joint chiefs for an impartial constitutional tribunal, who will then appoint hillary, mccain and palin to an interim tripartite presidential committee-for-life that will … hey, ZOMG LOOK OVER THERE!!!
Squeeky is just one more example of conspiracy whackos complete inability to apply the principle of Occam’s Razor.
Yes, documents are faked. However, when there is a concern about the authenticity of the document it is checked. Yes, the are actually checked.
I thought you didn’t believe everything you “read.” So, you read something on the Internet that suggested that something might have been possible without any supporting evidence.
Let me reiterate and make it more clear. “I don’t believe everything I read,” is used to indicate that there isn’t any substantiating facts to support what you read.
Why should Obama sign a power of attorney to anyone? The state of Hawaii has already confirmed that they have the actual documents almost 2 years ago.
Hawaii has issue two press releases confirming the authenticity of Obama’s natural born citizenship status. It is in PS format which is easy to print on a printer.
Orly Taitz and others don’t care about the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. Some have even admitted that “it doesn’t matter” since he can’t be a natural born citizen because it requires two citizen parents. This is all part of “birthers” shifting arguments.
The only suspicious behavior are those who want one individual to go beyond what is reasonable to prove his citizenship. A reasonable person who have accepted the state of Hawaii.
Obama has had his citizenship proven more that any other politician. This is all about one document, about one specific date and place.
Well there is the push to repeal the 14th amendment…
@Squeeky Fromm
Honestly, it is just better to ignore people who are spreading misinformation about them, or change the topic. There are more important things to do. Obama is the president and shouldn’t be spreading time squashing out conspiracy theories about himself.
So, are you suggesting that you chase around people who are spreading misinformation about you, correcting everything they get wrong?
Let be honest, the perception that you are attempting to present is just wrong.
The people who are diehard disbelievers of Obama’s citizenship will never be content with anything. These people just don’t want Obama to be president. Some have gone further that it is reasonably expected.
The issuing of government documents as if they are fliers is one of the most interesting takes on this issue that I have ever read. Do they think from time to time.
Here comes Squeeky being ALL MYSTERIOUS! And I hope not just stupid?? But I promise you Dr. C that it is GPS OK. Here is a poem I wrote tonight with you guys in mind. It took me a while to figure out a good title, but then SLAM!!! it hit me, and it fits right in line with the typical MALE “Logical” mind type of thinking. And the point all you OBOTS are missing, and I hope you keep missing. But part of me wants to help you. So Here:
Logical Phallacy
Bob was a boy
As smart as could be.
And he loved a young girl
By the name of Marie.
He started to court her.
Relied on his mind.
And trusted his money
He thought love was blind.
The way that he saw it,
He thought that Marie
Would calculate profits.
Decide logically.
He said he could buy her
The richest of gowns,
The biggest of houses,
His finances sound.
Bob had it figured out
Think of his woe!
When Marie hit the road
With a biker named Joe.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Actually, there is an error it should read
Bob had it fiqured out
Thinks a little more!
When Mary hit the road
With a biker named Joe.
Changing the facts, point of view, disregarding the laws, etc … doesn’t improve ones arguments.
And the Irony Meter goes OFF THE SCALE!!!!!!!
You’re quite the poetaster. I haven’t come across such doggerel since the last Tail-Hook convention. More to the point, in this false gallop of verses, you write that Marie eschews Bob because he’s rational, precise, and wealthy, and selects Bob because, well, because Bob’s a biker.
Really? A biker? I guess Marie secretly wants to become someone’s drug-addled bitch, a la Lynette Fromme? Chalk one up for the male beasts, you artless hypocrite.
Nonetheless, “Logical Phallacy” is clever.
Squeeky, that should be “and selects Joe because, well, because Joe’s a biker.”
Well, there’s no accounting for what you might have read.
The newspaper announcement from the Sunday Advertiser is headed “Health Bureau Statistics.” This makes is pretty obvious the source of the information. The only way the Health Bureau is going to announce a birth is that it be filed with them, and the way a birth is filed is that an original birth certificate is prepared. This certificate in virtually all cases is filed by a physician in a hospital, or in the rare home birth, by the physician or midwife. If the birth is unattended then the parents are required (Hawaiian law) to file the certificate with the approval and assistance of the local registrar. (Some other person may file a certificate through the local registrar WHEN both parents are unable to do so, but that case cannot apply here, so drop the grandmother.)
So no matter who filed the certificate, the newspaper announcement, and the official statement from the current Hawaii Department of Health prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Barack Obama has an original birth certificate sitting in a vault in Hawaii that says he was born in Honolulu. That, plus the prior argument I made prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the COLB Obama published is authentic.
One might argue that the original registration was fraudulent, but it is long past time for anyone claiming to be rational to give up this COLB forgery crap.
Squeaky, if you’re ready to get past the COLB forgery, we could discuss other doubts you might have about where Barack Obama was born.
First to Another bird:
This is about this stuff AS A BIG PICTURE and I am NOT changing facts, just trying to paint you a BIG PICTURE of the situation. I am having a TEACHABLE MOMENT but other people have to have a LEARNABLE MOMENT for this to work. Obots are Bob. Birthers are Joe. Bob’s way of getting what he wanted didn’t quite work out DID THEY??? because he didn’t really know what Marie wanted. He just PRESUMED she would want what he wanted and he PRESUMED that if he did things HIS OWN WAY, then she would want him. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!! Bob wasn’t paying attention.
Same with all this stuff. Obots PRESUME way too much and don’t pay attention, which is why 9/20 of the country don’t really think we have a AMERICAN president. Now you can act like Bob and say to Marie: Marie, you are JUST STUPID!!!! Why do run around with Joe? You are supposed to want a big house and money and security, and what you are doing doesn’t make any sense!!! Now, do you think this is going to get Marie back???? OH NO!!! About the time Bob calls her STUPID, she is just TUNING HIM OUT!!! Because who really doesn’t get it??? Is it Bob, or is it Marie? (This is the LEARNABLE MOMENT time.)
Sooo, think about that some.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Now this is one I have not heard before. DUMBOT says that the state of Hawaii didn’t prosecute President Obama for forging an Hawaiian birth certificate because “they didn’t feel like it.” Yes, it’s much easier to play along than it is to file criminal charges against someone who, according to them, broke their law. And over and above that, it’s much easier to have their state congress pass a law to deny repeated requests for something that they say doesn’t exist than it is to prosecute someone for violating their laws. That’s not skepticism; it’s sheer stupidity.
All the rest is nothing more than the usual potpourri of ridiculous conspiracy nonsense that we have repeatedly seen from these DUMBOTS.over the past 2+ years
To Daniel and Arthur:
I looked up “irony meter” yesterday when somebody said it. I am glad that you liked the title. It started out “Best Laid Plans” but I just didn’t like that. So I thought “Logical Flop” or “Logical Conclusion” and when I went to google that, as soon as I typed in “logical” this little list popped up with “logical fallacies” on it. So from there it was like AHA!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To Dr. C:
Here is what you said: “So no matter who filed the certificate, the newspaper announcement, and the official statement from the current Hawaii Department of Health prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Barack Obama has an original birth certificate sitting in a vault in Hawaii that says he was born in Honolulu. That, plus the prior argument I made prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the COLB Obama published is authentic.”
“Reasonable doubt” is a legal thing that means: “part of jury instructions in all criminal trials, in which the jurors are told that they can only find the defendant guilty if they are convinced “beyond a reasonable doubt” of his or her guilt. Sometimes referred to as “to a moral certainty,” the phrase is fraught with uncertainty as to meaning, but try: “you better be damned sure.” By comparison it is meant to be a tougher standard than “preponderance of the evidence” used as a test to give judgment to a plaintiff in a civil (non-criminal) case.”
Sooo, even now I still ask myself if i am just being REALLY STUPID in not believing this stuff. And all the stuff you say makes sense, which means if i am on the other side, then I am not making sense, which is not the side i want to be on. Honestly, what causes me more doubts than the birth certificate is the two newspaper things. So why I am a Birther???
Here I am, having all these doubts, and all ripe to be convinced and stuff, and what happens??? NOTHING!!! Obama (I’ll try to stop calling him Mobamba here because that just seems to get under everybody’s skin) doesn’t come out and do NOTHING. And all his supporters (the OBOTS) just go around calling people STUPID. And tell us we shouldn’t have no questions in the first place, SO THERE!!!
Sooo, like lets take your legal approach. Pretend this is a REALLY REALLY stupid trial with no evidence and Obama really was born in Hawaii or Conneticut. Why doesn’t he just get on the stand and put an end to it. And this has been like a TWO YEAR plus trial. It isn’t like he hasn’t had time. He even has speechwriters and people to help him.
So lets pretend that two years ago I had a 1% doubt about the documents being phony. Which means Obama is an American beyond a reasonable doubt. After TWO PLUS YEARS of His Royal Highness not doing nothing, now I have a 99% doubt about the documents being real. Because, the stupider it might have been in 2008 to have doubts, the more reason for Obama (Ohhh it hurts me to call him that!) to have done something. People don’t go through STUPID two year trials for nothing if they don’t have to.
Sooo now, after two years, all those little things, like Michelle saying he is Kenyan, and the African newspapers, and the Conneticut social security number start to add up. Plus, when you look at history, U.S. Presidents have lied to us like dogs. Sooo, NOW, i don’t feel that uneasy about questioning the documents. Its not unreasonable to me anymore.
You see, you are looking at things from the beginning. I am looking at things from NOW, which also looks backwards like with hindsight and stuff. You haven’t changed with the times. You have not had any doubts for a long time. I have changed with the times, because if he is REALLY American, whycome he hasn’t just coughed up the long form and put an end to this???
45% of the voters are very unsure and the longer the trial goes on, even if it is a stupid trial, the higher that number is going to go.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
“because if he is REALLY American, whycome he hasn’t just coughed up the long form and put an end to this???”
Because real American’s know that no American is obligated to produce a document just because some people are stamping their feet and demanding something from them.
Because the President already has had experience with producing a document and having Birthers claim it is a forgery.
Because Birthers already have a backup plan- they made up a requirement for the President to be born from two citizen parents.
If I were the President, I wouldn’t produce my ‘long form’ (assuming I could even get one from Hawaii) until I hung it up in my presidential library.
Because he knows that no matter what he does they will never be satisfied with anything he shows them.
You believe he’s a liar and have no respect so it would be a ridiculous and pointless task. I would tell you to go procreate with yourself.
And you are REALLY, REALLY annoying. Tee hee tee hee. 😉
I’m not buying your act.
And they think that anyone who verifies his Hawaiian birth is a liar also. If they can claim that Hawaii is lying about the authenticity of the COLB he posted on the internet, they will also claim that any and all documents released by the state of Hawaii that prove he was born in Hawaii are also fake. That’s their MO, and it’s never going to change no matter what the president does
You should go with your intuition and say you are really being stupid in questioning that the president wasn’t born here.
Why would Obama have to get on the stand if the birthers have no evidence? The opening statement would be to have the case dismissed for lack of evidence. Then the case would be thrown out of court. Just like the birther cases have been thrown out over and over again.
Do you even know how logic works? Its obvious that the wheel is turning in your head but the hamster is dead.
Michelle never said he was kenyan. You had one kenyan newspaper saying something. I’ve seen several kenyan papers making fun of birthers and saying Obama was born in Hawaii. The Social Security Administration has already said that the prefixes don’t necessarily mean they are tied to the state a person lives in. You must remember Social Security is a federal entity and at that time there were central hubs that issued IDs. Connecticut was one of them.
Once again you have shown your ability to just not know what you’re talking about. If you claim the COLB is fake after he released that why would you not say the long form is fake as well? I just don’t believe that you will take the long form as being real because of your previous instances of not being genuine. You do know the long form would be easier to fake anyway.
To sjeff: I don’t believe the Plan B Vattle argument. I think it is a STUPID waste of time and probably mostly OBOTS pretending to be Birthers.
To majoritywill: How do you know FOR SURE what people will do when they have evidence of something? Aren’t you PRESUMING a lot? Plus, how could it hurt him if he coughed it up???
On the words thing: Yes i google stuff even when I write poems. Sometimes there are connections to things you never thought of and you can try to make a better poems. Plus now I know what an irony meter is. but it really is MY poem and I put it on my website.
Plus, to several of you who say it would be useless to produce it. Go back to that Stupid Trial thing I talked about with Dr. C. What if the Defendant said to the jury,” I have a really good alibi, and I can prove FOR SURE that I am innocent. But I am NOT going to tell you about it because you wouldn’t believe me!
Well, as a member of the Stupid Jury, that just makes me think he is more guilty. What would it make you think if you heard it??? Huh???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To Bob Ross:
A lot of the things you OBOTS say make sense. They made a lot more sense in 2008 and maybe part of 2009. But today they make less sense because TODAY, it is you OBOTS who are NOT considering all the evidence.
I keep trying to find better ways to say this and maybe I will get it right eventually. But anyway, I watch the ID channel which is crimes and court cases stuff. Here’s somethng I learned, and this is VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Sometimes, what a Defendant DOESN’T do, is evidence that he DID something!
For example, the Florida girl whose baby was missing for like a month or two and she didn’t report it. Well if you don’t report you baby missing, that makes you look guilty. You may just be real stupid, but probably you are guilty of something.
Or the grunty little malebeasts who kill their wives and girlfriends, and then never report them missing or wait a couple of days so they can like saw up the body and drop it in the ocean or something. Well, the ” I just thought she was out with her friends or visiting her mother” is a good sensible answer for maybe like 24 hours or something. Then, the NOT DOING ANYTHING becomes evidence.
You OBOTS, are not considering ALL the evidence, because you are either ignoring the FACT that Obama didn’t do nothing for two years, or you are making up silly excuses that even you wouldn’t believe FOR EVEN ONE MINUTE if you were on the jury!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Yes, Obama is Kenyan. Bush was English, and Reagan was Irish. SO WHAT? THEY WERE ALL BORN IN THE USA.
Michelle did not say he was “born in Kenya.” That’s a lie, and you know it. She said that “Kenya is his homeland.” Of course the DUMBOTS use their birther vision and change what she actually did say into what they want it to mean. Saying that “Kenya is his homeland” is not the same as saying “he was born in Kenya.” And then true to the Nazi maxim of repeating the lie over and over again so that others will believe it, they repeat it over and over again.
You confuse mere conjecture with actual evidence. Rumors aren’t evidence. So once again we make less and less sense because you’re driving down Delusional Lane and headed towards the Cliff of Dumbfounded Ignorance.
Obama isn’t a defendant. In order to be charged for something the prosecution actually has to bring some evidence to the table just not accuse people. Okay Squeeky you’re a child molester because you haven’t proven that you’re not a child molester and because you choose not to its obvious that you must be. See how illogical your side is?
To Bob Ross:
“Obama isn’t a defendant.”
You OBOTS Please keep on believing that. Pretty pleeeaaaseee!!! With sugar on top!
And here is where I should probably just STFU, but me and my big mouth. You’re absolutely right Bob! There is no Court of Public Opinion. And one of the juries ISN’T coming in with a verdict in November. And one isn’t coming in with a verdict in November 2012, either.
And what dunstvangeet said above on October 2, 2010 at 12:43 am dunstvangeet”
“Squeeky, polls have absolutely nothing to do with this issue. You’re committing a logical fallacy. It’s called Argumentum ad populum, or appeal to popularity. You’re arguing that because many people believe it, it must be true. You can read more about this fallacy here:
Furthermore, Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing, and expecting a different result. Why should Obama release another document, and expect this portion of the population that had acted in a certain way in the past, to act in a completely different way in the future?”
Please believe the first thing he said, that we don’t have no “Argumentum ad populums” in this country, and they aren’t the same as ‘elections.” Please BELIEVE that!
Please DON’T BELIEVE the second thing, and instead, you Obots just keep on doing what you’re doing because it is working sooooo well for you! Just keep on calling us Birthers “stupid”, and keep on pretending that its 2008 still, and just keep on believing you are the most brilliant Obots who ever walked the face of the whole Planet! Please DON’T STOP doing what you’re doing!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’m afraid that is the case. Anyone who chooses to believe the extremely improbable, over the extremely probable, especially after the extremely probable has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, by preponderance of objective evidence, is stupid.
Sorry you don’t like that, but you made your bed.
Well winning 80 out of 80 challanges in courts and official challenges pretty much qualifies as “working”.
What would you call the birther success rate…. you know, 0 for 80?
Squeeky seems to be under the delusion that the results of an election, if they somehow manage to win, will in some way change reality.
Elections aren’t a court or a jury. Elections don’t measure guilt or innocence. At best elections are a measure of the nation’s level of sanity.
If enough people get infected by the birther delusion, then the birthers might win an election. That’s the way it works.
No matter how many people go bat-guano insane, however, it will never change the reality that Obama was born in Hawaii.
The only hope that birthers have, is the sudden invention of a time machine by the crack team of Taitz and Keyes, mail order physicists and winners of the novella prize for sciency stuff.
I won’t be holding my breath
You DUMBOTS have no evidence. You’re still making the same absurd claims you did more than two years ago. All of the “evidence” you have has been proven to be either false, distortions of the truth, or half-truths. None of the judges in these cases have bought any of your “evidence,” 219 Republicans in Congress are not interested in your “evidence,” and the state of Hawaii directly refutes your “evidence” and has not prosecuted anyone for forgery based on your “evidence.” You had evidence that he was born in Canada, that is until someone realized that the person who signed it, a Dudley Doright of the Royal Canadian Mounties, was A CARTOON CHARACTER! A Kenyan birth certificate that was proven to be a forgery was another one of your gems. Then we have the grandmother interview where she repeatedly says that Obama was “BORN IN HAWAII.” The “evidence” you have will only convince the dumb, the gullible, and the delusional.
Yes, what we are doing is working well, and despite more than two years of DUMBOT birther lies, what you’re doing ain’t working at all. THE PRESIDENT’S NAME IS STILL OBAMA, AND EVERY ONE OF THESE SILLY CASES HAS BEEN TOSSED OUT OF COURT.It’s not our fault that you DUMBOTS are terminally stupid
To Daniel:
I think the “O” in Obots doesn’t stand for “Obama”.
It stands for “Oblivious.”
I really really hope you get to make it 160 out of 160. Truly, I do. Please just run that “body count” on up some more.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Oh Nooooooooooooo…… not the dreaded “So There” defence! And with lots of exclamation marks too!
How will we ever manage to counter that? All is lost. All is lost…….
Oh wait…. she didn’t put it in all caps? OH. We’re OK then.
You folks keep chasing your tails with frivolous court challanges based on nothing better than speculation drawn from conjecture, and we’ll keep winning. 160…320…640… They’ll just keep stacking up until either sane people have had enough, or you birthers give up tilting at windmills. Either way you’ll still go down in the history od obscurity as a group of whackos who had nothing to say, and kept shouting it to people who had no reason to listen. until you lost your voice and just fades away. You’l finally join the ranks of holocaust deniers, flat earthers, and moon landing hoaxers in the annals of the conspiracy whackos.
In the end, all that matters is who managed to prove their case and who won.
You lost from square one. You just don’t have the good sense to quit fighting a battle that was lost at the start line.
And another Irony Meter goes OFF THE SCALE!!!!
To Daniel:
“You just don’t have the good sense to quit fighting a battle that was lost at the start line.”
No time to answer. I have a date with a candy-colored clown…
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And the oblivious ones are still posting an April Fool’s joke from 2009 about Obama’s eligibility “quietly reaching the Supreme Court” as evidence of something when all it really is is an April Fool’s joke. Some are still posting the Executive Order fallacy as evidence of something. And just last night on a Faux News forum, a dumbot was posting the debunked claim that Kagan had represented President Obama on 5 Supreme Court cases concerning his eligibility, a claim that was even admitted to be false by the ones who originally made it – World Nutjob Daily. There’s your “evidence”. If this repetitive pattern of birther DUMBOTS posting fake evidence online doesn’t make you skeptical of birther DUMBOTS’ claims, there’s something really, really wrong with you.
To fut:
I am skeptical of everything. I have very bad TRUST issues. You really wouldn’t believe how bad. Soooo, I usually lookit at what I see that isn’t just somebody else saying it stuff.
This is what you OBOTS haven’t realized yet. You need to try to get in touch with your inner LEARNABLE MOMENT. First, you have to empty yourselves of all ego.
Like that’s EVER GONNA HAPPEN!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Speaking as a lawyer, there are times a defendants puts in a “no case ” submission implying that the prosecution hasn’t proven its case so he doesn’t need to present any fact, evidence or alibi (the governor of Illinois recently did this). So a sensible defendant doesn’t bother to put up a single defence until the prosecution has made its case.
Using squeeky position, since Obama’s opponent/prosecution haven’t put up a case that justifies an answer from he is doing the proper thing. Sqeeky pls speak more to your mum’s lawyer to understand how & when a defence alibi or evidence is necessary & when you just leave the other side to beat about the bush looking for what isn’t lost
Squeeky Fromm
A teachable moment? The story about Marie/Mary has no relation to Obama or those who want to learn more about natural born citizenship. In the real world Bob would have moved on and found a person who appreciates a person who works hard.
I do understand what you attempt to do with your analogy that is why it was Mary that went with Joe. There are people who do appreciate the facts and not politicize manipulation. Yes, there a people who happy believe any new conspiracy theory about Obama. This is because they want any excuse to dismiss Obama’s presidency.
Let us see, birthers have distorted the law. Used, laws that have been either repealed or superseded to for their arguments. Act as though nothing has changed since 1787. Act as though English does not have synonym, and that words have only one meaning.
So, before you start lecturing other people you need to present current laws, and evidence to support your position.
You don’t sound the least bit skeptical of those who have proven to repeatedly make false claims about the president, and those who are rational tend to be skeptical of those who do that kind of thing, yet you continue to believe the latest DUMBOT lie until it is proven to be false, which has been the ultimate fate of all of them.
It has nothing to do with ego. It has to do with facts, the law, and the Constitutional rights of 64.5 million Americans, including my own.
Yes. You are being really stupid.
So when are you going to get in touch with your inner learnable moment? Thus far you’ve only repeated the same discredited crud the last 20 or so birthers have brought in here. Yes you do believe everything you read especially when its against Obama. You don’t show any sign of skepticism for the birthers
Dr Freud sure would have a field day with you. You like to project quite a bit onto other people
I am SOOOOO glad to hear you are a lawyer!!! None of these other OBOTS seem to GET IT!!! And even if you went to a NOT real law school, like Dr. Taitz, you are at least still a lawyer.
Sooo, if THE battle is in a courtroom, then I am sure you are right, and whatever. But please explain to these SILLY OBOTS about the Court of Public Opinion and howcone what somebody doesn’t do in a courtroom, might just be the stupidest thing in the UNIVERSE to do, OUTSIDE the courtroom, and howcome when like 45% of the voters think you are not from here, THAT IS A BAD THING, if you a Obot, and A GOOD THING if you a Birther, because I don’t think I am getting anywhere with them. I even wrote them a poem, and it JUST FLEW RIGHT OVER their heads!!!
Plus, I think it is probably too late for Obama to fix it all because he has waited so long, but like Laura Bell Bundy says, “You can sleep in the bed you made!!!” But I am getting tired of REALLY STUPID people calling me names when they don’t even know what year it is. DUH!!!!
(Laura Bell Bundy’s music video is on my website, which is me in blue by this stuff.)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The court of public opinion has already spoken. You are seen as a fringe group of whackos who have lost all sense of decency and shame. You’re even a step below the teabaggers. Those in power have ignored you. The majority have ignored you, no sane people have taken up your cause.
You’re not making any sense you somehow think the birth certificate issue has anything to do with the elections. The economy is what people worry about not some nutjob conspiracy theory. Yes we’ll keep doing what we’re doing because you retards keep losing in court and most people laugh at you.
Once again you’re distorting what one poll said. Nowhere did it say that 45% said he wasn’t from here. The majority of the country believes he was born in the US. The majority of the country thinks you’re a bunch of lunatics.
It was previously mentioned that you keep on shifting your arguments. Let me try …
There are people who want to repeal the amendment 14 because it bestows citizenship to all children born in America. They believe that “anchor babies” are being used by “illegal aliens” to stay in America.
Did you notice the difference? The implications are obvious, but maybe later I will quote something more relevant later.
To another bird:
Huh???? I don’t want to try to change the 14th amendment, I think we need to build a big fence to keep the poor Mexicans from escaping to here, but I sure don’t want to send the lucky ones who got out back there. Do you have any idea how bad things are in Mexico??? It is just rotten. I have a thingy on my you know what.
Its like stray cats. You feel sorry for them so you try to help a few. I have two strays and one real cat. But a person can’t just take in 100 stray cats even when you want to because there just isn’t room for them.
So I don’t want to make them Not citizens. but really, we have a lot of people who don’t have jobs so how can we let any more in????
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Public opinion doesn’t change a person citizenship. The only people who revels about some Americans believe Obama wasn’t born in America, are those who don’t believe Obama was born in America. The rest believe that those people are either misinformed or biased.
Your poem suggested that we ignore the law, and due process. That we don’t relish hard work. You could have written it differently, but that apparently “flew right over your head.”
And let me reiterate for you, silly DUMBOT, the important phrase in myson’s post that seems to have gone in one of your ears, through the empty space in your head, and out the other side
“since Obama’s opponent/prosecution haven’t put up a case that justifies an answer from he is doing the proper thing.”
Squeeky Fromm,
There was nowhere in the comment that suggested that you wanted to change the 14th Amendment.
The example was used for sevaral reasons.
1. Demonstrate the importance of using relevant information, and not hearsay.
2. To provide references to what you are attempting to argue.
3. To demonstrate that Obama is citizen by just being born in America.
4. To demonstrate that your example about mother not reporting the birth of her child is irrelevant.
Sec. 301. [8 U.S.C. 1401] The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;
To anotherbird.
“Your poem suggested that we ignore the law, and due process. That we don’t relish hard work. ”
No it doesn’t, Or maybe I wrote the poem bad??
Anyway, here is what it is supposed to mean. Don’t try to convince somebody about something based on your own presumptions and what you perceive as logical. You have to look at the other person and see where they are coming from and what they want. Then you change up the way you approach the problem, and see if maybe you even still want what you once wanted.
It is a simple poem, and there is a lot of meaning that one could get out of it. There are a lot of weighty questions buried in it, but I tried to keep the language and situation simple to cut down on the confusion, because probably most of you are not poetry critics, being OBOTS and all who I think are usually pretty highly structured. I would sure hate to lay one of my really heavy ones on you guys. No telling what you would read into it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Futtheshuckup, she missed Sqeeky pls speak more to your mum’s lawyer to understand how & when a defence alibi or evidence is necessary….
Also she missed …& when you just leave the other side to beat about the bush looking for what isn’t lost
She needs to speak to a lawyer.
and a therapist
She needs to speak to a shrink.
I’m a yea vote on the shrink too
“Don’t try to convince somebody about something based on your own presumptions and what you perceive as logical.”
Please take your advice to heart. Maybe you could write a poem that takes into consideration the law. Also, the importance of doing some research from time to time.
How hard can this be???
“Sooo, if THE battle is in a courtroom, then I am sure you are right, and whatever. But please explain to these SILLY OBOTS about the Court of Public Opinion and howcome what somebody doesn’t do in a courtroom, might just be the stupidest thing in the UNIVERSE to do, OUTSIDE the courtroom.”
This might make you mad, but you OBOTS sound just like the Vattle Birthers who can’t read English!!! All the more reason I think most of the Vattle Birthers are really Obots.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The court of public opinion is NOT a court of law, and the opinions of others are not legal statutes, silly DUMBOT, and your opinions matter little to rational individuals who appreciate the rule of law.
Yeah, ask Neville Chamberlain how that worked out.
hey, Squeeks is just vpulling your chain, remember in the olden days when you pulled the chain the toilet flushed. whenever you respond to Squeeks it gives her another opportunity to babble on. Stop it!!!!!
I’ve not actually counted, but I think somewhere approaching half of the posters here who disagree with the birther position are lawyers or retired lawyers.
to Fut:
You said, “The court of public opinion is NOT a court of law.”
Soooo, just stop right there. Put a period on it and don’t say nothing else. Repeat that sentence 100 times. Then re-read some the stuff I have said above.
You might not become Squeeky, Jr., but you will at least be a smarter Obot who can have a lot of LEARNABLE MOMENTS.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
just so you know, silly DUMBOT, the court of public opinion has President Obama’s approval rating at 46% today; better than Clinton’s, Reagan’s, and Carter’s approval ratings at the same juncture in their presidencies.
We can read english, you just have a problem speaking it. Obama has committed no crime he won’t be in a courtroom over this. Besides you birthers need to realize the courts can’t provide the remedy that you ask for, only congress can. Maybe you could explain to everyone how what you do here on a daily basis is the single most stupidest thing anyone can do.
Squeaky: I found a legal scholar who agrees with you.
Nowadays on the Internet, that is very important because it is very difficult to know that someone is who they say they are.
I must say, having been in the Obama Conspiracy business for 2 years now, the eligibility denialists as a whole carry a huge load of misinformation around with them.
Obots also say things that aren’t true and use invalid arguments, although far less frequently.
This is why I have written over 900 articles on this web site, in an attempt to cover the issues fairly and with the best supporting evidence and authority I can muster.
Then why are they having such a hard time understanding simple things??? Or maybe that is why they are seeing things all screwed up the way they do. They think they are in court. Maybe that’s whycome they do not get the point that Obama is a president, and has to run for office and how NOT ANSWERING questions for two years really really helps make him look guilty.
Maybe they need to pretend to be Birther lawyers and pretend to be on TV and ask themselves what they would say. I bet you it would be “But if he is an American, he should have coughed up the long form a long time ago and put this fire out. But he hasn’ t because he can’t, etc. etc. etc.” or they could just ask Dr Taitz for advice. (LOL!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The silly DUMBOT thinks that the court of CHOIR opinion is the same the court of PUBLIC opinion, but it ain’t.
I’m sure that President Obama has some of the best PR people in the world advising him. I think that for whatever reason, President Obama not releasing a certified copy of his original birth certificate is in his best interest. And there is no reasonable doubt that his original birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii.
I can speculate why that is, but such things really are beyond my expertise. I can tell you this, the hard core birthers would not believe any document that says Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
Of course, what we “OBOTS” believe doesn’t mount to a hill of beans, because we don’t decide anything for Barack Obama.
He did answer the question two years ago. You guys just didn’t like the answer and continue asking the same question ad nauseum. You already said you think the COLB is fake so the long form would be fake to you as well. You’ve already said you don’t like him and think he’s a liar. So no amount of proof he shows you will get you to stop saying he’s a liar. Just like with Orly Taitz the long form never mattered to her, its about destroying Obama and tarring and smearing him in any way she can because she hates him. How about you show us your long form Squeeky.
Does the Galactic Federation even issue long forms for space cadets?
That was interesting. You are right about those 3 green lines. But I saw 8 green lines there. Did you, too?
So now argumentium popularums whatever are starting to appeal to you. Good. I am making progress!! I fell like a Mother Hen whose little chicks are starting to find worms on their own. Proud!!!
Now, if I can just get you to stop thinking I am like TOTALLY STUPID or whatever.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Which part of that don’t you understand, silly DUMBOT?
I am sure you are right and some people will never believe it. But what would be the downside of releasing more information??? Huh??? I don’t think it is going to make anybody vote against him because he is an American after all???
Do you really think that ALL people are just TOTALLY STUPID if AFTER TWO YEARS of NOT coughing it up, they think he might be hiding something. Because honestly, it makes him look guilty as sin to me.
And it really really takes away from all the sensible things you say, because it still keeps coming back to why doesn’t he just cough it up then if he is innocent so we can worry about other stuff.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(Plus, thank you again for letting me be here. I think I am really learning how to say what i think in better ways.)
I don’t think. I know.
I like you too, Misha!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Now would be an excellent time to stop feeding the troll.
Really 🙂
Agreed. It was amusing for a day or two, but…
To J. Edward and Rickey:
I am NOT a troll. I am very open about who I am and what I believe. But I will go back and sit under my bridge. No problem. If any other Obot wants to feed me, then i will check in on thread every once in a while, and respond.
If, not, I hear a goat coming, so it is probably going to be a full tummy for me tonight!!! Says his name is Gruff. (LOL!!! )
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Agreed. Time to stop feeding the troll and poseur.
This link explains what Obama’s problem is now:
“However, Obama fares significantly better on this count than his two immediate predecessors — Bill Clinton (20% disapproval) and George W. Bush (25%). Both started with relatively high opposition from supporters of the other political party — 41% of Republicans disapproved of the job Clinton was doing in early 1993, and, in early February 2001, 46% of Democrats disapproved of the job George W. Bush was doing as president. By comparison, a relatively low 30% of Republicans disapprove of Obama.
In fact, Republicans are more likely to approve than disapprove of Obama’s performance thus far, according to an average of the first four days of Gallup tracking on Obama job approval. More than 6 in 10 independents, and nearly 9 in 10 Democrats, approve.”
Fast forward to now…
Instead of being stuck on the racist issue, think of this: people want a d*mn job. They want their friends and families to have a job. They wanted positive CHANGE in health care, not the monstrosity that looms. I only have my word to support this, but my husband’s health care costs went up $50 per pay period in March of 2010. That is a pay cut. Wasn’t the opposite promised? We did not vote for Obama, but I would venture to say that there were those who work for the company who did.
Some other polling from Gallup
Start of presidency
Carter 66% approve 8% disapprove
Reagan 51% 13% disapprove
Clinton 58% 20% disapprove
Obama 68% 12%
September of second year
Reagan 42% approval (9% drop)
Clinton 42% (16% drop) One week into his presidency, he had a 10% drop* in disapproval ratings
I could not find anything after a quick search on Carter’s numbers for disapproval number comparison.
I don’t think you’re totally stupid. I *know* you are, Jennifer.
First, let me say that I am very pleased that you’re writing in a more thoughtful way. One of the reasons this web site lets people say mostly whatever they want is in hopes that I get to understand people I don’t agree with better. Debating in the right environment can improve your skills.
You hold the view that by withholding release of a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate, President Obama has fed doubts about his place of birth. This view is held by lots of folks on the denialist side, including some personal acquaintances of mine and perhaps by a fair number on the pro-eligibility side.
I do not share this view. There was a time in the Spring of 2008 when folks said “if Obama will just release a birth certificate, this will all go away.” So in June of 2008, Senator Obama released a birth certificate that he had ordered a year before. Far from making anything go away, it fueled even greater conspiracies theories. It created the character of Ron Polarik the all-purpose expert who claimed he had proven a forgery and who is actively publishing today. There is absolutely nothing about the COLB which isn’t an official Hawaiian Birth Certificate that is the only kind currently issued, It was dismissed and actually INCREASED doubts about where Barack Obama was born. There is no intuitive or rational basis for it increasing doubts, but it did. Or perhaps one might say that any rational person retired their doubts at that point, leaving only irrational or misinformed persons left.
This is not surprising. A very prophetic article appeared way back in December of 2008 on Why the stories about Obama’s birth certificate will never die. I suggest you read it. What I have learned about conspiracy theories is that every piece of evidence refuting the conspiracy actually becomes proof that the conspiracy is bigger than thought before.
Reasonably, the two published statements from the Hawaii Department of Health would have reduced belief that Barack Obama was born outside Hawaii, but they did not. Rather they created even more words, more web sites, more YouTube videos, and more traffic here at Obama Conspiracy Theories. Any official attempt to refute the theory just energizes the opposition (a fact that rather argues against the existence of this web site, I suppose) like gasoline on a fire. All of the sudden, Obama is not just a forger, but a thug who intimidates even the Governor of Hawaii into lying for him. (That didn’t turn out very well did it!)
If President Obama were to legitimize the issue by speaking under Oath, or officially releasing a document, he would be admitting that the birthers had forced him to do something, an admission of weakness and an admission that the birthers have a “valid” demand. That would totally be the wrong thing to do. I think the right thing is what Obama is doing: making jokes. (And what could Barack Obama testify to anyway? He was just a baby when he was born. All he has is a birth certificate and what his mother and grandmother told him.)
Statistically, the people who believe the birther myths are overwhelmingly those who hate Obama’s guts anyway. Releasing a birth certificate could not help, but it could do some harm. This seems counter-intuitive at first blush, but not after you study conspiracy theories a little.
By the way, you don’t really think Michelle (an attorney) would say to a public group something by which she meant Barack Obama was born in Kenya, do you? I mean seriously.
I have never understood why a clear video either in addition to or in place of stills was not used. It is the age of youtube. Show people actually speaking. True there are some people who will never believe anything. But there are those who will. Just like the President wants the independents (others’ minds are already set), I think you want the eligibility questioners who just need a little more convincing. That MAY have been one way to help. Also, I think we have been through this before, but the eligibility issue was not well-known before the election. Birtherism was in its infancy if you will.
The lawyers who post here are generally not the ones you are exchanging messages with, myson excepted.
Squeeky’s posts hurt my eyes.
There is no direct correlation between health care reform and your husband’s insurance premiums. For one thing, it wasn’t passed until March 21. For another, it has only just now begun to take effect, and it will be years before all of its provisions go into effect.
I have never understood why a clear video either in addition to or in place of stills was not used. It is the age of youtube.
I doubt that a YouTube video would have been clearer than the photos taken by And a YouTube video certainly would have been no more convincing to hard-core birthers, who would not accept that Obama was born in Hawaii even if a time machine could taken them back to 1961 Honolulu.
If you keep repeating the same lies and discredited BS, then you are most certainly a troll…one who has no life, and needs a shrink.
So just stop it.
Michelle did not say Barack was born in Kenya. So stop saying that. Take this first step forward on the road to sanity, or remain hopeless and pathetic. Tis your choice.
To Dr. C:
You said;
Reasonably, the two published statements from the Hawaii Department of Health would have reduced belief that Barack Obama was born outside Hawaii, but they did not. Rather they created even more words, more web sites, more YouTube videos, and more traffic here at Obama Conspiracy Theories. Any official attempt to refute the theory just energizes the opposition (a fact that rather argues against the existence of this web site, I suppose) like gasoline on a fire. All of the sudden, Obama is not just a forger, but a thug who intimidates even the Governor of Hawaii into lying for him. (That didn’t turn out very well did it!)
If President Obama were to legitimize the issue by speaking under Oath, or officially releasing a document, he would be admitting that the birthers had forced him to do something, an admission of weakness and an admission that the birthers have a “valid” demand. That would totally be the wrong thing to do. I think the right thing is what Obama is doing: making jokes. ”
Those are very good points. But lookit how they tried to put the fire out. Get SOMEBODY ELSE in government to say the BC (Which means Birth Certificate) was real. So Obama puts a copy on line. Then people from Hawaii say its real because they seen it themselves and it really is real. We won’t give you a copy, but we just PROMISE you it’s real. Except I don’t think the Hawaii Woman Governor actually said that she saw it, but that somebody else saw and told her that. I wrote an INTERNET ARTICLE about that, Objection Hearsay!!! when they called the governor a liar.
But again, the real document is hidden. There is always a barrier between the people and actual real live document. Everybody has to just believe what somebody in government is telling them. And with all the lying presidents have done and all the people who help them cover stuff up, being overly skeptical may be wrong, but it is not just outright stupid. At least I don’t think.
Sooo, it makes sense that Obama can’t send everybody in the country a copy, but why not do what I said. If one of us STUPID BIRTHERS wants to waste $10 and a SASE on a copy from Hawaii, just let us. That way its not a big speech but a little speech. We already know his social security number, which I wonder why its from Conneticut which is about as far away from Hawaii as you can get and still be in America. So its not like we can get a credit card on him or anything, because I am sure he has that locked up with that safe credit card company.
And one more thing. I have been reading a lot of economy stuff and have you noticed all this forgery and counterfeiting by BIG BANKS and mortgages that is hitting the news???? People are doing all kinds of document stuff, even forging LEGAL COURT DOCUMENTS. People like General Motors, and other big ones. This is October 2010 and this is part of our REAL world we live in. People losing their homes over forged documents, by big well known companies, and lawyers, and this is when all of us STUPID BIRTHER TYPES are supposed to just roll over and believe what ever somebody tells us. And if we don’t, we are full of hate, and STUPID too boot, but it looks to me like telling us somebody would JUST NEVER forage a document because they might get caught and go to jail is starting to sound pretty NOT VERY LIKELY!!!
So we are just supposed to trust everybody, even when they could do something real simple like just let us really see the real document ($10) or a copy of the long form which I think costs maybe $40 or something. Which we would have to pay out of own pockets.
And another thing. I am not full of hate about Obama like somebody said. I am full of madness about him. I don’t like him, and i think he’s a Kenyan, but show me something
real, and I will at least not crawl naked through broken glass and snakes on my hands and knees to vote against him. And maybe some people will never believe it but isn’t that a pretty bad view to have of people, in general??? That anybody who disagrees with you is probably too stupid to ever change their mind?? Because I don’t think that. I keep thinking I will get you OBOTS to start writing Obama and telling him to do something besides be a smart aleck about it. Or maybe at least convince you we aren’t all TOTALLY STUPID.
As far as Michelle screwing up and saying something she shouldn’t have probably said, yes that sort of thing happens and sometimes people just screw up. Like Rick Sanchez i read about at greatwire and he is somebody who is on TV all the time.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dr. Chiyome Fukino is the director of the Department of Health, and it is she who viewed the original document, and she who signed her name on a document to that effect with resides on the Department of Health web site.
As for providing a copy of the birth certificate for everyone, I have already worked out that problem. See my article:
Michelle is a savvy, smart, lawyer and not a (reputedly) dumb TV anchor. To understand her comment, perhaps, you might want to look at a web site from Kenya that says that Kogelo Village in Kenya is Obama’s “original home” and then goes on to say that he was born in Hawaii.
It appears that the Trendy Tours web site is off the air since that article. I wish the Internet would just sit still for a while.
To Dr. C:
Two of those were funny! I need to do one on Squeeky: Maybe:
It was sheer disaster today when several very well known OBOTS discovered that Birthers can indeed vote in American elections. We here at KNUT AM Radio, reached several of them for comments at Bellview Psychology Hospital:
Dr. Bob “Noisewater” Ross: Who woulda ever thought it??? They can’t even SPELL words right! America is doomed. and 296 is not almost 300! Period. Quit trying to correct me!!
Misha: What? There is no “chic” among them! They can’t tell cats from dogs. They are all overweight and screech a whole lot! Why do they get a vote just like me???
Anotherbird: Elections? I didn’t even think we had elections anymore. What an antiquated idea. I thought we did everything in Court. We aren’t admissible here are we?
Ellid: Yeah, what she said!!!
Scientist: Well statistically speaking, we should not be here in this institution because there is only a 4% chance that we can be cured.
Fut: Breeefruuuum fribbittttt drubbbbbllle.
Daniel: But they are just soooo STUPID! How can they even find the voting booths???
Dr. C; Squeeky Fromm, Squeeky Fromm, why didn’t I listen to Squeeky Fromm????
We were able to reach a Miss Squeeky Fromm, a unknown Birther, who revealed:
Squeeky: Oh, yes Mr. Sanchez, I tried to tell them this. I just warned them over and over, even the grunty little malesbeasts, and they just wouldn’t listen. But I, and several other Birthers will help take care of them now. I will read poetry to them and fix them Squeeky’s Chicken Spinache, which I wrote an INTERNET ARTICLE about on my website.
Then, at night, Dr. Orly Taitz will come by and teach them all about American law. And pull teeth.
This is Rick Sanchez, signing off for KNUT AM Radio.
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The “somebody else” was the person IN CHARGE of the agency that maintains the birth certificates. Get it? Obama posted a copy of his b.c. on line and very stupid people claimed it was a fake, so then the BOSS of the Hawaii Birth Certificate department came out and said, YES, they really do have Obama’s birth certificate on file, and YES, their records show that Obama was born in Hawaii. — which obviously is BETTER than a birth certificate.
People have to be really, really, inordinately stupid not to understand that when the BOSS of a public agency makes a statement about their records, that is even BETTER and STRONGER than when some lower level clerk stamps a document.
It isn’t “hearsay” when the BOSS of an agency in charge of maintaining public records makes a statement about what is in those records.
This troll and poseur keeps repeating the exact same dysentery over and over again but reworded a little each time while pretending to make small concessions.
It’s an act for attention, cheap laughs and the fun of hijacking a thread.
Having worked in an inside position in a state government agency, I can tell you that bosses sometimes say things that they know will likely never be disproved. Who is going to disprove anything that Fukino says? No one can. Gov. Lingle never saw anything herself. That is why, for me, seeing the Strunk FOIA documents was necessary additional proof. If there is something amiss there, then Strunk will have to make the case.
Any situation of which I was aware in my position at the state level was not as serious as the eligibility one.
Here’s something I want to discuss: how many jobs have been lost because vacuum cleaner bags are becoming obsolete?
How serious is the lack of trained animals in the circus?
There is hope, …. and change. Vacuum cleaner bags going green:
I am sure that the topic can be creatively integrated here: the posters (animals) on this blog (circus).
That has to be the biggest copout ever. Were you a clerk like Tim Adams and didn’t really have access to anything important? Now you’re trying to impugn Fukino’s integrity based on nothing
No, I was not a clerk and the agency had nothing to do with vital records. I am not going into the ways in which I thought Fukino was obfuscating because they are irrelevant now, for me.
Wow talk about making yourself out to be an even bigger fool than you already are. Now you’re getting into the world of creating red herrings
Goodnight Bob. Perhaps someday I’ll provide a scan of my driver’s license receipt. If I have the wrong Bob, then, just consider it like you would anything else I say.
Squeeky: Just saw the video with you on youtube, Jennifer . I have to say, you come off as someone who is passionate and means well but I gotta tell ya, you’re obviously killing yourself. Over eating and drinking as much alcohol as you do is not only killing you but killing your reasoning ability … Perhaps if you straightened yourself out and got yourself cleaned up you’d get out of this haze you’ve been in and realize how utterly ridiculous some of the things you say are.
I didn’t see that the health care comments were moved over to the dumpster before I made some more. Mea maxima culpa… .
That you did this ever with only suspicion to lean on while lacking any credible, actual evidence I find thoroughly despicable, reprehensible and revolting.
This is an old discussion that has been around and around. Read the archives. The problem with your above conclusion is that you have already articulated it numerous times and numerous ways. I hope now that you’ve said it again, peace will come your way.
Dr Kenneth Noisewater,
It could be that she is talking about random items, all in hope of something that I can’t figure out. Or, it could be that she was unable to keep rewording the same arguments. One thing I do know is that this isn’t the first time.
It could be that I have said Obama was born in Hawaii, after I saw the FOIA documents.
I have no problem with you silly DUMBOTS voting for whomever you want to. What I have a problem with is you silly DUMBOTS trying to usurp the role of Congress in order to deny the Constitutional rights of the 64.5 million Americans who voted for President Obama in 2008.
I really don’t care who wins in 2012. I will accept the will of the majority, unlike you silly DUMBOTS who have carried on like a bunch of nutjob crybabies for 4 years making up all sorts of outlandish lies about the president just because you lost an election. I thought the Bushdid9/11er’s were bad, but you silly DUMBOTS are 100 times worse than they are.
I see no problem except with people incapable of grasping Ockham’s Razor and letting ulterior motives like hatred and paranoia drive their fears, uncertainties and doubts with complete disregard for logic and reason.
And let me just give you a glimpse into the future of your delusion, silly DUMBOT.You’ve already been crying and lying about this silly issue for more than two years now. Over those two years, every single case on this matter has been rejected by the courts; all your “evidence” has been debunked as either false, distortions of the truths, or half-truths; and no one in Congress or at the state of Hawaii has done anything about your loony claims. You have everyone from the White House janitor, to the Supreme Court, to the Republicans in Congress, to the highest state officials in Hawaii, to the federal court system, to just about every agency in the federal government, to the RNC, to the DNC, to the mainstream media, to the Bush Administration, to 50 state boards of elections involved in a massive effort to “cover-up” for what you delusionally think Obama does not have. And now, with Lakin going on trial, that “cover-up” must also extend to the US Army, the US Marines, the US Navy, the US Air Force, the Defense Department, the Secretary of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Now, imagine yourself two years from now, after every court case is tossed out and without Congress or anyone else in an official capacity doing anything about your silly claim between now and then, STILL MAKING THIS LOONY CLAIM. If you silly DUMBOTS think you’re being ridiculed now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. lmao
To Bob Ross:
I thought you would enjoy it. I posted it on my blog. I said nice things about all of you.
I also wrote my first INTERNET BOOK tonight, but it is short and I will be adding to it. Maybe I am moving up in the world. I think I caught all the misspelled words, too.
To Jason W.
That person is NOT me. She is innocent. I do not know why everybody thinks that is me???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
She’s innocent as opposed to what – you being guilty?
Fukino holds an appointed position. As soon as Lingle goes, she likely goes too and the NEXT administration…
Over the past 2 years birther have been proven time and time to be wrong. Do they believe that some how everything will magically change for one day so that they are right. A person can like or dislike who ever they want to, that is in their right. However, I do wish bithers who take more time to think about their arguments.
No one cares about your website and how poorly you articulate your opinions. If I felt like knowing the mind of a crazy person I’d check out Ted Bundy’s autobiography
If they took any time at all to think, well, they wouldn’t be birthers.
Look, Squiggy DUMBOT, your nonsensical argument that the courts and the legal system is irrelevant is patently ridiculous. What’s irrelevant is a bunch of nutjobs on the internet making up lies about the president just because they lost an election. They have done nothing but feed you lies, misinformation, and propaganda, yet no matter how many times they are proven wrong, you refuse to be skeptical of any information they supply while being skeptical of those whose information has ultimately turned out to be correct.
Now, here’s your biggest weaknesses – REALITY, THE LAW, AND THE FACTS. You silly DUMBOTS have been making these silly claims for almost 900 days, and what do you have to show for it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. NONE of these cases has never gotten past a motion to dismiss, and none of them ever will. You can NEVER have standing in any one of these cases. And in the final analysis, the president can supply to anyone in an official, legal capacity what the state of Hawaii says he is entitled to, a certified document that proves he was born there.
You DUMBOTS are the ones still living in 2008 because you are not accepting the reality of 2010. In 2010, every one of these cases has been tossed out, and no one in an official capacity has given any credence to your loony claims. Your list of conspirators has grown to astronomical proportions and at this point is laughable. You refuse to acknowledge the reality of 2010 and are still making the same ridiculous claims that you were making more than two years ago even though in those two years, you have not advanced the ball one inch on this matter. YOU ARE NO FURTHER AHEAD THAN YOU WERE MORE THAN TWO YEARS AGO AND ARE IN SERIOUS DENIAL YET THAT IS CONTRARY TO THE FACTS AND REALITY. You’ve been beating a dead horse but refuse to acknowledge the 2010 reality that IT’S A DEAD HORSE.
And by insinuating that the legal system is irrelevant in this matter and that only the “court of public opinion” matters, you are admitting to being a propagandist who believes that the Nazi maxim of repeating a lie over and over again with the aim that others will believe it is the correct thing to do. Thanks, but no thanks; we’ve had enough of the Nazis and their lying ways
Also, by insinuating that the legal system is irrelevant, you are also saying that the Constitution is irrelevant since the foundation of our legal system IS THE CONSTITUTION! And then you have the gall to say, “We are defending the Constitution.” Anyone who thinks that your feeble attempts to usurp Congress in order to deny the Constitutional rights of 64.5 million Americans is a defense of the Constitution is a COLOSSAL IDIOT.
And the proof that you are not accepting the 2010 reality is that you stay the 2008 course of continually filing lawsuits that you know will fail since they have all failed in the past two years and continue to tell the same lies that you started back in 2008 that have not benefited you one iota in the past two years.
To fut:
One of these days you are going to have a LEARNABLE MOMENT. Let me try it this way.
Two years ago a man went camping in the forest. he made a little campfire to keep the snakes away. In the morning, he got and put the fire out. He poured a bucked of water on it. Just like he was supposed to do. The he drove away. Meanwhile, a teeny weeny little spark lived on. And soon, KERBLOOOM! the fire started back up and burned down the forest and is still going on.
Now the man says he did what he was supposed to do to put the fire out. And a lot of people, lets call them OBOTS, say the same thing. That the fire just should not have KERBLOOOMED back up. Other people, lets call them Squeeky Fromm, say it doesn’t matter if you thought you put the fire out, because you didn’t put it out.
The point isn’t “pouring water on a fire”, the point is “putting the fire out”. They are TWO SEPARATE THINGS!!!!
In this PRETEND fire, the man can still put the fire out, but he JUST REFUSES TO DO SO. This tells me the man either can’t put the fire out, or doesn’t want to put the fire out. Because at least he should try. Either way, SOMETHING IS BAD WRONG WITH HIM!!!
You OBOTS can’t see the forest for all the burnt up trees and poor little dead animals. Some of you don’t even see the fire.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You are the one who needs to have the learnable moment, Squiggy. Now start with some history.
853 days since birther buffoonsâ„¢ said he wouldn’t get the nomination because he’s not a citizen
700 days since birther buffoonsâ„¢ said he wouldn’t be elected because he’s not a citizen
721 days since birther buffoonsâ„¢ said he wouldn’t be sworn in because he’s not a citizen
709 days since birther buffoonsâ„¢ said Vice President Dick Cheney and Congress wouldn’t certify the 2008 presidential election and declare Barack Obama the 44th president of the United States of America
386 days since birther buffoonâ„¢ Taitz said Obama would be out of office in 30 days because he’s not a citizen
81 birther buffoonâ„¢ frivolous lawsuits tossed out of court
9 birther buffoonâ„¢cases denied by the Supreme Court
That’s the problem with analogies, you can make up a story to fit any kind of delusion you might hold.
If your premise is flawed, then any analogy, no matter how flowery, is also flawed.
And your premise is very, very flawed.
And she still continues the Nazi propaganda tactic of repeating a lie over and over again even though she has been given proof that he has done everything he can. Moreover, the will continue that meme ad nauseaum since they will never believe anything he shows them. They have already called the state of Hawaii liars, and no matter what they are shown from that state, which is the only state it can come fro, they will say it’s a lie.
It’s not that he hasn’t done anything to “put the fire out” because that’s just another lie. What he hasn’t done and will not do is to continually try to please a bunch of nutjobs who will not accept ANYTHING as proof that he was born in Hawaii.
To fut:
Let me translate what you said, “Fire? What fire? There ain’t no fire, There might be 853 days of these black looking tree like things without limbs and and leaves, but no, there is no fire. It is just in your head. Now, 853 days later, there might be 59 million of these black looking tree like things, but they are just a new species of tree.”
(I CAN multiply NOT FRACTIONS, so 59 million is 25% of 132 million voters plus 20% of 132 million voters who don’t think Obama was born here or are not sure. I put it on greatwire last night, but I soft blocked myself. Sooo, if “somerset” is one of you please tell him/her that I did slam-dunk them but you can’t see it on the thread yet.)
To daniel:
If I just told you that you were flawed, and didn’t tell you WHY you were flawed, you would probably call me bad names. Think about this. You wouldn’t be here on Dr. C’s website writing stuff if there wasn’t a good reason, like the “fire.”
I am sooooo sorry you MALES don’t have a Woman’s Intuition and Insight.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Here is Squiggy’s assbackwards logic:
“I am skeptical of the information I have gotten from those whose information has ultimately turned out to be correct. I am not skeptical of the information I have gotten from those whose information has ultimately turned out to be incorrect.”
You have a thought disorder.
A bunch of nutjobs yelling, “FIRE!” does not make a fire. You DUMBOTS have been yelling “FIRE!” for more than two years, and the president’s name is still Obama. YOUR SILLY CLAIM HAS BEEN REJECTED FOR MORE THAN TWO YEARS BY THE ESTABLISHED LEGAL COMMUNITY THAT IS BASED ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
And I’ll paraphrase Georges Santayana with respect to the history lesson above – those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Being ignorant is not smart; another manifestation of your thought disorder
I would put the analogy this way. Hundreds of acres of forest are found with blackened trunks and withered leaves. The local news says “Smut Fungus wipes out local forest.” and CNN does a piece on it. The State Forestry Commission, says “we have completed our formal lab analysis and isolated the South Asian Smut Fungus as the cause of the tree devastation.”
Then some yahoo across the country catches the CNN piece and says “I know fire damage when I see it.” So he makes a You Tube video of the trees, and adds some forest fire stock footage and yells “COVER UP.” Maybe if the YouTube video is convincing, and the fellow lies about being a professional forest fire expert, maybe others believe it.
Now, for a real “learnable moment,” Squiggy, here’s what you do. Perform a little experiment. Ask those here what they think is going to happen with nutjob Tatiz’s case in which she is asking the judge to reconsider his decision to deny her Quo Warranto case. Then ask those on a Faux News forum what they think is going to happen in that case. Collect and save your answers. When the decision comes down, look at the answers to see who gave you the correct answers and who gave you the incorrect answers.
I’ll start off. Nutjob Taitz’s request for reconsideration will be DENIED!
That would be a good point, if it weren’t for the fact that we HAVE told you why your premise is flawed’; we’ve told you, the courts have told you, constitutional experts have told you, congress has told you, Republicans and Republican appointed government offiacials have told you.
The problem sin’t with us not telling you why your premise is flawed, the problem is with you holding on to a flawed preamise because you reeeeeeeeeeeeelly need for it to be true, despite the obnjective evidence.
And I find it interesting that you keep playing the male/vs/female card. Do you somehow think that you are superior to us because you are female? That males can’t possibly be right because you, a female, are smarter?
I suspect all the women who fought so hard to end gender discrimination which held women back so long would be spitting on you right now if they knew you were here promoting chauvinism. Shame on you
Daniel, they willfully blind themselves to any information that proves they are wrong. That’s why they keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again. They are still living in 2008 because they refuse to process and assimilate the events that have occurred since then since then that prove they are totally wrong
To Dr. C:
Thank you for being the ONLY ONE to pick up on what i was trying to say, unlike you-know-who 1 and you-know-who 2 who it just FLEW RIGHT OVER their heads!!!
Here is what you said:
“I would put the analogy this way. Hundreds of acres of forest are found with blackened trunks and withered leaves. The local news says “Smut Fungus wipes out local forest.” and CNN does a piece on it. The State Forestry Commission, says “we have completed our formal lab analysis and isolated the South Asian Smut Fungus as the cause of the tree devastation.”
Then some yahoo across the country catches the CNN piece and says “I know fire damage when I see it.” So he makes a You Tube video of the trees, and adds some forest fire stock footage and yells “COVER UP.” Maybe if the YouTube video is convincing, and the fellow lies about being a professional forest fire expert, maybe others believe it.”
Now, assume I am a proud member of the potentially yahoo tribe. And so I am waiting for Part Deux (Which is French for two, like on the movies). I am just sitting there waiting for the State Forestry Commission person to say, “Oh no, it is definitely the SAAF, here’s a picture of it under the microscope. See!
Being suspicious, I am going to stay a marginal yahoo. Two years later, there are at least 59 million voting yahoos, and who knows how many total in the country, and we have heard the wife of the SFC guy say, ‘My husband doesn’t know which end of the microscope to look in.” AND, the SFC guy hasn’t coughed up anything else in over two years, just called us names and joked about us. Plus, there is a really long history of SFC guys lying to us like dogs, like for examples, Weapons of Mass Forest Destruction, and things. (See my first INTERNET ARTICLE)
So, now, I become a full fledged screaming yelling YAHOO. Show me the slides, not a picture of the slides, the slide itself, if you have it!!! The SFC supporters, the SFCbots,meanwhile are just putting out all kinds of information on SAAF, which is great, but how do I know those trees have SAAF??? Plus, the SFCbots are telling me, “if we show you the slides, you just won’t believe them. Very important people have assured us the study was done correctly. You just need to trust us on this.” Plus, the SFCbots are very good at calling us yahoos names, and trying to intimidate us, which WHY, if there is nothing to hide??? And, the SFCbots tell us nobody goes out and burns down trees like this, They would go to jail!!!
I am hearing this, but I wonder Whycome??? It isn’t hard to scrape some stuff off a tree and put it under a microscope, like in biology class. I can compare what i see to real pictures of SAAF. I’ll even do it at my own expense. Why can’t they let me get a piece of tree, put it in my very own microscope and do it??? Plus now I am getting really really suspicious because this is going on over two years, which if it really is SAAF, then what is the big deal???
Plus, meantime, over in the Wall Street Forest, people are just burning down trees left and right, which is something the SFCbots tell us people just don’t do, We’re being paranoid. The SFCBOTS assure us of this. But two years after the Wall Street Forest “got SAAF”, DARNED IF WE DON’T FIND OUT they really did burn it down after all, (and they forged and counterfeited millions of documents, some of them legal COURT DOCUMENTS, which being being big companies, and banks, and lawyers, THEY WOULD NEVER DO!!! to hide the tree burning.)
So that is kinda where I am.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
lol. Again the DUMBOT fails to understand what someone else has said. Read it again, DUMBOT.
“Then some yahoo across the country…makes a You Tube video of the trees, and adds some forest fire stock footage and yells “COVER UP.””
What he’s saying, which went in one of your ears, through the empty space in your head, and out the other side, is that someone falsifies a video to advance their MISPERCEPTION AND PERSONAL BELIEFS of what experts have already determined to be true, and that’s exactly what birthers are doing.
The difference in the analogy is that birthers are “creating videos” because they lost an election rather than because they actually believe he was born anywhere other than Hawaii. The proof of that is that they call those in Hawaii “liars” because, as Daniel said, they really need it to be true despite the objective evidence.
Two years later, do I really care why the fire started??? Not a whole lot. I care about the FIRE, and if the guy who thought he was putting it out, didn’t put it out, then CONTINUES NOT PUTTING IT OUT, and he is the ONLY person who can put it out, and he is not even trying to put it out, there is a whole new separate problem. While that doesn’t prove he started the fire on purpose, it sure doesn’t exculstrate him.
Lookit like this. There is a fire. Tree Number 1 is the first tree for it to happen to. Do I really care much about Tree Number 1 after the fire has spread? Because after the fire spreads, there’s millions of trees that have it and they are nowhere near tree Number 1. I just want the fire put out. That means I have to deal with the trees that are burning.
What you OBOTS do is live in the past. While all the other trees are on fire, you go back to Tree No. 1, and try to nurse it back to life like that is going to put the fire out. Its like those funny little pictures on some places where a little happy face thing is bumping its head against a wall. Whats that thing above about Einstein???
Like I said in my INTERNET BOOK:
A Birther’s Guide to Beating OBOTs – First Edition – By Squeeky
“Plus some Birthers look at this NBC as “Plan B.” Like if Obama really was born in America, then what do we do now??? This is like the Commies! We don’t need a Plan B. We just need Plan A, which is discover for once and all, the TRUTH about where Obama was born. If it was America, we have to obey the law and try to throw him out in 2012 in the election if we don’t like him. If we get away from just trying to find the TRUTH, then it means we are playing with FALSENESS, and that is just plain wrong. Plus God will get us for doing it. Sooo, we have to be prepared to get stomped on for the right reasons, and we have to prepare to win for the right reasons. It’s the American way.”
What has been done, putting up a picture of the COLB, printing the two newspaper ads, and the letter from Frujinko didn’t work. Three of those four things didn’t even come from Obama. People don’t believe it already, and Obama not doing anything else makes me think they are right. Ain’t there something else he could do besides what he has done? Or at least try???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The experts, those responsible for maintaining Hawaii’s birth records, have already spoken on this matter. You have already called them liars, and that means you will never believe anything they do or say in the future to prove that President Obama was born there, so drop the pretense of being a “marginal” yahoo. You are a full blown yahoo. You have accepted “evidence” that has ultimately been proven to be false and will continue to do so no matter what anyone does or says because you reserve the right to act like an idiot just because you lost an election. You have willingly lent yourself to a brainwashing where all evidence that proves President Obama was born in Hawaii is false and all evidence that proves he was not is true and then to deny every outcome that is contrary to that brainwashing, which it is in every case.
Again, the silly claim that he has done nothing to “put the fire out.” That nonsense has been debunked here numerous times by numerous individuals, yet you still make it as if repeating it again and again will somehow make it come true. Your “fire” is built on fake evidence, distortions of the truth, half-truths, and loony legal arguments and has already burned out. Get some new material, Squiggy. Only a colossal idiot would believe that your request for “just a little more info” would put that fire out. That’s not going to happen no matter what he does.
That’s how you silly DUMBOTS try to appear rational when you are really, really irrational. You act like it’s his fault that you have irrational beliefs when it’s actually YOUR fault for not accepting the objective evidence.
Essentially, you rationalize your irrational beliefs and irrational behavior by blaming the president for your irrational beliefs and behavior and then insist that you would be rational if he would just give you what you want; the problem there is that there is nothing you will accept that will lead you to change your irrational beliefs and irrational behavior. Regardless of what he does or says, you will always be stuck in that cycle of rationalizing your irrational beliefs and irrational behavior by blaming the president because “he’s not giving me what I want.”
The only thing you will EVER accept is verification of your irrational beliefs, and I’m here to tell ya, that ain’t gonna happen
any mention of the president?
The truth is out there.
I think that is a hypocritical statement, coming from one of the tribe that drives around the countryside throwing incendiary grenades into the forest.
Which is something normal people would never look for. No, it is you and your tribe, and in particular those who build web sites that purposely distort information, who bear the total responsibility for the fire.
Some say, “if Obama would only do X, then this would all go away.” That’s absurd. Will the folks who fabricated lies for political advantage go away? Will fake birth certificates go away. Will crooks and liars go away? I don’t think so. If the birthers, and their cheer leaders like Joseph Farah stopped dropping gasoline from airplanes, the fire would have burned out a long time ago.’
This has nothing to do with Barack Obama. It’s racism and politics dressed up as birthers.
You know it’s funny watching people like Squiggy flip-flop when the tables are turned on them. Bush did absolutely nothing to put out the “he was involved in the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11/01” fire, and according to Squiggy logic, that must mean Bush was involved in the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11/01. After all, according to her, presidents lie to us all the time, and since he wouldn’t testify to the 9/11 Commission in public and under oath, he must be guilty or, at the very least, hiding something. But you use the same logic on Bush that they use on Obama, and they start calling you all kinds of names and telling you that you’re crazy yet don’t think they are crazy when the do it to Obama.
Did Bush waste his time and go out of his way to respond to the charges that he was involved in 9/11? NO!
That’s because Cheney was. [Ow, stop hitting me]
Now that would make more sense. Bush is too dumb and is a lousy actor; he could never keep a secret like that if he tried. Most definitely, Cheney would not have said a word to him about it
In other news, Jesus has seen the records and accepted them as valid, leading Joseph Farrah to declare his own lord and savior an unamerican traitor.
Always blame Karl Rove.
Wait wait are you talking about That’s actually a good site and totally lambastes birthers.
That truly is an excellent point. Using squeeky’s illogic Bush was hiding something since he wouldn’t testify under oath to the 9/11 commission.
He wouldn’t even testify in public, Bob, and the reason for that is that anyone could easily read his body language. I would love to play poker with Bush; you could tell exactly what cards he’s holding just by looking at his face.
Moreover, he wouldn’t testify on his own and had to have Cheney with him just in case he messed up and said something he wasn’t supposed to
“fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can’t get fooled again”
George W Bush
George W Bush: There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can’t get fooled again.
Oh Squeekers is on a roll over at Gretawire….
Her latest pice of insanity is an attempt to debunk the costs associated with a penurious student flying to Kenya to give birth to Obama and return to Hawai’i.
In Squeekers mind somehow, having a top tax payers rate of 91% income tax (At the time) means that the ACTUAL cost was only 10% as THEY GOT TO WRITE IT ALL OFF AGAINST TAX……..
All we need to see now is a Squeekers Tax Management firm……
Just what we need tax advice from someone who can’t get her story straight. Here’s the problem nevermind what Squeekers is proposing would be illegal and not something you could write off especially not in the way she describes, but here’s the beauty of it. Even if you tell her that she will say well they were able to do it illegally and fall back on the old “people lie” bs. This way in her hatred of Obama she can now impugn the integrity of his parents as well.
I can’t wait to see Jennifer’s explanation of gravity and her defense of perpetual motion machines.
How about Cold Fusion?
“Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) October 4, 2010 at 9:07 am Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross)(Quote) #
Bovril: Oh Squeekers is on a roll over at Gretawire….Her latest pice of insanity is an attempt to debunk the costs associated with a penurious student flying to Kenya to give birth to Obama and return to Hawai’i.In Squeekers mind somehow, having a top tax payers rate of 91% income tax (At the time) means that the ACTUAL cost was only 10% as THEY GOT TO WRITE IT ALL OFF AGAINST TAX……..All we need to see now is a Squeekers Tax Management firm……
Just what we need tax advice from someone who can’t get her story straight.”
Not to mention getting math and tax advice from someone who had so much difficulty figuring out what 1/5 + 1/4 equals.
According to Sqeeker, 2/9.
That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where Kramer is telling Jerry that he can get the Post Office to pay for a broken piece of equipment by claiming that it was damaged while being shipped. When Jerry suggests that would be stealing, Kramer says something like, “It’s okay – they’ll just write it off.” To which Jerry responds, “You don’t even know what a write-off is.”
You know, try as I might I still can’t find the “Usurper baby travel costs as part of a global 50 year conspiracy” deduction in the tax forms for the ’60’s.
As well as the section in the IATA airline regulations that mandates an airline must accept booking without payment (until I get my tax rebate) to far off countries for the purpose of defrauding the American People in 50 years time.
Them damn sneaky Obots must have scrubbed the Inter-Tubes of this information again…..damn them…..
What I meant was how they attempt to justify their beliefs and not their beliefs. It is as if some stick their fingers so far in their ears that they can’t even feel the vibration of their voice as they speak. It is just utter silence these birthers must be witnessing.
I was thinking of the Dean Drive, actually.
And their fingers will touch in the middle.
Light shines through, also.
I saw some of her nonsense over there last night. Apparently, she’s giving lessons on how to counteract facts with birth propaganda. She’s going to have to deal with me there tonight, or tomorrow night if the Dolphin’s don’t go down to the Patriots too early, and I can say a lot more to her there than Doc will allow me to say to her here.
what goes up must personally explain why it came down. do not refer to socalled ECTSPERTS like sir manbeast newton, that is hearsay.
ha ha hee,
laughing gnome.
Sorry, Bovril. This is the post I meant to respond to
I also noticed that they were accusing some Republican Congressmen of treason because he’s telling them what they don’t want to hear – THE TRUTH
As is oh so traditional in the B’Stan, as soon as Sqeekers was pulled on this, she and a couple of cohorts said that ACTUALLY they meant the 91% tax refund, 10% of cost point was about the Ebil Nefarious NWO paying for it…….??????WTF?????
When I asked why a global conspiracy by the top 0.01% of taxpayers was waiting for their tax refund to pay for the project, much whining ensued….
I saw her crud over there as well. I have to say it is the worst thing Ive ever read. How exactly does she explain how to beat people with logic? The stuff she stated wasn’t logic but lack thereof and the foxers eat it up. I can’t bring myself to posting on a fox site i know ill end up banned.
You probably won’t get banned there, Bob. Greta has basically written the forum off. She used to ban people there, but now you can basically say whatever you want. You can actually say STFU without having to abbreviate it and not get banned. I used to get banned a lot, but haven’t been for a long time, and if I do, I just delete my cookies and set up another ID
Go on over, have a play and have some fun. The muppets over there really are as room temperature IQ as they appear and and opposing facts usually send them into a frenzy.
Do however grow a bit of a thick skin and expect quite vicious verbal abuse and general unpleasantness.
There are definitely a few trolls there who revel in throwing chum in the water as well as some generaslly very unpleasant charcters.
On the plus side there are a fluctuating number of the Dr C posters as well as a selection of The FogBow crew (offshoot of Politijab) so you won’t be alone.
If nothing else look on it a therapeutic way of venting….8-)
You will have some allies over there too, Bob. Laura Pratt, Anney Mousse, SLF, and of course, li’l ol’ me,FUTTHESHUCKUP@
I just posted my birther update there. lol. I noticed Black Lion was there too
I noticed…I am over there also….I am a obot troll…One guy was still claiming that the Pakistan travel ban and the Fulbright scholarship myths were real….And they still use that photoshopped picture of the President’s mother to claim she was a prostitute…There are some vile people over there…
Friday night they were trying to resurrect the World Nutjob Daily Kagan claim, Lion. It only took a few posts from me before they had to retreat to lick their wounds. lmao
God thats just dirty. The fulbright scholarship crud keeps coming back. Nevermind the whole claim was based on an april fools hoax. They still keep citing it. I never heard about the photoshopped picture of Obama’s mom but that really is vile.
Is this the so-called “nude on the beach” photo that birthers use to prove that Stanley Dunham wasn’t pregnant in the summer of 1961? Because I *still* don’t understand how a cheesecake photo of a naked woman INDOORS at CHRISTMAS translates to “nude on the beach in the summer.”
Also, it’s quite disgusting to smear the name and reputation of a dead woman. Not that good taste or kindness seems to matter to the birthers and their ilk.
Well my feeling are REALLY REALLY hurt. I have been busy over at greatwire trying to organize the Birthers and just BUSTING MY FINGERS TYPING all this stuff. So I came here to see if anybody missed me.
Boy, was I ever a Gull E. Bull!!! It is a good thing I don’t have self-esteem issues any more!!!
I will try to read more later, but to bovilexia (which is his funny OBOT name I gave him, and means something) here is the answer. If somebody gives money to charity LIKE FOR HELPING POOR AFRICAN STUDENTS, then it comes off their tax thingie where you put house interest and church stuff.
That is how Harry Bellafonte or Sidney Poiter could have written it off. Plus, if they had state taxes they might even get a refund.
You’re welcome!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
It’s called thorazine. Look into it.
How could we miss you? We weren’t even shooting at you.
Squeekers, you never did tell us, why do you name yourself after an attempted murderess…is it a MALEBEAST thing or a PUMA thing..?
Tut tut Squeekers, caught in yet another lie,
You said nothing of the sort AND your tax advice is as sound as the rest of your bovine excrement.
What you said was the the Dunhams somehow magically paid for this non existent trip to Kenya with the proceeds of THEIR tax refund as THEY were paying the marginal tax rate of 91%.
When this was shown to be the garbage you invariably spout, you deperately back pedal and say you MEANT “Other” people paid for it out this magical tax refund.
When this was pointed out to be cack as their is no such magical deduction in the tax code, you AGAIN try and move the goal posts.
When you were reminded that airlines actually need to be paid BEFORE issuing a ticket and won’t wait for your magical tax refund yu said THAT wasn’t what you meant.
Squeeky your a lying sack of cack, but at least own up to ypur stupidity and try and build something with some degree of logical internal consistency
Sorry Bovril I didn’t mean to quote her without responding last night. I was on my cell phone and thought I closed it off apparently I didn’t
Because to her Squeaky Fromm was innocent and was the pawn of Malebeasts, nevermind that she willingly was a member of the Manson family
Continuous backpeddling from a birther liar. First the Obama’s paid for it from their tax refund which they somehow got in advance of purchasing the ticket. Then when this is BS you fall back on another position. The fund for helping African students was to pay to get them to come here. Not to pay for their wife to travel far away to birth their son in a foreign country. Again you have shown no proof this was done, this ever happened and that you’re not a habitual liar. Keep posting away at Gretawire where the average IQ is room temperature, that’s obviously where you feel comfortable.
So if I understand Squeeky’s point the 91% marginal tax rate was responsible for Barack Obama becoming the 44th President? I say all the more reason for bringing it back!
I believe so….I pointed out to them that it was not authenticated and it looked photoshopped and they went crazy….They attempt to use this picture to denigrate the President’s mother….
That’s nothing new. They always denegrate the President’s mother without any evidence. I mean, do they have any evidence that the mother committed fraud? No. However, that doesn’t stop them. Do they have any evidence that the President’s grandmother committed fraud? No. However, that doesn’t stop them.
Squeeky, you claim to be a skeptic. However, what birther arguments are you skeptical about? You seem to accept at face value, with absolutely no evidence, every birther claim that the President’s mother would have committed fraud for the sole purpose that 50 years down the road, Obama could run for the Presidency of the United States. What evidence do you have to accuse the President’s mother of this?
You keep on stating that you want a court to declare Obama to be eligible to be President. Do you know what would happen in your pretend court, if it ever got to that point? When it came to his defense, he’d present the exact same “valid Hawaii state birth certificate” that has been declared valid by the Hawaii Department of Health for over 2 years and admit that into evidence. He’d then rest his case.
That birth certificate proves in any court of law that Obama was born in Hawaii. It actually does a better job of that than any “original birth certificate” that he might have lying around for 20 years, because the security measures against fraud are actually better for it. And in order to refute that birth certificate, the birthers would have to have actual evidence, and more than just a sprinkling of evidence that it would be generous to actually call theirs. They’d have to prove to a preponderance of the evidence (aka More likely than not) that the birth certificate was fake, and could not be trusted.
By the way, you mentioned the burden of proof in a previous post. The burden of proof is not on Obama. The burden of proof is actually on the idiots who call Obama a liar, and the idiots who claim that Obama’s mother and grandmother committed felonies for the sole purpose that Obama could run for the Presidency 50 years later, since upon returning to the United States, Obama was eligible for immediate citizenship, being the son of a U.S. Citizen, who was living in the United States.
Furthermore, the burden of proof would not be just to show “a reasonable doubt” about Obama’s eligibility. They’d have to prove that it is more likely than not that Obama is ineligible. Let me ask you this question. Do you honestly believe that the evidence that has been shown has shown beyond a preponderance of the evidence that Obama is ineligible to be President?
No harm no foul…..Squeekers is getting testy with me over at Gretawire and is resorting to “Tee Hee…..Bovine….poopy head” etc.
At times I really think that she and Sharon (Chalice) Meroni are one and the same.
Same venomous saccharine sweetness
Same refusal to own up to being a Birfoon
Same sense of entitlement
Same inability to grasp that her stupidity is not other peoples problem
To dunstvangett:
Can I just call you “dunst” form now on???
You are missing the whole point. Why do you go to court 70+ times if all it takes is a $10-$15 piece of paper???? Huh??? But when I was here, you made me think about other reasons why maybe Obama wouldn’t release it. So I did a post on gretawire and on my website about it. It started out 15 alternative reasons, and now I am up to 22.
You should read it. It is short. Plus, I just SLAM DUNKED some poor Obot named PJFoggy, and took his scalp!!!
Oh Score 1 for Squeeky!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Can you post the links i hate having to search through the forum on my cell
You’re a regular old Don Quixote. Thinking you’ve won when you haven’t. Tell me something Squeekers what different information would be on the long form that would further prove Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii when the COLB states he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. You have no case that’s why you keep going around in circles. You’ve already stated you don’t trust Obama on anything so even if he released the long form you’d still think he faked it. This is more about you than it is about him.
Nope, I am positive they are not the same person. Squeeky never says ” God Bless” nor invokes god about every third sentence.
To Dr. Ken:
You said: “You have no case that’s why you keep going around in circles.”
It is you OBOTS who are going around in circles. It is OCTOBER 2010. It has been over 2 years of all this stupidness over the birth certificate. Even if us Birthers are idiots, and wrong, and he doesn’t have to legally do it, Obama should have coughed the long form or something to help put an end to it. Your excuse of “it wouldn’t do any good” reminds me of what my therapist told me earlier last year. “Squeeky, your thinking is in a rut. Get out of the rut.” He told me about this stuff, cognitive therapy, which I just tried on you:
Cognitive therapy seeks to help the patient overcome difficulties by identifying and changing dysfunctional thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. Therapy may consist of testing the assumptions which one makes and identifying how certain of one’s usually-unquestioned thoughts are distorted, unrealistic and unhelpful. Once those thoughts have been challenged, one’s feelings about the subject matter of those thoughts are more easily subject to change.
So just quit with the negative thought patterns, and assume that positively coughing it up will do some good, instead of, ‘Oh no, it will never work, they’ll never believe it, its hopeless. . .”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Did he tell you to lose 200 pounds and get a life?
once again you’ve already stated you think obama is a liar no matter what. You’ve stated you think the birth certificate issued by the Hawaii Department of Health and vouched for by its Director is a fake. So how would the long form issued by the same department convince you? You’ve already made up your mind that you don’t care how wrong you are you just want Obama out of office. Which makes me wonder why you even supported hilary to begin with. Hawaii no longer issues or releases long forms. I got a question though if Sarah Palin ends up as the Republican nominee are you going to vote for her out of spite?
Squeeky what is the point of going to a therapist and paying all that money if you’re going to ignore your therapist’s advice? You birthers have done a great job though propping up the psychiatric industry theyve had an influx of new birther patients.
To Misha:
Ohhh, I just sooo nailed you on my website INTERNET ARTICLE!
But like I said before, I am not that person. She is innocent. I would tell you what my therapist told me, but Dr. C. wouldn’t like it, because it is off GPS.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
WE’re missing the point?
You give a list of reasons why the POTUS won’t release something he has already released, and you claim WE”RE missing th point?
Sorry Squeeky, but the only place you slam dunk or make points is in your own mind. Your delusions won’t even allow you to see when you make a complete fool of yourself.
Overcoming denial is the first step.
It took me a minute because I couldn’t remember the exact words my father used when he told me I had to have it. I had to wiki it up. He was in the Air Force, and he said it was “situational awareness.”
What you all have is “situational un-awareness.” Ask yourself a simple question. Why are you here today, In October 2010, writing about Obama and where was he born questions. Why am I here today, trying soooo very hard to enlighten you??? Huh???
It is because your HERO, Obama, won’t cough up a $15 piece of paper.
“Situation awareness, or SA, is the perception of environmental elements within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. It is also a field of study concerned with perception of the environment critical to decision-makers in complex, dynamic areas from aviation, air traffic control, power plant operations, military command and control, and emergency services such as fire fighting and policing; to more ordinary but nevertheless complex tasks such as driving an automobile or motorcycle or remaining a STUPID OBOT in denial after two years of Obama NOT releasing a $15 piece of paper.”
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I get it so just pretty much ignore all the questions and just continue spouting the same crap. He already coughed up the birth certificate. The state of Hawaii no longer releases Long Form birth certificates since 2001. No birther has ever been able to get one.
There is only one problem: The $15 piece of paper has been released. The COLB has been prominently displayed and photographed and the relevant facts have been corroborated by the DOH of Hawaii.
As to the 70+ lawsuits, in most cases, Obama was not even involved in dealing with the issues. And since there was no subject matter jurisdiction, they did not even become involved in any form or manner.
You do realize that lack of subject matter jurisdiction renders any lawsuit void ab initio?
So why should we buy into your revisionism when the facts clearly speak for themselves: Obama released his COLB, which is the only legal documentation the DOH of Hawaii provides and which shows him, not unexpectedly, as being born on US soil and thus a natural born citizen.
For someone calling herself a reporter, you surely lack the fundamentals.
1. The President has most certainly not gone to court. He’s DEFENDED himself against frivolous lawsuits filed by others.
2. You have proved nothing except your own instability and stupidity.
3. You wouldn’t know how to “scalp” someone if your immortal soul depended on it.
4. “Tee hee” is not an answer to anything. What are you, eight?
A Reporter’s Deadly Sin #1
Biased or untruthful information: The public relies on the ‘reporter’ to present an argument based on factual accuracy. Any time the ‘reporter’ strays from the truth, he/she commits a cardinal sin by contributing to the ignorance of her/his readers.
There endeth the lesson
To dunst:
8 x3 + 2.
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS!!! Just think, Situational Awareness.
Why is anybody in court 70+ times. Why didn’t Obama attach a certified copy of whatever to one of the Answers about standing, so it would be a court document, and people could look it up on the Court website and see it.
Why are we all of us here today talking about it???
Plus, I did TOO just TOTALLY SKUNK PJFoggy!!! Any reasonable person would admit that. He left a big opening and I drove the SQUEEKY MACK TRUCK right through it!!! The “tee hee” thing is what some OBOT told me was my “mime”????, and I had to keep saying it. Plus I like it.
Now I am in the process of doing the same thing to PJFoggy, Bovilexia, and Black Lion, is a nice OBOT, and who I quoted on my website.
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Once again, you get an F in Statistics 101.
I did NOT say there was a 4% chance of Obama’s being born in Kenya. in fact, the odds are WAAYYYYYY less than that. Let’s say approximately 100,000,000 US citizen women living in the US have given birth since 1960 (the actual # is likely larger, but we’ll be generous and use that). How many can you document as having travelled to Kenya to drop the baby? Zero. Zip. Nada.
So the odds are <1 in 100,000,000 which is 0.000001%.
And that is much less than the odds of a large asteroid hitting the Earth in your lifetime, an event that could likely cause humans to go nextinct, like the dinosaurs. That's is a LOT more serious that the consequences of a President being born in Kenya (which are nil). So to obsessively worry about the low probability, low consequences event and not about the much higher probability, catastrophic event is very, very sick.
By the way, i tried to post this on your sorry excuse for a blog and couldn't. What gives? Are you afraid of logic, science and mathematics?
Oh I have so got to let old Foggy know tha Squeekers “Scalped” him……ROTFLMFAO
Squeekers to say you are deranged doesn’t even come close to it. Your infantile narcissistic behaviour may earn you points in Birfoon land, here it just shows you as the sad little fool you are.
Come on, here’s a little test for you.
What are the delineated Constitutional requirements for an individual to stand and run as President. You’ll find it in the Constitution as a helper.
Now, based on those requirements AND the Supreme Court rulings AND the Ankeny v Indiana rulings…..which 2 pieces of information are required to and can be fulfilled via a certified record copy of an individuals birth (so as not to confuse you I won’t call it a Birth Certificate or a COLB etc).
Two simple questions,….do you think you can do it…….?
Obama already provided for such a document. But you are still misleading your audience with the suggestion that he was in court 70+ times. Why is that?
Furthermore, why submit a document to a case where standing is lacking? Such cases are void ab initio (you do know what that means?). Furthermore, if people fail to accept the document which was provided why should they now accept said document?
The document itself, with the raised seal and the signature is a prima facie document, it is legally binding and acceptable to get yourself a passport. Any other state or the Federal government will have to accept the document under the Constitution’s “Full faith and credit” clause.
The document which has been on display and photographed meets all requirements and the DOH of Hawaii has verified all relevant data showing that indeed President Obama is a natural born citizen.
And yet, people still file frivolous lawsuits. The best way to deal with this is through standing which renders any new suits res judicata.
But let’s start with the facts: In how many suits did the President’s lawyers have to appear? How much money was spent on that?
Hint: In at least one case, the defendant was awarded cost. How much cost was involved?
So let’s start with the truth and facts?
A true reporter would not have to think twice here.
The COLB is a certified copy of the birth certificate. Why would he have had to? The birther casing lacked merit and standing, the defense didn’t have to do anything more than file a motion to dismiss.
How old are you five? “I did too skunk” Yeah you skunked alright, you made gretawire smell worse than it normally does with your crap. Obama has never had to go to court regarding this. Now you should ask why the birthers are always in court? These cases are frivolous…
A much more interesting question is: Why are people filing lawsuits in spite of the evidence all showing that President Obama is a natural born citizen?
That will help you answer the question as to why releasing another COLB would not stop these frivolous lawsuits.
It’s interesting that you can quote a definition of “situational awareness” and yet have no concept of what it means. If you did, you would realize why it is Birthers who don’t have it.
Obama has released his BC. How many times do we have to explain it to you before you clue in? Or are you simply determined to never clue in, no matter what?
As to your other questions:
You’re here today because you suffer from paranoid delusions which lead you to believe in grandiose conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.
We’re here because birthers are a never neding source of amusement.
And I think “she” is a bored, self-absorbed troll and it’s an act.
And not a very good one at that.
I’m trying to figure out why Squeaky Fromm would think that any defendant in any civil action would want to present exculpatory evidence in a pre-trial hearing?
Judges do not look kindly upon attorneys who violate the rules of evidence and the rules of civil proceedure.
If those who question Obama’s eligibility will merely present a plaintiff with standing to sue, then perhaps a trial will proceed to the evidentiary phase.
Better yet, find a prosecuting attorney or a congressional committee willing to hold a grand jury investigation or a congressional investigation and then subpoena the original birth documents directly from the state of Hawai’i without any input from Barack Obama.
OH HAPPY DAY!!! Breakthrough!! Eureka! Thank you whichever side of my brain is the art and poetry one!! I have figured out how to express this idea to the OBOTS!!
OK, Obots, go here and look at the painting as soon as it comes up! That is the problem and where you are going wrong!!!!
Dancing! Dancing!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(PS to scientist: I did not see any comments or stuff in spam. Put it here and I will cut and paste it there if I have to, under your scientist name. I don’t censor anything unless it is dirty. You are free to have a different opinion (that is probably WRONG!) from me. )
Squeaky Fromm is so uneducated about the Obama eligibility issue that she, he or it thinks that Obama can merely pay $15 and get a copy of his “birth certificate.” Obama did that almost two years ago, posted it on the web and gave copies to the DailyKoz, Factcheck and Politifact. Did that satisfy the birthers? No way.
The state of Hawai’i hasn’t issued copies of original long form certificates to ANYONE since they computerized their vital records in 2001. If Obama springs for a copy today, it will be another COLB and that will just infuriate the birthers.
The way to see Obama’s original records is via a subpoena for them. A better question than Squeaky’s is why in the three and a half years since Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency has no one simply gone to a prosecuting attorney and asked for a Grand Jury investigation with subpoena power to force release of Obama’s original birth records?
The answer is because the entre birther issue is a fraud and innocent dupes like Squeaky are caught up in it.
I continue interest in the issue because its fun watching the sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome like Squeaky, especially when they self-destruct.
To james777:
Are you the same as 7777777 on greatwire???
Anyway, you asked: “A better question than Squeaky’s is why in the three and a half years since Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency has no one simply gone to a prosecuting attorney and asked for a Grand Jury investigation with subpoena power to force release of Obama’s original birth records?”
Simple. Who knows if he has committed a crime or not. There are many reasons why Obama may not have provided his real live COLB or whatever. I discuss them here where the list just keeps growing:
Plus, lookit that link I just put up and study the PICTURE! until you “get it.”( I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this before? I have Magritte books, and others, and I was saying to myself, “Stupid OBOTS, its not the BC, It’s a PICTURE of a BC, then WHAMMMM!, it hit me!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
To james777:
Are you the same as 7777777 on greatwire???
Anyway, you asked: “A better question than Squeaky’s is why in the three and a half years since Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency has no one simply gone to a prosecuting attorney and asked for a Grand Jury investigation with subpoena power to force release of Obama’s original birth records?”
Simple. Who knows if he has committed a crime or not. There are many reasons why Obama may not have provided his real live COLB or whatever. I discuss them here where the list just keeps growing:
Plus, lookit that link I just put up and study the PICTURE! until you “get it.”( I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this before? I have Magritte books, and others, and I was saying to myself, “Stupid OBOTS, its not the BC, It’s a PICTURE of a BC, then WHAMMMM!, it hit me!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Not only that, she’s as delusional as the flat-earthers who see a picture of earth from space, that presents the earth as a sphere, and answer it by saying, “The picture’s a fake.”
Definition of DELUSION
: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs
So what do you want Obama to do Mail a copy to each and every birther who asks to see it? Good lord you’re dense. Reporters were allowed to look at it handle it and take photos of it. Only one group came to Obama headquarters before the election to look at it and that was Annenberg’s Factcheck. The appopriate entities that were involved in certification have already seen it as well as those involved in the background check that is required in any government job.
Now watch her maintain the delusion despite the evidence that she’s wrong.
Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.
Ahhhhhh, you obviously haven’t come across Yguy yet…….
One of the Birfoons who used to post here who KNEW that there is a seekrit special way of getting a reel long form BC from Hawai’i if Obama would only ask for it.
He will then link to a section in the Hawai’in statutes that actually only relates to the COLB …….unless of course your LieGuy…..
Oh and apparently Dr C has personally seen a copy of said long form from 2007……..
Well I guess its a little progress in that she recognizes that the image is a scan and unlike with other birthers who believe somehow blacking out the certificate number on the scan magically alters the original certificate
To Dr. Ken:
You said: “So what do you want Obama to do Mail a copy to each and every birther who asks to see it? Good lord you’re dense. Reporters were allowed to look at it handle it and take photos of it. Only one group came to Obama headquarters before the election to look at it and that was Annenberg’s Factcheck.”
No, that would be stupid. I;m not stupid. How about what I have already suggested. Do a Power of Attorney thing to let Hawaii mail a copy to whoever want’s it. Or in all those lawsuits you OBOTS are JUST SO TICKLED about, add a paragraph:
“plus,even if they had standing, they would lose big time because here is a Certified Copy of his Hawaiian Birth Certificate.”
Then, its in the Court record and people can lookit there. Or allow some charity, like SPCA or PETA to sell certified copies for $100 so they could make about $80 on each one.
You seem somewhat intelligent. Have you ever put your mind to figuring out a good way to do this??? Instead of those negative “rut” thoughts I warned you about.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You’re not stupid? It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. This quote fits you to a T. So he should spend thousands to use a power of attorney and then mail it out to random birthers who want to see it? Yeah you are that stupid. You know as little about court procedings as you do about math and statistics. Sell certified copies? Good lord this isn’t kmart. I’m not the one questioning reality like you are. There is obviously a reason why you need to see a therapist have you ever thought about that for a second?
Obviously your thought process is broken and your therapist has even told you such. So why don’t you follow your therapist’s advice?
He told her to lose 200 pounds and get a life. If she is not taking that advice, she won’t take any other.
Like I said…
If a court did get past the legitimate questions of subject matter jurisdiction, standing, and other things that are constitutionally required for courts to take a case, the entire hearing would be 5 minutes. All Obama would have to do (if even that) is present the exact same document that he released over 2 years ago. That proves in any court in the land that he was born in Hawaii. The fact that birthers do not accept it does not change the facts.
Just as your poll of 45% of Americans think he was born outside the United States does not change the fact that he has shown to any reasonable standard that he was born inside the United States.
Let me ask you one thing, Squeeky…
If you were asked to prove your place of birth, what would you do? You’d probably show your Birth Certificate. Obama did that. The birth certificate, which has been called “a valid Hawaii state birth certificate” by the Hawaii Department of Health nearly 2 years ago, he presented, posted online to allow the world to view it, and presented it to legitimate factchecking organizations such as Politifact and
Now, if the person behind you in line at the DMV started yammering, “It’s a forgery. It doesn’t even have your baby footprints on it,” do you think that the DMV would go, “You know, normally we would not need you to present it. However, the fool behind you is yammering that it’s a forgery. So, we’re going to need you to prove to his satisfaction that it is not a forgery.”
There are simple facts.
1. Obama has proven to any reasonable standard of proof that he was born in the United States. Just because birthers cover their ears, close their eyes, and yell at the top of their lungs like a 5-year-old that it’s not true, doesn’t change this fact.
2. Obama has also been accepted by any organization in charge of Presidential Eligibility. Those organizations are the Electoral College (which Obama was able to get a majority of the vote), and the United States Congress (which unanimously certified the vote of the Electoral College and the election.) The birthers and Orly Taitz are not actual organizations.
3. If you want to have any success to get Obama out of there, there is a procedure outlined in the United States Constitution. It requires 218 Representatives, and 67 Senators. It’s outlined in multiple places in the Constitution, but namely Articles I and II of the Constitution, which says that a President can be removed by Impeachment. If you really want to procede with this, I suggest you contact your U.S. Representative and have him draw up articles of Impeachment. Then start lobbying to get the other 217 Representatives, and 67 Senators to get Obama out of office. As far as the constitution is concerned, this is the only way to get Obama out of office.
To Dr. Ken:
Do I have to do ALL your thinking for you???
You asked: “So he should spend thousands to use a power of attorney and then mail it out to random birthers who want to see it?”
No. He just mails ONE Power of Attorney to Hawaii, that says:
I, Barack Obama, hereby grant a very limited power of attorney to the State of Hawaii, and its whatevers, to provide a copy of my birth records to anybody in the world who wants one, but they have to pay all the costs. This power of attorney does not permit you to get a credit card in my name, or anything like that. Just this one thing. It expires in 6 months or something.
Or, order up a hundred of them and give them to the Humane Shelters to raffle off, and keep the profit.
Plus I notice a real loud DEAFENING SILENCE on that PICTURE link I gave you.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Obama already did that. It’s right here.
Here we go again so now you’re saying that the state of Hawaii should go about the business of selling private information to random conspiracy theorists. You don’t even do your own thinking so why would it matter if you do it for anyone else. Considering how much birthers already have fallback plans, they won’t believe anything the state of Hawaii sends out. They haven’t believed the official in charge of vital statistics. The fact remains this isn’t about eligibility its about them trying to bring down his administration with rumors and innuendo. Why should he release more than he’s already given?
Here’s a great book I know you’ll like…
It’s funny how birthers say that any birth certificate can be faked and then proceed to say that a birth certificate from a third world country must be real while one from a US state that is backed up by statements from a governor and the person responsible for maintaining those records is a fake.
to Misha:
I keep telling you I am NOT that person. She is innocent. BTW (Which Means By The Way) my Goth Friend, Belladonna, said you could put her poem on your website if you wanted too, as long as you put her name (Belladonna) on it. It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all to me, so it would probably fit right in with your website. Maybe somebody in New York will get it, she said. You can just copy and paste it, and you don’t even have to link Squeeky if you don’t want to.
Thank you!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No, it means between the weeds.
No, Squeeky, that even wouldn’t work. The State of Hawaii wouldn’t have the resources to allow that, because then they’d have to add a check to a file for people who have done that to determine if they grant it out added to their procedure. That would actually add complexity and cost to the Hawaii Department of Health in lost production. Do you honestly think that the Hawaii Department of Health needs to be backed up that much with thousands upon thousands of requests for the President’s birth certificate?
Furthermore, the birth certificate that these people would get would be the exact same one that they’ve already rejected as legitimate and the basis of fraud. Why would these birthers all of a sudden accept the exact same document that they’ve discounted for the last two years, even when the Hawaii Department of Health has said “it’s a valid Hawaii State birth certificate.” Why should we believe that these people would all of a sudden say, “It’s legitimate” when for the last 2 years they’ve been coming up with all sort of explainations to try to cast doubt on the “valid Hawaii state birth certificate.”
Not to mention that these people already have their backup plan in place if the vague accusations of fraud don’t hold up. They’ll just go back to the two-citizen parent theory and start parroting that.
You want Obama to do something that nobody has ever been required to do. Like I said, if you were required to show your birth certificate to the DMV, and the guy behind you went, “That’s an obvious forgery. It doesn’t have the doctor’s signature, or even his baby footprints.” Would you take him to the State Records department, and order him a copy of your birth certificate yourself? I seriously doubt it.
Obama has proved that he’s eligible for the Presidency. The fact that you cover your ears, close your eyes, and start screaming at the top of your lungs does not change that fact. Obama is President. And it’s time for you to stop on this nonsense and accept this as fact, as many people on the left accepted George W. Bush as President when he was sworn in as President.
As Doc has pointed out on numerous occasions, birthers can buy the Hawaii birth index data for any given year for about 100 bucks, yet no one has done that.
Dear aspiring Journallist,
So far you have yet to explain why you have committed a cardinal sin, at least to real reporters which is ignorance and untruthful claims.
You have yet to explain your 70+ lawsuits claim and the President being involved in every single one of them, then you have to explain why you insist on the President releasing a document which has already been released and which details have been confirmed?
A real journalist would report on these facts.
Squueky, before putting Hawaii through the hassle of setting up a system of selling copies of Obama’s COLB, maybe we should just ask them if it is real?
Oh, wait! They have already responded here:
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai’i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
If you won’t accept that clear statement from her, why would you accept any COLB’s that she mails out?
And if you would accept those COLB’s as you claim, then this statement should be enough for you.
Unless, of course, you are deranged birther scum….
Boy Reporter
To obsolete:
You said: “If you won’t accept that clear statement from her, why would you accept any COLB’s that she mails out?”
Because I don’t know her from EVE!
People in government LIE ALL THE TIME, or just screw up.
I don’t want to step on anybody’s faith,but:
or, “I did not have sex with that woman!”
or, from my INTERNET ARTICLE, last night:
No, it’s now GMAC/Ally, JP Morgan/Chase and now, Bank of America:— A Bank of America official acknowledges in a legal proceeding that she signed up to 8,000 foreclosure documents a month and typically didn’t read them.
In an absolutely stunning display that has apparently become endemic in our “foreclosure” process we now see what the banks are willing to do in order to get what they want – counterfeit court process!
(Note: Endemic: adjective widespread, common, sweeping, extensive, prevalent, rife, pervasive)
So anyway, that is the way OBOTS argue, and this is how you can argue back WITH LOGIC, and not look totally stupid. YES, people do forge and counterfeit stuff all the time including big banks, big businesses, and lawyers. So we are NOT CRAZY, to be suspicious. The OBOTS are crazy for NOT being suspicious.
But we have to understand something. Obama may be telling the truth and he may really be an American after all. Maybe he is just too stupid to release his Long Form. Whatever. So our goal has to be, DISCOVERING THE TRUTH, not just getting Obama. That way we can’t lose. But I think he’s a Kenyan!
—–Soooo, I will just hold out for the REAL THING, thank you!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Good lord you post contradictory information. All this is a copout on your part. So regular people lie too so I guess we should just think you’re a liar. Okay so if you say politicians lie and people create fraudulent documents how would you believe a long form if its released by the same government entity that released the COLB?
More ignorance from a website called Web of Deception suggesting erroneously that Dunham’s SSN application form SS-5 was dated 1959 but showed that it was a form revised in 1965. On closer examination and supported by web evidence, it is clear that the form was revised in 55 not 65
To our aspiring ‘reporter’: This is how you do research… Learn from the masters at Politijab.
How many times does your government have to lie to you like a dog, before you develop a healthy dose of skepticism??? We are in war that was started over Weapons of Mass Destruction that didn’t even exist. And yet there were all those documents, and people saying they did. And when they get busted, nobody does nothing.
Einstein, above,said “If you fall for something over and over again, then you are stupid.”
At least, try to be a little suspicious.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky, you prove my point. You won’t accept her statement, but you claim you’ll accept the COLB when she sends it to you. Why believe one thing from her, but not another? Why believe anything at all?
Has there ever been any birther claim about Obama that you were skeptical of? Thought not.
Sure, which is why the COLB combined with the public verifications by the DOH of Hawaii, combined with all the relevant data, all indicate Hawaiian birth.
If you do not trust the government, then the COLB would not change your mind.
Suspicion combined with ignorance, only perpetuates the ignorance.
Here we have a case of positive evidence and you still are suspicious. There is a fine line between being diligent and being foolish and so far your comments show that you have yet to realize this.
Explain again why a ‘reporter’ would make claims that “Why do you go to court 70+ times if all it takes is a $10-$15 piece of paper???? ”
Such ignorance deserves full ridicule and exposure. Perhaps you may want to find a different future line of work as ‘girl reporter’ appears to be beyond your reach.
Yet they’ll insist that there is no way a Kenyan birth certificate is fake. That’s their “logic.”
A real journalist reports on Jesus in a MRI:
GREER, S.C. — A local woman said she made a divine discovery when she picked up her MRI results recently.
Tammie Cohrs said she sees Jesus in the MRI image. The Greer woman said she sees his eyes, nose and mouth, and even a crown of thorns.
South Carolina, keep those stories coming. So far, South Carolina has
– a governor who flew to Argentina for a week to bang his mistress
– Strom Thurmond, a segregationist who had a black daughter with a maid
– Jim DeMint who said unmarried women who are sexually active should not be allowed to work as school teachers, and teachers who are gay should be fired
– Republican State Treasurer Thomas Ravenel pleaded guilty to charges of cocaine distribution
– Assistant Deputy Attorney General Roland S. Corning was busted with a prostitute in Columbia’s Elmwood Cemetery
– Republican state Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom, who is married and had an affair with Kelly Payne, a divorced teacher who is running for the GOP nomination for state superintendent of education.
What do we have
1. Index data showing that President Obama”s birth was registered in Hawaii
2. A COLB with requisite seal and signature showing that President Obama was born in Hawaii
3. Public statements by the officials of Hawaii that President Obama was born in Hawaii
4. Contemporaneous birth announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers
5. Statements, albeit hearsay, that “Stanley had a baby” …
The facts are clear, all you have to show for yourself is: Well, we have been lied to before…
No evidence of lies in this case… Nothing to support your biases.
There have been plenty. Like all the Vattle stuff. Like the “picture on the internet is phony” which how can you tell because it is JUST A PICTURE!!! But, what you OBOTS just don’t get is that being just a picture doesn’t make it true, either.
See this again.
Try to understand what it means. Reach around to the back of your head and push the little switch from “Argue Mode” to “Think Mode.”
You have a picture. Then you have somebody in government who you probably don’t know, who says, “Oh yes, it’s real. I have seen it!”
But strangely, for over two years, nobody has a real copy of it, but just that one group. Elections are coming up, where things can change on 1% of the vote, and you still don’t see it. The “other side” is so mad, they will crawl naked on their hands and knees through broken glass to vote. You still don’t see it. And there’s no really no good reason except maybe he’s a Kenyan, or maybe he thinks it’s fun and all right to jerk off the voters if he gets more voters from the “the Birfers are crazy” crowd than he loses to the “Birthers.”
If that is his reason for not clearing up all this mess, then he really doesn’t care about this country. Kinda like a Kenyan wouldn’t care.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
A better informed ‘reporter’ would have known that the name is Vattel, and that Vattel is not evidence. But if you believe in the Vattel said so argument, then why the interest in the Birth Certificate since Obama, born to a non US citizen father, would under you scenario not be natural born, even though the Supreme Court has ruled to the contrary.
Sure, the picture is just a picture, which shows a document, just a document, with a raised seal, just a raised seal, with a signature stamp, just a signature stamp supporting Obama’s birth in Hawaii. Remember that your ‘original argument’ was that a $15 COLB would have been sufficient and yet, when it is pointed out to you that this is exactly what happened, you suddenly reverse course.
The, just a prima facie legal document, was confirmed in its veracity as to just the location of President Obama’s birth.
There were two contemporaneous birth announcement, just birth announcements, supporting the COLB, just a COLB.
Sure, you can doubt everything but then another COLB is not going to satisfy you either.
And you still need to explain your ‘creative’ statement on 70+ lawsuits.
You show yourself ignorant of the facts, pretending to be concerned when in fact, you just refuse to look at the data. And you have already shown that even if the date were presented you would quickly move the goal posts.
You’re no ‘reporter’ my dear friend. Not even close to one.
Maybe you’re confused but obama isn’t up for reelection until 2012. I’ll ask you again if Sarah Palin is the Republican nominee are you going to vote for her out of spite?
Hawaii has also verified that he posted a copy of the birth certificate based on the facts they have on file on his website.
“…President Obama has posted a copy of the certificate on his former campaign website.”
Is that what explains your somewhat irrational behavior? What part of Kenya are you from?
At the risk of being moderated (my apologies in advance doc), I have to say it.
Squeeky has to be a troll. There’s no other plausible explanation.
Nobody can be that arrogantly and aggressivly stupid, and still live.
You’d be surprised… Why do you think people still vote republican 🙂
Excellent. Had not read that one
Situational Awakeness. Here, let me think like an OBOT for a minute. (trust, trust, believe, believe, its 2008, its 2008, everybody else is stupid and racist, I know it all, what planet am I on???)
OK. Now I am thinking like an OBOT: OH WOW, look at this really cool 1:53 video I found! Boy this guys just nails the Birfers cold!
Oh WAIT! He said a MAJORITY! Oh what the heck, let’s continue to IGNORE this. Lets just keep calling them names and winning in court. We are SUPERIOR!!! Although dwindling in numbers. Plus, we can save $15!!!
RE:BOOT Squeeky Ver. 2.0—Situational Awakeness on. Cognitive Therapy on. Skepticism Module loaded.
Oh, HI!, Me again. I didn”t flap my wings like a chicken did I???
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’ll agree with it, and Doc can do what he wants to the two of us.
I am fascinated how our aspiring ‘reporter’ girl has abandoned any attempts to present a factual and reasoned argument and instead insists on strawmen arguments.
Ignorance is best exposed my dear friend and I am glad to be able to contribute and for that I thank you because without you, this would have been impossible.
So what we have right now is a self-proclaimed ‘reporter’ who has abandoned the principles of what makes a good reporter to make up facts about 70+ lawsuits, who insists on the release of a document that has been available for almost 3 years now and verified by the Department of Health officials of the State of Hawaii, who in performing their official duties have stated that President Obama is indeed, as the facts appear to indicate, a natural born citizen.
But before our aspiring ‘reporter’ girl has time to take a breath, she reports that it does not really matter as she now believes in the myth of Vattel.
Ignorance is best exposed while still warm and served best with supporting evidence. If you are interested in discussing why Vattel is irrelevant and what the meaning of natural born is according to our Supreme Court, historians, scholars etc, please let me know and I would be more than happy to help a now unemployed ‘reporter’ look for another pasttime, perhaps starting with how to do basic research into matters of fact, and how to apply reason and logic in a manner that brings us closer to the truth.
I am presuming that it is in fact the truth you are interested in, rather than fueling your biases about President Obama?
Because they are dumb enough to accept the right wing lunacy of republicans who are mad because they were rejected by Americans in 2006 when they lost control of Congress and in 2008 when they lost the executive branch.
Please don’t moderate anybody because of me. This is your place, not mine. If I need to go, to make people happier, I will. I have my own place where I can say things. It’s not like many of you are going to pay attention anyway.
Good Bye!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Only an ignoramus would think that ignoring facts just because they can and because they want to is in any way intelligent or logical.
Whats the point of repeating a term if you still don’t know what it means and how to properly use it? You have repeately shown you are completely obvlious to things you say.
Squeeky you are flapping your wings like a chicken. Everytime a question is asked of you, you ignore it and just talk about yourself
I vote for Squeeky being an Obot. No birfer ever displayed a real sense of humor, ever. Squeeky does. Try as they can, no Obot can hide intelligence forever and pretend to be a retarded birfer. It is just darnn near impossible.
She’s not really a pure birther in the true sense of the word. She’s a PUMA holdout who will likely vote for Obama in 2012 when he switches Biden out for Hillary.
I do not understand. Surely, Hillary was the one who answered the three accusations “Obama was born a Kenyan citizen”, “Obama was a British subject” and “Obama became an Indonesian after adoption” with the laconic “this allegation is denied”. So, is Hillary always right or is she not? Is Hillary right, even when she knows she is lying?
Is Hillary in fact Epimenides, claiming all Cretensians are always lying? (If she understands this, she is an Obot)
I leave these, but I have deleted some other nasty remarks directed at Squeeky. Such things make the community appear uncultured.
I don’t see that Squeeky goes out of her way to provoke people, or to hijack the conversation which would be the troll MO. She does seem to want attention, but that alone doesn’t maker her a troll in my book. I consider trolls to be a sub-class of attention seekers.
I hope you also deleted some of the derogatory remarks and names Squiggy directed at and called us from her first post on.
A better informed commenter would know that Squeeky misspells Vattel intentionally and that she doesn’t support revisionist definitions of presidential eligibility.
I was in Greer, SC, this morning, but I didn’t see any religious images in the bagels I bought there.
Given the documentary evidence from the past and the official statements (with signature) today, I think that the evidence that Barack Obama’s original birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii is far and above what is necessary to meet any health skepticism.
On the other hand, there are all sorts of lies and fakes among the birthers, far sufficient to crush any credibility that movement might hope to attain.
Nevertheless, birthers prefer to believe incompetents, crooks and liars. It is called confirmation bias, and it is not healthy.
We are notoriously ‘capable’ to see design where there is none. An evolutionary remnant
Pareidolia. (
To Dr. C:
I don’t want to say anything if somebody will get moderated. I just stay on this one thread so I don’t SPLAAAT all over your website. I really don’t care if someone calls me names because I learned about INTERNAL VALIDATION from my therapist.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reportee
That evolutionary remnant is, in an outstanding example of irony, the very thing that keeps some people from accepting the fact of evolution.
Sorry, completely off topic, but the best Alanis moment yet today.
Here’s one that better suits your entire line of “argument,” Jennifer:
Sorry, but you’re forgetting Borderraven. ’nuff said.
That does help explain a lot. Thanks Squeeks
But eventually to achieve at the truth of matters, you do have to go external for validation
To ellid:
That is funny! But seriously, I got inspired today, so I did this on my website:
Ceci n’est pas une Birth Certificate!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The question still remains. Why, would you accept any document that Dr. Chrome Fukino mails out? And if you would, then why would you not accept the word of a reliable fact checking organization. Why will you believe people who continually lie to your face over the official statements of the government who you have absolutely no evidence that they did lie? Furthermore, why would you accept the word of people who continue to push long debunked information?
Furthermore, do you have any specific reason to say that she lied in the official capacity of her job, on a matter that involved her direct duties as Director of Health. What your argument comes down to is “Well, she could be lying, so that proves nothing. I have nothing to say that she is lying, and I have no evidence that she ever lied in the past. However, she could be lying, so nothing that she says is completely unreliable.”
Now, why won’t you take that same skepticism to people who have been caught lying time and time again, such as the birthers? Why do you continually trust the people who continue to push such falsehoods as a travel ban to Pakistan, which has been debunked time and time again? Why do you trust people who continually push birth certificates that have been proven forgeries time and time again? Why do you trust people who have been convicted in a court of law of fraud? You say that you have healthy skepticism. Yet, I have yet to see evidence of you taking that healthy skepticism to anything the birthers say, and yet you continue to parrot the lies of birthers time and time again.
Again, you state that you think he’s a Kenyan, which I’m assuming you mean that he was born in Kenya. What exact evidence do you have that he was born in Kenya? The Grandmother tape was proven to be a fraud, as Grandmother Sarah has said time and time again in that exact tape that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, at most, according to you, you believe the grandmother, who is someone later in the tape that lied? Again, you’re not putting a healthy skeptism to that. Either you’d have to say that Sarah Obama is a liar, and discount everything that she ever said, or you’d have to acknowledge that Sarah Obama said at least 3 seperate times in that same exact tape that Obama was born in Hawaii. That’s seems to be a slam dunk that Obama was born in Hawaii, or Sarah Obama providing absolutely no evidence that Obama was born in Kenya.
Then there’s the fraudentlent birth certificates. One of them (the Bomford birth certificate) was proved to be an internet hoax with a series of 4 photographs, the last one having “You’ve been punk’d” scribbled accross it. Yet, birthers still use this one to try to prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Then you have the Lucas Birth Certificate, which Lucas admits that he got by committing a crime. Furthermore, Lucas has been convicted of Forgery in Iowa, and served time for forgery. Answer this one question. If someone came upto you and said, “I have this document. However, I’ve been convicted of Forgery, and I committed a crime in order to get this document.” would you believe that it was a legitimate document? You say that you have a healthy skepticism, but I have yet to see you apply it to anything that the birthers put out.
So, let me ask you this one question. How many times does the birther movement have to lie to you before you start questioning anything that they claim?
You are, to put it kindly, an imbecile.
Magritte’s painting is indeed a representation of a pipe, but it is a good representation of an object that actually exists.
To infer from his painting that there is no pipe is beyond asinine.The map is not the territory, but the territory exists nonetheless.
Obama’s online image of his BC is indeed a representation of the BC itself, which we know exists, since it was physically handled by reliable independent observers, and then further authenticated by the issuing office.
If I put up a photo of the Eiffel Tower sating “this is not the Eiffel Tower”, I don’t need to bring the goddamn Tower to your front lawn to prove its existence.
I wonder how people like you cope with ordinary daily life.
You are watching the implosion of America, not unlike the Weimar Republic. See Tea Party.
Glenn Beck is a latter day Father Coughlin; Palin, Aimee Semple McPherson. What’s so sad is the neocons are overlooking anti-semitism below the surface, for their short term political gains.